Face Frame Cabinets

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I was gonna be on face-frame cabinets I've been in a cabinet business building Kevin myself about sir about 25 years now before that I had several years of going around just installing cabinets made by commercial companies and these are neat please I'm going to show you now these are some that I had made over the years there's one here one here and here's some day we made for Haiti these are all face strains piled up so my feeling is on making face-frame cabinets it's three FS F F F F face frame first you made the face frame and everything else follows that face right there that's all the dimensions you really need so I'm going to start setting up and you show it on a face for and just how we do it okay here I laid out on paper here isn't a beta base cabinet here there's read upper cabinet this is a frame for the upper cabinet frame lower cabinet now the first thing I didn't like on commercial Cadmus they had the base here and it's like kind of all made in one well when you got installing him you had a crawl back here and try to shim a little bit you couldn't so I cut mine right off here so this panel is the same height that raises it's 30 inches and this is 30 inches and I make a separate base a base if I got 4-pack for it cabinets are five cameras however load there I make the base that long and then I can level the base up real nice on the floor and shim it you nailed on and fasten to the floor and I can set base cabinets on there real fast they all line up real good and the other thing I brought here I showed you before is 30 inches I mean my face frame here is 30 inches theory in history so those are all the same but you can vary any one of these times anything you want but this is a standard and their end up to be 30 36 inches high to have a TAC owner you got 18 inches in the top one comes in the top I normally it's 30 inches in that seven feet that's pretty standard but you're going to do anything you want with them after that you can make just one more some most of the cameras know they couldn't carry us off ice outside India targets with higher so let's give you a good idea how I know so I'll continue to show you just exactly how I make each parking how are you go together okay now I'm going to show you how I attach the face frames three frames have to attach to the canvas and I watched a lot of videos there and most of month though they they call it a carcass and make it out a 3/4 inch plywood and after they get a carcass all done like a box and then they'll attach the face frame to it so several ways to do it it's here go and nail it or saw will take I could hold screws there which is really hard to do that because you line it up and then here's your one that way here which I just don't understand at all because they take the face frame you cut some pockets here for you biscuits and here and then it cut up moving the top of the bat on the top of the panel around edge of the panel then they come along and put this get this in you can see it here's the thing there's it they put this in here and glue that but then they have to sit and leave the sit for an hour so wood clamps all the way around here and that just takes it forever to make a panel and I don't see any advantage to that at all that's a really a strange one commercial way of doing it what I'm gonna show you this is a homemade all my panel is the commercial panel if you can see here the plan the side panels aren't always half inch plywood right here this is the face frame the face trailer is a notch and a panel slides in there a little teeny holds it there's glue in there tight and the face frame now forms your whole whole having it he built off the face frame instead of trying to build a cabin add a face frame to it and I'll show you how this goes along yeah you're really interested in this a lot faster and that's the way I would say all commercial cabinets that you buy will be made with the same joint like that so I'm gonna proceed and show you how this made now I use half inch sidewalls and half inch tops and bottoms everybody else really 3/4 inch hole that has a lot of weight to it a lot of cost to it and I just cannot see any advantage to it because I made a mess way for many many years now okay now I'm gonna make the face frames which would be these frames here and they're gonna be 17 inches wide and 30 inches high they'll both be the same but this a bit of body won't have for a drawer in here so I need four pieces I inch and a half by 30 inches and I need this is gonna be 17 inches here so here I need 14 I got a figured I don't know okay no enough a strange they're dirty interests by 17 so here I got 30 or 17 here I got 35 17 but I got I'm putting a drawer in here so the drawer here and I gotta figure out the space here how big of a tree I want four inches there okay now I'm gonna do the pocket hose this frame here now kind of old jig here I bought it my crate here clamps I'm ready now I like it but they don't make them anymore [Music] [Applause] [Applause] go ahead drill the rest of them you've seen enough grilling [Music] [Music] okay now I'm gonna shut the camera all them all together okay no it doesn't have good flora cameos better than their doors yeah put your drawer now when you put this piece in it for your drawer you don't don't just put a pencil mark here four inches that's to take a piece of this some piece of little piece of wood and cluttered exactly for for two or four inches I'm gonna clear that okay I got two little blocks of four inches planner then I put my sometimes I here [Music] [Music] [Music] I always use these players at Craig cells and on a joint here right on join me it's a big pattern here [Music] [Music] okay now I got my juice carrot face cream I'll make the other face frame and then I keep taking a throwing over and rolling over all over right now okay now I got em all pocket hold so my next step is you don't want you I'm gonna take my stand and I stand off the corners a little bit here like this [Music] my brother Jason Jason round over a bit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can I shut the camera off and rock the other one now on the back side of the frame here we need a groove cut it here that's for a panel fits in the side panel that's a goo like this I got I think I'm gonna go ahead and run it to and cut that girl I think you can do it your friend put together if it's a small frame there's a large one that I'll do these okay to cut this groove in here plywood is a little tiny bit centered on a half-inch so they have it rocker makes a mythical an undersized bit the numbers nine zero five to eight you can order it from them and that's what I use all the time and it works out real good it's just so plain make sure you get the half inch shank on it so you know how to set this up I want a quarter inch mat here I want three eighths inch high I just had to do little blocks here measure it Alton set just exactly right you can buy a set like that or made out of metal but the wood ones work all right it's too hard to try to use a ruler there's a big a hole there so that's how I set it up okay I run one through it here and then turn the camera off [Music] [Music] I'm in here I would just slide right into real nice and snug so I'll show you how to go to get it oh no I'm pushing I'm sure I like to have a a push block like this I hope time to take your poison real nice and tight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it's not a good idea to do that just put together it's real small in but this was tipping over so I usually do it while you're just one piece [Music] catch on tada I just want to play out on this routers nothing but a piece of 3/4 inch plywood and rollers bolted to the bottom of it nothing but a piece of board you're a couple clamps on here you don't know all that rigmarole it that's not to have a steel chip out commercially made rollers I don't I never liked them because they're not versatile enough here even for a longer piece on here every year majestic hit were destroyed oh and I know I put a new one okay my next step now is to start making a cabinets itself so I got the face I'm gonna start to sit the top one you got the face frame done so I need to decide sir it's gonna be 12 inches deep so the panel's had to be 12 inches wide by 12 12 wide by 30 long so I'm gonna set it up I set it up on this bench here I I'm gonna take this stuff off and set it all up and show you how I cut those panels okay what I do know this pilot 14 inches wide and I need 30 buy it what I'll come over 30 by 12 so I'll cut cut this off at 30 inches I'm gonna mark it here 3 inches mark it on the other side now to see what I've got here see I got these two two by twos underneath here so I can cut crosswise and I don't cut I forgot one safety glasses [Music] [Music] okay now I got a prepared of side panels this is a top I have to cut a notch in there right at the very top I have to cut them on here but certain Heights from the bottom and I have to cut this on here and that's for the back panel so I'm going to go ahead and cut all those because it's pretty hard to watch you cut each one so I'll turn the camera off for a while okay now I just set the router up to make this groove in here and I'm gonna draw tegu we're gonna show you what it looks like okay now I'm gonna glue our side panels into the face frame okay now let's put that [Music] put a little [Music] cat all I have to do is put my bottom and the top on there I'll cut those and put those in there and let's put the back on that's actually done that way okay I'm gonna go and cut the bottom and the top maybe 16 right well so I'm gonna cut two of those and okay right in there [Music] [Applause] you got something naturally so rabbited what we're laughing senior far apart strong and it's on the bottom part here explain you I'm going to put it in then tip it up thing there you see what I'm talking about hard to get to [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I wanted that wrong off the shelf here a lot of cabinets drop down hard to clean it so I just have to make a backboard okay what this is for that's actually when you put this in there when you put the cabin up against the wall screw that Walter there Oh [Music] okay [Music] and I got a piece of a piece of back and they'll put it on that way oh yes yes completed okay I don't have any quarter in quite relating to smaller pieces so but that's what we go we just annealing the groove there and a lot of cabinets are meters up against the wall and they don't even have a background I didn't put back for many years went 3/4 inch plywood on there we get all this pocket whole school meter width and there's no way to commercial companies make them for years I looked at it what on 50 of us maybe once stored every sitting water I made I was just reviewing this and there's one area that I had my back to you right after I put this into the Guru have taken your nails and put them a short one right into that side you're not hold it thanks training day okay now we're gonna make the base cabinet here the base cabinets 30s is higher to remember I don't use a high use a separate base so I'm cutting it off right here other cabinets that panel would go down but that's too hard to handle that way so I need two pieces 30 inches by 24 plywood is 2048 is your wife said I mean if I cut off a piece of plywood 30 inches and then split it and I get to 24 inch pounds of it so I'm gonna go ahead and do that now okay there's my two panel off so I'm gonna get ready with the frame and first time I've talked about attaching frames to the cabinet itself okay before I start that when I want to talk a little bit about face frames everybody's making on box and then you're trying to attach a face frame to it so there's so many different ways of trying to do it here to try and nail it but they all got 3/4 inch plywood using pocket holes well that's a lot of work more work ever because they'll take the frame and to cut biscuits in it and then cut it again 3/4 inch plywood they'll set a slot in here and this is supposed to go on like that wood glue on there and then they come along with all kinds of clamps on here which takes about a half an hour just for one to glue up and dry it so I'm gonna show you how I do it with I say face frame first you make the face frame I've got the face frame whatever I want I got it moved on here and that's where the side panel will fit right onto there now you see it oh you did it on a little upper upper cabinet it's the same way here so I'm gonna start just go ahead and start gluing up some of the stuff okay you can see I got the panel drop in a groove there attached my cabinet to the face trade and it's 3/4 inch you know right next to tip it over so the next one I'm gonna have to make up 23 and a quarter oh my go cut the camera oh I cut that ok no I got this panel cut here I'm going to put some glue on here I'm gonna turn the camera off while I do that this will put the top on there okay I'll put in some bottom block on here it's just what we anchored to the wall from and also this being a bottom cabinet where you want a little bit wider there because this could be a sink basin that way that way we caught her on here and we can seal it up occasionally and your water down there hi hearing this yeah back to what I do this is gonna be a sink base I will take an caulk this with silicon talking all the way longer here and up in here and make sure it all sealed up tight here just in case they get a water in there it's not gonna go down on a floor they can set up your save it that way I don't mean save your water but it doesn't get into the floor that way okay now if I put these I call them pads with her angler what's harder to stabilize this top top is always square and it's not gonna go out of square when you're moving or on installing them and stuff like that and their main purpose is just a song idiot and there's also a lot of tiny big base cabinets and they're gonna sink in here and if you're the sink in there and corners and stuff like that there's some place where the counters have set on you don't have a hollow spot there'll be this Miam for students stability is a word up take over you know here this is a base cabin not very heavy lift this guy now can handle it real easy the 3/4 plywood just added a lot of weight to it metals and reason for a week ok here's just a sample of a small there's a face frame here but sometimes you want to put a chrome molding or something like that on on top here you can always make this top top part is why did you want and it's have to do face frames now if you can see how I made this base then just a base to three quarter inch lumbar depending on how high you want the basis is 3 inches high and I just not shot here but the same router bit as I do for all the other stuff and then I can put layers of plywood on this I'll shut the camera off and show you how I lay that up you know if you can see here's a piece here that's on the bottom and this is when it pops we're gonna lay it down this is where you screw or screw me on this to the floor and this is a corner here so this is where to have a wider area that fits on here now let me set that up for you too okay now you can see see I got it over so overhanging three inches here and three inches up front that way to make it base for how many cabinets you want to set on this is a corner here so you start with the corner set that back and then you can just school pretty much any place along here inside to all pull the cabinet down on the release there's a two cameras in base cabinet the base and a upper cabinet okay now I want to share it up the best way up fasten these families 10 minutes to get it one to another now I remember I got a upper cabinet and a lower one and you go and do that but I'm sure but they're still fastened together this thing I just take a drill and you drill it's got a counter sunk on here right away for you wanna corner sink those screws but you want some separation here before you go through it you don't want to drill into the second one here clamps okay I got a couple clamps on here I usually see here a block of wood and hold it across here are you even all the way through it just there so then I'm go ahead and put the screws in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm upper cabinets you also have a plate here I just screwed to the wall now the reason I when I make these trains I put a little easy inch roundover on here so you know I run over here it gives you it's kind of a little trim here dinner if you have just a flat piece on there I'm gonna go get up piece like that show ya see if it hit off flat piece I know you wouldn't have that little Google here sometimes one could you say hair up and you can feel that like this I like this well that's about it for my base cabinet and the upper cabinet thank you for watching now I'm going to talk to you a little bit more about these jobsite table saws something I don't two years I don't know who did the decision here but here's an older one I bought one about 20 years ago and I was a delta in a head eight-inch blade and it worked real nice and this is a Sears one with eight inch blade all the works very nice so who came along and decided I needed a ten inch blade just great big blade here on a little tiny saw like that it was never ever intended for that and all that camera I don't know because I under six seven a quarter inch blade I can cut through a two-by-four eighty quid on two cuts I can go to us three by we call it a four by four but it's three and a half by three and a half and it was a real nice soft very good and not with that big 10 inch blade on there or just a wicked monster I'm trying to get everybody X get that blade off of there because it does not blow I'm on a small saw like this he's a real nice sauce for hobbyists and say like that they keep put that big blade on here and that scares her Mendez I had one guy talking that bought the saw like then he tried it and he said I don't even want to turn that thing I got it so noisy roars like everything got a great big blade took them laid out but the southern quarters played on he's building all kinds of stuff with it now I just laid out all the tools that I use to build these two cabinets there and you can see there's not very many tools most shops could gather those tools up in the early in you can make a lot of stuff a lot of furniture liming cabinets and all kind of stuff now I'm gonna go and show you a table saw and a miter saw it I use for this okay this is my table saw it's just a small jobsites saw it's a very nice one you know but I only use a seven and a quarter inch blade on it that's all you need once in a great while I might put a 10-inch blade on it but never I mean an eight-inch blade but never ever a 10 inch plate should never use a 10-inch blade on a jobsite saw and then over here I got a nice little little major sauce it's only a seven and a quarter inch blade on it but I'll still cut through a 2x4 I like it real well and what you need is a major saw it you need him high you know not chest high almost if you just look right down if you get them done table height they're too low your bending away over and trying to cut with them what I forgot to mention that I don't show a compressor here because I have a big shop compressor but you would need a need a compressor to operate the nailers
Channel: themasterwoodworker
Views: 50,055
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Id: 2iqF4vqgvKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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