FAIL TO GUESS WORD = DEATH! (Fortnite Hangman)

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for tonight hangman but for Lutz me and jelly will take turns doing a hangman guess the word type thing each time we get a wrong answer we go down in rarity if we manage to guess it completely right then we get legendary at the end we will pick our guns and fight to the death can you guess this word over here you have 3 seconds 1 2 3 yeah it was it was like I'm sure you guys probably guess that if you did guess it then like this video to let me know thanks to this person for using my code and let's get into the video jelly you're ready to get hanged just how dare you you're not gonna hang me I am this is hangman that's how you play the game silly but but who's starting four uh well I mean school cards usually you decide that oh okay how you snubber guesses first okay wait so highest number gets hung first unless unless you guess the word okay you ready I'm ready three two one oh okay really oh I'm here oh the lowest number of all okay so jelly every time I fail I guess I go down and loot their rarity okay exactly okay all right you get in there and tell me when you're ready okay so right now I have a legendary gun that I can pick any legendary gangly anyway the fight at the end each guess you have wrong you go down and rare okay okay are you am I ready to stop I okay oh oh that's a good one Josh let me just see okay is it good that it was all right Josh I am very sorry but I got it it was a good guy okay so this is all oh this is all for tonight related stuff kinda yeah sure so what is mmm wait no this is not for tonight related is it not no I don't know any I have no idea what this word even means okay why are you being suspicious all right next up I'm gonna say a a yes a could you not please what all right wait they get another one no I did okay I still have no idea I've got a legendary gun right now if I can still have a legendary God but you're gonna guess wrong any point I have no idea what this is boo bow slow ball ball with a no cool toy no I'm thinking about the end bit like I genuine what'd you say e e yes Sorry mate you're out of the okay so now I'm down to a purple an epic that's right okay purple gun is yours now Josh this is top better though alright Jenny I think it's time for my clue I need the clue alright let me just make up a key a clue for your game okay I need to think of something that's good don't think too hard you might give yourself a headache this thing appeared in one of the fortnight seasons and it's very very very hot hmm okay what about the letter N and yes alright Josh I know it the volcano so I've got one epic weapon oh yeah we really good yeah that's good alright let's move on to the next one alright jelly you're up next this is your word what this seems shorter and exciting for the change no looking to work I'm opening the answer oh that interesting okay off you go jelly you guess is it two words uh no answer if you want a clue do you want a clue no okay come on guessing I'm gonna guess hey let me just double-check wait no are you kidding me you are now tied down okay yeah let me just shoot you wants to make you feel like you lost Oh yep all right what's your next one II [Music] yes there you go II good job yep that's it yep I mean it's a sure short thing jelly so it's not a word it's not a single word because you didn't say that I didn't want to put you off in the other direction hey I'm trying to keep it balanced get it like getting a clue doesn't hurt so I want my clue I don't I have no idea what I'm looking at okay how about this will heal you when you're down this will heal me when I'm down yeah so you've got shields bandage potion med kit what else we got bandages you say that I said bandage no but that doesn't make sense I mean there's a healing items yeah I guess hey USAA wait a minute hang on no no I said no no I there's almost four you know what it like you down to now Josh that's cheating okay I'll let you off this time jelly but you say to save little toys how about deep Oh yep there you go are you kidding me how about em nope wait now I'm just gonna I don't know why that didn't click at first job don't worry it's good you got it all right so we both begun each don't seem bad all right so this one is for my second gun oh my why is it so much longer currently your second gun is a legendary but you're gonna change that I know you well I might keep a legendary I could guess this is probably two words as well but I'm not gonna clarify that okay interesting uh-huh yeah just I'm looking straight at yeah okay could you could I go letter e e yeah yeah it's in there yep okay what for my things is e in it come on hurry up all right here we go we've got it yeah is this a place do you think let me see if it's a place it looks like the length of a place why am i blanky on things enemy okay the letter A hey what what deli is it or is it not did we miss really just shoot right through nice nice okay all right maybe we should shoot each other or die okay hmm what about oh oh oh no really already yeah yep you're down to your rare Josh oh no what how would this so many letters I'm so far away cuz you done what about what I M M which one M or n m okay M it's not in there man n n good no I said n I hundred percent n okay well I must have been what happens no I would never cheat alright so n is also not in the object o is okay yeah it's your lucky day alright there we go oh that's it that's it Josh what about H hey yes your honor that is not where I thought one would be is that another one somewhere nope okay I'm gonna get that clue right about now oh right about now you want that clue and you're down to what ran OH yeah you are okay okay okay all right Josh so you want a clue yes that's not too easy but not too hard Craig's quite obvious all right you can use it to kill people what yeah you can use it to kill people Josh I don't even know I can use it to kill people it's so yeah you saying it's a weapon Terry much so Josh you already got your clue is it a weapon jelly tell me please one we're guessing they'll tell you all right what about the letter I I'm done anything like that yeah I which word come on clearly these do wait oh it does hi all right that's one okay I am so lost on what this is to be obvious am I being dumb I mean yeah you unlocked off of the letters it's pretty obvious fine okay is he a weapon like II hold I mean I would say that now you said that you were gonna tell me yeah it is a weapon that you hold all right I pretty sure the Bombay's rifle so R then F yes Jenny so laughing L what is this yeah what could it be yeah use that brain of yours take it come on you got up you go by struggling so much to get this wait I know hunting rifle why was that so hard for me to see oh okay well that's a rig all that is embarrassing okay oh okay so call a epic and a rare gun right now okay all right Josh it's time for my second hold on wearing like a destroyed little city yeah yeah it looks like looks like a meteor what we'll rarity gun do you want jelly okay that's greedy see the good thing is the more letters the more you can guess right so that's true thank you okay oh okay all right jelly guess your first letter all right my first letter is e that's one and that's it I'm pretty sure yeah look at the word again no I'm good you're good go did he was think so I currently think since that was a weapon this is probably going to be location okay if you say so tilted towers no that doesn't work all right just check-in lucky landing Pleasant Park what else matters what else we got given out see the map oh no they got rid of that and our key acres no see I really want a legendary so I got to think with my brain Josh I can't really think of a location that has an e on that spot okay can you hurry up and guess the ladder jelly you've guessed one letter what's your egg okay come on yeah all right okay all right I got one okay let's connect flat suckers welche necks led to jelly any energy now what's the next letter okay cuz I'm gonna get a legendary you even said it so this is my third lesson now jelly no your third gun my third gun I'm not with it today ah okay I want Josh well I'm not sure if you're in luck you're out of luck will you but you've got only four letters to guess oh yeah oh yeah it's true give me either really difficult we're really hard tonight bounce full of B why do I feel like it's a great so you wanna you wanna take a risk just say a maybe don't trapping me okay you know oh okay oh don't do rare congratulation McCoy you can hide it Bush are you kidding me please God dang it I'm gonna go read that was so quick yeah but that I love even good I should have also the clue first alright Josh it's time for my third guy Mike this is so I have think an epic Iran Iran and you have an epic a legendary and and then a common in a blank uncommon blank but it's gonna be something that'll be a common don't worry okay let me check down here okay I don't know stay out okay jelly I keep reading you ready alright my first letter is o one nope okay if we're off to a good start so what could this be obviously they're two words it's gonna be for tonight related so OH two words as a town is probably not a thing it's not gonna be met kit easy easy not too much thinking that buddy all right nope Rafi you your first friend no no no no I was doing so well yeah not anymore okay Hey yep yes hey go just one a are you uh are you do you think you've got a better idea of what it is yet I actually don't what could this be okay Josh give me a clue i I meet a clue it's a gunite it's a guy oh that's it that's a really good clue thanks Josh all right let me think you're on rare right now jelly nobody's been lower than rare right now I know my next letter is and I'm down to an uncommon this is new territory no one has been this bad oh my god I don't want no default gun okay I'm using my brain and it's it's it's safe or no you've got come on I hope he's not lying about his clue I hope I haven't forgot to do any of them when he said them okay come on two more guesses be please nope one more I guess oh come on I yes no oh you don't get a third gun don't make you reveal it see what tack SMG its tactical SMG it's not a school tack SMG in the game loser all right so gently finished wheels contact the cool isn't it I mean the comments will probably tell us this is cheating I'm pretty sure it's like that okay so you got an epic and legendary I get an epic I ran and I ran all right I'll see you on the battlefield so we have all of the weapons over here we have to pick our epic one first if you ever see got like some essaouira fools that would be pretty good but I think I'm gonna go for a shotgun probably the heavy shotgun with my two rares we got to pick something a little bit more interesting you got grenade launcher that would be cool or an assault rifle that might be helpful actually or maybe an SMG would be better Oh the tactical a submachine gun attender is called the tactical submachine gun that's a bit awkward we'll take that and then lastly I think we'll take something to put a bit of longer range pressure on him we'll take the grenade launcher all right there we go we're done whoa this is cool jelly you want to show us what you've got I want to show you what I have my friend so for my first gun I've got oh okay my second I've got a legendary boy for my third yeah say what are you doing okay all right so my first save these shotgun good choice my second grenade launcher that's a Bachelor then about my third its tactical all right let's the cool ready to go all right Jenna you're in position I have my friend all right three - what are you testing nothing Boeing me I am boom Boeing you across the pirates that's illegal that's illegal it's not really is it where are you hold of is to kill you job I see you alright let's test out this grenade launcher those are right next to me are you kidding me lowering oh wow the floors going when I do that it was really good Josh that was strong I could barely see you it what you doing Josh alright see me up far away and you have no long-range guns I'm just out in the open me you're hiding in your little camp because I got nothing range because I'm a silly boy gonna trip there mate looks like you're building a house oh there we go that's whoa okay that's a heavy shotgun right there Josh oh okay wait that was drop damage Oh whoa that one flew right past me yeah that was quick quick quick quick Oh God watch out for that one okay you'll fly around the map like a crazy person well I know crazy I ran out of ammo alright now that my well yeah you did grenade launcher for me okay kind of sad that you ran out of them where are you jelly what do you think no see yes no we're not doing it yeah how much healthier yuan uh nanny full wait seriously yeah that's so funny oh no see I'm trying to raise you oh wait I did damage how much not like five totally fine oh no that was sounds good you're close to die hit you though I've only got one range thing say hurry yeah you just need to do all right good one shot weren't you uh sure pretty much yeah fifty Hellfire yep I mean that's the one show yeah all right good good job I'll see you in the next one remember to use coats logo in the fortnight store if you want to be cooler than all of your friends you can thank me later bye [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,572,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, fortnite, fortnite creative, jelly, hangman, loot battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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