Faith With Patience Wins

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let's look at that key scripture in mark 11 this is a this is the one everybody knows and it's the one we counted on depended on lived on and in I have a wide margin Bible and on these two pages I don't think the camera could see it but all the margins have riding in it you can hardly read the reading for the writing this is a big this is the big gun here mark 11 Jesus said well let's remember it's the fig tree we heard those of you who were blessed to hear brother Hagin preach this was his sermon and he and it's the one that helped Ken and me really to be able to do the things that we've done supernaturally it says you know that they walk by the fig tree and there were no figs on the tree and on the morrow when and Jesus on the morrow when they came back when they came from Bethany he was hungry seeing a fig tree this is mark 1113 seeing a fig tree after oh no seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves he came now supposed to be figs on a tree with leaves if happily he might find anything their own when he came to it he found nothing beliefs because it wasn't yet time for figs so it wasn't the trees fall jesus answered and said unto it he must have been really hungry to say this but he said this the Bible says he did no man here's this tree it looks good but it's nothing on it to eat no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever and the disciples heard it now you know Jesus got hungry at times just like you and I do this must have been one of the times he went to get figs and there were no figs and he did not appreciate it at all and he said no man eat fruit of you again forever now when they came back by the next day it says in verse 20 and in the more as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots there's so much we can learn on this fig tree message dried up from the roots see it didn't drive up on the outside that he could that you can see while they were still there looking at it it started to dry up from the roots now that's what happens a lot of times when we're believing God to get out of a situation our to get healed or whatever the situation begins to turn but you can't see it yet that fig tree began to dry up from the roots now if Jesus had said well it didn't work that didn't work I'll do something else that fig tree would have gone home because he pulled back on his faith if we pull back on our faith nothing's gonna happen like if it you're believing to get out of debt and you you didn't get out the first 30 days you believe to get out of debt and you just said well it's not working then you're gonna you're on your own you've cut off your supernatural receiving because you quit amen same things true with healing it may be you've got sickness and disease in your body and you pray and you believe you receive it and the next day you feel just as bad or worse well the scripture teaches us about patients as well as faith and it says let patients have her perfect work that you'd be entire and wanting nothing so we know some things are going to take patience sometimes we we spend years getting into a mess and we want it gone in two weeks well that'd be great and sometimes maybe it does but sometimes it doesn't so we stay with the program we keep feeding our eyes and our ears with the word of God getting it down in our heart saying it out our mouth we don't quit if you quit you pull back on everything amen so you might have situations that you've been believing for us for some time well spend more time in the word listen to more CDs on the word listen you know double up on your end take of the word that's where faith comes that's where faith increases hearing the word of God seeing the word of God go to your scriptures about it over and over again if you need healing you should have a list of healing scriptures whether you right now need them or not you should have a list of them just so that you have it ready should any symptom we learn not to wait till we get sick to act on the Word of God but if a symptom comes of something well we first of all we believe we receive our healing when we're well we believe for healing all the time we believe for divine health just like you believe for divine prosperity I mean all the time you don't wait till you have a need to believe for the blessing of prosperity well you don't wait till you're sick to believe for the blessing of healing and you're quick in a symptom of something I mean if you just get the sniffles you don't wait till you have fever you just say no I'm not having that in the name of Jesus I'll not have the flu I'll not take the cold and you know they're always selling you stuff on TV to take for this and that or the other we don't need that but not that you couldn't take it but I mean don't be they weren't a God conscious first that's what I'm saying go to the word first expect and receive your healing and don't don't let things make you afraid like if you had fever you heard the flu going around now you've got fever I don't have any fear about it just say I'll not have the flu in Jesus name and you should have said that before you got the fever don't wait till you have symptoms to act believe for divine health all the time like you to believe for divine prosperity before the check bounces before you write the check with no money in the bank believe for the divine prosperity before poverty tries to come on you amen so what do we do I'm saying Church be proactive with the Word of God go after the things that you believe you receive believe you receive it when you pray take it when you pray pray about ask the Lord for it believe you receive it that means you take it you take it remember that receive is take that's what it means in the Greek so we take it when we pray whether it's healing whether it's Prosperity whether you're believing for mate whatever it is we take it when we pray how would you believe for a mate well I didn't have to believe for mate he just came along but if you were going to believe for a mate you would say Lord father it's my desire to have a mate a husband or a wife whichever way it goes well it's my desire to have a husband I'm asking you Lord for the perfect man that you have picked out for me now I did not pray that prayer I didn't have enough sense in those days today I'm just telling you I've learned some things since they are the perfect one I thought I thought I believed I receive the wife that you have chosen for me and I release my faith now and I say that I have the perfect wife that you've chosen not that she's perfect but the one that God's chosen for you amen and then you just relax and enjoy life and look for that person to show up look for that man to show up look for that woman to show up it's important who you marry I can tell you that right now and if you don't think it is you just don't know it's important who you live with day in day out and you need to get the right one amen and so we go God involved in our in our choices Lord you show me now I didn't know this I know wasn't that smart then but you show me the person that you have picked out for me and you show me to them now I've never said that before but I think that's a good plan you both need to know something though hallelujah Kenneth we had our first date he asked me to marry him I said okay I mean I don't recommend that to tell you the truth but it worked out for us hallelujah lor you god we've only been married 52 years now and we're hanging in there praise God glory to God but I do recommend this I do recommend trusting God certainly trusting God in that situation to get you with the right one that he has picked out for you amen glory to God we just need to trust God and everything in our life so faith with patience win sometimes it takes a while to believe God like when we were in debt we spent several years getting in debt and now it might take a little while to get out so what do we had to do what do we have to do we had to be patient knock one thing out at a time not buy anything else on credit so we did it till we got out and so it takes patience let patience have a perfect work but faith with patience wins hallelujah if you want victory if you want to live in victory you will have to live in faith proverbs 6 2 says you're snared by the words of your mouth this scripture in mark said we say have faith in God I say unto you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things see that plural things those things which he says fast shall come to pass so what you and I are to do we are to realize that our words carry Authority and power in our lives we're to because they do and we're to realize that the things we say open the door for good or for bad like for instance if you were in debt and you were always saying I don't think we're ever going to get out of debt I don't think there's any way we'll ever get out of there I'm gonna tell you the truth there's no way you're ever going to get out of dead like that supernaturally I don't say this somebody couldn't leave you a bundle of money but just in the but in the supernatural you want you were gonna get what you say I'm in so we learned way back when that if we did not want it to come to pass we don't say it and we articulate our words in such a way that we don't take bad things we don't take it we don't say things that work against us with our mouths because that gives the devil authority to use now this scripture jesus said here's his message have faith in God so we know that there's no option there you're supposed to have faith in God for verily or I say unto you that whosoever that's you and me shall say unto this mountain now here's what we're wanting to do we're wanting in this scripture is using as an example to move this mountain so to move this mountain the scripture teaches us we're going to have to talk to the mountain to move that out of your life you're going to have to talk to it and act on it by not borrowing more money to get sickness out of your life you're gonna have to not call everybody and tell them you're sick you're gonna have to talk you don't talk to people about it you talk to the sickness and say you're not coming in my body in the name of Jesus flu I rebuke you you will not come on my body in Jesus thing you talked to it whatever it is you want to get rid of or whatever it is you want to keep Amen so well I just said I just don't know that I can do that well you'll just have to do the best you can do good SOI faith works faith work we get what we say you got to say what you believe when you pray take it when you pray if you took it when you pray and you were talking to cousin you can say I believed I receive my you don't have to say any more than that you don't have to say I still have pain or I had a symptom or whatever no we believe we receive and not everything happens instantly I wish it would it would be so great if it would and especially in money things think you know it's not going to have it it takes people other people to do something financially something has to happen from some other place if you need money you're where it's you and God dealing with your body then the two of you got it put together but somebody is going to have to help out listen somebody's gonna have to take some action where money's concerned so sometimes it seems slow and believing for financial things it does seem slow it has been slow sometimes but we didn't quit now that's the key right there once you start off on a project a healing project a financial project whatever it is you take it when you pray and you leave prayer with it I have it I have it I have ten thousand dollars to pay this bill I have it I rebuke that bill in Jesus name I'm paying it off and I call ten thousand dollars to come to me well it might be months before that ten thousand dollars comes that's if you don't waiver if you waiver it's not going to come supernaturally anyway so it's just the way it is we believe we receive it when we pray we take it when we pray so if I were brilliant for ten thousand dollars let's just say Oh somebody ten thousand dollars I believe I received Lord I need to pay this I believe I received ten thousand dollars to pay this bill I take it I believe I receive it and I have it now if I do it right I'll leave that place of prayer with my $10,000 I have it I've received it I thank you lord now I'm thanking the Lord for it I have I thank you for the money to pay that bill I thank you that that bill is paid that bill is paid glory to God I have it and I don't move off that and the same things true sickness you take it you take your heal when you pray and then you don't you don't you don't let fear come in anymore you have a bad thought and you think well I didn't get anything no I took it when I prayed I am healed jesus said it was healed by His stripes I was healed that's what the Bible says not that you're gonna be healed but that you were healed they all see what I'm talking about you have to take it when you pray take it when you pray take it when you pray leave the place of prayer with it every day then or whenever you think about it during the day many times a day if you think about it many times lord I thank you that I am delivered from that let's just say a heart situation I thank you that my heart is healed I believed I've received it and I have it in the name of Jesus thank you Lord that my heart is healed my heart is strong I have it and I give you praise and thanksgiving for it and then if sister calls you and you don't know start talking about all your symptoms just say I believed I received my healing well how are you doing I believed I received my healing well tell me how you feel well how I feel doesn't making difference I believe I received my healing in Jesus name I've received it and I'm not letting it go it'll come to pass that's what you do that's how you receive money that's how you receive your children coming into the kingdom of God you take the power of the devil over say Satan you're not getting my children I break your power in Jesus name and you don't touch them in Jesus name well maybe they're still doing maybe what they were doing for you prayed and you but yet you've already believed you received it I believe I receive it I have it so now I'm not going to be moved by what they say or do you see what I'm saying you don't be moved by what if you're believing whatever and somebody else is doing something other than you know it's your children you got authority over them you break the power of the devil over them you believe God and you don't waver and if you hear their halfway crazy or something you say well I believe I received and I'm not wavering my children are in the kingdom of God and that's the way it is Satan I've minds you off them I bound you off um you don't touch them they're not yours they're mine and you stand you just stand whatever it is you just stand then you don't let go whether it's children or money or whatever you're believing God for the perfect mate that's a big deal of perfect mate but I mean the perfect mate for you Lord I would like to have a husband I'm asking you to send me the right person that you have picked out for me send him to me send me to him I believe I receive it when I pray I take the make that you have picked out from me well a month goes by nobody perfect shows up maybe we shouldn't wait for somebody perfect comes my wish you just wait until the perfect one for us comes so too much go by and we still haven't seen baby what do you do you say well it's curtains I'm never gonna get married I'll never find him no you just keep standing where you are I believe I've received the perfect mate and I'm not fretting about it and I'm not worried about it or thank you for the pursuit man I don't Lee that's the way we do anything I'm talking about you and me that's the way we do anything by faith we pray we ask God for it we take it we receive it when we pray like Mark 11 says and then we consider ourselves with it and then the scripture says that patients have our perfect work sometimes it takes a while to accomplish the things you're believing for or for everything to get in line what do we do while we wait we have patience for it in Jesus name the force of patient this is a powerful force it does not succumb to pressure it doesn't quit it doesn't go backwards it takes it that undergirds your faith and keeps your faith moving keeps you moving and saying the right things glory to God faith and patience somebody said this I'm not sure who but faith and patience are might have been brother Hagin are the power twins faith believing you receive taking it when you pray with patience are the power twins patience will keep you believing keep your saying the right thing keep you going and the right thing the right way until it comes to pass hallelujah so faith and patience do a study of patience it's a it's a big deal patience is it's that force that does not succumb to circumstances it holds fast it stays steady I have a good thing here for here's I had a have a definition for it somewhere but at any rate patience faith takes it patience keeps it now that's the way to say it right there faith takes it patience keeps it and then it says in second Corinthians 13:5 and the amplified if things aren't working and so off you know if it's time and it it seems like it's not happening examine the scripture says if nothing's happening that's not exactly Scripture but the deal is it's saying that examine yourselves and not God if anybody's missing it guess who it is it's you and me God's not missing it so maybe we've been slow to do something maybe we've been talking negatively instead of positively but one thing's for sure if you see it in the Word of God and God says it'll work it'll work now we have to work it we have to we're believing for something didn't happen in 10 days pain still there in two weeks we don't quit we don't quit saying I believe I'm healed by His stripes I was healed and if I was healed I am healed and I'll not have that in my body I have another pain I'd go say it over again I'd stay with it until every pain is gone and every symptom is gone that's the way you do you don't quit we're not quitters we do what the Bible says and we say what the Bible says and we keep our faith strong mark says all things are possible to him that believeth well we're believers that's what we are glory to God so all things are possible to us we know that so we find scriptures that undergird what we're believing God for that give us the promise that we're believing God for in that area and we pray it we ask them we we act on it we take it when we pray we believe we receive it when we pray and we have it we talk we have it we expect we have it we don't quit we don't slow down a month ago by two months could go by we're gonna stay right on that until it's manifest amen and that's what you have to do so let's see let patience have our work or perfect work God is working it out if faith is applied sometimes other people have to get involved in the things you believe for so you know say you're believing for a perfect man well they're not just on every street corner but they are out there and you want the one the one that's perfect is the one God has picked out for you amen so we stay with that if that's what we're believing for we don't quit amen I already got him for me so I've already got this one tackle glory to God hallelujah faith fights Tim Timothy second Timothy talks about the good fight of faith so we know it's not going to just fall on us this brother Hagin used to say like ripe cherries off a tree faith fights there's a fight of faith why because there's the devil out there there's people trying to take it away from you whatever it is but faith wins so if it it's not as quick as we'd like for it to be do we give in and say well it didn't work faith didn't work my faith didn't work no you just keep believing until it happens let's just say you're believing for the person let's just say the man that God has for you to marry you're believing for him and he had it's been six months you haven't seen hide nor hair of anybody you wanted to marry what do you do well you don't quit you just keep hanging in there and say thank you lord I'll not be discouraged I believe you've got the right one for me and I'm looking for him I'm expecting him and I believe in hallelujah glory to God amen or you could have that you could put a job in the place of the right husband believe in for the right job we don't quit you just keep on amen you stand steadfast let play heard the Bible says what patience have her perfect work as long as it takes for that prayer to come to pass patience is there to work and keep us in our place to receive amen hallelujah jesus said with faith you could tell a mountain to move and it would obey you if obstacles standing your way it may be time to wake up your faith the 10 days spiritual action plan for faith that can move mountains the newest installment of the Kenneth Copeland ministries lifeline series is here to help you grow your faith with 10 video lessons with Kenneth or Gloria fresh new worship songs that all new faith scriptures CD by Kenneth scripture cards for you to confess daily and easy to follow written lessons renew your mind with God's Word and become strong and confident and the faith you have move the mountains of debt sickness bondage or fear out of your life take 10 days and develop the unbeatable spirit of faith that can move mountains order your 10-day spiritual action plans for faith that can move mountains Kenneth Copeland ministries newest lifeline kit for just 1995 and save 20% go to KCM org slash TV special or call eight hundred 676 it k CM gorg you can also view the webcasts online if your convenience or download them as video or audio files continue to grow in God's Word and build your faith with this week's product offer these word based teachings will help you live in victory order your copy today receive the great grace God is abounding toward you and live in the blessing
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 3,921
Rating: 4.7922077 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, healing, relationships, kenneth copeland ministries, ken copeland, kenneth copeland, 4499918008001, finances, hope, word of god
Id: 2Ny-LiX6fPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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