Ezekiel 38 and Turkey

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Ezekiel chapter 38 is where we're gonna be this morning while I was in Ohio I'm a little late coming in on this but Friday a week ago you know that the Turks had a coup attempt the Turkish military attempted to throw out the government that was in power there that is one of those things that is just huge it's huge and if you've if you've come to the prophecy updates you guys are pretty sophisticated as far as Biblical prophecy goes but you know that Turkey is mentioned in the Bible right and the turkey is mentioned in the Bible as an enemy of Israel right and that has not been the case for most of modern history in fact Turkey has been an ally of the United States and ally of Israel the in fact they've done military exercises together the Israelis routinely would go to Turkey for vacations it's one it's one of those kinds of relationship relationships and the guy who is in charge of Turkey right now the president Erewhon is is an Islamist and he's been moving Turkey towards Islam as a Islamization that's a hard word to say say that five times real fast and this whole thing with a the coup in Turkey is just huge biblically and I'm gonna explain some of that as we go on but basically when you when you look at where Turkey is supposed to be as far as the Bible goes and again I'll explain that as we get into it turkey is supposed to be an ally of Russia Turkey is supposed to be anti Israeli and / Turkey is supposed to be so anti Israeli that they will attack Israel and try to destroy the nation along with a specific group of other other nations so we're going to talk about that this morning so we're going to be reading in Ezekiel chapter 38 and I'm going to read the whole chapter so I'm not gonna make you stand up through that but Ezekiel chapter 38 if you'd turn there sorry in verse 1 it says now that word of the Lord came to me saying son of man set your face against GOG at the land of Magog the Prince of rosh Meshach and tubal and prophesy against him and say thus says the Lord God behold I am against you O GOG the Prince of rashmi sheykh and tubal I will turn you around put hooks into your jaws and lead you out with all your arming horses and horsemen all splendidly clothed a great company with buckler's and shields all of them handling swords Persia Ethiopia and Libya are with them all of them with shield and helmet Gomer and all its troops the house of togarmah from the far north and all its troops many people are with you prepare yourself and be ready you and all your companies that are gathered about you and be a guard for them after many days you will be visited in the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel which had long been desolate they were brought out of the nations and now all of them dwell safely you will ascend coming like a storm covering the land like a cloud you and all your troops and many peoples with you thus says the Lord God on that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind and you will make an evil plan you will say I will go up against the land of unwalled villages I will go to a peaceful people who dwell safely all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates to take plunder and to take booty to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited and against the people gathered from the nations who have acquired livestock and goods who dwell in the midst of the land she buddy Dan the merchants of Tarshish and all their young lions will say to you have you come to take plunder have you gathered your army to take booty to carry away silver and gold to take away livestock and goods to take great plunder therefore son of man prophesy and say to gog thus says the lord god on that day when my people israel dwelt safely will you not know it then you will come from your place out of the far north you and many peoples with you all of them riding on horse is a great company in a mighty army you will come up against my people israel like a cloud to cover the land it will be in the latter days that I will bring you against my land so that the nations know me when I am hallowed in you O GOG before their eyes thus says the Lord God are you he of whom I have spoken in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel who prophesied for years in those days that I would bring you against them and it will come to pass at that same time when God comes against the land of Israel says the Lord God that my fury will show in my face for in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath I have spoken surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel so that the fish of the sea the birds of the heavens the beasts of the field all creeping things that creep on the earth and all men who are on the face of the earth shall shake at my presence the mountains shall be thrown down the steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall to the ground I will call for a sword against GOG throughout all my mountains says the Lord God every man's sword will be against his brother and I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed I will rain down on him and on his troops and on the many peoples who were with him flooding rain great hailstones fire and brimstone thus I will magnify myself and sanctify myself and I will be known in the eyes of many nations then they shall know that I am the Lord let's pray and Jesus again we come before you and we have our Bibles open Lord we thank you that you're a God who speaks to us about the future you have spoken about the future in the far distant past and you've done it in ways that are just overwhelmingly intense and this is one of those passages Lord as we go through and talk about these things we pray that you just give us an excitement for your soon coming and Lord that we'd be about your business we're just about done here and Lord it's it's looking like you could come at any moment so Lord we just pray that you would bless the teaching of your work and that you do this all in Jesus name Amen ok here's a deal one of the one of the things that you have in this passage obviously it's a group of people a group of Nations that decide that they're going to come down and they're going to take Israel out they're coming to plunder Israel and the nations named but they're not named with modern geo political names like Russia or like Iran or things like that they're named with with the basically tribal names of the people who started these nations so Magog is a guy that's in the Bible he's mentioned in in Genesis chapter 10 Magog has a group of descendants that came after him and populated the area where he lived okay it's just like Israel Israel was the name of a guy Jacob he had his name changed to Israel and then his sons become the twelve tribes of Israel and that becomes the nation Israel as we know it right okay so same thing the Bible doesn't name people by geographical locations it names people by their tribal groups and so Gog or excuse me Magog Rosh Meshach and tubal when you go through and you you look at these names and I'm not gonna get into a whole big study of this of this stuff but when you look at these names you can go back in history and you can find out where these people lived now some of the people lived in certain areas and have never left those areas so Ethiopia for example is called cush in the King James Version that's the area of northern Ethiopia the Sudan all of the Sudan and southern Egypt ok put is the King Jimmy for the old King James for Libya my translation has Libya now and put is Libya and that group of people's stayed in that area you have some differences though with these other groups of people so for example Meshech tubal rosh as a possibility also it means chief but rosh is a possibility but specifically may God make OGG is identified as being the Citians the Citians were a group of people who live just north of what's called the Caspian Sea if you if you remember your geography you have the Mediterranean right here you have Greece sitting right here you have Turkey sitting right here and there's an there's a sea right above Turkey you got maps in the back of your Bible you can look at it in case you didn't pay attention in geography class you should have been paying attention okay and so north of the Caspian Sea were the Citians the Citians migrated north that because they're they that group of people has been living in the far north above Israel from that point it's the Russians and so when you're talking about Magog and you're talking about Misha can you're talking about tubal you are either talking about the Russians or you're talking about the stands in southern Russia Kazakhstan and in those kinds of places you are talking about the Russian nation at that point when you get to Persia Persia is the ancient name for Iran okay and so iran's in the news all the time and now they're in the news since I got out of high school when I was in high school Iran was a US ally they were also allied with Israel when I was in high school when the Islamists took over they became anti Israel anti US and now they are pro-russian in fact the Russians are helping them mount that with their military as we speak they are helping them out with with their nuclear capabilities as we speak they're most likely helping them out with nuclear weapons as we speak I understand that Obama stopped all that with a piece of paper yeah in any case Iran and Russia are aligned militarily in fact there they're running military actions in Syria right now and what's interesting about that is Russia hasn't been in the Middle East for over 40 years and now they're back in they're back with a vengeance and they they want to make themselves known it talks about in this passage Ethiopia and I already talked to you about Ethiopia that is the Sudan northern Ethiopia and also southern Egypt put or Libya is Libya what's interesting about these nations is Ethiopia back again in the 70s had a chance to elect a Christian as their president they refused to do that they went with a leftist because of that they had a civil war that civil war caused them to have famine for the next decade and literally thousands upon thousands of Ethiopians are dead because of political choices that these people made in the 70s okay and so what they saw was I was a clear difference you can have a leftist or you can have a believer and they chose the leftist we're pretty much in the same position right now we have we have had a number of elections that have been taking place over the last you know 15 16 years or so in which the American electorate has been moving to the left and we have consistently taken biblical morality and tossed it out not we in the sense of we here at Calvary Chapel obviously but as a nation we've been doing this kind of stuff and now we're in a situation where we've got a guy who for the last year and a half has been telling me how awesome he is and I get to choose between that dude or some lady who's absolutely corrupt and should be in jail and so half the electorate is going for the guy who thinks he's awesome and half the electorate is going for the lady who should be in jail and that's where the United States is at this point that frightens the snot out of me that's the scariest thing about this whole thing I don't care what you're doing with you with the election obviously we should be voting and that kind of stuff that scares the snot out of me because that's a that's a temperature gauge on where the American people are at scary biblical stuff because of some things that are gonna be going on later on in this passage then you have Gomer and Gomer is a little bit harder to identify that was another group of people that were north of Turkey and they moved into Eastern Europe possibly the Balkans and that's interesting because that area is Muslim also and then finally you have the house of togarmah and the Turks and the Armenians the Georgians have all called themselves the house of togarmah for millennia that's who's identified there and so when you're talking about Turkey the house of togarmah is Turkey so it's being spoken about and in this passage it says Turkey has to be aligned with Russia and they have to be ant Israel that a few years ago was a big hurdle to get to with Biblical prophecy because turkey is a NATO ally Turkey has the second largest military in NATO after the United States Turkey has a base on it that is a United States base that houses over 50 nuclear weapons they were on the front lines with Russia and they were solidly behind the United States and then you have this coup now one of the things that happens in in Turkey routinely turkey came out of what was called the Ottoman Empire the Turkish Empire all these nations that are mentioned in this passage except for Magog all of these nations were under Turkish control up until the up until the 19th century and then in World War 1 those nations were taken away from them and Turkey became the nation that we see at this point where it's confined to this one area so Israel all the Middle East all of northern Africa up into Eastern Europe was Turkish territory up until World War one and then everything gets changed what one of the things that's been happening since oh I think it was about 2002 when an airline got elected he got elected in a party in a Turkish party that's Islamic and basically he has been promising Islamic reforms and it's exactly what he's been doing he has been replacing generals in the military he has been replacing judges in the judiciary he has been in getting his feelers into the educational system that kind of stuff and what his goal is is to islamís eyes the Turkish Republic and that's what he's been going for when they when the Arab Spring came along many analysts believe that erawan wanted to be involved in the is in the Arab Spring and become the leader of Syria Egypt Libya all these places that got into an uproar during the Islamic Spring and he wanted to be the leader of that group of Nations he's looking to reinstate the Turkish Empire is the point that's what he was that's what he was looking to historically Turkey has been a secular government and this is what that means when we think of a secular government we think not so good because secular forces in the United States usually are anti-god antemer allottee that's what they usually are and so when we think of secular a secular government we think of people who pick on Christians who want to kill babies who want to you know who just want to do all this awful stuff when the Turks are talking about a secular government well let me do this too many times people college professors and the media will take and take the Islamization of nation and compare that with Christians being in power in the United States here is the difference when a Christians in power in the United States we have this thing called the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus said if your enemy hits you on one cheek you turn the other cheek to him also you do good to your enemies you make sure that you take care of the poor you bless those who curse you and you pray for those who spitefully use you that's Christianity that's Christianity when you are Islamic and you take it seriously if anybody takes Islamic territory and this is one of the reasons that you have this uproar in the Middle East the Islamics come in and they conquer Christian territory specifically Byzantine Christian territory once they conquer that territory in the Koran it stated that if that territory is ever lost that the islamics have a duty to continue warfare until they recover the territory they don't go backwards okay so that's one thing another thing is if you have people of other faiths in as an Islamic territory they have a couple of situations that you can do with them one of them is you can persecute to persecute them and kill them until they're all gone that's an option in Islam and that's one of the things that you see happening right now with Isis in Iraq and in Syria those places have been depopulated of Christian populations specifically because they're killing them and driving them out and it's in the Koran they're doing what their Bible says okay and then secondly if you want to leave them and leave them alone if they're willing to live under you and they don't want to convert to Islam you can tax them there is an Islamic tax this is how it works you walk it I mean I'm an Islamic I walk into a Christians house I take anything I want and walk out with it it's an Islamic tax and it's in the Koran and so you know when you're talking about the difference between Christianity and Islam and people like to call Islam a religion of peace read the Koran you know Muhammad went through and literally slaughtered wipe wiped out whole populations of Jews and Christians because they ticked him off and he used the Koran as an excuse for it and it just continues to this day and again if anybody was in office and started killing somebody off in art in in the United States in the name of Christianity you know who the first group of people would be to rise up against him Christians and you don't have the the same situation it so you have a situation now in Turkey where there's always been this tension between the Islamics and the secular Turks and now that tension has broken towards the Islamic Turks this is an article by a and Islamic you know what I don't know appeasing Salaam ik he's a reporter in Turkey his name is name is can done dar and his article is titled this is the biggest witch-hunt in Turkey's history the coup attempt took place on a Friday night by Sunday evening list of 73 journalists to be arrested had been leaked by a pro-government social media account my name was at the top within three days 20 new portals were inaccessible licenses of 24 news and radio stations canceled made and newspaper was Radin rated and it's two editors detained they were released 24 hours later yesterday the journalist Orhan Kemal sengh is also on the list was arrested at the airport with his wife it's all most impossible to hear dissident voices now in a media already largely controlled by the government the European Convention on Human Rights has been suspended until further notice the cloud of fear hangs over the country so last week's attempted coup he goes on to say is only the latest example of a centuries-old oscillation but it is also shaping up to be one of the worst during the attempt on 15th of July the crowds answered hourly calls from mosques they yelled Allahu Akbar while lynching soldiers they flew Turkish flags and the green flags of Islam and shouted we want executions lists of all sorts of dissenters not just journalists circulated immediately nearly 60,000 people including 10,000 police officers 3,000 judges and prosecutors more than 15,000 educationists and the university Dean's all the university deans in the country have either been detained or fired and the numbers are growing daily torture bans since the military coup of 1980 has resurfaced a campaign has been launched to revive the death penalty which was abolished in 2002 it is the biggest witch hunt in the history of the Republic he goes on to say this what does this mean along with a state of emergency this means that legislative authority will shortly be neutralized on a grand scale and redirected towards executive authority access to fair trial will be obstructed and greater restrictions on the media will be imposed erawan has already declared that if Parliament decides in favor of the death penalty he'll approve it if he is not bluffing this may cause a total rift with the European family from which Turkey already feels excluded for reasons we still can't understand the soldiers who attempted to seize control on Friday night blocked only the road heading from Asia into Europe Passage to Russia Saudi Arabia Qatar and Iran was unhampered I find the decision symbolic for Turkey now appears to be trapped in Asia the door to Europe is closing and this is what he's talking about Turkey has wanted to be in the European Union for decades the European Union doesn't really like Turkey a whole lot because they have history the Turks invaded Europe and took part of Eastern Europe so they've got problems with that whole thing along with that they have problems with with Islamic nations and some of the human rights abuses that the Turks had and that kind of stuff and so that secular Turks have been trying to move towards Western Europe as soon as erawan gotten office and basically he released the mosques to say whatever they want it's been going more towards Islam and so there is an anti Europe selling sentiment specifically an anti-american sentiment and in in Turkey and we have a base there with over 50 nuclear weapons in it and the the commander of the base was involved in the coup the Turks said and they took him out and they took out the top officers in in that base and so basically what the Bible teaches is that Turkey has to be anti-israel and pro-russian okay the Turks have had problems with Russia for a long time they become more and more anti-israel and they're in a position actually erawan is in a position to make his country just an Islamic Republic now and it looks like that's the way that he's going and so thank you Ron and think Libya and think you know think those kinds of nations that kind of dictatorship and that's where this guy wants to go he now has closed the door to Europe in the sense that Europe won't go along with that so he's got only one direction to go and that's towards Russia that's towards Russia that's towards Iran that's the point that this article is making right here so the next thing that you can watch for in the newspapers is Turkey cozying up to Russia okay so we just watch for that because it's coming let's go on in the passage verse 8 it says after many days you will be visited in the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people in the mountains of Israel which had long been desolate they were brought out of the nations and now all of them dwell safely now with that we're talking about Israel and there are people that I know who have looked at this passage and said that this was fulfilled in ancient times and basically this is this is the way that Israeli history goes that that involves this whole thing Ezekiel was a captive in Babylon at the time that he was writing this they were in Babylon for 70 years after 70 years they got to come back from Babylon go back into their nation and so some commentators think that this is a description of them being able to come back into their nation and having various wars that took place after that this war has never taken place it's never taken place historically these people have never attacked Israel okay so it hasn't happened yet in this passage it says the nation that's long been desolate long been desolate now 70 years may seem a long time in the history of a person's life but it's certainly not long in the history of the nation 1800 1900 years is a long time though and so Israel after its rejection of Jesus ended up being chased out of the Land of Israel in 70 AD and they were gone out of the land until the early late 1800s Early 1900s and when they came back to the land the land was desolate like the Bible talks about swamps and deserts and the place was a mess literally Israeli the Jews would come in and buy swampland from the Arabs that were living there and the Arabs would laugh at them until the Israelis converted it into farmland okay and so that's a description of something that had been taking place for a long time and now they are in the land dwelling safely I'm gonna talk a little bit more about that in a minute it says you will ascend coming like a storm covering the land like a cloud you and all your troops and many people's with you thus says the Lord God on that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind and you will make an evil plan you will say I'll go up against the land of unwalled villages I will go to a peaceful people who dwell safely all of them dwelling without walls and having either bars nor gates do you know that unwalled villages are a pretty recent development in human history for most of human history even in America if you built a village you put a wall around it and it was like that in the Middle Ages it was like that during the times it was like in like that in ancient times unwalled villages are only something that have been popular and been the norm for about the last 200 years it's another marker of when this event is going to take place when the Israelis came back from Babylon they walled their villages they walled the city of Jerusalem that's what the book of Nehemiah is about it goes on to say I will go to a people people who dwell safely see that word safely it's used 42 times in in the Old Testament seven times it means confidently five times it means carelessly it can be a translation of a word that means false security it's that kind of thing and one of the things that you have with Israel is they are surrounded by large groups of Muslims who would like to wipe them off the map but they think that their army is pretty hot stuff in fact I was talking to an Israeli guy in the military this one time and he said yes we buy f-16s from the United States and then we improve them you know it's that kind of attitude they've had some pretty miraculous things take place in their country in warfare and I believe that God has been helping them out they believe that they're just hot stuff that word safely there is a word that is used in judges chapter 8 verse 11 in that passage is talking about Gideon fighting against some of the enemies of Israel and says Gideon went up by the road of those who dwell in tents on the east of Noba and jog Baja and he attacked the army while the camp felt secure it's the same word and so this is a group of people who feel secure and these armies come down against them verse 12 it says to take plunder and to take booty to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited and against the people gathered from the nations who have acquired livestock and goods who dwell in the midst of the land now when I was a young Christian and this was back in in the 70s and in the 80s this was a difficult passage because coming down to Israel to take booty was well you know to take plunder and stuff like that was something that it didn't look like worked because Israel was a nation that didn't have a whole lot it's the size of New Jersey and its major export was fruit and flowers and so back in those days when you went to Europe if you got any fruit in Europe it was from Israel bananas they grow bananas in Israel there's a tropical climate in some parts of Israel and they've grew flowers and so maybe the booty was flowers maybe Russia you know I had some need for some fruit or something that doesn't really work out and so I've heard guys come up with other things Israel is a highly technological society they like to diversify and so maybe there's some technology that Russia wanted to come down and get and so that's a possibility but I can't really think of anything and some of the technology that they've used is pretty interesting they've taken they just use everything anything that they've got they use it so they've got the Dead Sea it's covered it's filled with salt that's why it's the Dead Sea nothing can live in it and they've done some experiments with solar power on the Dead Sea and and some other things it's pretty interesting stuff and so I've heard guys say well maybe they're coming down for their dead seat technology also at the Dead Sea they make cosmetics and so there's some creams and stuff that's actually some of you ladies probably use that have that has come from the Dead Sea so Russia's coming down to take a plunder flowers fruit cosmetics until modern times Israel has some serious gas this is from oil and gas 360 this is a this is a this is a magazine for investors okay may 26 2016 since 2009 Israel has been one on a hot streak of discovery sending 15 miles off the Mediterranean coast of Israel lies a vast resource resource of natural gas fields beginning with the tamar natural gas field in 2009 continuing with the leviathan field in 2011 the ton in field in 2012 the karush field in 2013 the most recent Daniel field in 2016 a country that once reported natural gas reserves equivalent to the number of glaciers in Kenya now finds themselves with an abundance of reserves the Tamar field is now averaging production in the realm of 1.2 billion cubic feet per day the Leviathan field is expected to come online in 2019 pending any hiccups and development so what's so interesting about this gas is money in in the area of Europe in the Middle East Russia's major export is gas its major export partner is Europe Israel has come up with this huge gas field and they're talking about supplying gas to Europe the reason that Russia would not want that to happen is because Russia has Europe basically by the neck any time Europe does things that Putin doesn't like he threatens to cut off the gas and if they have the ability to go to Israel for gas they don't need Russia anymore his really here's the other thing these gas fields two of them specifically the Leviathan and the Tamar gas field reach from the coast of Israel all up all the way up to an island called Cypress Cypress has two populations one population is Turk and the other population is Greek the United Nations and every nation on the planet do not recognize the Turkish popular Koosh population as being a state itself Turkey does obviously and Turkey the the nation of Cyprus is going in with Israel to develop the gas field Turkey would like to be involved in that whole thing because they have they have an interest in Cyprus they have an interest in natural and there's been this whole thing between the Turks and the Greeks but it's not the Turkish Cypriots that are being involved in this it's the Greek Cypriots which causes problems between Turkey and Cyprus and Israel over gas gas is something you could go for to plunder right here's another one potentially game-changing oil reserves discovered in Israel this is a October of last year after Israel complained for years that it was surrounded by a little oil-rich States but didn't have a drop within its own borders it appears there's a big time turnaround with the announcement Wednesday that massive oil reserves have been located in the Golan Heights close to the country's border with Syria we are talking about estrada which is 350 meters thick and what is important is the thickness and the porosity the company's chief geologist explained on average in the world strata are 20 to 30 meters thick so this is ten times as large as that so we're talking about significant quantities the important thing to know is to know the oil is in the rock and that's what we now know so not only do they have gas now they have a huge oil reserve at this point hasn't been developed yet but they're in the in the course of doing that Dead Sea oil reserve reservoir entirely within Israel says company this is from may 8th 2016 Israeli business that will drill the site which reportedly contains new Israeli shekel 1 to 1.2 billion new Israeli shekels black gold denies Arab media reports that license lies within Palestinian territory and I didn't put the whole article in there because you get it from what's stated there they found oil on the Dead Sea and the the Jordanians and the Palestinians are arguing with Israel over where that oil goes so now Israel has oil and they have huge reserves of natural gas is there something to plunder now yeah and that's all been with that's all been since 2009 since 2009 2009 what happened was the Arab Spring took place Egypt the the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt took power and as soon as they got their president in power they cut gas supplies to Israel Egypt had been supplying Israel with natural gas within three months they made this major find of natural gas and actually they had already made the major find within three months after they cut off supplies from Egypt they had natural gas coming from their own reserves thank God might be involved with that at that point so there is plunder in hell there's a reason to go down and try to get these guys verse 13 it says Sheba deed and the merchants of Tarshish and all their young lions will say to you have you come to take plunder have you gathered your army to take booty to carry away silver and gold to take away livestock and goods to take great plunder so you have this group of nations that are asking a question and that's all they do have you come to take a plunder and it looks like it's a diplomatic protest Sheba indeed and we know who that group of people is that's Saudi Arabia those those people groups have been in Saudi Arabia historically and they've stayed there that's Saudi Arabia Tarshish is interesting Tarshish all we know about Tarshish from the Bible is that it's as far away from Nineveh as Jonah could get when God told Jonah to go to Nineveh Jonah went the opposite direction and went to Tarshish which was as far away as he could get there have been all kinds of ideas about where Tarshish might be one of them is Sardinia off the coast of Italy one of them is Spain but when you go through the Bible and actually when you go through ancient history Tarshish is known specifically for 10 and Spain doesn't have 10 I don't know about Sardinia but there isn't there is a nation that does have 10 that's Great Britain and not too long ago they found our key ally digs at an archaeological site and they found an ancient port in Cornwall in Britain it's in it's in Wales and it is a site of a tin mine actually that the whole area is a site for tin in fact the last tin in Great Britain just closed in 2004 they've been going since about 3000 BC and they just closed in 2004 and so there's a good possibility that Daddy is what Tarshish is in fact the Greeks called Tarshish the islands of ten I don't know if you've seen a map of Spain that Spain is not an island but Great Britain is and so there's a possibility that that Tarshish there is talking about Great Britain and so if Tarshish is Great Britain you have Saudi Arabia the merchants of Great Britain and all their young lions their young lions would be the Young Lions of Tarshish and it's interesting that lot the lion is the British animal you know you see him on the you've seen that right the Young Lions of Tarshish if Tarshish is Great Britain then they're young lines would be British colonies so that would be Australia and Canada and the United States and what you have there is a diplomatic rebuke and nothing else so one of the things that you have in this passage is that Israel is attacked by these nations and no one comes to their aid no one helps them and that speaks about other events that need to be taking place Great Britain has been an ally of Israel the United States have been not a great ally but they have been the United States has been an ally of Israel the United States has been the most staunch ally of Israel how are we doing on that front and it's getting worse and worse and so we have to have a situation when this battle takes place where the only thing that the United States will do is give a diplomatic protests are we there yeah in that interesting and it looks like it gets worse that by the way can be kind of a give you kind of a clue as to where the elections may go we can't have a United States that will back Israel it says therefore Son of Man verse fourteen prophesy and say to God thus says the Lord God on that day when my people Israel dwell safely will you not know it then you will come from your place out of the far north you and many peoples with you all of them riding on horses a great company in a mighty arm by the arm you see that word for horses this is where I wanted to get into another thing with this because it's that amount of horses and it's talking about bows and arrows them come on Steve well they're you know they're riding on horses what are you talking about did you know that the word for horse and Hebrew is not the word for horse is not the word horse it's the word leaper and so when you when you look at English when I say horse what I mean is horse and you get a picture in your mind and that's all there is to it it's just horse when I say leaper what comes to mind and what comes to mind could be anything it could be you know he said grasshopper it could be all kinds of stuff right and so in the Bible the word that's translated horse here is also translated swallow talking about the bird in Ezekiel or excuse me in Jeremiah chapter eight verse seven and in Isaiah 38 verse 14 so what I'm telling you is that Hebrew is a vague language so when the term for horse is used here in Hebrew it just means leaper and so you have soldiers on leapers is what you have in this passage in 16 in the 1600s when the King James was written a soldier on a leaper would be a soldier on a horse right but we're not in the 1600s when we're in the 21st century so a soldier on a leaper is what now and I don't know what it could be it could you know tank was mentioned it could be armoured personnel carriers it could be helicopters it could be we have all kinds of ways that we transport troops back in those days it was one horses in these days it's on a number of different things that could all be called leapers right the word first sword in that in this passage when I say sword you get a mental picture right when you say sword in Hebrew it literally means weapon for laying waste and so in the 1600s it could be a sword that's what they had back then but now 21st century what's a weapon for laying waste yeah it could be a machine gun you know it could be it could just be your rifle it could be pistols it could be RPGs it could it could be any number of handheld weapons and there are weapons for laying waste and they do a really good job of it don't they right when you and you can you can do the same thing over in chapter 39 verse 3 I'll knock the bow out of your left hand and cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand guess what bow doesn't mean in Hebrew bow what it means is launcher it literally says I'll knock the launcher out of your left hand and cause the arrows guess what arrows doesn't mean in Hebrew yeah doesn't mean arrows it's a word that means piercer and it comes from the word for Thunderbolt so I'm going to knock the launchers out of your hand that have piercers that come in like Thunderbolts is literally what that says in Hebrew so again what could that be and you can be talking RPGs you can be talking missiles you can be talking you can be be talking tanks with the armor-piercing rounds you can be talking all kinds of stuff with that with that stuff and lots of people don't know that about this passage it goes on verse 17 and says thus says the Lord God are you he of whom I have spoken in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel verse 18 it'll come to pass at that time says the Lord when God comes against the Land of Israel that my fury will show in my face for in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath I have spoken surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel and then it talks about verse 21 I will call for a sword against GOG throughout all my mountains in verse 22 I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed I'll rain down on him on his troops and on the many peoples who are with him flooding rain great hailstones fire and brimstone so these guys are destroyed by a great earthquake fire and brimstone falling from heaven with flooding rain and hail stones okay that could be a just just a natural judgment okay so so you have an example of this was Sodom and Gomorrah fire and brimstone come down out of heaven right but most times when God was gonna judge a nation he used other nations God in Ezekiel judges the nation of Judah and what he judges the nation of Judah WA with is the Babylonian army early on he judged Israel with the Assyrian army he says that he's going to judge Babylon and these other places with other armies and so most often when God is bringing down judgment on a nation it's with an army you know something like that so do we have armies that can rain down fire and brimstone on other countries another name yeah since 1945 we've had that guess what one of the side effects of a nuclear explosion is flooding rain in great hailstones did you know that you set up a nuclear weapon there's any water in the atmosphere you get flooding rain and you get hailstones when that happens and I don't know that that's how this happens how this takes place in any event what happens when Israel is attacked God in some way protects them specifically with fire and brimstone but he in some way protects them in a way that they know that it was God and only God that took these armies out that's what you have their first verse chapter 39 you sent a man prophesy against Gog and say thus says the Lord God behold I'm against you O GOG prince of rosh Meshach and tubal and I'll turn you around and lead you on bring you up from the far north and bring you against the mountains of Israel talks about God putting a hook into the mouth of Gog and making them come down so that he can judge them I'll knock the bow out of your left hand verse 3 and cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand and you shall fall upon the mountains of Israel you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you I will give you the birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured you shall fall on the open field for I have spoken says the Lord God and watch this verse 6 and I will send fire on Meg well didn't he just say that and what he's talking about here is not only on the armies that are on the mountains of Israel he's gonna is he's sending down fire and brimstone he's gonna send down the fire and brimstone on their homeland and he's going to destroy them to look at the next phrase and on those who live in security in the coastlands that's a Jewish idiom for Gentile occupied areas the Jews in the Old Testament classified themselves as the people of God the Jews and everybody else's Gentiles so not as only as GOG being taken out in this conflagration the the lands of the Gentiles are taken out in this conflagration so it's a pretty big war I will make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel and will not let them profane my holy name any more than the nations shall know that I am the Lord the Holy One in Israel surely it is coming and it shall be done says the Lord God this is the day of which I have spoken and those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons both the shields buckler's bows arrows javelin Spears and they won't make fires with them for seven years by the way a buckler was a small shield that covered the body do we got that we have shields on soldiers that cover their body yeah check this up would in warfare this is one of those problems because verse 9 it says then those who dwell in the cities of Israel go on set on fire and burn the weapons both the shields and buckler's the bows and arrows the javelins and spears and they will make fires with them for seven years so they use these weapons as fuel wood in warfare Doug Gardner from the University of Maine's advance wood engineering composites Center adds that ten percent of Nano cellulose into a composite material provides a 70 percent increase in property effectiveness Gardner is working with the US Army to apply this material to vehicle parts theater base building materials and battlefield protection for military personnel recently Gardner's team discovered that Nano cellulose also enhances the impact strength of composite cereals motor vehicles boats aircraft there's future potential to make the large parts and the small gun stocks sightings optics anything that will make weapons lighter and more durable and what they're talking about is they're taking wood cellulose and they're combining them in composites that they can use used to make weapons and transportation vehicles okay and that interesting this is a tent that is having a bomb go off next to an explosion next to it it's made of nano cellulose and its armor protecting guys from explosions outside their tent of all things Russians develop flexible materials stronger than steel nano cellulose it's a highly versatile material it can be used for anything from production of body armor and flexible screens to incredibly fuel-efficient cars nano cellulose is a unique material it's superior to stainless steel and strength while its unique properties allow for its use in many areas for example companies intend to use nano cellulose produced by the new method developed in perm from manufacturing ultralight and ultra strong materials additionally this material can be used for super flexible screens bulletproof vests and other armored products and there's a picture of this material and what they're doing is they're taking basically cellulose from wood and there they're breaking it up into its fibers and using that instead of graphite or yeah carbon carbon materials in this stuff wood apparently is stronger than these materials here's another thing when I went to look at that obviously you can make things out of wood and you can make them into some kind of composite material will it burn and this is a an article from reinforced plastics vol.60 beyond carbon fiber what will be the fibers of choice for future composites so london's fibres and so this is an excerpt from the article could become a viable alternative to fibers which are not derived from the biosphere the advantages are clear these fibers are burnable so at the end of their life cycle they can simply be burnt together with the resin they were laminated with and it's a renewable source of material Lundell adds even if you burn it its carbon will be used to form new trees so it's a closed-loop if you combine these fibers with biodegradable resin you can even get a biodegradable composite so now we're talking about making trucks and tanks and an armor and and bulletproof vests and car parts and all this stuff out of composites made of wood out of wood one of the interesting things about this passage in Ezekiel is you know you can get a pile of sticks which are essentially essentially arrows and little branches which are things like javelins and Spears and that kind of stuff you can you can get a pile of those are you gonna be able to burn them for seven years for a whole nation here's another thing there's this armored American tanks are more well armored than Russian tanks and one of the things that the Russians went to was using high explosive on the outside of their tanks to protect their armor what happens when you when you fire a projectile at a tank usually there are their armor-piercing rounds and so they use depleted uranium and all kinds of different stuff to get on the inside of the tank to blow up the crews on the and actually burn them alive on the inside and so what the Russians came up with was this idea where you take two two plates of armor and on the inside of those two plates of armor you put high-explosive and when they now have systems where they have radar and when they have an incoming round the radar will blow up this high explosive on the outside of the tank and cause the round to not be effective in piercing the tank and so the tank will be pretty dank can take the explosion of the high explosive on the outside because it's not focused but it will stop these incoming rounds it's called ara every tank every personnel carrier that the Russians have in the Russian Arsenal including including t-72s which are called t-90s now and and i think it was t 55 those do those all these tanks that have been given to the Arab countries that the Russians are involved with are covered with this stuff and guess what you can do with high explosives you can use it for fuel and so again something that you know the Bible says that is going to end up coming to pass 10 verse 10 it says they will not take wood from the field or cut down any from trees because it will make fires with the weapons verse 11 ish will come to pass in that day that i will give GOG a burial place there in israel and the valley of those who pass by east of the sea and it will obstruct travelers because they will bury gog and all his multitude therefore they will call it the valley of the multitude of god literally Haman Gog for seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land indeed all the people of the land will be bearing and they will gain renowned for it in the day that I'm glorified says the Lord God they will set apart men regularly employed with the help of a search party to pass through the land and bury those bodies remaining on the ground in order to cleanse it at the end of seven months they will make a search the search party will pass through the land and when anyone sees a man's bone he shall set up a marker by it till the barriers have buried it in the valley of Haman gog and the name of the city will also be be hamona thus they shall cleanse the land and it's talking about the destruction of these armies and what they do with the bodies and what they do with the bodies it's take them and bury them downwind on the east side of the Dead Sea that's Jordanian territory it's another indication one of the things that the Bible indicates is that some Jews leave the Land of Israel when they're fleeing from the Antichrist and the tribulation and they go to Jordan and so there's got to be a connection between Jordan and Israel they bury these armies on the east side of the Dead Sea in Jordanian territory which by the way is downwind from Israel in other words the wind is blowing anything that would come off this graveyard away from the nation of Israel when they collect these bodies they don't collect the bodies themselves they had guys specifically employed to go and get them you see a body you see a bone you go stick a marker buy it and then the guys who are employed to come and bury the bodies come and do that whole thing now I don't know why they do that maybe it's like Hanford I'm told that it Hanford you know if you if you have to take a piece of wood and stick it on something you have to call for the carpenter and wait for the carpenter going to get there and you're not allowed to touch the wood because you're not a wood guy or you're not electrician guy or you're not this guy or not not that guy and so I've heard guys complain about how work gets stopped maybe it's that kind of maybe it's a union thing how about this maybe it's a nuclear thing maybe it's a contamination thing because that's what you do with contaminated bodies you have guys who specifically know how to handle the materials and how to get them put away and that's exactly again what they do let's finish it up with this first twenty one I will set my glory among the nations all the nations shall see my judgment which I have executed my hand which I have laid on them that's the number one reason that God gets for doing this thing all the nations are going to know that I am real that's why God puts Israel in a place where they are alone so that only he can save them this is not something that they're going to be able to attribute to themselves this is not something that they're going to be able to attribute to the United States or any other ally it's gonna be something that they attribute to God did you know that most Jews are atheists and they are atheist I'm talking about in Israel they are atheist in Israel because of the Holocaust in World War two they don't believe that God was with them and so if God wasn't with them then he's not worth believing in and so most Israelis are atheists God is going to take that and turn around it's gonna be the first thing he uses this for is to show them that he's real secondly so the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day forward and so not only is he going to show his glory to the nation's he's going to show it to the house of Israel like we were just discussing thirdly the Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity because they were unfaithful to me therefore I hid my face from them and I gave them into the hand of their enemies and they all fell by the sword why did World War two happen right there why did the pogroms in the Middle Ages happen right there why did the persecution by the the Romans happen right there because they were unfaithful to the Lord and what certain sects of the church have done is they've taken the Jewish issue and said that God has abandoned the Jews and he's never going back to them because they decided to abandon Jesus God's abandoned them and so Jews as a nation are never gonna become believers again that is not what the Bible says Romans 11 is really clear on the fact that God brings the Jews back in the last days he deals primarily with the Gentiles for a period of time but then he turns it a ride around and goes right back to the Jews and this is how he starts it with a war and he protects them and he delivers them he saves these people and they know that it's him that does this whole thing and the Gentiles know that yeah he abandoned them but he's back and he's coming after the people who went after them look down in verse 27 when I brought them back from the peoples and gathered them out of there in the enemies lands and I'm held in the in them and the sight of many nations then they shall know that I am the Lord their God who sent them into captivity among the nations but also brought them back to their land and left none of them captive any longer and I will not hide my face from them any more for I shall have poured out my spirit on the house of Israel says the Lord God where's the Spirit of God being poured out now on the church on the church this is on the house of Israel the house of Israel is not the church and so there's coming a period of time when God is going to turn and he's going to begin to focus in on the people of Israel and he's going to pour his spirit out on them and that's where some of the major passages of the Holy Spirit being poured out on the Jews you find in in the Old Testament here's the upshot of this whole thing let me let me give you a little scenario actually how long are they burning these weapons how long the tribulation I think frankly that it would be kind of weird if this battle happened at the end of the Tribulation Period and for the next seven years during the Millennium they were using busted up tanks for fuel I think that's weird I think during the tribulation I think that's totally possible I think seven years has mentioned for a reason there is an event that looks like it coincides with this battle right here and that event is the coming of Jesus for the church and let me just give you a short rundown on this stuff Jesus actually Jesus wouldn't when he described the coming for the church he said going to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place I'm going to come again and receive you to myself that where I am you may be also it's one of the last things that he said to his disciples in another passage talking about the same event it says that Jesus comes down and he brings those who have died in Christ he brings a spirit of those who have died in Christ and their bodies are resurrected and so the dead in Christ rise first then it says and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and thus we shall ever be with the Lord therefore comfort one another with these words so that's the rapture that's the resurrection something that's taught throughout scripture right the very next passage goes on to say that the day of the Lord you know that the day of the Lord count so comes as a thief in the night and when they say peace and safety and he's talking about the people who are left when they say peace and safety sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they will not escape and then it goes on to say that were delivered from that wrath we don't go through that wrath there's a passage in Matthew chapter 24 where Jesus again one of the last things that he said to the disciples he's talking to these guys and he says to them but if that evil servant says in his heart my Lord is delaying his coming and begins to eat and drink with the drunkards and to beat his fellow servants I'm gonna come to him on a day that he's not aware of and come to him at a time that he doesn't know and I'm going to cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth Jesus when he was describing the the rapture or the resurrection in Luke 17 he said it's going to be like the days of Noah says it's gonna be like the days of lot and he said just like Noah they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage the day that that flood came and destroyed them all Noah was raised up above the flood and all the rest of these people were left to perish in the flood he said it's gonna be like the days of Noah in other words business as usual until it all breaks loose it's gonna be like the days of lot lot was in the city everything looked fine the Angels come to get him out and when the Angels got him out along with his family then fire and brimstone came down from heaven destroyed the city that he just left and Jesus said it's gonna be just like that and don't look back he gives the example of Lot's wife turn to a pillar of salt don't look back so it's really interesting to me that when Jesus talks about this this time that that that's going to be taking place he talks about two things deliverance of his people and the destruction of those who are left deliverance of his people and the destruction of those who are left the Antichrist the Bible talks about rises through a war the Antichrist rises at the beginning of the Tribulation Period looks like there's a war at the beginning of the Tribulation Period let me give you a little scenario all the Muslims in the world along with Russia come down and try to wipe out Israel for a religious war and then for some reason they get destroyed it's nuclear or it's cataclysmic cosmic or whatever but they get destroyed everybody knows that God intervened on the part of Israel and at the very same time a group of people have left now let me if this is nuclear let me just again say to you some of you guys are familiar with this you know if there is an event and the Bible says it's a quarter of the earth that dies in this thing it's in Revelation six if there's an event where a quarter of the earth dies you're talking about whole cities being wiped out you have whole cities wiped out Seattle gets wiped out they're not gonna do a body count they're not gonna be looking for missing people they're gonna be trying to get through the next six months to a year and especially if what we're talking about is nuclear next six months to a year all they're going to be trying to do is survive and the Bible talks about the Antichrist rises through an event like that and he comes on the scene and again all this to say need to be ready you know I look at these things and and I I see major shifts and in geopolitical relationships and it's pretty well to me and I know that I'm into this stuff and maybe you didn't know a whole lot about it but it's happening all around you and it's every day o most of the articles that I pulled up here actually every one of the articles that I pulled up here I saw for the first time this morning this morning and this goes on day after day week after week all during the year I do a prophecy update it is immediately out of date it is a me this is this stuff is probably out of date right now even though I just saw it this morning that's how quickly events are taking place this is what I want to say to you Jesus when when he was talking about his coming for us he said that you need to be watching for him I don't need to watch for the Antichrist I don't even need this stuff with Turkey didn't have to happen but it is and the stuff that you know all the other stuff that we're talking about wood fiber using use for for trucks that doesn't have to happen but it is and all the stuff with oil and natural gas that doesn't have to happen but it is and so we see all these these pointers to the fact that events are taking place that are getting us really quickly to events that take place in the tribulation but Jesus never said it look for the tribulation he said to look for him to look for him this is a last thing I want to leave you with jesus said this in Luke 21 34 take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing drunkenness and cares of this life in that day come on you unexpectedly for it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man and that's what we're supposed to be doing you know what you're messing around with the world right now dumb that's dumb this is not the time to be looking at the world going I remember what it was like and messing around with it you need to have your eyes set on Jesus and be following him and no one else be following Christ if you haven't given your life to Jesus and again this may be all brand-new news to you you know I'm sorry because I probably just overwhelmed you with a whole bunch of stuff and you're probably said there what is going on that's a creepy book the Bible you know that I understand I felt exactly the same way you need to understand that God does not put anybody through any kind of judgment without a specific warning and that's what he's given and you're here getting it it's a specific warning and you need to do something you came with someone you need to when you leave this place you need to turn to them and go what do I need to do I'll just tell you right now what you need to do you need to give your life to Christ you need to give your life to Jesus and begin following him and you guys who brought somebody don't let the day go out with a habit without having the conversation where you tell these these guys what they need to know about Jesus and what they need to know about getting their sin forgiven and going to heaven and all that stuff so you don't have to go through this nonsense there's no reason that anybody has to go through this judgment none at all and it's just the the obstinacy of humanity that has gotten us to the place that we're in but we're in it and it's coming and everything whether you're talking about American politics or European politics or Middle East politics or the whole thing with weaponry and and the ability to do certain weapons it's all pointing to this event that's coming up and you need to be ready for it you need to do something if you're sitting there and you've been messing around the world with the world you need to turn away from and get your life right with Jesus and get on with it knock it off you need it and if you if you've been sitting there messing around with this stuff and you've been caught up in it and you don't know what to do do something do something stuff sitting there and just going along with the flow because you're gonna get left so get right with Jesus or get left you need to do something though okay I'm gonna leave it without way out of time let's pray are you encouraged I know it's scary stuff let's pray let's all stand Jesus thank you again for your word thank you for your grace Lord God we know that the reason that you put this stuff in Scripture is so we would not be unaware of the times that we're living in we're living in pretty interesting times you did it as a warning for us so that we wouldn't have to go through the things that you've been warning about god I just want to pray for everybody here that again you'd light a fire in us that we'd be going for it and we'd be ready Lord with that we take the opportunities that you give to us to share with the people who are around us and you bless them because of it and where I just pray for your spirit upon these people just bless them watch over them god I pray that you'd watch over those conversations that are about to be had and that you do this in Jesus name Amen you won't one more thing let me let me tell you something the day before the coup took place I was talking to my sister who is a Christian but she goes to one of those churches that never talks about this stuff and I was talking to her specifically about Turkey and about the events that had to be taking place in Turkey for the Bible for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled the day before this happened the day after it happened or the day that it happened she looked at me and she goes Steve does this have anything to do with that and I said yes absolutely and I began explaining it to her and she said when this happened I felt like my stomach dropped out of my body this is scary and it is it is scary because the good guys got put down the bad guys got put in place and the stuff that that's gonna be coming from Turkey you know if the good guys had one that would have put this stuff off for at least a decade at least a decade but it didn't that's interesting and so you know what this is in the news people are talking about it and it's that you can share with people so well a lot of you guys know about this stuff you know you know what's going on here use it because people are interested in
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 17,442
Rating: 4.723577 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Steve Whinery, God, Jesus, The Bible, Ezekiel, Turkey, current events, news, prophecy, end times, rapture, second coming
Id: WhSaAFbq5hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2016
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