Until Midnight (2023) - Irish Horror Short Film

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foreign [Music] [Music] well who would have thought the three of us becoming men you know they doubted us they didn't think we could do it but at midnight tonight when we all turn 18 you know they'll be proven wrong Dara hurl what's the first thing you're going to do tonight oh I'm going to drinking and then I'm gonna go to a club I'm gonna dance and I'm gonna bring the girl home yeah you will I'm tired what about you uh I don't know uh probably at least go to the bar with my family tomorrow or something I don't know oh you're a [ __ ] sorry we're not all babe magnets like you look Ryan let's be honest okay we would have ditch this post in junior infants if you didn't have the same birthday as us shut up man yeah well speaking of [ __ ] Dara with you getting some tomorrow night and being a [ __ ] you guys want to hear some scary [ __ ] that'll make us piss yourselves all right I don't know actually come on man look you said you were going to tell us a story or am I going to be the only one here who isn't a [ __ ] okay but like it might ruin the rest of the night how would it ruin I don't know man it's just one of those things like once I tell you it's gonna be on all our minds for the rest of the night especially since we're the only ones here with the nearest adult however many miles away listen we are adults now so not yet just tell the story all right if I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do it right all right so you know the dodgy looking house in the middle of the Park yeah yeah the The Witch's House yeah well apparently a family used to live there a long time ago oh no not a family in a house this really is scary well funnily enough Dara that's not all there is to it so there is this girl and apparently her father abused her I don't mean physically and verbally but sexually and mentally the whole nine yards oh lovely and our mom never did anything about it she never fed her she kept her locked in the house locked in her room in a constant state of sick one day when she was about 17 her parents invited a couple over for dinner and long story short when [ __ ] went down that night but this never was just about a girl being abused now there was something much more Sinister at stake here so while the guests were downstairs the girl took it as an opportunity to escape she went out the back garden and when she was climbing over the shed the roof caved him and she fell she turned on the light and found human meat hanging like animals on racks she ran back inside the house we found the two guests tied up well the man was blindfolded his limbs were missing and the woman wasn't blindfolded she was forced to watch and suddenly her parents came in from the kitchen her dad was Furious he grabbed his daughter and he put a knife in her hand and he said the only way that you live to see the sunrise is if you kill her her being the woman and after all the kicking and screaming the girl mustered up the strength to lift the knife over her head and plunge it into the woman but when the knife was removed the woman was still tossing and turning intriguing like a pig said the girl had to stab her again and again and again and again and again until the woman was unrecognizable but it's what the police found in the house in the next few days that really makes this story a weird one they've been out looking for the missing couple the ones that have been in the house and they found them or what was left of them but they found the homeowners there as well countless wounds still leaking blood but they never found the girl and still to this day they never found the girl she hasn't been seen since then her husband's sightings you know people even say they've seen her in that house years after all that went down okay and when exactly did this all go down I don't know it probably never happened yeah no [ __ ] although I do think that she exists the girl that killed I think she's the kid killer come on let's not link that to this stupid story no no think about it right 20 kids in the last five years missing or dead all under 18 all living in Dublin no exceptions it has to be the same person we can at least agree on that it it might not be yeah well whatever helps you sleep at night I'm just saying that after I heard this story about a girl that obviously acquired The Taste for killing after killing that lady and then Alan he said that he saw a scrawny girl climbing on the roof of that Pub the same night that Daniel went missing Alan's a crackhead yeah but he's not a liar I thought you were telling us a story not some super conspiracy theory all right look the story obviously isn't true that Allen is a crackhead let's go on that walk come on lift our moves after that story we can even walk by The Witch's House and see how stupid that whole story was whatever oh [Music] [Music] would you kill someone with your bare hands for a million euros yeah no question no you wouldn't I would and the only reason you wouldn't is because you're not physically capable yeah as if you were I don't think there's much I wouldn't do for a million I'd probably do anything except to kill one of my family members you kill me for a million think about it [Music] what do you reckon this crazy lady from the story looks like anyway assuming she's all grown up now I don't know but if she's half as ugly as her mom I really hope we Implement her man why do you only ever chat [ __ ] about mime well Ryan's mom also happens to be my mom so he's safe yeah but you know also because our mom's dead [Music] when did they put the lights off they're renovating it I think oh this is boring without hearing that story might make it a little bit spookier I don't know looks pretty Eerie to me you know some people say that they can hear a record being played in the middle of the night oh shut up you're just trying to make it sound scarier than it is all right here let's get out of here [Music] [Music] foreign ER oh yeah first here what's the time it's almost 10 o'clock a few more hours and we'll be man snap uh lad you did not Shuffle these car like look at that there you sure you don't want to play yeah last chance for adults I don't want to play see yourself there you go [Music] that is boiling here it's not just me right you see him seems kind of weird yeah I don't know he's not usually like this maybe it's Mom I never really did like to talk about it really yeah I never seem to talk about it the fact that we grew up with our parents and Foster ones I've tried to talk to him about it before but he always just has something snarky and moves on that does sound like that right to be fair I don't know I guess he's just been on edge since we found since what um well our mom might not actually be dead what maybe not alive but maybe not dead either you're gonna have to explain our parents to our foster parents told us we were kind of just found in the woods what yeah newborn and all uh some Scouts camp they walking past and sauce me and Dara and a heap on the ground and they took us to a hospital so you're saying some lady just gave birth to a pair of twins and just left them there apparently she covered us and leaves so that we didn't freeze no one knows who it was either actually no one's come forward either so I mean there's a chance that she's alive why do you seem so chill about this this is crazy yeah no obviously it is but I don't know I guess kind of get used to it like I can't change it so but like don't you think it's kind of crazy out any woman you walk past on the side of the road could be your mum I mean I'd never know if I did yeah I guess he could only ever be certain that you didn't what do you mean well you could walk past a black 20 year old bro what if Miss burn is your mom I'd rather be dead than have hers I don't blame you oh would you rather her or Alan's crackhead wife as your mom oh that's a tough one uh I'd have to say Alan's crackhead wife but three dice but if your mom's the crazy lady from the story all right you've lost your speed if you think about it she is a woman oh then it must be her and her house is in the woods you were found in the woods okay man I didn't have a problem with you making the joke but don't drag it out but your mom might be alive and this crazy lady could exist but she doesn't exist you literally said you think she exists earlier well she honestly doesn't man her existence is just as plausible as bigfoots and even if she did exist you can't just say that she's my mom like stop cracking dots that aren't there actually are there any police reports from when they found those four dead bodies in the house I don't know man you think I'd go look up a police report you think anyone would hear a story is obviously [ __ ] as that and then go ask the guards if it's true look I don't know but something real is going on around here 20K ID five years yeah that is real but it doesn't have to do with that stupid story anyway whoever it is that's behind all those murders they're not interested in us because we're 18. we're not 18 yet where's Dara gone for a piss he's been gone a long time [Music] Dara all right you ring his phone I'll check the house [Music] [Music] Dara [Music] hey this is Dara sorry I can't come to the phone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] he wasn't in the house I think you ran off or something nah man he wouldn't just run off like that if he was upset he would have came back in here and just sold her or maybe got up into his room but he doesn't just run off he's definitely playing a joke on us or something all that crazy lady [ __ ] you were talking about earlier he's definitely been planning this since the beginning in fact the whole sulking thing was probably just an act because he wasn't acting is that the Next Room huh was it the utility room all right just wait here Brian Brian [Music] foreign come here did you not see I can't see [ __ ] out there it's too dark oh [ __ ] what if she comes in she how can you tell it's a she you can probably see it could be anyone out there can you not see look whoever it is they're not gonna come push it thank you shut the door hurry up and shut the door shut the door shut the door [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] your arms held a message [Music] all my love to you midnight toward a sweet romance I know all my whole life [Music] words [Music]
Channel: Luke Kelly
Views: 34,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BqLjchQTpmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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