F-22 Raptor Vs NATO | Deep EWR Strike | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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thank you hey guys welcome back to another video uh today's video we're gonna be destroying an early warning Radar Site kind of think of this as like a red flag exercise we have an F-15 one o'clock at least one uh we're gonna have to kill him so we have to kill this ew site EWR site early warning radar and a bunch of NATO aircraft are going to be trying to you know protect it and the F-22 has got to get through and kill it that's the objective here today we have some f-15s which I'm locking up here uh they're coming over here F-15 radar obviously a threat so we're gonna have to kill these guys let's see if we can have some fun with this I'm gonna kill the wingman because here's the thing I gotta save my amrams and stuff I got to be as conservative as I can I don't know who I'm gonna run into on the way so we gotta kill this guy I'm gonna kill the wingman with uh an amram then I'm gonna try to notch the leader and then merge with the leader I don't know I might shoot the leader with an amram I haven't decided yet we'll figure it out okay we're about 12 miles uh fox 3 from here okay and we'll hit this Mountainside here in case we need the terrain mask but just changing aspect like this should break the f-15s lock on me uh I don't see an impact quite yet uh Splash one okay Splash one let's find that leader the idea here is to take out everybody who has a good enough radar to find the F-22 and kill them all first after these f-15s there's actually an a-wax nearby here's that F-15 right here I don't think he sees me I don't think he knows he's about to merge after I kill this guy I gotta go kill the a-wax before it gets on station I look at this guy he didn't even see me yeah now he saw me a little late now bro a little late now but as he flares that's fine I'm gonna go on Fox three because I want to get out of here so those flares are not going to help Splash 1 out of 15. thanks for playing bud all right let's get out of here give away my position again I already climbed too high I didn't want to be this high I'm being locked by uh that F-15 that just died that guy it's just his dead body locking me on the way down okay let's get out of here um before we get spotted there's a lot of smoke so if there's anybody nearby that would have seen that foreign [Music] oh look at this I was just thinking about these guys here they are that is a NATO E3 awax that a wax is about to it's trying to get on station he's gonna fly over to the early warning radar and set up camp over there and protect that position so I'm gonna kill him before he can do that and blind these guys even more take out their a-wax looks like he's got some escorts hold this fox 3 for me my dudes that should hit the a-wax theoretically Splash 1A wax foreign these guys don't even know where they got attacked from they're probably checking six they don't realize they came from directly underneath kill the escort wingman here fox 3 Four Mile separation and they haven't shot that tells you that they have no idea where they're getting shot from and splash and we got one more the leader here who is flaring hopefully he runs out of flare soon looks like you there you go he stopped flaring and I have tone where two miles and he's headed in this direction so Fox two [Music] and oh he fired something he fired a fox 3 with no track I think he just fired a blind he just mad dogged it and hope he could see something all right so that guy's dead we've taken out the f-15s we just took out they look like Griffins to me so two Griffin escorts are gone uh one NATO a-wax is gone so we've done a pretty good job here of blinding them for the most part we'll probably start pushing in over here there's a base on the there you can see the hangers and you can see the Tails of some c-17s and then on the runway you can actually see two guys take it off looks like f-15s they're trying to scramble two more f-15s so since they lost the last two I didn't learn so we're gonna teach them again I don't know how many times we got to tell these guys like I said no more f-15s there's two Fox threes in the air and splash one and splash two dead f-15s you can't let these guys fly man their radar is way too good got them right as they took off oh boy rough day to be those guys all right let's see if we reduce altitude and get out of here [Music] thank you okay well I should be pretty close now to the early warning radar uh it's in this general area we'll have to start flying that way but those guys got absolutely wrecked I think it's hilarious to kill guys as they take off still see the smoke plumes in the distance there if you ever want to find an F-22 that's all you have to do you just got to follow the uh dead bodies and the smoke plumes and we'll eventually find an F-22 okay search radar should be up ahead I have an F-14 ping on my radar on the rwr sorry is what I meant to say and then it went away so I'm not quite sure where they are there's some f-14s in this area that's all I know but the search radar is up ahead so we should be able to hit this guy maybe we can get out of here without the f-14s seeing us assuming they're in this area but they shouldn't be a major problem for me either way uh oh look at this there's two things flying over there and I think chances are quite high that those are two f-14s circling right above the early warning radar like they're just waiting here just in case like they're the last line of defense these guys I think that's okay but since I have to gun the early warning radar that makes me vulnerable I'm gonna have to kill these guys they're gonna have to die now yeah those are f-14s all right uh let's kill the wingman first they don't even have a clue you can just tell there's the Ping they're gonna have a lock tone now and fox 2. that's my last 9x I just fired at that guy uh he's breaking and flaring and he is Zed he's dead gotta Splash one thank you I thought that was gonna miss for a second I'm not gonna lie oh whoa oh that guy just fired a phoenix muscle and another one oh I don't I don't know if he sees me I wonder if he's just shooting Phoenix missiles around in circles what's going on here that's quite funny is he just shooting them blind hoping that they see something or maybe he sees me now finally or was he just trying to reduce weight I don't know you guys tell me but here he goes now I do have to gun him and I like I said I need my gun ammo so this when I do gun him it's gonna have to be very accurate he's climbing and he just jettisoned his missiles I think you can't even blame him really because those look like sparrows to me so good job getting rid of those Let's Line them up here got to be super accurate and dual engine fire thanks for playing bud all right so this F-14 those guys punched out but this thing is still flying definitely empty and there's a dual engine fire so the fact that it's still flying is pretty impressive and I just hit him like a bunch more times and he's still flying so okay I'm done with that guy it's all right he's empty he's gonna he'll eventually crash somewhere it's not my problem let's go get the early warning Radar Site I can't believe he's still flying all right here it is and we'll speed up a little bit come back around come down on it like vertically it'll make it easier to gun it I'm not trying to kill anything in there other than the early warning radar and if I can get this with the gun then it's mission complete and we had we came all the way in here and killed everybody in our way yeah okay it's dead got it nice that's it Mission successful the Raptor does it again man [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 226,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: Gfhtb69lfqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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