Walk by Faith and Not Your Emotions!

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walk by faith and not by your emotions emotions form one of the fundamental aspects of human beings now from the word of god we know that man is a spirit lives in a body and he has a soul the soul is the seat for our emotions among other things now these emotions are a reflection of our psychological state which is usually triggered by neurophysiological changes and you'll notice that when you experience pleasure or displeasure you will have an emotional response our personalities feelings temperaments our thoughts moods experiences and behavior changes also affect our emotions all these aspects of human emotion show us that human beings are emotional beings we cannot be separated from our emotions at any given time now a person may hide their emotions but that doesn't mean that they don't exist deep down they're there any small thing can trigger an emotional response from us as god's creations now sometimes these emotions get in the way of our faith yet that was not in the plan of god for instance when you are feeling sick in your body and all that you're doing doesn't seem to help change the situation fear may creep in and even doubt you'll become fearful of the end of things or suspect whether the healing power of god is real or not now typically our emotions can be affected by what we see whenever you see sickness instead of divine health you will experience fear despair anger sadness and even disappointment this fact means that whatever we see impacts our christian walk either positively or negatively and for this reason the holy spirit of god via paul he gave us instructions for our christian walk in 2nd corinthians chapter 5 verse 7. the bible says for we walk by faith not by sight now this call is for you and me whatever we see with our physical eyes can result in positive emotions or negative emotions and you're free to celebrate the positive emotions but they're not supposed to have a say in your faith life you know many christians believe that god is with them when they feel happy and satisfied and it feels like they're making progress in life they use this gauge to measure how involved god is in their affairs in their life when they see that life is what they hope for they feel confident of the blessings of god in their lives now in that same measure when things are looking down then they feel dissatisfied with life and sad and frustrated and they take that to mean that god has forsaken them now emotions misguide so many christians and it's so sad to know that many have gone astray because of their emotions when your emotions lead the way i guarantee you that your flesh is leading the way not the spirit now what are the chances that you're going to stumble and fall when your body leads you a hundred percent chance we can never and should never use our feelings to determine what god is and what god is not you see god exists all by himself and even outside of our emotions once you begin to grow in the ways of the lord and to understand the nature and the character of god then you realize that he's always there and he's always interested in you and he always wants the best for you you have to believe this at all times even when you don't see it with your physical eyes now as a child of god almighty never allow your emotions to influence your faith but let your faith influence your emotions with this logic you will always be in control of your feelings you should know that there's a wide range of emotions just waiting to bombard you in any and every situation the world can understand your fears and your disappointments and anxieties and doubts and distress and sadness and so on but god doesn't want you to feel comfortable in the patterns of the world you see he guides us even on the kind of emotions that he wants us to experience now a lot of times you'll experience these emotions by faith in god and for instance god always tells us not to fear he knows that fear and faith can't coexist in you one paralyzes the other faith has the upper hand over fear but many christians allow fear to rule them now for faith to dominate over fear it means that you must trust god in his word a hundred percent you must take god at his word and ignore everything else now at that point the substance of faith in you will rule your emotions and all of a sudden you will experience joy and serenity within your soul also instead of distress sadness and disappointment god wants us to have hope and to rejoice always now how possible and likely is it for you to rejoice in the midst of unpleasant circumstances it can only be by faith and here's what the bible says in philippians chapter 4 verse 4 it says rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice you're not always going to feel like rejoicing but god wants you to cultivate a habit of rejoicing he wants your belief to determine the kind of emotions that you should go through and whenever you go through an emotion that's not in line with the word of god in the provisions of the gospel of our lord jesus christ you must consciously stir up your faith to realign those emotions when emotions rule your life your life will be in chaos and when faith guides your life there will never be any chaotic moment in your life because you will always be in control now not everything in life requires an emotional response but everything in life requires a faith response we have a great high priest who is not ignorant of the feelings of our infirmities and that is jesus christ he lived in this world and is aware of human emotions he experienced anger when people turned his father's house into a den of thieves he was familiar with sorrow and was acquainted with grief so he's not ignorant but in all these things he ruled over his emotions and he lived his life by faith in his heavenly father god also expects the same from you you know god doesn't respond to our feelings but to his word he assures us that he has proved he honors his word so no matter how sad you are your situation will not change you must rise above the sadness and get in the arena of faith our emotions do not alter spiritual matters only the word of god so yes god sees and knows how sad and confused you are or maybe but his intervention is only triggered by faith now some christians even try to manipulate god into doing something for them with their emotions and when it doesn't work they claim that god isn't true this mentality makes a lot of christians question whether god sees what they're going through or not they think that god abandoned them when they needed him the most now god can never neglect any of his children but his children have to understand that it's only a faith atmosphere that provokes divine intervention and not the emotional atmosphere the story of lazarus in the bible is a perfect example of emotional response versus faith response when lazarus died martha and mary were drowning in grief that they couldn't understand what jesus meant when he said that he was the resurrection in the life and right in front of them was a man who had performed so many miracles that every doubt of what he can or cannot do should never arise in anyone's heart even before the death of lazarus jesus had already performed two resurrections but how is it that they didn't understand what he meant when he said he was the resurrection in the life well it was because of the intense emotions they were going through you see jesus wept because of their unbelief and this is what he asked martha when he was at the tomb john 11 40 says then jesus said did i not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of god the faith that jesus had brought lazarus back to life not the grief that his family was experiencing while the circumstances cause us sorrows our lack of faith displeases god now it may be difficult to control the emotions provoked in you and sometimes even impossible to stop them from rising within you even so you're responsible for how you handle your responses will you let them overwhelm you or will you rise above them and ride on faith there is nothing much to gain from your emotions but everything to gain from your belief in your walk of faith always remember that it's not an emotion that's why feeling optimistic about something after praying about it doesn't mean that whatever you've prayed for will come to pass you see faith isn't optimism it's not an imaginary thing or an illusion here's the best description of what it is hebrews 11 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen faith doesn't operate in the realm of the soul but the realm of the spirit it has spiritual tangibility it births physical tangibility for everything you hope for and everything unseen with physical eyes it's not something that wells up in you then ultimately fades away after some time it doesn't come and go like emotions do it comes to stay in your heart and to produce everything consistent with the provisions of god for your life there is a higher life in jesus christ and if you follow the leading of your emotions you'll never enjoy this life your salvation by itself is a result of your believing in jesus christ it is not the result of the excitement you felt when you heard about the gospel of salvation you see excitement alone can't bring salvation to anyone it's an act of believing now that you serve a god that responds to your faith consciously align your emotions to what is acceptable to god live a life of believing and you will experience the goodness of god throughout all seasons jesus is the lord of your life let him be the lord of your emotions as well let him have a say over what you should and should not feel he's not trying to make steel out of you but he wants you to experience a wholesome life that he has prepared for you a life where nothing controls you but you control everything from the standpoint of faith in him this way you will win in life as you're supposed to [Music] you
Channel: Grace Wins
Views: 9,572
Rating: 4.9759398 out of 5
Keywords: motivational speech, morning motivation, motivational, motivational video, workout motivation, mentality motivation, christian sermons, start your day with god, wake up motivation, christian sermon, encourage, christian motivational video, word of god, powerful motivation, powerful motivational speech, speech, life motivation, motivation video, encouragement, inspirational video, best motivational speech, inspiration, best motivational video, christian motivation, Walk by Faith
Id: o8zd1fjbvpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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