Facing My WORST Fears in Among Us! *Phobia Mod*

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what's up everybody and welcome back to another video today we are facing our biggest fears in Among Us [Music] I'm scared we gotta face our fearsome okay you guys welcome to the phobia mod where we indeed have to face our fears today on this day this map is full of all the phobias okay we got bird phobia we got clouds Darkness dogs dolls which is I can't even look at that I'm actually really scared of dolls I don't like this anyways we got fire and germs and ghosts and holes in small spaces and snakes which I love snakes I have a pet snake Okay and spiders yeah if you can miss me with spiders I don't like spiders very much okay what else I got thunderstorms and zombies oh I love zombies anyways uh we have to face each of those fears in order to win okay uh our goal you know in order to escape nose to face all of our fears before the Imposter kills there's been of course okay because no one's around that could have been scary anyways I'm the Imposter and it's my job to uh kill everyone and make them really scared um I am currently puppy sitting so I'm gonna go do the dog Pier which I'm pretty sure is down here oh my God I'm literally scared for those like little baby snakes little babies I love snakes you know what else I love I love dogs I'm gonna do all the easy ones first because I ain't spraying dogs way cuter than Joe's that's why Josie's so cute Nico I take it back I I yeah you know okay as you can see on the map you get marked off okay as well as on here okay yeah it got mocked off there okay okay but because I did it as the Imposter I may or may not have unlocked a fear of dogs ability okay who are we going to do the thing two we're gonna do it to this person who is it who wait who is it who my eyes my eyes were actually closed I don't know who I'm attacking oh boy oh boy daddy that's honestly my bad okay which one should we do oh ghosts oh sud are you okay why I don't feel very fine okay does this help I'm just sleeping don't mind me I'm taking a nap oh god look I'm just a zombie wait bite Sun bite sun make up a crawling still crawling oh wait what does this do a little gravestone wait should I make a graveyard at the gravestone oh there's ghosts I ain't afraid of no ghosts wait why is people a ghost a ghost and following me you're going to die Sunday what are you doing here oh am I supposed to be here I'm afraid of fire what is happening wait right now I'm afraid of balloons yeah you got to do uh like this you gotta do things like this to fix it okay okay you're putting the rocket okay yeah you have the rocket but that was not the rocket that was the whole yeah those holes exactly but we're not afraid of holes yeah okay that was a giant bird I I don't know what's happening here wait why is there a giant bird wait I want to know what the bird does Nico I'm not telling you what the bird does can you figure it out does it poop on you what makes you think that okay [Applause] okay I'm not gonna lie you guys want to know something really embarrassing I'm not exaggerating here you can ask people there's proof literally the last three times I went to the beach I got pooped on by a seagull I swear seagulls have it out for me wait she just flipped on your heads the sigils pooped on your head the seagulls seagulls the suit sigils yeah seagulls they're sizzles that's a doll bite no no no no why okay why did you poop on them yeah I got smacked into spy doll and I hated it came from me apparently it's seagulls oh dude [Applause] you're at zero percent if the Imposter tries to kill you you'll die for real do you think he knows do you think he knows here come here wait schedules real quick real quick see you guys later even happening here oh is this area like this because it's claustrophobic oh gosh I have a claustrophobia oh it's snow I'm so sorry it's scary they're they're cute oh little baby snakes Okay away from everybody okay let me tell you what I gotta get out of here okay because I yes okay I got a few Birds I got a fear of dogs and I fear of flying ooh the fear of flying one one they say that these ones do a murder these ones don't do murder these ones do stop seriously wait here's Pat so if I do if you're a birds I just drew hahaha I wrote oh my God I I just threw I just threw toast I threw bread back and the birds came to eat them foreign do okay apparently this doesn't murder we dare murder leave me alone oh God you're flying bye did I just uh oh God kill him dead I'm safe you're here good you're not speaking there I'm gonna fear of dogs him look at that the dog's gonna come kill what does he think is going to happen oh no you're back oh that's right they need to be at zero percent for me to kill the kill them dead dead for real for real are you okay what happened you have zero oh I can kill sunset for real for real now I could kill this one for real there's a fire one up here oh yes the cat his hat okay okay wait wait so that should have given me some more abilities fear of fire okay we need to figure out what fear of fire is okay we need a we need to figure out fear of fire and B we need to get the rocket back so we can kill if I use fear of fire oh he's on fire since he's gonna die die for real for real because he's at zero percent oh no that's gonna die for real bye Pat bye Pat forever for real okay let's let's fear Birds okay I did that wrong I I didn't even hit anybody we're gonna keep going okay we're just gonna keep going game let's see if it did hit anyone okay maybe hit someone over here I don't think so oh yeah I didn't hit anyone um are we oh oh no okay I really don't like spiders so I'm just gonna get this out of the way while we're here okay ah I hate spiders I hate spiders in real life somebody they're the ones you're getting kind of scared over here hey you got something on your face [Applause] got it hey you got something on your face the worst I love there was a spider and then adult no oh no no you can absolutely seventy thousand percent after that in addition we got we we need to start killing people okay I feel like I'm being targeted with these dolls I don't like them they all know that I'm afraid of dolls not for me 10 out of 10. okay all right and I need more Powers there's there's this is lightning lightning is not scary to me Lightning is okay I can handle a little bit of light I'm dead for 10 seconds but maybe I can make someone else dead for a thousand [Music] got fear of spiders what does fear of spiders do where's it going oh I think it's just going to like the furthest person oh oh that dies Biffle that dies before dead ah hey I see you twitching back there no he doesn't doesn't see me twitching can't see me um what is happening [Laughter] a lot you're not nice and you're not my favorite person anymore what I thought it was your favorite person what the heck if I kill you if I kill you will I still be your favorite person okay wow I'm back to life come back to life and tell them yeah go tell them go tell them nope go tell them are they are they who's that with him okay Gary's not with him and Bill's not with them okay so maybe they I'm still not obsessed oh this is this is very stressful this is very nerve-wracking I'm a little scared drop ship I'm scared I'm scared yeah I'm trying to go to the drop ship I'm literally not even I'm just trying to go to dcom hey guys I hope you're not up for the small spaces oh [Music] yeah I don't feel so good can someone clean me out of here please it doesn't feel very nice why are you on fire I'll burn you out don't burn me out what the heck it's okay but I'll remember oh God okay get away I'm not helping I'm not helping sorry look um you know what I'm actually claustrophobic uh you know what I'm not gonna I know that there's dolls down there so I'm actually not gonna go that way I think that I might I think that I'm gonna put off the dolls for a long time I'm gonna put off doing the doll ones I did the spider one I did one big scary for me I can't whoa um but I think they're doing this tonight one gives me another murder and yeah look at it don't do it don't do it oh my God I love it I have a pet snake they're literally eating me kisses [Music] like my baby if you guys don't know I do have an albino ball python named nifira and she's just a stinking cutest exhibit a exhibit B look how cute she is hey what hey look I'm what's up do I think is the Imposter I've been around people wow like things have been done who haven't I haven't seen I haven't seen too much before Oh we both said it we both said it we busted oh wait so it can be beautiful right it could be before I also haven't seen a lot of Gary we do have a button but I don't you guys hey guys I'm really scared of a lot of things what why are you both cleaning dolls okay I am I am welcome you knock out of those in real life that's not nice okay wait wait we got some off up here what does this do oh god oh there's a clown okay I'm not scared of clowns personally I know a lot of people are if you're scared of clowns episodes you want to hear a joke now you're just you finally look like you burn I can't be I'm getting I was trying to cosplay why is that that's true you um I I need you see that down there okay I I think that it's down that area I'm just not even gonna okay you know I'm not scared of holes okay this is this this is what's called trips and polka dotophobia got one doll one I'm not scared of I know a lot of people this makes them nervous if this makes you nervous I'm sorry this guy's nervous this guy's sick oh I think this is like a germaphobic one okay while I'm nervous I can't transform and let's see what we got here balloons fear of holes fear of small spaces someone over here wait who's wait who's been low who's been low he's low right now Gary is pretty low oh but I was sussing Gary out I was sussing Gary out maybe made me so scared I'm so sick uh what is that beautiful I'm gonna bring him over I think clowns does is it brings them over here yeah yeah bring me sigils yeah bring him over here and then I'm gonna small spaces him next to where they did the small spaces come over here come on bring him over ah no please no why do you have a clown stop this no this is awful you're scared of clowns in real life right like you don't like them in real life right no yeah I'll let him put you down immediately I'm scared of him are you are you scared of dog where'd you go where'd I go you know what what I'm surprised that I hadn't done this to you yet you know because because like you're so sorry I'm gonna go tell everyone who you are and we're gonna do it do it right now go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead you're doing great you're doing great buddy you did a great job see let's see we make a mini graveyard over here let's go Sunday I found that out to go get him get him I think he's at a high percent oh he's running oh he thinks he can run oh no no let's let's actually make him run around a bit oh my gosh wait he's running back and forth with Lucas [Laughter] what is happening why why are you doing this wait leave me alone stop it hey can you look at me you ugly face you have green tips [Laughter] maybe you shouldn't talk to an ugly monster like that hey I think you look great yeah I think you look great anyways I'm gonna send them away now it's just kind of harassing him really at this point I'm just harassing him I'm gonna leave him up there for 110 seconds he could be there alone by the way I know you're dead um but I think you can hear me um it was me I know you know this is not it's me not before okay you sick guy what do you got for me oh no not the gems that sounds terrible I'm sick and on fire okay um let's uh let's go deal with this doll thing oh I hate it oh I hate it for real like it actually makes me want to follow up in real life oh see see that somebody see the wig if they're moving my biggest fear my biggest fear is of porcelain dolls I don't even want to see them or like the little baby dolls like just hang their head and looking at me absolutely not you can 100 miss me with that every time let's see do we have any more to do oh we have too much okay okay we got zombie and we got Darkness let's do Darkness first and let's do zombie and then let's uh finish off with some murders ah yeah [Music] okay okay this is the darkness this is the darkness oh it's dark up it's dark it's dark is there anyone there oh God I really can't see I wonder if I'm actually running them anymore oh I did actually run oh I'm kind of smarter I'm kind of sick with it I'm maybe even slick with it a little bit is Nico just chilling Gary where is Biffle Biffle just I just farted okay I don't feel so good I can't go anywhere seriously yeah okay bye oh hey Cindy get it how do you get to zero oh no no no no stay with me everybody wait here again just to say hi just to see what's up man oh do I wanna go re-get those kills and kill people hey hello are you having fun is this fun for you Hey listen listen I okay yeah can you okay come with me come with me then you never know come on I'm coming with you all right [Music] oh no it's me run away explosion okay I don't think you guys can vote me out really yeah he got pooped on bring him back okay I'm scared I'm scared are you are you scared okay you guys oh okay you guys really think close to the meeting buttons [Applause] hmm [Music] oh my gosh I'm just murdering everyone this is this is [Music]
Channel: helloiamkate
Views: 16,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, amongus, helloiamkate, hello i am kate, twitch, twitch stream, stream highlight, funny, impostor, imposter, murder, victory, mod, modded, proximity chat, prox chat, helloiamk8, helloiam, k8, meme, new, ssundee, sunde, henwy, zud, nicovald, nico, sundee, lol, versus, vs, game, one, to, evil, roles, gaming, goose, gose, duck, duk, random, random roles, town of us, toun
Id: hhocgJEqy9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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