Fall Guys in 2022

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yo oh my god this is the game for me hit parade that's a hit from me oh my god that is literally guys that's literally a hit life really can't get better than this game oh my gosh the exact same map okay genuinely genuinely speaking i desperately hope that fall guys makes this full-on strong comeback i i agree i hope fall guys becomes the next fortnight i feel like it's never like completely fallen off like i feel like there's still people just always playing yeah dude okay joe really are you kidding me i'm playing fall guys so this is how you think i'm saying all i'm saying is there's a little bit of goofy going on yeah and i'm not for those of you watching at home uh that that is joe's perspective you're saying perspective you're saying yeah if you're watching my perspective you'd be seeing the person in the first place right now yeah okay oh the rng of a god oh my god am i the greatest father player of all time never mind no i got you i just want to say i would have gone first if i was first okay so joe your fiscal people if i'm correct yeah yeah you know name that rolls off the tongue it i just mentally associate it with me as i'm sure everyone else does yeah mr fiscal pee pal uh 790 you should make that your youtube channel oh i could i could upload my fall guy montages i'm just saying i would have a sick fall guys montage right now oh no you left the game i'm so sad i'm so excited joe do oh my god dude we're doing better than joe right now on god i did i did the exact same thing that i've been doing for years where i'm bored on that screen and so i hit every button possible because i just want to play the [ __ ] game well you're missing out on a banger here and i are literally missing the best game of all time [Music] dude i have a perfect match master honestly oh dude if you were then you would be here ready to play it but i think the game kicked me out because they just didn't want to bother like they knew i was going to definitely get through it my kd on that game is so high is he right yes i i would i don't lie whenever it comes to ball guy well i know how okay well you life 35 realized he is playing perfect match so he did what he did what everyone else probably has [Laughter] is it the exact same way it was like two years ago why would they why would you change a perfect game it's in its name for okay i just wanted to make sure all right you know like sometimes people try to reinvent the wheel and i didn't know fall guys was going to make the same mistake as you know our four of cups thank god it's still the same though yeah we got to hold each other down so no one else can hold us oh there there you are man i remember whatever i could hold we have to go to the mango i'll be honest i i don't know where that is get it i found it i found the mango trying to get 49. no way mangoes at the same spot oh my god okay goodbye half the lobby that was a lot what the hell maybe match is hard i guess the game got harder wait yeah it's just that people are who we're not playing with free-to-play players so now this game's really hard that's like normally a free game back in the day back when this game wasn't free yeah i have to assume the player base is just worse across the board right now i i free to play absolutely does that because you know more people get to play it volley fall i haven't played this one yet wait this looks sick this looks like uh soccer if it was even awesomer yeah and there's 12 people any of our blind viewers or joe it's uh we're playing volleyball now wait this is yours wait this is a volleyball hole it's a 1v1 wait this is so sick hold on again oh [ __ ] hurry i'm going against moose not i'm wait i get his name i don't like it though dude come on dude what are you doing he's got a mohawk what is he doing whoa i'm winning my fight i i already scored how about you i'm the best player of all time by the way fun fact dash can't lose this game next oh my god okay you guys did it over the nether caught himself okay where's the ball going uh you see that little line underneath you that uh come on come on mohawk man 46 come on you got to put up a fight bad yeah moe schnupple is uh dash are you so good at volleyball man what can i say i was born for it wait wait give me five points to qualify that's how you win dash one more point in your you win okay here we go oh stop it stop it where is it you're doing great oh my god i'm so goaded i'm so crazy on the ball are you gonna get the ball ready oh [ __ ] oh no oh they call it a mix-up where i'm from if this guy stalls you out does he just does he just take you down to hell with him i'm gonna assume no high quality and it wasn't even close i i wasn't sure it'd be kind of funny honestly if that's how it works though i i wonder what happens if you tie though because i feel like that's how you lose yeah you you probably pulled that kick yeah or you both make it it look we'll see how soft they are oh yeah it's free to play it's probably not because i feel like then it's like you know people would just volley back and i'm gonna start farming fall guys you're gonna get your crown on the player basically like this actually i did play this game uh on my first free to play game and i did lose this because this game kind of sucks i think what valve party so what sucks and fall there's only 10 out of 10's and then 11 out of 10. yeah yeah this is like that the hoop minigame but with oh it's kind of like a hole in the wall oh it's like that toontown game where you're okay are do golden dude are golden and yellow different values yeah one's worth one one for three oh my god that changes the whole game you got a farm to oh no don't let me get killer shoot again [Applause] oh my god oh that was a skill issue hold on check this out oh you're sick with it oh no that was that the dublin dash is at 12 right now oh my gosh is super close but actually i guess there's no reason for me to lie to you dad he's also sick this is an ultimate chicken or there's no incentive to lie oh i can't just jump through the same hoop again did i be broken if you could just farm it oh how did you not get that you got it actually this game's easy i get it now qualified you just use one word same place and just start jumping easy about it it wasn't even that hard wait now we're going into the finale right just all three of us yeah three of us none of us have lost a mini game yet no that's true that was the vlog we are all undefeated i agree i think we've all won and it was all perfect we have all won perfectly call us match because we're perfect here we go oh that's an opening line in that tinder you know and it will work every time by the way ball and if that does work from somebody you know that person's just like [ __ ] up to hell like they're the most unhinged person or that person is awesome because they love fall guys yeah that's what i mean yeah yeah that's exactly what i mean i thought this was beast ball for a second i like to see the people who uh don't get fall guys references wait what is this game i don't know apparently i grab this bomb and i throw it at people and it's oh oh my god okay i feel like he was camping center right oh wait is that is that a hole in the center oh my god oh the floor is going okay i'm checking the blast radius though and it looks pretty small like i feel like you have to be pretty precise through your bomb through you know what i'm doing this bomb oh my god a smart guy walking into a hole this is actually the hardest game of all time by the way i wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy you're doing great dad oh you were doing great all right get him dino back out of the yard just another crown to be to be crowned you know yeah that's what that's what i'm hoping for okay that's that's what they say in fall guys there's been a sound to be crowned uh this guy i think i'm like separated enough from everyone else so this is great yeah you're definitely playing with the prince i left my area oh no oh okay so i get it now i get it now it's kind of an final game i think this is an awesome final minute game though i don't know what you're doing at the end though just this by the way they said they're banning the balls wait there's two beans oh [Laughter] that's huge all right all right i get i'm back in it let's follow up i'm born to win all right let me invite joe again i still in the lobby i've just been staring at the beans for like the entire time level up i got punk band costume this is huge i'm readying up boys i've readied up okay here i go okay time for the next fall guys [Music] i could not agree more we're doing all the keys possible right now right yeah yeah we are once we get anything and it's still just like classic fall guys my favorite part it's still gonna take six years to get into one game but yeah you know these there's just too many people they don't have enough servers they're waiting for them to open they gotta wait for the game to take off and before they get the servers you know you can never rush getting servers awesome man my favorite game but this game's goaded yeah that's i i'm not being sarcastic at all but i remembered it's literally not possible they have big getus in this game how can they possibly miss they they can't they they can't miss at all dude you say big yiddis and my my [ __ ] smile grows three times that day gosh do you need the big e to skin i need to see big edits i need to see this you need to never change it why do you guys get to spawn on the front i'm in the back wait what skill issue oh my god we're in sync oh my god we also never want to save doors you just want to be just behind everyone uh i've been great that part then do yo do that dude apparently there's no doors that let us walk through yeah they just patched that in isn't it awesome dude all right you should have guessed correctly you're bad all right top four not bad i can't believe i earned my win i'm [Laughter] know you're right i should have spawned in the front i've been saying i've never shown this to the front i never lose four dash there's a skill to it yeah the skill is called spawning in the front and i i just need to adapt that it's called waiting for everyone else to make the decision for you you're doing literally follow the path i never gamble doors i'm in the back there's no reason for me to ever gamble the door joe here's here's a tip if you go through the door that breaks you can't oh that's a great tip now i understand the game oh my god thank you dad yo you know no problem now you won't lose oh you have to race two lap oh this one okay i've played this one this one's actually so sick i think i just played this one oh yeah you gotta get the speed boost and then there's there's a hello kitty tamagotchi on my screen i don't know what's going on here man it's really cool they make the new games uh not go first i'm that's a skill issue actually you know what jimmy you should start off with this i agree with you instead of complaining yeah you're right you know you can complain it's all right man no no no i now see the wrong the error of my ways and i'm just simply going to be better oh okay whether we need to knock it off oh my god oh my god wait where's dash at oh cool except every beans in my way ever okay okay this time i get through okay okay but this time i'll get through it and now we've been like first place for a second so i think it was a skill issue actually i'm in fourth right now yo big jump i dash hugely i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna qualify i'm gonna get first place actually where are you right now uh i'm probably in like like 15th place i think oh i just lost a lot of maybe 100th place oh i might at the end of my second lap was not very good [Applause] oh it wasn't even it wasn't i wasn't even worried or sweaty it was down to you and bones dilla a true adversary really well bonezil can have fun playing his next game [Laughter] i hope he has fun with round one perfect match i'll be sitting here with the king jealous i'll be so jealous i would be oh my god i hope you guys get a perfect match i want to watch that blame this is honestly less action than perfect match though what yeah that's a thing so the cannon launch towards you right and uh you just have to survive but the best strategy is to uh sit here and do nothing oh is it like a teeter-totter to you so dash okay but there's like the axe in the middle do you see this come hold me come hold me dad do you see big yiddish man what the hell he's become a blade no that's not big edit he does not have a star on him just back no guacamole no it's not vegeta's it's the blade edis what the hell nope ladies has a star on it sorry there is a star blade yetis how could it be a yiddish without a star all i'm asking chick fungus didn't have a star we'll think funk is supposed to eat it true this is this is a new breed this is this is [ __ ] like this is sharp sharp choppas what two patches and that's getting catted oliver age 24 if you're listening to this please name him sharp choppas oh yo huge from dash though you're still on this okay wait and i'd never be out of this yeah you would never lose yeah sorry my discord just turned off real quick your discord got so excited by sharp choppas and can you blame them yo fruit shoot fruit okay i was thinking about this a couple days ago and i was thinking what if they made a video game where you walk in a straight line and then i remembered that fruit shoot existed and i'm so happy well it's not just a straight line you know there's fruit shooting at you oh my god yeah this should be the first 1d game [Music] here we go big ears [Laughter] that was it they launched me off the stage dash i'm so proud of you oh my god oh my god i'm i'm it's like second oh my god i'm in france it's fine i got what i wanted oh fat eat right there it wasn't enough though my heat was late all right dash it's all up to you what you didn't perfect match correctly at least get hit by edith one more time oh it's too late if one last earlier though it would have been worth it oh it would have been over they would have been signed sealed delivered sorry i'm sweating i'm now sweating so much i just got so excited i i'm their biggest fan you never have to apologize for sweating we understand man we accept you for you are and we know we know i'm sorry it's just first i see i saw sharp choppas then i saw big yiddis the only way this day could get better is thick bonk is which one was stick bonkers in which mini game was that two he's in he's in a couple of them [Applause] okay all right dash you're floating in the air for mine okay that's why you were just oh i would have loved to get redemption on this game i should have taken the natural fruit shoot no no i don't have any wait are you just writing up to people with the bomb just run up just kind wait wait you're actually in top four right now yeah honestly rewardable yeah people are really bad at this actually i just found out dropping like five yeah okay how far do you fly if you just hold on to the ball oh my god oh i'm a sniper i'm a sniper these people are [ __ ] outclassed all these people are so out class oh my god [Music] it wasn't even a challenge oh my god you were gonna fall in at the last second oh my god oh my god who's this on the screen oh my god wow is that one bouncy bean that's so huge all right i hope you guys eat the second minigame now dude i really hope i get to see a game that's not [ __ ] doordash every time i re-download this game i instantly get doordash and are you complaining yes i think he is yeah i hate the game all right you ready dad i just unlocked epic ezio blade hold on i'm sorry i'm freaking i'm freaking out right now you could be an assassin bean wait okay sorry i just unlocked what looked like somebody dabbing that's kind of all i need now oh my god i unlocked i unlocked ice cream bottom too dude everything's going great for me right now you're having a great day right now i'm sorry i've just i caught so many dubs playing this game oh [ __ ] hey this looks sick yo this looks awesome i like the aesthetic and all the bright colors god wait this is crazy and it's obstacle dude i love the obstacle course yeah they do my favorite dude listen as a roblox player i love obby's oh you know what we need to do right now since we're playing online games roblox we need to we need to load up let's jump i say we show them our favorite roblox map can we actually go play that map it's time for us to load up our roblox horror game it's time to go freaking out yo i'm in the front this is awesome i'm so turbo front oh my god i'm in the back of that front matthew [Applause] oh my god the lucio boost what is going on oh my god i'm a parkour genius oh you know what this is awesome [Applause] oh my god i'm [ __ ] master general oh this is awesome oh i know i thought i could make that competitor for like favorite fall guys course right off the bat i'm still on the top path oh my god i haven't fallen oh i've slowed down oh oh i just saw you you're right in front of me first try baby i'll take third place i'll talk i will gladly take third place that game's awesome and then here comes joe don't go down the middle so that's why i jumped off the side i thought it was an empty path the middle half i did not go down the yeah cause like since i was on the top path i didn't see a path down there so i'm like i'm not gonna [ __ ] jump in the hole and die and look like an idiot off the top but then i somehow fell back on top of it i don't know how that worked out i'll be honest i can't relate i've never fallen off ladies and gentlemen do i exit again do i exit again do not to you need to stop touching your controller i just want to play the game i want to hit buttons i just would hit buttons and you keep making it so you can't play the game so what's up with that dude i'm sorry that the game doesn't let me press buttons constantly all right like i can't i can't help it i'm playing ball guys i want to be at 99.99 constantly oh my god it's another obby by the way yo give me the all aubie gauntlet oh it's this hobby it's the ping pong it's the pinball wizard avi oh my god this one looks like hell without it oh my god jacob in the front stunted i got beetlejuice in the louis vuitton pattern [Applause] oh in the front oh joe you and me brother all right i'm going this way all right don't touch the buttons or you're mean don't touch the buttons or you're mean i'm being a little mean right now i just got decked so hard oh my god now i have to deal with all that that works gotcha gotcha yeah all these people are gonna hit the buttons now all right here we go all right i never fail i never failed the the light beams um and just like that i'm caught all the way back up never mind all right i've been sent to hell i'm also in hell i'm oh i fell oh [ __ ] oh these beans are harder to get through than i expected all right but are you a pinball wizard holy [ __ ] i'm still not past the [ __ ] beams all right i lost my no my lead is tarnished now i'm a pinball wizard i never fail yep easy all right i'm gonna i'm going to pinball route see my pinball round just hit me straight up to the top oh a beautiful easy and then here's the hey i took the treadmill yeah i don't like having fun that that's what that route sorry everyone took the elevator these [ __ ] went actually i'll take the stairs well it's a great source of cardio yeah i'm not trying to sweat escalating all righty great source of cardio sir we're walking to a mcdonald's like yo i'm in one of those like very very very rare moods where i'm like a mcdonald's could hit oh don't don't say that i might it's four o'clock they have all day mcgriddies they don't do all day breakfast yes they do oh my god they have a limited all-day breakfast menu it is not available on doordash but if you go to the place you can get it it's just oh my god you really came at me like you knew okay this is i i tried going and they were like no they don't do it i was like maybe you're mcdonald's maybe my mcdonald's is weak this this this map gives me ptsd because i got stuck in a pipe for six hours in a competition yeah in the fall guys tournament i hosted that was a good one later nerds oh my god big big hammers with a star [Music] all right i think i'm gaming i don't know i think i'm doing well i have no clue it's my favorite part of fall guys it's called watches five-year-olds try and figure out how the seesaw works answer they never will that's always a great one i'm gonna watch joe real quick i think you're still in this just walk on the pipe that's the guaranteed pass i literally just go over this earlier oh that hurt that that definitely hurt but hey not even scared though all right joe now all you need to do is drop your controller god you're right i was already just hitting buttons so i'm not gonna lie yeah dude i mean like i just need something to fidget with is this crown game this is crown game i'm pretty sure dude if you need something to fidget with have you ever heard of fidget spinners they're kind of those make me dizzy yo those fidget cubes go crazy though the fidget cubes are kind of insane everyone i annoyed everybody all through high school because i would like fidget with my pencil and tap it and everything i was one of those [ __ ] in middle school they used to give me bands under my under my chair that i had to kick and i would just break him every five minutes because i couldn't sit still yo bounce party though oh dude those bands actually go insane their bands are absolutely insane i wish i had them now so next game is crown game but bounce party we know what we're doing here the joe doesn't but we know i i all figured out to just never stop bouncing like because you get height the more you bounce [Applause] so i think you just build up speed for 12 hours kind of vibe gotcha which ones are the good ones the gold ones are gold yeah think of it like sonic thank you for putting the terms oh no oh no i chose [Applause] no no no no no all right all right where's everyone at i'm at five seven i'm at five i'm at seven i'm a seven now now i'm at nine that's huge i try to agree [Applause] no way dude i got robbed [Applause] all right okay i dropped that oh i qualified oh i wasn't first i was barely behind oh no i tried to greet and i got hard punished oh no no oh but now now's your time to get the grind absolutely beautiful now i'm watching spallarm77 yo splamorm let's go i hope he i hope he makes all right he's on consoles what console do we think he's on ladies and gentlemen uh nintendo square do you think oh okay i know we want to win but i am a hardcore room for school in the last game he literally got a nintendo switch for his birthday yesterday first game he downloaded fall guys i mean he needs no other game first question wait nine people so we're at 33 of the finals i feel like i feel like we can strategize here that's a lot that's a lot to have in one party that it we are taking all right you we have an advantage going in like half of it almost final round roll wait is this just that oh yeah yeah roll off it all right i'm just going to grab you roll off look i am willing to sacrifice myself if it comes down to like four people i'll i'll sack oh yeah i'll the guy with the crown what does this guy think he is he's not gonna get that's the only one he has all right this guy's like a member of the british monarchy thinking they're about to get another dub as if they've ever gotten one dude there's not even a point in playing anymore like what am i what am i fighting for oh we're not poor man i'm gonna target this guy so much and just built them can i win and then give my win to spallorm i hope he just knows it was done for in his name warrior i discovered the crown is hardcore avoiding me he knows i want it he's such a villain all right so we we can kill him we can kill this guy with the crown dude the only crowd is the one on my head for real okay thank god all right can we kill that playstation controller guy wait actually yeah i know what you're saying we're stacking now it's just five of us okay wait i'm going to take i'll take it i'll take playstation guy down okay okay all right i got him wait this guy's literally named named like a pokemon he needs to go bye-bye i'm alive still because i'm sick all right it's just playstation guys i got it i got it oh we got it we cannot let him win oh i got him always playing i'm just that's a real man all right bye jacob congratulations we did it we beat ball guys what's in the box it's us going to smite [Laughter] yo what a huge game we all got wins huge game yeah i can't believe all of us here won one first game who's to say for sure yeah yeah i didn't lose it all in the first round so true he didn't win he didn't lose any of the minigames so yeah you pretty much won yeah you want to try and sneak one more in for this video [Music] we can't i feel like that's a strong finish though oh you're right bye
Channel: Alpharad Gold
Views: 207,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lWV6bcomrXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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