Fallout 3: You Only Live Once - Part 1 - Vault 101

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This will make new Vegas look easy because of the randomness in 3

👍︎︎ 263 👤︎︎ u/Graysteve 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I love the series, very excited that you are doing this for FO3 also.

Honestly though, FO3 will be a lot less permissive, as FNV was built with a lot of backdoors to fit a very board range of play-styles. I fear that you won't be able to ''out-smart'' the game as much in FO3, and way too often, you will have no other options but to fight head-on.

With that said, I wish you goooooooood luck! So glad this is still going on :)

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/diverscale 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'm very exited for this series :) Hope you don't die 3 episodes in!

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/laser001 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Omg I love you

I mean the series. Yes. The series, I love the series


👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/Delliott90 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'm very excited to watch this series play out! Are you planning on fighting any of the behemoths?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/fa__mulan 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

"Seems like only yesterday your Daddy came..."

Not the sort of thing you should be telling a 10 year old girl, Old Lady Palmer. :P

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/JDGumby 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Have fun with the Reavers!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Imagine Mothership Zeta...

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Spengy 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

This might end up being a lot harder because of the improved mechanics in NV. That said, if you get the Chinese Stealth suit early on you stand a pretty good chance of success!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Phobos95 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'm John's many a true nerd and welcome to fallout 3 you only live once oh yeah oh this is back again this is back again and it's going to be terrifying now for those of you who are new you only live once is basically my attempt to do a full run from Fallout 3 including all DLC on a single health bar without ever healing without ever healing HP through any mechanism ever regenerating any health or ever regenerating any rad anything like that everything all damage I take stays permanent and persistent and I will enforce that in various ways if I have to I've already done it in Fallout New Vegas was able to do the entire game and all four doses initially I got the good more difficult ending - I got the good more complex into all four of those DLCs when I thought about it which took me a long time ah yes it was at least finally done and now we're going to try and do it again in Fallout 3 so let's crack on and I will explain the rules as we go and as the darkness becomes light I get born I just I still find society surreal ly introduction by the way I never knew this I didn't resist uh some points out to be fairly recently that some new control whether the baby cries or not pressing a makes the baby cry you can be completely silent um but if you press a you actually cry um I just completely miss that all the time okay so I'm character build which is going to kind of be a significant part of this episode because obviously build your character relatively slowly over the course of like the instruction but one I want next to how you do it in Fallout New Vegas where it's much quicker so I'm going to go for a female character as not just tradition because I you know flipping always do that um that's also because in this game the perks like a confirmed bachelor etc and didn't exist so if you want to take the perk way you do 10% bonus damage to agenda you have to take the opposite Jen to the gender you want to be doing bonus damage to our men outnumber women in this game it's about even in the in like the Raiders but um the Enclave is very heavily Mae so I'd rather take girls so I can take Black Widow in order to get a bonus damage versus the Enclave if I flippin manage to get that far in the game you're going to need a name aren't you your mother and I have been talking what do you think about and we have got a name to input and just so you know in my head I'm PD shoot successfully retired lived out a very long life she traveled with Veronica she actually introduced Boone to a female friend of hers and they got married and Boone was never grumpy again she went on a whiskey tasting tour with Cass and of course went on a lovely adventure across the country to finally get Edie home so the IDI got where she was Paul was trying to get in the first place and after all of that was done PD she passed peacefully in her sleep surrounded by her friends together with Rex with a lovely fresh new brain sitting at her feet as she passed and that would have been the end of PD shoot had of course she not been reborn reborn today reincarnation being a thing that exists cuz of radiation so she was reborn again and when she was asked her name she could only reply one thing oh not again unfortunately it was mildly misunderstood when the certificate was filed for her birth and it was simply filed as Oh n again meaning unfortunately as far as everyone else was concerned you only live once is all again beautiful now let's see what I like as a character here I'm gonna perfectly try and recreate a PD shoot I'm happy to kind of just have a look through some of my favorite presets I think I will go with a preset seven with blasts back and a little bit of extra red in the Oh burn hair I think that works yeah hi there works very nicely indeed what about you what kind of personal are you going to be a bit of a hypochondriac to be honest Catherine G mater she's mikaze like arrest no I thought she Catherine he's just supported that her baby was able to speak and identify her own name and dad that's mildly surprising so she's gone into cardiac arrest and will sadly at this point die one thing I always liked about that scene is obviously um obviously there's a bit disappointed bit of a plot to his later in the game that you weren't born in the vault you were born at project purity in taken to the volatile when you were very very young but of course you can actually tell that because if you look around the vault you can't find if you don't look up in the mole you can't find anything that looks like what you just saw you just can't find that so whereas you will find that exact room and project purity later so I know I've always quite liked it as a little I've always wanted mites as a little touch that you can kind of figure out very early that you weren't born in the Volkers there's no room in the vault that looks right for you to have been born into okay whereas you can also see doctor live course carrying you away when Catherine's dying whereas there's no dr. Lillian vault 101 so obviously you know what happened to her because if she was you know if no one ever enters or leaves the vault where would she be so anyway it's quite good also terrible baby Pam a pen that can be opened by any baby right and obviously we can jump around but more importantly we've got to have a look-see at that I've already x2 the playpen game there we are keep up Blasi keep up and look at your special book I will indeed now I very carefully planned out this build and it's gonna be a little bit of a controversial it's now actually that's unusual but the one thing people gonna mind is strength is one I'm gonna have to deal with very very limited carry capacity in this game and that's absolutely necessary because there are some perks that are just absolutely essential and to get them I need lots of other stats I wouldn't normally want to be so high like perception or agility to be pretty high so I need strength to be as low as possible to fund everything else a perception I need a five that's fine bearing in mind of course I'll be able to boost all of these slightly later either through intensive training or through bobbleheads so perception 5 is fine endurance needs to go up to 9 obviously your HP is a function of how much endurance you've got in this game and this is a calculation that's different in fallout 3 from how it was informative agus your base HP in this game is 90 I think was 95 in new Vegas and then it's endurance times 20 so obviously I need my endurance to be as high as possible it just in order to literally have as much HP as possible now charisma is normally my dump stat but that's knowing what dumps that in New Vegas because I can just get around by having it a1 and then using high intelligence to have many skill points to just make my speech skill goes up because charisma and falleth really works as a multiply where even with a hundred speech you can fell a lot of speech checks and fall out through with low Karishma only charisma to be a to moderate levels with a couple of speech checks I just need and there's a purple to that requires charisma so I have to have charisma at five this is poly reason why strength has to be so low because unlike normal I can't use charisma as my dump stat strength has been my dump stat intelligence obviously has to go up to nine as usual because um the way that you're gonna win this game is basically by getting a couple of weapon skills and other important skills up to a hundred as fast as possible while being as low level as possible so the enemies are still relatively weak and you're relatively strong for the level that you are at so I'm going to need intelligence and knowing upstairs to given agility needs to go up one to six that's entirely just to fund a couple of perks again there's a couple of perks I'm going to need guilty for it's not that useful just because it's one of those stats that works in fallout 3 like charisma worked in New Vegas where if you know I don't have high agility well I can compensate for almost all of that just by utilizing skill points the one thing I can't compensate for is a number of action points but I'm not going to be using vats that much because I'm going to have to be manually sniping in order just to pick off enemies from miles away so I don't think gonna make that much of a difference to that not that's not that high and then luck just sits at five again um ideally have acted a little bit higher but I just can't I can't justify it so that's my character build a lot less strength and I'd usually have but one thing I should point out um strength requirements for guns was only a thing in Fallout New Vegas it did not exist in Fallout 3 a strength one character can use a minigun without penalty in Fallout 3 so strength is a lot less essential than it is in New Vegas so there we go read my book lovely get my teddy bear out of a toy chest obviously hello mr. teddy oh yeah yeah yeah I know you wanna show me a Bible verse I'm not desperately fast liam neeson cause once you're up here he doesn't actually bother turning to face you he just kind of speaks as if you're kind of paying attention to where he is as opposed to where I actually am which is just kind of hovering around the edge of a table y'all got onto the table of some reason follow dad oh yeah now we know he bothers to acknowledge where I am all right let's head out no obviously and that means I've already set a few of my stats but I can't actually show you them yet because I don't have a pip-boy so I can't show you my initial stats but I will be able to show you them very soon happy birthday honey I can't believe you're already 10 I'm so proud of you it's a very strange thing to say in your birthday when you think about it well you know I'm proud of you for getting to the age of 10 it's not that difficult just had to not die actually I guess from my character that is kind of a big deal as overseer I hereby present to you your very own pip-boy 3000 I do love how when he's got in his hand it's already got little vaultboy symbol on it um so it's actually showing the correct screen there will be the default screen when you turn it on that's kind of cool so yeah it's got the same thing when it was holding in his hand that you've got now so I'm just going to quickly show you the stats of onigen before we go any further so let's go into the special you've already seen and the derivative skills that that leads to so Bartram 15 big guns at 23 because big guns are a function of endurance not of strength now that's really actually quite important because big guns aren't gonna be quite a big part of this run because a lot of the the best weapons live onto the big guns skill that's very important energy weapons was a function of perception that's not going to be important just yet but it might be in time medicine obviously is not useful for the fact I'll be able to do any healing because I cannot do any healing in this game whatsoever but does have a couple of Associated perks so I can't completely ignore it Meli weapons I can't see myself using to be honest I'll never want to be closer to them to be using that so that's fine repair and science bow for a decent level then yep everything else at a pretty decent level unarmed interesting Lee is obviously pretty good that's a function of endurance rather than strength so yeah I mean it's kind of interesting because when you look at like the derivative stats strength only informs warm as weapons don't have a strength requirement and as even if your melee weapons is really poor you'd still have really good unarmed to me strength just feels like a really kind of weeks that and fallout3 I'm glad they fixed it in Fallout New Vegas and I've got 280 HP at the moment we really surprised you didn't we yes March I guess I'll kind of tell you I did sure it's a great party welcome who's your favorite barbarian that's right grog Mac issue 14 and with no missing pages I found this in a box of my father's old things I do actually really quite like how in the vault 101 obviously because they're in a closed vault environment birthday presents just have to be recycled stuff that they found or didn't want or need anymore that's kind of that's all it can be so I don't know I answer really cute touch right old Eddie Palmer are you having a nice party 10 years old my-my-my seems like only yesterday that your daddy came goodness listen to me ramble you're waiting for your present aren't you obviously a little bit more of an obvious way to tell that you weren't born in the vault that honestly I wish that keeps a little bit more subtle to be honest I just like the fact that you can tell that the room isn't in the mall rather the medical lab that you can see in the vote to the next section is in the same room you're born in so if you weren't born the medical lab where would you have been bought yeah I just think maybe that's a little bit too obvious but never mind a anyway present please here you go a nice sweet roll that I baked for you just this morning and it's all for you you're the birthday girl no sharing required today I love and it Oh Andy he's wonderful and I love him 11 euros just like yeah that's broadly what I expected to happen damn robot and now the first potential bit of violence in the game give me that sweet roll you got from old lady Palmer now under normal circumstances of course you would probably fight book shore during things it doesn't really matter however the way the UN live wants works is even if the game somehow forces a heel on you which I think it might do a couple of times it normally does when you enter or leave a DLC for example even into those circumstances I have to keep counting the damage done to me is persistence I'll do that with a true health counter if I have to which means I will literally overlay onto the screen what my health is or of what my max health is according to the game and then just deduct the number of points of damage I've taken across the entirety of the game in order to come up with a true health counter now if that reaches zero then I have to unfortunately kill myself and that is the end of the run so in this case I'm going to surrender to butch immediately because if he punches me I have to live with those bruises for the rest of my life so you can have it I don't even like sweet rolls Yeah right thanks loser oh happy birthday now having done that can I immediately then kind of turn him in for stealing my sweet roll officer Gomez easy no no I can't all right I just surrendered my sweet roll and I have nothing I can do here you go happy birthday it's not much but I hope you like it a kids baseball cap oh yes and of course you can also have all the Pats every hat I should have all the hats now dad what about you a good time and with that my dad stands up and we move towards the next little bit of the area hey that was Jonas on the intercom he and I have been cooking up a little surprise present Jonas is waiting for you downstairs on the reactor level go ahead I don't think anyone will mind if you slip out for a few minutes if you can wait just one more a minute I think your dad will want to give you the surprise himself and here he comes are you ready for your surprise is it a gun your own BB gun it's a little old but it should work perfectly you know I always found the gun a little bit of an odd thing I mean um what your dad makes perfectly clear is even when he leaves the vault and he intends for you to stay here safely in the vault for the rest of your natural life um so why does he give you a gun what what's the point of the gun I mean if there's the odd radroach there seems to be plenty of Volk security though I guess some on the night when you escape that have done particularly good job of holding off the radroaches but it always struck me as a little bit odd that he would give you a go when he wants you to have a peaceful safe life down in the vault I mean who's he is he thinking that you need to learn to shoot because one day you might need to defend yourself against the overseer is that the implication I'm really not sure I mean if it is do you think he'd kind of you know mentioned in like the note that he leaves you when he leaves by the way keep up your combat skills because you never know when the Overson might become a bit of a problem so anyway radroach popping in in a second oh no sorry I've got to do the actual targets first that's fun it was totally aimed correct fine I think I should have hit that my gun skill probably not desperately high at the moment and the other one and then the radroach I just mentioned by the way that I'm playing this game on hard mode which is normally what I do play oh come on there we go which is yes pretty much how I always play this game I just find it's like the right balance between difficulty but the enemies not just being like unfed bullet sponges and this game is kind of plenty enemies especially soup games are kind of bullet sponge anyway so I've got no problem with playing on hard rather than very hard I think it's like a good difficulty that's still extremely challenging especially under this rule set anyway forward we go to my 64 not my birthday it's not my birthday it's exam day best possible day obviously a lot of people in the UK recently got your a-level results and I think when this video goes out it will be pretty close to yeah it'll be pretty close to GCSE result day as well so yeah good luck good luck chords those people who gained them or if you've already got them I hope they were what you were looking for in the UK and of course on the way past don't forget the first uh little bobble head of the game bobble head medicine I'll be getting some of the bobble heads not all of them some of them are in too dangerous locations for me to go to when I can't heal at all so yeah a little bit dangerous some of them but I will get quite a few anyway let's head on we can do the exam straighter well actually no we kind of the exams straight away first we've got something us a little bit to take care of which is a bit of bullying going on between a martyr and Butch stupid tunnel snakes amateur [ __ ] if you ask me why won't they leave me alone it's not my fault my father's the overseer I don't care about their stupid gang can you talk to them maybe butch will listen to you please so as I have an unusually high bit of speech and charisma I might well be able to actually talk butch after this myself let's see what we can do what you want another beating and Oh 50% speech chance um-hmm I can back out if I need to let CCS speech return and see if we can do this maybe you're right we can deal with her later there we are enough like yeah you can talk them out of it just by without a speech it can be speech the other two rather than butch but no let's speak to march together fangs and she goes and does the exam too now and for me myself well you made it all set for the goat trust me it really isn't that bad yeah but I'll be skipping it anyway thank you I don't have said a stupid test do I listen I like you dead I might even like you if I wasn't your teacher that's a slightly creepy thing to say if you're playing as a female character male teachers should be saying that to 16-year old students we have that conversation a little bit loudly given everyone else was so close by so yes of course thing to bear in mind fallout 3 and new Vegas different are the big gun skill still existed back in fallout 3 so things that I need I need to get my ggressive abilities up as fast as possible small guns is a given so is big guns um basically if I want to get my damage and my DPS to be at a decent level early in the game I need my big gun skills to be pretty decent so yeah I'm gonna have to have my setup like that the other one that's important is lot pick I would say it's pretty important to be able to have lockpick pretty high um I'm just trying to think what the earliest time actually yeah there's a couple of it's not so much Lenny look picked to be to be able to do easy locks right away it's more the case that I have to get to a hundred lockpick or rather are just like ninety ninety six or ninety four find used men yeah just basically I need to get my my lockpick to the state away with enough Mentats add a nice hat I can get past very hard locks as soon as possible because the moment you get past them very hard locks there's a couple of very good weapons that you can get fairly early on in the game that will help you out an awful lot so that anything else that I would potentially need more than more than any of these no I don't think so I think that's all absolutely fine yeah pretty aggressive it's a pretty aggressive build with big guns but I'd say that is very very important for the sort of game style that I'm planning come on people find you stand now just eight to the classroom and move straight on come on you've got to wake up and what's wrong a martyr you've got to get out of here your dad is gone and my father's men are looking for you they don't have to look very far I'm literally asleep in my room where else did they think I was going to be there's a secret tunnel that leads directly from my father's office to the exit you'll have to hack the computer in his office to open it use these to get into his office that's how I always get in I like a martyr oh one more thing I stole my father's pistol I hope you won't need it but you'd better take it just in case I'm gonna take the pistol um you can leave her with it and it saves you for having to kill one person later but I'd say it's better to have it's otherwise you have to take on a few guards without a projectile weapon which is a bit of a problem so yeah I am gonna take that okay now time to ransack the room quickly MedX 10 stimpacks medics is useful stimpacks not so so obviously i'm just so I'm clear on what I mean by no healing I cannot use stimpaks I cannot eat food I cannot do anything with a doctor I can't heal any of my limbs or anything of that nature all of that is banned I cannot take any particular regeneration I cannot use radaway my rads must be persistent just as my just as everything else is so isn't it this useful there that might be worth carrying out I'm not sure yeah I can't use a radaway I can use radix medics and all other forms of drugs however we agreed that if I got addicted I would not be able to cure that addiction I just have to live with that addiction the only drug I'm not allowed to use is buffout because otherwise I could use buffout to effectively give myself to like if I'm down to like one HP I think companies buff out whatever I want to fight to get up 61 HP I need if I take like 40 damage when the buff out wears off I'd just be back to one against you can't die free buff out wearing off so we decided when I was doing the New Vegas run that buff out was banned but all of the drugs are allowed now just to quickly get myself set up so at the style of the game not very much good stuff here a pistol with a damage of 6 BB gun with damage of 2 and a baseball bat with a damage of folks my melee weapons are so damn poor so are the perfect condition pistol that amartia gives you loved it it's a perfect condition the best weapon that you're gonna have for now um this game doesn't let you see DPS but I have a pretty good idea for what like the DPS of the various weapons are this one's not bad uh but it's not perfect either now if I can just yeah yeah I'm sure but you're gonna die actually and the radroach is going to finish you off yeah hang on let's see if I can can I get the kill on him just for the experience of scandal upon noir percent chance it is torso that's interesting let's go for a right leg and oh I think you've got killed by the radroaches anyway that's fine do I get the experience for that I'm not sure and oh a rad rope [ __ ] the rammer just wandered off in that direction that's going to be unfortunate direction the butch is in at the minute so I hope they don't wander too far in that direction otherwise he's going to run into them radroaches radroaches there we are you and you so here's one of the reasons why this game is much more difficult than Fallout New Vegas I'm psyched aiming isn't a thing in this game you've just got to deal with this view which is fine cuz you can still use the trick of using vats to line up your shot there's take the shot manually which often gives you a better result than you would have had had you just used vats so yeah that's a pretty that's kind of a pretty good trick for how you can do a lot of aiming in this game but it's still not perfect now to remind myself is there any good loot anywhere in the bathrooms comer if there's a medical kit in these bathrooms or if that's not a thing I don't think it's a thing you gotta help me my mom's trapped in there with the radroaches and okay let's see if we can help her but first I'm going to talk to you for a bit yes if only you know I or any men butch look I'm sorry for the way I've always treated you you know I never meant any of it right you did no fine just make it clear in the previous part that he has beaten me up in the past so yes it was it was a beating he didn't mean he didn't really it was a friendly punching all right I'll help I could obviously if you go down the are you afraid of a few radroaches I think you can choose to give him your BB gun and he'll go and do it by himself but I'd rather go and do it myself why not hello yeah we'll go and do it I guess they all didn't pause I'm running a little bit low on ammo actually actually don't even need because they'll be attacking her I don't really need to use my pistol yeah I've got my BB gun I've got good experience using my gg getting its radroaches now the earliest things will go down pretty quickly it's fine I didn't ever turn on you there there 100 percent interested in her actually how much help does she have don't think that mark as you anxious she's quite good quite a bit of help actually Oh oh yeah she's dying faster than I thought okay hang on hang on hang on I've got a better idea the baseball bad deals are these employees Lee because baseball because melee weapons get bonuses in vats so you can see that takes the this does quite a lot to her so baseball bat and can I hit that hit that one as it's closed up baseball bat so dead baseball bat and wait what we just hit and one more day old dad yeah they're all fine I've been taking a hit there yeah I'd forgotten that I was quite low when you're in the vault it would it be a little bit careful but I want you to have my tunnel snakes jacket go ahead take it oh why not excellent now the more important thing to take is as loads of vodka in her room so it's worth taking all of the vodka that's your kind of odd how much vodka there is in this room given its kind of made clear she's suffering from alcoholism they can't be producing their own vodka so where's she getting all this vodka from you'd think it would have might run out long ago because there's a finite supply well actually I guess some we know that as the vault is actually sporadically open maybe mores brought in me think if they were going through the super clandestine opening of the vault they just would you know not bother who'd think that kind of maybe do something they bring an important thing like purified water or bits to fix the generator but apparently note they're fine to just bring in vodka vodkas the important thing now what have we got here oh yeah we've got you guys um okay it is safe to kill them as long as doing it in bats dad and I don't know if I didn't if it's just me I always felt like in fallout 3 there was a little bit more um the VATS system felt a bit more visceral especially the attacks with melee weapons I always felt like it just felt a little bit more vicious than it did in in Fallout New Vegas to me especially with melee weapons it just felt like it wasn't hitting quite as hard or as well so I've just checked my HP currently sitting at 280 and still doing just fine so that is lovely have not taken a hit yet you can take hits and vats in Fallout 3 going into vats is actually good defensive mechanism and the reason why that's the case is because in Fallout 3 while in vats you've got it wasn't a hundred percent resistance to damage but you gain like swimming ridiculous it's like 75% of all damage is just canceled immediately by virtue of going going into that that was toned down a lot in New Vegas and it was only like a 30 percent damage resistance increase in over in Fallout New Vegas but yet it's quite it's quite a lot in it's quite a lot in Fallout 3 so it's a good defensive mechanism if you're kind of in trouble just going into vats if you're under fire and returning fire in fact swimming you take a lot less damage when you're done at the firefight actually that's a good point that first guy I killed I should probably go and quickly loot his thought out I need to remember armor in this game is actually less important than it was in Fallout New Vegas and Fallout New Vegas you got because the damage thresholds system was a thing as a result of that for the most part you ended up in a situation fairly early on where you could effectively tank and reduce damage by 85% very early on in the game because as long as your damage threshold was higher than the damage that was incoming then basically that meant that you've engaged damage but New Vegas didn't gate damage it said that you can negate up to 85% of total damage now fallout 3 says the same thing you can negate 85% of damage but it uses the damage resistance system which is a lot less generous which is if you have 40 damage threshold you can effectively tank anything that does anything up to 40 damage so at that point you're only taking 15% damage from any shot up to 40 which is quite a powerful blow to be shot with whereas in Fallout 3 if you've got 40 damage resistance you're only reducing every shot by 40% so by 40 rather than 85% so that's a pretty major downgrade so yeah bit of a problem bit of a small problem there which means you're a lot more vulnerable so armors not good especially in the early game so let's say for the sake of argument that all my enemies are going to have a 10 millimeter pistols which is going to be damaged 6 at the moment I've got my vote suit on which effective gives me one percent damage resistance and my damage resistance total is one if I put on the armor and the helmet then that gets my damage resistance up to 12 or 12 percent reduction so that gets the damage 6 that the enemies might be firing at me down to about 5.5 which the game will round up to 6 so in other words it makes literally no difference um you know if I was shot we say something that was doing 100 damn it would make a very healthy difference but hasn't been going up against such kind of low low damage weaponry at this point there's almost no point wearing armor and that's something that actually worth taking into account because sometimes it can be worse it can be worth wearing worse armor and fallout 3 because it gives you bonuses of some description so for example if you were using melee weapons if you're a melee weapon user it will probably be worth just going after your baseball bat and wearing the tunnels makes outfit that's probably going to be the most powerful build that you've got at this point in the game which is why tunnel size is quite good even though damn tree sense is so much lower because down resistance in this game doesn't actually matter that much anyway with the armor on so mayor's will have it on going to quickly loot in here so as we get data we reach the first bit of fire that you're on during the game which is these two lovely people here decide they're going to make a run for the exit and our shot for that trouble what does this girl do by the way she also run him get immediately shot yep that's a fact that was being shot there so these are the first people in the game who have got guns I don't want to bother fighting them because they are being at that tough and they've got guns I'm just gonna skirt around them but first I'm just gonna loop this little side room to there's some good stuff in here I'm perfectly hidden at the minute I'm not exactly got spectacular logically got spectacular stealth but good enough that if they don't see me they won't detect me I should of course point out um people who I haven't noticed yet uh yeah weight 160 is what I can carry I can only carry a hundred and sixty pounds of stuff which is not very much at all that is a bit of a problem know what I'm going to do now because of those two guys in there I'm gonna sneak round to the bottom of the hall here and we'll try and just loop round slowly and I'm pretty sure they shouldn't see me if I just gently go around here yep we're fine these guys are dangerous just like you saw them didn't shoot the first a second ago they've actually got guns I think there may be only two guards in the whole place that have guns they might well be anyway we should now be well safe ones we can just nip from the corner and I'm going to change to be me jump to take out the radroaches the radroach is a rather mysterious which is sometimes they're just not I'll talk to you um it's yeah kind of way these ones are already hostile which is well sad but yeah you are you see I'm detected but he's not that fast with me there we are he's dead and detected but not attacking me they're very and now he'll attack me sure but oh okay yeah don't get too close minds though you know every every hit counts obviously that so that's what this rule said is all about alright I think this one sir the rough I thought that was one to the ride but maybe there's not on round a then no okay I thought that would have been one there close the store she has to make sure I'm safe from those two bastards down there oh oh hello oh you've spotted me hang on hang on hang on keep your distance keep your distance keep your distance please yeah yep yep yep yep he's just taken a random swing yeah we go you fastest okay that was a little bit too close for flippin volt 101 I love his stuff off him though obviously now let's see what I've got going on here ah detector does that buy you yes I'll be by you uh hello radroaches radroaches neaten what she come and fight me when they're still flipping radroaches you'd think he'd go for them first okay now where's the rest of them given apparently he couldn't be bothered to do with the radroaches he was just like happy to leave them here in fact think they have killed someone canonic little lor you know what rare are the rats roaches I don't like it when I can't see them watch me oh did he kill one of them he killed one of them perhaps ah where the heck are the rest of them I've seen this happen before in this show there is there's well there's one at least oh I am hang on there we go lovely yeah doesn't like on this occasion he has killed a few of them which I've seen before um the security chief can can wander you can wander around a little bit anyway he's hello-o so that's just that's just you is it I don't like this guy he's a joke I'm just gonna get rides screw you screw you and screw you now a couple of important things to grab here we've got Floyd Lewis's body here which is always nice utility jumpsuit very useful I think I already got one of those from my room but it's still worth grabbing because it's a yeah valuable little thing um the looting changes a lot between fallout 3 and new Vegas so in new Vegas you'll very often be prioritizing just trying to get some you're just trying to get a hold of as many guns as possible so 10 millimeter pistol and Fallout New Vegas is really valuable but all guns in decent condition are really really valuable not really not really so much of a thing in fallout 3 and Fallout 3 guns tend to be quite low value for whatever reason and instead what you kind of ended up with was a situation where items like Wonder glue one much worth what collecting because they weigh one but have a value of 10 and generally what you should be doing you should be looking at value ratios in terms of weight to value that's kind of what I'm pretty much always gonna be looking at and it sounds like a martyr is in trouble if we'd let her keep this gun then she'd actually be able to take care of this by herself but um as we haven't she can't so we've got to kind of do it for her so just got to open the door and that's that's the overseer don't murder him don't murder him ah now you have officer Mac oh oh oh that's a beautiful execution that's just lovely oh is he said is his head somewhere over that this is somewhere over there I think we might have actually exploded it we've exploded his head that is not bad for a for a newbie to this whole you know escaping the vault thing I will gladly have his stuff too now oh yes yes I'll get to you in a second I just want to loot first what's really interesting actually think about this error is and there's lots of pre-war money dotted around it like in some of the the desks you're kind kind of pre-war money in this and kind of in other deaths further along I've always thought about anything that like the oversee seems to be hoarding the pre-war money and I'm not that's supposed to plug in the Volt during peacetime do they actually use pre-war money as currencies if so I think that's actually kind of interesting anyway we'll just help ourselves to some more stuff out of this though admittedly aside from the police baton which has a good weight to value ratio the arm is really not favorable it's like only we know one way to to value so like you should really not take much that if you can take anything else take anything else ahead of taking our armor the helmets are way better it's also interesting that in a second what he'll actually say to me is that he'll say I ought to surrender but even if I step inside this cell and kind of hide right over here in the corner even though that one of the terminal options is you can lock the cell he doesn't go and do it you just kind of stands there waving me over but all right fine I'm cool with that let's go see what you have to say I hope you're here to turn yourself in young lady you're already in enough trouble as it is I just ran into this office and literally blew someone's head off these are not the actions of a person in a surrendering mood anyway let's just take care of a martyr safety but I admire your protective instincts very well I give you my word that a model will not suffer further because of your eyes interesting me I don't actually know what happens if you do actually say to him or I will do it your way I surrender and given the weapons I would assume he just shoots you with the gun that you hand over to him we don't actually know and today is not the day to find out my father's no traitor and you're a murderer and a thug boo overseer you won't survive the night guards help me no he just yells out four guards that aren't really there there's only this God this God does this God here he didn't do very well there we are we'll just leave your one security guard nicely tucked inside you beautiful now just got stoned a little bit more looting before we go any further this is the few little bits and pieces Jonas's corpse has the lab uniform on it which is quite good this thing's a bit more money India and the desks now before we go any further we want to ransack the rooms of the overseer marta form bobby pins bobby pins are awesome i think he's got a bit more ammo in his area - which is always very useful and his desk yes there we are twelve rounds of ammo not going to take the key it's a very easy lock i measurers crack it open for the experience and hello Marta I'll try to meet you at the vault door if I don't make it good luck thanks a martyr now let's just crack in here nice and quick yes I know how flipping locks work game it's strange how obviously you know I feel like maybe that one ought to turn itself off after you're done for the first time this cabinet very very important indeed a hundred and twenty rounds plus meant at the password insist impact very good and obviously you can I'm using the scouting report you can gather kind of more information that makes it kind of very clear that what was actually going on the whole time was that the overseer was sending people in and out of the vault but I don't need to worry about that really I instead I'd said I would just crack open the overseas tunnel which I'll admit is very cool it's one of the tomorrow mine one of the coolest little things in in any volt in any of the modern Fallout games quite frankly the better there's this little secret tunnel under the overseers thing and we will just shut ourselves in because I think those two guys with the guns if you don't kill they they do roam on occasion I've seen them kind of go for their I'm not sure if they're like summoned by the overseas cries I'm really not sure how it worked hello boom and with the final radroach dead yep definitely dead I think we are fit to move on into the final little area I've always kind of wondered what this what this kind of secret tunnels for but I guess if you were conducting secret experiments to get people in and out of the vault then the way that you would do it would be unique kind of a secret way to sneak people into the overseers office so like when people were going on expedition that reports to the overseers office go through the secret tunnel then leave but I don't know to me it feels like the door opening mechanism is so big and loud they would probably create a rumble you'd hear throughout the vault but I don't that's just my take on anyway now what's going to happen here is right now I cannot get through this door requires a key I'm going to open the door a marshal is going to come in and chat to me and then immediately afterwards that doors gonna open in two guys are gonna run through I need to make sure basically that when that happens I am ready to leave the vault because they won't leave the vault and they don't have guns these are the unarmed ones so I'm going to Adam in the door panel and I'm going to go down here and actually be right down here ready to start running the moment a martyr's finished speaking to me and just trying to avoid getting my head taken off by this to a martyr runs up yeah lovely she's willing to walk back love it I love the big chunky open Walker Bowl it's great now just need to go a little bit back this way and actually do it I could just skip speaking to a monitor yep yep you did it you opened the door my god I almost didn't believe it was possible and I couldn't have done it without your help well I could have done it without your gun but let's be polite no you didn't need me if anyone can survive out there it's you and why don't you come with me March we'll go on adventures together it's tempting but my place is here the vault needs me more than you do I'm the only one was a chance to talk some sense into my father listen if you do catch up with your dad tell him I'm sorry for free you know Jonas and my father and everything goodbye and now I run out those two guys are gonna run down but I'm pretty sure they won't leave the vault officer Richards officer O'Brien wait that's more officers I was expecting do any of them know the day just gonna refuse to leave the wait what I think he's got a gun I'm gonna get I'm getting the hell out of here I'd forgotten that there were people with guns I never seen that for I've only ever seen two guys I'm just going to leave you know let's just leave the vault before anyone starts firing a gun at me and out we come into the wasteland I love it you've got to love it when the first time that happens the blinding flash of light oh it's beautiful here we are care for the wasteland 200 xp for completing that and we get our first level up to now my priorities for the minute my approach of the minute are pretty much 100% offensive so I basically want to get small guns up to 50 as early as possible that's kind of important ooh but um 50 yeah why not let's get up to 50 and then put another point in to actually let's get up to 48 48 and then science up to actually sizes need to be because I've got them I've got the UH the lab uniform let's just get small guns up as just as high as possible so all guns up as high as possible we want that to be going up pretty darn quickly 50 but I don't like round numbers I really like round numbers let's get seven sevent number yes continue on our first purple game four I threw his interests of course so many of its perks will basically just get 5 points to sneak and to lockpick or get 5 points to to science into medicine personally I find like perks that just give you you know bonuses to points were very very boring and I'm kind of glad that they weren't really thing in new Vegas and it sounds like they're not going to be such a thing in fallout 4 so that's very exciting anyway up like Widow that was always what I intended to do Plus temps of damage versus male opponent I mean that's just very very valuable so I'm going to take that and we are in good shape now another thing that's very important to note um in fallout 3 vs fallout new vegas my HP has gone up from 280 to 290 so this was the difference you fallout new vegas and follow the old all the dlc Zetian while the DLCs bothering to are loading oh yeah in fallout new vegas you gained 5 HP per level in fallout 3 that's 10 HP per level the reason for that is the level cap is lower 20 in the base game 30 with DLC versus 30 in the base game for new vegas and new vegas 50 with all the DLC you also leveled up more slowly in Fallout 3 because there were less quests you got less big dumps of experience so yeah I just feel like that was that was kind of what was the cause of that that means um I'll be leveling up more slowly when I do level up um I will gain more out of it so yes there we are is that all of heads is that all I think that's all of the DLC that's now just loading in are we all done yes laughing and we have so many problems we have so many problems to face in in Fallout 3 versus Fallout New Vegas it's kind of mad how much tougher fallout 3 is going to be and I will probably go into that next week I'll start going into why when Ron Perlman says the wasteland was a cruel inhospitable place he is not bloody joking this this game is next New Vegas this is very very hard New Vegas I was able to complete under this rule set this I do not think it's as possible I think it is genuinely impossible the way that damage is calculated everything about this game is just too damn tough to make it happen and OOP there's long plays I got no job with you don't any trouble with use just step pop that away there but yes I think we will pick this up next week ladies and gentlemen but it has begun here we are with all again and we are going to be taking on all of Fallout 3 on a single health path and oh my goodness it's going to be impossible next week I'm gonna start killing myself out and hopefully getting myself into a situation where I might at least stand half a chance but the meantime ladies gentlemen I could John it's been many a true nerd and welcome to fallout 3 you only live once thank you very much and goodbye
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 713,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 3 (Video Game), Fallout (Video Game Series), fallout 3 permadeath, fallout 3 you only live once, fallout 3 gameplay, fallout 3 part 1, fallout 3 walkthrough, fallout 3 playthrough, let's play fallout 3, fallout gameplay, fallout 3
Id: nh1FMznHfHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2015
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