Eyeshadow Shades for all Eye Colors

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Hello friends welcome back I am Kelly Hyde a professional makeup artist and Saint beauty artist today's video is going to be about ey Shadow choosing Shades that will complement your eye color the very best before we get started I'm going to just give a quick PSA because I know someone will comment about it you should always be wearing eyes Shadow or makeup of any kind that makes you feel good so no matter what I say in this video if you were doing the complete opposite but you love your Shadow and you love the way it looks then please do you this is not a video to tell you the dos and the don'ts this is a video to just educate you on color theory and my opinions of the shades that compliment eye colors the best but again if you have been wearing your Shades and you love them and they are not the kind of Shades that I'm talking about please rock on with your Shades I'm not here to tell you what to do we're going to get started today with just basic color theory so I'm sure all of you have seen a color wheel from some point I'm going to drop a little graphic here hopefully I've never done that before but I think I can and it's just going to highlight um a larger more kind of in-depth color wheel so the theory is is that you should use the opposite shade to complement your eye color so you can see on the wheel if you see where the blues are in that section across from the blues straight across is orange all right so in theory orer tones are going to bring out blue eyes the most I will tell you this my eyes are blue green some days they look more green some days they look more blue this morning I was putting on my makeup and I was contemplating this video in my head I was thinking of the things that I would say and I went to go do my eye makeup and I looked at my eyes and I thought today is not the day to be doing this eye shadow look because my eyes just looked very drap I was looking in the mirror thinking I couldn't even tell you what color my eyes are right now but I went ahead and I used my um orange ear tones and then my eyes came to life and I was like it is just it just made me more excited to do this video because I thought this is like truly what I'm talking about like my eyes look like nothing this morning and when I put these shades on they were just like vibrant and beautiful and I felt really good about it as I was saying for our blue-eyed girls the shade that's directly across from the color from the blue on the color wheel is orange so Shades like this are going to really bring out the Blues in your eyes um I have some of my saint Shadow Shades these are not all of them but these are just some that I have and you can see up in here this section would be great for blue eyes it has those warm tones so when you're looking when you're thinking about warm tones versus cool tones warm tones would lean if you had to think of it this way would it lean with this shade lean more in the Brown family or the gray family so if in your eyes it would lean more Brown than gray then it is a warm tone so purples can be warm tone there are a lot of shades that can be warm toned and a lot that are cool toned so cool ton going to lean a little bit more gray if it was it and even a brown can be more cool toned Brown than a warm tone Brown let me find something to explain that okay so let's just talk about Browns for instance let's use that as an example this shade here is Oak and it is a cool tone Brown because Oak has some of that gray tint to it where this shade here is also Brown this is Sedona and it is warm Brown can you see the difference Sedona is a more of an orangey Brown where Oak is more of a gray brown same with purple tones okay amethyst for instance is a purple tone but it has that gray too it while lullabi I would also consider a purple but it is very warm so it has some of that warm Brown can you see that that's just an example of how you can have basic colors that can be warm or cool so you really just have to pay attention to the tone of the shade and not so much is this shade Brown is this shade purple let's talk about our greeneyed friends if you look on that color wheel the shades that are across from Green are red and pink like that magenta purple shade so those shades are really going to bring out those green eyes so like think in this section here these are not all of our Colors by the way but um just a collection I have together for this video in particular so this area right here and even some of these warmer tones are going to be gorgeous gorgeous on green eyes now if you are a person who has those really kind of light and they're really warm green eyes then you can go even a little bit more cooler toned than like a traditional green eye girl now for brown eyes brown eyes are going to be accentuated by more cooler tone the difference is some people have some a very warm brown eye color like it has this Flex of Amber in it they're very warm so cool tones are really going to bring that out now some people have that dark brown eye where it almost looks black so that is more of a cool tone so the warmer colors like the oranges the bronzes and the things like that are really going to accentuate that eye color I feel like I'm saying cool and warm like every two seconds and I really hope I'm not confusing you so let me just show you so for our brown-eyed friends we want to think of more cool tone Browns Gray Shades things kind of in this section and purples are also gorgeous in brown eyes purples really accentuate brown eyes and it's beautiful now I'm just going to share a few collections of Shadows that I love for each eye color so I'll show you the one that I have on today it is Crush which I have on my lid Leo which I have in my crease so pretty that's matte Zion which I have on my outer corner and then I used Revival to line my eyes on the top and underneath so you can see that look today and look how blue my eyes look today so that is one of my favorite blueee combos there are are a million and a million options but this is just one of my favorites all right for my greeneyed friends I came up with this combo that I love we're going to start with sis which I would use on the lid this is a pearly it's Pinky toned but it's still got that warm Peach to it Mama which is really one of my favorite colors of all time I would use that in the crease lullabi for the outer corner and then again Revival to line so you can see all those Shades how pretty they are they have that plumy pinkier tone but it's still a very warm collection of Shades so for my friends with brown eyes with those Amber Flex those really warm rich brown eyes this little collection would be beautiful for you so we start with Venus on the lid it's very soft shimmery can you see that oh so pretty again I'm going to go with Mama because of the purplish tones in it it's just a wonderful wonderful crease color we're going to do a little Oak in the outer corner I didn't get that on there very much and then we we would finish with coal sorry with coal to line so pretty that is such a gorgeous cool tone collection I love that so those are just a few suggestions there's a million more a million more and like I said i' love to mix cool and warm tone Shades together um to really create just a more versatile kind of look um but if we're basing our shadow choosing on color science that is the way to go here's an idea for you if you're a person who maybe has blue eyes and for years you've been wearing gray Shadow and you're listening to this video and you're thinking I want to start what she's talking about I want to start wearing a little bit more warmer tones I'm going to give you a suggestion don't Dive In don't dive in and just buy an all warm tone palette oranges and bronzes and all of that and then just go for it because typically for most people it will give them a little bit of shock and then they won't like it because you are used to seeing yourself one way for so many years and liking yourself in that way it's hard to like just flip things like that and go to a totally different um kind of idea on Shadow so my suggestion and something that I love anyway is mixing your cool and warm tones put a warm tone like this crush on your lid and then use it with your cool tone Brown in the crease that's okay like it doesn't have to be all or nothing I like looks like that that combine that I'm like for instance I love mixed metal jewelry it's just my thing and I like that on the eyes too to play up both um warm and cool tones on the eyes another thing you can do is if you if I have suggested to you today to wear cool tones but you're a warm tone kind of girl wear a cooler toned eyeliner because the eyeliner is what's right around our eye and so that will really pull and accentuate your eye color really well instead of changing your whole entire eyeshadow look to something that maybe you're not comfortable with try dipping your toes in by just changing up the eyeliner to maybe bring a little bit more complimentary Shades to your look for your eye color and it will probably make your eye color pop that's why I always say like don't forget about the under eye shadows it's a great place to use a really good complimentary color to your eye to your natural eye color that will just make them pop and make them stand out right along here because it's really right there next to your eye and it'll just make them pop and I love when that there even consider using a little bit of Shimmer cuz there little bit of Flex of like not Sparkle but Shimmer I don't like sparkle but we like Shimmer um will really just make your eyes look kind of magical in my opinion so and even if you're older and you're afraid of shimmery Shadows using it just right there is not really going to highlight or magnify anything that you um are trying to disguise otherwise but it will really just make the eyes pop I am always happy to help suggest shades for you and the beauty about using Saint is that all of our little eyeshadow tiles here are singles so they just pop out and then pop back in so you can create just a little quad like this um you can have as many shades as you want um you know I this is my personal I pulled out a few of my personal ones but I like to have a quite a variety when I'm doing my eyeshadows but that's the Bey of Saint is that we can customize an eyeshadow look just specifically for you you don't even have to use any of our other products um so I'm always happy to help you choose those Shades so if you want to reach out in the um description below is a link to how to get in touch with me and I would be happy to work with you and I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will see you next week
Channel: Makeup by Kelly Heid
Views: 9,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P3RoL0_gqYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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