Falcon Heavy Model Integration

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was the coolest thing I have ever seen [Music] only [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello everyone my name is Joe Barnard and welcome to this webcast let's just get a quick check on the audio here okay cool so we are all good thank you everyone for joining this is there's a lot of live streaming this week going on I hope you don't mind that I know sometimes it's it's better or like overall the quality's better on the videos that are edited together but there's a lot of work this week and just a lot of opportunities for me to turn a camera on and show you folks what's going on with bps let me just adjust some of the lighting here so things look a little bit better oh dear there goes the plant we're off to a solid start folks okay hold on so if you haven't read the title I recommend doing so but if you just don't want to I'll tell you what we're doing today we're doing integration on the Falcon Heavy which means okay I just cannot make up my mind about where this light should be pointed how about like that we're doing integration on the Falcon Heavy and what that means is we have a bunch of parts that need to go into the Falcon Heavy model and we're gonna be putting them together so one thing that is not really like well appreciated in aerospace just so we're clear like these are model rockets this is not the real aerospace industry but one thing that I think is underappreciated in a lot of aerospace fields is the complexity involved in integration and actually building these things so when a Falcon 9 or an Atlas 5 gets put together what does that production line look like how many people hours are actually put into putting that thing together so let's start all the way at what I consider to be the heart of the bps program which is the flight computers so right here I just zoom in here we have four of these signal flight computers oh you know what I meant to flip this cam in in OBS should I do that do you think that's possible oh by the way you'll notice the printer is moving in the bottom right of your screen let me also turn up a lot of there's a lot of just things that aren't exactly working one right now you'll have to just be a little bit patient here you turn up the exposure okay yes so the printer in the bottom right will explain what that's printing in just a minute let me know in the chat should I flip the camera so that when it's right setup for me it's also right-side up for you feels like the right thing to do but it's just gonna take a quick moment here for me to do that so is it worth it do we do you think we should do it let me know yes yes flip it yes my goodness it's a resounding yes ladies and gentlemen a resounding yes we've also a bunch of PVC material here today because we have to build some TVC mounts this is sort of like the little bit of everything webcam all right there we go hi everyone welcome to the webcam you can see bits of the center core back there now just give me one second here while I flip things around on the workbench cameras so this guy filters this is a very exciting there's a lot of ok hold on do you think video delay I would be pretty surprised if there wasn't just a flip aspect ratio image mask crop okay I can probably just rotate it right let's try this let me try something right now what if I just go like that does that work I think this works okay you ready okay let's give this a shot so this should be flipped which means that when i zoom in and I put signal under the camera you might have to move the camera as well it should say Oh No is it not flipped what did I do it's not flipped at all all right doesn't appear flipped okay we're getting there this is why [Music] this okay great we good we good folks thanks for the patience so now let me move this camera as well a lot of this stream is very messy okay if I put this here and i zoom in and it focuses ah it's wonderful it's perfect it's exactly what I wanted that looks great all right so now I feel like I should adjust the 3d printing camera okay let me just do it really quick and then I promise we will get started this is why people tune in because live streams are sometimes a mess it's like why do you watch NASCAR because sometimes the cars you know okay much better this is good yeah you watch NASCAR cuz like sometimes things get you know a little crazy okay well we're like 10 minutes into the stream let's get started so I've got these flight computers here let's start off with the with the flight computers and then we'll move on from there and let me also just one more time adjust my adjust my exposure said it's a little bit brighter and things look pretty good okay so this signal computer right here does that look good oh that looks great this signal computer one signal computer goes in to each core or each section of the Falcon heavy model now if you'd like details on the flight software and the hardware and how it launches and a bunch of specs about it you can go down to this descent I can't speak today you can go down to the description where it says for more info and then bps tough space slash Falcon heavy if anyone wants to drop a link in there into the chat that would probably be helpful too although it's literally in the description so you can probably find it either way each one of these computers controls part of the Falcon Heavy so the white ones here one of them is the left core the right core and then the upper stage so the actual orientation of them in flight would be something like this move these out of the way as well yeah the actual orientation in flight would be something like this and yeah so what we need to do is actually get these computers into their mounting brackets the mounting bracket holds it inside of the airframe this is it's fairly boring work but you all tuned in so you've sealed your fate we need a bunch of mounting brackets to actually mount these inside of airframes they have already been programmed they're already ready to go and they already have designations so it's gonna be really important that I don't actually mix these computers up because then I'll forget which one has which piece of code on it like you don't want to run the upper-stage code on the side core so you know just make sure let me know if I ended up if I end up mixing any of these computers up let let me know in the chat we can also I can show you that these computers work by plugging one in here I have the BPS space piggy board which so adorably said okay come on you can focus buddy I believe in you please there it is says oink oink the piggy board goes on to the bottom of signal with these little pins and these little pins they actually get compressed a little bit and that's how the board gets programmed because you'll notice there is no USB port on any of these boards okay here we go and the reason for no USB port is because this is based on a consumer product these are not these single computers that you can actually buy from VPS these all have very customized code on them so if I put one of the signal boards onto the piggy board let's zoom in a little bit again I put one of these onto the piggy board it comes alive so now it's ready for flight yeah so that's that's your proof that these actually do work okay you know what can I make a confession here Oh dab you oniy dab I'll make a deal with you youtubers listen up would you like to make a deal here's the deal I can only dab when something good happens when I when I have a success so like on the Kerbal space program stream that I did recently on the other channel I dabbed when I made it back from the moon so I'm only allowed to dab when there's a success so if you want me to dab remind me when something goes really well okay that's the rule alright so what do we have next yeah so each one of these computers needs to go in a mounting bracket and just mix them up here there we go all right here's the confession I wanted to do a joke where I was going to mix all these computers up and it was gonna be like Oh know which one is which but I actually have labeled them all they all have labels about where they go on the rocket upper stage right core left core and then center core alright now you might be wondering Joe why aren't you printing you probably aren't wondering this Joe why are you printing new mounts for these flight computers you'll notice a difference between these two in that one of them wow it's really hard to do this upside down one of these brackets one of these mounting brackets is sort of hollow like it's it's very there we go there's only one layer on top and there's barely any infill so let me show you the difference here with a scale so this scale will show us how heavy in grams each one of these things are oh wow that angle is terrible for the application here yeah this should be better okay does that look good let's see did Joey B prepare enough for this stream no okay so a this is a typical mounting bracket this is one that would for instance ship I mean it's in pretty bad shape but it would ship with the signal avionics kit or something like that it has I believe 25% infill and either two or three boundary layers it might actually be three and so it's a little chunky and it has a mass of about 17 grams but when we take out everything because these computers don't see high shock they don't see if high by vibration at least on the Falcon Heavy a lot of these events are low thrust to weight ratios there's not a lot of shock vibration they don't need to sustain a lot of force so or sustain a lot of whatever you want to call it you know what I mean instead of a 17 gram part we can move all the way down to almost half at 9 grams with these really small and really lightweight components which are these guys right here so that's what we're printing today we have a couple rounds of this print that we actually need to do and that's why we're printing it I lost the other ones from the last Falcon Heavy flight so we need to print more of them we also need to build some TV sea mounts today here's something so does anyone remember during the last Falcon Heavy flight how there was a little bit of melting in the center core this is the outer and inner gimbal of the center core throw Spectre control system you'll see there's a decent amount of burning and scarring these cables are fairly well burned it's you know it's like medium rare oh good let's do it okay well anyway this is pretty gross it's like it's not good and you might wonder hey Joe where's the where's the motor part let me show you here's the motor part so we did a hot staging thing during the last test and this has become one melty boy because I recessed the motor too far into the motor mount to where we both got the crucian egg effect which is you can read up you can look it up online if you'd like we've got some some stuff from the cruise nick effect which is why we lost a lot of thrust in the center core both from the motor being recessed into the airframe and subsequently recessed into the motor sleeve and yeah things just got really melty you can see like this is what the motor tube should look like and is that the front it's hard to tell which direction is the front here but this is there you can see it didn't it didn't go so well so we need to build a new one of those these are the ignition cables for this middle motor here and finally I wrote down a couple other things on here that we need to do we need to fix the bottom of the center core there's a little bit of structural damage on the damage on the airframe and we need to well that's it we need to put like batteries and cables and cards and the computer so excuse me let's take a couple of little questions here and then we will get started okay show on the road so for questions here let's see what people have if anyone has questions please submit them I will try to get to yours but as we found out last time I am NOT great of getting to everyone's questions so you're welcome to submit one one or two times or three times or eight times I don't know don't spam the chat but like if you don't get your question answered it's not because I'm ignoring you okay can you dab now nope no dabs until I've had a success or something has gone really well tacos are Pizza Pizza but tacos actually no tacos because if you use a corn tortilla on gluten-free now because I am i developed gluten intolerance that's so convenient what filament do you print with usually poly lactic acid what servos do you use that's a great question and look we're going to have to use this later in the stream these are the QC passed 9g servos does that show up up right on the screen let's see my stream is a little bit delayed these are QC pass 9g servos and I have quite a few of them so these are basically servos that I've already tested and already worked with to make sure that they look good and that they work well so we'll be using these today there oh so you 9g surplus but frankly they're all about the same okay no T why I'm literally out of tea I need to go grocery shopping so bad what is your advice for aspiring racketeers pick a section of rocketry that you really like and just go all in Hey Joe what's the airframe made of it's made of traditional cardboard seventy four millimeter airframe I don't think I linked it on the Falcon Heavy page but it's linked on the signal page is the Falcon Heavy going to land eventually but maybe not for a while oh boy what's the 3d printer that I used oh yeah that's actually a good question because you can't see it well enough in the frame it's a Prusa i3 market ooh someone asked why don't you label the boards and it's because there's no reason to print new boards for this project RL r there's no reason to print new boards for this project it's not something that is going to be super repeated or anything like that so oh my gosh this is so confusing yeah so you just put some glue tape on them Eagle PCB design software yes I do use that concat - let's see what else what are your opinions on kit rockets they're awesome for getting started and they're awesome if you just want to launch right now how is the motor fixed to the rocket in the thrust vector control mat when did you get interested in rockets I've been interested for most of my life but got super interested in like 2015 okay let's do one more let me try to pick one that I want all right um I can't find any that super stand out some of them okay we'll the signal kit be available from now space again maybe that's all I can say we might do another production round of the signal kit in the fall we might not it's just really stressful to produce boards and I want to take care of my mental health and make sure that I'm doing work that is inspiring to me so I the idea is that if you still wanted to do the respect your control and you still weren't looking to build everything from the ground up you could build the blip board and follow the landing model rockets tutorials that's kind of what is becoming adjacent to signal okay here we go beep if this your success now Deb no no dad's yet all right so we already have two of these lightweight things printed I printed some before the stream so let me go grab those and we'll start to assemble the Falcon Heavy upper stage computer I also want to do that okay we'll start to assemble the FH upper stage flight computer this bug needs to end there's a fruit fly I see him come close yes I got him oh that was violet did I shake any cameras got him alright that was a that was worrying for a little bit but I definitely got him yeah all right here we go when you get those mounts all right you want me to dab because I got the fly there you go so these are the mounting brackets for the F H upper stage now they do have orientation attached to them may watch the day you'll see that one side has bps base written up right and the other side has it written upside down this is just aesthetic it doesn't really mean a whole lot other than if you mount it the correct way bps tough space is always facing up there we go so that snaps in just like that it's pretty easy and then we need some screws to actually secure it so let's do this gonna use easy screws here these are 3.5 millimeter screws a lot of this is basically built off of the signal architecture and so even though it's not commercially available I can use a lot of the things that have already been built to build more things and do it very easily so here we go just straight in and then I think the next step is we'll put a battery in here on - don't roll away buddy didn't work at all and these are is an incredible number of people here thank you all for joining and for okay great so now we have our mounting brackets secure it in the computer here and I'll just zoom out a little bit we have our mounting bracket secured in the computer and I actually just got a totally new delivery I'm trying to look for it here of lithium polymer batteries that I want to pull from so let me see if I can find those there's some where I'm sure but I don't remember where I put them which is a problem because I we get an F in the chat because I don't know where the batteries are also I need this there's a ton of them I should totally know where they are oh wait I think they're in the other room Oh okay Gotham so these batteries are there three cell lithium polymer batteries these are linked on the signal page I believe it's an affiliate link actually but they're linked on the signal page if you're interested in knowing what these are they power just about all of the flights except for those which mean which have a huge power draw and that's the case of like the what do you call it reaction control system where these valves are drawing 500 milliamps each and you kind of just don't want to play it like that now the first thing I'd like to do for these batteries is the first thing I like to do is mark which side is negative and which side is positive so you can see this black wire right here and this red wire right here and so we're just going to emphasize which side has negatives that we never really plug things in backwards now signal does have reverse polarity detection which means that if we did plug things in backwards we would be protected we've basically like it wouldn't hurt the computer at all and if anyone's interested we can do that later today just plug things in backwards oh thank you Chris and Lance good job sensei thank you both alright so that is done and now we need a connector for it to actually connect it to the flight computer so I have this whole set of connectors that I have built up here I'll pull just one of them out right there I ran out of red and black wires so I used blue and yellow and so these wires will connect this battery to the flight computer and we're doing the upper-stage flight computer so I will go ahead let's demonstrate that there is reverse polarity detection or reverse polarity protection and then we insert the battery in the wrong way I've done the same thing here so right we have a black side and a white side the the negative is the yellow terminal is the yellow wire right here and so if we put the negative into the positive terminal here's what I'll do if this works if it doesn't fry the computer then I'll dab I've done this test about a thousand times so it shouldn't be a problem so it's a it's a near it's an almost guaranteed dab so this is the incorrect polarity on this computer right now and the computer is off so if I were to plug things in and turn it on the computer will not boot up I haven't done this in a while so I suppose there's a there's a chance it can go terribly wrong but that's what live streams are for nothing because there's a bunch of protection against it and now if we were going to just won't boot up because I mean you're not gonna it's not enough need for a total reversal thing okay so then if we plug it in the right way and I tighten down these screw terminals there we go and then I plug it in and turn it on there we go not bad and if I launch it you can see it's in the flight mode where you go down oh this one is the upper stage computer so it has like timers built in to when it actually detects Apogee and things like that it's like a little bit more complicated than the other computers procedures Jo procedures I have procedures there on my white board and you can't see them and I definitely have them so please believe me all right should I dab can we get a dab count in the chat by the way so here we go this is a DAB for the successful reverse polarity protection test it's a pretty hard one it's pretty hard to have tbh okay all right Oh Thank You Trista I just wanted to say hello can't stay long crab crab crab thanks a bunch of Trista can we all get cause up for Trista please also Parker I don't know if you're watching I definitely owe you a text I saw you sent one and I I owe you a response but haven't done that yet now the other thing I like to do with these batteries because I don't actually use this output from them I just prefer to use this it's a little easier is I need to put some tape around it because I want to further protect the back of the computer from any chance of shorting out so I'm just going to do this and like scrunch it up against the battery and now we will not use that port do this one two three buckle my shoe and down that's all now it's a little blue bundle of potential fire because lithium polymer be like that sometimes I need some rubber bands to to strap this to the back of the computer so why don't I find some rubber bands with my eyeballs hold on okay I've used my eyeballs enables I was able to secure some River Pam's oh man all right so if you're just joining us thank you very much for joining it's still it's still unclear to me why people choose to do this but thank you very much for joining so we're strapping the battery to the back of the fh second stage or the upper stage really once you start getting into multi-core vehicles I feel like it's more appropriate to label the stages based on their height or relative position rather than their order does that make sense so like no it's no longer first stage it's like booster stage Center core stage upper stage something like that just so it's a little bit less long a few things okay and the other thing I like to do is stretch these rubber bands out across the SD card slot because if the vehicle hits the ground there should be protection against this but if the vehicle hits the ground we don't want the SD card coming out because then we can't log any data to it and then the last thing that I want to do here is just sort of put this under the band right here and the signal computer is going to wear its battery as a little backpack isn't that cute it's a little battery BacPac cause up for having a backpack wow thanks for a pinch I will give you this 999 if you don't dab after the next success Wow conflict I feel like I have a moral obligation to all those who want the dab and a financial obligation to at least one person who does not I'm in a real pickle here folks all right let's just make sure this still works and then we'll keep proceeding great you want to look at something else that's pretty cool so here's the computer in the launch pad idle mode and if I launch it it doesn't it doesn't like that it sends an abort because it wasn't idling on the pad straight long enough let's let it idle for a little while and uh-oh random shutdown during flight wow there's a bunch of data beating logs to the computer what are we gonna do because the data wasn't pushed to the SD card I'll tell you what we're gonna do we're going to use signals feature to automatically detect that there has that there is residual data on the card so that if there's an anomalous event it saves that data it won't delete it and when you turn it back on it's now logging all of that data from the flash chip because it found a bunch of it it's like and all that data is the SD card Thank You Nathaniel would you call yourself a hobbyist great work by the way yeah I think I still would I like I'm in a really weird space where there's like some things that I do that I wouldn't normally do because this is a thing that pays rent but for the most part like I do projects because I like them I keep alluding to this secret project that's coming up in the fall but yeah there's like it's it's stuff like the thing that's coming up that I do not because it makes money or anything like that but because I just really love to and I think that's like a good justification of where the hobbyist line is this is one penny more to ensure that the dev happens after a success uh-oh this is not good everyone hold on let me just make sure the screen still good okay when you drop a couple of frames okay let me just change the screen quality really quick let's go down to 4k so that we don't the quality might drop just slightly but it'll be worth it um so here's money now dab ladies and gentlemen this is a big problem Rob hench has donated 999 in order for me to not dab after the next success tape master 21 has donated $10 in order to make sure I Deb can I get some advice I don't know what to do I would like to honor both of those folks who generously donated to the program but I also don't know what to do because they are okay next up we need at least two things coming out of this computer for pirate channels and things like that here's more money now Deb can I whip let's do this I think this will make everyone happy I'll whip I won't dab no I can't Deb Rob hench said no I can't dad I'll whip ready that's better that helps will you ever try and recreate the crew dragon yeah I really want to do an inflatable like mimic test where we like the motors of the crew dragon we like like tiny little a motors like in the in the upper stages of the Falcon Heavy there are these little separation motors up here he's a little like a level motors what is this ignore that Bob guy he's crazy alright Rob heads has I think consented to the dab if we get one more like suggestion to dab and I think we have to do it I don't know I'm still undecided now the other thing that we have to attached to this upper stage is a little break up for some alligator clips so hold on one second I have a bunch of alligator clips in this box and let me just look through it and find some and these will help us connect to the Falcon Heavy ferry to actually blow it open when it's time to it's time to separate the ferry and this is probably good we don't need a very long one these are pretty rusty though so maybe not I guess we could just use the blue one the blue ones kind of for the legs oh boy alright there's there's lots of requests for the dab I will do it here thank you so much for the requests let's um let me honor those all right get your screen recorders going get the rest to make thruspace next to me everyone get ready it's coming hold on make sure it isn't fall over it's falling come on buddy you can stand up I promise I believe in you this is very frustrating okay rusty you won't become an inconvenience you're going you're going back to the pack this is this segment of the stream has not been a complete success here we go everyone I will honor the dabs now I am so sorry I apologize to my friends to all my fans to my family to those who will no longer love me after this it is done I think we have more dislikes because of this now I don't care oh my god please don't dislike the video here comes the Streisand effect so these used to be ignition off this is rusty - I don't think I can use this alright I feel like I have no option I'm just going to use this blue one problem is the blue one looks so nice I'm gonna have to disassemble some other things to actually make this work so the parachutes on this one can just go on channel one or channel two and if I can just think about which thing we had let me look at the previous things for the balcony we'll just put it on channel 2 and call it a day I believe channel 3 is what triggers the upper stage okay sorry folks you'll have to bear with me my software here here we go there's a siren maybe it's for the Deb maybe that's why the siren is coming on yeah so what I need to do right now is look at the flight software and just make sure that I'm doing the right thing with the upper stage and then and what I mean by that is like which channel does the pyro get attached to so state for state five there's more sirens state or under pyro control I hate the siren so much um your pyro arm oh here we go this is what I want pyro one center court guidance Oh because the upper stage is basically a center core it has the same thing so the center core start is on pyro three start center okay hold on I'm almost there folks state one gets launched and we keep the TVC lock at zero state two if center core start equals one TVC compute and TBC right and we stay in state 2 until burnout detection but burnout detection hold on burnout detection has a qualifier somewhere down here yes if flight time is greater than 6.5 seconds then burnout detect okay we're all set let's go back to the workbench oh I've missed a lot thank you everyone for the super chats deb and is a 60 million 69 riley dab and is a 60 millimeter airframe okay for a TV serie kid not for the TVC rockets that i build but maybe you can make a mount that smaller i build four seventy four millimeter airframes although the next Scout vehicle is going to be 66 millimeters it's not the usual that was epic Thanks alright so what we have learned here is that the second stage has there's a lot going on in my pocket I hope this is an email extravaganza 2.0 there's there's a lot going on in the discord alright so pirate channel 3 is what controls the I don't think we need it okay pirate channel 3 we're gonna put the parachutes on pirate channel 2 and then pirate anal 3 I think is going to be like organically wired which means we're gonna wire the pyro directly up to the computer without alligator clips you know what I honestly think we don't even need this - ok let's get the upper stage let's just do this so this is the upper stage of the Falcon Heavy right here it's a it's like pretty small compared to most of the Rockets that I build and I showed this on the last stream but if anyone's interested it does work this motor is a nurse and you can tell because there's a bunch of hot glue on the end of it but if I tilt it up and leave it there for a second will eventually average out all of our readings and then when it's time to launch you can see it move at the bottom there you know I think if I tilt it over its gonna abort yeah it aborts if you tilt it over too far and at that point it starts looking at the altitude and eventually it's gonna come back down to the ground and figure out that it's time to log the data there we go and it's basically a normal rocket for all intents and purposes we do need to replace this computer because this is running standard signal flight software hey by the way I'm gonna miss when these when the print finishes if someone wants to just remind me in the chat if the chat wouldn't mind just yelling at me when the print finishes that would be great so just for scale here we have a signal computer that goes there and then let me grab an igniter what I'm trying to figure out is if we need an extension to actually light the upper-stage motor here's a regular old fireworks igniter and if we put this on pirate channel 3 we have just enough space to get down to the motor but we actually go through this Inlet here and it's gonna be within the airframe you know I think there's enough space and if there's not we can just make a small extension we will save weight by not including these things and the other thing is I wonder if this is still at the bottom of fairing Jenna the print isn't done okay so oh yeah they're all gone ok but the leads for the for the fairing come out of there and they should be at least this long right out of the fairing so if we put that in to scale with where the fairing would go that's plenty long enough for excellent for us to directly connect it to the signal computer in the upper stage so ladies and gentlemen were almost done with the the upper stage assembly for the Falcon Heavy been the last step here is of course to wire up the thrust vector control mount got this bad boy down hearings connect it to the wrong computer so I'm gonna stick my fingers in there and detach it actually that's gonna be too hard to do so let's go ahead or rocket cradle one or two more of these okay we're gonna take this computer out that is stripped all right the bps rocket cradle hey can someone drop a link to the the bps rocket cradle advertisement that I made if someone wouldn't mind just dropping one of those it's on the channel here somewhere that is a throwback alright if I turn this around I can more easily detach these servos great so this is the flight computer that is old let's not get this confused with the newer version which is this guy right here we also have to detach these leads so let's do that real quick okay and you know what's tricky here is it's gonna be hard to wire up this TV seamount I think I have to detach the TV seamount slide it up through the air frame attach the leads and then slide it back down which frankly sucks but is part of vehicle integration this is why this is why vehicle integration is underappreciated basically be more mass efficient you want your rocket to be the more work you will have to do in putting it together so if I slide the vectoring mount up through the air frame you can see it in there now I can attach it here and we have a pretty much fixed length it looks like we've got X&Y on the correct sides so slide it up to the computer and attach these leads so here we go X this is the same mount that actually flew in the Falcon Heavy to X&Y and if I turn these on just check them out cool yeah it works just fine so now we can slide this all the way back down in here and then we have to look at these screw holes here we have to look at these screw holes and make sure that we are properly lined up and it's kind of hard to find out where that point actually is sometimes Oh hold on here we go there it is so that's a screw hole right there and kind of see when it's printed material here let's go all the way in enhance if you look through there you can see when it's printed material and when the screw hole shows up so that's what I'm doing is trying to align them and it's not that easy there we go so one Chris Frank is done okay thank you for yelling at me everyone the yelling is much appreciated let's let's screw in these parts let the printer cool down for a minute and then we'll go get the print thank you so much for the note oh I did this wrong thank you so much for the notifications though I did this wrong I didn't screw it into the mount I screwed it just directly into the airframe that's fine okay that's the screw hole right there so here we go that's definitely security it's more secure than before and we'll get all four of them because we want rigidity here you'll notice the second core has a significant amount of damage it's not hard to build a second the sorry the upper stage has a significant amount of damage that's because it has hit the ground a couple of times and we're probably one or two flights away from just replacing it all together it is still structurally sound I will let you know it's just not very good looking but we won't tell that to the second stage because we don't want to hurt its feelings okay now we're gonna do the same thing for the flight computer in the second stage and here's a little secret I usually don't when I actually fly these Rockets I know I know the print is done except the print is done when I fly these Rockets I usually don't use all of the screws there are one two three four five six seven eight that can be screwed into the flight computer I usually don't use all of them because it's usually not required I just stagger two of them one on the top one on the bottom and this can help us save just a tiny bit of mass here and the computer doesn't move too much it's not it's certainly not going to move in flight that much because there's not a ton of vibration I might put one more screw in there though just for good measure okay and that's good that's pretty rigid there all right so one more time if we turn this on you'll see the amount actuate excellent now we'll have to realign this at some point although the alignment does look pretty good at least like down the center okay to everyone who yell at me that the print is done I will get the print right now here we go thank you for yelling I did ask for it got it all done okay where's my water can answer some more questions now by the way it's fairly early on and Joey B is working extremely hard this week so why don't we just say if anyone is interested I'll do a Kerbal space program stream after this but I don't know what to actually do maybe we'll go to Doudna okay dab for the print being done should I dab for the print being done is that worth dabbing for I'm honestly not sure of the dab scale here so you'll have to keep me posted what do you use for engines well the the primary thing that I like the most is the STS f15 engine the ssds f15 rocket motor it's just like it's really solid I've never had one blow up on me and it has a decent burn time of 3.5 seconds and it's black powder which means it shoots out a ton of fire so people say yes no no don't do it Bruce it prints itself no we must not overuse the dab you know what d.h doctor closet for d.edge doctor maybe maybe people will be mad that is correct let's not kill the meme let's be really respectful of the meme of the dab so we won't overdo it and the last step here oops excuse me the last step here is let's reattach the fairing this will have to be changed later on but just when we actually integrate the vehicle I'd like to have the second stage look like a second stage [Music] okay there's one they're just tiny screws through the airframe into the 3d printed part three and four excellent okay so this is a second stage that is ready to fly on the Falcon Heavy well the only thing that we're missing is Pyro's but that's not too hard to do those are pretty easy to do I don't think we'll get two pyro stuff today but yeah man I just looked at the I just looked at the other flight computers involved in today's work and the thought crossed my mind like what if I had put this the wrong computer in the wrong car we're not going to do that today really good everything I do and just so we're all clear that is sarcasm okay how do you get over the fear of failure I don't really know I I don't want to sound weird about it but truthfully I don't think I have that fear that much and it also like everything is one big joke we're all gonna die you should just do what you want man the other thing is like any time I've gotten like super honest with someone or super this is like very introspective anytime I've gotten like super honest with someone or like crossed some weird boundary in the name of like sharing some truth or whatever like my relationship with that person gets deeper I don't think that's really what you're talking about but like just being exactly who you are and being open about it is a good deal and it often like makes things way better okay thanks for coming to the Joey be introspection our let's do what do you think left core or right core or Center core what computers should we assemble right now left core right poor or center core let's see what the chat Thanks what about a roadster in the fairing the roadster is dead oh yes by in the way by the way there is a roadster going in the ferry and it's somewhere I promised but I just don't know where yet here it is okay Center everyone wants the center core we will obey the wishes the center core is more complicated though so during the last Falcon Heavy flight Charlie Garcia my good friend who has an awesome series on liquid rocket engines if you'd like that kind of thing someone can link it Charlie Garcia sent me a model of a Tesla Roadster that I believe he made himself and it's alright I didn't do a good job 3d printing it you can see there's like garbage all over it and I painted it a little bit but it was mostly made to look like a roadster from afar if i zoom out it doesn't look too bad if i zoom out and move it around a lot you can't really tell that the quality is poor however when i zoom in it is abundantly clear that this is not a very good Tesla Roadster so this is what flew on the last flight I screwed an eye bolt through there and attached a parachute Oh Charlies here hi Charlie and the reason I brought Charlie up is because not only did he make this but a while back he sent me a bunch of high pressure tubing and valves for some other stuff that's coming up and he sent this along with it let's see if I can get it to work oh yes perfect so this is the actual Hot Wheels Tesla Roadster with star man in it isn't that cool it's got a little star man it's like the correct model of the Roadster I'm not sure exactly what scale this is I don't know if it's 140th but it must be pretty close it's probably like 120 something if any one let's look it up how close my guess is its 125th Hot Wheels Tesla Roadster let's see what scale it is my guess is somewhere close to 125th ah Amazon no not interested 109 250 no that's not it does anyone know one sixty-fourth 172 does anyone actually know the scale if someone could help me find this what scale is the Tesla 160 people think 160 what scale 1/64 scale okay I went the wrong direction so instead of 148th it should be 1/64 which is a not a doubling but like two thirds or an extra third anyway the point here is that it almost fits it's just a little big for the actual size of the rocket so what I'll do is I'll probably tie a parachute around this or more likely I will epoxy a parachute to this to make sure it doesn't come off yeah and it's flying with that but we won't put it in the fairing just yet all right next up is the center core because the chap seems to be most interested in building the cinder core let's do that so we'll start out just like we did last time with the actual flight computer brackets and actually what I'd rather do is start out with the battery this time the battery is easy - easier to do not screw it we'll start with the brackets all right so once again just like last time we have one that has the text upside down and one that has the text right side up so put the right side up one on the bottom and then upside down go upside down on the top just make sure it's all aligned and it looks good now I'll grab a couple of screws and we'll get to work now there's one thing that's missing from the center core and if anyone remembers that thing which is missing is well it's a a properly working thrust vectoring mount is missing so we have to build that right after we build this computer which is a cool thing I don't know if I've built a TVC mount on a string before my crapping screws everywhere Joe how do you program the boards I use the Arduino environment the Arduino IDE and I write most of the software in the Arduino language which is pretty much C++ it's slightly abstracted so the Arduino language is just a little bit friendlier than C++ but it's all like if you were to look at any of the cpp libraries that you have as part of your Arduino kits or something like that they they look very familiar okay great so we've got this now we need a battery connector I've got some here let's use this guy same colors as last time and how is BPS funded vp okay here comes the patreon plug plug your ears everyone the beat BPS is funded through generous support through a lot of folks who are over on patreon comm / BPS dot space or underscore space unclear but that's how it's supported right now we make a little bit of money through YouTube ad revenue we make a little bit of money from those Amazon affiliate links but most of it is from a lot of folks who are very generous over on patreon and I'm sure someone has dropped a link to that in the chat anyway that's how its funded it was self funded for a long time because it was just a project and it wasn't very successful so it wouldn't have been I think it wouldn't have been that necessarily wouldn't have been right to ask for money but I think like it just I'm not sure it would have been appropriate to to ask for support Batman anyway the point is it was self funded for a long time I was at wedding videographer which lets you spend lots of time during the week when there aren't weddings on rockets and then you just give up your weekends for weddings it's actually a wedding videographer for okay so I'm putting blue tape on this battery once again just so we can secure that cable keep things a little bit cleaner on here and yeah that should be good and then the other thing if anyone remembers the other step that I like to take here someone says KSP stream please in all caps yes the answer is yes I will probably I'll almost certainly do one after this hey does anyone want to see something really really funny that not everyone will get raise your hand if you watch the office everyone's hand should be up by the way just so we're clear all right just marking the negative terminal in here okay lots of people watching the office so yesterday I have really this is very personal I have really bad acid reflux which means my stomach is bad it holds it holding acid in and it's it's just bad it's not a good thing so every now and then I get an endoscopy where they stick a camera down your throat it's not an incredibly fun experience but you go to a hospital and they stick a camera down your throat so I had one of those yesterday morning and they drugged you up pretty good so you can't drive afterwards so I had my friend Kelly come and pick me up and she brought me this balloon hold on ready it was bigger before but on it it says it is your endoscopy like the Dwight birthday thing it is your birthday period it is your endoscopy and she brought that in okay I don't know how I got on that subject or tangent all right so let's see we're gonna put these rubber bands around here oh we need to attach the leads here so positive is the blue cable did he died better than a colonoscopy true dat that's just that is just how digestion be you know honestly sometimes it be like that man are you gonna make a starship model rocket Devin good question no but also yes once again the folks who are in the discord know what I am referring to so the answer is no but also kind of yes I won't make us it'll be closer to I'm not gonna give too much away no but also yes mostly no all right so this is the same procedure that we're going to do last time where I'm just gonna thread it's helpful to keep all of these things consistent between cores I'm gonna thread this little connector up through the rubber bands and then the battery goes there we will power things up hi from Mexico I okay there we go it feels alright I kind of want another rubber band in there but that should be okay power on just to make sure it works okay we're all good that is the center core computer ready to go now we need some other things here you're not done yet so here's the thing the thing is that sorry I don't know if there's a live streaming handbook but completely walking up and saying hold on is definitely not it I think we're gonna have to pull some stuff from scour we just don't have enough cables in here this is really surprising that we don't have enough though sorry Scout you are a sacrifice now you have become sacrifice can I get an F in the chat for scout oh thanks D D Garak de guerre keep up the awesome acts awesome experience it's like Kerbal space program and oh no like real life thank you very much thank you for the EPS by the way can we get a rip in peace for scout as well Oh perfect this is exactly what I wanted hey for anyone who is curious how I was live streaming video from the rocket we can take a look at that now okay so the first thing that I want to do is disconnect these leaves because these are live right now these are live charges attached and it's fine signal has plenty of protection so it won't actually fire but we don't need to be connected here here we go rip in peace okay so I'm disconnecting the charges one and really what I want from this computer is not the charges so much as I want the cables these little alligator clips are very helpful and I keep every few months I make a few more alligator clips like I just I make them out of raw alligator clips and wire and they just disappeared I don't know I don't understand it it's like teachers and whiteboard markers like they just I don't know where they go all right set yeah so this is the this is the flight computer for Scout b1 it's obviously a mess so what we've got going oh thank you Rockwell what we've got going on here is a small video transmitter here and omnidirectional antenna so that when the rocket rolls this is roughly in the center of the rocket it's not long enough to actually make it to the center the video TX is powered by a small lithium polymer back here I had a second lithium polymer back there as well and then the via the VTX is broken out by this cable to the outside of the rocket where it plugs into the runcam and then feeds the video through this cable back to the VTX through the antenna and down to the ground so that's the whole process but what once once again what we're really interested in here is this blue cable and this blue and white cable the green cable may also be helpful at some point but because I'm really smart i hot-glued it to the thing past Joe makes some ridiculous decisions all right there we go we have the cables that we want okay how are we doing the stream count is still like really it's holding pretty well I'm quite pleased I'm I'm positively chuffed well I'm not gonna say that again all right so the parachutes for this cannot go let me go ahead and look at the flight code one more time [Music] hi everyone welcome back to the with a webcam thing you can see my endoscopy balloon back there yeah I think I've said this already but basically yeah we're looking at the the pyro code for the center core to make sure that all of the channels corresponds to what I want them to do so on pyro 3 in mode 1 when Baro averages above 4 and system state is less than 3 and greater than 1 and pyro 3 time is less than pyro on time Millis and error average is greater than PI over 3 alt then oh we don't even do center core guidance oh that's because it's on a timer sorry everyone this is boring I just can't show the code you set the PID once mostly for the I term and so that is when pyro 3 is in mode for higher 3 arm TVC compute TVC right okay I think pyro three triggers the second motor and so we can use one or two for the legs and or the parachutes so we'll use two for parachutes three for everything else okay great sorry just figuring this stuff out workbench again just play minecraft I'm not gonna play minecraft I don't care about minecraft you're welcome to play minecraft you go do it alright so this is going to pirate channel two and that goes up to parachutes this one needs to be fairly long because if you look at where the flight and sit this is the center core the flight computer sits right here and the parachute leads actually doesn't need to be that long but I'd like to make it so that if we detach up here yeah this is plenty long that'll be fine so we're gonna connect it to channel 2 and here we go what am I missing in the chat here Joe just lost all my respect for insulting minecraft like that sorry Nicholas Joe play Minecraft no I play Kerbal space program that's my game Joe will you ever take VPS public almost certainly not yeah and we don't need a cash infusion anyway and usually that's like kind of the reason that you want to go or you're interested in exiting it's gonna be like one or two toes those things and I haven't interested in neither of those okay all right let's just do this there's hot glue on it I don't know why I'm like this so I want this green cable here to actually run down the side of the vehicle hey can someone can I get a guy ask for a favor I need a favor from everyone really I just need a favor from like one person but I need a favor can someone hit me up cuz I'm not gonna do it now can someone hit me up in like tomorrow or something just like shoot me a tweet and remind me hey Joe you need to buy more spooled wire because I keep forgetting to and I really need to I'm out of all of my like ready to go wire okay that's the favor so we've got this green line right here this guy goes to pirate channel three Joe are you making jet engine for the secret project no I am NOT that was a plan for a short period of time and then I decided based on several factors that the jet engine was not the right choice there we go and we another one and this there we go and tighten it down and then I don't think we're going okay I have some disappointing news everyone can we just get this out of the way here's the disappointing news I don't know if we're gonna fly the next version of Falcon heavy with landing legs at all I might paint them on the vehicle so it just looks like we have landing legs but the legs are heavy enough and it's not actually trying to propulsively land the legs are heavy enough that's starting to impact you just have to like cut a lot of corners if you use the legs on it I think I'd still like to paint them on there I just don't think we have like yeah paper landing legs maybe I'll use paper landing legs or like cardboard landing legs actually I have plenty of cardboard here I could probably make fairly convincing cardboard landing legs we'll see we'll see undetermined okay so this green guy is gonna run down the side of the airframe and he's gonna light the second motor in the center core and so that's what his job is I'm also going to feel like this is a good idea I do this on some flights I just tape over the leads because it's exposed metal and I don't want them too short against anything randomly if I'm turning the computer on so there's one and then we'll use this piece of tape here okay excellent so this computer is done does anyone know what the next step is if you know what the next step is put it in the chat let's see how many people are paying attention the computer for the Centre Court is done what's next thank you for the reminder Charlie the answer is the answer to your question is probably like 15% on one metric and about 30% on the other that's the answer secret question and it's up to the chat to figure out what Charlie was asking about and yes the reminder is appreciated because it needs to be done okay let's see what people think is next battery make it do beep boop s-- I can do that bathroom break no no no no bathroom break yet I don't think anyone's paying attention its TVC we have to build a thrust vector control mount Charlie Garcia squints in lawyer it'll be fine it'll be fine all right this is not appropriate for this stream charlie okay we need to build some stress vector control maps now we only need one here today but we're actually going to build three because why have one when you can have three at thrice the price so we need some servos once again we've got our QC passed 9g service quality control pass so how many sets of servos do we need one two three we also need some linkages and tiny little bits here and these all come in bags one two three they had little 9-volt cables cuz these are all the bags this is this is what production looks like so these are all the bags that go into the signal kiss these are all the bag to the linkages Joey B spends a horrifying amount of time packing them and what else do we need we have the linkages we need screws but I have those from McMaster they've got some screws and yeah this is all we need right I think so okay here we go so let's start assembling some mountain the first thing that we have to do as part of this process is to remove a bunch of support material and I believe let's start with the inner core or the inter what is it inner gimbal just installed move some of these things over to the side so we have some more space this space is the place for space okay there we go so now we can detach some of this support material oh thank you so much Lance contact the guys at flight text flight test for legs they use a lot of cardboard flight test is awesome I still really want to do a video with them I feel like it would be a cool thing to try an air launch a model rocket from from a model airplane with flight test but okay I'm meeting somewhere there's blood on my hand where is it coming from unclear maybe it's from this all right these ones were not production units for a signal which means they were never destined to hit the boxes or hit the hit the shelves so to speak because the support material is far too strong and hard to detach more production hell this is this process is not that much fun if you do if you dial in your print settings this process is really satisfying and 90% of the time I do that really well but if you mess it up I kept these because I was like well I already printed them I might as well use it for something should I just throw them out okay that should be enough right there one done awful blood is from your cheek sue your employer oh my gosh alright here's another one I'm gonna use my hands for this one that is some happy support material yeah it's honestly like wait you bleed on your cheek is it actually on my cheek there's not blood on my cheek oh is there what is this oh my gosh there is hold on I did shave I put it in the chat does anyone remember this I shave right before the stream and it was a bad idea because there's the blood okay hold on let me let me clean this up stand by okay all cleaned up much better if in the chat for the for the blood on my cheek Parker so you guys come here often okay so once again support material around to because of the geometry of this as well it just makes it like you have to have your support material figured out in advance or it helps at least okay this is the way to do it I'm realizing that was much cleaner than last time okay one more to go thank you for the F's everyone much appreciated ok there's one piece yeah now here we go now I'm really like figuring it out and done ok so these are the inner gimbal pieces and I'm gonna recent assemble this off from memory even though I do have instructions to do it so let's get started the first step here is to attach oh I need to let's just yeah let's start with this the first step is to attach the linkage Stoppers to TBC mount anyone who has purchased the signal kit will recognize this process because they have done it themselves this is the way that I like to do it it means that you can really easily you want to strip that hole because you want easy rotation with this linkage stopper see I'm still not yeah it's still not really easy enough to rotate so if you move it around eventually it loosens up enough so that yeah much better okay great that's the linkage stopper there then we need one of the linkages which is this guy this bad boy he goes right there and then we will use the included allen wrench to just tighten it down real quick and we're not gonna worry too much about where exactly it is now next step we need one of these inner gimbals there's a lot of yeah you can see why these didn't like make production they're all like all of the layer Heights are kind of off and you're still figuring things out so we'll take a pair of these servos they are all calibrated to 90 degrees - that's part of the manual process there's just a lot of like ridiculous packing and stuff like that that goes into this process which is why I felt like the right move to just take single offline for a bit okay let me see if I can answer any questions for anyone what are we what are we doing tonight what's going on here we have questions do we have questions I don't know that's all I can think of should we do some trivia that could be fun everyone seems to like the trivia okay is this too big I think this is yeah it's too big okay here we go why you bleed a lot I don't know man I don't can sure I don't make the rules I'm just the one that bleeds here we go the moment of truth oh it's magnetic that's frustrating Thanks Elon or am i think it's Elin you took KSP to another level good work Joe thank you so much thanks for the crabs as well not like that but you know what I mean like the emoji crabs this has taken a turn [Music] okay there's one screw for the servo and we need a second how the turntable second screw here we go will it focus that's nice and solid in there and then going slightly out of order you need to thread this up through a little stopper hey by the way this is a good opportunity for me to make some of that that cash money why am I like this if you're interested in the thrust vector control mount and you want to build your own for your own TBC enabled projects there's a link to the STL files which are available for purchase down below and this is the stock s the the stock TVC mount for BPS - there's nothing that's actually modified for the falcon heavy okay so the cable goes up through there you do that now the motor sleeve goes in here and we're gonna screw it in with some screws because that's how this works will you pass BPS onto anyone I do not have plans to do that I plan to hold on to it as long as I'm saying which honestly like if if being sane is the metric maybe I don't have too long left but no I have no plans to do that so one of the good things about manufacturing in PLA and just sort of thermoplastics is you can over tighten screws to strip them and basically turn the PLA into a bearing remind you it's not a very good one but it's certainly good enough for model rockets there we go and now it very freely rotates where before it was just slightly stuck now it very freely rotates there's only a slight amount of play in there but otherwise it's pretty tight so we can take this linkage stopper now I'm going to count the screws that's the only downside the screws get very hot alright so here we go one two and three holes from the center insert the linkage stopper keep burning myself on these screws they heat up quite a bit let's undo the linkage here and Center this this is great Center this and tighten it down okay let's give it let's get it much more tight because we can just calibrate our way out of the rest of this stuff spider in the TV seamount no there's not oh my gosh never scared me like that again don't do that who said that there's a spider inside the tube there's not a spider it kind of looks like it but it's just a little glob does it really look like oh yeah it does look like it doesn't it alright it is not a spider oh my god I really thought it was for a second got him y'all got me good though that's true alright next step is the outer gimbal crunch now that comes out really cleanly look at that see this part was much better calibrated obviously this isn't great but you know I actually made it to a stream whoo yeah I feel bad that I scream mostly at night where I am are mostly in the evening but it just is like how things end up working out I was on calls for like 6 hours today maybe not 6 but it definitely a solid four hours of calls today is a lot beautiful fit excellent let's screw that down here come more sirens oh no those aren't science I think that's just someone whistling okay screw one Joey be ASMR should we do more ASMR leave it in the chat what do you think I will obey the results of the chat right so we're gonna strip these once again [Music] what do we got yes no no yes no yes yes no no yes yes no Joey all right here comes listen if you don't like ASMR you are about to be disappointed in me that's what I'll tell you hi everyone welcome to the chaos this is not KSP this is the Falcon Heavy livestream thank you so much for joining my name Joey B please don't forget to rate comment and subscribe somehow my impression of ASMR is that you also have to slur your words a bit I'm done I'm so sorry enough of that I have sinned I have sinned and I am sorry that was not good that was very loud and not ASMR alright we're almost done with this TV seamount and then I have a question for the chat so don't let me forget I have a question to ask everyone and I think we should do some trivia we haven't done trivia in a while okay so attaching this now it should also be noted that once like this is actually a pretty slow process when I'm doing it on the stream but generally I can do one of these mounds every like 10 minutes or so Joey be trying to flex on his build times okay so this goes here get the screw hole lined up there we go [Music] great and then we need the bottom part how much mass production that's the base that's the best ASMR I've heard it's really hard to get this bottom one to work especially when it doesn't cooperate got it great that's in there nice and solid okay and then we need one more linkage stopper linkage stopper it's called or no no we just need one more linkage and that's this guy it's a push rod really you can call whatever you want oh I did this wrong oh can we get an F in the chat please why am I like this okay so this is now in here I just I need that F in the chat please I require it because folks we screwed the servo in too early there is a process there's an order to this and I I did not follow it I should have read it my own instructions this is why you follow procedures okay first you detach the servo then you insert the linkage one two three one two three go in okay great that's the push rod in there now and then you can insert the servo which is now done okay and now I can finally rescrew it back in that's great thank you for the F's and the chat much appreciated all right screw the servo in again and this guy screwed in once more oh hey Thank You Charles hi do you know why two stage model rockets have so low max altitude I'm not sure if that's really backed up by anything two stage model rockets have I mean that's not like a general thing I think if you do two stages you usually get a higher altitude okay this is a completed TVC mount this is a completed thrust vector control mount that we can use in the center core now we need one more part of it here there's one more thing we need to do so I have two things to ask the first is we have one more quick step in this thrust vector control mount I have the parts to build two more should we go through this process in O print is done print is done Thank you very every thank you everyone I will get the print in just a moment keep but keep reminding me because I will forget we have two more parts for two more TV sea mounts do we build those mounts or do we move on and continue the build of the falcon heavy what would you rather have happened on this stream would you rather me build more TVC mounts which I don't actually need or go and complete the falcon heavy continue build FH FH please falcon heavy move on falcon heavy complete it send me one okay everyone wants the falcon heavy so we will ditch the rest of these parts for the the TVC mount to the mount and that is a TVC mount liner which is just a tiny bit of cardboard tubing it's linked in the TBC files if you're interested in that so we're gonna cut a small length of this oh wait I don't do this yet because the next step also involves a knife but it's uh well everyone who owns a 3d printer and knows that you can change design files is going to be mad at me but I promise I don't care inside every motor mount is a small lip at the very top so then when you so that when you insert a motor let me grab one hold on here's a spent motor you see it's totally inert it's got nothing going on there when you insert a motor it gets stuck at the very top right at that lip let's zoom all the way in enhance enhance see see that lip there so the problem is though that we need to actually fit two motors inside this design one of these motors is going to be sitting sort of like this the other one will be sitting sort of like that and so we need two motors in here does everyone know what we need to do with this knife I'll give you a hint it starts by looking like this cut the lip should we do it here it comes I don't know if I went low enough oh no I'm I'm just below the lip because of the boundary tears in the 3d print it's very easy to just detach the lip there we go and what you'll notice is that in the last iteration of this design you'll notice that the edge is just enhance enhance the edge of this is slightly rough this is the design that flew on the last Falcon Heavy so I did the same thing I just cut the lip off and then I super glued the motor into the top sometimes Joey B space program be a little bit weird and a little bit sketchy I just make sure that works and now if we put a motor in it it should slide yeah fairly freely there we go and so the last part here is a motor liner but we're not going to do that just yet and the print is done so we need to get the print and start a new one what we just printed was probably one of the side core flight computer mounts and now we need to print to the other side core flight computer mouse so that'll be the fourth set of them and then we'll be done with those prints here we go let me get that's all well and good we have another set of flight computer brackets right here snake weight snake under the printer what do you mean there's a snake under the printer is this a joke there is no way there's a snake under the printer they're lying there's no way I have to check oh this is why you don't watch people tell you there's no snake everyone who said there's a snake is banned don't actually do that they're not banned I'm not mad I'm just disappointed hey Joe was the closed-loop alignment abandoned thanks for the question Jake yeah it was abandoned so I had closed-loop TV see alignment which means I had an IMU on both the flight computer and threat spectrum control mount that is a pretty cool thing and closed-loop TBC's is how most orbital launch vehicles operate as well you want actual feedback on where your motor is pointed what ended up happening is I realized like for the model scale it just wasn't worth the cost signal was being developed as a product which means the bill of materials and the that cost to produce it were being heavily considered so if I could save my you know save money that's a good way to do it and it also saves a lot of complexity in terms of wiring so yeah it did work it was good but it also like it wasn't really worth it at the model scale TNT outside your window what is it no I kind of like this meme like I kind of like the meme where you just say that something exists that doesn't actually exist just to like get me but I also kind of don't you smell me smell [Music] okay here are some TVC cables these are just servo extension cables Hey Joe how many hours have you on that printer at the moment Philip that is a good question do you know if I can find that out in the statistics of the printer I probably can I would estimate on the order of at least a thousand it's been printing quite a lot in the last year or so so anyway these are print these are TVC extension cables now part of the process for building signal are to kit and specifically the thrust vector control mount is to label all of your cables this is a really good idea and I recommend you do it if you're building a throw Specter control mount so that you don't accidentally reverse anything I don't know if Robert cook is watching Rob cook is another guy who does thrust vector control with model rockets he had a flight fail recently where things were just it was literally just wired backwards and so labeling your cables helps a lot to to minimize that so we have a Y right here what you'll notice is that this says Y and this guy right here says X and so these are our axes now in most air state air space vehicles you actually will find a y and z and then X is the roll but I'm too far in at this point to change it I think at some point I'll probably switch over to the proper notation anyway Y so I'm just labeling the text right here oops and I'll label on the other side as well y and then X on this side so here we go X and then one on this side as well okay great now we do something that's kind of funky so then Y this is not the funky part by the way you make sure that all of the leads connected together so orange goes to white red goes to red Brown goes to black you connect these leads right here snaps in nice and solid and we'll do the same with this cable on the X orange goes to white regulus to red Brown goes to black and there we go and now the other thing that I didn't have to do because these are pre labeled cables is that the X and y on here match the x and y up top so now these servo extensions are properly labeled I'm going to take the X cable I'm gonna take the slack out of the X cable because you'll notice one of them is in tension before the other so you take the slack out of that cable so that they both become tensioned at the same time and that if you were to pull on these cables you wouldn't put extra torque on just one or extra force on just one you sort of try to like even out your stresses a little bit and then I'm gonna wrap a bunch of tape around it so that even if we pull on it really hard they don't come undone this is important to do and it has prevented TBC jams and it's just a good idea I've had several flights fail really early on in the BPS program hasn't happened for ever because i because of this but you want to make sure you prevent TBC jim and so making sure there's no slack at the no slack at the bottom here is an important part of that okay so then this is going to run up through the airframe and it's going to go to our Falcon Heavy center core flight computer which is right here this is a messy desk right now I think we should probably clean up at some point and if I connect the X&Y servos to their respective ports so let's thread them up through the FCE here X&Y make sure the cables are oriented correctly with the white on top they're gonna go down in - yes perfect okay so these are plugged in now and if we turn it on here's how you can check there's a secondary check for orientation with the signal our two kit this is something that I think has prevented probably a lot of failures you want to make sure well at least for me it has prevented failures because every now and then you'll wire something up and it'll be wired wrong and then your flight will fail and you'll be like why did it fail then you'll realize you just plug things in backwards so what I've done is part of the startup procedure for every signal kit has a specified direction that the motor is supposed to go to so when you have the signal computer facing you first of all the Stars must be aligned there are two stars here one two and two stars here one two and then two stars here one two all of the stars on the rocket must face the same direction if you build your rocket like this it won't work so when this is in the correct orientation the mount at startup will actuate in this direction it will go to this direction not this one not this one not that one so if I put it here and then we enter startup what you'll see is that the mount actuates and goes over there goes to this direction I'll put it in the center so we can definitely see it here's the centered position on the mount and then if I've done everything right it'll move toward that direction so once again that should be up this way Oh hold on I didn't look correct let me try that one more time it looks wrong which is good to know oh no that's correct this is hard to figure out okay let me try that one more time so it should go this way on this axis and this way on this axis so if we put them opposite that way and that way they should be opposite angles as you tilt them here we go wait no I'm spending so much time to prove this I know what it is yes that's the correct direction it's up and to the right here should we test it oh this is a dangerous game with the phone I am inviting chaos into my life by putting my phone on stream oh boy alright maybe I should put it in do not disturb but for now let's just take a little look here we've got the signal app there's more sirens I hate the sirens okay so we've got the signal app here and if i refresh and go into signal r2o the shutter speeds off their 50 should help yeah I go to signal our two I'm connected to this computer right now so these are all live sensor readings and if I go to TVC or no if I go to the system press can test the TVC system I can also test the buzzer or the LED yeah there we go and I didn't even get any crazy notifications about crazy emails during that process which is to me very impressive and frankly a miracle so this is all set this is ready to go inside of a rocket the only thing that we're missing is the proper motor setup for this and I don't think we're gonna do that right now I'm gonna I'm gonna prep that on another day because that takes a lot of time and I want to focus really hard on it so we're not going to do that now we'll just put it inside the airframe and then we'll deal with it in a little bit speaking of the airframe though we have repairs to make should we make the repairs I feel like we have to here's what we're gonna do oh my gosh what going up in views well let's let's make the views drop really quick and I know a great way to do that we're going to go to a quick just several minute intermission because I have to go to the bathroom I don't have any tea to get but I also need to get all the materials to start repairing the center core so when we come back in just a few minutes don't go away if you go away I promise you'll regret it for the rest of your life I can't tell you what will happen if you go away but I promise you it'll be horrible you'll hate it okay don't go away you hello it's me Joey be back again I left from the audio on ok let's go back to the workbench that shot was very hard to get I wonder if anyone could see it volume down red man not real man not cow said volume down and they knew he turned into his sofa yeah I was in the mirror I could tell that I was in the mirror during the shot and I was like well it's probably still worth it but I did give it away a little bit it was a very difficult job to get I had to get I understand on the desk for it I think the next time what I'd like to do is straddle the computer and then just like lean over like that and go totally headfirst ok can I come and watch one of your tests I live in Knoxville hey that's not too far away um so right now most of the launches are private I try to keep it that way just because it helps me focus on making sure that I do everything right and then I follow the checklist so I'm sorry it's a disappoint for now right now we just try to keep it to a minimum I will do a couple more public launches this summer so stay tuned select the BPS pages we'll probably announce something like that but right now they're all private ok so the next step here is that we need to repair the center core and what I'm about to put in front of the camera is dissin it's disappointing to say the least what is that at the bottom right oh it's the printer I obviously didn't align it very well I'm sorry about that let me go fix that okay how's that is that a little bit better that's a little better but we could probably still go up just a bit yes that is the printer we are printing what are they called little mounting brackets for the airframe but what we're here to do right now okay so here's the thing let me preface this a little bit the center core of the Falcon Heavy I'd like to count the number of times that the center core of the Falcon Heavy has flown before I actually show you what it looks like because then you will understand a little bit more why it is so damaged a t-rex just ran by Shawn look me in the eyes I know that is not true if you're gonna if you're gonna call out stuff you have to make it realistic so you have to be like I mean you can't do the spider cuz we already did the spider one but you have to be like there are ants crawling all over your printer but at this point now I won't even believe that okay the Falcon Heavy Center Court has flown once in early April it has flown once for the F HCC test which is on this channel it has flown once for the signal R to user error test is fun once for the model rocket with paratrooper flight it has flown once for the did you fly any other time oh my gosh it flew three times with the g8 one of those is on this channel the other two were failures hold on so three times with the g8 is I think six it flew once with the Falcon Heavy booster test it flew it's static fired once when vice was here it flew with the actual Falcon Heavy so this thing has flown nine times and these are made out of cardboard which means every time it hits the ground it gets a little bit more damaged and so that is why when I put this on here you will understand how it is so beat up you can see it is a nightmare oh my goodness Aaron Christmas in July I need a signal our tube Aaron I think we will do a second round of the signal our two computers maybe this fall so stay tuned thank you so much for the super check by the way that's a that's a pretty generous one so yes it's quite damaged it's quite bad on the inside you can see as well it's all beat up and yeah what we need to do is just make sure that the bottom of it is mostly flat and in order to do that I need a couple of things so grab something from over here okay so this is a pretty standard body mount for a set of landing legs this body mount holds landing legs it also holds the vehicle down when it has launch clamps and it attaches to the bottom of the vehicle to strengthen the bottom of it on impact when I slide it on you can see that these holes line up with the mount they're all basically where they need to be and what I want to do is get a sense for exactly where I can place reinforcements along the side on the outer part of this so I'm going to grab a pen that's not a pen at all yes this is it it's like a thin tip pan pen why not replace the whole lower body tube you know I could totally do it but I want because I think I'm still convinced we can get at least one more flight out of this and body tubes are not expensive so that is not a good reason but I don't care okay there we go nice and light mark just trying to see exactly where this guy is going to show up here and then we can reinforce anywhere above that hey Joe what are we gonna reinforce Swiss can't even speak hey Joe what are we gonna reinforce with a great question the answer to that is extra body tube so this is what a brand-new body tube looks like it's much nicer it is not damaged at all and well it's just very nice it's nice to work with and that's it I'm not saying anything of value here there's a B there's not okay remember how hey public service announcement remember how earlier we talked about how to not kill a meme and how to kill a meme means overdoing it don't overdo the there's bugs on you meme you got to be really careful with that one because I catch on quick at least for that one I don't catch on quick for many things but that's one that I do all right so what I want to do is just get a rough sense oh I know how I'm gonna do this hold on then move a couple of things around peace this step jeez this was in to PBS rocket cradles these this is exactly what I want I need a bonus hold on this is so great this is great string material I'm so glad you're here to listen to that are you playing KSP tonight Lambert i am i am playing KSP tonight it should be fun i think we will probably try to go to Doudna we'll see though okay so what I want to do is just find out the exact right amount here and that feels just about right a little bit much maybe like yeah like that and I think we're gonna go most of the way around the airframe let's just get a small ring right around the bottom and then we're gonna glue it in segments it may not make much sense like what I'm doing right now but I promise it will shortly it will make more sense as time goes on thank you so much Dennis thank you for the superjet okay so we're just making small cuts in this um does anyone have any questions I know every time I say this I get too many questions but if you have questions put them in the chat and I will try to answer some more we should really do okay nope this is gonna be the last round of questions at least for a while because next up we should really do trivia and I think what I'd like okay I'll talk about trivia after I answer a couple of questions alright you are yellow why I'm yellow because the white balance on this camera is off so I had to like shift the hue it won't OBS won't we won't let me do any kind of like fancy color fixing stuff so I have to I have to shift the whole hue toward like either purple or green and it makes like this drill is orange see it here it's orange in this camera and it's it's kind of I guess it's less orange well it's a little orange here the colors are just slightly off alright what music do you listen to I love purr recive house with like either little little very few lyrics or lyrics that are really repetitive and I love that because it helps me code it's like it's like a hack for my brain okay what else what do you use to hook to host your website this is not sponsored but I would absolutely accept a sponsorship because I love them Squarespace like the best customer support out there Joe EBE please fix your Falcon Heavy stage separation struts they are not technically correct you have supports trucks you have yours have support struts and the real ones don't look up Falcon Heavy booster separation system hashtag VPS I don't care too much about what the actual one has mostly what I'm concerned about is whether mine will work and that's what my decisions are based off of and so modeling everything in the real scale exactly as it is at the model scale doesn't really not all of the mechanics scale down I'm new here how long have you been doing my Rockets well first of all Bailey welcome second I have been building model rockets like casually since I was a kid like most folks get into model rocketry when one of their parents is like hey let's make them on a rocket or it's like a school project or something and so I did a couple of those but I never got super serious about it until 2015 I saw some of the grasshopper tests from SpaceX and was like oops time to do that Joey be are you making a KSP livestream today yes I am please notice me okay hi Holden Bennett Bennett is this your day job if so what did you do before this crab X Corps yes it is this is my day job and before that I did wedding videography and music videos mostly music videos near the end and then before wedding videography I was mostly a student at the birth of College of Music and before that in high school I had a job at Cold Stone Creamery should we sing a song I sang for tips at Cold Stone Creamery I wonder if this affects monetization if and we'll get picked up by our recognition algorithm for like melody maybe it will hmm so Goldstone when they do all of their songs when when Coldstone makes all of their songs that the scoopers are supposed to sing when they get tipped they're all like parodies of other songs and now I recently thought about this like I wondered about the legality of singing those so you have to have to pay ASCAP or SESAC for one of those for like the rights to even parity them alright should we do it so let's pretend if these two pencils our ice cream scoops because they don't use traditional scoops they use like spades that cold stone and so you go cold stone here at cold stone we're a super scooper family when you eat our ice cream we will sing in perfect harmony and they had a bunch of other ones they had covers I mean I worked there a while ago but they had covers of like Britney Spears and a bunch of pop songs it's pretty good honestly that's like the most fun I've had at any job almost including the Rockettes the Rockettes are pretty fun but Coldstone was like awesome that was my first job it's a cover it's fine print came off build plate no it didn't okay hold on William Falconer Beach that is a good prank that was good clap it up everyone close up for William that was that was well done good prank buddy okay I think for this I want to start over here yeah okay I work I'm going to work at cold stone now whether you consider doing a delta 4 heavy probably not just because it's a similar like design at this scale I would rather do something like a one of the long march rockets with the four boosters that would be cool to do someone recently did a delta for medium with one SRB on the side you can look them up on Twitter he's a guy Gail house and someone can probably link it to he's a he's an architect though so he had pays attention to detail and man it's a beautiful model he did such a good job with that and the TVC system totally worked with asymmetric thrust which was the coolest part for me okay now I need to get some glue I have to say can we also get close up in the chat for the chat itself I'm so impressed that people like are sticking around for this I didn't think it would be that exciting to most folks but it seems I am wrong alright the rusty make thrust face fell down yep that's another good one that's another good one jack so the approach to fixing this thing this is called the Zappa gap approach because what we end up doing is we add just a tiny amount of weight to the rocket by dousing it in cyanoacrylate adhesive is that the pronunciation I always get it wrong yes Ino Crowley and that's just like superglue make sure this comes off okay great that should be good lobster thanks Parker so yeah the way this works is we just dump a bunch of glue on here and I'm re off to a bad start hold on it's not coming out the right part there we go okay we just need a bunch of glue in this area and then I'm going to oh yes can I help you he says I didn't get that hey should we do a new meme hey Siri can you change my name to big papa you can change your name in the contacts app or if you'd like me to call you something else just say change my nickname hey Siri change my nickname to big papa you would like me to call you big papa yes okay whoa Joey me big papa in the house close up big papa everyone TDCJ says video about finding / simulating PID values love you thank you so much both for the super chat and for the love so there's this great video on pids I'm gonna link it right now I don't know if this is exactly what you're asking I think you're mostly asking about simulating PIDs but regardless this will help p i d-- controller here it is this is this is hands down I think the best explanation I found of PID controllers it's in the chat now so for simulating though you want to you can do a couple of things you could probably build a simulation based on Finnick physics and i'm learning about something called LTI right now which is linear time-invariant systems and if you can linearize your system which means you assume it's very hard to describe if you can describe this system that you are attempting to control in a linear way which means known input to known output and totally known system which is a not not a real world occurrence by like linear systems basically don't exist in the real world and there's a quote from I believe Richard Fineman talking about linear systems which is the reason that linear systems is so linear systems are so important is that we can solve them so they're very easy to solve they're very easy for I don't know you can make a Python simulation or you could do it maybe in like Mathematica or you could do it the way I do it is is using MATLAB or simulate and through that you can generate a transfer function you can find the poles and the zeroes of your system so that's where your system is the most stable and the least stable I hope that helps superglue fell over see Aidan this is that's a pretty good meme that's a pretty good meme except the superglue is right next to me I'm gonna give that meme a 6 and a half out of 10 Joey be meme review alright the camera on the white on the right went black did it actually no it didn't okay ask Siri to beatbox should I I don't I don't really want to do that unless the chat wants me to if the check the chat sort of decides what happens during these streams that's kind of how this works I obeyed the chat okay this yeah this is all like crunched it's good that I'm fixing this this is the thing I was most worried about when prepping for the next FH launch is just this core got him oh my god the printer failed no I can hear it it's fine all right so we just need to put a bunch of glue here so what I'm doing I think it's probably clear but if it is not what I'm doing right now is I'm just trying to work this super glue into the cardboard and we're like infusing the cardboard with super glue and then I'm straightening out the cardboard back to its original shape and then it will the cardboard will hold this position again because the super glue is holding it Joe's house is going to catch fire and not look because he doesn't think we were being truthful spider on your shoulder Joey be the check but I did doubt it all right is this your idea of composite material Phillip yes it is that's a good comment it is a composite material does this mean I can say I build rockets out of composite materials Arsenio says that Facebook Joey be didn't include Sidewinder creative missile development in China lake on the books list what up Arsenio are you here is our setting out here alright we are making our way around the tube that was the hardest part right there we're basically done with that parker says not just in discord parker can you get Arsenio in here get him in the chat bring him for the memes okay now the next step involves Sam here and I don't want it to be smooth so if we sand it down Oh more stuff Joey say go to chat for memes all right so I'm sanding down what I'm doing right now is I'm sanding down the area that I want to coat with super glue and then reinforce with another piece of tubing and the sand the sand itself but the sanding down of this tube audio down no audio really no oh my god is that real hold on okay [Music] that was the best one yet all right that was the best one yet for sure that was a really good one Wow I'm proud of y'all that was a good meme okay and now I'll just I'll probably just sand this part here Who am I all right okay so now we're gonna attach this ring here Oh Arsenio's here print is done no it's not Joey boy at me high Arsenio everyone closet for Arsenio please okay we're sanding this over I understand this part is a little bit boring but I don't know man this is the reality of the the Falcon heavy is it it'd be complicated like this it'd also be like ridiculous looking so what we're going to do is start with small sections and I'm going to just douse them in superglue way too much superglue here we go so section one like that I'm gonna squeeze it with my fingers up against this piece of cardboard and it's gonna pretty now the coolest thing about this super glue this is cyanoacrylate adhesive once again the coolest thing to me at least is that this is an exothermic reaction which means it releases heat once the bond really forms at the chemical level so it's not hot yet but it will get hot it's not hot yet oh it's heating up so it's an exothermic reaction which is pretty cool oh this is gonna work it should be fine yeah this should be okay it's a little tilted but it should be alright the chat is heating up okay now we will move on to the next section here we go and next section of the tube and so by just like making all of this stuff conform to the outer ring the outer ring has not been deformed by hitting the ground about a thousand times so basically it strengthens it it's like reinforcements I mentioned earlier that I wanted to do a 66 millimeter rocket instead of a 74 and that's gonna be the new Scout vehicle it's gonna be a little bit thinner that one you basically you have to build reinforcements in if you want it to hold its shape over the long term many people are leaving I'm losing subs is this another joke like to know how many subs have I lost I think I've lost positive number okay hold on I have oh I caught the print being done I caught it before anyone said it I think actually someone may have said it before but the print is done okay so here's the thing folks we now have the center core computer ready and we now have because the printer finished we have the side cores the side core computer mounts are ready too so here's my question what should I print next and I don't actually have to print anything so you should you should send me something on Thingiverse for me to print and I'll print it how's that sound I don't know if that's actually fun for people but if you can find something fun I would rather it be fun and not like useful fun or silly something like that send me something on Thingiverse all right how do you simulate your rocket for PID gains asked TDC I use MATLAB and Simulink I developed a well it's not it's developed is a really strong word there's a block in there that does pretty standard equations with motion rotation translation stuff like that you feed the inertia of the rocket into the mass moment of inertia into the simulation and then you feed the you feed the PID controller into there and the thrust curve and then you do vector resolution to find the actual forces on the bottom of the airframe you multiply that by the moment arm so you convert Newtons to moments on the vehicle then you run it through that inertia block you run it back into the PID and you basically have a whole closed loop and you observe it through some type of plot or scope and simulate they call it scopes and then if you run that simulation enough times and just observe the response you sort of get a good feel for where the PID game should be sitting for each play Jo put a Tesla Roadster in the Falcon Heavy I will I will do that 3d print the Dream Chaser capsule you I've just ran behind you with the flamethrower that seems unlikely to me all right what date do you launch I don't have a specific date just yet I'm sorry to disappoint I launch when it's ready which should be sometime next week undetermined exactly what day though and honestly like there's still a chance that something in testing will not you know return a good result or I don't know I'll mess something up or I'll drop the rocket on the ground I don't know all sorts of things happen that that can delay things pretty crap yes print a crab okay I will print a crowd so I need one of the mods to leave a link in the chat for the crab if you can find a crab to print I will print it but I think most people do not have link capabilities except for the mods okay and this is done by the way it took a long time but it's done and now even though this is super flexible at the bottom we should have a much better attachment point here this is rough yes much better and the holes line up really well too which is great okay so the bottom of our rocket has been fixed it's a little bit straighter now yeah it's not perfect but it's it's definitely better than it was okay Parker has sent us a crab ladies and gentlemen let's let's take a look let's see what we've got here crab oh yeah I love this this is like the crab directly out of the crab rave okay folks we're printing the crab we're doing it we're doing the crab so how do we do this first let me clear the printer and get the SD card out we will do the crab and then we have to assemble the size fours okay so let's get started here let me make a new window hold on one second everyone [Music] where do I find this thing here sighs let's do that or wait now this here we go guess what that's what I want all right so let's do this I also have to hold on stand by everyone we're getting there let me move back to this and then let me get to the desktop screen and instead of the KSP window is we're not playing KSP right now I'll do a display capture and it'll look like that okay great and then I'll move this over here and then I'll close out of our do we know sorry Arsenio and then what I just have to do here is sign-in to make sure that I can see the chat because right now I can't see anything in the chat so it could be chaos who knows stand by you have to go to the channel my goodness this is a mess all right there we go let me just pop out the chat here so that I can see it and then we will look at the Thingiverse file we'll do some live browsing on the internet which is always a good idea and it never goes wrong ever if I close this down and then scroll down a little bit okay great all right three two wait hold on three two one transition oops hold on where's the where's my webcam there I am alright hi everyone welcome so Parker said something and I have to find that link one more time crab it's this this is what we're gonna print today this is the crab that we're gonna print and yeah it should be great looks like people have had some success with it this person printed one these people printed one yeah this looks like it should be it should be a good idea I don't know if I need a raft I probably want to have a raft for this to actually make it work really well and the legs mean that with a raft it should probably be fine yeah okay download all files it would Dropbox no thanks crab Doug zip okay and now it's going to open up simplify three D which is the slicer tool that I use simplify 3d is amazing such a good slicer the only thing that you should know is that it is also expensive it costs money and it's not cheap however give tons of control over every single part of how your print comes out so I can change my infill I can change all of the layer settings someone with a lot of bass coming by my apartment now let's let's move it down to like 90 here and then for support I am going to generate support material and somewhere here there's probably a raft setting additions use raft yeah Raph layers I probably only need two and we'll do three I wanted to I want to be really safe about this we'll do three RAF layers and then when I prepare to print it will actually go through and hold on yeah it'll go through and it'll show me how the print is going to show up when it actually happens and I can go by layer layer by layer and see how the print is actually going to form so we've got this raft here one two three and then we start to build up from there oh it's gonna be really hard to remove that support material so you know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back here I'm gonna go into the support material and I'm gonna change the upper vertical separation layers to three and the lower two three and this is gonna make it really easy to remove and hopefully not destructive yeah this should be good this is a really detailed model to so prepare to print let's do it one more time yeah there we go this is exactly what I want in my life right now I think the claws are gonna be excuse me the claws are gonna be pretty hard to resolve here I'm not sure that they'll really come out but it's also a fairly small print so I think we'll be okay all right and then the last thing that I want to do is I want to move it around on the print bed so that it comes right up to the front because that's sort of where I've placed all my prints so far here we go and sliced okay great so now I'll save the toolpaths to a disc and let me just move this over here crab one okay now I can eject the SD card and then move back over all right here we go it's time to freak the crap okay all right here we go we're printing ok chat I got to go sleep goodnight Arsenio thanks for stopping by alright here we go we have to get back to work everyone so we finished the set your core this looks pretty good so what was stuck but otherwise that isn't offset and now what we will do is insert the flight computer and all of the TVC Hardware in there alright how's everyone doing are we still all good everyone's still feeling like this dream is going well unclear maybe alright so first flight computer goes in and you know what I think the easier way to do this is TVC mount first so TVC mount goes in here and slides down through the airframe like that oh and the other thing we need to do I always forget about this I need to thread these cables up through the top I need to thread these TVC cables up through the top here and then secure them up with a rubber band so that they don't fall back down this is like a kind of important thing to do it just helps continue to prevent jams so here's ago just roll those down and that should be just about right okay so then the flight computer goes inside the airframe and all slides down until we finally get the TVC mail ok and that's lined up and we can screw it in oops lose the screw one and then we'll do two we're almost there folks two and three and finally four we should do the crab is is is printing it's just heating up right now for we should do some questions here so it doesn't get too stale in the chat so what questions can I answer for folks let's do some oh no no no more questions no more questions we're doing trivia now so let's start out with some trivia what trivia do I know I think the best way to usually do trivia where did that screw go why don't people ask me trivia I don't know if that's really a good idea see if you can find the limits of my knowledge and the spoiler alert is that it's not very hard to find them so ask ask me some trivia all right this is securing the flight computer into the FH air frame for the CC the center core and now we have an integrated center core at least the bottom part so if I turn it on yeah that's correct great all right that looks good let's do some trivia and then we need to do the we'll start with the left booster trivia with the answers 100% wrong who was the third person on the moon oh man I gotta say I I do not actually know I did learn however Buzz Aldrin was the first to pee on the moon good job Buzz all right so we're still putting things together here let's put the signal flight computer this is for the left booster hence the L right there take the L what was the first video game to be played in space I don't actually know that Oh No okay I really don't know these answers this is not good oops this is a this was a bad idea because I'm not great at trivia I'm just gonna pick ones that I dunno Oh No what did the third man on the moon say oh wait this might help me answer it isn't it whoopee that might be one small step for Neil but it's a big one for me is that correct that's one of the flights but I don't know if that's the third one you smell me it is it is Josh is that correct how many spiders under your printer bit okay hold on I'm having a hard time getting us to stay here all right we're printing the printing looks to be going well I didn't put any rubbing alcohol on it sometimes that helps okay that's good let's screw room one of the bottom ones all right first video gaming space asteroids Oh gene cernan nice alright so listen up I'm doing trivia for you now because I'm very bad at trivia these will be pretty easy I think but I'm gonna do them anyway because it won't be easy for some folks but it will be very easy for others here's the trivia I'm gonna turn on live chat and we're gonna see who gets it there are no prizes other than I will read off your name and say you got it but that's it ready here's the trivia oh no there's another siren coming I hear it there were two program alarms that happened during the lunar descent of Apollo 11 what were the numbers of both program alarms there goes the siren that's a lot of fun 1201 and 21 1202 Master Bren 74 you got it congratulations 1201 and then 1202 all right let's try this for thermal management in space many spacecraft but definitely also the Apollo missions did what type of maneuver on their way to the moon you have to use the funny colloquial term for it what type of maneuver were they doing on the way to the moon's okay so Texas trim 95 says rotate like a barbecue which is pretty much correct so I'll award 1/2 a point for that but then ARR Oh astronomical research and rocketry organization says barbecue roll and I think that's really what they referred to it as which is the barbecue roll all right I'm doing the same process with the battery by the way as last time so we're going to mark the negative terminal okay what else I think this is publicly available information hold on I'm like 95% sure I'm pretty sure I saw a flight software presentation I will ask this answer and if no one gets it then I won't give the answer I'm like 90% sure that it is it's public okay what operating system does the Falcon 9 run on its flight computers if any does it know does it run an operating system and if so what is it called oh okay yep no everyone has it it's Linux and I don't know if Red Hat is the specific blend of of Linux but it's definitely Linux it's probably also real-time Linux but I actually don't know that like off the top of my head or yeah okay great that sounds really easy for a lot of you um what okay hold on need that okay let's do some more here oh you can see the crab it's taking shape this is really great I like the trivia stick around for more trivia let's do more okay that's probably too hard let's do [Music] hmm we think of more trivia here do you want more SpaceX trivia I know a lot about that okay let's do this okay people want more SpaceX trivia I'm just trying to think of the right one that's like not too hard but also not too easy well I'm totally blanking on contributed for this this is a boring stream now although our view counts going up that's incredible we're back up to 400 now all right here's the trivia this one is oh this is a good this is a good one I'm pretty sure enough people know about this that it's public info one of the things that SpaceX does that will I think and does prevent a lot of competitors from doing exactly what they do in succeeding is all of their infrastructure that they have built up so that is all of their they're just they have a lot of experience so like you can't beat oh my god enough with the sirens you can't beat Tesla at Tesla because Tesla is has learned for the course of ten years over these things and the same with SpaceX but not ten years it's like 15 or however many it was so there's a there's a file management system at SpaceX what is it called patents nope it's not called patents no Linux no okay this was a good question someone's gonna get it there's a file management system there's an internal file management system at SpaceX what is it called not Windows ok maybe no one knows Wow I don't think anyone knows it hey uh is Charlie still here it's a real quick question here he's Charlie still in the chat Charlie just give me a heads up if you're still in the chat here Charlie is gone okay well no one got it so let me just let me just do a little googling here just make sure okay it's definitely oh okay now someone got that someone got it William falconer beech got it kind of got half of it half of it it is publicly available I just looked it up you can find it on like several subreddits or something like that it's called warp drive and I think sometimes it's just referred to as warp anyway that's what the answer was that was a hard one that was trouble for some folks all right let's do more let's also test its computer this is the left booster cool all right left booster done and now we can integrate it into the elbe airframe which is I believe this one here this is the left booster airframe it already has a TVC mount in it you can see it is toasted in there when that when that rocket gets fired on the pad there's a lot of soot that goes just about everywhere okay what else should we do [Music] okay this one's probably going to be too hard as well let me just look it up again to see if it is a thing that exists [Music] yeah I think that's gonna be too hard all right this is becoming boring yet the view count is still going up which is surprising I just need to do more trivia the all right this one's not that hard I feel like this is a medium one this is more SpaceX trivia coming up so the question is as follows how do I ask this how many Falcon vehicles from space X which is vehicles that have falcon in the name were officially planned now hold on don't answer yet we're officially planned total how many vehicles with falcon in the name were planned total and the answer is let me just count it on my hand yes okay if there's a lot of numbers in here most people are getting it there are a lot of numbers I think this is a good question keep submitting okay great the answer that most people got and I'll see if I can find the first person that I can read who got it is Mihai Mara Mihai Mara congratulations on getting it the answer was for the Falcon 1 the Falcon 5 which never got built or at least never got substantially built the Falcon 9 and the Falcon Heavy oh man you know what I wonder if the Falcon 9 dev hour counts I don't think it counts yeah I make the rules and I'd say I say it doesn't count all right here we go and all right let's do more what okay you have to list I'm looking for a specific type of instrument a specific type of instrument that is used as the answer for this question it's a specific type of instrument it's not a musical instrument like a like it's like a sensor kind of so the Falcon 9 for obtaining orientation measurements uses an IMU an inertial measurement unit and probably a few other things but does dragon use an IMU or if if it doesn't use an IMU or if it uses something else what else does dragon use and that's for orientation an attitude control No Oh master Bren said before again with the win a star tracker sorry I'm just going to rubber band standby yes dragon uses a star tracker which helps with guidance and space because gyros drift so you want to start tracker all right so let's do some more trivia here we think of more things I can ask in okay what was okay here we go really quick what was the date that the Falcon nine first landed back on land oh plasmodium I think you're right five vehicles with Falcon 1e nope you're right I'm sorry that's that is correct that's my bad December 21st 2015 yep nope that's it it's December 21 2015 anyone who answered that is correct no I didn't even attach these put it the heck hold on so right now I'm attaching the TBC leads get the Y and the X if I just turn on the computer real quick it should go it should gimbal to this position right here let's see if it'll focus okay it should gimbal to that angle right there at startup so here we go yep there we go cool so that's the left booster and it looks pretty good oh wait hold on we have two other things to connect here I totally forgot about this now I do think we are not going to do legs on this I'm pretty sure we're just gonna ditch the legs for this flight and everyone can just get upset if they want but I don't care so the parachutes will be connected to one of these channels we're ditching legs though because it's just like it's not they're too heavy this thing also has yeah you're still alive I left the stream hours ago I am still alive I'm killing it man all right parachutes gonna go on ira channel to better view here oops great okay let's do more trivia the trivia is good um I did this one before well hold on alright here we go we're moving on to non SpaceX trivia here's the question how many launch pads were built for the n1 rocket the Soviet era and one rock and how many launch pads were built for it oh and the winner is Texas trim 95 with two Wow the answers are all over the place I'm I'm like 90% sure it was - can someone confirm that it was - I guess I should have looked this up before asking it has trivia okay plugged in this is this entire channel to deploy parachutes and now we're ready to actually put this in the airframe that was my bad I shouldn't have done it so soon okay X&Y and then we'll have to check orientation one more time x and y you slide it into the airframe and I put it this way we should see the correct orientation again awesome it's still good let's see - wasn't enough though it was - they blew up I'm triggered I answer if you I answered right after the winner okay ditch the engines all together for weight reduction do you think I will okay so right now we're bringing up the TBC cabling up through the air frame so that it can't jam and that it is basically in tension the whole time which is good that's a good thing there we go we'll just stuff it back in there and maybe we'll put it up through here in the air frame okay alright next trivia question everyone next trivia question the Space Shuttle the American space shuttle used what type of representation for orientation on the vehicle those who know the answer will know what I'm talking about and it may be hard for some of you who do not Danny DeVito is not the correct answer Oh Parker Parker with the answer quaternion that is correct quaternion representation it's not a BPS video until Joey B mentions that he uses quaternions and thinks he's really cool for doing so okay this is the left booster and the left booster is basically done so let's go ahead and attach the top part yeah here we go you can see it says L on it L booster left and so we will later on we will attach the proper pyro charges to this and now let's screw these chords together for these airframe sections okay all right let me think of some more trivia here I'm running out of trivia Joey be runnin out okay this is great so this is the left core it's looking good now we need to do the right core thank you so much oh well no I don't have the app installed on my phone so I can't demonstrate it I wanted to demonstrate the roll control but Joe you are my real dad says Oliver Oliver I have some really bad news for you about the reality of that statement which is that I'm afraid I'm not your real dad I'm so sorry to disappoint how's the crab coming is it look good to everyone I need to go take a look at the crap hold on okay so I have good news and bad news the good news is that the crab is definitely printing the bad news is that I think we may have a leg broken off so that's kind of where we're at right now all right we're moving on folks I cannot believe there are still this many people watching this is incredible to me this stuff is kind of boring we're moving on to the right booster of the Falcon Heavy Core the Falcon heavy model rocket feather so let me just snap this in and we'll start to screw it together I need more screws for this though I'm running out I think this should work yeah this will be fine I can use these these shorter ones and not have it be a problem okay so screwing the computer in once again if anyone would like to be reminded of some details about the Falcon Heavy you can find those in the description down below bps dot space slash Falcon - heavy I got all the juicy deets there - chat for the disabled crab Oh No ah I installed them upside down hold on F in the chat for me why am I like this what have I become okay screwing it in the right way there we go it's here and now the top part cloths up for crab leg ripped 2019 to 2019 Thank You Cynthia all right top part of the mount now I have just around the Riverbend stuck in my head got to be careful though not saying that because Disney don't mess around boy get that copyright claim for sure all right pretty much everywhere it's gonna be hot then I don't need to jack it they would know that meme that's an old name all right so we're drawing on there we go Joe are you a prog rock fan um I don't know I don't listen to a whole lot of prog rock nothing against it but not a huge deal for me okay there we go polarity is noted on there and some tape to tape around the battery and this is the last one folks it's the last four so if you were thinking about leaving don't and that's that's the that's it that's all that's a Joey be guarantee don't leave okay taping it together battery is taped together once again let's get rubber bands can someone ask me more trivia but asked like SpaceX trivia I know that pretty well I'm ashamed to say I do not know enough general Space Flight trivia I'm so sorry how do you store your lipo's I store them in a fireproof bag do you drink a lot of coffee you know what Chris this is a great opportunity for me to flex I used to drink a lot of coffee and I don't drink a whole lot like of coffee at least oh that's a bad statement I don't I don't drink a whole lot of coffee these days I feel really good like it sucked for the first few weeks just like cutting it really far back it was like 2 or 3 cups a day and now it's back to like one ends on honestly like most days not a whole lot I don't think I had coffee today I do have tea with caffeine in it though and that helps a lot too because that allows you to like dial it in more ok what do you think about Vietnam I don't know too much about Vietnam I know there was a war there and I know Ken Burns has a gorgeous documentary on it and also heartbreaking that's I don't have a huge opinion on Vietnam frankly not the war the place tacos or chicken nuggets tacos hello from Arizona hi Ritchie thanks for joining third leg down oh oh is the crab losing more legs the crab is in trouble ma'am that crab it's bad news it's not good that poor poor crab I will love him all the same though I will love that crab like my own son okay here we go test and there we go so now this goes into the air frame whoops there we go this is gonna go into the air frame here we're gonna connect up these leads does anyone notice how I say I like have a sound board they're like just a couple of phrases that I say I'm kind of like a robot in that way like all of the things I say are like now we're gonna do this and then we're gonna do this and then I say hi folks and oh dear I don't know the Joey B sound board okay here we go what SpaceX missions don't show the second-stage part of the mission I can't name them but usually it's just the National Security launches and there was once a NOAA launch which was just like an oceanic or earth observation satellite that was not national security but they didn't somehow they like didn't get clearance to show the second stage or show the view from it I believe that's the correct answer you'll have to correct me if I'm wrong let's see oh yeah yes zoom resume is a national security thing too though let's see more trivia I'm surprised the rocket in the background hasn't fallen me too tbh let's get some more trivia more more SpaceX team trivia I feel like I can I feel like I can adequately compete screws where do you be all right this is close enough the island Falcon one launched from so it launched from the Kwajalein Atoll but it actually launched from like the specific island is Alec the omelet Island ah nuts F in the chat please F in the chat ah F in the chat I didn't attach the parachute lines why it happened to be like this thank you for the F's in the chat by the way much appreciated alright so here we go pirate channel 3 oh no we're going on pyro 2 for this parachute that's power channel 2 let's screw it in tired channel 2 and screw it in and there we go excellent ok what was the satellite launched on the first flight of the Falcon 1 it was called Falcon sat.1 and it was for the Air Force or DARPA I think or no Falcon I maybe I think it was Falcon set to or something it was one of the Falcon sets and he would think like oh cool it's it's a SpaceX satellite because it says Falcon but it's not the notification what is the Falcon 9 airframe constructed of good question aluminum lithium okay there we go that goes like that let's just check aurion orientation on these again if I put it this direction we should see vector motion in this direction hold on should see back to motion in that direction and no others so if I move it down here Oh oh no that's wrong wait hold on something's wrong hold on something is really wrong it should go yeah okay if I go here it should go up and shear you should go up in this way yeah that's wrong oh okay one of our servos is dead or not connected so this is good this is why we do these tests one of the servos is disconnected if I look down there it does kind of seem like we're just disconnected and not dead so let's remove the TV seamount can we get an F in the chat for the dead servo please alright thank you for the EPS in the chat it's Anthony trivia what is SpaceX Anthony thank you for the super chest the answer is SpaceX is an orbital launch provider that's a fairly simple trivia question but thank you for asking alright so this is probably where our problem exists right here I'll go ahead and unwrap this and we should see that one of the service is disconnected and we can actually run a test really quick to see which one is not moving so it's this one the Y servo is the problems the Y servo is the issue here so if I unravel this we will find aha we'll find C this is the Y servo right here this is why you label them we will find that the Y servo was just barely in there and not actually connected it's when I connect it all the way here we go fixed there we go let's put some new tape on there just refresh things a little bit okay and with this round of tape what I want to do is go all over the place with it so that we get a really good wrap of tape around there this is a bad way to say it mostly what I'm concerned about is that when I pull on either one of these things it's not going to pull loose and that seems to be okay so let's put the TVC mount back in the air frame back in it goes and the flight computer as well it's first let's respect your control mount we're gonna line up these servo holes oh oh I just had it I think that's it right there and then we'll screw it back in is this still fascinating to people like are people still interested in this I know it's been very repetitive but I would I would love to hear it is this still like this is just the reality of what vehicle integration is it's a lot of screwing things in and realizing that something doesn't work and trying to catch your errors before you actually commit to something all right where's the other one there should be one more of a similar length the other part of vehicle integration is just losing screws here it is losing screws and also losing your marbles let's fold these legs back in these are eventually gonna have to come off they look good for show oh thank you Adam super check all right here we go the what is this the left booster this is the right booster the right booster has proven to be problematic in integration but I believe we've solved all of the issues and we're ready to screw things in and commit here we go alright that was good and let's screw it in and down here something fell off the 3d printer oh I mean the crab is just in tough shape right now frankly oh alright the right bottom part of the booster is done so let's see if we can start connecting things up here now the right booster that's uh we don't have to attach any of the parachutes yet because I'm not so I'm not doing pyro charges today I'm just doing TVC integration flight software loading stuff like that you can do parachutes probably the day before the flight that's usually the safest time to do it and so now the plan is into the vehicle it goes ok this one will have to be changed but into the vehicle it goes and then if we look down line it up I can screw this booster together oh I'm really am running out of screws now ok can we take some more questions while this is happening I need something else to talk about other than screwing things in just so I feel like this this content is is at least mildly entertaining what happened to my dog Martha she died last summer she died kind of around this time last summer which is too bad but she was old and she ended up getting a pretty bad growth on her foot so we had to put her down which is too bad but I think she lives to 13 almost 14 and I miss her but that's how things go that was kind of rough movement there see this works okay we're rolling the roll program definitely works okay great that's good um what soldering iron do I use I have a new collapse 878 d you know you can find a link to it you can find an affiliate link to it in the description of the most recent landing model rockets episode right this booster is complete and now let's get the left loser wait did we already do this oh my gosh we already did that's amazing let's get the center core now the center core is missing the legs on the bottom a William Hahn gives me two dollars and fifty cents and says turtle song Persian language HD 240p is this a direction to do this on YouTube because I don't want to get copyright claims so I don't think I can play any other videos right now but thank you for the suggestion okay I'm just gonna remove these here and apply the legs at the bottom okay the legs are on but they actually go that right cuz I need space wait that doesn't make sense does it hold on let me look at a picture hold on bps space falcon heavy yeah no okay the ports are in the front that's what I'm looking for mostly the ports are in the front of the vehicle yeah so it should be off to the side this is correct like 90% sure of it yeah neroli thoughts would you do it I would Timothy you know I think I may have shared this on the live stream the other day - my thoughts on neural link are very part one of two things they're both of two things I'm just taking some residual stuff off the side of this my two thoughts on neural link are one very very cool and two I don't want it in my brain that's what I think very cool and I don't want it in my brain oh no oh why am I like this okay putting it back together again like Humpty Dumpty by a rocket [Applause] so this goes here if we line it up now we can screw it in they put one of these around here and now we just need some screws oh wait I can just use these ones that's as great news okay and here very nice this is the bottom of our Center core and then I'll be even put the top on and then do the whole day thing ma'am gonna build it that's what we're here to do is vehicle integration and now that it will have to be D integrated or basically taken apart later on down the down the down the road because we will need to put those pyro charges in there to actually get it prepped to fly but this is about 90% of the work okay when will be your next launch sometime next week I don't know when exactly the next Falcon heavy rocket will fly but it'll be the Falcon Heavy next and it'll be next week hopefully if the weather cooperates Matthew M says have you ever read slash listened to zen and the art of motor motorcycle maintenance by robert and pierre piercing matthew i have not should i are those two separate things or are they the same thing zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance TBH is a pretty badass title that's pretty cool okay side for um if anyone's curious about this i label all of the sides of my rocket so for three it says center core up to center core and so these are all labels that tell my future self building which screw holes are meant to line up with which size and so this is super helpful when building it seems like overkill when you're actually designing parts and putting things together for the first time but I promise you it will save you so much time down the road and it will save you headache and misalignments and all sorts of nonsense so there's one there's two three and four and then our center core is done all right boost stages of the Falcon Heavy model have been integrated they are done you're looking good let's do something a little different let me switch cameras stand by while I do this okay there we go hi everyone we move some cameras and mics around and we're gonna put this whole thing together finish this out okay so we've got the we've got the boot but I should probably move this back to okay let's see how does that look looks pretty good so this is the falcon heavy facing forward this is the boo stage the falcon heavy facing forward this is I can read it on the bottom because I have it written here this is the left core so this goes on the left of the vehicle which for you this is your left and if I put it in there just slide right in and all I need now are the bolts to secure it to the center core I'll show you these in just a moment so we're attaching it now and it's not quite there it is that fits we just secured this stuff up top now the bolts don't actually stay on here for flight instead they stay on here for ground operations so this is these are just to make sure that things don't get super crazy and separate to on the ground and they work pretty well honestly okay stand by that just just a heads up here folks there is going to be a dab coming up soon because we're just about done with integration on the FH vehicle so I just want to let y'all know there's a dab coming soon okay and this is the right core if I look what she knows if I look down here at the bottom it's very but I can kind of make out that it says right core so let's hatch it down here and look at the top part and there we go get another bolt from over here it's really just a hex hex not not really a bolt screw it down and then I need one on the other side right here ah there it is dropped it okay standby that's the last bolt should we put the center the second stage on we I mean we integrated the second stage we might as well okay there it is with the proper flight computers and proper code let's do this one two three four this is the falcon heavy ready for flight isn't that cool okay great we did it folks we did it should I get the launch pad out I should get the launch pad out let's see how it fits because that was the last livestream I did and I just want to make sure that everything looks good so this is the launch pad let's move my camera back and the primary thing that I'm concerned about is the integrity of these launch clamps all right stand by oh wait this is still upside down [Music] okay there we go [Music] that's pretty much pretty much good there and so now what I want to see is if it will actually sit flat on here and if we can actually all the clamps oh it hits the ceiling I forgot about this this is a tall rocket forget about that ceiling thing okay so let's let's take a little verdict here this Center core sits slightly up because it was somewhat compressed however this is actually let's just make sure this is actually not a huge deal we should be able to not have trouble from this the center core is really what I'm worried about more than these other ones I'm just gonna manually add actuate the clamp because the other ones have not been turned on yet or not been enabled and plugged in so the rear clamp has a little bit of trouble activating we can fix that this clamp is just fine there's no problem there this clamp is just fine and now the vehicle will not come off that's great news which side should I be on here that's not a great sound so we did it oops well we did it everyone the FH has been integrated I also missed a bunch of chat so let's get a couple of questions going here and see what's going on Lance Brown thank you so much if you take off the legs what will the launch clamps connect to also how will it stand oh well it stands during lunch yes sir Lance if I take off the legs what I mean mostly is that I will only have one of these which is the home on this should be centered let's do that is that it's centered when I say that what I mean is I will only use one of these things which is the not the legs but sort of the base plate and that's fine because then it can still use the launch clamps okay how do you ignite the engine I use a pretty standard fireworks igniter these are super fast to ignite they require very low current and there they come in a ton of bulk all right will I play KSP again yeah it's a little bit late but I don't know I'm still kind of down to do it generally you should launch a wee to space hey it's Rob hi Rob all right will you ever use a hybrid rocket probably not I don't care that much about hybrids are you gonna do a part in landing model rockets on making a launch pad making maybe a launch computer space bird yeah I totally will we're a little bit away from that right now because I'd like to get some flight software stuff done but Launchpad is definitely a part of that would your landing become easier if you have larger landing legs yes but then they would be heavier and larger and harder to print and less realistic so I would rather not go for the larger landing legs okay F for crab gosh is the crab losing all the legs I think it's losing a ton of legs I have to check on the crab oh dear No look at this oh this is the worst I stopped the print I stopped the print all of the back of the crab is trashed I'm gonna have to try the crab another day I'm so sorry folks I don't know what to say he lived a short life but a good life he lived a life entirely on a live stream this is such nonsense how long have I been streaming I think we're about to hit four hours let's not get to four hours here's the plan folks I am going to stop this stream but I'm not going to go away I'm going to go over to my other channel and stream some Kerbal space program if anyone is interested it might not be very long we might just do a very quick mission to do nut or something like that but that's my plan I'm gonna go stream KSP for just a little bit and then I'll sign off and go to bed like a normal person that's my plan listen here's how this is gonna work you can either go to this link which I will find right now or someone else can just put my link in there hold on standby this is the link this is the channel to go to I'll spam it in the chat now channel will have the Kerbal space program stream which will start within probably about 10 minutes of me turning off this stream I will put a link in the chat - actually no I won't just go over to that channel I'll see you there soon to play some Kerbal space program thank you so much for joining me on this massive integration project for the Falcon Heavy we're gonna launch next week it's gonna be really cool I'm very excited for it and that's what's up so thanks again folks may your skies be blue and your winds below and now I have to go turn off the stream one set here we go and cut [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't tell anyone don't tell anyone about it just just drop a huge just one light and don't tell anyone goodbye
Channel: BPS.space
Views: 713,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, launch, live, coverage, model
Id: 4Cx3hvELZOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 31sec (14311 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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