F4F | Chuck Pierce Secures The Glory Along the Mexican Border

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welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith my name is Chris Roseboro I am your servant in Jesus Christ this is the channel that compares what people are saying sometimes doing in the name of God to the Word of God no shortage of weird things going on out there now if you've ever been told that you know you can somehow decree and declare and go and take control over a region and realign things in the spirit and the glory and stuff and thingies if you're not sure what I'm talking about just stay tuned for a few minutes if you've ever been told that go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below don't forget to like the video and ring the bell so you can be notified when we update our channel we're heading over to glory of Zion and Chuck Pierce is the guy who holds court there and he's supposed to be an apostle yeah a modern-day apostle and and he recently did some activity in El Paso Texas claiming that he was securing glory securing the glory along the border between the United States and in Mexico and all I can say is this is just a perfect example of cuckoo banana town type of activity and clearly God has sent a strong delusion on Chuck Pierce and those people who follow him and think that he's an actual apostle of Jesus Christ and so what we'll do today is we're gonna start off with a little bit of Scripture to kind of note a few things here and we'll note that Christians have some marching orders if you would from Jesus Christ himself and so in Matthew 28 it says Jesus came to his disciples and said to them all authority in heaven on earth has been given to me go and make disciples peoples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all that I've commanded you now that that's an important bit of this of course the question comes up you know where can I go today to find the things that Christ has commanded answer you can only find that in the old in the New Testament Jesus is both God and man he is the son of God in human flesh second person of the Holy Trinity incarnate born of the Virgin Mary that being the case what's written for us in the Old Testament is from God Christ affirms it as the Word of God and then he sends his apostles and says of his apostles the one who hears you hears me the one who hears me hears the one who sends me sent me and so the Apostles wrote for us the New Testament and we're going to note that there's a supreme lack of in what we're gonna be viewing of having anything to do with what Christ has either taught or commanded it's just like I said kind of cuckoo banana town which leads to our second text one that we reference from time to time here at fighting for the faith and it's second Thessalonians chapter 2 talking about the great apostasy the Apostle Paul prophesying in in 2nd Thessalonians 2 says concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him we ask you brothers not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or spoken word or a letter seeming to be from us to the effect that the day of the Lord has already come let no one deceive you in any way that day will not come unless the rebellion the apostasy ax the rebellion comes first and that's a rebellion within the visible body of Christ and then the man of lawlessness will be revealed and so and then verse 9 I'm just jumping ahead you can read the rest of it in context and you'll see I'm not doing any violence to the text talking about this lawless one who'll be revealed the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and false wonders and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved they for God sends them a strong delusion strong delusion so that they may believe what is false in order that all may be condemned who knew that did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness so one of the things we do here is we give you examples of super-dee-duper strong delusional stuff like you have to be mentally ill or under God's judgement to think that this stuff is real that this is actually from God or has anything to do with biblical Christianity case in point we're heading to glory of Zions television you taught me well didn't call it TV if you want but they there you know that this is the stuff they put on their website and they call it glory of Zion TV and this is their video titled securing the glory along the border here's the so-called apostle he's not really an apostle he's a false apostle Chuck Pierce explaining to us what it is that we will be witnessing here and the only thing I can say is cuckoo banana town strong delusion that's pretty much the way to refute this because none of this has anything to do with biblical Christianity anything Christ has commanded or taught here we go we just flew in from Monterey back through Dallas to El Paso Monterrey Mexico and so here we are now Paso to start our journey all the way down the border from El Paso to McAllen we have people here later so they're going to be spending a lot of time traveling down the border in engaging in some kind of activity in order to secure the glory along the border first from McAllen we have people from Laredo Del Rio and from El Paso of course I felt like we had to go to Monterrey first because I didn't want to just be sent from America I wanted leadership Mexico to send us on this border journey and here we are the timing is amazing principal President Trump is about to give his address to our nation over the immigration plan that he has at three o'clock today and here we are right in the midst of it praying through and asking the Lord to stitch up this border bring a new level of glory a new level of unity and break stitch up the border and bring a new level of glory forth on both sides of the border with the Spirit of God and so I want you to continue to pray for us we've got a wonderful team here we've got ya I'll be praying that God delivers you from your strong delusion you're not an apostle pull from all over that are here and this is God's time for the border between Texas and Mexico we bless you thank you for being with us thanks what this speaks to me here is all right so we're somewhere along the border now and this is speaking something to the apostle Chuck Pierce race named south wind when the south wind begins to blow us when revivals huh so the name of the place there it's south wind it's when the south wind blows that's when revival where does it say that in the Bible so I actually won't want to stir up the south wind flower here and how does one go about stirring up the south wind I seem to recall cry sing that the wind blows where it wills you know and we want to decree that the land will realign and so apparently they're engaging in some kind of Geographic chiropractic stuff here they're gonna realign the land yeah can you give me an example of Jesus realigning land all the spin here we'll it's one of the major crossing over the places Lord you have brought this thing full circle here and father as we stand at a mossad here at the place where friendship occurs what we asked you right now to reconcile this portion of the land so a new crossing right yeah this is a sentence that makes no sense it grammatically it works I mean there's an now and a subject you know the verb and direct objects and things like that but it's again it's like the a sentence blue sleeps faster than Tuesday yeah yeah I mean tell me what that means it works as a sentence but you know realignment so that there can be a new crossing over mm-hmm whew yeah I mean these guys are really taking ground for the kingdom here and they're making disciples of all nations clearly not at all by the way that was sarcasm and I would say to you I am now bringing down the sword of heaven into this portion of the land I'm bringing down the sword of heaven into this portion of the land uh-huh I have brought you here to welcome the sword to welcome the sword are we expecting an armed conflict on the border now I say to you that sword now is going to cut loose the hope and despair that has L captive the land and the waters I said the land of the waters have been held captive and the sword is gonna you know cut him loose and stuff right say I am bringing down the soul so that the end of despair will come and beginning will begin to rise a new beginning will begin to rise up right so watch the ending closely before I say there will be great endings and great beginnings and the sword the sword now has entered the land great beginnings and endings and stuff mm-hmm whoa it's about time somebody did this man that's all I can say that means losers we've been long overdue apparently well I mean that's like the nuclear weapon of spiritual warfare right there it's a shofar yeah that'll whoo for sure the the sword new beginnings new endings thingies is yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that Lord you are establishing this river this water as an artery what so the Lord is establishing a river as an artery it's not a dividing line this is not something he's got a tuning fork in his hand what is that for this distinguishes between two nations it is an artery which pulls together the entire both on the South in the North the East of the West and it will cause the blood of Jesus to surge through this region bringing forth life bringing forth restoration bringing forth healing for where the blood goes there will be life but Lord we once again open this door to your glory this is like shamanism where in the bible does it say if you strike a tuning fork and put it against the ground that God will retune the land and stuff this is straight up make up your own spirituality new-age shamanism here [Music] so Lord you know what so God is retuned the earth cuz some guy struck a tuning fork in a parking lot near the us-mexico border no way this is one of those very high points and strong points of rebellion along the border it has always been an access point for evil to manifest itself and part of that we saw after the Civil War when the Confederates were being chased by the Union they buried the Confederate flag here is really a symbol of rebellion then they went down and actually joined I read that last night joined the forces in Mexico you know to fight with that against Texas and so there was just a lot of there's a lot of rebellion here there's a lot yeah there's some rebellion all up in there man it's it's all over there yeah so you better do something about all that rebellion that's over there this is an access point for rebellion to come through so it's really a key place for us so why don't you start to do so they declared this place to be an access point for rebellion well they're gonna shut that access point right up here you know that guy I mean he's got a tuning fork you know they're gonna retune that and then and then you know rebellion will be out of tune what on earth is this hey what you're called to do my my my my yeah I'm pretty sure this is shamanism now Hiroto you need to pray that from Central America illegal trafficking that is centered in this area will be stopped in Jesus name all right so he's gonna be praying a prayer against illegal trafficking in this area bothering a number of the hassles so in the name of Jesus he's gonna stop trafficking he's gonna hold it right there yeah promotion Authority you can share DNA follow more this hour yeah we mentally traffic we legal traffic on a persona traffic on drogas traffic all kinds of trafficking we have trafficking in persons and drugs and stuff looking at the or upon a most well Tom and I ought sit right now it's just its halt oh and yeah it is there's just not gonna be any trafficking of any kind going on there now I'm looking estaba neither is Gloria Caetano estamos haciendo and a lot of older from Terra el espĂ­ritu the LEAs PMA in readiness our fernback estado para doing am Beaulieu Aires in el nombre de esos establish Amazon a plaster formerly Lauria in Assam oh no mas as traffic illegal no no more trafficking no more namaz el nombre de her shoes and the name of Jesus got it okay well that I mean that why didn't they do this earlier you know it's been so much trafficking going on I mean they could have put it into this at any time why did they wait the apostle Chuck Pierce is just really impressed here with this the power that was released from the the halt o Prayer they're gonna realign the the border now actually a game oh there's there's a gate right there at the border there they're gonna that guy's got a tuning fork folks oh man you know what Jesus said about tuning forks yeah whoa this is what this is one powerful spiritual weapon I'm sure it's mentioned in Ephesians 6 with the armor of God you know you know the breastplate of righteousness the shield of faith the sword of the word and the tuning fork of this yeah it's in there it's got to be in there here he goes folks man can't you feel it the glory is gonna be released that the board is gonna be retuned here [Music] I'm ready the gates oh wow it vibrated the gates better do it again man better do it again [Music] check piers of the back the sound of entry is being realigned what on earth these people have lost their minds this is this has nothing to do with Christianity nothing this is just straight-up roll-your-own theology and smoke it's shamanism no more rebellious Cadence's allowed there they've retuned the gate you know it will have the order of the angelic of heaven Jesus love the tribal drum that just adds even more to the the the shamanism thing here four whole times man he did it four times we realigned the sound of the boundaries of the territory this is gobbledygook oh no I again it's that nuclear weapon of spiritual warfare the shofar is out folks so thanks Lord we stand together as Anglos as Germans and say Lord that the Covenant stay together as anglers and Germans the Mexican border I can't watch any more of this this is Looney Tunes cuckoo banana this has nothing to do with biblical Christianity at all unless of course you're talking about a fulfillment of what the Apostle Paul prophesied 2,000 years ago the coming of the lawless ones by the activity and the power of Satan with false signs and wonders and all wicked deception therefore God sends them a strong delusion I mean I don't this is like a 200 proof delusion here that they that they these people actually believe that they're doing the work of Jesus in something that he's commanded them to do and that somehow this is really socking it to the devil as they retune the border with a shofar in a tuning fork what a bunch of malarkey this is not biblical Christianity these people are not behaving as Christians and Chuck Pierce is not an apostle of Jesus Christ he's an apostle of nonsense sent by the devil himself under such a strong delusion that he does not even recognize that the absurdity of his actions are proof that the Holy Spirit did prophesy through the Apostle Paul and warned us about nonsense like this they need to repent and put all that nonsense away these false signs false wonders and their shamanism and get back to scripture and oh man I think you get the point hopefully you have you found this somewhat helpful I don't know how but hopefully you found this helpful if so share the video all the information on how to share it is down below and again don't forget to subscribe and like the video and ring the bell and of course if you'd like to support us so that we can keep bringing these types of resources to you all the information on how you can support us financially is down below in the description you can join our crew you can send in a one-time contribution you can become a patron on patreon those are the you know different ways in which you can support us and so until next time may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy one by Jesus Christ it is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins amen [Music]
Channel: Fighting for the Faith
Views: 15,317
Rating: 4.9226518 out of 5
Keywords: Chuck Pierce, Fighting for the faith, chris rosebrough, Pirate Productions, Pirate Christian radio, pirate christian media, alignment
Id: X99zYa0ekR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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