Face Your Fears in VR Like a Mexican

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it's a some pin chip buy a soda Monica wait you'll say I know it you're about to move and I swear to god yeah the clown can move by itself no no pink chipolata the Monica I think we know know where you go where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go I'm a better state wait this parity way no no no no no no okay I'm keeping my eyes on you I saw this away as loose as the money oh it's so seldom more new you see - perfect all right I did it I played a VR horror game for you it was very scary fool and I don't know if I'm gonna do it again but I guess if you guys liked the video enough I may do it again so show me y'all want to see more by hitting that like button I hope you'll enjoy it I figured the best way to face my fears would be to be a real cholo about it why are the doors oh oh I'm selecting them okay okay okay oh oh that looks like a little kids room and that's creepy Oh what okay look this looks more friendly it's during the daytime right like what could be the fear here like oh I see a cockroach pass by and I'm like oh it's a cockroach help let's go with that one yeah this seems like the more friendly of the two what am I supposed to be scared of here can I move around No Oh what it was scared of jets oh okay but what am I supposed to be afraid of aliens huh Oh oh Jesus Christ why you're not scary how am I supposed to Michael Bay oh hi oh oh God okay okay oh oh oh wait I just noticed what you were doing oh okay that stop scanning me that does the red light hurts that what items feel like when they get scanned by cashiers wait oh my god oh that does not feel good oh god my motion sickness is real right now man up damn Michael Bay did you just did you just kidnap me making me your plaything but only car are you piloting this Oh oh wait no no wait don't look at all that does not feel good y'all I'm like my knees are shaking I'm weak right now okay Oh God okay yeah yeah balloon help me balloon God get him to get me down from here oh no no we better wait oh okay Oh God okay yeah this is this is not really so much scary as it is very motion heavy and I am my brain a bit of a way that doesn't feel good I'm telling you fade out there wait wait Oh what are you doing what you did oh he's turning on the Wi-Fi yo he's just trying to play for tonight here comes Karen yeah oh when he died on me not me remember me yeah uh Karen good job on getting your kid to stop being addicted to for night that does not look like it was pleasant wait what Oh Bob Bob I was I was saved by Bob Bob you in the spaceship did you take control of the aliens was scary this is just really motion heavy no my knees are weeping Oh God okay I'm about to throw up I guess it's the next one we need to go to is the scary get through I swear if dolls start to move guys I have a thing we recommend sitting during this experience okay I have a thing where like my biggest fear is actually dolls moving okay I'm in a little kid's room and it's dark and that is very dark right over there uh nope what am I gonna do I'm just gonna read stories until I fall asleep is something gonna come at me I'm not ready for this nope God please forgive me for all my sins that vent is open and something's about to pop out from right there God again I'm really sorry I smoked that one time I went to Japan when I beat up Sasuke and I'm really sorry for breaking stuff in hotels is this my punishment parent a pinch Olivos mrs. Parra owes fine with jingo oh let me guess that's a circus clown and let me guess that's a ghost and let me guess that's a a man gonna visit me at night uh we'll just go left to right and go fun with jingle the friendly clown what you're just gonna read this story or oh no I'm living it Oh no no way no no no no no bleep bad is this some ping chip buy a soda Monica wait you'll say I know it you're about to move and I swear to God okay it was because the donors right yeah the clown can't move by itself it was the door they closed come on come on the michaelis a NLP Sony no I don't want us if I'm still you so much as where to god I'm gonna kill for my mom and you're gonna get it no I don't want to look around I don't want it Heil no no pinchable hold up there Monica I think we know where we go where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go yes if we'll pinch it by a Solomonic away Enola Vale no lo veo where did you go hello no I start we at the VA yeah TV get there was a veneer in my pinch of an era acaba de llegar de la conducción okay intervene sushi oh wait wait okay Hey No Hey I said where the lord of the rings' yellow be yellow be i an OPG we're cookies I met you and I mean sushi oh no Tina donde bv ribbon oh poor a buncha porque tengo un cuarto Vientiane [Music] jack-in-the-box I swear to God [Music] wait if you use those scissors no no no no quiero no quiero no quiero que no quiero go back to Hell where you came from and tell little Johnny that I'm not letting him borrow my toys ever again I can't take this am i i'm annabelle estate wait disparity no no no no no my solid is el demonio super fun well no well no we'll miss freckling knows about Uranus okay you can eat a circus wiener you can stay the hell away from me and you i'm calling 9-1-1 i absolutely hate the fact that I have to sit here and take it like that's that I can't move around I can't run I don't have any hands I can't punch anything I just gotta sit here and literally face my fears but I guess the next one is uh the ghost spirit of Mason I mean ghosts aren't as scary as dolls moving around at least to me so this might even be a little bit less scary than the last one hopefully that stupid kid dirty kid isn't walking around trying to steal my toys okay let me get my cholo on oh okay Osito estoy listo por favor cuida me mientras esto aqui esperano k masseuse to pinche Fantasma de la madre okay I thought I was ready but no I don't think what excuse me who what oh no no no I just heard of La Colonia tibi it's it's that dirty kid again wait I swear to god stop messing with my toys now I don't care how much you scream I'm not letting you play with my toys you're gonna get everything dirty you should call 9-1-1 stop don't don't do the bro get away from my desk she met Jimmy Hollis las partes we pass aware too uppity Arlo's pinched a scientist he was a clergyman well oh come on pinche Bob don't look at me like that pinche Maison des armées there is no que puta for bed backwards busy to power escucha poor my work is they Rosanna Lizzie and ok porfavor make male in pieces the pinch of the Manila MacArthur Park s the way Emmett en esta la Morena way ok no what is it with you in taking a shower in my shower dog stop stop stop stop I just cleaned it i'ma try Tillich and Claude Rosario print la Rosa de Guadalupe Park a circle mistake we trained in Cabo pork and Amin Cochinos Akira even our way I swear to god I'll keep telling me pinche parade way stop doing this will you crawl on the water are you spider-man or were dog good Peter Parker's ok ok you left this door open and you're over there in the dark I don't know where you're gonna come out from now so light but Zenith pensee ok you see please where are you where where are you for real get off of my walls boy you know how long it takes to clean them damn damn where did you go wait espera de espíritu moment estimate en esta la madre wait no come on pinche pollito colonic emeriti turn on chicken Oh Edna McDonald's wait on this test for real behind my chair why are you being just tell me what you want you want to borrow my Legos go ahead I don't care anymore just leave me alone dog for real go get my toys look there's the play-doh right there it's not my fault that my parents make good money and they brought me out of my way stop being jealous of me get off of my [ __ ] oh we can finally now are we I'm gonna call one evening I'm gonna call the rest of my boys dog and say hey is it if I see you tomorrow in class well we're gonna gang up on you dog you're never gonna be able to eat palette listen Dee I get why I told you bro I'm about to kick you in your teeth you're trying to steal my Michael Bay action figure where are you where's the jump-scare bring it bring it bring the jump-scare hey I told you I wasn't gonna be as scary as the first one the first one got me cuz I wasn't ready come on man that was uh he wanted my frijoles this whole time the ghost of Mason was not as scary as fun with jingle but this one right here I think is about to be on a whole nother level am I about to get visited by a sugar daddy let's get it let's do it I'm a cholo about this I won't be a real Joel okay like real this time like I'm gonna I'm gonna man up Joel Ozar man and man aren't scared of nothing except dolls and some creepy ass little dirty kid trying to steal your toys and I better onika when she gets mad but some Bess I are gonna okay oh come on you're gonna move every everything everything is that some other so how do I pull the covers over my head dog this is this is not funny full I'm a man and everything but this is curious okay um but it whispering stop get out of my brain yeah oh this used to be your house what no no way better that way you're not jealous of my toys you're mad because you probably died or something stupid happened to you like that's best stuff for like I feel for you and everyday dog boy like this is not funny then you need to stop messing with my stuff it's not my fault please can you stop messing with my stuff I don't know where to look because I feel like something could pop out from anywhere at any moment though Oh Oh what up why am I here cuz this is my room I'm just trying to go to sleep for please don't scare me okay it's quiet it's quiet now it's quiet it's quite some spot with the fan just turned on it was that uh no the hold no yes yeah sell us a mad yeah that's tough hell no not the jack-in-the-box whoa not the jack-in-the-box please already how is it gonna spell something what's he gonna say stay in school don't do drugs something motivational me something motivation oh please I'm motivated right there's two of them now I am really motivated to just stop playing this please wait don't you I'm skiing why do you move everything in my house though bro like it's like worse than when I part after eating beans everything please please no Sita palpable if you get me through this I promise dog I promise I'll never say a bad word again or if I would wait wait that was a bad word but next time okay scissors scissors please don't point those at me those aren't safety scissors but you'll see so please all I need for you to do is to get me through this aim those at me without like me safety scissors [Music] that could have poked my eye out and then I would have known how Bob feels no maldita you put no no no no hello ah no no wait this cool paper level right way better mutuality and services discúlpame parallel right way better mutuality nada en serio yo se que pasar Mazel Tov Mazal Jericho okay okay okay I'm good we're back to this we're back this we're back to the where am I we're back to just the bed and I'm safe I made it I did it can I is that it do I go back to what if I go back to many many is that I guess that's it I base my fears that one right there was really cool I'm not too much afraid of heights but it just made me really motion sick and then really the biggest fear over here was just my fear of dolls pretty much it the other stuff was it was scary but it wasn't really like a fear of mine you know like something that I had to confront it's just really the fear of dolls like I cannot stand the thought of a doll just starting to move or looking at me from afar like it just it's scary that's it for me today before anything starts happening to me in real life anyway if you enjoyed this video please hit that like button [Music]
Channel: EddieVR
Views: 7,555,716
Rating: 4.9625978 out of 5
Keywords: virtual reality, face your fears vr, top vr horror games, face your fears, oculus rift, scary vr, scariest vr horror games, top scary vr horror games, face your fears virtual reality, eddievr, virtual reality horror, vr horror mexica, mexican horror, mexican vr youtuber, spanish virtual reality
Id: BOh6TRJuEdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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