Failure is Not an Option - Makers Muse Lattice Tree & Impossible Tree

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hey it's Joel this is the Cetus mark - this is strong hero 3d filament this is a tree this is Angus Davison of makers Muse this is his tree this was his lattice tree he challenged everyone to print it I actually took one of his favorite printers I used some quality filament and I printed it out and I think it looks pretty darn good didn't stop there I also printed it slightly larger this is the same model printed in enviro engineering carb loaded PE T and this was printed on the old tea maker 2 plus with the rube nozzle turned out pretty good could tune the retraction a bit but if you look at the tree it looks like a tree I thought great these are examples of prints that worked incredibly well and I was really happy with how they turned out however this video isn't about prints that turn out well this is about failure and failing and prints that don't turn out well we're gonna talk about it right here I'm 3d printing nerd while the maker's news lioness tree wasn't the only tree in town there was another tree Chris Russell / practical printing printed it he was called the impossible tree and it was by lucky X 182 it was a model off Thingiverse Chris did a fantastic job I think he did it on his mark 3 and it's this little swirly twirly tree right up to a tip to a point at the top what makes it impossible is the geometry of the tree it's got some white kid overheads and the goal is to print it without support I tried to print on this and I checked the box that said no support but it wouldn't print without support that's how dastardly this tree was and that's how I'll possibly buggy the tier x software is but we'll get into that another time I thought let's do this and let's let's see if we can make it bigger and more awesome so I loaded up my simi C&C Artemis with asta rainbowy filament it's a good film n't and I printed it here's what I did I scaled it up 2x and then I lowered the model just a little bit so only one layer of the bottom layer was touching the build plate and then it would build the rest of the model from there and I chose vase mode or spiralize outer contour so whatever it isn't cure for this and it started going and it looked like it was working and it wasn't it wasn't fully sealing the top but that's okay I thought it was gonna work and then and then I left for the day and then madness happened and epic failure struck and I came home to a giant messy pile that looked like this dang it quite the failure you can see so here's my single layer bottom layer it's beautiful in its failure so here let's separate some of this go over there so right here if you look and it's it's doing the spiral eyes so as this tree model goes up it's almost like there are these oblong sections that are offset just a little bit all the way to the top so because the nozzle width is on the scene on the artemis it's 0.5 i think it is it's not wide enough to do spiral eyes which is why you get these gaps at the top but I thought the wall it's beautiful and it's structurally well good and I thought maybe it would be able to hold the weight and it was just it's just it kind of bent down a little bit which meant things wouldn't stick and we ended up with this llaman it's a good model it's a good model but it failed it failed okay I don't want to fail I want this to work so let's print it again this time I chose three perimeters and I dropped the model all the way down until that giant flat layer didn't exist anymore and wouldn't print on the printer it's I thought that would save on some filament and I had magic goo on the bed I knew that with the heat it was gonna hold on to it and it was just going to spiral around and I tried and I tried it had three perimeters that had a bunch of infill who was cubic and then and then tragedy strikes sadness and looked like it was going super super really well right here three perimeters it had infill it looked like it was gonna have the strength and I mean look at that if I'm doing that right there if that's stuck down that's not going anywhere until it gets a little thin right there it bounces and you can tell there's little burnt bits of filament right there made a boomerang so now we have two failures on our hands count them one two two failures failure was not an option and isn't how I wanted to end this I wanted to print this impossible tree so what I did is I changed the rules i scaled Z 200% but x and y I left 100% scale we were left with a taller skinnier tree which meant that the overhangs wouldn't be as great and we might possibly get ourselves a successful print let's try it again with this print I didn't want the bottom layer there so I just dropped it below with a build plate and I started printing it had infill it had a couple different perimeters it had some bottom layers and some top layers of course but the most important thing is I like tacos and it was printing it was going this was working I couldn't believe my eyes the GoPro was going the time-lapse was catching it and then I remember specifically hearing the printer finish and when it finished we were left with this this is the impossible tree granted this is the impossible tree but I changed the rules a little bit because I scaled x and y not the same as Zed and that's fine looking at the tree the quality is good you can tell with the rainbow filament we have kind of a green down here and it goes to an orange and a peach almost looks creamsicle esque I can tell that there are some layer inconsistencies in certain parts and after viewing the time-lapse footage it looked like as it was the sheer weight of it just bent it down a little bit as it was printing which meant that it was just weighing it down just a little bit but not enough to make it fail I mean look at that it's a little stringy I don't know if you can see that in there there's some strings in there they've all the way to the top which is fine I did 215 C on the nozzle just because I wanted to keep nice and hot the asta filament actually did a fantastic job the texture the color it looks great if you want to try that filaments I highly recommend it here's the most satisfying part of this entire experience let me tell you about it this model just like that previous boomerang is only held onto the build plate a very very small little area it's only held on by a small area which means that because I'm using magic goo as the build plate cools down the models self release and if the centre of gravity is way over here then when itself releases I was thinking it would do that so I set up the GoPro and I hit record when the print was done and this is what it caught oh that is fantastic that reminds me and I can't believe I'm like showing my age here but if you remember America's Funniest Home Videos back when Bob Saget hosted it way way long ago one of the winning videos was this cat that sat atop a TV and at some point during the middle of the night its legs would fall out from under it and it would fall off the TV this sort of reminded me of that here's this model sitting on the build plate and then so what did we learn through all of this first let's talk about failures and 3d printing don't let failures in 3d printing get you down you may end up with spaghetti you may end up with layers that never adhered to each other you may end up with a giant blob around your nozzle that you have to fix with fire you may end up with a model that breaks free of the build plate man up with a build plate that dances around you may end up with layer shifts you may end up with a clogged extruder you may end up not realizing you're going to run out of filament and then your Christmas bauble isn't as tall as it could be so don't let failures get you down this is supposed to be fun and something we can enjoy and so as long as you learn something from an experience I don't think you can really call it a failure at least in 3d printing if a 3d printer fails at something learn why it failed why did they fill a min Jam why did the first layer not stick why did the filament ball up around the nozzle why did it not adhere to the build plate why did the build plate move why did the power go out why is your house on fire these are things that you have to take into consideration and if you apply that sort of thinking to any of your 3d printing failures you're going to eventually end up with a success and your success could very well be something that was once impossible thanks for watching I appreciate it 20:18 there's a lot of fun we'll see what we can do in the New Year blessings to all I love you guys as always high-five
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 145,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3d printing, 3dpn, makers muse, failed print, stronghero3d, asta filament, emviro engineering, carb loaded petg, lattice tree, impossible tree, cetus 3d printer, ultimaker 2+, ruby nozzle, seemecnc artemis, failure is not an option, 3d printing fail, 3d printing failure, stronghero3d rainbow pla, cetus 3d printer mkii, seemecnc artemis 300
Id: m2TbjKh38MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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