Advanced Skeleton Maya Character Rigging - PART 05 - Finalising the rig

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hello welcome back to a video 5 is the last video of advanced skeleton rigging for animators while the last video so we're just going to finish up the rig and do it through a bit of smoothing butter polishing this is what we left off with isabella the rig that before she was finished it was everything was looking good it was all the facial rig everything went through nicely we got this lovely little rig what we didn't account for though is we made one little mistake as I said before I'd like to leave the mistakes in to show you how to how to overcome them really so let's select the eyes and I'll show you what I mean that we just opened up the the GUI selector you just press on this button here and then this corresponds to B so if I select the eyes if you remember when I went to select the eyes in the settings I only selected my outer shell my eye is made up of an outer two spheres I have two shell an inner so we need to fix this so we are just going to quickly run the rebuild advance skeleton face so you can do that either from here you can make the changes and click rebuild of our skeleton it works the same as the body or as I like to do it no different you really just keeps things cleaner but as we name things preface run post face run I'm just going to quickly open up the file we did before it was just before the face run so we'll just open that up and just reach selects the eyes that we were supposed to do properly so let's go back up into the face setup at the top so that was the body we don't need the body we're onto the face here we are is the selection bits so let's go to where the right eye and the left eye is so let's dive in here and let's hide everything apart from the polygons so let's show none sure polygons and I'm gonna go into a shaded view which is the four key again if you look at my eye I'll select them both by dragging you see there's two Spears out to an inner if I hit the F key over there you can see it's something out and the in so now we can add them properly so this is the right I am going to select the right eye again and it's gonna ask me if we want to create a new skin cluster because we only created it for the outer shell so yeah I'm going to select both spheres from my left eye properly this time left eye yep let's carry on and let's do select all head as well as them just in case we didn't select them before so I'm going to unreferenced the my parts because they were referenced I can select them do a selector and everything we need for the head including the body I'm going to click all ahead oh let me just what we don't want obviously is we do not want the stuff that's that that's there to do the skinning in the rigging so let's select these things separately the body to eyes the eyelash eyebrow and two eyes and obviously I want to select the mouth bag as well in between okay so that's everything you don't want to select the stuff that's really already set up for the ring because they are polygon objects okay that's great let's go ahead so now we've added everything into the all head section and one last double-check yep gonna go back out to shady do you know turn on curves turn on nerve services I'm just in case in FCPS I'd like to have them all on and I'm going to save the file where we were before and now we've got everything correct we can rerun the build advance skeleton face I'm not going to make you guys sit through for another three minutes while this runs through because you've already seen it once I'll just quickly I will run this stop the recording come and come right back here we are in advance Kevin's finished davidís ting finish running the face now if we check the eyes should be correctly moving so I select the controller's give them a little move and there we go now we have proper eye movement but that's how you get over that little fiddle problem let's test the bricks you can see if you've got a bit of a eyelash overlap sort of sort of thing now let me show you a little way of we can fix that let's make sure we're in body pose reset the face pose again using these two buttons here so we need to do one step one one side at a time because they're they're not linked so I'm going to show you something we can use called corrective shapes so I'm gonna close down the face menu we don't need that anymore and I'm going to up the blink to the maximum which is ten and then we're going to go down to an area down here and corrective shapes here we go here we go you want to make sure that nothing else is got anything settings on it even if it's like this one it's got like a tiny bit of movement they need to be everything needs to be zeroed out so just make sure you click the go to build pose on on on everything before you do this and then so what we've done is we've selected the bling added the maximum ten and we're going to go create corrective shape let me just see here but select object is not a mess so we need to select the eyelid the eyelash obviously create corrective shape and we're going to make sure you've got your mesh selected so saying here we're going to create a corrected shape from this driver so when the control eye the left blink is at ten introduce this blend shape that we're going to that we're going to add to it and it's a really good little system you might be defined many uses for it click OK and then what it will do is we're going to start sculpting now you should see your tools come up if you don't this can drive you mad but you just go to windows general editors tool settings and your window will come up this is what you need so it might be hidden and then we've got little basic sculpting tools you've got push in pull out and smooth so I'm just going to zoom zoom in and the brush is quite small here again hold down the B key and middle Mouse and leftmost drag to make bigger and we're going to use the little pole and let's see what the strengths like yet that's not bad so you can change the if your pasties on one you're going to get some crazy movements so just bring the opacity down or the all the max displacement I think they did the same thing so should just bring that down and we're just going to just just tap and pull this out I'm going to hit the three key to smooth it and we're just going to hold this out a bit here and then I'm going to hit this one here which is just a little bit of smoothing I'm just going to smooth it out let me just pull this tiny little bit out I'm going to hit the B key to go smaller there we go and you can do this as neat as you want and maybe you want to like just push this side back down a little bit that was pretty good so I'm going to hit the arrow key I'm going to go to back to advanced skeleton sorry you got to make sure before we hit apply that this isn't on mirror because we're not we're not varying it's not linked to any measure we hit apply and it'll do its thing and there we go I'm going to hit the three key again and I'll show you what's happening now so now when we close the eye I'm going to go back to there you go if you compare that with the other side and we just smooth that again just you can see in smooth mode smooth of the other eye light and I'm gonna go to that face bill I'm just going to move my tool settings on to my other window out the way now you can see the difference of what what we created here so I'm just gonna select blink and the other that you see the left eye is pretty broken and that's what we did so it just got a corrective blend shape is used quite a lot I won't do the other side in front you have shown you that I'll just move on so I'm not taking up too much time okay let's move on so we fix that let's have a look at a little look at the rest of the face let's move the eyebrows a little bit should we show you can see that they're not very smooth so that's going in that's going to do that same principle you just select the eyebrow I'm going to go to hook up to the rigging menu make sure you're on the rigging menu and then skin paint skin weights and make sure you hit the option box so we can see then let's come up on the other monitor so we can see what joints were painting here so we're just going to do a bit of smoothing really there's the middle joint I'm shaking it make sure well as before we explained in the previous video hit smooth candid you can hit flood a couple times and there you can see this one's got a lot more influence so hit flood just twice will do I think just test this out take it slow and two one two I'll do three on that long because it needed a bit more and there we go you know the there we go it's a lot smoother you go a lot better by shapes you can do this you can go through and controllers and smooth things out but it's a bit bird so now I think that the face is working pretty well let's just move the mouth again that's great the control is here the Michael is good its openings you might want to go in and do some more smoothing you can keep polishing this as much as you want but I think we've got a pretty good face at this point just want to show you something else quickly as well on the outer if you select the actual main outer rectangle of the face control you can move this anywhere you want but also it's got some hidden controls on it this is fun might be good for when you're animating cuter than right right hand side here you've got a lot of things turned off so if I say for instance go to I control visibility and set that to on you can see you get extra controls they're just hidden for ease of use you can turn them on if you want if I move them you can actually animate the eyeballs just popping out doing whatever you want let's check what else they've got I'm going to select the controller there again regions controls you if you turn these on you've got a lot of actual control as it comes so you can move the eyebrows in in one go you can move nose in one go and this one to move the mouth up then this one can be quite useful to get tricky poses I'm gonna I'd get those out of the way again in a minute regions I'm going to set to visibility off again and the one you will need to turn on this wasn't like this in the previous versions but you and I prefer animating with the aim control instead of using these ones here so if I turn them on there you go let's see this cross that was what we had originally so if you move this you can see you've got the aim control instead of instead of using these it's up to you usually one there are global settings as well for instance if at the moment if we if we move the body you need to make this control bigger so it's easier to select we move the body the head moves with it great little thing which should come on all which really is is global control if you set this to 10 then it's got its own own rotation and it will always point forward all these things are really useful for when animating ok let's move on so go to I'm gonna reset everything now go to build pose on both of those and next up let me show you here you control is the eyebrows so let's go back and just um let's go back and get some of the skinning behind on the other the other things I turn on the t-shirt I could turn about the hairs fines working that's working good let's turn on the dress and and and get this get this moving well let's just check this out and a little look so we've got the arms moving well the clavicle and if we go here you can see that the address is a bit and definitely need some paint paint wait painting if I go up to here again skin paint scheme weights option box and see what we've got here so we were on the chess so here you want to actually you can see the outer rims it hasn't got any weight it's not white with the chest also if something haven't shown you before but some people you can use the color ramp if you want as well I tend to use just the black and white one the the color ones sort of spread out more but again they're really useful what's red is is more effective and it shows that the spread of the weight let's go back here so we want to add more weight here so I'm going as before click on add let's choose a value of a mid way you don't want to go full because it goes too much let's go here let's add some of this back in give it a few paint it by hands and you go that is working much better already let's go back out I'll close this window down and let's just select our clavicle controller again yeah it was working a lot better I mean you obviously you know you might want to spend a couple hours skinning perfecting away your skin weights obviously I don't want to sit yeah make you sit through hours awake and painting this out so we'll just we'll just go without you you get the idea that's not working much better as opposed to the other side I can't mirror the skin weights like I did before for the dress because it's it's asymmetrical so you have to actually paint that by hand let's check the elbow I think we did that before so that's that's pretty good actually let's go back to Bill pose let's check how we're bending here so this is the stage where you want to sort of just go over and just just just check how I think things are moving you might want to set some key frames to see how it's all going so everything seems pretty good really let's go down to down to the feet and the ankles and see yes you can see behind the knee that definitely needs some painting and that looks really bad there at the moment so let's just hype the dress let's move the move the leg up on there's a lot of issues here as well I mean that's hidden away anyway so you know you'll never see it but I mean let's let's do this bit skin paint scheme weights option box let's get into the right joints that we want I can close up the head here just to give us more room so we want to go down to right side spine here we go hit there we go and there's the knee so we want to again add to this size I'm going to reduce the size of the brush and I'm going to paint this up turn the model around give it a little bit of pains we want to get a nice a crease then I'm going to go up to the previous joint above that enlarge my brush and paint this back then the other way so then hopefully we get this nice fleshy fold I'm gonna just just a little bit of smoothing I'm gonna do it by hand let's see how that looks now yeah that's much better and we can mirror the skin weights over to this side again so we just go to go to build pose select the mesh go up to skin mirror skin weights option box and we are going from we're not we're not going positive to negative but if we're going in the a DM the Y Z plane across the other way just click apply close it down in a mirror the skin mates across right let's check out the the ankle that we were going to do so we just want to bend this and as you can see it's it's it's it's quite the socks all then and everything so let's go in there we might be able to just hit the Y key the Y key does the last last a tool you've used which brings it straight up and then click on ankle and gonna click on the knee joints we want to dis this Bend look this bin looks terrible at the moment so we click Add and we want to paint the back to come out a lot more than that and again you'll need to do the other socks the other sock separate that looks better already let's move let's go onto the shoe I'm gonna hit the Y key and oh no you bring up the joints in the list of anything affecting it so the knee and the ankle so what we want to do is paint paint the ankle this has got to come up a lot more it's good to get a bit of a fold and the tongues of it stretch so we can give that a bit more bit more weight as well just gonna hit the smooth key oops I'm still on smooth sitting me and add might need to go to the back right in the back of this to get it done yeah very good just want to add this all in there we go and now the tongues not stretching anymore let's see the toes that's pretty good so let's just let's just go back to build pose now let's try out the foot the foot roll so if you over here select the foot control you've got all these in different controls you've got roll swivel let's try the roll and that's looking better obviously you get might want to perfect that you might want to bring the salt down a bit as well but that's you know big improving it on let's say this side it's all bending a bit blobby and the tongues all stretched so it doesn't take much time to fix all up obviously you can spend more time on it okay let's go back to Bill pose latex pose and let's turn on the dress well from here you'll obviously you know very important that we save our work so same safes same save scene as I mean want to save over the original four-post face run that we did and replace it and now you might even want to save for version 5 to be honest because you know we've done quite a bit more work polishing it up okay let's move on it's gonna show some more tools before we finish up this series I want to get a bit more than more control in the dress so I mean it would be good to add pop at the popper rig proper joints in this which you can do at the beginning you can even go back to all the rats up again and just rebuild advanced skeleton and add some joints in but I'm going to show you another little tool here let's close out the corrective blend shapes mode and I want to go and find let's see here I want to corrective shapes advanced tools and optimize let's see so there's so many tools in here that sometimes we we forget where we are driving systems we want a section called we're looking for a section called custom controls let me just check and optimize and export cutting from here and we're looking for a section called custom controls so if we scroll up is actually here custom controllers which is it's a bit hidden away it's back up under the deform in the body section which is um which is quite changed but it's a lot of stuff hidden away in there so we come down to custom controllers what I want to do is I'm going to use this soft mode we're going to create an actual controller so I'm going to create click this button here I'm going to click the front of the dress I'm going to place a few of these around and we're going to do is go for cluster softmod you can do a sophomore control as well but the cluster has you can paint the weights with it so it works better I'm going to click and I'm going to give this a name let's call this front click ok and look what it's giving us here it's giving us our own custom controller on the dress and what's good about this is you can select these and paint wait for selected controller just like you're painting the joints so you might want to say smooth it or or add the paint more weights in I mean the weights are pretty good as it is anyway but it gives you a lot of option there and then when you go to build pose it includes these controllers in there they do get a bit more complicated they do tend to not move too well sometimes with the rig so you see anything about them so that you know they might get buried and when you go to move them they sometimes move once because it's in relation to the closest control so it might sort of move in the opposite directions but they're perfectly fine to be able to just get a little bit of extra deformation in a dress so I'm going to go to back to the build pose I'm gonna add some on the sides as well one thing is I there's a local option here as well as sometimes that works better but I've had errors with being able to paint the weights on it before so I'm just going to quickly guide you through this bit as well so let's do another one let's do click it again and do click here at the side I'm going to go create cluster softmod I'm gonna call this right dress and there we go we've got one on the side I'm gonna create one on the other side so let's click the dress same again create closer control the left dress and there you go it's just a bit of you know justjust just a nice tool that really helps our gives us the rig rig duvets and blankets and things like that as well so and you can paint these you can add them going up you can add more like I say you know probably would be best to go and add proper joints in but you know sometimes it's not it's not needed it's just for that little bit of extra compact extra movement you know you lift the leg up you might want to move you might find you want another one here and here it's really entirely up to you but I hope that that's a useful tool to use okay so we're nearly done let's go up and have a look at another little little little tool which is more mire than advanced skeleton I want to turn these buttons back on these two buttons here I would probably skin to the dress you know just again you can just litter you already got your skin code you could just go copy weights and they're on them already skin but then you might lose them a little bit but play with that I'm gonna hide those two for now what I want to do is I wanted to show a little tour and this is it used to be a script for this but it's actually with my 2020 it's actually built in so let's let's um let me reference the template that the buttons I'm going to select a single vertice I'm going to go for this one here and I'm going to go up to constrain you've got new ones here you've got rivet new you pin and proximity pin that they will all do the same job let's go for the classic rivet and it's run it and what you need to do is it's a de locators you need to go show locators and there it is and it's attached to locator to that to that vertice but that it will actually stick to that vertice as it deformed which is great for doing things like buttons till I lo one template this I'm gonna simply select you'll see here a pin output I'm going to select the button and I'm simply going to do a parent constraint constrain parent don't forget when you're parenting you don't you select the the parent and the thing you want to parent second so let's take let's test that let's let me just move let me just bend the rig and there we go I'm betting it works really well really moves with the rig and if you notice something as well it's because I had symmetry on up here it's actually created two so I created two so I should put another one over here so we can no simply select this one in this and do a constraint parent I mean you know it's good to do them separately but it's done it did it for this and there we go it's worked really well the buttons are moving with the really well okay last thing I want to do is this this is bugging me this control let's go back up to see if we can find it again and there's so many things in a box getting this works so good we're going to go to control curves and I'm gonna scale this up quite big because we you know let's go Scout on 1.5 just undo that a minute okay scale and I'm not quite sure why it's deforming it that way it doesn't normally do that but again let's strike the old way and it's do you control vertices as you can see you hit scale key what I'm gonna scare it right up you can do what you want you can reshape this I'm going to go back to object mode and there's my just so I can select it a bit easier there you go so let's turn on let's turn on the here and we've got the full character here everything seems to be working well the arms the arms are bending the head works well again you can go over and perfect the skinning and do it and do whatever you need but you know that that is it let's that there's a really nice there's a really nice tool here I'm going to show you there's a last little thing the something called walk designer this is so good you just click literally click walk designer and click it what it does it jump it automatically gives you 30 frames now you can it this automatic walk cycles you've got female walk angry cute you know it's not it's not exact but it's great to attach your rig let's click start ok and there you go now watch this so I'm gonna um hide the curves let's move this out of the way let's get her ready there let's hide nerve services and watch what happens when I push play automatically does the does the walking and then you can you at the moment you've got it does a hundred percent walk male so then you can say I'll add a bit of walk you t she starts to skip a little bit like that you look a little like a little girl she is take down this or you can say I'm going to add a bit of running and she starts to run as if this is fantastic have a play with this walk pride it's a fun little tool really fun and we had a bit of sneaking possibly and there you go there we are and the video 5 end of the series with character rigging in Maya with advanced skeleton I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that you can now rig a character even if you've never reads before advanced scanning it does go a lot deeper and we can try and do some more tutorials at another day you can rig quadrupeds lions tigers whatever you want have a little look through it and go to the advanced skeleton Facebook page there YouTube page there's a lot of information there the developer does it all on his own so he does a really good job it's also worth considering a freelancer license I'm not sure the cost at this present day but it's definitely work that you do you get support so it really helps I really like it if you could subscribe and follow us as we build this free resource I'd love to hear from you in comment below what else you would like to hear in the future I'm also going to leave a little link where you can see the finished renders of this character that we built together in advance skeleton and that's it guys I hope you really enjoyed it if you can leave a comment like anything below that would be great and I'll see you in future videos thanks very much [Music] you
Channel: Animator Artist Life
Views: 9,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya rigging, character rigging, advanced skeleton, autodesk maya, maya 2016, maya 2017, maya 2018, maya 2019, maya 2020, character animation, rigging tutorial, how to, maya joints, weight painting, auto rig, rig a character, facial rigging, maya rigging character with clothes, maya 2021 tutorial, rig a cartoon character in maya, rig a girl character
Id: ozfSLq1oaUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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