Fact vs Fantasy - Beretta M9/92FS

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welcome to smaller solutions today I would be talking about one of my favorite favorite guns the Brian m9 you know recently I've been on the I've been on the internet myself and I've been looking at what people have to say there is so much misinformation out there on the end I'm what it is what isn't what's happened out there that it's really unbelievable so we're gonna duck talk about today is what actually happened with the m9 what's true and what's not what's factual and what's not I've dedicated many years to the studying of the Beretta pistol I got my first one in 1989 1990 and I followed this pistol right through I everyone in the military I carried and we're talking about little bit about that and we're gonna talk about the these slight failures we're going to talk about locking blocks and we're gonna talk about what's actually caused the problems with it over to Afghanistan and Iraq and we're gonna talk also a little bit about the differences between an actual m9 pistol and the m9 special editions that Berta has right now because the pistols are not the same then I'm supposed to be or and it did make some changes on them to make sure that they'd be able to tell the difference between an actual US military pistol and a commercial look-alike so we're gonna dive right into that one starting with some of the history of the m9 and the m9 program back in the early 1980s the US military was looking for a pistol to replace the aging and 1911 now I know there's a lot of m1911 fans out there and there's nothing you can say that's gonna make them think that this was a proper move but we're gonna talk about what the actual military I was looking at at the time first and foremost the 1911 is old blast shipment of 1911 was in the 50s so all the current pistols in the u.s. inventory were put together from you know God knows how many pistols out there to try to make one that work the pistols were heavily born most of them saw probably saw service in Vietnam it was time but there's also something else NATO was formed and part of what NATO did was they wanted to do a standardization of small arms ammunition that would be it would be particularly to all members of NATO which makes sense for instance the u.s. you know was in trouble in a hot spot that the u.s. couldn't resupply one of our allies could actually drop in pistol rifle machine gun ammunition to them and it'll be back in action so parts commonality was a big deal and the NATO caliber was the nine by nineteen or the nine millimeter Luger Tenaya millimeter Luger again it never had a very good pop of a good popularity and the fact that it was not as good of a man stopper it is the 45 you're looking you know you know a nine millimeter NATO cartridge which is 124 grain projectile about 11 or 85 foot a second which is actually plus P the semi standards but the actual NATO cartridge that is the specifications that it would be a plus P of course you're comparing it to a 230 grain ball which is generally around 907 foot a second in that area which again you're gonna be hit with something that's the size of a softball versus the size of a golf ball well there's a couple of different schools of thought on this the m9 when a first one into rotation with the US military they found that a vast majority of the people were qualifying and qualifying in the first time which they've worn out with a 1911 so now we ask the question is it better to have a 45 caliber miss or have a nine-millimeter which you have to hit two or three times if your soldiers actually gonna perform better with a nine-millimeter he could actually hit the target where if he has the heavier recoil he's not gonna hit the target because the depends of the recoil and that was categorically proven in the US military but at the same point when the m99 was it was adopted there wasn't a lot of joy about it and most of it was from the guys who liked the m1911 you know the US military is very big on you know on its history and on its way it's always been done they were going to accept no handgun period that wasn't it was a nine millimeter so let's put that table right now there was there were certain people within the military that will never accept a nine-millimeter pistol so it didn't matter how good the pistol was because it wasn't a 45 it just wasn't gonna happen so being into the actual trials companies were beretta sig Smith and Wesson Colt Ruger there may be some other ones I can't recall right now the first form of tests none of the American handguns survived the test none of them the only two epistles they actually survived the test for the beretta and the sig so the first trials again we're not talking about pistols that were compromised for price when the actual tests came back for the front of brennidon 92 and the sig p226 the pistols came in equal so now we've lost for Christ's bidding between the two well the bread actually one was was the pistols were actually the same price we're ready came in just lower on the maintenance package and magazines instinctive that was the deciding factor there was no US base in Italy that a lot of people like to talk about that that was the reason for it there was no politics that weren't involved with it it came down to the numbers during all the tests that came through these guns fought neck-and-neck and they both succeeded the American guns had failed all of them so ran it was the word of the contract 1985 and started making shipments well this didn't sit very well with the American companies so the American companies actually did a counter lawsuit against the government and they got their retrial they claimed ready had used guns that were not they were not production guns they were especially and pit guns so during the retrial they actually pick guns out of the inventory and oddly enough very few of those companies even came to compete the ones are actually involved in the lawsuit test went through again the right and nine came out to be the winner so during the testing the Beretta was one of the most proven guns throughout the world they're used all over the world militaries throughout the world the reputation was impeccable the design was solid it was reliable it was durable it was accurate and none of that sting that the cig was not down again we're looking at two guns around equal playing fields but there has to be a winner the first hiccup with the m9s was the six slide failures which caused it a complete uproar within the US military community however these actual failures were the slides actually separated and came off the frame nobody was seriously injured definitely nobody was killed this happened to a particular Davie seal unit and there was a letter that was put out that was saying that we're gonna change slides on beretta every thousand rounds or so until it was investigated this is a story a lot of people like to really bring up the say that the m9 pistol was not durable unreliable so we're also gonna put a stop to that right now - with the actual facts of what happened first of all the missiles that were fired had excessive amount of my brown stroller second of all there was an issue with a mission that came to find him a lot of people weren't saying that it was nominally your submachine gun ammunition that was being used that caused the fractures that was not the case the actual case was some of the first production 9-millimeter ball ammunition when Winchester went into production of this ammunition they kept the powder charges but they modified the nanometre cartridge case to a military configuration military configuration is a thicker brush the powder Cup sits up higher so what that caused was excessive pressures basically this basic ammunition was being product brought up to nearly proof pressures so you have an aluminum alloy frame pistol that was shooting a mission that was mirror proof pressures so eventually with this extremely high round count the pistol would failed also document at that same time we're six are p226 instead head frames crack on so the warning went out change slides out everything went back to beretta to have the the pistol checked metrology came back that there was nothing wrong so there was nothing wrong what actually caused these failures so what happened was well as I looked at the ammunition when the ammunition was tested they found out that the ammunition problem was so now comes the fix this is actually a very interesting story as well once the problem was identified that it was a munition related there was concern for the safety of the people who are using these pistols and again this was not nothing to do with the actual and my pistol siblings because they didn't know how much this ammunition was out there so to prevent the slides from actually exiting off of the frame if this was ever to happen again there was some modifications that were done and oddly enough this was done at the US government's expense because the problem was not with beretta it was done with the design it was not with a pistol it was a problem that was caused by ammunition sure one on the left here is an original m9 slide and shown on the right is a modified m9 slide that was done after this issue was found if you noticed there's actually a track right here this is the actual hammer pin of the original which that hammer pin actually sat below here like so so there was no notch the modification was an enlarged hammer pin so if that slide was to fail he would come back and it would catch right here it would prevent the slide from actually fracturing and coming off on the back of the the frame itself so nobody would be hurt again I want to emphasize this was paid for by the US government there was never any retrofitting for any commercial or law enforcement or military guns other than the US military there was actually a modification of slides they did actually cut these grooves into existing slides and they replaced the you know the hammer pin itself so I would incorporate this device now another very interesting thing happened due to the just the incredible damage that was done to British reputation due to this the US government was sued by beretta and received quite a bit of money for the damage to the reputation because again this issue was not due to the Beretta pistol but it was due to the failure and the ammunition as of this date slight failures are very rarely seen and if they are they're seen in in training areas where guns are used and they're not replaced so again I just wanna I just want to say one more time that this issue was not caused by beretta or the pistol the same ammunition fractures aluminum frames on a sig we're gonna take just a little look here at the actual m9 pistol what we have here is an actual m9 pistol the only difference is is the frame itself has an m9 serial number on it which is commercial due to the fact that you cannot buy guns with US government serial numbers however every single part on this gun is US government we're going to go over the gun from front to back we're also going to talk a little bit about some of the other issues that have come up with it as well looking at the pistol first of all we're going to see us nine-millimeter and we're also gonna see this PB well when you compare that to the commercial pistol you will notice you have a very different PB this is the commercial PB so this basically lets you know or let's Preta our law enforcement now this is not a US government pistol because if it was it would have this well we're looking at slides the pistol you slide on the top was an original beretta you of Retta italy made pistol when the pistol was adopted there was basically a schedule that was in basically five different levels at first x amount of parts could be made in italy and then gradually as it went through time everything had to be converted to a USA can manufactured pistol the top slide as you can see us nine-millimeter p beretta p brought it means italy this slide was actually manufactured in italy here's his beretta m9 beretta USA this is an american-made american-made pistol now we're gonna flip over to the other side of course we have the assembly numbers but take a look at this HP m these two are US military slides this one is the commercial nine-millimeter does not have that p.m. means proof tested magnetic particle inspected that means they shot a nine-millimeter proof cartridge and then they went name magnaflux tip and they checked for stress fractures once it passed that the PM is marked down there and that is only done on US military pistols for beretta because of the fact that it's it's military spec as part of the technical data package that they have to have all of them have the assembly numbers you'll see the assembly numbers look a little bit different as well this pistol here the US military this was actually made at a point where it was a commercial off-the-shelf it was an actual TVP built so it didn't have to have the the factory code which is a six five four nine now despereaux's factory code so this is a different assembly number these two here have the actual US government assembly numbers on them all the components the slides has it the frame has it the barrel has it they all have have assembly code numbers on them we're gonna disassemble the pistol no I'm gonna take a look at the barrel what you see here is a US military barrel compared to a commercial barrel you actually see the US military barrel has the pr marked as well because again the barrel is also make particle and proof tested after it fires a proof cartridge so that has to be marked as we stand these barrels up you'll see the US government assembly number as well you have the assembly number and you have the factory code a six five four nine zero the actual locking blocks themselves also will have that the locking block is something else we're going to talk to in depth if there is somewhat of a weak link on the m9 pistol it is the locking block this is very similar to the Walther p38 at World War two the locking block system I have to say it was a very unique field with a gun with the recoil because the barrels not actually shifting direction you get a push feeling instead of a snap the locking block has been probably one of the most frequently failed parts and there's a little bit of history behind this as well that you're probably going to find very interesting when a locking block fails what happens is the actual locking block on the side will break it is normally always the right into a properly trained armored this doesn't really happen because once they're lucky enough stars to wear you'll see pinning on that wing and you will know to change it this was actually a US military locking block didn't failed did I show for demonstrative purposes but we're gonna take a quick look at the locking blocks themselves again in 1985 on the m9 was adopted there was a technical data package which means every pistol made for the US military has to meet this standard and what we have here is the first generation locking block well they had found that there was ways to improve that locking block and there was a second and third generation right here's what we have as a second and third generation if you notice there's a relief cut on both sides that relief cut removes a lot of stress off of that and you have annexed major extension on life this one here was probably six to eight thousand rounds this one's up to seventeen thousand rounds one of my first articles I ever did as a writer I did a twenty thousand run endurance test on an m9 pistol I was actually working for laserMax at the time and we were testing the spring guide for durability so we actually had 20,000 rounds well I wanted to see exactly how well this pistol would hold up I tried to break it the only failure I had was locking block failure and it was at nineteen thousand four hundred and something now I knew probably well in you know ten twelve thousand rounds that this part was gonna fail but again this was a an actual failure you want to see how it was gonna hold up so he's kept firing most of the ammunition was a plus P it was a Winchester's 9-millimeter NATO there was quite a bit of plus P plus as well the federal Ranger 127 marine plus P plus which is uh standard yourself and said if you seven Magnum excuse me pressures it's an extremely high pressure around so we did everything to this pistol he weren't supposed to and again the new generation locking block failed it just it just under twenty thousand rounds that shows you the increased durability well the US military pistols don't have that and the reason is is because the US government has to authorize a change and they don't like doing that so the technical data package was never changed to these updated component so well technical data package m9 pistols still have the original locking block that fails much sooner however these have entered this entered service there's another change I want to point out in this thing as well if you notice when you look forward you'll see how much narrower this slot is on the top and then proved one well as you can see there's a lot more material on this one here versus this one there's a much smaller pin it's used for locking and unlocking it goes into there this also increases the strength well the US military's just a little warrant on terror is procured significantly more m9 pistols and they also have procured what's called cots pistols or commercial off-the-shelf these are ones that do not have to meet the the US military mil spec so when these pistols were sold they had come with the new locking block and also the m9a1 at the new marine corps pistol that also was equipped with a new one because there was no technical data package for the in my name when either it was a cots pistol so these did enter the end of the service but again locking blocks they've been the biggest Achilles heel more recently over the world war on terrorism seen quite a few of them break about two years ago I was over in Afghanistan at Bagram Airfield I was at Camp Vance and I was in their armory I saw quite a few of these broken locking blocks and I worked these pistols a lot you know I'm pretty much all to tell if it's a beretta part or for somebody else's it was somebody else's I grabbed the the you know the packaging where there was a it was they had a factory coat on it and it was not Berettas it was now it was not their factory coat so these were me by second third or fourth party vendor well it was more than obvious that these locking blocks were not made to beretta standards because they were failing in all kinds of round counts this is one of the things that we've seen a lot of military weapons excellent weapons are malfunctioning due to parts being put in them that are not made to print and that is uh with the feathers the locking blocks is a perfect example with the m9 pistol there's problems that were caused by putting substandard parts in them there were not the manufacturers the next part we're going to take a look at is the magazine itself during the Global War on Terrorism the m9 had suffered a lot of issues with failures to feed the regular US military magazine made by beretta USA if you can see right there you can see there is an assembly number on it as well and we look it up we'll see we have an aluminum follower these the magazines that were provided with a pistol well as more more pistols got in the end of the supply chain they wanted a second source for magazines well hence checkmate industries so this magazine again also an aluminum follower but you know it's a different finish on there well would it happen over in the sand is is when the same got inside of the magazine the way the green enos of this finish it would hold the sand yeah we would hold the sand it would make the rounds jam up inside of the magazine and would that happen they couldn't rotate to go up the up the shot column it's a feed cause failures so the first thing everybody says is the bird lands a piece of garbage doesn't work in the sand however when they were getting the actual beretta magazines they weren't having these problems so many units once this was found out they actually would only deploy with Britain made magazines they believe the checkmates behind this is another example perfect example of having a system that works the US government goes ahead and makes a change they authorize somebody else to make it and you can even look from the finish in from the floor plates the technical data was chant was changed it's not the same so this change in itself caused issues with the feeding problems in the in the sand well the Marine Corps when they said they were going to adopt the m9a1 which was basically a and nine pistol with a 1913 rail and a modified trigger guard that was made stronger there was actually a magazine that was designed for that pistol designed specifically it's a function in the sand it's a nickel type finish this one here works very well with with sand in it it is a big improvement especially with this new finish again commercial off-the-shelf it was not made to the TDP so the government did not procure it the marines course did that what they did with their own money it wasn't bought as a kind of a product so we do have some upgrades here that were very good for the m9 but those were the major issues that have come up in fact versus fantasy over which caused the malfunctions with with a Beretta pistol over the years because of people thinking about the issues with the m9 pistol slide failures there was actually a slide developed with that in mind which was called the Brigadier and if we look we'll see a standard m9 slide the Brigadier you can see how this is much built up in here for which for extended durability so perhaps if you would do extensive service with high pressure ammunition this would be what you'd want to get also notice that the sites are actually removable both the front and the rear the sights on the m9 it's only removable from the rear the front is part of the slide itself and if you also look at the rear sight itself on the US military is a half a half circle with a circle on the front this is a three dot system where it has two dots in the rear one in the front the technical data package still calls to this day for the four this one here which has the half circle in the rear and the full circle in the front those are some changes as well we're talking just a little bit more about the differences between the commercial em9 special edition in the actual m9 pistols first we take a look at the hammer itself you can see on the hammer written there after is an assembly number and a part number well here's one taken out of the gun we look over here this is the m9 special edition itself same numbers button cc4 commercial the actual barrels themself I do not have one of the actual commercial ones but the difference is you'd have a C it would be C and you would not have a PM on here or if you did have some that did have PM it would have a C on there as well so those are some other parts additionally the inside of the group here you'll also see a part number on the m9 special edition only one of those grips will have it instead of both under this under the frame Harris under the grip here on the frame you also see a part number and an assembly number in factory number for the for the frame so this is how that again beretta and the military guns are tough I can tell there's between a military gun and a commercial gun I'm going to go over a little bit some of the characteristics of the m9 pistol to make the pistol very good very reliable very durable read a little bit of a comparison I guess between the m1911 as well of what the benefits are first of all the m1911 was never a safe gun to carry loaded in cocked and locked the US government in 1911 did not have any kind of affirmative lock so if you were to drop a loaded pistol even cocked and locked from about five feet under the muzzle there's a better chance it's gonna go off from the inertia of the firing pin which again made it unsafe and it was even more unsafe when you had a round in the chamber and you wanted to ride the hammer forward carry it in the quarter cocked position so it was that very safe so when I look at the new pistol they wanted a double pistol well Beretta m9 offers many these really good features first of all it's a double action on the first shot as you pull the trigger you watch the hammer go back bang and fires then when it fires slide comes back forward and now every subsequent shot is going to be single action the short trigger pull now for instance we want to put a safety on we have a manual safety that we can actually push down that will decock the pistol and it does it very safely in order to go over why first of all I want to take a look at this little piece of metal right here as I pull the trigger all the way to the rear now you'll notice it starts to rise Dennis what's called a passive frying pin block there's a physical piece of metal that's that blocks the forward movement of the firing pin so you could throw this up against the wall you could drop it whatever you want unless this trigger is pulled all the way to the rear of that frame will not be able to move forward now people are going to get nervous about the fact that this hammer will drop on its own well I want to take a look here to show you the Frank pin is actually in two pieces there's the actual firing pin and a plunger if you can see right there the actual firing pin itself that's the actual plunger when the safety is engaged it rolls out of position so and then hammer drops you had the Frank pin engaged safety engaged and you have the firing pin link being split into two so this pistol can be loaded insert the magazine back forward you can load the pistol with a safety engaged or you can load it like so then drop it now that pistol can need to be carried with a safety on which disconnects to the trigger bar or you can have it ready to go in double action mode now we're look at the actual open slide design well some people seem to think that because this is open it allows dirt and everything that will lock cause it to malfunction now every test has been done basically shows that's not the case what makes its pistol so reliable is the fact that when the magazine is in place the round is presented basically right into the into the barrel itself there's no feed ramp that has to go up also what this does is it enables you to take a magazine of a pistol that is not for the beretta you can hold it like this you can drop around in there close the slide fire it'll lock back open and you can drop mad drop running there as well by having an open ejection port it illuminates pretty much any kind of a failure to eject because there's nothing for the cartridge case to catch on you also have a live cartridge indicator when the trigger is there's around the chamber the extractor sticks out and you can see the red now that's a visual but also one pistols loaded at night you can feel it sticking out so there's another wonderful feature on it as well of course the barrel sticks out I attended a brother Armour school and one of the one of my classmates at the school s peretta rep there why is this done he said it looking nice well that was the reason that was given but it's just a look of it as well disassembly very easy make sure the pistol is empty depress on the plunger disassembling latch drop down slide comes forward right off the route the frame lift it over push inward on the spring guide remove ouch remove the barrel push inward on the plunger lifts right out no tools for maintain maintenance at all the last fallacy I want to go over with you in this video is the big media hype about police the fact that the Beretta pistol can be disassembled by an assailant well I've never heard of this actually happening even being in law enforcement for 10 years as a forensic scientist and in my research I've never seen it but people basically were saying and assailant could grab an officer's pistol push inward drop down and pull the slide off now first of all anybody who get who can get that close to the pistols a problem second of all they have to have the you know to know how to do it third of all he's gonna risk getting yourself shot well even though it wasn't a problem it was a perceived problem but runner had to respond to it so what they did was they actually maybe made some of these latches and they ground this off here so you would have to use a tool to actually push it down so you can disassemble it I wanted to address in this video the many many fallacies that are out there are many many misnomers of what's happening with a Beretta m9 pistol my information comes directly from the US military it comes from direct research it comes with my experience while in the military and while working with militaries as I do right now with militaries throughout the world on weapons maintenance issues and I get to see these weapons in the field I have been over to Afghanistan to see what's going on as well this is an excellent pistol brett has come up with a new m9 a3 which is to propose to the government is a low cost alternative to going with a new new pistol in the new Pannu m93 addressed most of all the concerns that the new requirements had he also offered an ability to modify pistols at a low cost the US government has rejected it and they decided to go forward with wanting a new pistol if the government decides they want to go with a new pistol and it's 9 millimeters are wasting their money the m93 is a perfect gun in nine-millimeter you don't have to go with all the expense of all the logistics of new parts you can basically modify the pistol however they said they want to go with the new caliber certainly it's a good idea this pistol has served since 1985 and it's been very well liked by many the ones who didn't like it you know there was issues most of them we're not due to the pistol itself and you also have that crowd out there still to this day they will accept nothing but a 45 but giving it constraints at the US military had with NATO standardization this had to happen and they did get a pistol that was more reliable than the m1911 and was more durable and when it was not nearly as sensitive to ammunition at this bar for law enforcement this pistol is probably one of most widely produced pistols in the world used militaries throughout the world interesting note was on the fact that it's so widely distributed the slight failures were only seen in the US government with that group SEALs or with in training areas where the guns were basically just shot to hell and no one kept ground counts an issue until they break so it was a unique American problem but I hope you enjoyed this I wanted to give you guys the real scoop on what happened versus all the fallacies and I hope you found it interesting well now we're going to take the inmate out to the range and we'll of run a few magazines through it looking at some of the features of the m9 which really made it look very favorable to the US government over the 1911 was the ability to carry the gun loaded safely within um 1911 you would have to carry it with the round of the chamber and the hammer cocked and the safety position where with a Beretta you were able to actually load it slide now you have the hammer in the cocked position decock and you're saying it will safely decock it now I'm in a complete state position so I can carry the gun safely with the hammer forward or I could engage it safety or disengage of safety now I have the hammer in the forward position so now I carried like a double action or involved with your first shot being a heavy double action pull and it goes into the single leg control as you can see by watching the hammer after as far as a shot Network automatically in the shorter single shot and every shot would be the short pull now I can engage the safety back into that position now the gun could be carried safely again with the m1911 for a couple reasons one it would have to be carried in this condition with a safety engaged the end 1911 even in a condition of cocked and locked was not that safe there was no firing pin block so the gun was to be dropped from waist level on the muzzle there's a very good chance that it would discharge unintentionally as a forensic scientist I had a case which involved in m1911 that the police officers claimed that he was shot they were shot at them but they were found out that that was not the case the pistol was actually dropped determine that the in 1911 has what's called a best-of-five in lock safety you can see it right in the top gear with it in that position the frame pin cannot move no matter what happens to it when you pull the trigger to the rear you can see how it disengages and then when the hammer strikes the firing pin and allow it to fire but if you notice until the Hammers triggers pulled all the way to the rear they will not disengage also with the safety engaged if you look the firing pin is actually rolled out of the way framing pins engaged it's in two pieces now it's disengaged so even with that like that I could let it go forward there's no way the firing pin can actually connect so this gun is extremely safe to carry loaded with or without the safety on which was a big it was which is big benefit over the 1911 and again it carries fifteen rounds instead of seven but it does carry the smaller 9-millimeter caliber projectile however the recoil on this thing is so minimal your average shooter or your new shooter is able to shoot this effectively where 1911 they are not and also the sheer reliability of this handgun is legendary dude what's open slide design we're gonna fire off a few more rounds here let's take a look at the inside here if you notice the way this it's round this here it's going right into the chamber there's not really any ramp there's no ramp it's needed the Ron goes specifically in interest you have a fully open ejection port well that does is one that pistol goes to eject there's absolutely nothing for it to catch on to cause it to failure to eject the one thing that's gonna cause this pistol to have a failure to eject is if you have an underpowered cartridge or it doesn't knock the slide all the way back some people claim that this is a you know it's not as reliable as other guns because it is open in my experience I've never seen that I've done a twenty thousand five hundred round endurance test on the m9 pistol and I had one failure and it was due to a locking block failure it's just over nineteen thousand rounds we've had stand in it we've had dust in it pistol works 100% reliable so we're gonna fire her a little bit more here notice there's not much of a muzzle flip to it at all the coil on the pistol is also very unique - and the fact that the pistol pushes back as she doesn't snap up at you just dudes a locking mechanism period if you can look at the locking block right here these two wings right here is a slide comes back it traps on a position and the slide comes back where were the traditional browning type locking mechanism the barrel actually drops down as the slide comes back so with this one you get more of a push back rather than a snap upward the recoil is very unique compared to most of the modern pistols in the industry right now you know this has been around the US military since 1985 and only up to right now we're actually looking to replace it this will be a very interesting program to see what they choose to replace it with if they're looking to replace that with a 9-millimeter looking at the cost there's no reason to replace it they're looking to go with a new a new caliber you know they're definitely get it perfect with the caliber there's also been rumor to that military is gonna be allowed to use hollow-point ammunition again the military's allowed to use hollow-point ammunition there's no reason to go away from the 9-millimeter some of the newer home nations such as the federal HST and the gold dot that ammunition would performance as well as a larger caliber [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you for watching my video on the Beretta I hope you enjoyed it if you do please click like and please subscribe thank you
Channel: SmallArmsSolutions
Views: 245,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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