Faith Comes By Hearing the Word of God

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hey guys I wanted to encourage you today the Bible says in Romans 10:17 that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God it doesn't say faith cometh by hearing your favorite morning radio talk show it doesn't say faith comes by hearing dr. Phil or your favorite television program it doesn't say faith comes from hearing the most famous self-help gurus of our day it doesn't say faith comes by hearing TED talk or having a fantastic conversation with our friends it says faith comes by hearing the Word of God so what encourage you today get in the Word of God there is no other book that is going to be more impactful it is living and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword and it will lead you in the path that you should take because it is the testimony of the Lord to us of himself and the reason the Word of God causes faith to rise up in us is because faith unlike what you've been told is not blind it is simply taking God at His Word so as you read what he is said of himself in the scriptures and testified to us humanity who he is faith begins to rise up because faith is a determined decision to believe God and to take him at his word the evidence of faith is not yet or always seen faith has to supersede evidence and when we believe I am not believing just blindly because some professor or some schoolteacher or some sunday-school teacher or some preacher told me to believe I am believing because I've read the Word of God or heard the words of God preached and I chose to take him not the minister I chose to take God at His Word that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him so today take God at His Word and then the evidence because God has testified to us of himself and said these things will happen if you believe in me if you believe and step out in belief and faith faith forsaking all I trust him no matter what circumstances look like no matter what life looks like I'm gonna forget about those things and I'm gonna believe in him and stand on his promises and what he says of himself and then the evidence of that will come nothing causes your faith to grow the way that studying the Word of God does and as you study the word get in it every day even if it's for a few minutes a day as you study it ask God to reveal it to you because the Bible says the things of God the things of the Spirit are not revealed to the natural man the carnal man to the mind of man that's why professors and colleges can teach biblical history and and no theology sometimes better than we in the ministry do and yet they do not know the Lord God who wrote it and so it is discerned by the Spirit of God so ask God in the name of Jesus by His Spirit to reveal the truth of Scripture to you today and what's going to happen is you'll meditate on just a small verse and it will come alive to you in a way that it never has before so I encourage you today get in the word faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God stay in the Word of God meditate on the Word of God pray the Scriptures as you read the Word of God pray the Word of God to God himself it's his own transcription it's his own writing it's his own word so say it back to him and come in Jesus name expecting God to do what he said he would do we love you at remnant bless you
Channel: Chris Wolfe
Views: 10,152
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Id: Frj65-f0Idg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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