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can I just jump off the building yeah see wh what what oh oh no it's my worst nightmare a creature that won't allow me to jump off of [Music] buildings hello everybody I am kindly Kean and welcome back to the dreams of hello neighbor also known as suicide guy we are back in it today and this could very well be our last hello Photoshop cc27 17 has been updated thank you for interrupting my intro that was extremely rude of you but as I was saying this could very well be the final episode of suicide guy yes it's a little Bittersweet I have been enjoying this game quite a bit but I am excited to see the end see how this whole thing plays out and definitely get those last levels completed so let's jump into it here it looks like we got ourselves I don't actually know what that is was that like some kind of extension cord or something I don't actually oh no that is not an extension cord it's one of those crazy things that smashes uh like atoms together I forget what it's called but it's a very complicated piece of Machinery that scientists who are far smarter than me operate on a daily basis I however have no idea what to do with this thing when I stand in front of this thing this is my response sloppy joe sums it up pretty well for us okay so let's try and figure out what we're supposed to do here uh there's some buttons we can we can press we can press all the buttons it Lee 11 it Le 11 of course the secret code for for these things what oh my gosh what's it called it's on the tip of my tongue it's bothering me so much what is it doing it's activated oh whoa that was kind of crazy you it's really going to bug me that I forgot the name of this thing because I know it I know that I know it but but it's not coming out I just I ah it's frustrating don't you hate it when that happens when you you know you know it but you just can't quite figure it out all right anyways let's move along let's just call it the awesome Tunnel of Death that sounds good uh we got ourselves a hard hat oh a chair can I I can I can take the chair not sure what I'm supposed to do with this chair that seems kind of strange um let's exit this room because this has done nothing for us I think that we probably need to get inside of there um in time to to get zapped something collider collider oh man okay let's all right but almost certainly we need to get to the center of that thing when it's going off and that will probably kill us I would imagine it looks like or it'll send us to another dimension where we will ultimately suffer a very long and painful death so let's try and figure out how to do that let's uh let's just explore the map here a little bit there's a lot of stuff going on here it looks like we can run around round and we can run over here but I don't think that that timer gives us enough time to make that full Escape out to here in time and we probably I I'm willing to bet that we need oh you know what we probably need to push that over here so that we can jump into that thing so there's a few steps that we need to take let's first see if we can just run over there I don't think we can because we have to run all the way around and I think it gave us like 6 seconds so we'll give it a shot but I don't think think it's going to work go ahead and get these things lit up it Lee 11 of course the secret code 7 6 five four oh there's no way we're going to make it Joe is just not fast enough that belly is is keeping him down he just can't run that fast yeah that's not going to work let's let's watch it up close though ooh that's pretty spiffy I need to get zapped Away by that okay so let's figure this out there's a bunch of scissor lifts over here so I'm thinking that we probably need to take a advantage of these get over there so let's grab this one here and let's see if we can move it yes we can okay so we're going to put it right in between those two platforms right there I'm also going to move this one since we're down here try to get this one oriented in the correct spot oh Premiere Pro CC 2017 has updated thank you for letting me know interrupting my recordings left and right why would you do that oh looks like we got a little statue over here can we get it uh we probably need to make that jum jump okay I'm going to get back up here and hopefully we can make this jump without having too much trouble let me get around this ladder okay there we go and yes this is where it was right yeah okay so I just need to make this jump come on buddy you can do it believe oh wow wow okay we made it he looks pretty upset in that statue can we go in these doors can we go in these no these doors don't open okay so we're pretty much secured to this area so we got to figure out what to do in here these ladders remind me of the original Donkey Kong you guys ever played the original Donkey Kong you know you to make your way up the tower it's kind of like a 3D version of Donkey Kong here that's kind if only there were barrels and a giant monkey at the top it would be a perfect re- representation of the Donkey Kong classic okay let's go over here and jump across this and then jump across this and then we've got ourselves this thing this this is a thing oh we got a hammer can we use this Hammer oh we totally we can okay that's kind of cool um now we're trapped in here uh can we break the glass oh okay wait a second so if we break the glass that is right in front of us uh in that room that will shorten our path quite a bit right like we can that was almost too easy okay so now we have a direct path to the thing so uh why don't we just try this is this all we have to do is just line this up get to the end of here and then jump in let's see let's see if we can time it right I think this tube closes oh it's closing jump I didn't jump that was very bad okay try this again okay give it another shot turn on the the thing the the atom collider is that what it's called I think that might actually be what it's called I don't know you guys will correct me in the comments that's fine one go system that didn't work I missed it I need to go like right after it says one because it takes a second for it to actually close I think we're on to something here though wait a second what about that weird thing that we picked up where's that thing do we have to do anything with this let's see uh grab this thingy maber not sure what this does maybe it plugs into something let's let's look for things that we can plug this into all right can we plug it in over here over here yeah no that doesn't work um there's a lot of computers that it doesn't plug into is there anything over here here there something I missed I don't think there's anything over here maybe we're supposed to put it inside of the collider maybe if we jump no I don't know what this thing is for I'm just going to set it down over here and let's try to do this again and see if anything happens if we can time it right we should be good so let's go ahead and activate it just like so run run run oh there's media encoder hello welcome to the party Okay jump oh just a little bit earlier I think I think that might actually do the trick all right you know what they say third time is a charm let's get this bad boy going let's head to the very end and then we need to jump like right after she says one I think jump oh okay jump on one we'll try that fourth time is a charm that's actually what they say nobody actually says third time is a charm boom boom boom let's do it okay three two one jump system oh that was so stinking close maybe this isn't the way you're supposed to do it I don't know you actually oh I just had a thought okay wait a second what if we take this weird little device that we have and throw it inside of there so let's take this thing throw it inside and then activate this this monster let's just see if that does anything we'll send that thing to another dimension and maybe we can follow it all right here we go okay there's the weird thing it's it's definitely inside the tube so I don't know if it's going to do anything I mean it looks like it's doing the same thing that it always does so oh whoa whoa what wait a second did we just get pulled into another dimension no we died okay I guess that was what you're supposed to do I'm actually shocked that that worked that was awesome oh man we're running out of time look at that got to catch the beer we're almost there though we're almost almost there all right level 21 it looks like a giant pill or it's like a blimp I don't actually know let's jump in yeah yeah this is definitely some kind of blimp Airship type device machine monster pretty cool okay we can actually drive it oh wow okay we can move forward and then can we turn we can turn okay so we can turn it and then we can direct It Forward okay so we do have a lot of flexibility here I wonder if we have to craft crash into the side of a building but all these buildings look like they're way off in the distance like they're not actually a part of the level let's explore a little bit more of the blimp here and see if we can find anything that we can mess around with it looks like we've got a companion cube over here there's nothing that we can interact with over here okay let's go upstairs and this leads to a door that we can open it's very loud in here oh my goodness okay we're inside of the balloon part now what do we actually do over here I have no idea can I jump out of this no I can't too bad I don't have that hammer from the last level I could just break open this glass I wonder if that's what we need to do maybe if I take one of these companion cubes I see one up there and try to break the glass I can just jump out of the blimp it's a it's a thought let's grab this and let's see if we can nope that did nothing o there is a statue over there though let's go grab the sloppy joe statue looks like he fell on his back poor guy all right grab that I think we've gotten most of the statues up to this point but I know that there's a few that we missed now why are all these cubes in here that is what I'm wondering maybe if we put them all on the glass I don't know you got to start somewhere right there's all these cubes it seems weird it seems kind of suspicious that they're all in here so I'm just going to throw them all down onto the glass and maybe something will happen nothing happened try to grab this one over here let's see if we can get over there yes we can okay get it over there I missed the glass throw it on the glass there we go and I think there's a couple up here so far nothing is happening so extremely disappointing honestly I have no idea what we're supposed to do okay that did absolutely nothing so pretty obvious that that's not the way to get ourselves killed on this level so let's go ahead and go back down I imagine that we do need to do something in that room I just haven't quite figured it out there's another Cube here I guess we could take it upstairs into that room I don't think that it's going to break what we need to break I don't think these things are designed to break glass and this is probably pretty strong glass so let's go back to our idea of actually crashing this thing into a building and actually that building right over there actually looks like a building that is a part of the level so I'm wondering if we can just get it like that line it up like that and see if anything happens let's see if anything happens if we fly into it oh wait we're going to fly over it aren't we yeah we're flying directly over it well that's a shame uh there is one over there actually let's let's turn and let's go in that direction and see if we can crash into that one wish this thing was a little bit faster though sure takes a while I think we're going to fly over this one too yeah we're too high up okay so how do we lower our altitude I think that's what we probably need to do so let's go ahead and stop ourselves here so that we don't fly off into the middle of nowhere and let's try and think about this is briefcases no can't pick up the briefcases okay you know what actually I'm gonna grab this Cube and I'm gonna take it upstairs just in case let's go back upstairs and see if there's something that we can do maybe we can like pop the balloon I don't know let's just try to throw one of these Cubes at the side of the balloon no that doesn't do anything this stuff is too strong I am very very confused right now I mean we can try putting all come here put all the blocks on one piece of of glass and just see if they are heavy enough to maybe pop it out but I really don't think the glass is what we need to aim at here I think that what we need to do is basically kind of like pop the balloon or somehow lower the altitude of the balloon so that we can run into the buildings that's what I'm thinking our ultimate goal is and I don't know how to do that so the cubes aren't really doing anything to the glass which isn't too surprising but maybe if we go downstairs and we continue exploring a little bit more is there anything else that we can interact with here we can interact with the radio um the radio has proven to be somewhat helpful in some levels so I don't know if it's going to do anything here maybe if we fly around a little bit more do some more exploration in the sky let's turn around and I think that there was there was a couple of buildings that we saw and we ended up flying over those buildings but I wonder if there's any taller buildings around here so that's my goal is to just look for more buildings that are actually taller than the ones that we see right here because we're just we're too high we're too high up this is a tough level I don't actually know I'm just kind of looking around the city to see if there's anything that's worth heading to and most of the city looks pretty bland pretty plain so I don't really know oh wait there's there's birdies over there ooh you know what actually let's go over in that direction and let's go let's go run over some birds with the giant Airship why not they're the only moving thing that I've seen on this level so I'm hoping that maybe we can do something with them maybe we can catch them or I I don't know maybe maybe they'll they'll like land on us and make us heavier I don't actually wait wait I hear noises it sounded like popping it sounded like some kind of popping was happening are the birds attacking us because we attacked them that might actually work to lower the altitude oh my gosh there's a bird inside of the of the ship here hello birdie where are you going oh wait wait what are these are are these bird Peaks they're totally bird Peaks wait oh okay yeah they poked holes in the blimp so now all we need to do is get rid of the birds so I just need to come here come here okay let's get these ones that I can actually reach get this guy here come come pop out yeah there you go and then oh I just ran into him with my belly oh you know what actually I wonder if I can use the cube to knock this one out because it seems like they have some kind of like Collision on them oh NOP that wasn't high enough come on throw it harder come on Joe you can do it oh he can't reach it he can't reach it okay never mind that's probably not correct oh but it has to be because there's no way that I can reach that one okay you know what let's take a cube up to that level and let's see if this works also I'm going to bump into these guys right here bump into that guy I think we're on to something now I think this is going to do the trick we just need to knock all of these beaks out of the cabin here there's another one over here go ahead and bump into him and then let's climb up here and I don't think I can reach these ones so I'm going to try to do it with the block yes that totally works okay good I was a little bit worried about that one way I think it's it's up there somewhere I was really worried about it cuz I didn't think that we could actually reach it but we can use the blocks to punch these guys out of here let's see if I can get this one oh man it's a little too high maybe if I jump oh my goodness okay can I climb on this thing I can I can okay hit it there we go all right we got it there's another one over here let's go ahead and just bump into this one bam just like that let's see if we can make this jump yes nice okay I think that one up there is the last one so I threw a block up here oh there's another one over here did I throw a block up here I thought I threw a block up here okay maybe I didn't throw a block up there okay so let's go ahead throw one up there okay we need to get this guy to the very top and I don't think we can climb ladders with the block oh we can't okay never mind that makes it a lot easier I don't have to throw it I can just do this and then yes okay is that all of them I think that is all of them let's just do another double check here make sure that they're all out of here okay it looks like we're good now let's head back into the main pilot area and let's see if that has lowered us I think it has oh it absolutely has okay let's go ahead and crash into the building and I think that we have figured it out let's go forward and are we headed for the building I don't know I need to adjust our trajectory a little bit just get it like that okay I think that's good I think we got this is this going to do the trick come on into the building yes yes that was it all right wow that was tough okay that was a clever puzzle there um I'm glad that we were able to figure it out now this next level what in the world is that are we going to space that looks like some kind of Space Capsule of some sort let's go and it looks like we only have two more levels after this oh man I'm excited okay what the heck is this I think that this is space we have made it to space and we've got a plug here let's plug in the plug okay there we go we fixed it what is this oh no is this a teleporter we can go the desert we can go to alien planet or we can go to blank or factory okay this is kind of crazy what is this we got the red phone we also have a little statue here there he is thinking thinking real hard let's see what else we got around us okay we've got volcano that's a weird way of spelling volcano but okay so maybe volcano is is the missing thing from the teleporter here let's go ahead and try this out I don't know if this is actually going to send us to the factory but I'm going to jump in here press the red button and yeah it seems to be doing something rather strange and yeah sure enough we are in a factory Pillow Factory that's cute so what are we supposed to do with a pillow factory we've got a bunch of pillows can we actually take these pillows back with us let's go ahead and stack up some pillows inside of the teleporter I don't know if these are going to play any role later on but we're going to go ahead and bring them with us can we break this glass with a pillow probably not I'm willing to bet that we cannot break this glass this looks like extremely thick glass probably Pillow Proof okay let's just take the pillows with us there's also a tube here can I I can't go inside of the tube can I put a pillow inside the tube nope okay so it seems that the only purpose of coming here was to get pillows maybe I don't know if they're actually going to come back with us I hope they do it looks like they might actually stick around okay we have pillows with us now that's fun let's go ahead and stack these guys out here you know what actually I'm not going to take all of them out because who knows maybe we need them in another area so let's go ahead and go over to the desert give that a shot hit the button going to take some pillows along for the ride yep that's a desert this is weird can I just stay here and die in the desert I mean it might take a while but it seems like it's pretty hot I don't have any water so bad things happen or maybe I should just walk over to this weird room and pull this lever or take the lever okay all right I guess we'll take the lever with us and also the power for this teleporter is floating okay that's weird okay let's hit the button and let's go back now can I use this for something in the room that we're in I don't actually know can I connect this to something the teleporter technicians sure seem to like Chinese food and ramen it looks like that's some some cup Ramen yeah okay that's good stuff okay not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do with this either I'm going to go ahead and leave it in the teleporter as well and now let's head to an alien planet that sounds like fun looks pretty cool hit that button okay we're in a cave an alien cave let's figure out what we're supposed to do here I guess I'll drop down although I'm a little bit nervous about this because I'm I'm scared that we can't get back up what in the world is going on here that is very strange okay let's go outside I guess on this alien planet and try to figure out what we're supposed to do looks like there's a UFO that's pretty cool is there anything inside the UFO oh a a a ray gun what what is this this a bubble gun I shoot bubbles that's cool is there anything else other than a bubble gun this is very strange maybe I can use this bubble gun to power the elevator and then we can use the bubble gun to do something else in the laboratory I don't know I'm very confused right now uh is is there another pathway over here it looks like there might actually be something over here no there's nothing over here okay not very exciting let's go over to this elevator and let's see if the bubble gun Powers this it it does it does that actually did the trick okay that's kind of a weird mechanism you have to fill it with water I don't know I do not understand let's go back to the lab and now we have to try and figure out how to get up there I guess so maybe if we use these pillows we can stack the pillows to get up to that area I'm going to give it a shot stacking pillows probably like four or five pillows High let's go for it if I can climb the pillows then we should be good let's let's try actually wait oh there we go yep yep okay that worked that totally worked and then we need the lever arm to put on this and then of course we need the bubble gun the water gun or whatever it is to power this thing and then that will give us access to volcano so let's grab this and I'm just going to try to throw this up there let's see if I can get it up there ah not quite enough come on put your back into it there we go that's the trick and then let's do the same thing with the water gun grab this okay throw it up there yes we made it okay let's climb up here climb up here okay grab this fill this thing up with water there we go and then we just need to grab this and put this here and then pull the lever yes that released it from its cage and now we have a pretty new button to put on this thingy maaba and I think that a volcano although spelled weird could kill us there is hot lava in volcanoes and I like that yep there's hot lava we're at the very top of a volcano this is so weird what a crazy level okay Yep this is the way to do it let's go for a bath let's go Joe Splash right into the lava we have done it we have beaten the 22nd level I think that was level 22 hey look at that we got an achievement collect 20 suicide guy statues we are on our way to Glory level 23 it's a goat what all right guys so I beat level 23 and uh we kind of skipped it because it was weird a little too weird for my taste you guys are more than welcome to check out other channels who have done level 23 if you want to see what it's all about but we're going to skip it here today and we're going to go straight to level 24 which as I know it is actually the last level so I'm actually really really excited about this let's jump in it looks like it's a building of some sort so I'm excited to see what's going on I don't know if we have like a final boss type thing going on here but I am very very excited to check this out look we got the beer on the TV here of course okay we've got a room that is locked so I guess we only have one choice and that is to go upstairs let's head over here and yes it's a r rainy rainy night at the very top of a scary building can I just can I just jump off the building yeah see what what oh oh no this my worst nightmare a creature that won't allow me to jump off of buildings wait okay so do we have to take this thing out in order to kill ourselves that is kind of crazy okay um I have no idea what to do then um let's hit this button and let's see what this does is it going to give me something something it looks like it's some kind of elevator okay it is going to give me a couple of barrels can I throw this at this weird looking creature yes I can ha take that I don't know what that did though that didn't seem to do anything uh can I can I wait wait I can go up on top of this thing let's see what's on top of this there's another button let's press the button okay this is this is very confusing do I need to jump on top of this thing's head let's let's try oh that's timed okay I have to do it fast let's try this again let's okay we're tapping into our inner Mario Brothers here let's jump on this thing's head let's jump across here get on that and then H yes yeah that actually worked okay I think he took damage it looks like the mask is starting to break so basically I guess all we have to do is grab the barrels here and then knock this thing out of the sky is that it just I missed try this again no no no don't fall off no see what happens he's just going to stop me from dying that is super weird not many bosses in video games keep you from dying it's really hard to aim this oh my gosh he's moving all over the place can you stop moving please can you please stop moving he stopped hit him there we go okay that knocked him over there all right we should be able to hit that button now now I don't know if the platforming is going to change at all yep it sure did okay so we got to make these jumps nice and quick okay get over there jump across get across there land on him boom got him oh no he looks scared poor little guy I almost feel bad beating him up okay we just need to wait for him to make a little stop come on there what oh that's it yeah hit him oh we missed okay wait where' the barrel go Barrel no did I throw you off the cliff I didn't okay we're okay we're okay here let's just wait for him to pause just for a second it looks like he pauses every once in a while he'll just kind of shimmy back and forth so I'm just going to wait for that to happen there it goes there it is no he dodged it just in time and I lost my barrels there's another Barrel here we're good we're still okay wait for it there yes we got him okay normally it's three hits and the boss is done so this could be it this could be the very last go at it okay this puzzle is insane look at all these jumps goodness gracious oh get across there you go Joe oh no don't fall don't fall don't you dare fall on me brother okay there we go whoa we're doing all right get him get him okay up here yes jump get him oh we did it did we do it we did did it he's been banished from our dreams look the cool little hat I want to put on the cool hat okay so now we can jump off the building and actually I just noticed this is where the game began this is the same top of the building that we were at at the very beginning so everything comes full circle let's jump off of the plank here let's do it and is this it is this the end are we going to wake up from our dreams from our nightmares the time has finally come yes oh the door opened okay we can go out oh do we have to get hit by a car what a way to end this just stand in the street and get hit by a car is this it is this the Ultimate Dream Ender it is finish the game I got the achievement catch the beer Joe you got it woo all that to save a beer and then I bet you he's just going to go back to sleep because that's the kind of person that sloppy joe appears to be yep drink it up buddy drink it up he's his eyes are looking up oh we got the thumbs up I love it all right oh he fell asleep he fell asleep of course he fell asleep would we expect any less from sloppy Joe and there you go the credits are rolling we have actually done it oh wao we can move around we're Joe we can move around that's really cool I like that we can watch the credits as they roll up oh man what a fun game you know it was just a really really fun game with a very unique premise I hope hope that you guys enjoyed this series once again you know I recognized that this wasn't hello neighbor dream but I wanted to kind of put it in a different context because again the name of the game is dumb it's it's a bad name for a game but putting it to hello neighbors dreams was kind of a fun way to get around that and keep it positive and fun this game was a lot of fun and I hope that you guys enjoyed this series but that is going to do it for suicide guy if you guys did enjoy it be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more of my videos you can subscribe to my channel by clicking that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but that is going to do it thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 3,094,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hello Neighbor, Hello Neighbor Dream, Kindly Keyin, Keyin, Dream Game, Escape Your Dreams, Hello Neighbor Kindly Keyin, dreams, hello neighbour game, hello neighbor game, Games like Hello Neighbor, escape, escape dream, dragon, lets play
Id: ER_51tWkWFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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