Face Your Dark Side, Become Your True Self - Jordan Peterson (Best Motivational Speech)

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you know if you don't know what you should do with your life you don't know who you should be sometimes you think about that as what career you should pursue but here's another way of thinking about it it's kind of a seal ethos that Congressman krenshaw detailed out here's some things you could be those are my words these are his you will be someone who's never [Music] late you will be someone who takes care of his men gets to know them and puts their needs before yours you will be someone who does not quit in the face of adversity you will be someone who takes charge and leads when no one else will you will be detail oriented which you discuss a lot in later sections of the book always Vigilant attentive you'll be aggressive in your actions but never lose your cool you will have a sense of humor because sometimes that is all that can get you through the dark hours you will work hard and perform even when no one is watching you'll be creative and think outside the box even if it gets you in trouble you're a rebel but not a mute near you are a jack of all trades and master of none and then you follow that a little later with this paragraph these paragraphs be aggressive enough to kill the enemy but immediately calm enough not to scare the little old lady you'll be that man who's mentally tough enough to operate in horrific chaos then immediately transition to Tranquility all without mentally breaking you will effectively transition from hyper masculine aggressor to Gentle caretaker you'll be both a warrior and a Gentleman the qualities that made seal leaders great were rarely physical in nature they listened they empowered their team to be successful carefully entrusting individuals with additional responsibility it's a real conservative ethos there they highlighted good performance publicly and criticized bad performance privately and so well you know those are lists of Virtues and maybe they're not the only list of possible virtues probably not but if you're lost and you don't know where to start practicing you know you also talk about this idea that uh this is an Aristotelian idea you know that we we are our habits we become what I what we practice and if imagine if you're lost in your listing you think well you find some things admirable well you can practice those things and you can practice them locally and minimally in your own relationships and you can start to get good at them and as you get good at them well you get better at them right and then you can you can broaden out the scope of Your Action into a wider perview so you said here too let let's go for another quote here throughout your life this is very practical advice too and I think it's very wise from a therapeutic perspective throughout your life you have people you look up to okay so let's think about that you look up what does that mean why up well up is something that beckons from a distance it's like a light on Hill and we automatically assume that those who we admire are people we look up to so that specifies a a distance and a direction and it's uphill it's up toward a higher Vista let's say so there are automatically people who who elicit that spirit in you you have noticed the way might also imply might also imply that there's some sense of struggle required to get to that point because it's easier to go downhill than it is uphill yes definitely that's right it's an uphill it's an uphill track and it's also implies judgment because if someone's above you then they also serve as a judge or you serve as a judge in relationship to them because you compare yourself unfavorably with them and that can also inspire you to tear them down that's really the story of Cain and Abel and that's that's a major story you have noticed the way a teacher parent coworker Mentor or friend interacts with others and you come away thinking H that behavior simp simply works better they are respected admired and successful and you find yourself wondering why that is you do if you're a little bit humble instead of being envious right because otherwise you think that damn crook he just stole his position and that's why he's got it but if you're a bit humble you might think well no that guy looks successful maybe he knows something I don't you are noticing attributes and character traits that are good and worth aspiring to you are not noticing attributes that make certain people more successful than others you are noticing what a hero looks like and in the process you are discovering a path made up of desirable personality traits that helps you ascend in social hierarchies that's Jacob's Ladder by the way that that lad that is the hierarchy to the good that's the vision Jacob has of the pathway to God is that it's a hierarchical structure with the thing that's ultimately good at the Pinnacle by definition right the best of all possible goods and then there are intermediary structures all the way up and beings inhabiting those structures and this isn't metaphysical it's like if you find someone you admire the reason you admire them is because they're higher up in that Heavenly hierarchy so to speak than you are and your whole nervous system tells you that you're compelled to listen you're compelled to pay attention by your own by the action of your own unconscious mind you know what's interesting about this point of identifying these heroes or at least Role Models you can call them either one I just thought Heroes was a more compelling word to use for for the sake of writing it but what's interesting about it too is how pop culture actually plays a pretty important part of this because like there's plenty of people who simply don't have these good role models in their lives and you have to acknowledge that and so where where are they supposed to turn and it's maybe one of the reasons that it's so important to fight these cultural Wars that that you and I engage in of on a fairly regular basis that they become a serious part of our politics which at the at the same time is necessary but also deeply deeply unfortunate um I do think I do think the the attack on pop culture from this this Progressive victimhood left has reached a reached a ceiling I think there's a there's a serious um backlash uh I you know you look at movies like Top Gun the recent one Top Gun maybe like the highest grossing of all time absolutely phenomenal movie really fun to watch why because it just had all of these classical virtues and and Infused within it about relationships and about how you treat people and what the consequences are for treating people as such that these things speak to people in a deeper way they can't necessarily articulate them but they they understand it when they see it and there's there these sort of radical minorities that are very loud that want that changed you know they they want something else uh to be on that hill but people react against it because it's not it's not true there's no no truth to that yeah well yeah and something cries out from inside of them then and that's and that can be appealed to by a Storyteller I saw the same thing in the Marvel Avengers series is that there is a return to any any wide range of classical virtu certainly Brotherhood uh a kind of a military ethos sacrifice a striving upward certainly masculine virtues the combination of the Hulk and Iron Man for example that's a that's a that's a that's a there's a monstrous element to the Hulk but he's a hero in a strange sense and he's also the revitalizing force for Iron Man when he just about dies and and that's all the reason those movies were so necessary and so attractive is because they are in fact addressing a radical conceptual void in the culture and it's a void that while that you're addressing in your book especially with your appeal while trifold appeal let's say to duty responsibility and humor at the same time right which is a kind of stoicism in the face of [Music] catastrophe you know so CU this is a big problem in life imagine you're aiming for something and then something happens to make it impossible or you find out that it's the wrong thing CU you're aiming in the wrong direction well so then what do you have to rely on to set you right it's not your aim obviously but it might be your capacity to take new aim and that's bloody well dependent on your character that's for sure and so I don't think there is a more fundamental aim than what you should be and there's no fundament no better way of characterizing what you should be then that you should fortify your character so now you're moving towards the promised land let's say so that's inspiring and that produces positive emotion because you experience positive emotion when you see yourself moving towards a valued goal no valued goal all no positive emotion that's how your systems are set up psychophysiologically on the negative front well maybe anger and bitterness and fear stop you okay so what do you do with them take good stock of your sinful nature let's say you know what Temptations you're prone to and what knock you off the Beaten Track and maybe you feel guilty about it you know where your weaknesses are and you probably have some idea of just what kind of hell you could inhabit if you let those weaknesses get the upper hand so Arnie just write about that for 15 minutes so let's say this isn't what you could have in five years it's the pit you could dig for yourself if you decided to you know just sit there or dig everyone has a sense of that you know for some people my Temptation probably would have been alcohol it calmed me in social situations it made me feel a closer kinship to people and it was pretty good stimulant and so it was a really good drug for me and I enjoyed it quite a lot too much um but I learned that I had better things to do I wouldn't have stopped without better things to do and that's what did you mean by better things to do well I was writing my book maps of meaning um when I was still carousing as a gradu I'd started to put my life together by that quite a bit but I'm still C and very but I and not only that I couldn't handle the emotional tension of what I was dealing with intellectually it was too cuz you know if you're hung over your emotions are more sensitive especially your anxiety and the work I was doing was way too demanding emotionally because I was dealing with historical atrocity and the motivations for that was just too damn dark you know to be dealing with hung over plus once I had written a fair bit and was editing once you've edited your work to a substantial degree you have to use finer and finer gradations of judgment to continue to improve it and if you're fuzzy minded at all if you've impaired your judgment when you at it you can make it worse not better and then I also realized that the only times I really regretted my actions was when I was drinking because it disinhibits you and that's fun that can be really fun but I'd wake up the next day and think yeah I was a little too provocative I was a little too aggressive I was a little too mean-spirited in in my wit a little too egotistical or maybe more than little on all of those fronts little careless in my choice of partner um a little uncontrolled in my social behavior in places I shouldn't have been because you know I was starting to well I was a graduate student and a teacher by that point and I was interacting with professors saying the sociality grew yeah well it wasn't time to be drunk that just wasn't good that worked in Northern Alberta to some degree in some subcultures but in those situations it just made me look like a fool well it made me into a fool not just look like one and then when you and I got married um I didn't and we were going to have kids I thought well I'm not drinking when I have kids yeah I wanted I wanted children yeah and and you know you want to grow up at that point besides I was ready to dispense with all of that e
Channel: Jordan Peterson Rules for Life
Views: 23,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Peterson, face your dark side, become your true self, motivational speech, self-improvement, personal development, confronting inner demons, embracing shadow self, empowerment, self-help, life coaching, personal growth, facing fears, mental strength, life advice, transformation, inspirational speech, self-discovery, overcoming negativity, embracing complexity, psychological growth, inner conflict, finding wholeness, motivational guidance, Jordan Peterson wisdom.
Id: x55eeRWBVGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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