Faker in Laravel: 10+ Less-Known Methods

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hello guys today let's talk about Faker in laravel Faker is a library tool well fake the data usually used in factories and here are the fake examples the faker examples in user Factory which is shipped with default laravel and by the way that fake thing introduced a helper in laravel 9.18 before that it was this Faker which actually still works but a shorter way to do that is fake but I've seen people using only like General 5 or 10 features like fake text fake name fake email but Faker has some more interesting faking things under the hood and I will demonstrate you those in this video so I've prepared those within the same user Factory and let's see what are they one by one I will close the sidebar so did you know that you can fake the Boolean with chance of getting true or false it's a percentage so instead of doing random one and two you can just do 50 chance or 33 percent chance or whatever then another thing is instead of just name did you know that you can have first name and not only first name but also first name male or first name female then also instead of doing fake text you can do fake five words and they may be returned as array or as text true or false then you can also generate a sentence or a paragraph instead of just text of 50 characters then there's also text and real text because text and those ones above generate the Latin words usually meaningless and real text is about a real English text or text depending on your language and Locale we'll get to that in a minute then with dates you can generate not only time stamp or date time between this and that range but specifically you can generate daytime the century this decade this month or this year sorry I've made a typo this year and this month and this is much more readable for any developer who would read that in the future and finally the fun feature you can generate Emoji let's take a look at what is the result of those if we open PHP Artisan Tinker in that project and do user factory make which would make the object and not create that in the database this is the result so in addition to the default name email and stuff like that we have is active true 50 chance I remind you then first name Rodrigo then words Latin words so five words or a sentence or a paragraph or just 50 characters of text but if you want real text instead of Latin words know it to be true that's the queriest thing and then the dates of this Century which is weirdly wrong I'm not sure why to be honest and also I see this decade is wrong it should be 2020 to 2021 or 2020. okay I need to dig deeper to find out why but then this year and this month those are correct so I guess you should not trust those above and then Emoji is just a regular emoji and finally in this video I told you we will get into language and stuff so real text is in English by default because in a config app of laravel project we have Faker local by default en us but you can change that globally for the whole project for example let's make it Spanish yes yes from what I remember and if we restart the tinker and regenerate the object let's see if the text is in Spanish and it is in Spanish and not only here also the first name should be in Spanish well the name before that Rodrigo sounded like Spanish anyway but it enforces a different set of names for Spanish and you can set it not only globally but also locally when call calling the fake helper so for example fake first name mail here you can provide es for example and globally let's get it back to English and let's see what was the name generated for Spanish name let's see David well David is pretty International name don't you think let's try with the real text instead so fake Spanish text and we make the user and yes the Spanish real text is here so these were just random methods of Faker that I found online and in the documentation so I will link the official documentation of that in the description below you can take a look at more formatters and their parameters and find something else for yourself if you want more tips about laravel and PHP on this channel subscribe to the channel I keep shooting daily videos that's it for this time and see you guys in other videos
Channel: Laravel Daily
Views: 9,817
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Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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