Airstream Renovation Tour - Before & After - Was it Worth it for our Family of SIX?

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[Music] we are celebrating our second year in our tiny shiny home we realized that we never did a walkthrough to really explain in detail all the renovation decisions that we made so we thought we'd do that today before we go any further though we have to give a shout out to Ashley's family her dad spent six months six days a week helping us finish this labor of love his vast knowledge expert craftsmanship and huge workshop were integral to the project her mom helped watch the kids and provided countless meals for us while we were working nonstop to get it all done and they both gave us a place to live during the whole process we could have never done this project without them [Music] this is a 1972 31 foot Airstream sovereign land yacht we have six people that we fit in here and so two main goals with this renovation were one we love to camp off-grid and boondock which we're doing right now and in number two we really wanted to make sure that six people were able to fit comfortably in there and I should mention we travel full-time so this is really our tiny shiny home it's not it's not just something that we go out on the weekends and so we knew that when we were gonna renovate this it was gonna be a lot to do so we took the inside skins off we dropped a belly pan we rewired and insulated all new plumbing just about everything is new on this except for the shelf let's take a look around let's kind of look at the different things we had to do so obviously a 46-year Hill trailer is gonna have some leaks and so we checked every single rivet when we started this made sure they were all good the ones that were bad we drilled out and we replaced but we did put new air conditioner and new fantastic vents up on top we have 500 watts of solar that we somehow managed to cram up there we have some internet antennas we have a directional antenna and an omnidirectional antenna and Wi-Fi antenna and then you can see the TV antenna up there that the directional is attached to thankfully our awning was in really great shape so the awning is all original even the windows are original they're all single paint we did have to replace all the gaskets and the rails here because they were all kind of falling apart but we were really amazed at what great shape this trailer was in when we got it the rock guard was already on here they come with aluminum propane tanks which we were really excited about we added this really cool utility light here on the front in case you need it when you're working we did have to replace the jack because the old one just completely gave out we put in a port for a ground deploy solar panel so even though we have 500 Watts on the roof over the last year or so we've realized that just as a family we've grown and we're using more power and so we this this extra bump in power and it's working out great we had to patch a few places this is where the old radio antenna was we did put brand new axles and tires on the Airstream we decided to go with the 16-inch Michelin tyres we've been really happy with them haven't had any trouble at all the new axles have been great they were forty five-degree axles so we got between the tires and the axles we got like three or four inches of lift and then even after being a year on the road we decided to go even higher so we added a lift kit to it so now we're up about six inches and that really helps going off-grid you know bottomed out as much you can see that there's no color on the trailer so these old models they really they love that blue color scheme and so we took some paint thinner we removed all that it just kind of gives it a really nice clean modern look it had a had a power plug that was kind of stuck into the back compartment and we decided we didn't want to store a power plug back there so we added a new 30 amp connection here we did add a tankless water heater which we really love and then even under here there's a thing to hold our sirak connection down there we did replace the water inlet and all the connections here for the sewer connection we actually took the Airstream letters off they were like blue and silver and so we took them off and and sanded them down and repainted them the only real issue that we had with leaks other than a few places up top was apparently this whole panel had been replaced at some point and the rivets they used are really big and they were leaking and I think this door had been replaced at some point too and it was leaking like crazy so we tried about 20 different ways to to make this stop and we ended up having to put big bolts in and caulk them and then we ended up having to just seal this up permanently because every every gasket we put on it it still ended up leaking so it's okay it's right under the bathroom there it's not like we needed to get to it anyway it made sure to drop the belly pan underneath and we check the frame the frame was in really good shape so we didn't really have to do anything there thankfully but we did replace the insulation believe it or not this model Airstream only came with a black tank all the grey water just ran through so because we added a composting toilet we converted that black tank to a grey tank and then we added a second grey tank and combine those together and our fresh tank was in great shape so we actually kept the original one now we did reinsulate we reran all the propane lines we did at so this is the old battery compartment because but because all of our lithium batteries are up front we added a little outdoor shower here over in this compartment we added a 12-volt plug because we love our Green Mountain grill that we smoked with all the time so it's got a 12-volt connection so that's easy to plug in right there and then we added a 110 connection back there as well just for random outdoor power usage the fresh water inlet is original it doesn't have something you have to screw into it's just a pour spout and so we use our jugs to pour water and all the time it's way easier to transport you don't have to get a bunch of gear out and pumps and stuff to to transfer the water you know and other than that we did get it polished so you can see it's really shiny and so last year we we went to Austin we had a guy work on it and man it's just beautiful how shiny it actually is but anyway we know you want to see the inside so that's where we're going now [Music] so when you first come in to the Airstream we've got the living room this is our dinette it's our bedroom it's our movie theater it's a multifunctional multi-use space and so when we designed this we really wanted to make sure during the day that we would have a big table where we can work to eat we can do arts and crafts we can do homeschool play card games there's plenty of room for all of us to sit around the table and actually you know have room for plates and food on it if we're eating and cups and this really gives us a ton of space to be able to do that the table will go down and the cushions will rearrange and it turns into a bed at night and so that's where Ashley and I sleep and then we can even pile all the kids on we can all watch a movie together if we want to so there's a bunch of little details up here that we want to look at so the first thing are the light switches we rewired all the lights we use these little spaceship buttons where you can turn on these turn on the outside lights and then these other ones they turn on the lights that are inside here we really wanted to make sure that it felt like a home so we didn't want to use those RV window treatments they get used a lot so we made our own curtain rods we just went and bought some aluminum bar and we bent it and then screwed it into the wall and then we just took some curtains that we actually used to have in our house and we repurposed them we were able to bring them and use them in this so it feels a little bit more like home and a lot of air streams they have these windows that pop called Vista windows can't tell from ours because we modified ours a bib usually they look like this window down here they're just curved in there at the top usually they leave a big rectangle cut out in the aluminum where you can like pull a shade down and the ones that ours came with saw yellow and it was gross and we just decided to do something different so we cut out these pieces of wood we put circles in them and then we mounted them to the wall and it gives it a really kind of different look we really like the way the light comes through and we think it's just a unique addition to the design of the airstream as you can see this huge custom Table has plenty of room now we had a little extra space so we added this shelf in this additional storage so we can get a bunch of books and stationery up here and we can put you know little knickknacks make it feel a little bit more like home speaking of home we were able to bring in some of the stuff we had decorated in our original house and actually even made some macrame you know I got some air plants again we've got the curtains we just really love how homey it feels in here with all these little touches originally this space had a big plastic end cap and it had a huge section that stuck out it which had an 8-track in it a bunch of gauges and wires and stuff and you know I would be hitting my head against it right now if it were still here so we decided to take all that out really open it up we put new aluminum panels here but we did keep the speakers and so you can still see that these are here we added these cool wooden mounts to kind of make it a little bit more modern we just really like how it turned out now that you've seen this area and dinette mode we're gonna convert it to bed and show you what it looks like at night taking all the tops off to make it a little easier to show you what's inside over here this is our shoe drawer so we've got all our shoes in here it's right when you come in the front door so that it's easy to put your shoes up and get them out not that anyone actually does that whatever over here we've got hiking backpacks and travel backpacks and blankets for when it gets cold over on this side we've got a bunch of camera equipment that's easy access because we shoot stuff all the time and then back in here we've got just a bunch of random stuff we've got a safe with some documents we've got some screws and printer cartridges and books and papers and and different things like that and now the fun part we get to show you our power set up a big part of renovating this Airstream for camping off-grid was solar and batteries and so this lithium battery bank you can see here in the middle section was a big part of that it's four hundred amp hours lithium batteries are much better suited for sort of long-term boondocking trips and you can also see on the lid we've got all the wires they all come in through this and they're all labeled and they're all easy to get to this is really sort of the command centre for the power in the Airstream now over on the left side back against the wall we have the converter which charges the batteries when we plugged in Shore power and we also have solar charge controllers we actually have two now we've got five hundred watts on the roof we have one solar charge controller for those panels and then we have another solar charge controller for our new two hundred watt ground deploy that plugs into the front of the Airstream over on the right side we have a two thousand watt inverter and we have the BMS which is the battery management system which is basically just the brain that tells all of the battery cells to charge at the same time to shut off if there's a problem with temperature or voltage this really protects those batteries because these are lithium batteries they don't have to be vented and so this means we can keep them in here they're more temperature controlled and this setup really lets us camp off-grid for weeks at a time [Music] right next to the dinette as we continue down we've got this chaise it's there for a reason see we have a bunch of electrical wires that were running from the back of the trailer all the way to the front and all of our solar panels the wires come down through the refrigerator vent and they they join up here and then they go up to the front of the power sugar which we already saw so we needed a way to cover all that up and and provide a way to run those wires so we decided to make it a little bit more functional too so we created this nice little shelf some time we put plants on there sometimes we set drinks on there a little charging port here so we can charge our watches at night and then we did make a tiny put my backpack in there fits nicely and then down below there you can access that you can get to some of the wires and connections but we don't get back there very much he's a little switch down there you can see so we use hot spots for internet and those batteries don't like to be plugged in all the time so we put that in so we could turn that whole stuff off and I to save those batteries now this is coming down a little further this is sort of my office I do have to work while we're on the road and so I do graphic design and websites and so I need a big monitor I need a color accurate monitor and it really helps having you know multiple documents up side-by-side when I'm doing code we built this little shelf here where I get to keep my my laptop wireless mouse wireless keyboard wireless headphones and travelers notebook now the reason all that stuff is Wireless is because I have a standing desk so I don't I don't sit here you can see this isn't a great place to sit but it does hide a trash can so we came up with this crazy standing desk idea that we hadn't really seen anywhere else so it's a combination of two pretty basic things the first is a tripod just have one of these mounts on top found a company called tether tools and they make know if you can see this but they make a mount that goes into that right and we just took some of the wood that we used on the table we mounted it into it and then that lets me slide it right in and make my own standing desk so what's really cool about this is that it works a bunch of different ways right so I can put my my keyboard and mouse so usually this is how this is how it looks right I'm standing here I've pulled the monitor out and up and then I pulled this up so that it's at the right level so this is usually what I'm what I look like working during the day now sometimes we are somewhere where there's not a ton of like Sun maybe it's cloudy or rainy or we're under some trees and I'm trying to save power this guy takes up a ton of power so sometimes I don't use him so what I'll do is I'll just replace this right so I'll put people we're doing here whole laptop up here and then this gives me I can move in a little bit so people can get by me and so I can work like this here's the thing though like sometimes this bit doesn't get turned into a table and maybe I want to sit down well then I can just rearrange it I can pull this down to a lower level and I can just sit on the edge of the bed and I can work that way this monitor can pull all the way out around so maybe maybe everybody's up front and they're all doing their thing and I don't want to get in their way and so I could pull that all the way back around here and I could stand right here and work when you're done you know it folds up just stick your stuff back on the table take the top off set it here and then I've got room in that drawer where I can put the tripod and it doesn't get in the way which is really the biggest thing now the cool thing about the monitor is because it's connected to the laptop is that we can use it as a TV at night so a lot of times when the bed is down we'll get everybody on the bed we'll have like a family movie night we'll pull the monitor out and I'll just sit there we'll either download a movie or will streamline off the Netflix or Hulu or whatever and it's really easy to take down for travel obviously we don't want to drive with this because it's got a huge arm and it could go swing around and make a huge mess so you just pull it out grab your cables you slides right off of that post there and then we usually set it somewhere on the behind the monitor we've got a bunch of stuff over here so I'm just gonna go through it real fast the first is the thermostat so this controls our furnace and our air conditioner or we set the temperature we turn it on it's just kind of out of the way we don't get to it that much but when we need it it's there then we have a bunch of internet stuff right so we talked about how we have a directional and omnidirectional antenna we have a Wi-Fi antenna and all three of those come in here now you can't see back in this area there's a weboost so that takes the cell signal and it actually boosts it and it increases it in conjunction with that antenna so then it takes that boosted signal and it sends it to this little square or rectangle right here so we have a verizon hotspot and an 18 t hotspot and depending on which signal is better we will just plug in the right one which goes to our router and so because we have six people in here we didn't want to have to deal with oh you know which hotspot are we using today or which Wi-Fi network er were using we always connect to our Wi-Fi network and then that Wi-Fi network is connected to whatever Internet signal that we choose to have for wherever we're at this makes my life much easier other than that you know we've got you know the plug for running the monitor and anything else we've got a coax cable which we've never used but it was there in the original install and there's a big hole in the middle so we decided to put it there and you know little things to hold pencils stuff like that but yeah that's pretty much it the this is my my work area my standing desk it also doubles as an entertainment center so there's a lot packed in this little corner let's talk about the kitchen when you first come in the door we've got a wall here with a bunch of hooks for you know jackets backpacks and purses we have a way to turn our water pump on and off and we have a furnace event so our furnace blows hot air so it keeps us warm at night when we're sleeping moving further down we have our stove in our oven we've got nice little place for me to put my keys and my wallet and it's it's mounted down so it doesn't move we don't have to take it off when we travel IKEA storage things here we've got the Vitamix a massive kitchen sink nice a big window so you can see out we tried to plan that so that when you're washing dishes you can see the beautiful places you're at we've got some nice storage over here and also this stays up while we travel this is also from Ikea it's really strong so we have never had a problem with that we've got these awesome bird hooks that actually really likes and we are able to hang some fruit from them or some other knickknacks cutting boards essential oils and then we've got this overhead storage right so up here this is where Ashley and I keep our jackets this is where we keep all of our towels and our washcloths and then this is actually connected to all of our solar and our battery and so this lets us see how much power we have coming in here and then this shows us what our battery capacity is and we went ahead and we installed a radio to hook up to the speakers that we showed you earlier and we've got this which is connected to that external antenna and when we we turn it on and boost that it actually helps us get better AM FM radio signals down below we've got big open storage here the furnace lives here it was right under the oven and we've got our water pump he's a tongue because boondock a lot we even got a water holding tank so what the holding tank does is that it pressurizes I think it's about a half a gallon of water so that the water pump isn't constantly running so it'll pressurize it and then we can use about half a gallon before it has to kick back on which is nice further down we have a bunch of drawers so in the top one we have cooking utensils spices in the next one we actually have a bunch of tools and sort of utility things it's amazing how often in an old trailer you need a screwdriver to tighten something up we keep those all right here this drawer keeps a bunch of containers and then this actually isn't a drawer but it opens up like this and the reason for that is because the Ducks from the furnace have to run all the way back and they needed a space to do that this is for the TV antenna which also has our internet directional antenna on it and so this lets us crank it up we can actually take it and we can turn it and point it directly at a cell phone tower so over on this side is our pantry so up top here we've got a bunch of food that we can store you'll notice there's some reflectix up here and we use that during the summer to keep chocolate chips from melting and things like that right here is more food storage now down below we really wanted to create like a really useful space we actually custom-built this whole assembly specifically for the plates and the utensils that we had and we also built in extra power back here now you're probably wondering what this is this is a Berkey it's a water filter and we use this thing all the time it removes so much bad stuff from the water you could pour creek water in here and it would come out and it would be safe to drink and so take our water and just pour it in the top it filters it through and it comes out clean to drink and actually made these really cool little macrame skirts okay it's hooked into the wall back here so that we can actually travel with this on the counter and not have to worry about putting it up even if it's got some water in it moving on this is what we call the garage we call it the garage because they can go down like this we can kind of hide stuff away and we can store stuff in here when we travel but most of the time it's up like this and so we custom-built this little guy it's basically a charging station all the kids will stick their iPads in here at night actually keeps their laptop here we store some books a bunch of random knickknacks and cables and and Kleenex and notebooks and just sort of various things and then we have our refrigerator so this is a 12-volt refrigerator because we have a big lithium battery bank we don't use propane for the fridge it runs all off 12-volt and it doesn't look huge but it's actually pretty good size it's seven and a half cubic feet so it goes back really far even even though the freezer looks small it goes back like you can fit couple frozen pizzas in there a big 10 pound bag ice will slide all the way back in it's really like a good size for our family and we love that it's not based on those janky RV fridges that switch between propane and electric and you never know which one's going to work of just a regular compressor it works all the time so and you'll notice too that this whole area is really wide the original Airstream I think it had wall coming into like here you know and so we there's a lot of us there's six of us in here we have to go back and forth we're constantly moving through this space to want to make sure we kept it as wide as possible to make it feel really open and just so we don't get in each other's way over here we have our big drawer it's really just sort of right junk drawer pins and pencils art supplies tic tacs pecks of honey whatever and down below is where we keep our pots and pans the instant pots and bowls it's a really big useful storage space but it's for things that we don't get to very often in this area we wanted to add some lights underneath here because it gets kind of hard to see back there so you can turn lights off and on there and then same thing here which is really more important we do a lot of food prep here we wash a lot of dishes and so we added three lights under here that you can turn off and on now you may have noticed that there's not a vent hood and it's usually you know a stove has an area that's vented to the outside we have three fantastic fans one up front one here one back in the bathroom and this one just happened to land right near the stove and so we decided to use this because they're really powerful and so this will suck the steam or the propane fumes or whatever out while we're cooking and that way we're able to use this for our power and we could put the lights there and we didn't have to worry about it [Music] a couple of important things I wanted to mention the first is the interior walls so we had to take them off to rewire and reinsulate we really loved how some of the newer air streams just had bare aluminum on the inside so we actually ripped all the vinyl off of these walls and then put them back up there's a huge pain but it turned out really good second is the floor we use vinyl planks and we put it in last so that it would be a true floating floor this means that any problem areas around the edges we actually see the subfloor and we can check for leaks and it meant that we didn't have to use as many planks and so we saved a lot of weight and finally our ceiling this runway houses our 12 volt LED lights it keeps our wiring clean and accessible and it looks pretty good too [Music] let's go check out the kids room but first because many of you asked yes we do have privacy it's not much but we make it work it was really important to us that the kids each had their own space in the trailer so we had to modify this whole area quite a bit and I got really tricky because you've got the wheel wells that you have to deal with you've got the windows and you're trying to create bunks they're sort of suspended in midair so there's a lot of engineering that went into this I know it looks really simple but there's a lot going on like underneath and behind the scenes that make it all work but first let's look at like how the kids are able to personalize their areas each kid has their own light reading light I've got their own 12-volt plug so they can charge their iPad I've got their own regular plug in case they have something else they need to plug in and we also installed these little Christmas lights here that kind of run all the way here and we do this a lot when we're boondocking and we don't want to have a ton of lights on but we just need a little bit so it creates sort of a nice ambience right we also added you know little shelves so that I can put their knickknacks in it we all have hydro flasks that we drink out of and so they've got a hook to keep that there out of the way and then they've all got walls and they can put you know whatever they want to on them in stuffed animals and stuff like that now remember speakers right we talked about speakers earlier so those other two speakers they go here and here on each side and they're hooked into the radio and so they can rock out back here if they really want [Music] at the other end of the bed we put a hook and these really nice fiebag backpacks which lets each kid store their own items so that they're not all over the bed making a mess so one really cool feature about the beds is that these top bunks actually fold down into couches so we've got these big carriage bolts under here you can loosen those up there's four of them and the top of each bed folds down so you have two massive couches like I mentioned building these bunks was quite the engineering feat obviously we wanted to make sure these were really safe right so that starts with the wall so this is a three-quarter inch plywood wall that this cabinet and all these cabinets they're all attached to and then this is a half inch wall with two by fours behind it for extra stability it's like a mini framed wall and then what we did is you can kind of see this bunk is actually built in two pieces so there's this piece that is mounted to the walls and actually mounted into the ribs of the airstream and then we added these hinges and then we use carriage bolts underneath so I'll show you real fast and this let's it fold all the way down and as you can see these are big bolts so it's super secure when it's all it's all in there you can set an adult up on top of this bed and it's not gonna go anywhere because it's attached to the wall and it's attached to both of these sidewalls at the same time in a small space storage is really important so you can see we've got storage lining above and below the kids bunks so we're gonna show you how we're using each of those now down here we talked about the wheel well earlier and so these aren't actually drawers because the wheel well is kind of just a little ways back in here but we do still have some room to store some books and games toys and stuff like that now as you go further back these are drawers right so these come all the way out this is our craft drawer and then this is where the kids keep a lot of their toys and stuff like that here on the other side we had to run all of our furnace vent ducts a lot of our plumbing our water lines and so there are no drawers here but we do have again these fold down sections so this is just more books and notebooks and toys and pins and pencils and stuff like that in this drawer right here this is actually you can pull it down but because it's connected to the furnace we try not to do that because the the vent is connected right to and it'll pull off if you open it up so up top on this side we keep most of our blankets and sheets so our the bed up front during the day when it's a table all that stuff has to go somewhere so it all lives up here on this side we keep hiking backpacks kids jackets and our workout equipment and one thing we didn't talk about was these little push button latches so when you push them in it actually keeps the door but from going anywhere it can't and so you probably noticed every drawer every door opening every cabinet they all have these so we have to lock them every time we go but they're really nice because you know when they go in there really low-profile and they just look really nice too [Music] finally we're gonna look at the bathroom first thing you see is the sink you have this really nice big window so we put a sink here faucet a little countertop it matches the countertop in the kitchen and then underneath we've just got some standard storage now there's a lot of stuff hidden here too back in the corner we have an Ikea mirror mounted we've got our toothbrushes back there we've got some towels we've even got our laundry bag back here which a lot of RVs don't have a space to put your dirty laundry so we're glad we were able to kind of stick it back in the corner there now moving on you know we've got spaces for toothpastes and stuff like that here but then we also have our shower now our hour is not the fanciest shower but we have six people we're camping off-grid alot tile wasn't really an option for us it's just hard to clean hard to maintain we're going down a lot of bumpy roads we didn't feel like that would be the best idea so one thing we did do is we get this extendable shower bar so they can be out of the way or it can come out like this this is really handy now as far as the actual shower itself you know this is just a standard Harvie shower we did do a tub because we've seen a couple of situations where people's gray tanks overflowed and we wanted to have little insurance there just in case something like that were to happen inside here we've added a bunch of hooks for washcloths it came with a little shelf that we keep some of our bar soaps on the razor and then for the shower we wanted to put something in that would work for multiple sized people you can slide this up and down and this works really great for when the kids are taking a shower also you know if you get a chance replace the the actual shower head that your RV comes with this is an eco camel and it uses it sucks air in this hole and it makes the water pressure higher it makes it feel like you're getting a shower with more water when you're actually using less which is also great for camping off-grid so we do have a composting toilet we keep our trash came back there we pull handle for our gray tank and then this guy right here is our basically our closet this is all of Ashley's clothes and my clothes here in this top section and then all of the kids clothes fit right here we've got some towels some toiletries socks things like that and then down here we use this area to hide the tankless water heater which we love by the way super efficient runs on propane basically means it'll make hot water as long as we have propane and also you can kind of see there's a bunch of wires back in there this is where our 30 amp plug comes in so there's a transfer switch there are original breakers for the air conditioner and the 110 power back there and then finally we've got the ruler the ruler was in our house it's been with us you can see all the kids as they've grown over the years we really didn't want to lose this when we left the house and this is literally the only space it would fit there's no flat wall that doesn't run into the curve that's tall enough but we were able to make it fit here so we were pretty excited about that we've got the vent here like we talked about earlier with the fantastic fan so when we're taking showers we're able to suck all that moisture out if you come around here we have one tiny hidden storage space we call it the guitar closet so back in here between the shower wall and the kids wall this does provide us access to the back of the shower components in case something were to go wrong but we have some ukuleles back here we've got my guitar also because this door is translucent we have a curtain that we can put up sometimes you know in the morning the sunlight is coming back through the window and you're backlit you know you just don't want to show everybody your silhouette while you're changing [Music] that concludes the tour of our 1972 Airstream if you want to know even more about this project go to tiny shiny home comm slash Airstream we've got progress updates information about our internet setup and even a complete cost breakdown of links to everything we bought during the renovation if you like camping off-grid and boondocking make sure you go to tiny shiny home comm slash boondocking get your own free guide to find an epic boon dining spot at the beginning of this video we mentioned that we were celebrating two years in our tiny shiny home and what an awesome two years it's been renovating this vintage trailer for camping off-grid has taken us so many places we never would have gone and saved us thousands in campground fees from the jaw-dropping coastline views of the Pacific coast highway to the pristine beaches in Florida where the endless Saguaro dotted desert in Ajo to the snow-capped Tetons we continue to be so incredibly thankful for this journey we're on a friends we hope you enjoyed this tour of our tiny shiny home we hope you'll subscribe and you'll follow us and we'll see you down the road [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Tiny Shiny Home
Views: 644,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airstream, airstream renovation, vintage airstream, tiny home, tiny house on wheels, airstream living, fulltime family, minimalist living, rv renovation tour, camper renovation, airstream tour, rv living, family travel, tiny shiny home, jasco paint and epoxy remover, airstream remodel, airstream bunkhouse, airstream bunk, airstream bunk beds, folding bunk beds, beddys bedding, airstream remodel bunk beds, rv tour, rv renovation, rv life, vintage trailer, rv tour family
Id: 1OGaeLOPacs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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