Family Feud, but no family | Family Feud

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In this corner, grub, in the other corner, grub, grub, grub, it's Game Grumps! Game Grumps! Woo! Woo! Woo! Hello and welcome everyone. Hello and welcome Dan. Uh, Arin and I just played many, many episodes, well three in fact, uh, three episodes of Sam and Max Hit the Road, each one an hour plus, and we were like, wow, we've been at work a long time. And Arin was like, let's do something easy. And we both looked at each other and we were like, the feud, let's play the feud baby! Let's do it! God, I love the feud. We're gonna play it. It's like the ultimate turn my brain off situation. Dude, I can't wait. Other than driving, am I right? And it's always fun. Yeah, dude. Fucking turn on that autopilot in my Mini Cooper, which it doesn't have. Anyway, it's in the shop. And I'm in the hospital. Uh, streaming in. Play against the computer. That's right. That's what we do. Um. That is what we do. One controller per player. Although we could play against each other. I don't think we've ever done that. Have we not done that? I can't remember a time. Should we do that? Do you want to? Get into teams and battle against each other. Oh, dip! Fuck yeah, dude, we're a chopper team, motherfucker! Let's mix it up a little. There you go. Here's your fucking controller, you ass clown. Thank you. All right. Gosh, I haven't been called an ass clown. Uh, in a long time. I'm gonna be- Though the last person who did it was you. Um, done. Oh, hit A. To join. Do I want that, or- No, you hit A. On your controller. Uh. There you go. Ah, yes. All right. And then choose your boy. It's my boy! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! All right. Fuck yeah. I'm gonna be conniption. Constipation. Yeah. It is. It's the license plate version of constip- Okay. I'm gonna change my name to, uh, uh... Freudian... Nip? Freudian Nipsnip. Wow. That's outstanding. Susie Paquette has added that. What have we been up to, man? I don't even remember this. Okay, uh... Yeah. Mm. A Freudian Nip slip is when your-your-your bra suddenly comes off and there's a-you have a penis for a nipple. Oh. I guess we've all been there. It's your boy, Jarl-Dren! Jarl-Dren-Kimp! Okay. That's a fucking Star Wars name if ever there was one. Jarl-Dren-Kimp? Absolutely. He's like the Jedi with the long neck. Oh, yeah. No question. I am Jarl-Dren-Kimp. I actually found out that, uh, I can't remember which one. It might have been the Twi'leks. Uh, were, uh, one of the really cool Star Wars designs. Yeah. I think the blue lady with the-the tentacle. Yeah, the Twi'leks. Twi-Twi'leks, that's it. Um, they were created by Jan Dursima, who was the, um, artist of my favorite comic book back in the day, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Was that a furry comic? It wasn't. It was just a Dungeons & Dragons comic, although there was an animal man. He was-Timoth. And was he your favorite character? He was my favorite character. He was a centaur. Okay. That makes it 20 times hornier for some reason. He was-I guess you're right. But he was cool. He had-he was talented and he had a dwarven friend. Yeah, he had a giant penis and, uh. It's not important. Big horse cock. Alright. Anyway, thank you Jan Dursima for your outstanding art. Arin, why'd you have to make everything weird? You know, if there was-if it played exactly the same and the whole sides were filled with family, it would feel a lot less lonely. Oh yeah. There's something weird about that it's just us. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we should have just added people. No, no, I like this. I like this. This is really unfortunate looking. Well, we're gonna make them go head to head. Here are your knives. Everyone went out for cigarettes. They're definitely coming back. Can I have a person from each team? Oh, can't I say guess? Oh, you again, huh? Cool. Guess nobody loves you. Alright. Seven answers. Be sure to buzz in when you've got an answer to the survey. We know. We know. The number one answer. You get to decide if your family will play or pass the round. Okay. In the survey, we asked 100 people. Girl. Name a place where a child might love to have their birthday. You're in first. Fuck. The. Walmart. Zoo. Oh, zoo's good. That's where I had my birthday party when I was four and it rocked. Zombie. That's good. That's good. Survey said. Sucks. In fact, there are 95 better answers. I don't think it's Chuck E. Cheese an option. I mean, maybe like arcade. Yeah. Okay. Just give me the option. Yeah. Who said that? Yeah, who the fuck? The ghost of your grandma floating around your head. Nana. What? Oh. Oh, too bad. Sucks. To be you? All right. I'm going to pass. Oh, fuck. Because now it's a new strategy. All right. Great. Now you got to get all of them right. Oh, boy. That's a lot of places. I know. I know. The park. Why is he standing like that? All right. Zoo park. Okay, everyone. Hello. I guess I'll just ask you again. Man, you're going to have to think a lot. What's it going to be? Home. Okay. Good. That's why I did the voice, because it's what the fucking dubbing is like. Yeah. Computer. It's the best. All right. It's there, but it's not top. Mm-hmm. Looks like you're still a bottom. Um. Uh-huh. I like how it vibrates, like it's your- Yeah, like you're panicking. All right, take it easy. Um, amusement park. Mm. That was what I was going to say. Okay, then. Oh, God. You're wiping the floor with me. Was it specifically a kid's birthday party? Yeah, a child's birthday party. Okay. Um. A restaurant. Disturbing family friend who dresses like a clown's house. Release. Feeling lucky? No. Yeah, all right. Let's see. Oh, man. Tonight the child will be dining at Chez New for their birthday. I was like, it's a little too adult for- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now that you went through the disappointment of getting one wrong, I'm in your face again, asking you for more. Shit. Water park? No, that seems too obscure. Mm. Uh, what are other things like a zoo? I don't know, Arin. I can't help you. We're not on the same team anymore. Fuck. Uh, friend's house? Fuck, I was going to say that. That was like my sneaky one in the- My ace in the hole. And it was wrong. Yeah. Friend. Fuck. The hell in here, the fuck, I'll kill you. Dracula's house. That's a kid. Pirate ship. Oh, a dinner adventure. Show me extremely, like, specific dinner adventure. Is Chucky- Oh my god, it is here. Wow. Of course. The rat casino. Son of a bitch. Wow. Who knew Chucky-Cheese was so popular? Oh, yeah. Alright. God damn, now I have no idea. Yeah. Uh, aquarium. That's not even an option. Aquaman. Inside Aquaman. Movies? Hmm. Montana. Every kid loves Montana. I don't think that's it. Farm. Fuck. Fast food? Four seconds. Let's try it. Okay. Why not? Oh, you know what? I had a birthday at McDonald's once, I think, when I was a little kid. I went to one. Fast food. Son of a bitch. Oh my god. Son of a bitch. I can't believe that worked. What the fuck else? Why would you want to go to a fast food more than the zoo? Well, I mean, like, definitely in the 80s, like, they set things up to be fun. Yeah, they had the play place and everything. Yeah, like, they- I remember the walls, like, had Ronald and the Fry Guys all drawn on it and they were smiling and waving at me and I was like, do you know me? You know, party with them. Backyard. Bangkok. I have fucking completely stumped on this one. Diner. Diner. I don't know. Can you steal it? I will try. I got scared when you said diner because I'm going to say Disneyland. Oh. My friend Al Capone used to say, I don't know if the family has a chance to steal. You gotta be kidding me. I improv'd that one. That was improv. Thank goodness, ten years of Groundlings. This is not going to work out for me. I don't know. Uh oh. Uh, Disney? I mean, you got fast food. And that's not even a place. Dang. Alright. You did extremely well, dude. You got a whole bunch that I would have never even considered. That was all, like, fucking one finger on the ledge. What was it? Beach. Alright, I guess. For a kid? I guess so. Well, in Jersey we say the shore. Oh. Hey, mom, I want to go down the fucking shore. She's like, you're doing it. We're going for your fifth birthday. Shut up. Thank you, mama. Thank you, mom. I love you. That's how it was in Jersey. Growing up. Yeah. They're all face offs. I want his face off. I'm going to take his face. I feel like we've said that in every episode. What's that? A Family Feud. We made a face off. Oh, I love it. How could you not? There's four answers for you to find. Oh. That's not a lot. Name four numbers one through four. Here we go. We got one. One. That's number four. Name a vegetable that begins with the letter B. You're first. What's your answer? Banana. Oh, another one just popped up. That just fucking delivered itself to you. Of course they did. There's only four. Yeah. Bricoli from the Bricoli crime family. If you mess with me, I'm going to cut off your head. You get it? Whatever. No passing this time around. Except stones. It's passing stones. I thought that would be more of a home run. Brussel sprouts did help by popping up there. Florits. Broad beans. Beans is another one I'm going for. Beans isn't a vegetable. I know. It's a legume, but I think people might have said it. Uh-oh. Oh, my God. Oh, God, I'm adrift at sea. Oh, no, I dropped the rope. The boat is getting very small. Uh. Oh, beets, that's a good one. Yeah. Fuck, I don't know what to do. I'll try beans. I just feel like it's what people would say. Beans. Let's hope so. Beans. Yeah, man. Oh, my God. That's not, that doesn't count. Well, you can go to six people's houses and chastise them. Would you call a fucking cashew a vegetable? Man, take it easy, man. Stupid assholes. I'm going to kill them. I'll kill them all. Beets. Great answer. Hello? Yeah, beets is up there. All right. Yeah, what did four people say? Oh, crap. Yikes. I mean, it's got to be. This is such an asshole way to do it. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Are you guys butternut squash? No. No, it's not. I think it is bell pepper. It might be. Oh, my fucking God. Two people said butternut squash. Clean sweep, baby. Yeah, you like that? As long as you have a library-like index to consult at any time. That was very funny. You can only do it on that one because it starts with B. I know, I know. You can only do it on letters that start with. Holy shit. That's so fucking rude. I know, I know. I'll never start making rude cartoons. Wait, I'll never start? It's like, what are the top suggestions from the Family Feud video game? I'm going to need five answers. They specifically start with this letter. Interested in doubling your money? Because now everything is worth twice as much. Except my time. We asked 100 people the following. Name something the laziest person in the world might put next to their bed. Oh, so they can. You and your fucking itchy trigger finger. I was like, that's the statement. So they can. They might put next to their bed. Alarm. No. Alligator. Fuck. Coffee machine. Coffee pot. What are the chances? Let's just see the rest of this. No. No. Okay, roll over and use it. Oh, coffee pot wasn't a bad idea. I mean, it can't be any of the standard stuff. I guess I need like... I'm trying to think of any like morning things. I bet you a million bucks it's stuff you would put there anyway. Nope. Condams. Condams? Oh, we just go back and forth? Wow. I guess so. This has never happened before. Laziest person in the world. Phone. Whoops. Oh, you mean the thing everyone has by their bed? Exactly. I'm sure it's going to be that. Yeah. I don't keep my phone by my back. I keep it in another room so I don't have screens in bed. I have a normal alarm clock that goes ee ee ee ee ee. It actually has a bird sound effect that's really nice. Okay. I'm going to pass. I guess they don't like the look of this one. That's a hard pass over to you. You've made a hard pass at me, Arin. Thank you. You can do it. What do you think? I don't think I can do it. Condams. Condams? What is that from? TV. Nope. Hold on, I'll tell you in a second. Oh, it's from shoes. Oh, yeah, yeah. What did you have? Condams? Fridge. Yeah. Good. Thank you, ghost man. That's a good one. It's got to be number one. Okay. Wow. All right. Why did he touch his ear? He was like, all right. My ears give me power. Give me power. Roll over and use it. Vacay 86. Car. Nope. What? I don't know. I'm trying to think of, what do people use? Radio? Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm trying to remember when this game was made. It was made two years ago. Oh, God. Well, I guess three years ago now. AM radio for my 8-track cassette player? That's not on the board. So you've earned yourself a strike. iPod. Damn. Shit. Name something the laziest person in the world might put next to their bed so they can roll over. Have they always done that? They go, oh. Yeah, we just never hear it. Whoa. Fridge, TV, microwave. You never guessed TV. I tried it. I couldn't. It didn't bring anything up. Oh. Yep. That's a word. Microwave. Wow. Okay. We're in the points. Oh, God. I'm out of ideas. Yeah, it's kind of, it's like we're thinking really outside the bubble, and it's like there's a simpler answer than this. Yeah, there must be. Condams. Gun. I don't want to get up and use my gun. Yeah, I need to use my gun right here. Still mad and lazy in bed. What do you use? Oh, God. Game boy. Closet. Closet? Clown. That's a good one. That's a good one. Show me house, clown. Oh, Freudian nip slip. Do you know? No, I have no idea. Yeah, I can't think of anything. And I would qualify myself as one of the laziest people in the world. I mean, I have, the guess I'm going to go with is like really stupid, but it might be how this game thinks. Ogliolio. Oven. Okay. So I can stick my head in it? Nope. All right. That's three. That's you, buddy. The other team is in with a chance. It's funny when screen cuts off like that, it looks like her name is Diane nip slip. Hello, Diane. Name something the laziest person in the world might put next to their bed so they can roll over. Yeah. I heard you the first time. Husband. Computer. Oh, shit. Computer. Oh, computer's a great one, actually. Son of a bitch. No, it's not. Oh, wow. Surprising. Wow. I have a whole minute to think of this. Alaska. I wanted to say alarm, but the fact that it didn't come up immediately. Where else could it possibly be? Some people put their alarm far away, so they have to get up to... I guess, maybe. Yeah, that's probably what it is, actually, now that you say it, but that didn't occur to me because it was too obvious. I don't know where else it would be. Wow. I have no idea what these are. Was that the one you were gonna go with? Yeah. It was? Okay. They're building on their lead. Now it's time to see what you missed. Like Razor? Oh, yeah, shaving equipment. But they didn't take toothbrush. Toilet. Oh. I'm sorry, what? That makes sense. Of the toilet? Remote control. Okay. Yeah, I guess, but I said TV, and they were like, no, stupid. Hold on. Who's on top? Toilet? Yeah, so you wouldn't have to go to the bathroom, you could just lean over and rock a stream and barely have to move. What the fuck are they talking about? If you just kind of roll over in the right way and arc it, you could do it. That's insane. I know. What? 28 people said that. 28 people that don't mind slight amounts of pee on the bed, apparently. What the fuck? All right. Nice to meet you. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where that would be a thing. For like the eighth time. Like maybe if you had like a weird fucking- Triple points in play. 100 people gave an answer to this question. I'm going to go home tonight and like freak myself out. Oh. Come here. How? This is the worst. Yeah, right? This is the easiest shit in the world. I'm going to play. It's probably like once you do the three common most ones, it's like, oh, what else? Oh my, give me a fucking break. Yeah. Give me a word that rhymes with louse. How is house number four? I don't know. Microwave. Mole. Yes. Okay, sure. Time to find out if it's up there. If that's not number one. Yeah. Thank you. Okay. How is house not two? Seriously. I feel like I'm in a Dr. Seuss nightmare. I'm going to pray to God that you let me play. Okay. Well, I'll tell you. Oh. Bouse. Couse. Dowse. Dowse? That's good. Dowse isn't. More people said douse than house. Right? That's shocking. The fuck? I definitely know one of them. Douse. Shit. Really? Fouse. Gouse. House. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. Souse. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. Zouse? Grouse? Grouse? Oh, man. Blouse. There we go. Oh, God. Oh, man. Whoo. Okay, we will that be one of the missing answers Blows okay now what literally can't believe that that's higher than house Yeah, me neither nice people don't even call it blouse anymore that rhymes with louse uh-huh Chouse growls that is a two-syllable word yeah, mickey mouse No, it's not growls. Oh boy D louse That's not a real one, but I'm running out of time. I think louse. Oh that louse Give me a word that rhymes with louse. I've got the perfect one actually louse look, we've got two strikes, we've got to be careful Denounce wow I really can't think of it Do you know one? No, yeah, I'm just thinking hard. Oh spouse. Oh Thank goodness Yes Yes, let's find out that is a clean sweep. Yeah, oh Louse and Spouse One is an annoying pest that you can't get rid of and the other is a louse Welcome back to 1940s Family Feud We have ourselves a winner Congratulations, you did it. You made fast money great job. I made the family in first place. Fucking iconic What a fucking legend Boy, you've got me quaking. Oh man. I'm gonna have to do this twice now. Oh shit and faaard Oh Yeah, there's only one family member yeah, just the captain's That's me. Suck my dick right now Hi, um I was cut and paste here. Am I supposed to be here? I look like I'm from Fortnite That bird is far away, okay, here we go Soda soda Oh death. Tell me something that is purposely sold with a hole in the middle of it. Uh inappropriate donut Name something that might be painful to do after you have a facelift. Uh inappropriate Shave oh Ooh, interesting. Surprising that's not on there. Um Yell Name something a person might complain they have too many of. Friends? Girlfriends Days I have sex? Shattern please. Concentrate Uh too many of uh, oh god Uh, I can't think of anything I'm blanking Money Something you wouldn't want Pests Oh god this isn't a good one Pesto Oh god I I couldn't pass. Fucking choked man. Well the the pass button is what you use to move the thing around Oh, wow. Are you doing this for me? I guess. Thanks, man Let me hear some different answers. Let's start the clock. Just do yawn for the facelift one That's not what I was gonna go with. Oh crap When they have an upset stomach Uh Ginger ale. Nice There's only something that is purposely sold with a hole in the middle of it. Oh, yeah donuts great Bagel? Nut Nut? Yeah like a nut. No, what nut has a hole in the middle of it? Not a eating nut. Bagel? Oh, oh like a wing nut. Bagel's good. I'll steal that. Please. I do think these are my points. Oh, okay Smile S'mores Roaches. The pests. That's what I meant. Pimples. Ah Good go- good job That's used more than anything else. I would've said TV. Uh, yeah, that's a good one. I'll steal that. Please We're done. Get out of here We have all the answers. Now it all comes down to this All right. Let's see how you did. Not great. Wow. I'm looking at the results in hooey We might not air this one. For starters we asked Name something people eat or drink when they have an upset stomach If you fail this the shadow people will get you Oh boy What else would it be? Pepto-Bismol? Yeah, I just figured that was a brand. Me too. Yeah We're in trouble here Purposely sold with a hole in the middle of it. My ex-wife! Just drunk Okay Yeah, that was a good one Name something that might be painful to do after you have a facelift This is how you answer. Look at the mirror. How many of our 100 people said these? Ooh Dang, that's a great one. I would have thought yawn would be number one for sure Name something a person might complain they have too many of Spin. This is where things kind of went to shit Pants What? What? You've got to be kidding me. Bills. Holy shit. I can't believe we got 30 off of pants. That rules Uh-oh We're gonna need like 60 for TV Boy, we'll really squeak this out Uh-oh That was a top answer at 29. Yeah. Guess there's a lot of stuff you use around the house. Yeah Boy, it's like you can't get like Wait, is she the winner? Yeah. I guess I won a ton of money in fast money. Holy crap. Did you just steal all my fast money at the end? Yeah Looks like you're both moving on to the lightning round where nothing else matters Wow Wow, these new rules. That was fun. Yeah, that was great. All right. Yeah, why not? Let's get a rematch. One more. Next time on Game Grumps Adios, everybody Kiss kiss kiss kiss. You better believe it. It's time for the rematch. Kiss kiss kiss kiss Rematch time!
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 499,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps, Family Feud, Let's play, Gaming commentary, Humor, Comedy, Trivia game, Party game, Multiplayer game, Classic game show, Steve Harvey, Survey says, Fast money round, Game mechanics, Casual game, Retro game, Gaming history, Hilarious moments, Funny reactions, Celebrity edition, Top answers, Brain teaser questions, Game strategies, Game cheats, Game tips, Popular game, TV game show, Entertainment, Game culture, Game analysis, Game review, Gaming community
Id: 9GqqTqQ1VIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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