Fallout 4: Survival Mode - Welcome to Hell

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good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'm John this is many a true nerd and welcome to fallout 4 survival mode this is this is in some ways to meet more exciting than pretty much all of the DLC that we've had announced so far I always had a bit of a fondness for Fallout New Vegas as hard Kubo but I always felt it didn't go far enough it wasn't brutal enough it was too easy just to kind of get around just adding in some food and drink and sleep into your routine and in fact if anything it just made the game so more annoying because it was too easy but our fallout 4 survival mode sounds utterly bloody brutal and as I've been playing the old survival mode recently with my melee character and now that I've got that carrot drop into the levels 20s and 30s and I've got good power armor and I've got blitz and I'm la things were starting to filtered a little bit too easy even on the old spot mode so I am thrilled Italy thrilled to have the new survival mode here let's dive straight in brand new character brand new playthrough obviously you know it would be very unfair to take an old character into Survivor mode you'd already have loads of basis setup and loads of equipment and stuff I'll go through all the changes we go along but blimey is it harsh and I love it yep war war doesn't do a thing whatever let's go so say hello to our character who's gonna be taking us through survival mode that's right we're playing the male character one side you want to the bloody male voice actor just on this one occasion and this here is our survivalist expert his name is Grylls Grylls bears and let me tell you this man is ready to survive in the wilderness he is watched a lot of survival TV shows mainly mainly just bear grylls actually he just really likes Bear Grylls the island all right grab net the Barbarian in the jungle of the birth babies my favorite oh you see the lines are ever so slightly different already which is quite good I do quite like station listening to the male versus female voices because it can really change the performance quite lot genuinely I'm curious to hear how the male voice actor deals with some of the the lines to make is such a huge difference like um I love FEM Chang and mass mitosis always play as female Shepard I think Jennifer Hale just fantastic job as female Shepard but just in case you I like playing as Mayo Shepard because just this is the old line which the male Shepard apps now II don't think the female Shepherd is quite as good at like come right at the end right at the end of systole do see which pretty much therefore is the ending of the entire franchise and you've got that final line where whichever your love main love interest wall says to you I it's been a hell of a run and Shepherd replies the best oh the the female Shepherd does a good job of that but the male Shepherd it's absolutely bloody exceptional so very curious to how the male voice actor deals with some of this and also very keen to play as a rugged rough and tough survivalist this character ready to survive in a real wasteland he is practiced he is camped out in this backyard on three separate occasions and then two of those occasions you didn't even come in to use the bathroom at any point during the night he's ready we're ready bring it on bring it on survival now I can't wait for the wrong hand ah the sarcastic lines are actually different the sarcastic lines different the female character responds a total atomic annihilation sign me up the male character yeah that's a different line that's really cool and there he is Grylls bears himself now um there was a separate character build video that I did actually put out earlier today because I didn't want to kind of slow down this video discussing my kind of thinking and rationale what I'm putting up now is however I think to be the pretty much the best strongest build it works for any difficulty but it's particularly well tailored for the survival difficulty just to give you an extremely brief paraphrase strength I am worried about in terms of carry capacity but I'm willing to make sacrifices there to be strong enough to survive elsewhere perception is mainly at that level so I can have access to demolitions experts I think that's incredibly powerful endurance again I'm making sacrifices here my character is going to be a glass cannon I'm not going to be a tank very effectively charisma is just high enough that when I get the bobblehead I'll be able to take the lone wanderer which is very very powerful indeed intelligence pretty much exists I want the bobbleheads been acquired I can go down the science troops that's important for a lot of weapon and armor crafting agility most important stat in the game obviously want access to ninja and I want access to the very highest agility perks as well ultimately and luck luck is very very powerful and I will be investing a little further in that as time goes on but that there is Grylls bears that's how we survive bloody Bethesda didn't even record grills bears as an option for the name I can't believe that's the first time that flippin codsworth hasn't been able to say my name once I said a per character called Aria just how you used to have a Skyrim foe called re so I just found out this one of my bi practice files and he have it he said Aria I was amazed listen after breakfast I was thinking we could head to the park for a bit weather should hold up it's a good idea we could hunt squirrels there tasty will it be like that night in the park a year ago now I'm actually kind of glad that that sarcastic option is there because that really sort of answers the other half of her sarcastic response which is if the male character suggests going to the park the female character says she doesn't want to end up pregnant again and now the male character is confirmed will it be like that night a year ago and Sean's a few months oh well I think we can now confirm that whatever Park it is that the sex of the code in that bug that is indeed how Sean was conceived confirmed through having places both characters lovely also there's you know an atomic apocalypse going on but I was more concerned with the sex life of the protagonist there and on we go to the vault huzzah obviously my gel t8 character has plenty of action point can sprint for absolutely bloody ages indeed if I've left my wife and baby quite a long way behind in fact it's good I need to survive and down into the vault we go here we up lovely because it becomes a very big flop point later that it's really really important that you know Sean and us were not in any way tainted by radiation I feel like that was pretty bloody close to a nuclear shockwave this is the moment when Grylls is probably feeling incredibly disappointed in life the apocalypse has finally come and what is it - bloody apocalypse in a vault underground in a rigid organized society with an overseer no this wasn't the apocalypse I wanted at all you know I had no idea until today the herd default name was Norah such a common name in America it's very uncommon in Britain no you don't that line makes sense when it's a female because in theory if you need to produce another child you can very easily just artificially inseminate out with some form of sperm you creates in laboratory so there is entirely radiation-free but a bloke how are you gonna get a baby out of a bloke all right and here we are in the thing got the wedding ring just in case we need that for anything probably won't let's be on our way well first let's find out if enemies have got ridiculously harder well I think they shouldn't have done hello radroach let's just grab this here so let's start going over the changes that have been made in survival mode one unlike something like say Skyrim legendary mode enemies haven't just got harder what actually happened instead is enemies have got actually a little bit weaker or rather you've got stronger but so of the enemies everyone's become a bit more of a glass cannon you hit harder soda enemies all fights end a little bit quicker that means you take more damage and you deal more damage so that means well let's see how tough our flippin radroaches I mean I know I know I can I know for example that I can take out a radroach in a single hit let's find out what's actually going to happen with this radroach fight hello you're even in attacking me are you well that's fine then single hit should really kill a radroach that was a sneak attack he didn't even see me so yes obviously gather up all of the meat we're in survival mode food water except with what oh that's not the way I was meaning to go I meant to go this way clear out this room first yes food water all of that matters an awful awful lot also you may just kind of grab literally everything out of this out of the pot I'm pretty sure you can easily carry it all with you now next big change other than the damage and the food and the drink saving is gone saving is entirely gone oh you can now only save by sleeping ah which is yeah a little bit difficult and unfortunate other than that yeah there's no saving whatsoever so be really really careful now that that makes things very very inching ah but sink fill a bottle now this I didn't know about this is brand new I've read that you're kind of the patch notes they released with this but this is kind of interesting so beer bottle removed purified what all that's useful keep filling up those bottles so if you've got an empty bottle like any empty bottle and you can find this all over empty Nukem Falls or empty empty kind of beer bottles or anything if you want to you can take those bottles and convert them into purified water now that's actually a good money spinner purified waters bloody valuable now I'm guessing you can also fill water supplies from like just ground water but then it becomes dirty water not purified or so obviously go to the recreation terminal and grab the Red Menace holotape which I will never play and no one will have play I just always grab all the tape because I feel like I ought to have them they never actually use them for anything get the coffee cup good source of ceramic down the line may as well completely clear out the vault now round the outside that radroach obviously dies and then we got a couple more red rope just coming up will probably take a couple of radroach bites coming up on the big corridor who knows so we've got yeah you there you're going to die hello let's just build up my critical critical you can see it building up a little bit faster that's why I went for luck five very very important and then oh I've got to used to blitz I go into one I'm using a melee weapon that was way too far away to be trying to use that I'm too used to having blitz in my no guns run but blitz I will not have access to for quite a while if at all just take out if we can there you are you're gonna go down and or let's see how much damage you do Oh what the bloody hell that was a single attack from our radroach whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa um I got bitten once by red rose and that just that's what happened to my health that's crazy red rose you used to be way more flims in that okay everything in the world is now dangerous and terrifying good I'm glad everything in the world is dangerous and terrifying grab stimpaks grab the gun and plenty of ammo for it well crack open the door with this thing now definitely go for guns on this occasion giving everything is dangerous now a big change number two Oh loads of our I'd forgotten that was that I'm blind remember this one said this always here I didn't remember this there being a second term enemy to that so a big important change you may recall that in the previous versions of Fallout 4 obviously enemies do not appear on your compass until you go into caution then they do that's changed so now even when you're in caution in danger so I've killed that guy but still none cause you're a danger somehow and there are you'll notice I'm in caution right now no compass markers no pips not there uh so yeah that's um they've gone unless you've got a recon scope enemies do not appear on your compass at all that is terrifying I think that's probably we've know got enough enemies to handle these with a security baton and your oh you do such a ridiculous amount damage right that's defense is now really really really important because Vance defense will stop you taking damage Vance defense obviously if you're in Vance yeah time slows a bit and if you take damage it's a much much reduced even radroaches just did that much to me bloody hell I'm not looking forward to bloke flies you normally in true sneak attacks this point game I got a sneak attack accidentally against the very first enemy sneak attack three times damage of course it's a melee thing which is very very welcome and remember that there is going to be a radroach crawling out front here there he is get him quickly beautiful he goes down so enemies are dying in one hit but they're doing way more damage that's so much more damage uh hang on meant me to go and get the pip-boy so I've got the light so I can see what's going on a bit better grab that pit boy just shake the hand out of it now let's get the vault opening animation going on while I go into some more looting in the background let's be down time efficient about this mode or remote access yep lovely and I've need to push the partners already done no button pushing happens automatically the dramatic music is playing the big impressive thing is happening I'm going over here to get some more ammo more ammo is very important them Italy um you need less Emily you used to of course and survival mode because now things are squishier than they used to be and as we walk out are impressive that's nice though that looks lovely we guide the drum was undermined by the fact I just got caught on a step there damn it grills and as we return to the surface and the blinding light hits us for a moment step forward Laoghaire ID into this Sun and that's the sort of flippin post-apocalypse grills wanted perfect now let's quickly clear out this Eric's there's a few bits and pieces in here radix useful to stimpaks and some purified water these crates can sometimes give you something good so there worth grabbing radaway good more radaway and a comfy pillow our creature comforts radix glass bowl tablespoon sure why not no chance of any enemies yet whatsoever and here we are in sanctuary ah beautiful perfect sanctuary Hills back again now I'm just going to avoid codsworth for a second because I want to figure out how glad you know before I do absolutely bloody anything helps this is the new priorities of survival mode of course before we do absolutely anything else workshop mode codsworth has followed me in here he wants to begin his story thing but he can't actually speak to me cuz I'm in the crafting menu at the moment okay so beds beds just became really really really bloody important because beds are now the only way to save I've got just enough cloth for a few bits and pieces I got out of the vault to actually build a bed so we'll be building our first bed is the only bloody way I'm allowed safe nothing as soon as I come out of this mode that's very odd yes he's now decided he wants to do a speech it is indeed really me yes and sure get food I've no idea what you actually go and get me but I could definitely use the food thank you so as long as you sleep for an hour you're okay and there you are you are tired from lack of sleep unfortunately so it appear that potentially I need to do a little bit more sleeping there but you can see there then autosave did indeed just happen so you may notice that something a little bit unusual has happened down in the bottom rights there which is my action point have picked up a little bit of red on the end there just like my hip points do when you gain radiation that there is fatigue of some description basically your action points are not allowed to max out if something is wrong in some capacity in this case the thing that's wrong because there's a little bed symbol there is I am tired and as as usual you can simply go to your pip-boy press RB if you're on a controller and they'll tell you what's wrong not only am I only allowed to have 129 out of 140 on my action point but my action point refresh speed is down 5% as well so I'd say let's just sleep for a little bit longer just to get a bit more exhaustion off the old meter see how long it takes to clear that entirely and there we are I feel rested my fatigue gone down a little bit but now I've got a different problem which is I'm suddenly a bit thirsty well that's not a problem in the slightest obviously I've got all that purified water from filling up bottles which is now easy to do meanwhile parched is equivalent to intelligence - one interesting now as far as I'm aware you cannot die from starvation thirst and exhaustion or at least if you can but there's - haven't said so yet we will discover that I'm sure in time drink some of that purified water which we've got loads at the moment so you are now properly hydrated and now you'll notice my action points are completely back up to full lovely now time to take this gun and see just how bloody bad the bloody bloke flies are going to be let's see if I can actually manage to take out a bloat fly I don't know there's I know this one in there alright there you are so kill the insects sure why not okay so I can take him out in actually a single hair okay a single hits actually easier than I would normally have expected then come along ah and now oh he does show up on my radar cuz he's actually a quest objective and then a single shot takes care of him too so yeah and the old survivor difficulty would have taken two shots to take them out that's now gone down to one but I'm guessing had they hit me things would have been yes potentially much much worse I believe in this house over here there are a further three blowflies and then in one of the houses by the entrance there's like I think it's like - no there's one radroach and another one that crawls out just from like under a car or something so you've got one over there you're dead and then you're coming for me marked as read because you're angry I'm just gonna let actually one of them hit me you know like one of them hit me want you to see how strong they are how strong is a single flippin bloke fly on this game just kill one kill one let the other one all flip and but this is this is not gonna be optional back right so you're dead let's see how much damage the other one can do Oh flippin heck right oh my oh oh okay I just took that much damage from fly on the plus-side radiation radiation damage on your health has stopped becoming such a major problem um because you can see there you're taking so much real damage the radiation damage barely even matters anymore right problems serious problems that is just a few hits from a basic bloke flight did that much damage to me bloody bloody hell oh this is brutal this is fantastic this is just what I wanted that's craziness excellent just basic insects will tear you apart if you get if you get mobbed by like a swarm of four blow flies that's probably enough to bloody kill you now let's crack open the safe with these bobby pins at least let's get as much stuff as we can we're gonna need to be properly armed oh this is amazing this is just what I wanted right all of the ammo oh of course um ammo now has weight as that's ten millimeter ammo and that weighs a naught point naught to five you will also have a look down at my carry capacity and suspect that that is much lower than you used to be strength does not give you as much carry capacity as it used to so pocketed deep pocketed and indeed the strong back perks and well obviously low wanderer now ludicrously useful because your base carry capacity is just ridiculously low that's kind of crazy right well I will take a basic pipe pistol because I would like to have something just in case I need a backup weapon and obviously never forget that your special book underneath that what as I see underneath your crib it's close by to Shawn's crib you're special I was going to use that to put lockup but suddenly having seen how ridiculous the enemies are I I desperately want to change tag and put charisma up immediately just so that I can flippin take lone wanderer or sooner rather than later but no don't do that stick to the plan luck at 6:00 better criticals better critical is very important all right that's got to be the build that better not be a flipping radiation storm sweeping in on my first flippin day you better be flippin joking right now no that's a radiation storm sweeping in on day one I don't know if those are more common now it would make sense if they were okay I've moved all of the crafting benches close together in front of this house which is convenient now of course something that's now very very important is even more important than it used to be cooking yes very very important because hunger will set it obviously not as often as thirst that makes sense the human body does need a lot more water than it needs food but cooking a lot of stuff very very useful so I've killed all the radroaches and gathered their meat so means I can cook all of this meat and make some delicious things in fact oh did I just see hunger just set in right then or was that just telling me the hunger existed I'm not sure I skipped the thing yes indeed going without food will make you hungry negatively affecting your stats find food to eat and sake to your hunger beautiful good use the words sate we don't get to use sate enough in our day-to-day lives so you can see there that peckish is giving me endurance minus one whereas that part is intelligence minus one however there's something else that's happened here which is adrenaline adrenaline Sidhu well it's a perk actually so what adrenaline does is 5% bonus damage per adrenaline rank you gain ranked by killing enemies it's one rank per 5 kills you lose ranks while sleeping so in other words even though you're in a world where everything's flimsy and you're about to die if you can just kill enough enemies in a row and potentially grinding against radroaches or ghouls or something that you can safely hard counter then that might be a good way to get your adrenaline up but if you sleep then depending on how long you sleep you lose some of your adrenaline if it's between like between two and ten points to spend depending on how long you sleep now obviously sleeping is the only way that you can safe as well ah this game is cruel and brutal so basically if you want to maximize your chance of begin to win a fight you want to go ages without saving you want to like kill 50 enemies in a row without saving and then keep fighting that's what you need to do one more thing I want to check obviously you know that we've got the river down this way can I refill bottles so I picked up I think it's an empty milk bottle somewhere can I refill my bottle from the river and if I can is it dirty water yes water fill the bottle I'm guessing I have indeed now convert an empty bottle into dirty water beautiful so know what you're thinking right now it's probably well John I know you relatively little carry capacity but surely that's what companions are for well kind of but companions have just got a lot more fussy too by the way companions have had their carry capacity massively reduced as well so you can't use them as pack mules and now if you basically go into a fight and your companion goes down on their knees I think they're still immortal but if they go on to their knees and you don't use a stim pack on them I you just wait for the fight ends they get back up naturally they'll get annoyed at you go home and refuse to work with you for a bit so you can't just use companions for your carry weight instead don't need to be taken care of much better using stimpaks and even if you do then not gonna be able to carry as much stuff as they used to thank God those two fragmentation grenades are still there at least it's evening but before we finish things off today I think it's time to do one little trip just to get some slightly more powerful weapons in hands there before we go actually of course I have picked up a few bits of clothing some of them are likely better than the Volt suit ah yes indeed the army fatigues a good bit of gear the Volt suit basically gives you nothing but a tiny bit of RAD and energy resistance the army fatigues meanwhile well at the bare minimum give me an extra strength and an extra bit of agility so actually I can use that to verify strength is oh so a point of strength is still worth 10 it's just that your base carry capacity is much lower than you so I think they've lowered it from 150 plus temper strength to a hundred plus temper strength that seems about right I've also got oh I've got a nice red dress oh that's going to be beautiful forget my charisma up lovely and a bowler hat for endurance there we go that's more like it straightaway I love it so obviously straight over the bridge we have a Raider who's got some ammo some stimpacks beautiful together with a wild mongrel together with some wild mongrel meat no I'm just gonna loop around this way slightly just to get myself ever so slightly better off than I was a minute ago those of you who have seen my kind of early weapon guide that I put out earlier tonight or probably know exactly where I'm going right now basically what I want to go and do at this point is I want to go and yet this will point me one wild mongrel there it's all in what you need to take out one world mongrel who should in all fairness be softer and squishy that I'm used to actually let's just get some healing going on here given I'm actually at half health and setting off in the new survival mode terrible idea there you go you go down don't want to get bitten basically you really want to be killing enemies much faster than they're killing you fine a couple of shots maybe if I'd have got sneaked a critical and that wasn't and maybe the first shot was a sneak attack critical when you're level one everything's terrifying you notice you do still have the advantage of the brackets up at hidden enemies may not even show up on your compass pips anymore at least until you've got a recon scope but you do have the advantage that you've still got the brackets that will tell you whether you're kind of close to being detected or not that at the bare minimum is useful so here we are obviously you know where I am coming here this machine crack it open pull this and we're now heading up here to the bare minimum I want at least one gun that's actually bloody good just in case we run into a spot of difficulty oh yes that reminds me ah I have is literally zero drumming right now sleeping for a single hour gets rid of two adrenaline which is I believe why read the Festa saying anyway can do between two and ten so you need to kill your way back up to more adrenaline if you need to to crack this open let's get these get these get these is there a mall right nearby no there's not right aluminium can press aluminium snub-nosed forty-four precious empty bottle precious empty bottle laundered green dress even better bobby pin box pork and beans sorry my good man I think I need them more than you do right now and now I just need to go home on foot because fast travel does not exist in survival mode any more so I may have a map here but if I click on this all I can do is I cannot fast travel to this location can't fast off to any location but I can place a marker so I can still use the map and the map markers but I can't actually do anything else useful whatsoever so yes this is no don't fall in the water don't don't fall in the DAO I said don't you know I get the feeling the complete removal of you know saving would probably [ __ ] lesser men luckily I've been playing you only live once rules in various fuller games for years I'm ready for this I'm so bloody ready for this right one last thing we need to do today which is obviously very very important to potentially get our gums up as as possible so I've got very limited supplies right now but a pipe rifle that I got from that big duffel bag right over the bridge that's right by the statue that's convenient at least that I could put a hardened receiver on a rifle up to 16 that's probably not a bad place to start to be honest if only because it would be useful to have a decently powerful weapon it's actually got some good range in it this has got some decent range in it so hardened receiver on a pipe weapon let's start there at least and that ladies and gentlemen leaves really only one thing we haven't seen it well unless of course there's all sorts of things Bethesda have left in the game they just didn't tell us about which is wholly possible which is if we head over here to the chemistry station so here you'll see various things that we haven't really encountered yet there are various illnesses and other forms of weakness in this game so there's there's a thing to deal with your improves your resistance to insomnia and weakness improve resistance to infection parasites bloody hell so ash blossom glowing fungus mutated for okay so plants important to gather potentially improve resistance to fatigue and lethargy this is where things get interesting um you may recall I've said in one of my previous previous I think it was in no guns I mentioned are it's so easy to make stimpaks why don't people make stimpaks they've locked stimpaks behind chemists warm those utter utter bastards the most impact you can't make stimpacks any more even if you've got and septic a block oh and I think therefore the requirement up to two blood packs per stim pack I swear it used to only be one that's harsh okay so Bethesda aren't joking basically that's what I'm saying Bethesda are not bloody joking around ladies and gentlemen this is of course only the very very beginning this is going to be basically my main playful from now on fallout 4 no guns will move over to very hard difficulty and we'll continue that will actually have actually not there'll be a few parts of that over this next kind a couple of weeks then that will move on to being our Saturday series though you'll have to forgive in Fallout 4 no guns for the next couple of parts I've already recorded and I recorded them before survival mode actually came out so some of them actually have a bit of speculation about survivor mode in them so I wasn't expecting it to come out early this week I was expecting it a little it later this week so this is Grylls bears this is survival difficulty they've just made the game bloody insane and I could not be happier ladies and gentlemen more survival mode coming very very soon I intend for this series to be twice a week and will probably go on for a very very long time because if it goes well Grylls bears will also be the character that ultimately goes on to take on far Harbor as well but our ladies and gentlemen I am so happy this is exactly what I want out of a hardcore mode it is utterly utterly brutal and utterly utterly glorious and there is much more to come but in the meantime relation gentlemen I fujian spin many a true nerd and this has been fallout force survival mode thank you very much and goodbye good dodge good dodge man question is can you keep it up cough oh no you can't Oh noise OH didn't quite get that one though we are going to the gun store in style Oh where's my partner oh he's not here oh so long loser
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 1,874,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 4, fallout 4 survival mode, fallout 4 survival, fallout 4 survival difficulty, fallout 4 survival overhaul, fallout 4 survival mode part 1, fallout 4 survival update, fallout 4 survival mode update
Id: TPj8_iykZ6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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