FAKER finds his rival DOPA in KOREAN CHALLENGER... *200 IQ MACRO*

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gentlemen today's matchup is a timeless classic we have faker up against dopa supposed rivals obviously two mid laners that took different career paths um one of them forced of course dopa removed from pro play banned permanently on the korean server whilst faker you know is the og i think even when league of legends eventually dies i'm not sure when it will but faker will be known as the guy for league of legends it's going to be hard to surpass his legacy even if other mid laners like i don't think faker right now is the best mid laner in the world but the word faker the name faker will always i think be associated with league of legends and could that have been dopa if dopa stayed in pro play and built up a team who knows we'll never know the dark horse dopa very famous you know his stream his youtube definitely a successful guy but in a different way as we're going for a level one coin flip these invades are very hard to gauge you need to make your mind up am i gonna coin flip the entire game at level one or will i head to the mid lane and try and find some consistency and there's no right answer you know it's very situational dependent if you have a very strong early game like a silas you can go for it faker moves in there with the e start and that's a beautiful pickup he gets an assist gets a dark seal stack and now dopa needs to try and use this health advantage to build up a lead for himself the orianna silas match up it will favor the oriana for a little bit okay but silas as he comes into the game he starts working his way up to everfrost and hourglass it will start be able to catch out the orianna especially when she has no sums off guard and be able to blow her up so expect dopa to build an early cs lead but for faker in the mid to late game to really find his stride and come into his own in the match up the wave is situated perfect for dopa i suspect he'll try and see see how the wave is you'll try you do not want this wave to crash so dopa can use his e perfect and you'll take the minion hits and try and freeze it just out of reach for faker to get in there so if faker wants to get any of the cs he needs to take cues and auto harass by dopa and dopa should move up here with the cues he actually uses it to cs baker's running the gauntlet by the way a little bit risky here and you know what's good baker puts two points into q to try and get that wave in don't be so stuck on your skill order skill order can be situational sometimes he hasn't put a level into w gets the q puts two points in to try and get the wave and look at dopa really nice map awareness the one one of the biggest things that these mid laners have is like game awareness and they just seem to have they just know where you're backing it's so hard to get a good safe back in as a 2v2 outbreaks and nothing's going to come of it interesting fake up probably happy with that he'll be able to teleport back here i'm not sure if doper can freeze the wave at all we'll come back get the boots get the door ins and we'll probably teleport back into mid lane because we can't allow if we can stop doper's base can we get it oh my god that's a beautiful stop dopa will be furious with that and now faker you want to get this wave in you want to stop this next one i think dopa will sack it it'll just go out just out yeah we can't quite get it in unfortunately don't put teepees back in and that's a good tp because it's tanking and now it's going to be frozen once again lee sin comes through q lands and i think that fake is gonna straight up drop it and dopa picks that kill up just the small things right it's like the small minimal things in these high elo games and you are looking for that early oblivion orb when you play into things like the silas like the vladimir anything with sustain in the mid lane executioners oblivion get that grievous wound guys early on very early on it can turn the game it can turn those early fights where that w hill is negated by forty to sixty percent it is actually ridiculous um how much value getting out of these items early on it looks like dope has set up a freeze faker opts for the coin flip he's gonna roam down into the bot lane he's over who is he going to try and focus you've got to try and get that samira i reckon baker dropping very low and look at doper on the minimap guys affiliates picks up a double gets the triple kill and blue side you've got to be pretty happy with that faker three stacks to the dark seal but dopamine is whittling away that mid lane tower getting extra xp and cs 1k gold lead the blue side dude that is just crazy i remember like when i vo when you verse these players like i verse a lot of high limits i don't like to talk about it but i will that they always know where you're backing and it's just like dude am i on vision are they stream sniping what's going on they just have very good awareness they get into your head and be like if i was him where would i back where would i be and it just ends up being very frustrating as once again faker overextends gets picked up looking for the 2v2 huge ultimate by dopa he's such a level advantage on to faking out and that's the start you want get a play through bot side loose city boot pickup now by the silas it does make sense almost always going for lucidity on silas as the patch dropped yesterday for the sales changes guys we're still waiting and seeing like a lot of people i notice on reddit like i don't know about you guys but i find reddit pretty cringe oh he's gonna oh another base stop um they overreact to win rates on day one of the patch people are like oh my god this champion has this win rate and it's like dude your data your statistics are from like 12 games in korean diamond and above like just wait and see be patient as we stop doper's base and we pull a freeze the question is what do you want to do with the wave being very careful yeah you see that being very careful here not too hard shove it he wants to come in he wants to hit level six flash in 30 seconds try and pick up dopa probably with some assists from the alley or the graves and interestingly doper actually doesn't opt for the oblivion orb early he just goes straight lost chapter if you have 1300 gold get the lost chapter you're going to get more value out of that minor return than the oblivion orb but if you had 800 gold 100 believe it or not as faker moves in e2 does not land you just want to be a nuisance i think orianna's not so situated too horrendously in the matter at the moment maybe with the return of syndra she'll be worse syndra of course is a counter to orianna you can outrange her and the cc stun set up it's a lot is way out of her range so i don't know how ori's gonna do in the meta bacon moves in looking pops the ultimate pops it behind her so she goes back in the towel but dopa pops that phase rush speeds out and the other day i learned guys that the fastest bear in the world can run 160 meters in 10 seconds but usain bolt can only run around about 100 meters in 10 seconds so if you're getting chased by bear you're probably gonna die as we come into the bot lane and he's going to try and pick up this samira this affiliate six and two does get shut down though come on faker flash is in the w lens the e everything is perfect in the setup four stacks dark seal and do you see how much more active faker is on the map this is not like this is simply just how the match up should be played silas needs to be moving around the map very active in the early game lane dominance lane freezing high cs it can be done but when you're playing this silas man you need to be super active using that mobility to your advantage in the early game such a good champion for solo queue i love it ep up in what is that 18 seconds lost chapter looking for the everfrost head back in the mid lane hopefully the affiliates will get sent back down bot before that wave crashes and phyllis is actually pretty good in the meta at the moment i feel very underrated pick my mid lane underrated picks at the moment i think i think lisandra is heavily underrated i don't think you don't have to pick los angeles leblanc counter i think it's very strong um i think galio still has his strength i think people sleep on galia a little bit um but other pics do i not mind in the mid lane naughty lips should be a free kill nautilus alton salas is so strong you know who i like mid lane varys midlane i think varys midlane can be played if the enemy picks ryze something like that cassiopeia i think you can pick varys there's nothing wrong with varys mid bring back season six as faker goes way too deep there doper just playing his slow methodical game look at him slow cs no risk reminds me of that i'm not sure if a lot of you guys watched it but i did a vod review on he was he hit rank one and eu nordic now his of course name is jeb su he plays a lot of tf nowadays the perfect player he has that orianna kds play style that worked so well and doper kind of has it like he takes a little bit more risk i would say but like it's a good play style to climb in solo queue it's looked down a lot of people like scoff and like uh he doesn't take any risk it's so slow and boring think about solo queue man like get a bloody magis sit back out of range and a lot of the players are just gonna limit tests around you and you can just pick up free kills and free stacks as faker moves in nice job nautilus has the lead kick careful samira's almost old action gets released on the service today by the way guys just a reminder to probably ban it or dodge if your team gets it my guess is action 45 to 46 overall win rate in the first two to three days i don't imagine it's going to be too high i played some of the champion on the pbe and whilst i think it will find its stride in the meta eventually i just think it's going to take time for people to work out the kit it's very complex you need to think back to when gwen was released people people slept on gwen thought it was trash i did a vlog review of faker bloody doing what did he do sunderer he did sandra gwen i did caps he was doing lich bane a bunch of crazy and that's why gwen had a very low win rate to begin with and people were saying trash champion scissors are crap don't care well look at us now gwen is an abomination it's disgusting how broken this champion is anyways back into the match up we have 40 cs down dopa actually really likes the landry's pickup right now on this mage i think leandre andrews very underrated mythic there's actually a challenger victor one trick on korea lee andrews every game loves that burn very consistent the haste is nice too open tp's into the top side faker that's the stolen samira alt is one of the worst samira old affiliate zoe alt oh dear any other cr what's the worst alt for silas to steal i think the best is something like i love like zillion dude zillion bloody uh malphite things like that but the worst hmm ultimate on to the samira here we go waiting for the alley combo ali can't get in good peeling by the nautilus nautilus ultra silas and i'm pretty sure ali is going to go in you'd be on tp this has to be now because dopey used it top now comes in where the hell is dope is he just pushing top side and oh oh damn we get that lead pick up flashes in the sameer dodges it with the w look at doper on the mini map guys he clears the top side gets the tower and doper love these side lane plays because if it's net if it's net even for his team in the mid lane which sometimes it is like he picks up so much extra experience and gold he has a 40 cs lead over faker at the moment he gets the oblivion all that i was talking about and this is where orianna really comes into the game you hit a big ultimate it doesn't matter that you're fine they're 5k behind doesn't matter you the five-man ultimate i guarantee you can turn the game that's what i love about orianna it's just this what-if factor you know me personally i always miss my alts i don't know why but i do i think one of the biggest things for orianna that i learnt i've played 550 to 600 orioni games total the biggest thing for me is holding my ultimate i used to be so impatient with my ultimate i'd use it at the start of the fight i would just pull it whenever i had a chance be very patient with it wait for the enemy to come in a lot of the times in the team fight they're thinking oh orianna didn't pull the ultimate at the start she must have already used it somewhere and then they stop thinking they start thinking about other things there's lee where's the gnar what's happening and then boom they all subconsciously start stacking and you're sitting at that orianna just rubbing your hands together bang five-man ultimate they all stack it happens so often it's weird how our minds work but i guarantee be a little bit more i'm not saying like i mean if there's the original pick go for it but don't rush into it buddy they will stack this seems a tad risky baker has teleport i'm surprised he's not really deep into the bot side he's opting here he's sacking so much cs but he just really wants the finest skirmish but i don't think he's gonna find it now he'll slowly one nope look at all the look at look at the mini map on the bot side do you see how disadvantageous this is for blue side they're missing so much minions and then probably doper is going to run down bot soon and pick up that huge stacked wave billions picked be gold by dopa baker has to use the stopwatch and he's is he dead he's got to run you gotta get out of there son and this is probably gonna be the turn i was talking about you're lucky that doesn't land lee sin trying to follow it up lee sin flashes in and that is going to be a team fight ace and puts them 3k within the gold lead and look at look at the bot side wave i reckon dope it back and get it ah he's not going to pick it up he'll pick up the mid lane wave and yeah i mean that team fight was just really bad disgusting doesn't work out even though it's so far behind they just played it very slow played it correct nah we'll get a huge lead off this wave now i don't see much gnar anymore what i'm not sure what happened was it the stride breaker nerfs just killed him i guess he just fell out of metal just like that don't see him anymore at all as the morello is purchased second by dopa i don't mind morello i've talked about it a lot it's a very cheap item you get legendary um you get the passive pretty quickly morello underrated i think there was that big stigma for a little bit there where you know ls influenced the matter a little bit by a lot of people just being thinking in their head that morello all the time is terrible to go early um but sometimes you get a lot of value out of it it makes sense in the team comp situationally the goal just lines up perfectly deal denial ew bang thank you very much baker is with his trademark baker does three points in the queue a lot of the time for the wave clear and then he maxes w which not all styluses do a lot of there's a lot of different um skill orders on stylus it's very strange actually it's always w or q max um and sometimes interchangeably like three points here three points here but never emac so maybe i'll just start that up to try and be unique i believe in orbs on faker by the way no healing gonna come out from him lopez picks him up in the side lane and we'll continue to press that cs lead 140 i mean it's 19 minutes like it's not even that impressive farm it's just that fake is 90 farming like almost 20 minutes like this pretty embarrassing as i see a lot of people wanting me to do a tyler1 review of his mid lane i watched him play zoe the other day and i genuinely had a spew bucket and i think i vomited three times during the game so my doctors advised me not to watch anymore as we tp top side looking but pick somebody up we have ultimate nautilus should be the old steel yep else comes through bang bang bang naughtis all pops through oh my god everything coming out alistair grabs the nautilus kill unfortunately dope but look at the ball there in the back end it's so hard to play through this dopa has alt too tight game this is what i love hey can i have the can we please give us the red hey god damn it dragons up they're pinging for a 20 minute baron rush and this makes me nervous i think it's actually a pretty good call if there's no vision i love 20 minute baron rushers i think especially in low elos dude in low elo like for me low elo's like below masters or something but like like in lower lower elo you're missing out like 12 baron rushes throughout a game because no one really knows how to play it the problem is situations like this where it just becomes such a mess no one knows what they're doing and here we go the entire game is up to your team being able to play the baron fight being able to turn get off the baron and this is just a fiesta man it's 3k now but they want to start it they want to try and finish it off i reckon keep the aggro i reckon red side gets barren and it ends up being a disaster and that's the risk of a barren call if they sneaked it perfect but they weren't able to do it quick enough they'll get baron get the reset probably head over to the dragon now it's affiliate shield behind shielbo chilbo collector rapid affiliates is this the standard build i thought you meant to go like was it i thought it was like cracking or like into hurricane or something is this a new is this a new build sure diego hovering around the dragon over we go i'm just trying to think of our favor in the late game who are you guys giving it to in the late game i actually don't know it's probably going to situate on orianna or what old that if if if faker can steal a good ori or a gnarl he can probably turn the game but then if if dopey it's a five-man ultimate gg wrap it up both ids have solid scaling lee sin probably falls off compared to graves but good pick potential tank viego makes me nervous however that's ridiculous that champ it up into the top side no tp for another minute though so his team needs to be really careful hopefully he pings him a couple times fight breaking out faker trying to get he should steal the gnarled he doesn't have flash let's see what let's see how he plays it moves in gets the narrow puts them back into the tower that was beautiful samira picks up a triple i believe baker moving in and he's not able to get much done really the alt was smooth but dopa six one and twelve six one and twelve with that adcs lead he's looking pretty good pretty sturdy mid inhib should probably oh what do you guys think about staying around for the mid in here i think they're going to try and go for it i don't know if it's beneficial 23 minutes in a minute mid inhib value is pretty low in a map like this especially on red side like the inhib values would go i would say bot then top then mid but the furthest inhib away from the main objective which is usually baron should hold the most value right it makes a lot of sense because it creates a pressure point further away from the baron which is probably going to be the objective um but i mean it really depends on the time is the baron time is if it's been dropped or not so just small things to think about i don't like like if it kills if you're up against like a really late game scaling champ like a kale who has phenomenal wave clear it's if you drop like a double inhib and there's no objectives the next five minutes it's like it kind of just sits in base dude and he just farms it he literally just farms that you're putting him at such an advantage um so it's i think in the general consensus is take the neck like the inhibitor but sometimes it's situational i think it's more so beneficial in the higher divisions where the players kind of know how to play no offense to anyone um but you should understand that most of the time grab up that inhibits up head back to base looking for the cosmic drive next item hopefully completes the hourglass probably into a void not much ap to be honest with that setup very defensive very um utility heavy for his team and doper hates i don't know why but he really dislikes changing to blue trinket he's probably one of the most heavily invested yellow trinket players that i've watched out of anyone that i review loves to place the vision i guess gold is dead even 25 minutes in the game this gnar is absolutely i'd rather than not stay in base and not give fake of the alt bacon moves in looks for the lead he steals the lee sin kick away dopa has the alt not able to get anything off though we're not done have flash on the silence he's looking to try and get back into the fight i think viego just goes a little bit to him they pull off and it's nice to see this happen to faker where he has a 120 farm at 26 minutes like some some games this cs is just like it's not as a faker hasn't been farming it's just been so much action and so much fiesta that he's not able to take the time to farm and sometimes these games happen guys and it's good to see the problem is is he's so far gold wise behind um doper at this point adcs is just it's too much too much to recover from we're gonna get a dragon fight soon tp comes through from the va you're looking for a flank behind dopa the entire team has sums i think that should be fine [Music] dragon spawning viego's like 10 health without tp they're probably gonna sack it they're a dragon though oh baron's coming up too you need vision you need vision but you don't want a face check this is i it's always so awkward in scenarios like this it's so easy to blame the support too because you're like dude i just have to and fate dude faker is just face checking this he does not care but yeah usually you need the support to move through first someone like an alley is perfect to try and set up vision and you can see the gnar is way over extended here baker has no alt for 10 seconds remember ah perfect emma frost land as well how easy is that now it's time to turn it up for the baron i would be a little bit nervous against this orianna though whenever against an aoe champion like baron is always very hard to take if you're against champions like orianna like kiana old champ poke champs like varys zarath um because they can safely just they you're all grouping and clumping in their perfect spot you're so vulnerable against these champions need to be careful some juicy fruits sweepers super valuable we're going to come through we have flash remember 10 seconds on nah nah has tp who finds faker's face he's three levels behind the orianna now not a good spot and they're perma grouping hippie comes through from the night top side faker trying to find a good spot and he's really struggling he's really struggling to get into this fight he does have tp but there's no good flank wards either if there was a really deep flank ward like at the enemy red buff that someone placed like you could sit in base get the home guards and just chill and wait nautilus i'd like to see this placed on orianna's skull nice mega you should just wait for that timeout now and it's just a contention for the mid lane wave isn't it look at the bot side pressure but i'd love to see faker run bot side with tp pressure point that tower and then his team rushes nash because if somebody and someone important answers that bought side they can rush this chuff through one more mid lane wave and then you gotta make a decision make the decision right now what's the play it's looking like a baron it's looking like a baron better get off of it here comes na na has flash almost mega faker's the ultimate timing out has to press it man high elo aram fights are so difficult i still think faker in the side lane there with tp i i think that's the right macro call but he has he has teleport now he looks like you're gonna get a reset for the cosmic yep he'll reset for cosmic but they have no vision on the nash 10 seconds now for ultimate and this is just such awkward macro bases for the cosmic drive tp's on the mid lane wave and they'll run through for nash let's see if they can get on to it nah trying to zone let's see what he does not all stolen baker has flash remember he's trying to play it cool goes and gets a two man has the stopwatch and doper uses his flash let's see if they're able to pick up faker they're not fiesta absolute fiesta and instantly they're teleporting in the bot lane for the end now dopa did live the only member alive is dopa let's see if he can clutch the game the echo tp is in faker calls for the they're actually not going to be able to end the game they're gonna go for the nash rush oh god i would be reporting this gnar is so useless oh guy one in ten result wasn't that bad i guess doper six one thirteen he's had a very good game very patient he's just not able to make the impact here the only way you can win it is at least a three to four man shock wave on the carries the dragon gonna get set up blue side should be able to capture it making no flash affiliates no no flashes to be had the siege will be very hard a short like it's a pretty short range comp as faker moves in absolutely pops this samira i don't know why you'd be that far at a base but she just gives them a clean cut window breaking not going to group with this team gonna opt for the bot side trying to hit level 16. and if you do this just ping your team a couple times just wait wait 10 seconds on the next wave try and ping the waves that you're gonna be pressuring by the way you should be pinging the next wave that comes through level 16 and i think that honestly in solo queue one through ones are overrated i feel like in lowly low people don't play them right four ones are generally better i think four ones are like um three twos just pressuring two waves three waves just seems too much for a lot of the lower elo players they don't know how to do it correctly someone gets picked out of course just a nice simple four one or even a five at just a five-man a-ram into a siege with nash probably will give you better results and try and play the perfect macro and lower elos um teleport looking for the d-cap now seven stacks in the dark cl 33 minutes teleport up in 30 and i just don't see how you're gonna win if you're blue side sorry red side look at the filios items there's no way there's no way you have graves of you have graves of philly are so fed with viego cleanup and then on top of that then you've got bloody faker silas coming through shoving through nice pick on the gnar he's 11th death that guy's reportable we'll shove through look for the top side tower too teleports up he's ready let's see who answers him no one there'll be no one to answer him here should be freaked out unlikely but possible minion bot inhabit dropped it's all in the top lane you don't i i really you don't want to try and pressure five on top side now the macro is usually sending one person deep into the base and then setting four on the top the siege won't come through now i'll be in a minute let's click omana doper really needs that death cap to change the game i don't think he's gonna get enough gold that's bloody that's a really pricey item baker doesn't get an elixir ugh i don't know what you got i i love elixirs be next fight will determine the game so like even though you're saving up for a death cap sure like the elixir value i swear to god interesting decision if it's still up so there's no point grouping we can sit in the sideline to try and escort this wave through oh but look at look at the deep tp ward in the base by the way as fake it comes in i don't know where the hell that tp is he tping is he basing he's got a base in the tp ah he bases for death cap and now he's teleporting in that's flash up deals the orion are all ah flashes gets a three man it's beautiful set up in the hourglass too now and this should be the game end up that was beautiful did you see how you are and then the way the animation works is you are and then you flash in faker catches them by surprise and he turns the game on its head and that boys is going to be gg pretty good matchup overall like dope six two and thirteen to the end make a seven seven eighteen a little bit spicy hopefully you enjoyed it i love watching these two boys clash in solo queue and until next time lads i'll catch you later peace [Music] you
Channel: Midbeast
Views: 232,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends, Midbeast, Midbeast Review, Midbeast Challenger, Challenger League of Legends, Dopa, Faker, Midbeast Dopa, Midbeast Faker, Dopa vs Faker, Dopa Ori, Faker Sylas
Id: y0SKI8fOuGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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