Ezekiel 1 // Part 2

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okay ezekiel chapter 1 once again and I see communion I didn't see it last week I do see it this week so started off in the Book of Ezekiel last time and we were talking about Ezekiel's vision of the the throne of God you know I want to go through and read Ezekiel chapter 1 without music in the background I'm gonna go through these Ezekiel chapter one and then we're going to skip over to Ezekiel chapter ten and get into that I mean let me get this thing started here there we go okay let's see the word of the Lord verse three came expressly to the Ezekiel priest the son of buzzie in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar and the handle the Lord was upon and there that I looked and behold a whirlwind was coming out of the north a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself and brightness was all around it and rating at radiating out of it Smits like the color of amber out of the midst of the fire also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man each one had four faces and each one had four wings their legs were straight in the soles of their feet were like the soles of calves feet they sparkled like the color of burnished bronze the hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides and each of the four had faces and wings their wings touched one another the creatures did not turn when they went but each one went straight forward as for the likeness of their faces each had the face of a man each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side and each of the four had the face of an eagle thus were their faces their wings stretched upward two wings of each one touched one another and two covered their bodies and each one went straight forward they went wherever the spirit wanted to go and they did not turn when they went as for the likeness of the living creatures their appearance was like burning coals of fire like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures the fire was bright and out of the fire went lightning and the living creatures ran back and forth an appearance like a flash of lightning now as I looked at the living creatures behold a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces the appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of Beryl and all four had the same likeness the appearance of their workings was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel when they moved they went toward any one of four directions they did not turn aside when they went as for their rims they were so high they were awesome and their rims were full of eyes all around the four of them when the living creatures went the wheels went beside them and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up wherever the spirit wanted to go they went because there the Spirit went and the wheels were lifted together with them for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels when those went these went when those stood these stood when those were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up together with them for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels then the lightness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal stretched out over their heads and under the firmament their wings spread out straight one toward another each one had two which covered one side each one had two which covered the other side of the body when they went I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of many waters like the voice of the Almighty it's mult like the noise of an army and when they stood still they let down their wings a voice came from above the firmament that was over their heads whenever they stood they let down their wings and above the firmament over their heads was likeness of a throne in appearance like a sapphire stone on the likeness of the throne was a lightness with the appearance of a man high above it also from the appearance of his waist and upward I saw his that were the color of amber with the appearance of fire or fire all around within it and from the appearance of his waist and downward I saw as it were the appearance of fire with brightness all around like the appearance of the rainbow and a cloud on a rainy rainy day so was the appearance of the brightness all around it this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord so when I saw it I fell on my face and I heard a voice of one speaking and then he speaks in Chapter two turn over to chapter ten and in Chapter ten we have another description of this whole thing in that chapter it says and I looked and there in the firmament that was above the head of the chair of them there appeared something like a sapphire stone having the appearance of the likeness of a throne then he spoke to the man clothed with linen and said go in among the wheels under the cherub fill your hands with coals of fire from among the cherubim and scatter them over the city and he went in as I watched now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the temple when the man went in and the cloud filled the inner court and the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub and paused over the threshold of the temple and the house was filled with the cloud and the court was full of the brightness of the Lord's glory this is talking about that same vision but now it's in the temple of God and the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard even in the outer court like the voice of Almighty God when he speaks then it happened when he commanded the man clothed in linen saying take fire from among the wheels from among the cherubim that he went in and stood beside the wheels and the cherub stretched out his hand from among the cherubim to the fire that was among the cherubim and took some of it and put it into the hands of the man clothed linen who took it went out that cherubim appeared to have the form of a man's hand under their wings and when I looked there were four wheels by the chair of them one wheel by one cherub and another wheel by another chair and by excuse me another wheel by each other chair of the wheels appeared to have the color of a barrel stone as for their appearance all four looked alike as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel when they went they went toward any of the four directions they did not turn aside when they went but followed in the direction the head was facing they did not turn aside when they went and their whole body with their back their hands their wings and the wheels that the four had were full of eyes all around as for the wheels they were called in my hearing wheel that's hilarious each one had four faces the first face was the face of a cherub the second face the face of a man the third the face of a lion and the fourth the face of an eagle and the cherubim were lifted up this was the living creature I saw by the river Chebar when the cherubim went the wheels went beside them and when the chair of him lifted there to mount up from the earth the same wheels also did turn from beside them when the cherubim Stood Still the wheel Stood Still and when one was lifted up the other looked at itself up for the spirit of living creature was in them then the glory of the Lord departed from the threshold of the temple and stood over the cherubim and the cherubim lifted their wings and mounted up from the earth in my sight and when they went out the wheels were beside them stood at the door of the east gate of the Lord's house and the glory of the Lord of the God of Israel was above them this is the living creature I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chebar and I knew they were cherubim and again each one had four faces each one had four wings the likeness of the hands of man were under their wings and the likeness of their faces was the same as the faces which I had seen by the river Chebar there are parents and their persons they each one went straight forward okay so those are the two passages that really describe the cherubim in this passage we went over a lot of this last week and I'm just going to real quickly summarize this whole thing you have these four angels that are connected with the throne of God apparently when you're tied and this is a this is a vision that Ezekiel has of the throne of God and so basically they're at the four corners underneath what's called a firmament and on top of the firmament is the throne of God and God's pictured as a man in the appearance of a likeness of a man is what he says from the waist up from the waist down he's pictured as light there's a rainbow all around the throne it lets you know that the throne in this instance is like a sapphire stone which is deep blue and the cherubim our pictured is having the four faces and in this instance they have four wings and with two of the wings they're covering their sides and two of the wings are stretched out and they appear to be touching each other's wings and so you would have them at the four corners and so forth touching each other's wings there there are hands connected with the wings and so it's not necessary necessarily like the picture of angels that we get where it's just a man with wings off his back it looks like he's got wings at least in this instance on four sides and there's hands under the wings which kind of creeps me out it's like you know he's got wings and little hands coming out and stuff eyes all over their bodies for faces and we went over some of this last time also if you look in verse 13 of the chapter 1 it says as for the likeness of the other living creatures their appearance was like burning coals of fire like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures and so these guys are burning like fire and we talked about that last week and when they move it's like a torch moves and so you know we talked about sparklers last time on July 4th we you know you take and mess with sparklers if you've ever Mester oh no the campfire you got some of the same kinds of things going when you're when you're playing with us so this is this is what they're called in this passage they're called four living creatures when you get over to Ezekiel chapter 10 they're identified as cherubs and the plural for cherub is cherub beam I am in Hebrews like the S on the end of a noun in our language and so they're cherubim and in the Book of Ezekiel in chapter 10 and they're identified as the as these same creatures so the creatures you got in Chapter 1 are called cherubim in chapter 10 they obviously have a likeness to the angels or to the living creatures that you see in Revelation chapter 4 and 5 and I'm not going to go through and read that you can you can do that on your own but it's it's the same description for loving creatures is what's pictured there and they have four phases in that instance they have six wings okay and you you have pretty much the same thing we talked about the phases last time and actually the bodies of the cherubim are literally pictures of the Ministry of Jesus and so eyes all around is a picture of the characteristic of Christ as far as him having he's all-knowing he sees everything and so that's the picture there the speed that you have in connection with the Angels has to do with basically obedience to the Lord one of the things that we pray as Christians is Lord's Prayer and in that prayer Jesus said that were to pray that God's Will would be done on earth as it is in heaven and I would imagine that God's will is done speedily in heaven and so you have these things there's a speed that's connected with these things and it's like lightning which is you know that's be light stuff that's back that kind of thing you all you also have this thing with the burning now there are other descriptions of angels in the Bible I'm not going to get into that whole thing I just I just want to point this out to you we just did a series on Sunday morning specifically on angels and one of the one of the things that I need to point out to you is that there are these again different terms for angels in the Bible and the ones that are described are the cherubim and the living creatures in Revelation chapter 4 and when they're described they're described with this four face thing going on as far as in Ezekiel and in Revelation when you get to Isaiah chapter six in fact let's look at that one turn over to Isaiah turn left a couple of books because Isaiah Jeremiah and lamentations and then in Ezekiel and so go back like three books Isaiah chapter six they have another description of angels and these are again connected with the throne of God and that passage it says in verse 1 in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up and the Train of his robe filled the temple above it stood Seraphim okay and so that's serifs it would be in English and the word Seraph means burning one burning one okay so I above it I stood above it stood burning once each one had six wings so now he's got say they've got six here with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with two he flew and one cried to another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory it says in the post of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out and the house was filled with smoke so I said what was me for I'm undone because I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of the people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the Lord or the king the Lord of hosts then one of the Seraphim flew to me having in his hand a live coal which he had taken from with tongs from the altar and he touched my mouth with it and said Behold this has touched your lips your iniquity is taken away and your sin purged and I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us then I said here am I send me and that's the vision it goes on and speaks about some of the things that God is going to say to him so now you had this picture of Seraphim and they've got six wings now the angels in Revelation chapter four have six wings also okay these guys are called the burning ones and the reason that they're called the burning ones is obviously because they were fiery and you see them connected with the altar in the sense that they're taking coals from the altar just like the cherubim did in Ezekiel chapter 10 so that may be a connection and they are connected with the throne of God in the sense that they're standing around the throne and they're crying each other saying holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts whole earth is full of his glory when you go to Revelation chapter 4 that's what the angel the the living creatures around the throne are doing ok so what am I doing with this I don't know actually this is what I'm dealing with this one of the things that I have done before this point was I have separated Seraphim from cherubim and part of the reason for that is the name itself okay another reason for that is because cherubim in Ezekiel's book have four wings okay and the Seraphim obviously in Isaiah I have six wings but then you have this problem with the revelation for passage because they sure look like cherubim they're called living creatures and that's what you have in Ezekiel they look like they look like cherubim with the four phases and that whole thing but they got six wings okay and so you know there's a problem there so you have cherubim and Ezekiel with four wings living creatures in that look like cherubim in Revelation with six wings and then you have Seraphim that their faces aren't mentioned whether they're called the burning ones with six wings in the Book of Isaiah and so there's a possibility you got three different types of angels there that's one possibility and that's one of the things that I've run with in the past but here's the other thing when you look at when cherubim when they're first mentioned in the Bible in Ezekiel or excuse me in Exodus and also in Chronicles and places like that when they're mentioned and pictured in the temple and in the tabernacle you know how many wings they have actually how many wings are mentioned it's two so in the Bible one you start first II start seeing these the descriptions of these guys they have two wings mentioned at the very least and so the angels that were over the Ark of the Covenant on the mercy seat had two wings they stretched them out like this and they looked down towards the mercy seat that's how they're pictured when they are carved in the temple you still have the the Ark of the Covenant with the angels on the top stretching out their wings and when they're carved in the temple you have these two giant cherubim that stand you know basically over the Ark of the Covenant they have wings that stretch out touch each other's wings and they touch the edges of the wall to the most holy place and that's what you see with Solomon and again in that instance you have two wings that are mentioned but we have this description in Ezekiel where they're flat-out identified as cherubim and now they have four wings that's why I say there are two that are mentioned and here's another possibility maybe they've actually got six wings there's only four that are mentioned in this passage and the reason that I tell you that is because it looks like the Seraphim are connected with the throne of God and you have this whole thing with Lucifer and Lucifer is called The Anointed cherub that covers okay so from the from the description or in Ezekiel we know he's got at least four wings but when you look at the description in Isaiah and also the the description in the book of Revelation there are six wings and those angels look like they're connected with the throne of God also and so what I'm telling you is that there's a there's a possibility that they're all the same type of angel and they're just giving given different titles depending on the context and and what's being focused on in the passages and so in the passage in the passage in Isaiah the focus there is going to be on a fought on the coal of fire that comes from the altar and these guys are called the burning ones you also have the same thing in the Book of Ezekiel these guys are moving like a burning fire okay so I'm just throwing that out there as a possibility and here here's another reason if you'll remember when we were going through the study on angels on Sunday morning the word Seraph itself is the word is a word that means serpent and so now it gets freaky because in the Book of Numbers in numbers chapter 21 I believe it is you have this story of the burning fiery serpents and so the people of Israel had been disobeying God and he's burning fiery serpents come out the Bible says and they start biting them and so what Moses is told people start dying and what Moses is told to do is make an image of one of these Seraphim that's the word that's used there it's only used in two places in numbers 21 and in the Book of Isaiah and they're exactly the same word that freaked me out when I found that one out because burning fiery serpents and then you have them used of angels in Isaiah chapter 6 okay so what's supposed to happen as Moses takes the serpent takes a takes and makes a bronze serpent and you'll notice that in the the passage in Ezekiel here when it talks about the color of these angels in verse 7 it says they sparkled like the color of burnished bronze because when I got the bronze connection ok so you take this bronze serpent you stick it up on a pole is what Moses is told and you take that pole and you stand it up in front of the people and you tell them that what they need to do is look upon the pole look upon the serpent on the pole and when they do I'll heal them is what God says and so they do and it gets done ok that's not the end of the story what ends up happening with that pole is they carry it back to Canaan it gets put into the temple and after a period of time some of the people begin worshipping this thing and it's during the the reign of King Hezekiah that people are bowing down before this serpent of bronze and Hezekiah busts it up and he calls it in the hush tan and he says it's just a thing of bronze what are you doing worshipping it so he just breaks it up because they made it into an eye that's not the end of the story either because when you get to the New Testament in John chapter 3 Jesus uses that story the story of Moses and the serpent and he says just like Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes on him would not perish and then you have John 3:16 for God so loved the world you know and so on and it's in that context that I always freaked me out whenever whenever I read that you when I read it for the first time I didn't know what it meant because I'd never read read the Old Testament numbers at that point and so I read it I went back to numbers and I went it's a snake how is Jesus a snake and obviously what you got going on there is the serpents are biting the people it's the thing that is causing them to die and so what happens with us they take a representation of the thing that is causing them to die stick it up on a pole and everybody needs to look towards that so how is that Jesus and what the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 is that God made him sin who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God in him and so God treated Jesus like he was a sinner and it's a picture of looking up at a guy who's being punished for the sin of the world he's sinned at that point as far as God is concerned and it's because of that representation that my life gets saved in the sense that sin has bitten me it's destroying me and now I'm dying and I look to the one who takes my punishment on the cross and because of that I'm saved okay so that's how that all goes together but Jesus still pictures himself as a serpent and that's freaky okay well we were talking last time about the fact that the four phases of the living creatures are faces that picture aspects of the Ministry of Christ and these are faces of animals right there's another thing that you got when where angels made before the film before the laying of the foundations of the earth is what it says in the book of joke so all the sons of God shouted for joy when God laid the foundations of the earth so they saw him making the earth so angels were created before God made the earth and these angels saw God doing it and when that happened they sang the Bible says and they shouted for joy so they're already there so you got these guys with four faces face of a man when was man created on the sixth day so long before man was created at least 6 days let's put it that way at least six days before man was created angels already had faces like men ok when were the birds created fourth day oh no yeah fourth day I think it was well said no that Sun Moon stars fifth day the birds were created and so before the birds were ever created when were the oxen and the cattle created that's on the sixth day also okay and so before those animals were ever created same thing with Lions and that kind of stuff before they were ever created the Angels already had their faces isn't that interesting okay and so we got some angels who are described as serifs and when you have them when you have an animal on the earth that's described as a seraph it's a serpent and so now they have cloven hoods like the hoods of an ox have a face of an ox man lion bird you know eagle all that stuff all those things are made in these angels before God ever made the creation then that interesting and so they're not made in the image of the animals it looks like the animals are made in the image of the angels in that sense and again they're picturing the Ministry of Christ right so I'm just throwing that out too yeah okay when serpent appeal are when when certain circus master dup when Satan appears in the garden what's he appear as a serpent that's interesting because if he's a seraph if a seraph is something along the same lines as a cherub if it's just another name for a cherub then you got that whole serpent thing going on and the fact that it calls them a serpent is exactly the same thing that the angels are called in Isaiah chapter 6 and one of the things you need to remember is that when angels were created there is no sin there is no fall you don't have a lot stuff and so when God first created serpents they weren't messed up and they weren't something that was associated with a curse they weren't associated with a fall anything like that everything that God looked out was absolutely good and again we're looking at it from the other side of this whole thing so it's just freaky just like Jesus comparing himself to a serpent what is that about and it's you know again because that whole thing and so I'm just throwing that that out there too weird you out but what I what I'm what I'm let you know is that in the story in Genesis chapter 3 when it says the serpent spoke well that is something that you could say of the angel the Seraph in Isaiah chapter 6 also it's a word for serpent let's get it okay so and because of that sin on the part of Satan leading mankind into sin not only was Satan cursed but you had this whole thing that was taken and transferred not only from him to him but it was transferred to the representation of at least his body on the earth which was the Serpent's see how that whole connection okay I don't know maybe you know if he'd have been facing sideways wasn't a lion face on this side maybe the Lions would've been cursed I don't know no in any case you you have that whole thing going on I just wanted to let you let you know that okay and so there is something reptilian about seraphs and again that flips me out because I don't like reptiles my son does he's weird but I don't like reptiles and so there's something reptilian about saris and you got to again remember you got to put it back before the fall there was nothing wrong with reptiles before the fall specifically serpents okay so you got you got that whole thing going on and there's something you know animal-like about their faces and and all that kind of stuff and I guess what I'm telling you is that if you ever saw a cherubim you would do exactly like Ezekiel did and fall in your face because it would be freaky scary you know yeah yeah you know what that that's another thing that you'd get with angels the Bible talks about when men see angels many times they are entertaining angels unaware and that's in Hebrews chapter 13 and in a number number of passages in the Old Testament and so obviously if you're you have situations for example like with Samson's parents they are doing they're interacting with an angel they don't realize that they're doing that right at the very beginning there's a good chance that with Abraham Abraham entertains two angels and the Lord in the book of Genesis and it looks like he doesn't really know for sure what's happening necessarily right at the beginning and so they're they're obviously coming in appearance like a man at that point so they can morph they can make their form what they want at that point and so I would have no doubt that yeah they could they could do you know they it's like they're already doing stuff that that is freaky anyway and so I have no doubt that they could if you wanted to appear as a serpent he could appear as a serpent and that whole thing there's another thing all through pagan mythology you don't have a revulsion towards serpents you have the worship of serpents it's all over the place and I'm wondering if there's some kind of connection there and so all that that I just gave you was a bunch of conjecture okay so you could literally have three different types of angels there or you could have a description of the same angel going on I do know that that Satan is called the anointed cherub that covers we have a description of cherubs right here and then there's that whole thing with the seraphs and there might be a connection there so I'm just letting you know all of that okay here's the other thing that I was talking about last week and I kind of ended up ended up with this is the whole issue of UFOs and UFO knots and and that kind of stuff and this is the passage that UFO people go to in the Bible to prove that UFOs have been around for thousands of years and that Ezekiel saw a UFO you know when when Ezekiel is saying that what he saw were living creatures and cherubs or angels when he was saying that he was mistaken and what he was really seeing was an alien spacecraft that came down to the earth and you can see that because it came out of a cloud of fire right and so that's a spacecraft descending and then you have these descriptions that are going on that are a little bit unspayed craft light because it looks like you got a flat area with four wheels on either side an angel beside it and it's you know just kind of doing this this kind of stuff and you got some dudes sitting on a throne on top of it and that doesn't sound much like a spacecraft to me you know if it was a spacecraft I would think that maybe the throne will be covered okay well maybe the covering is the rainbow and so you got this rainbow around the whole the whole deal and maybe the rainbow is a force field okay and so you got that whole thing going on and and this is what I'm telling you is what I thought before I was a Christian and actually it was presented to me in that way and you have this whole thing with these things burning like fire and moving at high speeds and making right angle turns and those are the connections that you have with the with the whole UFO thing also you have these beings from heaven that are connected with it and so maybe what happened with Ezekiel was he thought that it was really God sitting on the throne on the UFO but it wasn't because after all Ezekiel was a primitive man and if somebody with a high state of Technology came in his little UFO mobile and showed up then it would overwhelm Ezekiel and he would think that he was talking to God and that maybe the pilot and the you know I don't know the vagator and the engineer whoever else is down underneath the firm event you know the the crew men he thought that they were angels and obviously they're not human because I got the whole face thing going on the winged thing going on and maybe that's what was happening okay and that's what that's what we kind of left with last time so Ezekiel is a dummy he doesn't know what he's seeing we are smart we know that what he's seeing is an advanced spacecraft okay and that's that's the position of the UFO folks what if it's this way what if the UFO folks are the dummies and Ezekiel knew exactly what he was looking at and what he was looking at was angelic beings and it was connected with the throne of God and was all a vision of that well if that's the case well that can't be right because we see some things nowadays that look something like that you know for example we got burning lights they're flying through the heavens wheel within a wheel that whole thing flying through the heavens at high speed doing you know 90-degree turns and we know that those aren't angels and so therefore this can't be angels how do we know that how do I know that well I you know some of us have talked to them and been abducted by them and they told us that they were beings from another planet that kind of thing well are they good beings from another planet or they bad beings from another planet that's one of the things that's really interesting about the whole UFO phenomena whenever you are dealing with somebody who's been abducted by a UFO it's it's just really interesting some of the things that go on with that whole thing and a lot of times they are did you guys watch the movie um no no no no no one of the big spaceships that the independence day you watch an Independence Day yeah an independent state there's this guy who used to be a he was a Vietnam vet and he was a pilot and he got abducted by the UFO guys and there's this one scene where a couple of guys are making fun of him and saying you know when the UFO people abducted him he was abused sexually that's what they say and you know it's a it's a really funny line in that in the whole thing and but you know what it's absolutely true when you are talking to a lot of the people that have been abducted by the UFO folks that's exactly what goes on and what they say is that they're probing these people and looking you know at at them in certain ways to you know figure out what's going on with them and they're doing it in ways that are perverse and primitive you know we can figure out how how the reproduction system of animals work in less primitive ways than these guys are doing it when it's described and it looks like torture looks like torture and you know you you have a you have a number of things that go on with the with the contact ease of these guys and so basically when when you're talking about UFO guys they're not a bunch of nice guys who are doing you know good things for people and let me just really really quick go through and and talk to you about about the issue in the first place you can obviously see where I'm going with this I think that there's a good chance that the real UFO phenomena in the in the sense of things that are unexplainable and have nothing to do with military aircraft and that kind of thing I think that it they may actually be beings from extraterrestrial beings because we know that there are extraterrestrial beings right Bible talks about their angels and demons and demons are fallen angels and so we've seen how angels move in this passage lights in the sky moving 90-degree angles at high speed right that's exactly what you've got with UFOs here's a problems with the whole extraterrestrial theory in the sense of coming from another place if if these guys are extraterrestrial if they're coming from outside well here's here's one possibility maybe they don't come from outside the earth maybe they come from Antarctica maybe that maybe there's I mean it's possibility maybe there's a big cave down in Antarctica maybe there's a civilization underneath the continent of Antarctica and every once in a while you know hole opens up and these things come out of there okay and they come and travel around maybe go back to Antarctica or maybe they come out from under the sea you see the movie the abyss UFO guys from under the sea okay so maybe there's a maybe there's a civilization under the sea so that's one possibility or if they come from outside the earth maybe they're coming somewhere else in the solar system okay well you know we pretty much know our neighborhood the solar system and doesn't look like there's any place that can support life in the solar system okay when when you're talking about places like anything like mercury or Venus Venus it's hot enough on Venus to melt lead and so not much live in there and when you're talking about Mars they've been looking for life on Mars and you know the problem with Mars is the if you for example if you stepped out of a spacecraft on the mark on on Mars and you did it without a spacesuit your blood would immediately immediately boil it's effectively a vacuum there's so little atmosphere there and so and it's mostly carbon dioxide and that whole thing then when you talk about Jupiter you've got some problems there obviously Jupiter is a gas giant and same thing with Neptune and and Uranus and and in in those planets some of the moons have some possibilities but it's but it's freezing out there and and so there's not any place in the solar system that you can you could point to and go that's where they come from okay so that leaves it outside the soul our system and so there's there's a possibility that maybe they come from a neighboring star okay problem with that is a closest or the star is 4.6 light years away and a light year is the amount of the the distance that light travels in a year it's trillions of miles okay the light travels in a year and so light travels at 186,000 miles per second it takes a second and a half to get to the moon it takes nine minutes for light to get to the Sun that's what you're talked a Stu get to Mars depending on where Mars is that and so you know you're talking about distances that are huge so a second and a half for light to get to the moon 250,000 miles away and so you take that kind of distance and you multiple you know you divide a year by that kind or a light year by that kind of a distance and you're talking about huge distances and according to physics you can't go faster than light matter specifically something that's solid cannot go faster than light in fact something that's solid cannot approach the speed of light because the way that the physics work is your your the the solid matter as it approaches the speed of light and this has been confirmed over and over this is Einstein's you know some of Einstein's theories as a something that has matter and it approaches the speed of light it start starts acting heavier more massive and so when you get to the speed of light the math lets you know that you get to the speed of light it takes infinite energy to move you that quickly well we don't have it's it's all the energy in the universe and more and so we don't have infinite energy and I'm a sci-fi guy and I like Star Wars and I like Star Trek and you know hyper hyper drives and warp speed it's all a story it's not real okay so you got to keep it in mind okay here's the other thing you when you when you are looking at UFOs okay so part of the deal with UFOs is there's never two of them that are like in fact I had books that had catalogs of UFO shapes there's just hundreds of them hundreds of them okay so can all these UFOs that you're supposed to be spacecraft so what is happening here you know let's let's just use the extra solar explanation they're either coming from another solar system or they're coming from another galaxy another option is to coming from another dimension I believe that one okay but if they're extra solar or extra galactic then somehow they have violated the laws of physics and they have to have been moving faster than the speed of light which is a problem in itself so give it to them they got warp drive okay it you know Captain Kirk's on one of them or something and so they're all coming to the earth and they fly around and every once in a while they'll pick up a cow and then the leaf and it's not all the same kind of UFOs that are doing it it's all kinds of different UFOs so you would be that you've either got a civilization that has all these different times the types of spacecraft that are coming all these different models that are coming to the earth flying around for a little bit they never land anywhere significant you don't have them landing on the White House lawn so you're flying you're you're you're flying you know if you're talking about extra galactic you're flying millions of light-years flitting around the sky and ostensibly the reason that they're doing that is because they don't want to reveal themselves yet well they're not doing a very good job are they okay now they're now we're stupid UFO people who are flying around flitting around grabbing a cow every once in a while slaughtering it and then take it off and going back home and you know everyone so all pick will pick somebody up freak them out totally and completely and leave them there and you know basically these poor people are sitting there the you know being laughingstocks because they can never prove anything except for something happened to them okay that's weird okay so either you got one civilization that's sending out all these different kinds of ships or you have multiple civilizations and that's what the UFO people will tell you because there's different types of UFO nuts and so you have the little grit you have the grays and you have two types of grace and the greys some of them have little eyes so they have big eyes right and then you have reptilian guys and all down the years have come up with all kinds of different guys that are new so we're not talking about from the same planet okay so now it's it's gotten even more goofy because you got all these UFO people who are coming from opposite sides of the galaxy you know different places coming light-years doing all this stuff expending all this energy and it has to be a massive amount of energy flitting around the sky doing their little thing freaking people out killing a cow and splitting Ostend simply because they don't want to reveal themselves yet and everybody knows they're there what is that that doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense at all okay that makes me smarter than an UFO people okay here's another thing when you're when you're looking at at the UFOs themselves they don't act like they're physical I got a quote here UFOs may instantaneously break into multiple separate objects and then simply vanish they range in size from a few feet to literally miles in diameter they come in all colors and shapes and they can change their size and shape it will one encounter documented by the Soviet Academy of Sciences reported a UFO that changed from a star shape to a cone to a double cone to a cloud to a plumb shape to a square and then to a giant needle nose inglis aircraft UFOs may pass right through physical objects or a group of UFOs may merge into one they can perform right-angle turns and instantaneous stops at thousands of miles an hour their bag of tricks is almost endless but this is really nothing unexpected for spiritual beings who couldn't tell it you know it goes on goes on with that whole thing and so there was a UFO that was tracked in I believe that it was in Belgium they tracked a UFO going thousands of miles an hour they had it on radar it went into the ground and then came out at the same speed well that's not physical here's the other thing that you got going if they're being tracked by mentioned this last time if they're being tracked at 20,000 miles per hour in the atmosphere you have major problems there if they're going 20,000 miles an hour in the atmosphere you know I talked about this last night when the space shuttle comes in actually when spacecraft come into the atmosphere from the moon shots Space Shuttle and all that kinda stuff 17,000 miles per hour it's how they're coming in and when they come in they hit the upper atmosphere that is radically thin and they shoot off flames and the reason they shoot off flames is because there's friction with the atmosphere and the deeper they come into the atmosphere the more they slow but the the hotter the the situation gets and they are throwing off more flames until they slow down to a speed that you know where they're not literally ramming into the atoms of the atmosphere and so you can't go 20,000 miles per hour in the atmosphere without having it make an effect they do not do sonic booms UFOs don't make sonic booms if they're going faster than the speed of sound and they're going through the atmosphere it has to happen it's physics and if you're going 20,000 miles an hour you do a right angle turn if you're going a thousand miles an hour do a right angle turn what's going to happen is you do your little right angle turn you're still going a thousand miles an hour that direction and you slam into the wall or whatever your guts go flowing to one side of your body and you've got some major problems that are going on and again you know dampening fields and and and that kind of stuff from Star Trek you know you can you can you can do all those games but that's science fiction science fiction and in the real world anything on the inside of that would be jelly actually it'd probably be atomized and and so you have you have some problems with that whole thing so okay here's I'm just going to give you some quotes from guys who've done some research on this well let me just give you some quotes from some stuff that I put together UFO knots are not good beings okay even though there are some that appear as good moral teachers many contactees appearance experience blackouts blindness sexual assault madness suicide skin infections burns and even cancer many contactees are programmed possessed and made to look like fools for example there was one group of contactees that were told that they needed to fast one lady in particular was told that she needed to fast until the UFOs appeared in Washington DC they said that they were going to come appear on the White House lawn basically and make themselves know and known and she was to not eat until they did well she did exactly that she didn't eat and she starved to death she died waiting for the UFO guys UFO guys are habitual liars they contradict each other and they give obviously false information for example Saturn's populations exist in a sub tropical paradise Venus has forests streams wheat fields and suburbs the Sun and Mercury are not hot Pluto is not cold they said man would never be allowed to set foot on the moon okay now obviously you can be talking about cranks who weren't actually talking to UFO people or what or you know whatever but you still have this whole problem with the fact that these guys are saying that something has happened to them and if there's any truth to it then they've been lied to UFOs been it have been responsible for kidnappings plane crashes and harassment they're often associated with earthquakes and natural disasters and they are prevalent in Wars especially during World War to over Nazi Germany they thought they saw lots of UFOs if they are from other planets they are obviously unsaved okay and you know you got you got issues with that and so you don't have beings there that that are nice in the first place here's a here's another quote this is from David Jacobs he says physically the abduction experience can leave its victims with a wide range of after-effects scars eye problems muscle pains bruises unusual vaginal and naval discharges genital disorders neurological problems pregnancy anomalies ovarian difficulties and so forth are just a few of the myriad a myriad of physical problems associated with abduction experiences physical problems can have permanent and deleterious effects on abductees they can seriously harm a person and significantly alter the course of one's life although the physical effects of abductions can be extremely severe for the purpose of this paper I am going to concentrate on the myriad a myriad of psychological difficulties that also arise in abduction victims it is these problems that have the most destructive effect on the course of people's lives and on their relationships with others among the psychological consequences discussed our sleep disturbances fears phobias panic disorders obsessions bizarre bleed-through memories out-of-body contacts with the dead and damage to psychosexual development especially among children if the UFO entities were really advanced extraterrestrials visiting us when my one might expect that they would grant their host society a certain measure of respect they would have the intellectual technological and moral capacity to abide by the rules of their host planet and not injure others but it is this is precisely precisely what we do not find UFOs produce rays of light that maim blind and even kill people clearly they are in control of these outbursts of energy for there are many such instances all too often techies have been lied to misinformed made to look like fools are ruined psychologically frequently they've been driven to insanity and suicide that's the stuff that you got okay one guy is a man named what was his first name Strieber it was his name let's see yeah I witnessed driver this is what he's said about his first-hand experience with allegedly benign UFO contacts he says this I became entirely given over to extreme dread the fear was so powerful that it seemed to make my personality completely evaporate Whitley ceased to exist what was left was a body in a state of Rafi er so great that it swept about me like a thick suffocating Curtain turning paralysis into a condition that seemed close to death I died in a wild animal appeared my place he goes on to say why were my visitors so secretive hiding themselves behind my consciousness talks about the fact that basically they possessed him he said I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why what if they were dangerous then I was terribly dangerous because I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them eventually it says he realized he was embroiled in a battle that might claim much more than his physical existence increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life or death it might be a struggle for my soul my essence or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal there are worse things than death I suspected so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons at the very least I was going stark raving mad and he goes on and says I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace it was like hell on earth to be there in the presence of the entities and yet I couldn't move couldn't cry out couldn't get away my lay is still as death suffering inner Agony's whatever was there seemed so monstrously monstrously ugly so filthy and dark and sinister of course there were demons they had to be and they were here and I couldn't get away a couple of UFO researchers had this said this was say this this one is named Guerin and he said he concludes that UFO behavior is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it he then emphasizes that the excuse me that the modern UFO knots and the demons of past days are probably identical another researcher John a Kiel said this he wrote a couple books UFOs operation Trojan horse as well as the Mothman Prophecies you may have heard that the 8th tower our haunted planet he says this after surveying the literature of demonology he observes the manifestations and occurrences and described in this imposing literature are similar if not entirely identical to the UFO phenomena itself the UFO manifestations seem to be by and large merely minor variations of the age-old daemon illogical phenomenon another researcher Trevor James observed a working knowledge of occult science is indispensable to UFO investigation Jacques Vallee said this the medical examination to which abductees are said to be subjected oftenly accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons it makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical or biological framework any intelligent being equipped with the scientific scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks and that's what the UFO researchers are saying they're equating them with demons and that's just really interesting here's another thing that you probably didn't know about UFOs when UFOs were appearing for example in the 1800s they appeared as blimps there were big blimps with lights and as man's technology advances the UFOs change and so they don't see a whole lot of saucer like UFOs anymore have you noticed this now UFOs are morphing they become lights they're you know big trained triangular sets of lights over Mexico City and and so forth they merge together they morph oligo out all this stuff back in the 50s they were flying saucers why are they changing well they're advancing or blimps don't work in 1950 and flying saucers don't work in the year to you know in in the 21st century you know and so you have this whole thing and so I think that you know when again when you when you look at that that whole section of Scripture right there in Ezekiel you need to be careful with the with the whole idea that Ezekiel's a dummy and we're not because maybe Ezekiel knows exactly what he's talking about and maybe what he was seeing was cherubim and maybe what some people are seeing are cherubim now here's another thing they don't all have to be evil do they I mean the ones who are evil or evil but the fact that you see lights in the sky doesn't necessarily make it make them evil lights so I wonder if you know there's not an instance where you know Michael just goes flitting across the sky it says hey I'll hold out everybody know I'm here know whatever so that's possibility and so you need to leave it open to that but again you know if if you want to deceive mankind if you want to free come out and turn away from the Lord I don't know if you knew that knew this also UFO knots are racist guess what race they don't like Jews they don't like Jews why don't they like Jews and that's you know just a real interesting thing because hey Satan hates the Jews it always has you know yeah I don't know you have that whole thing so there's a bunch of stuff that goes along with this it that's very interesting in any case if you want to deceive mankind and you want to get them into a position where he's going to turn away from from God what you do is you come along with you know I don't know you know when when when I was a kid the UFOs were gonna save us you know they're gonna come down they're gonna lead us into a technological Wonderland and everything is going to be peachy keen and we're going to be saved from nuclear annihilation and not you know all this stuff and you still have people who are like this who believe that people from another planner you're going to come and take care of us and and that whole thing yeah another thing that you have about the UFO nuts is they're always into Eastern philosophy specifically against Christianity specifically in that interesting we hate Jews and we think Christianity's bunk but Eastern philosophy where you worship 100 million gods that one's okay and you know just again really interesting things the Bible says that in the last days people will succumb to doctrines of devils and I think that many times you have that whole thing going on remember the the cult down in San Diego the Heaven's Gate cult they believed that a comment that was passing through the solar system was actually a UFO ship and that if they committed suicide that their beings their souls would be transported to this UFO ship and one of the things that was interesting about that obviously they found them all poisoned in their beds with the same kind of tennis shoes on and you know it's it's like come on the UFO guys tell you where the same tennis shoes what is that and you know again just just think of satan hates mankind because we're made the image of God he hates um hates us and you know we're supposed to be people who are worshipping God and focusing in on him we at some point the Bible says after we go home to be with the Lord our gonna be higher than the Angels and I think that Satan just loves making mankind look like idiots and so you get a group of guys that you are going to lead into complete nonsense you're going to kill them and I don't know let's throw something else in let's make them all wear the same tennis shoes and it's just when it when I read that I was like this is nothing but Satan mocking these people because I look at that and I go the same tennis shoes you got to be kidding me and you know I just I just think it's degrading it's degrading a lot of times what happens to the people who are involved in this most here's another thing UFOs don't usually appear to Christians UFOs don't usually appear to Jews and what we're talking about is practicing Christians practically practicing Jews you know who UFOs most often appear to people who are in the occult almost exclusively people who are in the occult isn't that interesting and why is it like that so yeah that whole thing whitley strieber he was he was all involved in a cult in the occult for 15 years before he started getting involved with UFOs and so basically again this is you know sorry to make it all about UFOs tonight but that is this is one of those passages that people who are into that stuff whether they're into the new age or they're into the occult or they're into UFOs they will come to this passage right here and they'll say he didn't really see angels what he saw was UFO knots and what I do is flip around on him and go you're not really seeing UFO knots you're seeing angels and they're bad they're fallin do I believe in extraterrestrial life absolutely I just don't know that it's on another planet someplace I do know that it's awful close and I think that they come from another dimension these guys aren't coming from another planet they're coming from another dimension there's all kinds of stuff you could do with that too they're coming from another dimension and I think it's a spiritual realm and they're deceiving people and trying to get them to turn away from the God of the Bible and literally twisting scripture and doing that whole thing and so you know the Bible says that we're not unaware of Satan's devices and so you know the whole you know like I said before I'm a sci-fi guy and I like reading those books I you know I'm interested in science and all that kind of stuff and was interested in UFOs I'm still interested in UFOs just because of the things that they do and the implications that you have from Scripture but I think for the most part they're too demonic unless they're seeing like military aircraft or things like that there are other explanations for some of these lights and that kind of thing and so I I think it's an another one of the deceptions that comes up in the last days to try to turn people away from Jesus Christ and again I think that there is a real good likelihood that when Ezekiel saw this vision that the description that he gave and the revelation that was given to him is absolutely the truth and that he knows what he's talking about the UFO people don't so yeah Craig you know I I don't know the last time I heard about that guy was in the late 90s and he was he was really flipped out I actually I saw a show with him on it and in the show basically he's talking about UFO guys the whole extraterrestrial thing somebody in the audience started talking about the fact that they had seen a family member that had died and you know revealed himself to them they basically had this this whole encounter with a dead person and strieber goes right into it and equates it with the UFO knots without skipping a beat and knowing what he'd done he made it exactly the same experience and so now we got some person who's you know seeing their dead grandma and whitley strieber who thinks he's seeing extraterrestrials and it's the same thing to them and nobody even caught it nobody caught it I was like you got to be kidding me they don't even see that they're doing that so yeah I don't know I don't know what happened with them okay okay and so you know with that obviously we're gonna we're gonna do communion who's who's doing worship is it me oh yeah fuzz go ahead could be taken Oh who me the truth is out there now you know the wicked you know the the Bible talks about the the fact that God comes in our heart and graders he that's in us and he that's in the world and the Bible talks about the the fact that Jesus died for us and the wicked one touches us not and so you know I'm not I'm not real worried about that you know and it's not because you know I'm some big steadily Christian or something it's because the the God that I serve and you know the the the God that I worship watches over me right and so the Saints not afraid of me but he is afraid of my big brother yeah and you know what's to say it's the same thing with with all of us you know I've had all kinds of freaky things happen to me down through the years and and most of it has been kind of spooky stuff and you know things going bump in the night and having bad dreams and being stuck in my bed and you know all that kind of stuff would get it all all of that and basically you know what you got is all you know Satan would love to murder me and you too and most of what he can come up with is going boo or going you know it's making scary sounds Oh a scary sound you know all of the power of Hell is arrayed against me and he goes boo so I try to you know I still get freaked out when weird things happen yeah you know life life on other planets like yeah I I don't lean towards that at all life on other planets now I'm talking about intelligent life on other planets life on other planets is another issue than intelligent life on other planets and part of the reason is because as far out as I can see the universe is fallen and the Bible says that that happened at the fall and that the whole creation is groaning and travailing until the revelation of the sons of God and so the reason I have some problems with that is because if the whole universe is fallen in the in the sense of the whole creation is groaning then the result of our sin went universal and if you got a guy in another planet who hasn't done anything wrong why is my sin affecting him and it's not that it can't be so I just think that that makes it unlikely and I you know ultimately I don't know if they found life on Mars I wouldn't have a problem with it they found my life by volcano vents at the bottom of the ocean so what you know God made it that's cool I think that's cool and so if they found life on Mars it wouldn't affect anything it's just life they found intelligent life that'd be another issue and then we then what we'd be looking at is is it fallen or is it unfallen if it's unfallen I don't think God's going to allow us to get anywhere near it if it is fallen then how that happened and you've got all kinds of stuff going on with that so anyway you can you can go on and on with that obviously I have so yeah yeah it is interesting yeah I think about these things let's do come here it's good to know Jesus and when one of the things that we do know is that life has fallen here and that fall came because of sin and sin is something that's been binding us up ever since then actually killing us we were talking earlier about the serpents the fiery serpents and sin is like a fiery serpent it comes along and it kills you know it bites you it destroys you there's all kinds of pain involved it's like I don't I don't know many people who don't have their lives you know they don't know who when they get involved in sin don't end up in a situation that's awfully painful and I love the prescription that God gave take a serpent stick it on a pole and look to it that was bronze remember last week we talked we were talking about bronze is a symbol of judgment serpent on a pole and judged and that's what happened with Jesus like I was saying before the Bible says that he became sin who knew no sin that we could become the righteousness of God in him and so yeah that whole thing where God just trades places takes everything that was destroying me lays it on his son and he trades places and the spot that I've got were you know I've got I've got this life that I shouldn't have and I've got a joy that I never had before I've got peace in my life I got the grace of God continually God's always doing good things for me that I don't deserve and you too doing good things for you that you don't deserve and all because Jesus took my sin upon himself and obviously every time that we celebrate communion that's what we celebrate it's good to be here it's good to know the Lord it's good to have a life that's different I like it in here now I want to talk about is in Christ in the building - with you guys but in Christ I like it in here I hate it out there and so you know as we as we celebrate communion you know we just need to be focused on Jesus and glorifying him and I you know we've been talking about the angels and the fact that it's like literally everything that they do the way that they move the the way that they're shaped you know the organs on their bodies everything is pointing towards Christ and glorifying points towards him and glorifies him and you know went out what else I like about it is it's edgy you know like I was saying before if you saw one of these you don't want to see one of these in a dark alley someplace it's edgy and it's kind of its kind of over the top and it's you know it's it's like scary Auto level and I I kind of like that I like it that God's edgy I like it that you know the CS Lewis described it like this he's not a tame lion but he's good I like that it's not a tame lion but he's good everything about it God is wild but he's good and that's that's who we serve that's who we worship and so obviously the bread represents the broken body and that cup represents the shed blood and as we take it what we're supposed to be doing is remembering him so we'll you know do it like we do on Wednesdays when you guys are ready we'll worship and when you're ready come on up and get it and and then we'll close the service so probably just come before you thank you Lord so much for your work thank you Lord that there are times when you open up the veil and you let us see beyond the physical realm and we get to see into the spiritual realm and many times like like I was talking about that can be there can be a little bit frightening because there are bigger things that are going on than the things that we know well we thank you that those things are good too I think that many times we think that we have the the crucifixion down and the atonement down and we understand it and I really don't think that we have a complete understanding of exactly what went on there when Jesus took our sin upon himself I think I think that there's some pretty deep things going on there that we know nothing about the Lord as much as we know we can we can see that it's just awesome and it's good and it's loving and it's honourable and there was a payment made that we couldn't make ourselves and so Lord we just want to thank you for that we want to thank you for the fact that you would reach out to us and touch us and and make us something new and so Lord as we're taking on the partaking of the bread we just want to honor you Jesus for taking a punishment upon yourself stripes that we deserve and for the blood Lord we thank you for the cleansing that comes from knowing you and having a relationship with you so as he as we partake of these elements and the symbols that are involved or we just want them to be true in our lives and we worship you your good thank you Lord for what you've done for us
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 7,643
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Cherubim, Angels, Bible Science, Biblical UFO's, Serpants, Ezekiel, Chapter 1, Communion, Book of Ezekiel (Religious Text), Calvary Chapel (Organization), Steve Whinery, The Bible (Religious Text), Ezekiel (Religious Leader)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 22sec (4582 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2013
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