Face Your Fears (Multi-Award Winning Horror Short Film)

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There are no shortcuts. No tricks, no magic. The very cave your fear possesses the cure you seek. Go within. Just know, Once you've crossed that threshold, there is only one way out. Nothing in the dark. Nothing in the dark. Face your fears... If you scare, then come near, If you dare, then pick your fear. Turn the crank, get a card, Complete the task, if not too hard. In the end, if you win, the cure you seek, will lie within. But if you lose, there's no redo, What lies inside is not for you. Light a candle, will it wake? From within your fate awaits. Turn out the lights, except the candle, Getting closer, crank the handle. When you cheat or disobey there will be a price to pay. Nothing in the dark. Nothing in the dark. We’re at the end, but your fears aren't free... So cover your eyes and repeat times three; Darkness, darkness, I wish of thee, Remove the light, and set me free. Darkness, darkness, I wish of theee Remove the light and set me free. Darkness, darkness, I wish of thee, Remove the light and set me free. Darkness, darkness, I wish of thee, Remove the light Remove the, Since you quit and lost the game, Locked inside your cure remains.
Channel: Neil Stevens Films
Views: 256,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, short horror, short horror film, horror short, horror movie, horror channel, film, scary, jump scare, creepy, creepy film, scary movie, scariest movie ever, very scary, frightening, skeleton, monster, monsters, fears, fear, face your fears, dark, short horror movie, halloween movies, horror film, best horror
Id: MNjxcwO9Koc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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