Fallen Away Catholics and Protestant Objections

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the following program was made possible by the generosity of those who have determined to hold fast to the true Roman Catholic religion as expounded by the Roman Catholic Church before the disasters of vatican ii and the so called new mass [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to what Catholics believe I'm your host Thomas negli and with me tonight is founder William Jenkins from the Society of st. Pius the Fed pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Norwood Ohio hello little tone tonight we will return to our myriad of questions from the email INBOX and let's begin questions father with a question concerning fallen away Catholics so have a viewer who says I have some friends who have been away from the church and sacraments for many years friends and family you wonder how would one go about making a good confession after so long a time and have no way of knowing all their sentence much less how many times they have been committed would father talk of the details of how to make a good confession after being away from the church for so many years something that we can give to our friends and family who would like to amend their lives and make a good confession something to make it easier for them when many of them have no idea of how to begin or go about making a confession after having been been away for so long thank you and God bless well unfortunately many people are in that condition right now that spiritual condition they got away a long time you know so you have converts who come into the church who are baptized 10 30 years ago where and of course your conditionally baptized them but they also have to go to confession afterwards if their first baptism was valid but then they have had 10 20 30 years of life since their baptism and so they need to confess that but then you have cradle Catholics who get away from confession for that long to because of that of a service so you have both times of penitence will need to come they need to be petted and come to the sacrament of penance or sin make a good confession receive absolution so you know there's a precept of the church that requires us to go to confession there are at least once a year a minimal precept but nonetheless there and if one does not do that and does not receive our Lord in Holy Communion mortally during the Eastern time from Ash Wednesday to turn it me someday they are not considered practicing Catholics they're considered fallen away Catholics when one has been through this for 5 10 20 years you're not too difficult for them to come back as you say because sometimes they don't really know where it started and so they wound up making kind of a general confession or having to make a general confession but again they don't really know how to go about it so I can tell you this much that the traditional priests especially those who have been traditional priests for in the three or four years or more are no stranger to the situation they have people come to confession and asked basically father can you help me a better way from confession for the longest time it seems to be my last good confession was 20 years ago or whatever and can you help me ask and the priest says well of course go stick yet and I hear far go out to help you and you know it's always nice to lend a a word in encouragement to say oh I'm very thankful to God for giving you the grace to come and I'm very grateful actually to you for cooperating with the grace because that's all God needs is that cooperation and I God is a God : that's one thing important to remember about repentance your repentance is not a matter of you or me conjuring up at our own heart a desire for forgiveness repentance is actually a grace that comes from God he calls us our Lord initiates that act he calls us to him so when a person an experience is done thought of going to confession repenting of his sentence receiving absolution even after many years that that's a grace from God that's the voice of our Lord calling and saying come to me I want to forgive you and it should not resist that voice the next thought core scepter after hearing that voices I should go and I should confess my sins and be absolved and the next thought is but it's been so long how could this you ever do this it's impossible well that's the voice of the devil then trying to counter the voice of our Lord the person shouldn't listen to that and operations think well if that thought came to my mind after all these years is because God is calling me our Lord is calling me our Blessed Mother is praying for me a guardian angel is encouraging me but ultimately comes for our Lord saying come I want to forgive you allow me to forgive you do what is necessary to be forgiven so person should listen to that voice and when they come through the door or the curtain in the confessional they that can easily ask the priest for help what would the priests - well the priesthood do what a person would ordinarily do and going to confession but he's needed to actually lead the person through the process because it's been so long and that is what the priest does is take the penitent through the exhilaration passions simply that I mean there are examples of examinations of conscience that are written out in the missiles that we use on Sunday in some of the spiritual reading books there with exaggeration of conscience so the person had asked himself well the priest would number on set and anybody do it but he does is he basically goes through that part of the catechism that involves the presents the commandments and he starts with the first commandment and he simply asks the questions that pertain the first commandment you know have you denied your Catholic faith and have you hidden your Catholic faith out of embarrassment have you have you practice superstition for example right and so on and so forth and goes through all of the you know the major sins against the virtue of faith and the person can essentially answer yes or no and if the answer is yes I have done that then the question is well how many times that's often the hard part and when the person has to address that question then the priest can help them with that too because he may not be able to put a you know an exact number on the time si deny his Catholic faith percent but the priest can tell them well you know in 20 years you were in college for so long you worked at this job for so long or you're married for so long I mean it wasn't all equal during that time you can't necessarily say yes two times a week for all these years I've been awed by faith but one could say well yes during my college years with my friends I found myself you know once a week once a month whatever in a position was embarrassed so I I tried to make accurate what's the Catholic I didn't want to be associated with the Catholic faith whoever then when I was working this job it wasn't so much when I got married you know I never did that very good marry because what a reason you know I did want to scandalize my children living so it can kind of help a person by breaking it down to a definite periods of one's life and the kind of regularity the one sells into you know in different aspects of life and so that I would put it in perspective it also tells the priests that well yes I did that fairly regularly when I was a college student fifteen years ago but since then I haven't really done it very much at all and then so this tell us the priests okay this is a sin that was a sin the problem in the past but this person has not been guilty of this you know that in the more recent past and the priest we go through the second commandment and the third commandment and what he's doing with this is he's actually going in his mind through the moral theology book and is going in his mind retracing the steps to the more theology of all the commandments the the sins that can be committed against the commandments the gravity of those sins of course plays a very important role but also the consequences for example you might get to the fifth commandment you know hey and ask the person will have you killed anyone and you murdered anyone okay that's the extreme form but actually the question is well have you been impatient and and have you been angry shown that anger had they given that example by showing that anger and scandalized other people by your children and so on have you in the process of anger you could tie it together with a second commandments have your blaspheme God in doing that in the process again giving scandal especially to children by doing that that's always the questions we ask because the sin is one thing the scandal the consequences that's another sin on top of everything how many sins well as many people as you scandalized then all should be brought out and this pivots were aware that and have you stolen anything this the seventh commandment always involves a matter of restitution yeah so there are consequences for the sins - that need to be examined brought up and you need to get the resolution to the person that he will take the practical steps to remedy the situation and make things right a court can go through the six and nine Commandments that concerns people often as their adult lives and sometimes it's the reason why they tell away in the first place because they're ashamed or embarrassed or or just felt that they were incapable of giving up of fighting the temptations and so they felt that they couldn't go to confession and say I'm sorry for all my sins because they might keep falling into them to get it again you know and so when the priest gets to the sixth amendments on matters of purity as we read carefully he needs certain definite information but he has to be careful not to get into areas that are unnecessary and so he really has to be in a sense name rank and serial number but he asks to get to the essential points of what he needs to know and the peasant has to realize that the priest isn't fishing for information just because he's curious if he's asking for information it's because it had to do with the gravity of the sin and the absolution the priestess is expected to get know you know a penitent who goes into the conventional might think after all that time well how do I know going to actually say everything I need to say well again you know the priest with any experience is going to know the questions that he need to ask a certain direct question aids asked and used to get direct answers and the person and so does this mean is this a guarantee that whether the person had finishes and cuz I was a confessional he won't think of something else that was overlooked of course that it doesn't guarantee anything like that it just means that the priest has made an honest effort with the penitent to to put on the table as it were out of the open to confess to God and to the priest as the minister of God listens that the person has committed as fully as possible there are always I mean I would say probably maybe it never happened but fella very unlikely that a person would be away for 10 15 20 years come to confession and actually confess everything you could possibly remember he might well come out of the confessional after it's over and immediately remember something he didn't tell the priests well if it's convenient mata could go get alla gate he doesn't want to come out to have 50 people waiting in line and say oh wait I got to go back in there you know he doesn't want to have to put himself in the situation and he doesn't have to be an in situation you need to realize look I went to confession I said everything I I could think about honest I answered honestly and what questions the priest didn't ask I volunteered information that I believed was necessary I gave his completed confession as I as I could under the circumstances in the time I was there and when the priest asked me are you heartily sorry for his sins I was sincere I really meant it then what I was saying wasn't it what I meant was I wasn't just sorry for the sins that I confessed there I'm sorry for ever having accepted done I'm sorry that's what true repentance is it's universal I'm sorry for offending God I'm sorry offending the earth under God because he deserves my love you deserves so much better and I betrayed him I betrayed his love and sure I'm afraid of going to hell and I don't want to go to purgatory so but my motivation joining a passion of it was because of love for God and I really am sincerely repentant and because of that I don't want to commit these sins I ate in the future of cooperating with the grace of God gives me and fighting the temptation I can't guarantee I won't get into it but I have the intention right now the print of the grace avoid the occasion of sin and fight the fight against addiction documented and someone a person hands down a confession he might think oh I did this and I forgot to say it but when he told the priest he was sorry for all the sins that sin was absolved to and when he should do for the sake of the integrity of the confession is remember that and the next time he goes to confession which should be soon within the weekend he should tell his father I honestly forgot this in my last confession and but he should not fear that he walked out of the confessional that sin Unforgiven because he didn't say it because he didn't remember it okay if he'd remembered it he would have said it and what he said he was sorry for all his sins he included that sin - there's some jubileus peoples who probably would never get more than three feet out the door of the confession without deccan eyes like in and saying I thought something else you know over and over again obviously it's not what I would intended and so we have to be careful about about that to realize that it is not a memory game that outlook puts us through in trying to if we make a confession and recall later that we were guilty of something we should let the thank God than be nervous and scared oh my goodness what have I done you know we should thank God for a Monday yes because that reminder is kind of a second statement from God look I want you to take care of this because I don't want you to have this you know weighing on your conscience and I don't want you to have be surprised by this is the judgment so I intend to save your soul I want to save yourself I'm giving you these Grace's precisely for that purpose so you should accept that reminder as a mark of God's love for you not as sort of God's school than you're saying hey forgot something get back in there take care of it so any any desire we have we have to go to receive the Sacrament of Penance receive absolution for sin the intention to repent of our sins that is a grace from God and that is a great blessing and we should look to God and say God thank you so much I realized that it will work for your grace I wouldn't have that thought I wouldn't have an inclination the fact that you've given me that tells me that you are calling me to come to you because you want to forgive me and I really appreciate that and I'm going to follow through love and I answer you you're called you know planet in this discussion of following ethics returning to confession it seems that there's some objections they're often raised by by these fallen away Catholics maybe after they have received this grace format where they have this inclination to go to confession seems that a counter always arises that says something along the lines of I'm doing this for the wrong reasons maybe perhaps in my life I'm not happy at all things just miserable I just want to go to question to try and make myself happy perhaps the devil could commit them they're not doing out of love for God therefore it's not valid they shouldn't do it they should just put it off altogether until they're able to do it for a perfect love for God so what what what are the proper intention to proper reasoning the proper motivations behind behind going to so the answer contrition states are very well I dread the loss of heaven in phase and hello but most of all because the my sins offend him like out who art all good and deserving of all my love so one can have all of the other intentions the act of contrition does not exclude the dread of hell and you know para purgatory that's perfectly understandable okay dad wants us to fear hell he doesn't he wants us to not want to go to hell he wants us not to suffer Kotori God wants us not to separate much as not to want that so there's nothing wrong with having that that this dreaded hell even though the pains of purgatory in itself if that were the exclusive reason for repentance it wouldn't be true repentance you would be able to go attrition or imperfect an imperfect contrition because the the love for God would be a very minor point if it was there at all and if there was no love for God at all the person was basically saying well I saw it to be sins because they will be very inconvenient to me I couldn't care less about God and you know whether they offend God needs nothing to be I just don't want to be hurt by these sins later on but you know the reason why fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom to have a certain fear of God at his punishments is just the start of the spiritual life it's a very beginning it's a foundation many many penitence who had lived extremely sinful lives where they started on their journey toward the salvation of this souls and you can be sure many souls in heaven today of their having started with that fear of the Lord because they didn't have a great deal of love for God necessarily but they had enough faith to realize that there's a God he is truly just he's merciful at the same time but for those who want his mercy and I seek His mercy but for those who reject his mercy there is there is the justice that comes from Hell now they'll get into the theological niceties that think of all even held us back God's mercy they'll get into that all I see is held for me as suffering and I don't want that you might think well why would that in any way qualify them to be forgiven if that's what they had well in a sense even that fear of the Lord the pure of hell and punishment is a fear of the Lord because it acknowledges God's justice it says that God is there is real that is just and I will be punished for my sins and that's already a giving a certain respect to God already that okay it's the beginning a wisdom which ultimately is the love for God because one passes from there that Foundation through the next steps to actually come to the point where one ultimately does have a sorrow percent out of genuine love for God ultimately and not a perfect love for God this is the ultimate consequence this is wherever you want all of this to lead to the perfect love for God and therefore perfect contrition for sin but it has to start somewhere and often it starts with a fear of God but a reverential reverential not a slavish fear a servile fear but a reverential fear of God and his punishments at least that gives God a certain respect and the you know respect is the foundation of love so v is an imperfect contrition sufficient to timber conditioners is yes ordinarily it wouldn't be ordinarily imperfect contrition would be absolutely insufficient to obtain forgive us of sin but for the sacrament but for Christ but our Lord Himself has invested in the Sacrament of Penance his sufferance and in the center of penance our Lord's suffering that his obedience his homage to the Father supply for what is lacking us and he actually has made it possible for us to have imperfect contrition but because of his the perfection of himself us as a son of God and his sacrifice he will make up what is lacking in us to enable us to be forgiving our sins even though our love for God is imperfect now to see God in heaven we'll have to perfect love from heaven perfe contrition for a sentence to actually be admitted into heaven that's a purgatory sport but we we find that that that imperfect contrition still must contain a certain love for God otherwise it really isn't contrition all there must be some element of love or respect for God that's a fear of the Lord gives us the minimal requirement as Italy you know otherwise it's the only other way that if you're given mortal sin is one enacted perfect contrition perfect contrition there's perfect contrition because it involves a perfect love for God a repentance for sin because of a genuine pure love for death that one grieves because he is offended God who is all good can you do that can I do that under ourselves no can God give us the grace to do it as you can can we accept the grace to do this yes yes we can but otherwise we're not for the sake of repentance that is what we required be required of anyone to obtain the forgiveness of sin so it would be fair to say father to these fallen away Catholics would it be fair to say do not put off confession until you have a perfect contrition for your sons go to confession even when you have an imperfect contrition for your sons absolutely yes to put off the confession until you think you have perfect contrition per sentence you think I mean now do you know husband judge now I have perfectly love for God yesterday and now I do it's impossible you can't think like that it's a grace from God but the perfect contrition and the perfect love of God that it promised them is a development I mean God can give the grace to anyone anytime it's true but generally speaking is actually God giving that to a social call this cooperator trying to cooperate the histories and that's why this the cooperation with the grace starts by going to confession when I realize I'm a sinner I don't have perfect addition I mean done if somebody were to say look I'm going to wait until I have perfect contrition to go to confession then I could said when I have heard contrition I just need to go to confession almost as Abrigo well how is he supposed to decide this and he can't it's impossible it's Ricky's so he takes the grace of guys giving at the time and at that time God is giving him that grace to come and I'm calling you to me to forgive you come to me now don't put it off well it's ridiculous imagine if you had a friend and you offended that then very greatly and their friend said to you hey Tom this really hurt what you did was a very very sensitive can you say he says what about aren't you going to say you're sorry you saying y'all can around it and differences well well I mean but why are you taking so long while you're waiting what'd you say sign well I'll say I'm sorry what I'm sorry you know I'm still working on that you know well what did that tell your friend if that's your friend yeah that's right there's no you know that's why people put off confession they commit a mortal sin they say well I'll get around to it eventually I mean who else on earth would we value we love who else we retreat that way say okay I've affected you creatively and eventually I'm saying I'm sorry by feeling right when it's convenient from the outside side until then you know just hold it home we would never truth even like that I would say hey you wouldn't have any fancy today that's for sure but we treat God like Beverly it's shameful and polish speaking of the fear of the Lord is beginning of voice on my father kind of imagined something I believe I heard once with where it was said that the fires of hell have saved more Souls than all the glories all the beauties of heaven but let's move on father to another question here I'll just general people understood in the meeting room so we can say that for another paragraph let's let's discuss the theme on here father I'll just just read it straight straight from the front here says I'm in my seventh year teaching religious education at a Novus Ordo high school when I first started teaching I was a conservative notice Novus Ordo I and three years later having done some study and research and I myself embracing tradition particularly as I began attending an end all Latin Mass so that celebrated by a priest originally of the SSPX being a teacher of religious education I've experienced conflict of conscience as I want to teach the students the choose famine tradition predictive particularly it's timeless warships but at the same time I'm required to teach the Novus Ordo curriculum based on Mendota sort of faith if I stray too far from tradition I feel the guilt of misleading the students however if I strayed from the Novus Ordo I jeopardize the students assessments there are no viable options for me in terms of other schools they are all more or less little many close to me have advised me to just persevere but they don't fully understand what it's really like especially being forced to attend their terrible modern liturgies I would very much like to ask father for his opinion and advice on how to best go forward and survive and this night of a quote catholics system also I'd like to add that 10% of the staff are homosexual and the vast majority are supportive of homosexuality that Brezza in conscience has to get out of there as to disassociate himself or herself entirely from this and this person sounds like here's your real assist is involved in a false religion and is being required to practice a false religion and being required to teach if all solution and that would be greatly sinful and sinned against the first commandment certainly and you set against the 50-mile gate scandal T's Souls and so that that person has to in conscience find other employment issues we should not be doing it in a sense imagine the case of a counter it you know take some of these famous converts who whose livelihoods depended on them some of them even Protestant ministers who realize that present ISM was not the true faith and they had to leave that all that behind like they had to though they had to make that sacrifice and certainly that's true of this individual so I would just tell them this conflict in your conscience there is it is not going to go away I hope it's not going to go away because you are a living a contradiction there your teaching and practicing what you know is a fraud and furthermore is contrary to God so you know one of the sins against the holy ghost one of the sins that isn't getting unforgivable really is resistance to known truth and so when somebody is there representing what he knows is false and conveying those that falsehood to young your syllabus that's a pretty grave crime against the rich were faith and against the Holy Ghost so I'd suggest that person you can get out of there right away and in the in order to make reparation for having done for having actually perpetrated this lie being part of that and in that evidently in some cases knowingly just really compounded himself I think they should really love the way to state that the truth and what they really believe is true before they before they you know take your head and go up and hook and get up the door right while speaking of a sense against faith we have a request here for you to answer a few objections raised by Protestants motor announcers yes that person should get to the nearest real traditional priest a lot of false you can get a half traditional priests now there without their after additional net nod but you had a real traditional priest to talk to about the spiritual situation and you know like a good confession about this to appease you notice what he's been teaching has been false and it's a certain responsibility responsibility fact okay well how would you answer these objections here that are raised by Protestants the the first one here says that Peter never claimed to be the Pope he knew that Christ was the rock and not himself and also called none your father upon earth for one is your father who is in heaven regardless because this question is what would you say to one who says that okay well you know person evidently is dealing with the Protestants who doesn't really know talking about unfortunately clear Peter didn't claim to be the Pope may be saying that in Sacred Scripture that's a Protestant of course then you know let get your way to say if it's not saying scripture it's not true right so but if you want to if you want to say that nowhere in Sacred Scripture the Peter sentiment say hey and the Pope only you ought to listen to me well that's that's not a quote I was a decision that's true but that's that's one of the fun of the layers of present ISM saying that all truth that Christ taught and all that God has revealed is recorded in the pages of the Bible and that is patently false Devon demonstrative a false you know if so here is so false that it's almost hard to imagine somebody claiming that but they didn't I mean little to clean that too we have done videos on the question about Sola scriptura scripture alone okay but if the person wants to say well no we're integrity of your does does Peter stand up and say I am the Pope everybody has to listen to me and I would say that's true but it'd be sin since then it's not a signature it can't be so I'd say absolutely not that is absurd and the sacred scriptures themselves tell you that that is not true that they do not represent all the truth that Christ taught and that God has revealed to us there is tradition that was committed to the Apostles I mentioned those forty days from the resurrection to the ascension where our Lord taught the Apostles and the only things that ever taught the Apostles that are recorded in the Gospels the only things that times are written down we're the place where our Lord told the Apostles go and can forget forgive sins which process start except and walking along the seashore would say Peter and said John our Lord says to Peter not to tell them to Peter do you love me do you love me do you love me feed my lambs feed my lambs feed my sheep giving Peter the role of Pastor Shepherd okay and you turn to the very beginning of the Acts of the Apostles and you find Peter being the hope Peter first chapter of the accident hustles we must choose someone to take to take you to this place Peter says that everyone does it they accept it there's no argument Peter knows this must be done they all accept it they don't do it later on we have all of these comforts many of them infirm we about those are caring for their daily needs and we can't read our time to preach the gospel we must choose seven men and we must ordained them make them ministers to take care of these people they call on the infant oi for the echo the servants okay basically who were there to serve the needs of these people and so the order of Deacons the major order of the Deacon was created it was Peter who said we have to do this and not only what they that they have to do this and how they did Peter said we have to do this and he knew that was it and they all did because Peter said this is what we must do that's much more powerful than Peter standing up and saying hey I'm the Pope you ought to listen today in practice that's exactly what happened and and with Ananias and Sapphira also I can be chapter for nasty possums it was Peter who pronounced that judgment I mean let them play these silly games what they want you know there was the sacred scripture but they're going to pay a severe price with their their good little games they're playing but if they actually read the signature for the meaning of the sake of Scripture it's unavoidable it's clear and this is this is how the Apostles came away from our Lord after his teaching of those forty days that is essentially Devon the V well you know something Tom the choosing of someone to take Judas this place came even before Pentecost Sunday the coming of the Holy Ghost is regarded is recorded in the second chapter of the actually Apostles Peter is saying now we must choose someone to take your distance place that's our the first chapter already so that they were designating someone to take you to this place before the descent of only else it's clear this nonsense is nonsense but the same there but even and then of course they always read for this you know what I heard it's talking about this question about that call no matter with your father this is a sad story to my hair trouble one his father was a literally a devout Catholic but the woman was being pressured by her Protestant friend come to our Bible study come to our Bible study well the Catholic woman didn't feel comfortable coming to a Bible study thought it was kind of risky he might get confused well she finally gave it now I'm talking about probably for he insulin and the the Bible study was such that when the Catholic lady want came in that day I got comfortable they start pelting her with problems you know what about this sort of that it was a cinema and one of the problems was you call your priest father and the Bible says Jesus says himself in the in the gospel call no man on earth your father pitcher of one father is in heaven how do you answer that and the one who said well I don't have an answer for you but a priest does the church let's answer these questions I mean she was a little you know nervous about of concern it's kind of hardly she couldn't imagine what the answer to be but she said one piece from that so she goes to her parents priests and she says to him father if that's there it really does say this in the God that even our Catholic Bible I'm cold I don't know matters your father I mean how do you explain that senator the I am so small your father and so forth my my father at home so it's called father and they call him father all my life now I read that Jesus Christ says do not need that and the priest said I don't know those it hints at it I mean I mean people that come to do it let me say hey but what about this and I did say I don't know but I wouldn't say I don't know that's too bad go away I'd say I don't know but I'm sure going to find out for you give me a little time I'll get serious because there's an answer I just don't know it but he just said I don't know is he good sent her away she went away so demoralized she had that she lost a faith so that she lost me over that one question there was a contradiction set up in her mind she couldn't resolve it he didn't help her God helped that priest because that was his job as it is therefore I'm sad so the little the woman who was talking this was only two years old at that time her mother later explained to her why they were Catholic they had been she did caliber than one and why the daughter wasn't Damon he's Catholic this is the daughter it was explained to me what happened and so I explained to her you know you know I'm not exactly I'm not your you know scripture scholar okay but you don't have to be it's not to pay attention never did you find your question here I look for the answer because the church has the answers to all these all these centuries she's dealt with all of these problems and so the fact is our Lord says : no matter if your father measure one father is in heaven our Lord objects to being called good day and somebody called them good master I said why do you call me good only one is good and there's God so now we're not supposed to call anybody good and I would ask the Protestant is coming after me about not a brother I only can't go out I would say well these that we're good I say sure should I do I mean when you and somebody makes it the meal for you and you like to take say hey this is really good oh yeah of course they did don't you know that Christ said don't call them good only one is good and that is God in heaven you can't say that anybody's good or anything even less so that anything is good and so you've been breaking the Scriptures all this time you horrible cetera go straight to hell you know I mean this is absurd so it is telling you don't understand you read these things if you read these things it's kind of an arsenal looking for weapons but you don't try to understand they really mean because if you understood what they really mean you realize that you can't be saved by faith alone you know your whole vision that I getting to handle to change because you know you're completely misinterpreting our Lord's words look after our Lord says that in the gospel call no mana on earth your father because your what father's in heaven our Lord says when the apostles come true teachers are very alert says our Father who art in heaven right so he teaches us to call God the Father in heaven that's true but if you keep reading the gospel our little talks about fathers and mothers on earth right God gives us the Ten Commandments right on the commandment honor thy father and then mother God himself told this day this is your father this is him so our Lord Himself talks about fathers and mothers and he applies the word to our earthly fathers our Lord Himself is he contradicting himself not he's done and he is but these people would have our Lord contradict himself they think they might as well that this you know picture themself dating back they're saying wait a minute you just said calm down that on earth your father and now look what you're doing you know you're a false prophet they would have turned to walked away so missus nonsense you know what our Lord is saying it is basically what st. Paul said later on to the Ephesians all fatherhood in heaven and on earth is called so after the Fatherhood of God there is the origin and the model of all true fatherhood that's a simple sense and that's how we understand it as Catholics but God wants us to understand that properly speaking in the purest and ultimate form only God is really father his father the divine son his creatures he has given to share in giving called in engendering generating life he's given us the power to procreate my human life okay and so we share in the Fatherhood of God when we give life there are two ways you can give luggage and give natural life by natural birth you can give spiritual life by the power of Christ regenerating the soul and giving light to the soul so we call men on earth who have children give life to children fathers we call and then you have the power from God to also through its share because Christ in the South committed that power to this church and they are preached to the church we call them father - because they have this life-giving power from Christ whose commissioned them to do this and when our Lord said his apostles the very night of his resurrection going toward forgive sins the sins you shall forgive better forgiving that he's injured shall retain everything he was giving them a life-giving power to justify the soul from sin and raise the soul out of the death of sin and so who could object to say okay then it makes perfect sense that we would call you who have the power of giving of the spiritual life that you should in a sense we have to Stuart to share in the Fatherhood of God insofar as God gives all life that he's given you a share in that life-giving power well I've got two more quick objection to your father if you can start them the first on is is saying that it's wrong to pray to Mary because of this this quote that they provided from the Acts of the Apostles which says neither is there salvation and any other for there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved and that's true so what's the public support it's wrong a man because we are wearing hair nope he's in fun but Eva's name is talked about not sure without a door agree it was you know all of these the home present I mean I'm trying to think of a nice word for this only euphemisms the whole Protestant madness comes from a complete lack of understanding of the ultimate goal of heaven I mean even Martin Luther are they even Martin Luther especially Martin Luther he describes the soul in heaven as the snow-covered dunghill get still it's still what it is okay it's still filth okay it's still filth it is mine I mean the soul is like Esther it's so filthy and it can't be changed it can't be reformed it can't be st. two okay and so in heaven the souls are going to have it are exactly that nothing but that and what God does is covered some of them with the veneer of the justice of Christ and that's heaven well with isn't that just a wonderful deal Denham doesn't it make you want to go again you know it's just a field of cow pies covered with a layer of stone well that's the the fields of paradise the Elysian Fields this is ludicrous view of heaven the man was so crude it's incredible how a true he was you know I get almost saying well haven't had a clearer idea of heaven and then Marla did and he didn't by believing even though that even came close but you know st. Paul says that no human eye has seen nor human ear has heard no it's entered the mind of man what things God has prepared for those who love it so it's impossible that we commissioned it because you have to envision God and you can't because God is heaven that is the heavenly reward our union with God is heaven right and we can't reach it you know in mansion god we can imagine hell we can imagine everything we're saying about Hell in a sense you'd say that hell is not even a supernatural punishment because everything we can experience in Hell they can experience other it is just magnified and prolonged for eternity but we can begin kind of get an imagination with hell it's like that's why it's scary but heaven we can't even begin to imagine oh I mean they do you know clouds and people harps and jumping around the clouds of I'm sure we know that's something that's as close as we can get an entirely a cartoon so the real-time is so far beyond that but the Catholic understanding in heaven from the revelation of Christ and that we are united to oh my god the mother's tremendous bond of charity and that God raises us but solo to a supernatural level to enjoy his life and just see him st. Paul says then I shall know even as I am known prescriptions chapter 13 right and then I should face to face I should see God as he knows me I will see him I was right thinking did I see it's adopted in you think of all those songs that are in that state of perfect love for God and United with God and the spectacular glory of that all the souls you know again the Catholic understanding of the state of heaven is that these stones as the souls are so intimately United with God my this bond of divine love they still remain themselves they're not simply absorbed into God as though they lose their individual personality or anything they still remain the individuals God made them to be you know he doesn't just digest them you know says that they dissolved into this pool of energy with it but they are saying nighted with him so they seem to divine mind as it were the intellect in the will of God and the intellect of God with knowing truth and the will of God loving goodness direct they see themselves as made part of the truth that is so loved by God and of that goodness that God so loved us and the beauty that makes of heaven so spectacular you see the Blessed Mother all the angels are the Saints are faithful to God they're all United to God to this tremendous side to him of of adoration and Thanksgiving and and but they also see in God God's works they can see each other you know that the soul of heaven realizes I am Here I am part of this I belong here I belong here but the angels and saints in heaven I belong here this is my place at a rightful place yet but it joy is really this is where I belong and then I actually contribute I contribute to this the glory of this than the beauty of this and the wonder that I see and that I enjoy everywhere in looking but they see in God also his creation I mean this VH the angels are the same to actually behold us right now they see us so the mind of God is we're sitting here right now they see us but they see us in a way more perfectly than the human eye then you and I see each other they see us in God as we are in God they see us that the children of Fatima actually talked about that but they talked about almost they saw as it were themselves in the mind of God it's really it's very poetically beautiful and the Saints are that close to us I mean they're much closer than we are to each other I'm talking about feet and inches yet I have they're close how close to our guardian angels to us how close the Saints this is something characteristic at Catholics we live in a faith that tells us that the Saints of banner they're immediately present to us in a way that we're not even immediately present to each other even by my thoughts I can communicate them by making an act of love I can invoke a saint to help and the Saints do because they do can they may still love as they love Your Honor they still know if they don't but they're loving their knowledge now are so far beyond anything they could have on it because now the knowledge and they love our soup our need supernatural given supernatural power because they united with God and their individual Ian so as much as the Saints knew of God and loved of God their knowledge on their love is far surpassing and having anything that they were capable of your honor and also that their knowledge their love of us penetrates so deeply the son would just say look when we come to our Blessed Mother and if she is a saint in heaven but she's the greatest of the Saints and she says what it becomes of her loneliness but God has raised her up raised her up to a great height of sanctity what else do we have a mother even said this before she loves our gone in a way that no one else can love him even the greatest of the angels the cherubim the sad they can't love God as their our child the Blessed Mother those who dream is to love God as her own child that's a unique love that she has for him that only she can happily and she loves him with all of her powers of loving she was full of grace the grace of God there was nothing in her that was in anybody resistant or apart from God's grace everything was touched by the grace of God and filled with the ticket gates of God and so when the angels also as well as the saints in heaven behold her they behold something really spectacular I mean they see what God did with this young maiden of Nazareth and how God has raised her up to this spectacular glory of a sanctity and the power of her love for a lord empower their love for God even the Angels Sundays and it was all because of her illness she actually was capable because of the grace of God of the humbler than any of the Angels he was that humility at her that was the foundation for exaltation this is the key people don't understand that they don't understand her and if they don't understand her they don't understand him they understand what God does to envelope for a humble soul all generations shall call me blessed she says and I would say to that poor person you don't call her blessed I'm sorry but you are not you know fulfilling the will of God and that you are standing and rejecting knowingly even absolutely rejecting the will of God because you will not bother her that's God himself has honored her and he wanted to acknowledge that what a crime is that ok so when we when we pray we realized that Mary is not God but we do realize that God has honor her and he wants her to be honored we also realized that her love for God and the Union she has we've got a heaven dollar makes her so present to us as a love what mother's love for us and makes her so present to God obviously that she can actually pray for us in heaven I mean doesn't this person even really but is he so absolutely void of the Sacred Scripture then he doesn't even read but he calls the book of Revelation which is the book of the apocalypse where it talks about the prayer that is going on in heaven what the saints are doing that they're praying they're praying to God if st. Paul can address one of his epistles to the Saints who are in Ephesus or wherever you know that the holy souls that are dear to God there what about those who died martyrs deaths and and indited fidelity to our right to God and our you know raised by God to that glory event what about them and we call them Saints well st. Paul referred to big Lear on earth they were who were trying to be faithful to Christ as Saints already because they're in the state of grace so you know let them let him argue with st. Paul if he wants to I think he's going to lose I know he's going to lose I'm just saying that the Protestantism is so empty and it starts with it at the head and it goes to an empty heart it's just pathetic it really is and then just like those questions I feel sorry for that person I think I'm going to have to be praying for this individual not the one who wrote this because they want to wrote that said how would we say that these people so here's this person that wrote the question who's hearing these things and wondering what do I say to them well I don't recommend that you say that it's sympathetic but I want you to realize it really is pathetic and I want you who wrote that to understand the Catholic the Catholic understanding you these things so that you yourself at least know just so how sad and poverty-stricken these questions are and hopefully you can well maybe you can play this video for the individuals involved and let them know that in penance for all of my lucky charity here perhaps I will be praying for them well one I hope they don't say that no you can't pray for me because you can't pray for each other the rule of law one final pathetic point father if you would hear that many persons say that purgatory is a money-making scheme and I provided a quote here from st. John which says the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin nostri purgatory huh well the point is a person has no other no concept of what he talked about I mean he would say said mone ancestor we all agree on that to me and he but you know then he has to explain what he means by why does that say it isn't a verdict I see but my many tries to explain it to you say well you're not unit even know what purgatory is how can you say that and so of course the sin has to purgatory has not not to do with the forgiveness it says okay you know that I mean the fact is that purgatory has to do with the damage our sins have done in this world in his life that means that there is temporal punishment due to sin you have the eternal punishment divison condemnation to hell because of the sin itself because of the offense against God you have the eternal punishment due to sin in hell but our Lord cares very very much about how we treat each other it's very important to him he's made it very clear and I would just say to a protestants here doesn't get it go read the Gospels that you're plain to believe in and you know you'll find out that it's true that when our Lord says if you find if you're coming to leave your gift at the altar and find the give your brother has something against you go reconcile with your brother and make things right with your brother and then come and give the your gift rain you'll find that the same Lord who says and that the the the King forgave the huge debt of the servant who went out then it wouldn't forgive the little debt that a fellow servant owed him actually took that servant and put it in prison and took handed him over to the torturers until he would pay the entire debt our Lord says time and time again how we treat each other is extremely important because the second Great Commandment shows that okay second only to now if you love the Lord thy God with that heart muscle and strength is thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself the point being we sin against God there's the eternal punishment isn't in hell but if we sin against each other and we scandalized each other and we are unjust to each other we have an obligation we we have a debt to pay that is called the temporal punishment through the Senate when we damage the souls of other people when a father is cursing and swearing and his little child was hearing him that's scandalous when an older brother teaches his little brother to sin by stealing or look at dirty magazines or whatever he does the influence he has there he's responsible for the damage he's done in this other soul when he goes that he repented and he's forgiven and he will not look at helpful he's done but he still has done this damage and it doesn't just go away and so that temporal punishment due to sin he takes with them into the next life and that is what purgatory is all about actually there are two things that are accomplishing perfectly and they're accomplished simultaneously and that is that the temporal punishment due to our sins because of the damage are sensitive even though we've repented of them and they will not condemn us to help we have done damage to souls in this life and we have a debt to pay our Lord has made it very clear this is very important he doesn't just say oh well you know all is forgiven come back to me don't worry about all the damages all these other people perhaps even start set starting them I don't let them send it sending them to hell well no doesn't say that doesn't matter 10 there's that temporal punishment if you said and that's what purgatory is for and that is after the sins have been forgiven that's the point ok that's something he misses there but also in purgatory our imperfect love for God is perfected and make sure and only when that love for God is absolutely pure and we do in fact love God with our whole heart and our whole mind and also a lot of strength in other words when we love God with all of our power of loving only then can we actually enter Heaven the purgatory is important it very important for that reason I mean if God condemned it to hell and barred from that and anyone who died without loving him with perfect love in other words if God would say to you and me look you can't you're if you the only choices you have are heaven and he'll the only way you can get in here is if you have perfect love for me if you don't fulfill the first great commandment love me with all your heart and lighted soul and strength then you're all going to have to go to hell there's no other way we wouldn't even have a lot of Hope left but God doesn't say that he says to be saved you don't have to love me with all your heart and mind and soul aside but you do have to love me however imperfect your love me be I can still save you and I can purify their love and I can bring it to perfection and bring it to heaven and that's a pretty tiresome old on fire is it possible to make the mission for that temporal punishment due to sin while still here on earth : now absolutely and we're encouraged to do so Wood Wood and act out perfect contrition that we talked about earlier in the program would enact the perfect contrition I got action Berka Derka contrition would obtain mentally forgiveness for the sin but also for the punishment remission of all the punishment due to the same yeah okay and that seems at times actually with what we talked about earlier in the program how comes the full circle of it seems that that we could say that in order to be saved a soul has to love God more than himself and but in order to actually see God to enter into heaven you would have to have a perfect love for God so it so could be saved but you'll have to obtain that perfect love for God before he was able to actually see God and that is purpose resilience is very time and that when that person has the perfect left for does again this is a grace that God gives the soil operates with then comes the what they call the the light of glory that grace from God to elevate the soul that supernatural level of the beta Division and to see God face to face parent or II isn't a money-making scheme you can use anything as a money-making scheme right you can set up a 900 number for you know people do this for cancer cures and you know for baldness gears people came up with all kinds of schemes of course you know values purgatory if they can to do that to raise money then in the Gospels Orion they asked me at authors I should say look at this there's a man named Simon the magician okay now Simon the magician is making his money money you know doubling people into believing the magic tricks of each disease now whether it's sleight of hand or whether he actually has some sort of collusion with the devil who gives him some kind of preternatural powers there the gospel is the ask the Apostles didn't say okay but he's making good living this way and here's the preaching of the Apostles and he sees the miracles that they're working and he's thinking boy I'd really like to do that you know man so he converts he's baptized and then he comes up the PSAP Theresa saying uh how much you want for this power i give me the Holy Ghost to them because I want to be able to do these miracles too you know this is a meal kit is how he's thinking of it and what its imputed similarly I mean this is the devil take you with your money it'll basically excellia don't figured you are yeah he was horrified horrified is the thought and to this day I mean this is called the sin of simile or sanity division volley something sacred for money okay so you know all little all ready back if they ask the Apostles we see that there were those who were looking at Christianity and they're working the Apostles as a potential mind making scheme and but we saw this in Judas I mean he sells our Lord for thirty pieces of silver and initially he's pretty happy it thinks he's got the better the deal right but he discovered said he did not see the right thing does he repent no he repented he go back and ask forgiveness but he so distressed he just simply goes and ends it all in despair there's a difference between repentance and just being sad that you've made a big mistake you know so if he could have found within himself it took off with the grace of God in the first place if the outcome would have been very different in his case about you know even with Judas you find this mention at the other st. John's sixth chapter this gospel the mentioned that our Lord knew who it was who would betray him so there's a clear mention of Judas and his attention to be the trigger and it comes at the very end of a lengthy chapter 6 chapter of the gospel set shot which starts with our Lord working in the miracle of multiplying the loaves of the fishes voluminous then being found the next day in the synagogue of Capernaum and our Lord tells the people you've come looking for me because you ate the miraculous bread they are the wilderness but your father ate the manna doesn't long ago and your father's there's an example our fathers use of our Lord's up your father's your father's know these are the word itself and if the matter doesn't they all die but I have a bread that is a living presidents come definitely and if you eat of this bread you'll never die well of course they they had the miracle still fresh in their minds and so they're thinking oh my goodness give us this bread and that's when our Lord said I am the bread of life I am The Living bread this can doesn't happen anyone eats of me shall never die so you know you know what happens after they're pressing outward or what do you mean I mean how can you save this eating of you any of you it sounds like cannibalism and our Lord does not explain it weighs words she just reinforces though it reinforces that reinforces them invent and I say to you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man drink his blood you will not have life in you he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in it how could you be more clear than that well that's the problem they turn and they walked away because they couldn't get in to explain away his word so they didn't accept them it's no accident that it was over this that I learned asked the Apostles that they want to walk away too because some of the others were walking away but that that chapter ends with the idea of Judas's treason because Judas was a thief he was the one who held the purse this was a money-making thing for Jews the point is this was a money-making venture for him so when somebody says well you know purgatory or as a money-making venture say well it could be I mean anybody could make it that I mean he was trying to make being an apostle you know an opportunity of fundraising for itself and when our Lord chased all these people away by saying this it's no accident that Judas was out thinking oh gee if this is how it's going to be and you know Jesus of Nazareth is rape that's all up to this number with thousands following us into the wilderness and now we're chasing them all the way I've got to look out for number a little here and how can I get something out of this now what are you thinking about betraying onward as how can I make this come up right that I cannot ahead it sure it was a money-making scheme prejudice you didn't just go as an act of altruism to the high priest and say boy you guys are right you know he's turning up trouble and our people are in danger and we've got to save them from him so you know I'm just going to you do this as an active of self generosity you know in playing this role of betraying and nobody says give me some money over this you know that is very venal the whole thing with Genesis it was that it was this petty claim the part of the thief for always and he was doing this is a money raising strange scheme so yeah they're always going to be the Judas's can do can do things like that you know well the church has always said they're wrong and they're like the genesis of today who are basically trying to make the money-making schemes what I don't get is how do you have this phone and it's talking about purgatory being a money raising scheme when he's got his own cross and ministers on the television raising millions of dollars on these mega churches and living lavish lifestyles and that that's okay right and any dares to raise this question to purgatory but the church wants the Catholic Church wanted to build a basilica and honor of you know our Lord the Saints son and this was a money-making scheme when you've got tens of millions pouring into the coffers of these mega churches and these televangelists or going on and doing all these these these kind of stunts on television about making legs grow and you know he'll go and knocking people down and so on and right in front of his very eyes he has this real talk about body making schemes and then this evidently does not concern him well I'm sorry but I think there's a very serious spiritual blindness here that is going to cost a lot of people isn't so anyway I think said that I'll turn the floor over you could put the hands I think we covered a lot of time so thank you got to get back to Jacob's Ladder ah yes we're good you want to do now we can start that with lecture okay that's fine Jacob's Ladder this supplying a cycle thanks for being here my papa burger - thanks a lot my viewers as well for watching this episode of blood Catholics believe until next time we ask that you all remember the words of our Lady of fátima to consecrate yourselves and your family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to pray and do penance thank you and God bless you you
Channel: What Catholics Believe
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Length: 74min 59sec (4499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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