Factorio - Let's Play K2SE Episode 1

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hello and welcome to the start of a new series of me taking on a set of mods I don't really know all that well I mean I've obviously just come out of the series of citorio 2 so I know for a certain amount of what's going on with that side of the equation but the SpaceX I have no experience of whatsoever you know it's not passed myone by completely I've seen people who've been playing this game over the years but I've never actually picked it up and tried it um seems to be quite cool let's give it a go see what happens so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up the game and I'm going to go relatively easy on myself the same way that I normally do oh no effect you can safe okay I'm just going to all that right so in terms of resources I'm just going to increase them a touch just to make things a little bit easier for myself okay terrain no I'm going to get rid of cliffs what the only thing I'm going to change Enemy enemy I'm just going to leave as it is other than the starting area which I'm going to move to it's give me the maximum and on Advanced yeah I don't think I need to change any of this all right so that's that's what I'm going to do holy moly I don't oh this all feels like stuff that's like miles away just like miles and miles away I feel like okay okay this is a thing oh right okay so this is the thing I can get access to oh right right this okay all right some stone coal all right okay what do I need to do what I want to do is I just want to investigate the the the basics so I just want to get to the grips with copper and iron or processing see how similar it is to croro what's changed oh that's the same of course it is um chips holy moly right okay sneaky little blighters so we don't need iron anymore for computer chips or do we what's with let's have a look at red no need it in red over that feels like very end stage what the hell is this helium all right so we now no longer need need we now no longer need now no longer need iron in green chips we don't need wood in green chips do okay so we can do it with stone blocks okay so we can make it two ways but I don't really know why you would want to do it in either one of those directions I need to have a ponder about all this stuff and this holum I don't even know what thisum is yeah lots of things to ponder but for the moment you know iron and copper they're the same name so I can deal with iron and copper let's have a look at inserters no nowhere near that what's this one we're going to need that um all right I'm happy I think I can get started so first step um let's get the time lapse sorted let's demolish what I can of this ship and let's start let's start bashing some ground with my hands my fists whatever I can use to get some material out and start producing some iron and copper plate that's what we need lots of it [Music] ow [Music] [Music] a [Music] n whoopsie daisies um I got a little bit carried away there I had intentionally well I intended to stop and pause and talk at a particular point and then I just just carried on because I got into the flow of it um anyway so we got the starter Factory oh we are I I momentarily forgot how slow it is to run around Okay so we've got the starter Factory it's it's going or at least part of it is going we got some irons and steel we don't have steel yet I need some wood for that we got iron copper and blocks um and I've started to set out the the area that I want for the green houses obviously I can't make those green houses until I have glass so I I need to make some glass to make those green houses which I'm going to do next I'm going to try and deal with all of the sand and the stone stuff like concrete landfill uh walls I need some walls that's pretty important actually at this moment in time I I want to get some sort of primitive wall sorted so that I'm protected or at least a little bit protected but that we're not quite there yet anyway St Factory basically done we've got it feeding with supplies and it's just a case of carrying on really I need to I need to just get carried away and finish this off I'm really looking forward towards the actual Factory you know that's always the focus um and on that in that respect I've also been looking at iron and copper I've trying to been looking at the technology tree to figure out um which things I need to build in the main Factory you know I need to start thinking about the positioning of that so if we take a look at iron that's probably the best way to do it we've got the normal iron process which is just a smell iron ore we've got the enriched iron process which we could which we is the same as in croro and we've got some py flux smelting now this is where the decision comes in because what do I build um you know this this particular pyrofx melting this requires a science pack from the space so that's that's that's that's so that's a long long long way off but that's really the final version that's the final version I need to build so do I rely on my starter Factory for iron do I build or do I build some sort of intermediary process with for this enriched iron stuff which I then either demolish or close off once I get there decisions decisions I'm sure once I've played through this set of mods this sort decision would be obvious but at this moment in time I'm not entirely sure so I'm going to ponder it I'm I'm still thinking about it um I'm going to carry on building um and then I'll see where my mind goes with it yeah yeah tricky decision we'll see anyway on with the building [Music] w [Music] all right okay so I've been in the game for how long now is it 20 hours and 30 minutes and I think I can come to some sort of rough conclusion of you know rough idea of what's going on with these mods and the first initial conclusion I've come to with these mods is that they're very grindy very very very grindy um for at least the last five or six hours I know I'm not at the moment that's cuz I've mostly finished the last five or six hours I've mostly just been making stuff handcrafting all of the things that I need you know if we look at my adventure all of these conveyor belts these conveyor belts need an engine or a motor or something to go in it before you can make it all of this stuff takes an absolute age to constru I've just noticed I haven't got any inserters I need to make more of those let's let's let's get that going okay that will I have to do oh right so that's the first conclusion that I've reached with regards to uh catoro and SpaceX is that it's very very grindy and the thing is the thing about grinding elements like this is that it takes quite a big Factory to be able to automate it all because I need all these engines and all these extra bits and pieces and I'm already in croro so I already need automation cores and beams and stuff so it's you know I need a lot of stuff and that stuff all takes a lot time long time to handcraft it's all just a bit a pain in the backside um that's the first little conclusion second conclusion that I've reached with regard just really annoying I mean okay so I I can now run on water all right let me run over to a lake wait yeah I can run on water I think it's just shallow water that I can run on but that leads me to believe that the the biters can run on this stuff as well and they've been they've been attacking me I originally didn't I originally had this wall that linked this this two Lakes together and another wall that which link these two leges together but I was constantly getting attacked on this left hand side of my base I can only assume that the biters were just going around the wall because I can't build a wall on shallow water but I can run on it so that just means that I've had to have a continuous parent wall that Unbroken by any lakes just really frustrating I had to build two perimeter walls I built it once and then they kept attacking me and I had to redo it all again I suppose it didn't really matter at the time because I was constructing all this stuff by hand so I had time to burn but still okay so that's that's the other list I've also got some meteorites that that are occasionally hitting me and I think this one over here has damaged some of my pipes has hasn't caused too much of a problem yet yet hasn't demolished anything important haven't there anything big here anyway so those are the main lessons that I've the main conclusions that I've come with regards to these sets of mods and I've also been thinking about the iron that I was talking about before because we have this difference this is probably the wrong place to see it because I've been messing around with it I uh okay let me just go for it we've got the normal iron process where we can smell iron I think I went a moment ago we can smell iron in a furnace and then we can enrich iron and we can purify that enriched iron and come up with iron and then we can smel we can uh we can come up with molten iron but whilst I've been playing around with this with the with the recipes it turns out that enriched iron goes into this molten iron so I need to do enriched iron anyway and if I pretend like this doesn't need this py flux element and it just goes into a furnace then that's the standard process so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to build a block that can do all of this and it can do the the temporary stage in the Middle where I've only got access where I haven't got access to py flux so I think I I think I'll be able to design a block to be able to do both of those things so I'm going to aim for the ingots but I probably won't get it until I've got some sort of space factory set up that will deliver this stuff cuz that's what I think I think P flux comes from space I don't know for sure but that's what it looks like to me I don't think I have access to this on my base Planet so I think this is one of the things that I need to bring in um so that's what I'm going to do that's how I'm going to deal with iron I'm not going to build a part of my factory and demolish it I'm just going to build a process which can do all of the things that I need to do both of the steps cuz I think that's possible um and I'll do the same with copper uh one other thing that I've that I've been looking at is green chips it's one of the standard recipes now we don't need iron in this recipe it's completely ironless and in normal sort of vanilla sort of formula SPM sort of optimization 40% of my iron goes 40 40% of the entire base production of iron goes into green chips so that means that 40% does that go somewhere else you know ordinarily I would approach this with I need to produce the same amount of iron and the same amount of copper but this would put me in a place where maybe I need like half the amount of iron to Copper as a ratio I'm not going to do that I'm still going to do the same amount because I might need more iron down the line and to be honest a lot of iron is always useful you know with conveyor belts and stuff um and I have been looking at the the the there's a this this these sets of mods go deep there's a whole lot of conveyor belts in here which are just for space where's the best place to see this um um in here here we go right so we got the normal conveyor belts six of them and then we've got black deep space conveyor belts and then we got the same with the underground belts the same with Splitters we've got a whole like two different sets of conveyor belts I'm imagining this is going to need all Iron it doesn't tell me the recipes in here let's have a look in the um space [Music] transport there you are oh so you get them all at once o that's quite uh that's quite an ingredient list right there wowers what was I looking for I was looking for iron well you tell me you tell me where any of that needs iron who who I'm not going to dig into it so I'm just going to assume that I'm going to need a lot of iron to build the factory and I'm just going to produce the same amount of iron as copper as I always do even if it might look like um there's some balance issues by doing that but I'm still going to approach it the same way and whil we're on this subject whilst we've been digging around in this technology tree because I've been looking at the tech cards there's five of them now I've just come from catoro where there were like 13 there were a lot of them um and now I've only got to do with five so that me leads where I am is that it feels like obviously the tech we can get access to it very early because we need to be able to launch to space and that's really the whole point but then we need access to a whole load of stuff that's in space to be able to build more stuff so Tech wise I'm imagining that we're going to reach this limit the end of the tech quite early and then what we're going to need to progress with is building more Factory to to Pro process those things so the the the the the complexity comes not from the Science Tech cards like it did in croro but it comes from materials and processing and that side of things that's what it looks like to me but you know I am still guessing anyway that's the end of that speech that's what I wanted to talk about and what I need to do now is I need to build more stuff I need to automate this stuff I need to do these inserts I need to have conveyor RS I really need some red underground belts you know only having access to Yellow Ones means that I've just got just complete mess just a complete mess of these things and this obviously means I need more of them because they can only go four tiles so I need I need the red one I need all of this stuff so that's what I need to work towards yeah well the the main shopping mall you know I've got all the basic stuff sorted now um now I can deal with the shopping mall inserters the assembly machines furnaces electrolysis Crushers all of that stuff let's do [Music] it [Music] [Music] and there we have a starter base it's producing all of the things that I need I think at this moment in time you know caveats included in all a lot of this stuff um and I there is a few there is some space for fure expansion further down if I need it I got some space down here if I need to put some more stuff in um overall pretty happy I mean I'm not really what I don't like about it is that it's very long and thin um I prefer much kind of squarer oblong kind of rectangular shapes rather than that but you know this is going to be a little bit more difficult to work around but H that's a problem for a future Bigfoot I don't need to worry about that right now um what what I need to worry about right now is really space like not space as in expiration of space but space is in I need more space in my factory I've got some big parts of the coming in and I want to try to work out the general architecture and what I think I've decided is that I want to expand left along the map this is where I want to build the first part of the factory the fact the part of the factory that deals with iron copper computer chips wood I want to deal with all down here here and it's going to be quite big I'm imagining it's going to be out here somewhere so I need to create some space I'm going to need a whole load of landfill because I'm going to have to fill in the lake so I can build a sensible perimeter wall you know I can't build my perimeter wall around every single Lake that's just going to be impossible so I'm going to have to fill in some Lake to build a new wall and make some more space and see how many bers I have to deal with now I'm it's not I'm not it's not above me to just use uh Auto Fu with turrets I'll be completely honest I I want I just want to clear these bers out I don't really give a I don't really want them if it were up to me I would not I would play without them but the B I think I need the biomass I think I'm still in that I don't want to have to restart again that's where I am with it so um that's future plans need to make the map bigger and build more Factory but for right now that's it that's the that's this episode epod done we can move on to the main Factory in the next one so I hope it's been good till next time
Channel: Bigfoot
Views: 2,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n8VDcLNl3EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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