The Vortex — Strategies Built on Sand

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this is michael voris let's please give him a very warm welcome from church militant [Music] [Applause] can you guys hear me all right since this is a little intimate gathering i'm going to sit down with you guys how's that all right [Music] church militant as uh joe gallagher said earlier is dedicated to uh you know helping people understand the fullness of the love of our blessed lord of heaven when people have this wrong even if they have good intentions all sorts of things go awry it isn't enough to just have good intentions it isn't enough to [Music] have some of the truth because having only some of the truth means that you either have falsehood or at the minimum you're missing some of the truth so it's important to talk about politics it's important to talk about various policies and legislation and candidates and their parties and all of that but that's politics politics is downstream of the culture the reason people who are enemies of christ get elected if they don't cheat in the election the reason they're able to get elected is because the culture isn't sophisticated enough to understand the full impact of the policies so you have politics but that's kind of the end of the line immediately before that you have culture but the word culture comes from the word cult culture is formed in religion and religion is all about theology if you have the theology wrong the culture will be twisted the politics will come out perverted and the effects of those politics will be rained down on the people that's where we are right now it isn't as candidate kelly said it's not about uh abortion per se it is if your child being murdered right now but it isn't so much about abortion and all of the issues the cultural issues and the how they translate into politics and the death toll from the culture of death it's true those are all the symptoms so how have we gotten to a place in america where the effects of the politics are that a 14 year old boy can look in the mirror and convince himself he's a girl and then he goes to school and the prevailing laws and codes say that his twisted view of himself must be protected it's the same sickness in the culture that produces these things as produces the fact that you can go chop a child up in the womb with a vacuum cleaner that has razor blades on the end and suck their pieces out and then sell them if you're planned parenthood it's the same culture that says if you want to have sex with the same sex you can run around and do that and we're going to make it a constitutional right it's all the same all comes from the same twisted understanding in the culture that elects the politicians that then put these laws and codes and disciplines into place so the problem is not politics now for clarity's sake i'm not saying we should not be politically involved but to think in terms of we just have to keep hammering this politically politics is the end of the line you have to go back up the line to where the problem really is and that problem is an incorrect understanding of who god is so all right i'm sure everybody kind of is on board on that and agrees and i'm known as person who generally says things which makes people uncomfortable so here comes the uncomfortable part for the rest of the talk you cannot have forty thousand different understandings of who jesus christ is and think you're going to have a culture that's not twisted so within the protestant world and within many catholics i'm sad to say within the catholic world these various jesus's have all been created in everybody's mind so people not necessarily at this but wherever can stand up and say jesus this and jesus that and they're saying something that is completely different than what the person standing right next to them is saying but they're using the same word that's a problem the theological truth has not been agreed upon it's not enough to just say oh i love jesus what if your jesus thinks gay marriage is okay what if your jesus thinks contraception is okay and there are loads of people out there who say oh jesus jesus oh my jesus my jesus and they think that very thing they think killing a child in the womb is okay and they say jesus they think uh you know that you can sort of do whatever you want and just go to heaven all you have to do is just say jesus now i want you to this isn't me talking i'm just repeating it the son of god the incarnate internal eternal logos said himself just because you say lord lord does not mean you're going to heaven so that means we need to have a proper understanding of who jesus is we need to have a proper understanding of what he did we have to have a proper understanding of what his words mean we don't get to just flip through the bible and you think it means this and you think it means that and they think it means that we're all good because that's all jesus it ain't all jesus now there are look i saw over there i think it's over there there's it's i think it was an episcopalian church i don't remember i think it is right over there um that church maybe not that particular building but that religion teaches that gay marriage is okay those people don't follow christ they don't some methodists groups of methodists think it's okay to chop a child to pieces in the wombs in the womb and they say that's though they're followers of christ they're followers of christ enormous numbers of protestants and i'm sad to say large numbers of catholics think that having contracepted sex is okay and still call themselves followers of christ there are loads of people who say i follow christ who think it's perfectly fine to shack up before marriage there are loads of people who follow christ claim him as their own oh he's my savior i'm going to heaven oh amen this i have alleluia blah blah blah blah and they get divorced and remarried multiple times right in direct defiance of the words right out of the mouth of the son of god himself this is not this is not the truth of christ christ is one and that means everything about him must be completely understood by everyone who says i am a follower of christ it's not your christ it's not my christ it's not his christ it's not her christ so until we get this stuff right and this is where the hard work has to be done you call yourself a follower of christ bunch of people gonna have to be eating a lot of humble pie you're gonna have to understand i have not been properly formed it's not my fault all i can work with is what was given to me and there's a very old philosophical maxim you can't give what you don't have so if you come up to me ask me for a million bucks you can ask but i don't have it so you can't get it he's not for me you can't transmit truth in and this is the point in its fullness if you don't possess it in its fullness it's not enough to just say oh jesus is god and he's lord and he doesn't like babies getting killed and all that that's not enough it's not enough and this is why call it 50 years 48 in a few months why this country's been killing 65 million children that we know of through surgical abortion and there's chemical abortions and birth control abortions and all the rest of it weighing very heavily on the black community way out of proportion to the white community in relationship to the proportion to the percentage of the population all of this happens because there are people who say they are followers of christ who don't believe what christ has taught now they may not believe it because they were poorly informed they may not believe it because they've heard the teaching and they just don't want to live that way so they reject it but they keep the label they can't be allowed to keep the label because it doesn't belong to them they are not faithful followers of christ they are either frauds or they are mistaken now frauds nothing you can do with them except expose them and then pray for them however people who through no fault of their own who are mistaken about the fullness of christ people who the angel over the night sky of bethlehem called men of good will those people must be willing to accept that they do not have the fullness of the understanding of who our blessed lord is and what he taught they have to look around and say something's wrong something's wrong with my understanding i'm not quite sure what this is it's not about emotion although it often times produces an emotional response which is fine but you can't base your understanding on jesus of what makes you feel good you have to base your understanding of jesus on what jesus told you he wants you to understand him as if you aren't willing to do that then you are not a follower of christ now there are loads of this has penetrated somewhat into the catholic church as well but there are loads of the what however many tens of thousands of protestant groups there are there are loads of people who believe that all they have to do is just believe in jesus or say his name and everything's cool and they're going to heaven that's not true jesus himself said that's not true just because you say lord lord doesn't mean you're going to heaven you're not coming into my father's house he laid down very specific things he didn't say all you have to do is just believe and everything's fine he said belief faith is the first step if you don't have faith none of the other stuff that you need to do will come and heaven will not follow so faith is great it is the foundation like the foundation of this building but if all you had here was the foundation i wouldn't even have any steps to be sitting on you have to keep building on faith part of faith is understanding it's educating it's learning it's saying hmm i didn't know that one of the messages and this is where i would say at least in the west and predominantly the united states many catholics not the church but many catholics including bishops and priests as well as enormous numbers of protestants have simply accepted jesus without his cross they are unwilling to put out the sacrifice of what our lord said which was pick up your cross daily and follow me if you are not united to our blessed lord in his sufferings as saint paul said to the colossians i make up in my own sufferings what is lacking in the sufferings of christ for the sake of his body the church if you aren't willing to do that then the nation will go to hell that's the end result of it sometimes in little steps sometimes in great big leaps but that's the way it goes and that's where we are right now as a country as a culture as a political system we are standing on the precipice of the abyss and we are looking into it and there are forces trying to suck us down into it and i'll submit to you that it is because too many people the vast majority of people who claim that they are followers of christ are in fact not they've convinced themselves that they're followers of christ because they know a little bit they know just enough as the old expression goes to be dangerous they kind of excuse their own problems their own errors in thought they don't even pay attention to them this is catholics and protestants they don't have a proper grounded in catholic church we call it a formation you don't you're not properly formed you haven't been educated enough in the ways and the teachings of our blessed lord himself in what baptism means in what confirmation means in what forgiveness means in what wanting repentance and seeking repentance means and how is that done what marriage is all of those things just become collected together and formed in people's minds and they make their own artificial jesus and then they claim to follow jesus no they follow themselves and they stick the label jesus on it and this isn't just we see this in the world of politics we see it in culture we see it in the religion big world of religion that produces the culture because it is ignored in the theology the philosophy and the theology are ignored because nobody wants to do the hand-to-hand combat with other people who claim to be followers of christ in order to arrive at the fullness of the truth and we always say well let's not talk about doctrine what's important as we save the babies you ain't going to save the babies if you have the doctrine wrong if you have the misunderstanding of who christ is that's never going to roll down and impact the culture which will impact the politics which will produce the results of saving the babies so i'm going to submit to you because i know there's a mixed crowd of protestants and catholics here until [Music] we are united in one faith in its fullness not the convenient parts anybody can get along with the convenient parts you love jesus i love jesus you love jesus i love jesus okay good let's go save babies not good enough until we are united in the fullness the fullness of the faith of our blessed lord nothing will change it can't it can't because all of this division and misunderstanding and failure and disagreement over doctrine and all of this this is the work of the serpent it is the serpent that has created the protestant world versus the catholic world and then once he creates the protestant world he gets to move into that denomination and say oh gay marriage is fine and he gets to move into that denomination and say come on preach it we can all get divorced and remarried and he moves into this one and says well you know we should have women bishops and he causes all that division even within the protestant world because who's the authority who's the authority don't say the bible bible can't be the authority because every one of them quotes from the same bible and pardon the french here but to make the point hell satan quotes from the bible so what we have sat on here in the united states for roughly 250 years is a refusal to have the serious probably loud discussion over which religion is correct and until that discussion is had none of this will be solved and it will continue to spiral out of control because everybody gets to claim jesus whether they kill children or whether they pray out in front of abort abortuaries everybody's oh jesus jesus can't get it right can't get the results you want until the foundation is right so yeah there's some serious discussions that need to be had it's not enough just get together and sing some songs and you know carry on and we all say jesus that's not enough folks that's why nothing ever changes that's why it just gets worse every generation just gets worse it just gets worse gets worse until the nation falls apart and we're right on the precipice that right now that's it secondly on a personal note i mean it's fine to sit here and want to save the world that's a good thing but on a personal note the only person you can save is yourself the only soul you have complete and total control over is your own you can help other people to be saved certainly i mean saved go to heaven not to save their lives but you can't lean over you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make them avoid going to hell but you can with yourself so when you sit down and you look in that mirror and you say have i really embraced all of the truth of christ have i made an honest attempt honest attempt to understand that which i may not know because you can't love what you don't know can't love what you don't know you can love something you've created in your own mind but that's really since it belongs to you it's really loving yourself so when all of this is going on you got to say am i really really really and truly a follower of christ and if you're not then you don't get to claim that so it's good to have political rallies it's good to talk about the collapse of culture it's good to talk about the evil that is so dominant in the political system today all of that is good but you're talking about the symptoms any of you who cook or bake will know you want you know you want this nice cake here at the end it's got all its icing and it's frosting and it's sprinkles and all that stuff on top of it and in order to do that you got to have the right pan to pour the batter into and you got to have a good oven that works correctly and all of these things straight up to the ingredients all the way back to the ingredient of the ingredients nothing's happening so if you're making your batter and you're doing everything or whatever and you just leave out the sugar and the eggs you pour that thing in a pan you stick the pan in the oven the oven works the pan is the right shape what you're pulling out out of and ain't going to be the right thing won't be a cake and you don't get to sit there and work with the wrong outcome and try to make it into a cake it was never gonna be a cake because what you needed at the beginning wasn't there and that's why the culture has fallen apart because too many people think they know who christ is too many people think they know this that or the other about him and because all of those initial starting ingredients have been allowed to be ignored because no one wants to have that discussion then this is what you get you want to save babies you want to end sodomy with as a constitutional right of marriage you want to save 13 year old boys and girls from thinking they're a member of the other sex you want to stop the shattering of families across america then you better take a good hard look in the mirror and say what i've been doing isn't working because i don't really understand the fullness of who jesus christ is and every one of us is going to die some of us sooner than others every one of us is going to die and we're going to go have to stand before that jesus and it's not going to be enough to say oh i helped save babies i had good intentions i sang great songs for you i walked up down the streets and passed out cards saying you know jesus is god that's not enough he's going to say do you know me do you know me and if you didn't in this world in this life make an attempt every day to get to know him more know him not have an emotional response but to know him then you're damned then you're damned bang bang bang go away i tell you i do not know you but we worshiped in the streets we sang your songs we ate with you depart from me for i tell you you do not know me i do not know you emotional responses mean nothing if they're born out of a psychology that will not embrace the fullness of christ it is a deception of satan to make you think you know christ when you only know something of christ and you don't have to believe me the spiritual war is being lost out there because decades and decades and a couple centuries ago it was lost in here it's just taken this much time to unfold and as we approach the end it's unfolding much faster because there's only a little bit left to wipe out you will love christ in his fullness and save your own soul [Music] or you will walk through an illusion thinking you're doing something and pour your efforts into other things that in and of themselves are good that they are insufficient for your salvation so i hope what i said there was disturbing because it's supposed to be jesus wants your whole being which means your entire intellect not just your emotions so as we wrap up this talk maybe i'm not going to be able to give another one the church has had a prayer for 150-ish years i guess right about 150 years the prince of the heavenly host is saint michael the archangel saint michael is the one that scripture tells us defeated uh lucifer in the angelic realm and cast him out of that realm saint michael was the pillar of fire that separated the egyptian pharaoh's forces from pursuing and overcoming the people of god in the desert he's the protector of the people of god so while there has always been a very big devotion to saint michael in the church a more formalized devotion came into existence in the church roughly 150 years ago because the pope at the time could sort of see what was beginning to develop in the late 19th century where it was going so i'd like to wrap up if you're catholic obviously make the prayer with us if you're not catholic listen to the words of it make them your own saint michael is the prince of the heavenly host in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit saint michael the archangel defend us in battle be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil may god rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou o prince of the heavenly host by the power of god cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls amen in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit amen thank you everybody [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Church Militant
Views: 10,902
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: Church Militant, Catholic Church, Michael Voris, The Vortex, Church Militant Michael Voris, Vortex, Church Militant Headlines, Church Militant The Download, Roman Catholic, Priest, Protestant, Atheist, Jewish, Islam, Homosexuality, Liberal, Conservative, Agnostic, Democrat, Republican, Culture, Society, Sin, Virtue, Christ, Jesus, Pope, Vatican, Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary, Christine Niles, Headlines, Spotlight, Mic'd Up, Catholic
Id: bO0KOw5IlOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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