Fallout 1x2 Reaction: The Target

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what is up homies welcome back another reaction from Heroes reforge we're reacting to the second episode of Fallout season 1 so far so good as non Gamers not people who do not play the game so far it's good it's good don't come for us cuz we miss your favorite Easter egg we don't know it uh truth truth truth if you want to see the uncut reactions for every episode of this season check them out on our patreon we also have reactions for every show that we're currently watching which includes Invincible season 2 we just finished which also has wal goggin in it we're in the middle of X-Men 9 7 uh and plenty of other things on the way so be on the lookout for all the stuff that we're watching uh also check out the ckins podcast live every week on the ckins channel um it's a good time it is a good time it is a good time you guys ready to jump into the second episode uh first of all I want to check all y'all's thumb sizes uh for when um the nuclear attack on La happens I need to make sure okay so I think Hector has the biggest thumb so Hector we're going to go by your thumb what okay maybe the long mine willon focus on my thumb yeah maybe I don't know anyways okay um Hector you'll be the measuring guy there you go you got it okay here we go in three 2 1 go o what womb is this is this a dog is that a doggy oh okay a it's a little poopies oh no oh come on what the [ __ ] man oh come on man he no he just he lied and he okay he's trying to save the origin yeah this little dog hey he's a big strong boy now ah it is in the oh not better not better not better not better not better uh oh he injected whatever that thing was inside of him oh that's why he fleed fled he put some fle medication in his his neck that dog go about CH yeah yeah that's what upop slice yeah get him dude German Shepherds are so smart dude oh oh dear Lord that's not good you're not getting away from that thing oh my God what how are you dodging those bullets how is that possible holy [ __ ] that's Prime real estate right there girl yeah right start putting the house put that [ __ ] on Airbnb immediately of Santa Monica oh oh damn never mind oh that's don't listen that that's a family that's a whole family uhoh is it the dog though is it the girl or is it another dog I don't dog squirl oh no what the okay hell was that thing I a giant wasp or something oh the Arnold foreg cockroaches oh jeez oh no oh God oh God I don't like this guy oh oh Lord Titus is that his name no oh Lord I would hate oh okay that's not that bad uh that's not so bad yeah that's not too bad I I was expecting to go down much quicker yeah I love dogs and movies and TV shows cuz they don't know they're in a TV show right no is that the old LA Zoo no I don't know could be oh God oh God put that back go put that back immediately know I wonder if they put like a fake hand they put some dog juice on it some like dog treat juice for so funny they're here a man and a dog to a Target uhoh [ __ ] they left yeah well the G is the ghoul is also can trying to find him right no I think it's that bear yeah there's right yeah yeah yeah yeah but Adam saying that like this Michael Emerson character the scientist is a Target and the ghou is maybe following up on a hit or something somebody put out a hit on this guy you earn the suit through acts of Bravery this is an act of Bravery my Lord uh oh [ __ ] yeah oh hell yeah mother oh my godu oh there goes your gun holy [ __ ] oh wow Jesus they really pumped up that bear audio Jesus good Lord they turned that up to a [ __ ] 100 you dumbass that could have that swipe right there could have killed him uh oh that bear is in rough ass shape jeez I'm asking you for a St package you know if I just let him sit there and die I can just take the suit over you stupid [ __ ] you know this is all your fault oh well nice seeing you they'll kill you for this not if I bring back the target oh damn what damn you that'd be that this guy would be hi hello I'd be lucky to be this guy in the post-apocalyptic setting in your chonies just hoping to get some water you got water oh uh would you like a sip he ain't going to take a sip girl Lucy we got a lot of we got a lot of things to talk about yeah been myself you've never been over that Hill no it's too dangerous is Philly just North Hollywood I think so probably yeah like where in relation to La is she right now you good person for not shoot me with that gun H it was really no problem bye my God this girl okay yeah that was so interesting that's it scene and scene w who damn nice how much of a pain in the ass is it going to be to edit out all of these damn songs yep sorry dude yeah wow just just completely mute it [ __ ] yeah okay okay so it gives you basically superpowers I said on hand him finally has power this guy eximus have a really bad day sir toodles all right shut the [ __ ] up and get out of here you should be commanded what's going on here I have a feeling we're about to learn that this dude was like justified in what was happening yeah right don't murder me it's just the guy was [ __ ] my chicken oh no oh I knew it I knew it scientific curiosity I was like is this guy like a goat [ __ ] or something what is this guy's deal well now you got to kill him can those can it Fly too I mean come son of a [ __ ] that looks terrifying yeah I don't know if I want to go to Philly Adam do you know where they filmed this show Vancouver Atlanta according to Google this was filmed in New Jersey New York and Utah oh uh I'm okay thank you oh no thanks her naivity kind of works in this like everything's kind of crazy and she's just like Happ lucky well well [Music] well I need to know more about this ghoul guy that'll be a good episode when they do the origin which I'm sure they will yeah it would be safe to assume that you do business with criminals dummy Oh Lord You're an actual Vault dweller I am by the name of I know this actress too she's uh she's been in a million things I can tell by looking at you clean hair nice teeth must be nice oh my I know that it can't have been easy for you up here what with all the murder and and the dirt the murder and the dirt we Vault dwellers recognize uh and a grateful for the privileged position we were born into and you know what Folks up here oh boy [ __ ] the vaults yeah you got to change your outfit dude cuz no one's going to help you STI out like a sore ass thumb oh damn he lives still kicking yeah he got got out of there when when the dog when she picked up on the bear yeah they got out of there yeah they until the ghoul sees them though you've been brought up in a meritocracy where people Pride themselves on doing the right thing I think I know enough to know you need to go home we immediately turn around and just go home got to go I told you to get the [ __ ] out of here yeah go Jesus uhoh back it up back it up back it up oh god oh boy this scaryy guy but I've been paid a whole lot of caps to provide this man safe transport Out of Philly holy [ __ ] but you don't get [ __ ] if I kill him first well Dale Dicky is going to die sorry Dale God damn what is that gun Lord what is that thing is that like a grenade launcher ooh wo oh kind of we're about to see what it is God oh [ __ ] Jesus that thing is insane wow that thing is [Music] crazy oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay oh boy okay boom Jesus oh God thing is INS local [Applause] barber Jesus oh Michael Emerson had a good run I guess don't hurt the dog don't you dare don't you dare oh no ghoul got to die I was kind of rooting for the ghoul I was like well let's see what his deal is [ __ ] the ghoul no oh they had to slip one of those little bobbleheads in there yeah Bethesda was like uh we need to sell more merch can you put a bobblehead I acknowledge that I'm unfamiliar with your circumstances but at first glance your treatment of this man appears unfair and I'm obliged to no you willingly stand down now I love it [Laughter] [ __ ] mhm well now that is a very small drop and a very very large bucket of drug he's all drugged up lady she said stand down okay okay oh oh damn okay okay hi okay fall in love later did he just drop the gun homeboy yeah he's not train amateur uh oh there you go that's good that that was good okay keep it going keep it going keep it going somebody is going to need a tourniquet wiig's leg yeah this guy is going to need oh yeah don't let him walk on that that's o go go that's oh oh oh nope NOP no NOP NOP nope nope nope nope nope nope you have anyone else you can trust in this town how is he not just from the shock of that oh Lord I need you to take this man here to my client oh so that's like a oh ah thank you uh but I'm really only here to find my thank you thank you thank you she's very polite oh what does m want with you I mean she Stills dance oh my God this could may maybe work the worst day ever you really mean that she just wants them out of here yeah yeah you got to go good Lord he's so slow with that damn thing oh no oh my God homeboy is not trained with this thing well tell me that this is the thing that prevents this dude from being able to move forward this other homeboy without the nose is really experienced you think it'd be uneven because of how powerful that suit is number one oh no read the manual yeah this guy doesn't know [ __ ] about this armor set he's read the manual but what do we say ghoul got to go cuz this dude killed the dog so you kill the dog he's got to [Applause] go that's embarrassing that's God oh Lord [Music] it's like slathered in blood yeah yeah embarrassing bro just take that suit off here you go okay dog still alive a don't show me that is it Ma Jun was a really smart character oh so now they're gonna show us that he's gonna heal the dog interesting interesting well because you know why the dog is going to want to go back to wherever Michael Emerson's character is this little H do just picked up a [Laughter] [Music] scent interesting yeah I guess in this sort of sci-fi world you could do this cuz those stim packs just heal you up look okay maybe maybe ghoul don't got to go maybe ghoul sck around for a little longer ready to go read some books Let's Go huh okay is that a Russian satellite what is that yeah it looks like a Russian sat was LAX oh yeah wow wow see so now we know where they are they're like South La area Hawthorne LAX it's always funny how like just because it's LAX and it's kind of a landmark like it survived I'm like how was that stronger structurally than any of the other buildings around or freeways or anything this will have to do four we have to do what what are you going to do yeah what are you going to make it do I think that's as far as he can go says here we have about 20 miles left to go how's your new oh golly ho oh golly I like that she has a tough time swearing yeah I don't know who you are or how you know the things that you do but you are going to get across that Wasteland yeah they never even cauterized that wound it's just bleeding I assumed that that little device did some you see I've just taken a form of powderization oh no it was the most Humane product that VTech ever me it was quick painless tasted like banana I was surprised it wasn't more popular what banana flavored to Candy's the worst make him puke right now make him barf stick your finger down his throat how am I going to got that thing implanted in not not my whole body oh my God Head bring my his head ah the thing in his neck yep yeah come again oh my Lanta but if you're going to survive a you need to start acting like a surface dweller shows give me anxiety what's going on here how do you know my name does I know your mom sir or your dad to F oh jeez oh God girl cut his head off and [Music] move she never well no she seemed dead bod she was like killing people down there or like yeah she almost stabbed a dude in her room yep the difference being that was self-defense yeah so I imagine that triggers defin definitely different types of emotions when you're being asked to voluntarily cut someone's head off ry's Donuts yeah she's in South La right now you know if you just cut the head a little bit you can get that thing out of his neck and then you're good to go oh that thing does not look like it's going to do a good job Hokie dokie okie dokie oh God oh God this show Jesus I don't feel like I should be laughing but I'm laughing Lord that's the only way you can deal with this sort of trauma that crazy man previously her naive na naive navity whatever however you say it it's really working for me cuz it's it's like Show's topic is already pretty heavy so to see her kind of like brigh eyed and chipper going through this Wasteland is really it's a nice contrast well I think it I think it makes the show so digestible for literally anybody when you have a main character character that you can kind of laugh at and with yeah who is so kind of like light-hearted and clearly does not want to have to kill or hurt or harm anyone unless there's like self-defense involved and has a very quirky na like you're saying very naive sort of she doesn't know any better she literally just lived her entire life underground and has no clue what the real world is like and probably doesn't even know what's really gone on in the 200 years since LA or the United States was nuked so I think I'm really looking forward to seeing where this character ends up by the end of this season mhm there's definitely going to be a huge growth for for this character and what she discovers about herself probably her mom and her dad how she's connected to everything and yeah there's there's a lot I I was really surprised that Michael Emerson's character was only I mean he will probably show up in future episodes maybe in flashbacks or when he's like you have to take my head I honestly would this show I'm like are they going to do a Futurama head in a jar thing like he's still going to be alive somehow because of this SciFi world singing too anything's possible dude totally totally yeah you may be right is it too early to tell I mean I think when The Season's done we can have the conversation of like what do we like more The Last of Us or Fallout I don't I don't know yet I think I might like the last of us more but they're both really well done I was just I'm really impressed with this show yeah I think right now for me The Last of Us I think the the impact of that first episode was hit me a lot harder than Fallout did and it could also be because of just the genres that it's sort of mixing together are a little bit well this is like sci-fi retro sci-fi with a little bit of like with action whereas that it leans more horror which is a little bit more my speed I love the Sci-Fi elements but you know yeah I think last of us the the impact of the story hit me a little bit more but I'm very int and I think I also knew the last of us a little bit more than I knew Fallout so with this I'm like cool this is a really Uncharted Territory for me in terms of like well outside of almost anything that we've watched like most of things that we've seen I've known a little bit of something here and there with this I really don't know anything other than the iconography of Fallout so I think that's kind of refreshing it it leaves like this unexpectedness which I think is kind of an exciting place to be in when we're watching something new yeah yeah I think that's I think that's where I am too it's I don't know I think um I think my bar is really high right now because of invincible and X-Men and jumping into a whole different franchise with different different expectations from a different IP from all this stuff um I feel like I am coming into it with expectations that are a little different than what I expected from the show but it's doing a good job of engulfing me in the world like really really making me feel like I'm part of this Fallout universe and falling in love with something else because I I feel like I'm so in the superhero genre right now that this is kind of catching me off guard but in a good way in a really good way yeah I agree it's great it's so good uh it's like it's the blessing in the Cur of this thing all coming out at once is like we can just kind of roll through the whole thing we don't have to wait for8 weeks at the same time I'm like man it's going to be cool when we finish this whole thing but at the same time like great now we got to wait for another year and a half before the next season or whatever which is always the case for us but you know that is that is what it is um but of course let us know your thoughts what do you think is going to happen in the next few episodes check out our uncut reactions on patreon watch everything else that we're watching as well there's so much stuff on there and we'll see you guys bye bye [Music] la
Channel: Heroes Reforged
Views: 13,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroes reforged, fallout, fallout series, amazon prime, prime video, fallout reaction, fallout 1x2 reaction, fallout season 1 episode 2, fallout reactions, fallout 1x2 the target, fallout 1x2 the target reaction, ella purnell, walton goggins, kyle maclachlan, the ghoul, lucy maclean
Id: Xbz_CIuR9V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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