Experimental Advanced Dogfighters | Su-47 Berkut Vs YF-23 | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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good de good he good hey guys welcome back to another video today we're doing a dog fight between two experimental aircraft uh both of which never actually went into serial production we have the suco 47 baroot baroot however you want to say that and the yf-23 Black Widow 2 uh when it comes to the Black Widow they have two call signs people always get confused by this the black one is call sign spider the gray one is the Great Ghost and them together are the Black Widow to uh into the merch here looks like he wants to do a spliss so we'll follow that trying to get the jump on me there people don't often whip out the split us and the first merge wow look at that that was actually really close I got to be real careful of the Black Widow that thing's uh lifting body allows like decent AOA out of that thing so I got to be careful of it but the s47 is no pushover on a dog fight either super tight these turns I think the YF 23 will do pretty decent in fights like this cross my nose oh he really worked hard to you know fall away from my nose there you saw him kind of like swinging the Wings around he was trying to make sure he didn't fall in front of my wings or in front of my nose I should say um but we're continuing this you can see he's very comfortable in the one Circle fight with me uh again the y23 you just look at the body almost got me there he's got this wide body that provides very good lift and so it's very dangerous in a one Circle fight uh we got him here in the rate fight this is a two Circle fight NOS to [Music] tell I think maybe I can beat him here and I am becoming offensive so he will have to do something different here if he wants to stay alive and he does he's trying to change the fight around to a one Circle fight which he did pretty decently I'm kind of hesitant to pull him into the HUD there uh I probably could have but maybe I should have actually maybe we had the time and then this is not good I put the I put in incorrect lift Vector placement there I should have had the lift Vector on his high six and I had it in front of him which is what gave him the uh The Gunshot there I'm going to keep the lift Vector pointed at him here here nobody's coming over top this is actually not good yep saw that coming too little too late from me and he's got my six now and we're very damaged oh just trying not to hit the ground here he's back there [Music] the suco 47 itself a very good dog fighter with the forward swept Wings it had very very good maneuverability and subsonic speeds struggled a little bit in the higher speed regimes uh had some structural issues with the wings there uh into the merge here we'll go vertical and one Circle and once again you see the colors fading away this is the G effect the new g-lock uh gravity induced loss of consciousness uh effect that Ed has added which looks very good uh they said that they're going to add some audio things to go with it in the future cuz you should kind of I think it's a ringing noise that you should be hearing um so hopefully we can get something like that in the future kind of loss of audio uh will go a long way with the visual effect uh we got him in a vertical fight here he seems happy to be here I have to fix my track IR there and he he is actually trying to change the fight up a little bit lookss like he didn't love the vertical fight but that's okay cuz I don't have the air speed to continue it anyway and I think that's the same issue he ran into and you can see him very confident in forcing the one Circle fight every time can't blame him it worked well for him last time uh let's see if we can bring him in really close in these one Circle fights get it real tight here and then maybe I can squeeze him out in front oh wow not going to get much closer than that all right that was super close but we're still in this fight we got him in a one Circle roller here still pretty tight staying with them in these turns and there he goes underneath and we got him in a flat scissor now we've transitioned to a flat scissor cross my nose he's dead yes and there in lies the danger of the one Circle even though he's super good it look at this oh he's super slow almost hit him wow I almost crashed into the back of him there in the one Circle fight uh it's a little bit more dangerous because you know a small error and you're going to be a couple of degrees off and you might cross the other guy's nose and that's it snapshot opportunity [Music] all right we'll call this the last round cuz it is 1-1 so far and I feel like I kind of got lucky in the last round uh I got lucky that he crossed my nose and I didn't cross his uh it was a few degrees difference in either direction so uh we'll see how this one plays out we're going to see who's the superior aircraft cuz it's 1-1 we're not going to do even rounds it's three rounds total so let's see how it plays out we'll use the vertical again here thank you to all of you who have subbed by the way we're at 570,000 subscribers so that's uh quite the achievement here look at this that's the gr ghost version of the aircraft of the YF 23 Black Widow and I don't know I think the gray ghost is slightly better looking than the spider um but honestly I don't even feel confident saying that the black one is also really nice so I don't know the YF 23 is just a beautiful aircraft looks very futuristic right like if you saw that thing flying out of mars or something they told you it was a spaceship You' believe it it it kind of looks like that uh we're kind of in this downward spiral right now and it is getting Tighter and Tighter it should come to a conclusion here uh and it looks like I might cross his nose I got to be careful with this one he might cross my nose H little L on the guns there would have missed anyway where'd he go where'd he go oh he's back there how do you do that that was nice oh no oh no or hit that's not good Hydraulics failure Hydraulics failure I need that I need failure aircraft is pretty much un [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 73,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: L77L5AF8Zts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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