Eyecraftmc's 100,000 Subscriber HARDCORE Minecraft 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Q&A

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hello this is the 100 000 subscriber uh live stream special hopefully everyone enjoys this the idea will be we're going to start a brand new hardcore world and as well as doing that okay sorry about that all right i think the live stream is started now so welcome everyone to the 100 000 subscriber special um we're going to be starting a brand new hardcore world and just playing through that uh we can see here i have the game mode set to hardcore we're not going to change any game rules there and the seed we will leave blank for a random seed to see what we get so it looks like i just have to put in a world name which we'll just call it hardcore 100k and let us start the world right now and just feel free during the live stream if you want to to ask me any questions to um yeah just whatever you want to do and we can hopefully have the stream going for quite a while here and yeah all right so we're going to start on the brand new hardcore and here we are it looks like we appeared in a savannah biome so i'm going to start chopping down an acacia tree just so that of course we have enough wood so we don't die instantly because in hardcore of course if we die that would not be ideal so let's do that and thank you everyone by the way for the celebration and the um the congratulations of reaching 100 000 subscribers i really appreciate it and it is really awesome to be able to reach 100 000 subscribers i definitely never expected that i would but i'm really happy that i did and i'm hoping that even better things can come in the future of my channel see someone asked what are my best tips for starting a new hardcore world um i would generally say just to get a bed as fast as possible that's what i'm going to be doing just because of course once you can have a bed then you don't really have to worry too much about dying when it's nighttime you don't really have to worry about nighttime mobs that much and so that's what i'm going to be doing right now i'm going to get these sticks here and i just start by making these stone tools and then we'll grab that sheep in the corner there so there's that someone asked will i make a server for my viewers i actually have a server for my viewers if you go to my discord um there are some instructions on there on how to join my smp it's still on 1.18.2 uh but yeah it's on there if someone wants to join and i can whitelist you on there and um you can play with all the other fans of mine on my discord server and uh the link for that should be in the description of this live stream i'm not sure if it ended up going there or not but it should be so uh yeah [Music] all right let's see here we're gonna get ourselves the pickaxe as well as a i will go with an axe why not just to uh have multiple purposes there so let's go kill the sheep and get our beds so we can hopefully survive in this hardcore world and um there is actually a lava pool here that seems to be starting a bit of a fire and that could be good if we wanted a quick nether portal let me just see how many frames looking good yeah there okay so let's see we can do here let's i only have two wool for now so we'll go on the lookout for some more sheep and i found the savannah biome tends to have a lot of sheep so it shouldn't be too much of an issue going around here and looking for them let's see here are ax is better than swords someone asked depends i would say axes are definitely better if you want um the highest damage possible in a single hit um obviously swords can attack a little bit faster than axes can which is definitely a benefit so kind of up to the scenario i would say you know if you want more of like a you know quick um quick action you'd probably want a sword just because um if you make a mistake it's less of an issue because you can hit again faster but of course you know with a with this axe it's a little bit slower there so and we will get our food here too so actually a pretty good spawn for a hardcore world on random um just because there's food here and we didn't spawn that the i don't know in the little island or something with nothing so that's good and i got a super chat by flip let me just scroll up here give me a second uh by uh filpo i think and they say congrats from fort polk la and thank you very much for that i really appreciate it i'm i'm really really excited to reach this milestone and i hope it's gonna just be the start of even better things in the future all right so i hear a skeleton that means there's probably a cave nearby and um yeah let's get ourselves some more stone make a furnace smelt up that pork chop but in terms of like you know sort of first necessities for survival i think we're doing pretty good so let's dig down here and let us grab ourselves some stone and get that furnace to craft it let's see here just gonna scroll down here someone asked do you talk to any other minecraft youtubers yeah i have quite a few friends who are minecraft youtubers um recently i've been able to get in contact with quite a few people and you know it's been quite good i'm hoping in the future i can start to do more collaborations with different people so you might see that coming up and of course as well as that um you know i have actually done one collaborative video it was a very very long time ago with this channel called i think like zarin asserto or something like that and that was in like i'm gonna say like april of 2021 so it's definitely been quite a while since i did a collab video so yeah probably something i should i should start up again so let's get ourselves that and we can let that smelt through me to see if my game audio is looking good all right so there appears to be a jungle and we could make a house there we could also make a house in the savannah biome here it looks like that leads out to the ocean so we could go exploring maybe that's a good idea let's hope our food's almost cooked here we could see if we can get lucky here maybe find some stone or cobblestone or we'll find some cobblestone and stone i might meant some iron or some coal so let's go down in here and see if we can find that someone says what are your biggest or your best strategies to avoid baby zombies um yeah baby zombies can be quite hard i found um now i was talking earlier about axes and swords i would say swords are something you definitely want to use with baby zombies just because um with a sword if you make a mistake you can kind of correct it because there's not as much of a time where you know you can't hit anything um the thing about baby zombies too is you know they can't like really jump so if you go like two blocks up sort of like this then you're going to be fine from that and so um i would just say generally you know um one of my biggest strategies in minecraft honestly that um sometimes i've seen people forget is that um you know it's minecraft in the sense that you can edit any block right it's like if something's coming after you you can build around you you can build up you can i mean i guess not in the case of the warden if you know um with the newest things but you know in most scenarios you can do that and um yeah like with something like a baby zombie i would say just sort of blocking yourself in a corner that would be a good idea [Music] let's see here someone asks uh have you had any experience with the warden yet well not on this world obviously um but in general yeah i have done some things with the warden i mean i made a couple of videos on the deep dark i found the warden is kind of odd because it can be very easy depending on what you do but of course in certain scenarios as well it can be really deadly i found you know funny enough one of the best strategies is going to the deep dirk with very little armor and very little items because if you die it doesn't really matter in that scenario right no there's a buffer fish let's see if we cannot get poisoned by that but yeah and so you know generally that's what i would say about the warden um just you know if you're not on a hardcore world i would just say raid the ancient city when you don't have a lot of experience and with not a lot of good stuff on you and then just bring some wool blocks and put them around the chest break the chests and yeah there you go someone asked what mob do you want added um i mean there's all the mobs from the mob votes they didn't add it'd be interesting to see one of those come back to the game i would be interested in seeing maybe the copper golem i did vote for that in the mob vote um i understand obviously they only want to add one mob but i think that that would be good and um yeah just i mean i think you know there's not a lot of uh interactive um like mobs will do things on their own that could be interesting i mean villagers you can make sort of little civilization with them and the way that copper golems were sort of advertised it seems like you could have done that as well sort of had like a nice mechanical city and populated with them so to me that like unlocks a lot of opportunities that you know um wouldn't maybe be present in adding a different mob but looks like we stumbled upon a village and a pillager outpost which is super awesome actually that's like it's amazing how close they are too and of course a village is going to like increase our chances of survival by a lot so yeah we'll go and take a look at that and i just remembered i literally went right on top of a shipwreck and i forgot to leave it i'll have to do that later but let's go to this village and see what we can find here someone asked what do you do with excess copper ingots um i would say the solid like non-cut copper blocks um i'd say they're a really good building block um there's definitely not a lot of use to copper outside of um building and you know of course there's a lightning rod and things like that but um yeah i would say you know the oxidized and the fully unoxidized um solid copper blocks are something i would really enjoy building with um and i would say that would be a good use for them you could also make like just an insanely large amount of um the lightning rod blocks because they do have somewhat of a unique shape and you could use that for like a bunch of decorations and builds and sort of like fill your builds with that so let's make ourselves some bread not too much because obviously this is kind of more valuable as a breeding food so i'll do that see someone said what is your strategy to get better at the game um i would probably say hmm that's a good one i mean of course you know part of my channel is just showing people how to get better at the game um but i would say if you think about like my main strategy for it uh probably just trying to be really aware of your surroundings i found often times when minecraft players will die it's because they were focusing on something else or they sort of weren't really looking around them a lot if you're on pc i would say make sure your mouse has a really um a really sensitive uh dpi which means like when you move just a little bit your face will move a lot and the reason for that is you can look around really quickly see if there's something behind you or around you um i'll demonstrate that in a second here so for instance if i go like from right here um this is like maybe half an inch i just moved to go all the way in a circle there versus you know with some people i've seen kind of using their mouse a lot and if you can look around quickly you can wing around see if there's a creeper and just navigate like that someone did a super chat saying you're the best thank you so much to zcat4v for that i really appreciate it alright so we found this village um there's no blacksmith of course although there isn't usually somebody having some frame drops i might just turn this down to actually the simulation distance is high i'll just turn that one down okay um yeah we don't have any like blacksmiths but there is some food crops here and stuff so sorry for the frame drops as things load in a bit i found some weird frame issues in 1.19 and i do have sodium and uh iris on but still it's a little bit weird lag issues there so i might save and join the world again in a second here if those keep happening but we can just turn this down to like 20 chunk that might help somewhat yeah anyway um let's see here so we have do any potatoes no those are carrots i'm sure there are here's some potatoes no that's beetroot i think those here's the potatoes okay so we can make a farm with that um see someone asked uh will you try to find the deep dirk and warden yeah i probably will um if i have time of course if there's one around here i mean if there's no mountain biomes it's just there's not really an opportunity to do so um the ancient cities are very common i found probably a lot more common than you would think so you know i would say in general it shouldn't be too hard to find that but of course if there isn't a mountain biome around then it wouldn't really be worthwhile and hey here's some more bread and nothing crazy but we may as well grab that so i think we should probably make a house um this village is a pretty good place to settle down i think a little boring though so i don't know but i think overall probably pretty good um so let's go go mining i think we get some iron get some better tools see if we can survive the mining trip and you know if i die really early on i'll just start another world but of course um ideally i wouldn't want to die so uh i was like oh let's go set my spawn point out here but it's obviously hardcore so let's take a look here um that would be torches which is a little bit dangerous um ah there's some coal up there sorry if you guys can't see a thing but i will try and get some torches in just a second here and then we can see and i'll put those up and um hopefully you guys can hear the minecraft music i have playing in the background there if not um i can adjust that uh yeah hopefully all the leveling is good too all right we have a cave and we have some torches so let's mine up the rest of this coal someone asked if you could add anything to minecraft what would you add [Music] i think i would probably add some sort of like little atmospheric editions so things like probably more flowers um maybe like more recipes like i find it interesting that you know there's so few food recipes in the game i i understand the idea that every single item should sort of have a unique purpose to it um but i feel like you know things like the fact there's no direct way of eating eggs from chickens it doesn't make a lot of sense to me you know so i feel like something like that would be a really small change but one that would just sort of add a little bit more to the games uh sort of realistic factor okay let's take a look here and [Music] there's some more coal and we also have oh look at this two iron vanes which is awesome these are pretty big iron veins actually that's great do you think weather in the game is a good idea i mean there is weather um i'm guessing you're meaning like more like seasons like if there'd be like a winter and stuff like that um yeah i mean that could be interesting i i understand why they don't add it and i don't really think they should add it the reason why is just that um if you know let's say you built like some kind of a christmas build and like a snowy biome and then suddenly it turned to summer you know it wouldn't be that good of an idea so um but i think you know maybe there could be certain biomes where there was weather um or even maybe better they could just have like a really specific let's say you know fall biome i feel like um a summer biome i would think of is like you know jungle and coral reef winter biome obviously the snowy biomes the uh spring biomes you know maybe the um flower forest something like that maybe even just the plains biome sunflower plains um but like for the fall um you could say birch forest is a full biome and you could say maybe mega tiger is but like in general you know it's it's not really that much like the fall so adding that could be a good way of adding sort of like that [Music] see someone asked me what do i think of the demo version of minecraft um demo version of minecraft's really funny i think it's like locked into one seed if i remember correctly but yeah i mean you know i think it's better to have a demo than no demo so obviously you know um it's a good way of trying out the game i think it's like like 90 minutes 120 minutes something i think it's like 90 minutes they let you play on their one so you know it's obviously not that big of a deal but um yeah it's an interesting thing and i would say like it's it's nice to have that because if people haven't played minecraft especially if they haven't really watched many videos of it which you know would be hard to find someone who hasn't watched a minecraft video here and there if they're interested in buying the game but you know still for those rare cases it can definitely be good for that uh someone keeps asking me what my opinions are on the upcoming banning and reporting changes um i'm sure everyone has opinions on those including me i'm not really gonna give my opinions right now because it's still in the um uh my brain it just turned off um it's still in the uh snapshot stages and so we'll see what happens with that um you know obviously it's definitely a big change um and i think that you know uh it's good that um people are giving their opinions on that you know i think it's good that people talk about something that is such a big change because obviously it's important not to do something like that without any thought into it i'm just going to turn my weather sounds down a little bit here because i do not want to hear the rain so there we go we can give the iron golem a handshake to instantly in the hardcore world but i don't think i'm gonna do that um okay so we cut our iron um let's make a a little smelting station uh once we get the iron tools we can start building a house and look at that 400 and is that 450 con current viewers that's pretty good i'm actually like that's awesome honestly thank you guys for that that's a lot more than i thought i was thinking like maybe 50 but like hey that's great um hopefully i can keep up the stream for quite a while here and yeah see why do you think this game is so addicting that's actually a much deeper question that i would think most people would um assume it is um you know minecraft has a lot to it and i would say at the basis of it what makes it such an addicting game and such a game that is obviously so popular after so many years i mean it's crazy to think that um the most popular game in the world is a game that you know is whatever it is almost 13 i think about 13 years old now so actually it's a little bit over 13 years old you know and that's a pretty crazy thing obviously and i think um the reason why is that you know at the basis of it i think minecraft is a life simulator you know it really especially in survival it gives you those aspects of real life a lot of other games don't and i think the biggest aspect of that is sort of like free choice to do what you want to do there's there really isn't any set out path obviously you know of course there's there's things the game wants you to do like let's say defeat the ender dragon or raid a bastion or things that are you know um pre-made things you can enjoy and with the game but in general i would say um probably just the fact that yeah it's like it's so open-ended there's so much to do and also it's such a simple game it really is easy to pick up um of course it's actually a lot of complexity to it but i mean like from the very base level it's sort of like um it looks very simple so it's not too um overwhelming from the start someone asked what country are you from and i am from the snowy paradise well it's not very snowy right now but the snowy paradise of canada um yes i'm most of my viewers i think are from the states from what my analytics tell me but yeah i'm from canada and also just realized i need to let these last two pieces smelt so we will do that what animal would you want added to minecraft i kind of already answered that question earlier but if we're talking like a animal not just you know any mob um let's go look for a cave i would probably say maybe like uh like a grizzly bear or something because you know there are like um you know polar bears and there's biomes that could definitely have grizzly bears in them and so i think it would make sense now i see a cat and i wish we could get the cat but i don't think we have any way of fishing it right now unless there's some string around so let's just make an iron axe and start chopping down the trees here i don't think we have to have like anything crazy to build a house and it'll be good to have something that's sort of established we can run into it at night or something if there's mobs chasing us are you playing in heard more mode i'm playing in hardcore mode so that's locked into hard mode no matter what there's like if i go here there's there's no way of changing that it's stuck to hard mode so yes i am playing unheard but also hardcore and basically um i'm thinking that after we build the house here we can probably go exploring around see if we can raid some different structures someone asked me if i'll raid a woodland mansion live and i mean if there's a woodland mansion around here i'll definitely go for that but you know obviously that's not incredibly probable um it's like it's becoming night again or maybe it just is dark no i think it is becoming night someone asked me have you heard of the hit game among us no i've never heard of that ever in my entire life oh boy someone asked will you get a 100k play button uh yeah i should i mean um i'll be up i i don't know if they send it out or if i have to apply for that i'm not sure but i'll definitely probably be getting that because i'm pretty sure youtube sends those out to anyone who gets 100k someone asked will you do any banner tutorials in the future um probably yeah i love i really love banners actually a lot and they're a part of the game that i find isn't really used by a lot of players i mean you know of course people use them but i think that in general um it's a lot less used than let's say maybe i don't know um just standard building would be or even you know maybe just using signs and i feel like a banner is almost like a way of painting or something like that sort of like a custom painting i mean you know not exactly but yeah you know i've gotten to the point with banners where i can basically design most things that um i would want to and so it'd be interesting to sort of show people that process of like how do you actually design something with the banner from start to finish i think that would be a cool video maybe like an ultimate banner guide you might see in the future one day so yeah definitely someone says hello from i might miss francis but uzbekistan you're the best and thank you very much for that it's amazing how many international viewers i have i mean uh most of my viewers are international i think like five percent are from canada so uh yeah i know it's awesome to have people from all around the world it's probably very late at night in uzbekistan right now so yeah but um thank you for joining the stream absolutely and i really appreciate um all my fans being on here and yeah so let's see yeah it's a little bit boring here just chopping down the trees so let's see what we can do to make this a bit more interesting all right so we got the trees um i'm thinking like maybe one or two more birch trees just um i always like birchwood for a floor so we'll do that and let's try and answer some more questions someone keeps asking will you continue this series um i have no idea i guess it depends on if i die or not right so you'll you'll um have that question answered during the rest of this live stream let's pick up our saplings here um someone was commenting on one of my videos earlier that they were saying actually it wasn't on a video it was on a community post that they found that alleys were really good for when you're doing tree farming and i thought that was actually a really good point because you know all these stupid saplings they drop around i mean they're not actually stupid they're obviously a good item but in the sense that you know it can be hard to go around and grab them all definitely is a cool thing to have to have those pick those up for you especially since they have a pretty good range so um i guess it'll be the end of our little tree chopping expedition here and i will go and get a little house set up in the middle of the village or maybe later on we could like wall off the village or we could do something to protect it um but it's overall a pretty nice looking village um i also have like this little bit of water here it might lead out to the ocean it might not so oh yeah it looks like it does actually so we could build like a dock here or something that's really cool sort of like um the villagers sort of built like little inlets so they could have access to the sea hmm well it looks like over here i'm sound like a villager here but anyway it looks like over here there's a pretty flat area so that could be perfect for a base and i'm going to place down a chest and get all the random items i do not need on me in there so that we can build that and not have to deal with getting just some dirt on the ground because of course we'll have to go mine that up and hopefully there'll be a nice cave around here we can get in a minute to get some more iron because we're getting a little bit low on that because i didn't mind very much at first because that first cave was fairly small someone's asking what seed am i playing on i don't know i did a random seed i'm hoping that once the uh if i die i guess i could show the seed or something like that i don't know or i could show the seed later on but yeah i have no idea honestly just random seed uh someone asked are you ever going to do a survival series kind of like a guide explain it in a simple way um maybe i definitely have been considering um let's plays things like that i'm not exactly sure what i'll do in the future with that um but i do at one point want to make that because i really enjoy them i just you know i want to do what would sort of um you know the most of my viewers would want and i'm not sure if the vast majority of my viewers and you know just people who would stumble upon my channel would want to let's play or if they would just want you know um tutorials and guides and things like that but you know doing a mix at one point in the future could definitely be an option someone asked why don't you use shaders um i mean i i think i could actually turn them on right now i have it on the uh where is it here i think i have it because i'm on iris we could go to video settings shader packs see we could use one of these for a minute here if you want um i don't usually use shaders just because i found they sort of have i guess i'll enable this refresh shooter packs there we go um i don't usually use shaders just because they can make visibility things weird like this is looking very odd i'm not sure if the shader is glitched a bit like those leaves look very strange but anyway i found like just visibility wise they can be a little bit odd but yeah i mean here's your shader for a minute here if you want it do you think some dog should get armor someone asked honestly yeah i think that would be really cool um although i think if they did add that maybe they would have to add like cat armor and parrot armor so you know i can see why they don't but um i think the idea of having that would be cool because you know dogs do fight for you and so giving them armor would be a great way of protecting them and making them more viable for like uh you know more than just sort of a novel strategy of fighting moms like you know i think even they could have like maybe special enchantments for that that would increase the dog's attack like really making it into more of a useful thing and you know of course most people i think want them to add different dog breeds as well so yeah like a pet update would honestly be a cool thing to see in the future [Music] see someone said i think they should add a way to upgrade diamond horse armor to netherrate yeah i totally think so i'm actually really surprised they didn't add the um the diamond horse armor out of the nether right horse armor it's very strange to me that they didn't do that um maybe the idea behind that is they wouldn't want people to be using horses in the nether um but in that case you know you think there should be like strider armor or something if you know that's supposed to be like the nether transportation mob but you know totally i think they should add another right horse armor let's turn the shaders off here unless everyone wants them i guess you can tell me in the chat if you if you um if you want the shaders or not but i'll just have them offering out to you guys tell me please make a tutorial on how to raid another fortress properly where to find good loot and stuff yes that is planned in the future i'm not sure if that'll be like close in the future or far in the future but 100 i'm planning on doing another fortress tutorial because there's a lot there especially with gaining brewing ingredients so i might focus more on that side of it you know um best way of getting brewing weed ingredients quickly but yes i will do that here's a little trick you guys probably know but if you don't i can save you time if you're doing a floor if you use slabs um for like the bottom part here um you don't really notice they're slabs when you're walking on it but it saves you 50 of your logs so that's kind of a cool thing and definitely makes things more efficient and so we will put in our birch floor for this rather boring shaped house but i mean i don't know i guess i guess i could make a little bit more interesting in a minute here someone asked did you ever play terraria i have played terraria before i think i said this on my uh 50k q a which is insane to think that that 50k q a was like two months ago and i'm at 100k so yeah i have played truria i'm not very much at all like probably an hour or two um so yeah definitely not like a terraria expert or anything here but um from what i could tell from the game it definitely seems like it's quite fun and you know i might play it again in the future someone said any tips you wish you knew sooner i find that an interesting question because yeah there's oftentimes been things that um i once i would find them out i would i would wish that i'd use them for longer one of them is kind of on the more technical side uh when you're on your minecraft launcher you can allocate more ram to the game if you're on like the java edition and i didn't know about that for quite a while um and then when i did discover that it it was you know awesome to have my game performing better um but i also kind of felt stupid that i hadn't figured out in the first place because my game was running so slow before i'd done that someone asked will you join the dream smp um i mean if i could join it i probably would um obviously that i don't i mean the dream smp i haven't seen a lot of info about that lately i'm not sure if it's um being like super relevant right now like i have no idea honestly though but um yeah my guess if i was invited that i would probably join up let's see someone said what are your other hobbies um of other hobbies let's think here well obviously doing um go get some birch logs but yeah other than doing uh minecraft and youtube i would say um i do like doing a lot of art stuff so sometimes i'll draw sometimes i'll do like um some balloon art you know like balloon animals things like that sometimes i'll um draw like art on you know online or whatever i'm nothing like crazy obviously and i'm you know but um just a little bit and yeah sometimes i'll play other video games sort of like i'm really interested in the sandbox genre there's some really fun games that um i enjoy that are all sandbox like a lot on steam things like that so i'll do that as well and yeah those are some other hobbies of mine someone said any plans on doing a face reveal um yeah i mean i have nothing against doing a face reveal at all um i definitely want to do one in the future at some point i just obviously want to find the right time to do it and you know just to have like a uh something really good plan for that but you know in the future you'll probably see that no promises but i would say like there's nothing i can think of right now that would stop me from doing that in the future so yeah [Music] someone said bro what do you think about ocean monument i think it is so useless um i mean i would say the ocean monument itself is kind of large and a little bit plain um but obviously the sponges that you find in it definitely make up for that and i just realized it is nighttime so i better sleep because we're on hardcore i guess i'll make this kind of a boring hardcore because i'm sleeping every night but you know obviously surviving is kind of the point and later on when we're like reading the nether stuff like that that'll be when it's a little bit more deadly so let's see someone said what are you making i am making a house so it's a little bit boring but yeah just making a sort of uh tradition well not super traditional but like a pretty standard minecraft house just so we have a place to live and i won't um i'll kind of lower my chance of dying of course because you know first kind of steps in hardcore do things to minimize your chance of death and yeah um it is interesting because i feel like there's sort of a a point in mind oh there's a cave i should definitely remember where that is because i need materials but yeah there's like a certain point in minecraft that you have to like cross a barrier um and once you've crossed that barrier then you're probably going to be fine and i would say in terms of like hardcore that barrier would probably be getting your full iron armor maybe like your full diamond armor but you know like for instance what we're going to about to do right now is very risky we have to go into that cave and because we don't have any iron armor right it's going to be a lot riskier than at any other caving journey we'll probably ever have so the chance of dying there is really high whereas in the future the chance of dying from something like that is definitely going to be a lot lower so i may as well make a shield though that'll definitely increase our chances of survival and um i guess it's like that so we will make the shield and you guys might be wondering why i'm doing the manual crafting i just prefer it because i have all the recipes memorized so i don't know i just find it more fun um do i have any food i can bring also someone was saying earlier they can't hear the background music tell me if you can or not i do have it playing it might be a little quiet but um yeah if you guys aren't hearing that i can try and adjust that so you can someone says sodium iris or optifine um sodium and iris are kind of compatible i think like doesn't one deal with like entities and one deals with um like blocks and things like that because right now i believe i have sodium and iris on on my thing i don't remember which part of the site yeah sodium renderer but i think iris is part of that too i don't remember um i mean i hope the vines fine too obviously i don't really care i just uh iris has um a lot of compatibilities and uh yeah i mean they're both pretty good though i've also found optifine's menus to sometimes be a little bit hard to navigate so there's that that's uh i thought it was coming here for food that's why i grabbed the raw mutton but now i'm coming here for torches so we'll make those let's see here what is the first term you think you'll make the first farm i would say you know i mean generally the first farm i would make in a world would be something i can't get easily so like i wouldn't usually start by making an iron farm although you could um this golem here is very happy i wouldn't start by making an iron farm but oh my goodness that's an abandoned mine shaft but to quickly finish your question before we um very adventurously explore that event in mine shaft um the uh question was uh first term probably a gold farm i'm not sure if i'd do that on this world but you know gold can be useful for big piglen bartering sort of gives you unlimited access to those items so maybe like a gold for maybe even just like a auto pumpkin and melon now i hear a skeletons this is like the this is the point where you might see me die guys so just be aware just be where i should actually probably grab some blocks that will like heavily increase my chance for survival and that is a really look cool looking woodland or not woodland mansion a really cool looking abandoned mine shaft so it'd be very interesting if it was the woodland mansion underground like that look there's a 20 super chat that is incredibly nice of you um they say best of luck on your hardcore run and congrats on 100k your voice is very relaxing to listen to well thank you um i definitely try and make my content as um i guess relaxing as possible i'm not sure if i uh emphasize i'm being relaxing but yeah i'm glad that you enjoyed that um yeah so we need some building blocks here we'll just get some blink so it doesn't look too ugly and we'll get the axe there and we'll organize our hotbar i'm organizing hotbar just as another little um interesting bit of info i would say it's also a good way of saving your life just because if you're in like a very very um quick action scenario if you know exactly where a tool or a weapon is going to be that can definitely save your life so let's put the food last okay see if we can conquer this and get the iron okay here the skeleton hmm uh opinions on lush caves someone asks um my opinions on lush gates i like lush caves um i would say i wish that the items in the lush caves had a bit more use um like maybe you know like that cool giant flower i forget the name of it to be honest but that cool giant flower like i wish maybe that would have more um functionality like maybe you could brew it into something maybe you could you know do something with it that wasn't you know purely decorative um but like outside of that i would say yeah no they're really good this is the uh center of the woodland mansion they always i think it is anyway they always generate like this square thing although this could be on chunk borders here is that a chunk border no it's not if it's if you ever see like weird blocky things like this and it's on a chunk border that usually means it's like a terrain glitch okay i still hear that skeleton so i'm a little bit nervous about that but i think it's above me um someone says is there a way to make the smallest gold farm yeah i made like my micro farm series a while ago and people seem to enjoy that quite a bit um in terms of like a gold farm i don't know if it'd be worth it to make a small gold firm um i've i've made very small there's a skeleton i've made some very small gold farm designs before and um and they do work it just obviously if you're gonna go to all the effort of building something in another you know if it takes you 10 minutes to build or let's say an hour to build and the difference is by a hundred times more efficient i would say generally you just want to go with the bigger build sometimes you missed cooling i missed a lot of ores here as long as i don't miss iron i'm doing pretty good but yeah i'm going gonna try and mine as much as i can for now um big thing obviously right now is the iron because you know if we don't have that we're gonna die and uh yeah i mean it is hardcore although we could always level up here and try and get as many levels as i have concurrent viewers which is now at 546 which is awesome so thank you again for that i'm really really appreciative of that um i did not expect that many let's see here you see this looks dangerous to me i hear a spider okay you know i definitely hear a spider um i think they're above me again wait this could be where they are okay let's see here there's the iron i would not forget that one so let's let's grab the iron someone said your voice is as soothing as it is in the videos have you ever tried narrating audio books i have not but i i suppose i could look into that that might be an interesting option um a choice um it's funny because um the biggest thing i always try and do just to let you guys in a little um i don't know what a secret but sort of an interesting thing you might not know is that um i tend to want to speak very quickly um like very very quickly and so my biggest thing on my videos is trying to speak slower because you know oftentimes i'll really just speak like this and be very very quick and it's very hard to understand what i'm saying so you know that's not ideal for a video or a tutorial or really for anything um and so maybe that's one of the reasons why i sound more relaxed is i'm just consciously trying to not speak too quickly [Music] thank you for all these and really nice comments here um let's see here if mojang does an end dimension update what do you think they should add so just for a little bit of context on that i would say at this point i'm thinking 80 to 90 chance 1.20 is an end update just because it makes oh good gracious that's a poisonous spider okay um yeah but anyway um that's already interrupted okay it's okay okay okay just a second here okay i think we're safe partially safe we are stuck okay so to quickly answer your question um before i um defeat the spider um basically in an up an in an end update i would um i would want to see some in the end biomes i'd want to see basically just like a duplicate of the nether update in terms of like what the features are so you know new structure to maybe maybe not a new ore i mean well maybe a new orbit maybe not like a new um or like netherrace like maybe not like another tier of upgrading but just something like that all right so we're about to face our biggest test ever we have this poisonous spider on the loose now i feel like a uh a stair is going to be what's going to save our lives in this scenario because i think they can actually crawl through a slab okay let's do that um let's see here can we still see it i'm just trying to see because i think i can hit it through this right so i'm trying to see if i can see it around because these guys are pretty dangerous um use the fence to block right here um i could i don't know if you can actually hit three fences on java though um i can try that one not gonna hurt so i'll do that oh that's a fence skate it's the problem with doing manual crafting is sometimes you mess things up there we go okay i really do hear that um i think it's above sometimes if they get okay i'm just gonna risk it [Music] oh boy okay i can't hit it oh okay oh that's stress that stress gone okay it's it's killed we've killed it we've we've slain the spider and it dropped us a string and an eye which i suppose is i craft mc reference by the way no it's not but um yeah that's a good thing i guess i do hear more of them obviously that first one came from somewhere so i'm gonna get like right out of here and try and go to a different part of the mine shaft do you like doing redstone someone asked a redstone um yes i do like doing redstone i'm not as good as it um at it as you might think um but i do enjoy it and i definitely want to learn more about it as time goes along maybe start doing more redstone tutorials um big thing i've been looking into just on my own lately is making like vending machines that's super fun and with redstone you can make like some amazing comb amazing combinations um for instance i made a vending machine that will give you um what i said it'll give you automatically brewed potions so when you buy a new potion it'll automatically brew another one to fill the potion that you bought kind of an idea so it'll um okay it sounds like the spider just fell down here i'm just gonna temporarily block myself up but anyway oh goodness okay but anyway yeah i do like doing redstone hi craft mc what is your fov um so i play on a rather big monitor it's not too big but it's um i don't remember what it is i think it's like 28 inch or something so i do um 80. uh sometimes i almost feel like going like full quake pro i just it's a little bit distorted like i feel like if i was never going to record things i probably would do quake pro just because um especially if i just got my face a bit closer to the screen it's kind of kind of more like real life um but i go with 80 i know most people i guess would go with 70 but i just find it feels a little bit too zoomed in so if you ever find my videos are looking a little bit more zoomed out then maybe you would normally see that's because i'm on the fov of 80. okay i'm trying to escape from here this is like fairly risky um okay there we go would you ever do a tutorial on how to get sodium or optifine to work um maybe yeah that's not something i would necessarily be against um the only problem with that is that that wouldn't apply to my bedrock viewers but obviously you know i make videos all the time that don't apply to my bedrock viewers i just you know try and make videos that apply to the most people as possible but yeah it definitely would be possible i could make a tutorial on that in the future hope you're gonna stream more your voice is awesome thanks for all the vids truly enjoy them such great work i gotta go need my frames see you soon thanks i i thank you very much for the nice comment and um yeah i might stream more i'm not sure if i'll stream on here or on twitch i do have a twitch by the way and i don't really care if you follow me on there or not i mean i would i would like it if you followed me on there but i haven't streamed on there once so i understand if you guys don't want to um but you know i might end up streaming on there in the future um as long as the streams don't mess up like the um youtube algorithm around my standard videos i would like i would love to do streaming like maybe every week maybe every other week i'm not sure yeah probably every week as long again as long as it doesn't mess up things because obviously the algorithm can be a little bit picky i don't know what that one sound was um but i also found this and it does not have good loot in it but it did generate floating in the air so that's kind of a novelty i suppose let's see look at that it's like completely floating that's that's funny if i place this here is that going to pop off no oh now it popped off i guess i had to ruin it didn't i oh boy that's interesting though hmm we have enough iron for armor not sure what is your favorite video you've made probably my new mining guide i spent way too much time making that and but i'm really happy with it and i think that it's probably the best video i've ever made probably will be the best video i've made for a very long time just because um i don't usually have as much time as that to make a video but yeah i thought this was emeralds for a second his nose is a stupid um glow lichen well glue looking's actually kind of cool but obviously mistaking it for emeralds is not all right i guess we could just grab this as string i was wanting that fishing pole earlier so i'm going to ruin my iron sword but whatever this funny iron sword sort of have like not just iron swords but any swords have like the double use of being a um cobweb breaker let's see here um uh would you do mod showcases mod showcases hmm um maybe i mean i think it's not completely impossible um i don't know uh i would say i'll have to find um i would have to do more research into that if i was going to make a series out of it you know not just oh it's night time i should go to bed oh do i stall my bed with me yes i do hopefully that that was close i nearly fell down there um hopefully the villagers didn't die because it was nighttime but how long does it take you to make your videos that's a good question um um it depends on the video um i would say like at least 10 hours um it does depend a lot though so like it's like i could say you know every video is going to take 10 hours and usually it's more than that um there is a non-poisonous spider there um yeah like i would say probably probably closer to 20. like i would say i usually spend maybe 60 70 hours a week doing youtube stuff so like if you just divide it by three videos a week you you sort of get um you know 20-ish hours but again it does depend quite a bit like the mining guide was probably like 40 hours but you know of course it's definitely worth it let's see here what made you want to start minecraft um i guess just how different of a game it was from every other game like just because i saw opportunity in it that i just couldn't see in any other game and so to me you know that's what made it um a good game to try out hey look at this golden apple that's pretty awesome um i actually well i guess it's not enchanted but still it's pretty good beggars can't be choosers when i don't even have um iron armor or any armor for that matter see if i can kill this spider it's always nice when they get kind of stuck like that there was a creeper down here so it's probably incredibly okay that is incredibly stupid it's like it's probably incredibly stupid to go down there and what do i see but a creeper instantly so yeah i'll probably wait to go there sure is more iron here i guess it's not really the white uh the right level keep saying my r is wrong let's see here this goes to the other side uh any video you had to scrap yes not um usually um but like a long time ago i had made a uh this was like a long time ago like when i had like a thousand subs i made this massive video about um i think it was about raiding the ocean monument but then because the new updated can't come out it had changed something and so i ended up having to get rid of it it was like 40 out of 40 minutes long something like that but um and also sometimes i'll forget to upload something it's very rare but um a long time ago there was like this little video about enchanted golden apples making banner patterns and i had made it in like february of 2021 but didn't put it out till like september of 2021 just because i didn't remember till then are you enjoying the deep dark biome uh i haven't been in it like an insane amount i was saying earlier i've been done stuff with the warden somewhat and of course i have um as well as with the deep dirk uh but i would say as a whole i do find it very useful i'm not sure if i would find it like you know um the biome itself i don't think is that um like surprisingly good i would say it's it's good i definitely think it's more useful oh goodness okay okay that was close i should i should be more aware back on my heart racing oh my goodness but yeah um the deep dirk is pretty good though so yes there's your question i need to get some iron before i die um okay let's go up here before i die of heart attack um let's see what is your favorite biome why is your voice or your voice so relaxing i love your videos good work favorite biome that's a little bit less stressful than a creeper um let's see i think my favorite biome is probably the um i really do enjoy the manga taiga probably just because it reminds me of um canada just to be honest i mean the mega tag is really similar to places we have here um but as well as that i really do like the flower forest um the coral reef is it amazing really really good biome there as well so yes that would be some of my favorite biomes but i don't know i mean there's some also some biomes i find sort of like i feel like they would be more interesting if they were um had more features to them like i think in theory the mushroom islands is awesome but you know in terms of uh in terms of actual like just how it looks i think it could definitely use a bit of improvement but i think like the concept of that would be probably one of my favorites if it was a little bit modified why don't you make building tutorials on minecraft um i i could uh i'm not incredibly good at building although i suppose i guess that's up to everyone's interpretation but um yeah at this point it's just not my focus um but i mean you know you i could always do that you might see that in the future maybe especially something like a base building tutorial i think that would be more likely than anything else uh what do you think is the most common biome i think it's ocean um i like just standard ocean um or it might be planes i i remember researching this a while ago for land bombs 100 planes just especially with the new update planes is incredibly um common so is forest and birch forest too birchwood is definitely more common in 1.18 plus than it was before that so let's make ourselves some shiny iron boots that will ever so slightly protect us but i suppose they look vaguely i don't know fashionable or something so there we go um let's see um [Music] i love bay salt delta bomb it fits very well with the nether as is general uh genuinely difficult to drift yes yes yeah excuse me bay salt biome is a great one i really enjoy the bay salt biome um in terms of its appearance yeah probably one of my favorite other biomes as well i think like the warped forests forest's functionality is nice just because the idea of a peaceful mode nether biome is something that is definitely it's unique and i also think it gives people more opportunity to build bases in the nether that they wouldn't usually have that opportunity to do so and of course you'd want to be in the center of a warped forest not just on the sides of it or you know maybe like a ghast would shoot you but yeah like if you're in the center of a work force that's a that's an amazing other biome just in terms of its functionality but in terms of visuals yeah probably base all delta is my favorite um let's see here do you also play minecraft for your own um i'm guessing that's supposed to be entertainment yes absolutely i do i mean if i didn't do it for my own entertainment i'm not sure why i'd be a youtuber for it um i i definitely have had less less time to play minecraft for entertainment than i did um before i started my channel but you know i i enjoy learning the game as i make tutorials as well um obviously you know the tutorials are a mix of knowledge i have and research i've done um and so i feel like you know it's it's been 100 a plus in my experience of the game but you know yeah i definitely do still do it for entertainment i have a couple um little small survival worlds like i've been having one i've been working on lately where i have been trying to let's see here one two three four five where i've been draining an ocean monument out so that's something that is uh kind of interesting there uh four or five making a very little bit ugly-ish traditional house hopefully it's not too ugly but you know just like the classic one i'll try and make it look nicer though maybe like a second floor interesting thing or something one two three four five someone says i can't read that uh what do you think has been the best update and why um i'm always kind of torn between the nether update and update aquatic um but i'd probably say update aquatic honestly it's it's just an amazing update in my opinion i think that um the ocean was so barren and there was just nothing there i can't really see it being that controversial in the sense that it's not like it's removing anything it's like it's changing anything it's just adding things you know and i think that to the ocean was something that just genuinely needed to be updated obviously everyone has different opinions um but in my opinion i think the ocean was the most needed to be updated thing before you know 1.13 and so um i know there were some weird technical things they changed at the game at that time as well but like in terms of the actual features of the update that was an amazing update in my opinion any general advice for new youtubers uh yes i would say the first one is uh be consistent with your posting like make sure you just keep posting and don't stop even if what you're posting isn't necessarily um what you would consider to be a good video um if you don't you know post things you won't be able to improve um there's no such thing as posting your first video and having it be perfect unless you've had tons of previous experience and so if you're just starting i would say just try at it try and improve slowly and i mean you know if you keep that up then yeah you could probably make it someday what is your biggest achievement in minecraft i mean in minecraft itself i'm not sure um i was showing in my 20 uh what is it i think it's 20 things to do if you're bored in minecraft i was showing my one of my older um survival worlds in there i'm not too old but uh yeah and there i've done a lot of crazy stuff maybe some of my biggest achievements would be there like that massive skyscraper i built or maybe like the sort of um like i don't know like there's some there's some things in there that are quite um time-consuming i've made a crazy gold term in there that i didn't show it in the video but um i'd probably farmed like 20 double chests of gold blocks out of it it was funny because on my statistics page it was like um you know whatever you've dug up 100 000 dirt or whatever it was and then like above that was like and you've crafted 2 million gold ingots or something funny like that so definitely was something i spent a lot of time on that world was tons of gold farming [Music] what is your favorite disc hmm well the music discs are really good i have the um some of the music discs playing in the background here i think they'll eventually play most of them uh i would say like um far is a really good one um weight is a really good one i found some of the some of those types of ones have a lot of history behind them and so whenever i listen to them i always sort of imagine a bunch of old minecraft videos i've watched you know from way way back in the day that um that played those music discs so they're very nostalgic to me in that way but in terms of the actual music to it you were saying you like pigstep and pigstep's definitely something that is quite good i'm not sure if uh it's my favorite but i would definitely say it's a really good music disc and i'm really happy with the music that that um gave to the game let's see what is your job besides being a youtuber well my job is being a youtuber um i uh i've gone full time on this since um well actually for quite a long long time but i went like fully full time on this um in probably january and yeah i've been doing it since then it's uh definitely a full-time thing it's a lot of a lot of effort a lot of time but it's totally worth it and i think it's an amazing career that i've been blessed with and i'm incredibly happy that um i have it and i really want to provide the best i can to people with this opportunity i have to you know just teach people more about the game that i like so much what is the most annoying mob for you i should start doing something as i talk um the most annoying mob for me probably villagers no i'm not sure if it's villagers although um villagers can definitely be quite annoying uh i mean skeletons are quite an annoying one um definitely a easy way to die i found creepers are sort of like unless they have the element of surprise i haven't found them to be too annoying um zombies can be just annoying like not necessarily dangerous but just annoying when um because they have this weird rule i'm not sure if it's like this in bedrock but in java where um if you kill a zombie there's like a chance of another one just randomly spawning nearby and so you know that's sometimes why like when you're fighting zombies you'll have like an eternal horde of zombies just keep coming after you it's not that there were that many in the first place it just was spawning more and more of them so yeah i found zombies can be quite annoying especially when you get into like a death loop of that when you're killing maybe eight zombies at a time and just like another one replaces it the last one is it dies it takes like five minutes to to go through them all i got a super chat they said for two canadian dollars so thank you to the canadian viewer they say congrats on 100k go canada best way to find kelp well kelp is really easy to find um if you're having trouble finding it um you can use chunk base to find an ocean like if you're in an ocean generally there should be kelp if you're just wanting to like get a cup off the ocean floor i do think there's a biome that doesn't have kelp in it i can't remember it offhand it might be the frozen ocean and also well the warm ocean doesn't have it and so yeah i guess you want like a lukewarm motion a um a cold ocean or like just a standard ocean that would be probably your most ideal places of finding kelp someone asked do i hate minecraft yes i completely hate minecraft that's why i'm i'm enjoying playing it as we speak um let's see how long do you plan on streaming uh i don't know how long i've been streaming for it's ah it's been has it been two no it's not it's been i thought it says it's been two hours no it's because i get my clock wrong it's been an hour um more i mean i'm hoping for i don't know i was thinking three hours so we'll see we'll see what i can do i i might be end up being two but i'm hoping um i'm holding about three so let's see here all right we've got enough planks and and logs and things so we should be able to do that and oh my goodness i just remembered something the the and i instantly forgot it no i uh what is it the pillager outpost has the alley and the um goat horn added often times so that could be a really really good place to go in a minute here once we get better armor um because we could like integrate some of that 1.19 stuff like fairly early on which would be great so let's do that but i'll have to go mining first and that stupid abandoned mine shaft doesn't seem to have much in it so i'm hoping that um we can get more things iron-wise soon first time watching you live just up this month enjoying your content so far well this is my first time going live so you're watching my first stream ever so you haven't missed out on anything don't worry and i'm really glad that you are enjoying the content i've gained i don't even know some insane amount of subscribers this last month i think it was in the last seven days i've gained like 11k something like that so um it's been going very very quickly and i definitely welcome all my new and old viewers alike not only to the stream but also to the channel and all the things i have posted here i would definitely suggest any new viewers as well to look back through my videos um i'm not saying like the really ancient videos but i've often times had people in the comments request a video i've already made just because they haven't like looked really really far back on my lists and i do have some playlists as well you could look through if you want some some stuff there but i would say like i've already covered a lot of the game in my tutorial so i'll definitely continue to cover it but um um so i would say like there's a fairly good chance if you can't find a tutorial of mine you could probably just look it up on my channel search page and find it there let's see haven't played minecraft in years and your videos helped me catch up with the updates thank you well you know i mean you're really welcome i i love to help people learn the game and before i did anything on youtube even before i thought of of doing youtube my favorite thing to do in minecraft was to help other people play it and just because i found it's such an amazing game i think it's a game that may be the most popular in the world but i think there's always more people that should be playing it because it's it just it gives people so much more to do and so much more freedom than i think any other game does and i also think there's really some educational opportunities and although you know most people might then find that kind of funny i would say um it's uh it's definitely a game that is very good uh what do you think 1.20 will be a bunch of people have been asking 1.20 well i said earlier i thought it would be the end update um just by chance um what do i hope 1.20 will be i would say um probably a general sort of like 1.15 kind of thing where they add a little bit of stuff but it's mostly just behind the scenes things um although what i would like to see along with that is a lot of little quality of life changes um i do think that it's very probable that either 1.20 or 1.21 will be a quality of life update so that would be things like you know maybe a couple new crafting recipes maybe finally adding bundles maybe you know improving the technical you know sort of functionalities things like that i think that would be something the game's been needing for a while there's definitely been a lot of performance issues lately and um you know focusing on that for a little while would definitely be a benefit in my opinion i think we have a sweden coming on with the background music there which is pretty nice let's see here or sand or sand into glass it's a desert or savannah desert or savannah probably desert i i just think desert is interesting because it gives you a challenge and i think that um yes there's the villagers there yes there's the um rabbits there but if you get those out of the equation a desert is incredibly hard to survive in and even with the villagers and that you know because you can't get uh logs in the biome you know if you respond in the middle of a massive desert biome you know like let's say a thousand blocks any direction you went from from where you were you would probably have to just mine underground and find abandoned mine shaft to get logs and speaking of that i was there's a cave right here so i should probably go down there and grab some iron and just the most squeakiest chair in the world so give me a second here okay let's see here um yeah let's uh let's get some more materials for that let's get some more torches do a video on sand then it has a sand tutorial um i've seen those on youtube before actually which is interesting um yeah that would be interesting guy to make as a sand guide uh maybe if they do a desert update though like a desert guide would be cool and actually something i've been thinking of for a long time we'll see what i end up doing with it um is to make like a biome guide series so i would go through every biome um obviously you know not like to a stupid extent like today i'm gonna be talking about you know some small variant of something like i don't know like uh you know gravely hills or something but like did you know maybe more like a video talking about all the ocean biomes a video talking about maybe all the tiger biomes the video talking about all the jungle biomes something like that i was thinking of doing and if you guys are interested in that i would be very interested in the feedback on that because it would be more of a long term series and so if it didn't go well that would not be ideal cats or dogs cats or dogs hmm you're a zombie it's worrying me um um [Music] i'm not sure i really like both actually i would say like i feel like dogs are more sort of if you want a lot of activities around them and i feel like like i don't know for talk about minecraft in real life i guess i guess and really on both and there's a creeper there um in minecraft i would say probably probably cats actually just because they give you the random items if they're stood up when you sleep and also of course there is the um the scaring of the creepers and phantoms so that's that's a pretty good functionality as well jacob truth asks are you left or right-handed i am right-handed although sometimes i wonder if i was left-handed and then i was just trained on my right hand because i don't know i don't think so but sometimes i wonder just because um oftentimes i want to do things with my left hand like you know lifting something or or like you know pointing to something but i'm not sure i would just say but at this i mean i do everything with my right hand so probably right handed let's see did you ever play a lot of large mod packs likes like ftp no i actually haven't i've played very little modded minecraft um something i want to get more into to be honest is modded minecraft um because it expands the game to such a big extent so i think that modding well i wouldn't be modding it but playing a modded version of the game could be great so yeah absolutely also um do whatever you want but if you guys want to like the stream that would be a great way of making it getting uh promoted to more people so more people can see it and more or less the more likes there are the more youtube's gonna show it and the more successful this first livestream will be so if you guys want to like that that would be awesome so anyway i will chalk down this tree and uh while we're plugging random things um if you guys are interested in following me on different things i do have a twitter i do have a discord i've never read it and i have a twitch and if you guys want to follow me on those i have links to most of those in the description um there is not a link to the reddit in the description but there is on some of my older videos or you could just google it and i'm sure you can find that fairly easily okay let's take a look here yeah there's also the discord server so okay so our house is looking um fairly ugly i think i should probably get some material for the roof i was able to say i could do the acacia logs for that but i feel like that wouldn't actually look too amazing i'm under like a stone roof like a stone slabs that could be cool and we got a lot of we got a lot of um coal let's see here are streams monetized you gain profit from streams uh i think this is monetized i don't know i don't remember um obviously when people send super chats that directly supports me which is incredibly nice of people to do that um and i definitely appreciate the super chats um yes that's the answer to that can't stay to watch but keep at it well thank you jacob candanosa for that comment and i will definitely keep at it for as long as i can um until a creeper explodes or something um let's take a look here so uh iron is definitely going to be found down here and this is also going to be where danger is so it's like that thing i was saying earlier the we're in like that big leap stage where you have to do the dangerous thing to to have any future in this world without you know taking like three years to do something um okay that was a lag spike don't know if you guys saw that or not um let's take a look i'm feeling too bad this cave's looking fairly safe and i do hear a spider this is like the ideal place to die from a creeper falling on your head so you know oh here's some iron look at this and i think we do the need in my head for a second here we need five iron for the helmet we already have the boots we need eight for the chest plate seven for the leggings so uh we need 20 unless i'm incorrect and you guys will probably all correct me but i'm assuming it's 20 we need so i love this minecraft song on the background i think it's one of the creative mode ones um because i have like a a playlist going of that but yes um i love that song see uh what is your pc specs my pc specs are um i just got a new pc so they're they're fairly good um i before i got my new pc which i think was the beginning of may i had like a converted office computer so it was like something i just got for free and then i basically had a friend put a 1080 ti graphics card into it and some like old um like storage and uh basically that's kind of what i was using for about a year and before that i had like this horrendous thing where it was basically this massive uh touch screen thing where like the computer was literally in the touch screen like there were parts of the computer hanging out of the back of it so it was definitely interesting and i even recorded some things on there like any video of mine that's before like mid 2021 was recorded on that so that's pretty funny for a bit of trivia there and on that screen sometimes like random red lines would appear on there but oh there's a spider uh yeah for my current computer um i can show you on my f3 screen it is a uh 30 90 4k display 1912 900k cpu with like i think whatever i think 128 gigs of ram i basically got one that's so crazy because um i want to do 4k videos which i have done now my mining guide was in 4k um this stream is in 2k oh okay well let's see if we're hardcore that's unfortunate um we didn't get that far but i mean hey that's pretty hardcore it's part of dying um yeah that's a that's a pain but yeah that was the end of the um that's not the end of the stream so don't leave the stream um well you can if you want but uh ah here we are well okay oh boy that's the end of that well okay let's think here are we gonna do you survive we can do that what i could do if you guys give me a second is i can do a new hardcore but we'll do it in like a set seed it'll be more interesting because this is a bit boring um i have a seed video coming up soon with some really cool seeds so i'm just giving you like a minute here and i will get like a really good seed up and we can go right to that which should be awesome and that one has a woodland mansion and lots more at spawn so let's take a look at that uh where is my list of seeds i'll need about one minute here so give me a second on the paused screen but see no i was like the creeper i know i said because i was thinking i had the shield in my hand so i was like i paused turned around right clicked it's like nope shield's not in my hand that teaches me shielder shield or totem for hardcore and uh yeah unfortunately um let's see here seed seed seeds let's take a look here um uh let's see here it is okay i'm going to do a let's see mansion city um imaginary okay here we go this is the seed and i will show you guys that in a second uh okay save and quit and we will start a new world great new world we'll call it herd core live stream or something like this but to hardcore and we will go to seed and this is the seed negative three two three five two seven three three eight one six six zero seven nine one five oh one and we will do um all those other settings as is heard corn this is actually a really hard world to survive on hardcore because you spawn in um well you'll see where we spawn in someone's jacob says that's a very nice hardcore live stream you have would be a shame if something were to happen to it yes that's what the creepers definitely are saying oh well i mean i feel like most hardcore worlds are probably ended by a creeper um i definitely would be more annoyed if that was like i don't know like multiple hours in okay so this is the spawn of this is an insane seed um you spawn on the roof of a woodland mansion there is an ancient city like way beneath us you know whatever negative 58. you're in a mountain ring so you're basically fully surrounded by jagged peaks and in the center of that is the dark forest and there's also a lush cave and i don't think you can see it right here but there's like this insane lush cave that's basically a hollowed out um part of the entire mountain chain so there's like a whole part of the mountains where the mountains are completely hollow and inside of that it's just a massive cave that you could turn into a huge base so definitely interesting seed um i could start by reading the wooden mansion but probably not a good idea finding food here will be a bit of a okay i'm not going to instantly die from that but um yeah um i could find uh some food here i'm trying to think what it could do maybe probably mushroom stew probably that's ideal though i don't know i have to find some beds there's a lot of wool that usually spawns in woodland mansions if i can find like a little safe room i could definitely grab some wool from that and be safe it's uh very rare i would say to spawn on top of a woodland mansion so this is one of the best seats i found um ever maybe maybe not the best but one of the best okay there's the pillager we're gonna steal from that um or that's the display one that would look kind of ugly if we did that a little bit of birch forest let's see what's down here chat uh sets uses dumb way to play well i mean everyone has their own opinions i don't i think it's just maybe a little more interesting let's see here okay here we go there's the bed and there is a pillager so we're gonna have to fight for our first wall which will be interesting uh this one is safer i hate to ruin the woodland mansion but he will get a traditional red bed out of it so that's pretty good it's like the old uh pre 1.12 would be [Music] see that's a beautiful spawn yeah it's an amazing spawn it's um i can't believe how good it is actually when i found it i was just shocked so yeah that'll be coming out in a video on i'm gonna say wednesday but it might not end up being wednesday it'll be eventually though i'm doing a video it's like i think it's like 20 or 25 1.19 seeds so yes let's uh let's do this someone says i this is a scary seed you're brave i don't know if it's that scary of a seed it's um pretty good one actually i found like woodland mansions are i don't know i feel like once you sort of um once you sort of have like even like iron armor they're not honestly that hard but it does depend of course and i mean here i'm saying it's not honestly that hard from the from the guy who just got killed by a creeper but you know still let's get some of this let's see actually someone was just saying that they sold my mansion video an hour ago and i just realized how appropriate this is that i'm at a woodland mansion and i just talked about that so i can show the strategies live which is probably pretty cool so there's our red bed and we'll also get a pickaxe or that's not a pickaxe that's a pickaxe well sticks are a pickaxe let's see here good luck not dying yeah i hoping i won't um i'm hoping i will not i will try and be more aware of creepers and things like that i i mean i guess for our armor wouldn't have actually protected me from that creeper blast but you know i mean still it would have been uh would have been better if i didn't die but it knows what it is take a look here i've got some coal this is crazy how people can play hardcore when playing easy as hard for me i mean the thing about minecraft is that um the difficulty like i would say normal and hard aren't probably as difficult as you might think that the only reason why i don't play in let's say easy mode normally is just because um there are some distinct disadvantages to it um so obviously yes the mobs don't hurt you as much but there's not that many things that are different with it so i believe in easy mobs don't hurt you as much and you you when you zombify a villager they'll never turn into a zombie villager so to me like getting really good villager trades is definitely worth the um the more dangerous mobs but you know that's kind of my opinion on that will this whole stream be put up on your channel yes it should be um i may uh i may like put it on like uh um like a second playlist thing or something just because i don't know if i it'll go like fully public but it'll be like yeah it'll be fully accessible once it's done so yes all right we have a bit of cool we got a bit of materials um if there's like a really easy to grab loot chest here oh actually i think i just remembered what's at the seed oh yeah this is the crazy seed i think there's two um diamond blocks in this wooden mansion i don't remember but i think there's like something crazy like that um okay let's see here so food is a big thing let's get that before anything else um i guess we should get some well some stone things first but other than that so let's make ourselves a thing and look at this we have a super sticker by smoked gaming and thank you very much for that 10 super sticker i really appreciate it um let's see here make a furnace and we will also make an axe because an axe will give us mushrooms and mushrooms will give us mushroom stew and bowls will give us mushroom stew as well let's see someone says this is this set seed yeah if you just joined the stream this is not a set or this is a set seed definitely not extreme luck although that would be cool but no it's uh it's a set seed because i thought it'd be a little bit more interesting than the last world that i died on so yeah i don't know i mean it's definitely a cool seed either way so it'll be cool to take a look at see here um let's think of what i can do to avoid that i'm thinking more iron earlier on i'm probably not going to do as much just random stuff at first do a little bit more serious on this one a little bit less uh i don't know i'll try and stay more focused on that dying someone says do you have any youtuber that is an inspiration to you um kind of so the original stuff i would make on my channel was sort of like really old style let's plays like maybe something you might see from like sp737s really old let's play or um stampy's old let's play um and so i was sort of inspired by those when i made that part of my content but after that my tutorials weren't really inspired by anyone i mean obviously i realized that people were making tutorials on youtube for minecraft but um they sort of just like naturally progressed from the first tutorials i'd made to what they are today and what they are today hasn't changed too much since maybe december january although i'd like to hope my editing and things like that is slightly better but um yeah in terms of like the the inspiration for my channel in general it was it was probably out watching some of the more classic minecraft youtubers let's plays and just their experiences with the game now i'm going to find is i need to find uh dandelions because we can turn this mushroom stew into suspicious stew but i don't know if dandelions are available here i'm just going to say i wonder if there's a structure in the mansion where they generate there probably is there's a creeper we're not going to let you you are not going to have this hardcore world and mr creeper and here's the sheep this is going to really make the hardcore world not end actually no it's not because i just got a red bed i forgot that okay um we can make a animal farm we don't have any wool though let's see here oh there's the entrance to the mansion that's good to know all right we could make a little base near the entrance of the mansion that's probably the best idea we could mine into the um cliff face that'll give us some protection let's see here uh let's see uh someone says have you ever played stardew valley um started valley i have played stardew valley yes uh quite a while ago um so i thought that was a creeper uh quite a while ago uh but yeah no i have played it it's a pretty fun game it's um it seems to be pretty popular still which is good and i think it's you know it definitely has a good following to it no sturdy valley is a pretty good game it i suppose if minecraft ever fell out of popularity it would probably be a game i would play on not like this channel or something but yeah for sure see we never got to hear a computer specs i did say them earlier on yeah let's see here okay well we're just going to make our standard suspicious stew then um [Music] like that i would say i was going to keep clicking so i was thinking they don't they stack but they definitely do not stack um when are you doing the hundred players simulate civilization i never said i would do that but um i do want to do one of those uh or actually maybe i did do something like that in my live stream so sorry if i did say i was going to do that um or not the live stream but the 50k q a um but yeah i know i i do want to do those eventually i still am not sure if my channel has enough um uh active like you're on my channel but i'm not sure if my discord server has enough active people to make that possible still um but once i see like let's say 100 people being really active in my discord server then i would know i would have the capability to do that right because of course unless i have 100 people that are going to be being incredibly active one of those videos wouldn't work but um yeah if that happened i really do want to make that kind of content soon i don't super soon but eventually that would be a fun thing to try at least once or twice any tricks to farming mushrooms hmm any tricks to frying mushrooms i am not sure uh well actually there are some tricks yes if you have like some blocks above it you can block the light that makes it easier um there's there's actually some interesting though there's actually a lot on mushrooms yeah because you can like have like a um see if i can show you um i can make a little mushroom from here if you go like to this if you go to like a little area where it's dark and you place a couple mushrooms down they'll kind of spread there's like two ways of farming mushrooms there's bone milling them to make giant mushroom trees and there's also just um placing them down like this and just letting them spread really slowly and it's actually a cool mechanic in the game because there's um not a lot in the game that's uh that's firm that way yeah maybe in the future you might even see like a a mushroom firming guy that might include the another uh fungi in there too how did you come up with your channel name um my channel name well the first part of it which is i um i came up with because of my skin because it's a character with a giant eyeball um the craft part i was just i saw some different youtubers having craft in their name and i thought that would kind of has a nice ring to it i craft and of course the mc at the end because i've seen youtubers do that as well um and also you know at the time of course i was just trying to make something that fit in i wasn't really thinking of you know a long-term thing but i think it's a good uh channel name and you know that's sort of where it came from and um i know a lot of people refer to me as i craft um um my channel name just i craft them so i don't really care if people call me i or i craft or i craft mc but yeah that's basically where that came from let's smelt this actually not all of it but a bit like this let's see have you played balloons tower defense six i have not played tower defense six i have played tower defense five um which i enjoyed quite a bit pumpkins let's get a pumpkin farm going not very useful food wise but um definitely an interesting thing to farm hello i hope you read this i just want to know i want to let you know that you have helped me learn minecraft and now i teach my friends as they begin their minecraft journey well that's awesome and i'm really happy to teach people and they can teach others and you know as a whole we can sort of um teach more and more people about the game so absolutely that's awesome are you a lifesteal smp fan it seems like you could take over one easily um uh i'm not sure i mean you know i think that's definitely interesting concept i'm not sure if um i would get involved in one of those or not but it could be something to look into okay let's see here what we can do with this woodland mansion it's driving me insane i'm not reading it yet um but of course the vindicators are gonna be fun so let's see here's my base which is looking a little bit shabby i could just try mining for like a cave or actually there's that big uh what am i thinking i'm in a mountain biome i just have to go up high and there'll be tons and tons of um of iron so let's just grab a bed because of course there's no spawn point setting and let's go to the top of the hill and get some iron now the jagged biggest jagged peak is there that's kind of far about one of these has iron too [Music] dude i've discovered you four days before and you managed to reburn my minecraft passion stopped playing eight years ago done 23 now this game changed so much right now thanks yeah absolutely no problem i definitely um have had a lot of comments by people saying that um i've helped them get back into the game um which i'm really happy to do i think you know there are a lot of big changes you know some people have said minecraft stayed more or less the same through the ages and i think that is true to a point but i think there's also a point to where the game has definitely had some major updates stuff like the mining system change i mean 1.18 as a whole maybe it didn't add any new items but it certainly radically changed the way that the game functions so yeah i'm really happy to teach people how to do that and they can enjoy the game um with its new updated form which i think is better some people may not but to me i think it's uh it's a really good one here is a goat you get a goat horn from you ooh an emerald i'm not gonna stone that would be kind of stupid but here's our iron i thought would be up here and there's probably enough to get our full armor so maybe we can be more successful on this seed and you can kind of see part of that lush cave if i zoom in here you can kind of see um part of those lush cave entrances there i was talking about there's like the most insane lush cave you can ever imagine on here so we'll have to take a look at that in a bit um that looks deadly so let's uh let's go this way maybe we can find some more iron in fact there's some iron there and there so yeah actually if you're ever on a world and you see some mountains and you need some iron definitely going to the top of mountains is a really good way of getting iron i craft them see do you ever get jumpscared you're probably wondering because i didn't react that um that crazy the creeper ah probably not i mean i don't know maybe i guess i have you know before but i'm not necessarily one to get super jump scared but you know if you put me in front of like a horror game i'm sure i definitely would so let's take a look here how do you feel about having exactly 100 000 subs i do not have exactly 100 000 subs i have you have one horn sorry to be interrupting myself there um i do not have exactly hundred thousand subs i probably have like a 100 200 or 300 or something like that but that is really cool to have that money um okay so this code only has one horn now i think they're i think they can spawn naturally with one horn but i believe two that means there could be random goat horns sitting around here so i'm just gonna turn on hit boxes we're gonna we're gonna look for this goat horn because that could be awesome that is a massive lush cave not sure if you guys can see how deep that is because the snow is probably compressing the video horribly but um yeah there's an insane lush caves down there i mean it's crazy to see like you're looking that far down there's still iron because it's it's so deep let's see here okay um there's some iron there there's some emeralds there overall definitely enough for armor so let's go around and let's find it you pass some iron yes i did i'm going to grab those i'm probably passed a lot of iron honestly so i'm going to try and go back and grab as much as i can because iron is going to be our key to survival and where was the one i saw up here i think it's on the edge there there is a chance for one horn yeah i thought there was um yeah they're a chance for a goat with one horn yeah so unfortunately that apparently that does not mean there is um a one but um yes uh there is a chance that we'll find one in the future and there's some more iron um but yeah i know i'm it would be cool if we found a random goat horn sitting around i also um i need to look more into goats uh something i need to do more research on i know there's a lot you can do with them though like you can milk them they can jump cool like that so that's pretty cool this goat with one horn on it um all right we got that iron uh let's see what else we have around here a lot of a lot of stuff to look at you should have an asmr channel for your voice it's very calming do you have any tips to find diamonds uh yes mine at negative 20 are not negative 20. minus negative 58 do not mind negative 20. that's that'll be an issue um yeah mine in negative 58 um uh diamond fossils if you're fine with seed finders um look for diamond fossils that's like insane how much you can get with that obviously some people would think of that as cheating maybe it is maybe it's not it's up to your interpretation um but if you want insanely fast diamonds i mean diamond fossils that's the way to go you can get like 10 20 diamond or like in two minutes so there's some more iron there do you think you'll you'll beat the dragon in the stream i doubt in this stream i'm not going to be trying to speedrun this i mean i could but it'd be kind of hard to do that at the same time as um as doing the q a in the chat but uh i i've tried i've done speedrunning before i'm not like good at it um in any real sense i'm you know i mean speedrunning is sort of a different thing from standard survival but you know i i don't know i could probably beat the ender dragon and maybe i don't know probably two hours i'm not sure it depends a lot i guess i've definitely beat it very quickly kutz are underrated they have a goat horn that sounds like the thx sound that's what sam the cam says yeah yeah they do it's really funny the um sort of evil sounding one i think um that's a pretty funny one yeah okay 18 iron and i should not be walking on the cliff there because that's very nerve-wracking um there's some more iron down there though i see and we can get to that can we get to that um yes we'll go around though how do i turn off hotkeys i can't access the f3 menu try shift f3 or alt f3 or fn f3 that can help shortcuts like f3 plus you know uh g or whatever for like hitboxes things like that i don't think you can do that if you have key bounded keys but you can definitely do like shift f3 fn f3 or alt f3 to to get your f3 menu there's an enderman down there i could definitely try and fight it although i don't think that is the smartest idea there's those emeralds um let's get a little mining thing set up here now it looks like the lush one a little bit closer to the microphone okay it looks like the lush cave starts here and i think that we should be able to um find some iron there and yes we have uh also the lush cave is going to give us a lot less mobs in a standard cave because there's the light hey two dollar super chat by missingno zero four seven nine what were your choices for all the mob votes um okay so the first mob vote um i don't think i voted in the first one the one with like the phantom um i did vote in the other ones though so the the biome votes i think i did the swamp and i also think i did the oh this is really trying to remember back i remember i remember i voted for the swamp in the in that vote i remember in the first mob vote i did the uh i think it was moo bloom for the for the 20 i'm gonna say 29 no it'd be the 2021 i think and then for the one that was just last year i did the uh copper golem but you know i mean obviously i think all the choices they give you are pretty good um i understand some of the choices maybe aren't amazing but i think that as a whole um yeah i'm not unhappy with what they added and i don't actually think any of the things i voted for everyone which is kind of funny so but you know i mean obviously everyone has their own opinions and i'm fine with the majority winning uh what did you learn from minecraft how is making videos changed your life well i've learned a lot by playing minecraft of course i've learned everything that i show in my videos um making videos also has definitely changed my life i feel like it's um it's really changed who i am just um not you know dramatically but i would just say it's definitely um it's a different mindset it's a different way of sort of organizing yourself you know um there's i have to sort of be self-motivated i have to you know plan things schedule things record things thumbnail things edit things you know so on and so forth seo and all that and um yeah so it's definitely something where um it's a lot big i'm feeling this jump horribly it's definitely it's definitely something where um you know it's changed a lot yeah wouldn't there technically be more iron in snowy mountains as the snow is covering the stone because i remember you saying that in the videos where we generate more when not exposed to air um so kind of um there are certain auras that have the rule of uh air exposure um not all auras have that rule so diamonds do um some of the lapis generation does i think i covered it actually in my newest mining guide a little bit more in depth of um what wars have the generation rule of reduced air exposure and which ones don't but i don't believe the high up distribution of iron has that rule and actually i think the most iron you would ever find would be in the uh the stony peaks because um you don't have snow to look at so okay let's get some dirt pillaring going on here let's grab the iron up there how do you make your high quality video capture do you use a special software package or how do you use your external or do you use external capture hardware well i play on my computer so like i don't have a capture card or anything um i could but i don't so uh yeah well i use obs studio um i'm obviously not a sponsorship or anything but just saying that um it's not a sponsorship but obs is really good um i found that um there are not a lot of options and i would say obs is definitely one of the best um there's stream labs as well i don't use that but there's there's a whole bunch and i what i personally use i use obs okay this is interesting [Music] i have an idea um watch this this is a really interesting tip for you guys by the way so i'm i'm you can see exactly what i'm doing here so i'm saving quitting opening up the world watch what happens actually i'm not sure it'll happen they might have fixed it what usually happens yeah i didn't die what happens if you're following i don't know if you think guys consider that cheating but i didn't really want to die right there but anyway what generally happens is if you if you fall off um for whatever reason if you save and quit and then rejoin then you don't get the fall damage but yeah that was pretty crazy um i got a super chat let me just answer that one someone says you have the best minecraft or matthew bersch says you have the best minecraft tutorial videos out there keep up the good work and congrats on 100 000 subs and thank you so much for that um i definitely appreciate the congratulations i definitely um want to keep going with that and yeah i totally appreciate the super chats too it's a really great way of directly supporting my channel um okay let's get the rest of this the more legitimate way which is a boat drop um i was almost thinking of trying to do a boat mlg but i was fairly certain i would fail it now obviously we're not actually out of the hot water yet because we're now in the middle of a dangerous cave with mobs trying to kill us so let's try and survive this one um if we don't we don't but it's a pretty cool seed so it'd be a real shame if we died on here and i think that this water is going to be my way of surviving so let's go up here um there are tropical fishes let's see if i'm not missing all the chats as i do this ah okay let's try to figure out what we're doing here um i guess i'll try and get back up to the surface i had my iron there good thing i have this armor there's some armor someone phi kip donated a one dollar super chat thank you very much i appreciate the super chats a lot okay i see some iron up there um let's go grab it and also let's hope that we don't get killed it says why not change sneak to toggle um i could the problem with sneak to toggle is that it can also be dangerous just because i found that because i thought i saw a creeper up there i thought um basically what can happen with that is that if you're used to the normal like non-toggled sneak then it can be really disorienting to stink to toggle and because i'm really used to the non-sneak um toggle then i found whenever i use it i generally like i'll sometimes use it like the ancient cities but outside of that i would say it can be a little bit disorienting but i mean yeah you know of course um can definitely be a good strategy for avoiding fall damage okay we have a five dollar super chat by dark palette and thank you very much and they say how do i reveal the durability of my tools i'm on macbook pro laptop i have tried f and plus f3 plus h from searching but when i do this it hides my window hmm that's a very good question yeah that's the problem mate with those with those um with the with the keyboard things but what i would say is um if you have an external keyboard that's gonna be your trick so any keyboard as long as like it's not pre-programmed like you know like let's say f3 doing brightness or something like that like as long as those aren't programmed get your um yeah get the external keyboard and then just do the the command from there and that will not work and you can of course you know use it again to toggle it off so a bit of a bit of a workaround but i mean obviously you wouldn't generally be wanting to turn the tool durability off so it does usually work i have a comment they say looks like they're verified which is pretty cool they say uh do your parents friends relatives support you for this channel uh yeah they absolutely do they are um they'll basically all know about it and they are uh yeah really really happy and excited for me that i've been able to um grow the channel to this size and i'm gonna continue answering that question in a minute once i'm not in such a deadly situation oh goodness okay um let's get out of here i know there's some iron there but um actually i have a more more rave idea slightly maybe stupid we'll find out see i'll put that there okay we have a shield and this will be our way to not die um also we'll make an axe and then we have our perfect skeleton killing kit uh let's see i love the scoops yes the lush gift is really good yeah also for that super chat person yeah hopefully that helps you on the external keyboard thing um if not um you could google about like maybe there might be like an app or like a way of just temporarily changing the the pre-programmed key yeah i would say generally just an external keyboard will be like your best bet there okay there's a lot of creepers this way um i'm gonna actually go back down here you know it sounds stupid but i think it's actually gonna be our safest bet because we have a lot more area to move around here so this is getting pretty dangerous i'm trying to think of our best way just to quickly get out i mean we could always just you know i don't know we could always just pile up but that just seems kind of i think we'll run out of blocks so hmm this doesn't look ideal at least there's some armor so i'm not too afraid we're gonna die but i guess we go back up that water and then we could pile up from there hey look at that an iron sword zombie that's pretty interesting i'm not gonna fight them though because that would be dangerous um jacob truth asks are you made of moss i know you've revealed my secret it's actually funny i didn't notice this till a little while ago but the the jungle um the textures of the jungle leaves is so similar to the colors of my like skin it's insane it's uh it's really funny so it's like when i'm in the jungle i like totally blend in but it is kind of funny too because the character that like i based this off of which is like this little fictitious character i came up with when i was really young actually just in that little story was lived in the jungle so it's funny that the colors are similar because i did not do that on purpose someone asked uh surav joshi memes who is verified says i really like that you didn't show when falling like the other youtubers to it yeah i'm not really um super dramatic in that way um so yeah i probably won't be seeing me shouting too much i i uh i don't know generally i'm not super uh super like um outbursty like that but you know okay so i think there's a good way to get up here um [Music] got a nice song in the background i think that's chirp no actually you know it's not chirp let me be a dis chirp i'm not gonna embarrass myself and say it's something that it's not though uh let's see here uh okay so we have a good way out there's also i see some light there oh yes but it's skirted by the creeper hmm if i craft some stone stuff i could probably be pretty good because if i just make like a sword and then a pickaxe and an axe and a well a shovel's not going to save us but it's going to give us more capability the blocks there bit of food we can probably make it just have to be careful with that i'll need some food too because we just run that way there's like an exit there so we are way out of this dangerous cave and i'll probably come back in this cave eventually but you know for now this is pretty dangerous there's a creeper somewhere here and i can't see it because it's blending in oh here we are the way out beautiful look at that here we are at the surface that's a bit of time underground there and here we are back here i'm just gonna grab a drink of water give me a second okay someone asked will you be streaming more often um probably yeah it's my first stream ever so we'll see what i do with it but uh it's done very well too i'm i'm very um very very happy with how many concurrent viewers we've had i'm very um i'm grateful for you guys um tuning in and thank you for tuning in i'm not stopping but um i just say accidents people will say they're tuning in before they stop but yeah no thank you very much and i really appreciate that i'm hoping that again the f i don't see this like affecting any analytics badly because obviously i want to make sure that um my viewers um you know enjoy my videos the most i can if a lot of people dislike the stream obviously i want to do what you know people want to see i'm not what you know um just whatever so yeah but no i mean it seems like people are enjoying it though so i'd say in like most scenarios yeah i'll probably start streaming more often okay i just realized i do not have my bed my bed's back at my old basey thing over here so this is a little bit of an extra challenge um now i know over here is where i had my furnace set up yes and there's the bed well it's perfect timing look at this thank you by the way um to everyone i've missed in the chat and also all the congratulations um i really appreciate them all and i hear a mob did i go oh just a goat i think a two dollar super chat says opinion on stardew valley um i did answer this earlier but i'll tell you more i enjoy it i think it's a really good game i would say that um it's it's definitely more story based than obviously something like minecraft um which makes sense um but i think that as a whole yeah it's a really good game and i would say that um definitely something that i've played before and uh again it was quite a while ago huh oh my goodness guys i found an axolotl we found an axe level okay i know i know this iron should be spent on on armor but i mean you you can't it you can't like deny this is like the best use for a bucket in the entire world oh the cutest predator okay that's amazing anyway axles aside let's get that smelting and hopefully there's some coal around here we can grab to get the rest of that going someone says face cam i haven't done a face reveal yet so maybe in the future you'll see a face cam but not for now someone said it's the best use of the bucket also sorry for the delay i'm sure there's some horrible delay between what i'm seeing and when i'm responding but uh yeah thank you very much for the um for the kind comments let's take a look here okay so we have our axolotl we're about to get our iron armor we're doing way better than on the previous world and it is almost well it's almost noon my time but we're going to keep going and i have three hours worth of music so maybe i'll go to the music stops i don't know i could always loop the music too i probably won't stream for much more than three hours so that still gives us more than an hour though which is awesome let's take a look here okay food that would be an issue but we still have our little um thing here little tip actually while we're at it um if you ever want to bring mushrooms uh soup with you bring it uncrafted so you can see here we have three slots taking up and that could give us a maximum of five mushrooms too because there's five red mushrooms but let's say we had a stack of each that can be a stack of mushroom soup and only three slots and you know turn that into suspicious stew put a dandelion there um then that's four slots for 64 of like one of the best food items so yeah a good way of keeping that um condensed let's take a look here uh someone says i tried to spawn warden in above the ground but it didn't which would be the condition for one to spawn okay so the shriekers that you grab will not spawn the warden only naturally generated streakers so let's say you had mined up a shrieker um i guess with silk touch and you placed it back down anywhere that wouldn't spawn the warden even if you placed it back down a block away from where it generated in but let's say you found a naturally generated shrieker even if it you know generated like on the very very edge of the deep dark you'd be getting a warden from that and as well as that also the the shriekers that are generated from the skull catalysts surprisingly enough those ones don't generate wardens so you know even if you want to um like just try and like find a way to get a new warden to spawn every shrieker that naturally generates is more or less like a warden spawner so it's sort of like you know if you find like a mob spawner um you can try breaking up this just nothing's gonna happen once it's broken so yeah it's kind of like that to axolotls attack players someone asked no they do not attack players um well actually i don't know how much i've tested that i don't think they attack players i mean obviously under the scenario in which you'd be punching it but i don't think they maybe they do actually i should test that sometime that'd be interesting to see would you consider yourself as one of the better minecraft youtubers or more of the decent ones i don't really judge my own content i just try and make the best if i can and i don't try and compare myself to other channels because um you know i think that everyone has their own goals and their own content style and i think that you know if a channel can succeed um they're obviously doing something right and so you know when i see other channels that are doing something similar to what i'm doing you know people could think of us as competitors but i just think of it as someone else who's found something that works for them that happens to be similar to what works for me best way to survive in minecraft and that's obviously a very big question a very big question but i would say that from a general point i would just say really try and do things like get a bed as quickly as possible do things like trying to um sort of like what i've done get your armor as fast as possible get your tools um once you've got you know even just iron stuff your chance of survival is so much higher i mean even like right now let's say there's a creeper that wasn't directly next to me i probably would survive it so you know stuff like that um definitely a good way of surviving we'll do a little combo thing or actually won't do the uh we'll do that one i'll do that actually no i can't seem to get sticks let's see um we'll do that i don't know i don't need an axe they're going a pickaxe and i need a shovel like this organize this um here's a question for you guys um how do you organize your hotbars do you organize them like i do where it's like the the sword pickaxe axe shovel um do you have food on your hotbar how do you guys do that i'd love to know your opinions on hot bars [Music] let's see a lot of people are talking about um this canadian political thing um i am aware of it um i'm not gonna go into it um on stream but i would say that as far as i know i don't think it's gonna affect me very much um but we'll see what happens any good tips of what you should harvest and do before you update your world to 1.19 yes actually that's a very good question i love that question um i would say the first thing is make sure that you have a very good area to strip mine that's near your base um because let's say you're in a mountain biome and you do you know you have a lot of unexplored terrain that's nearby that you would want to strip mine in but you have a deep dark under there probably is safer to to strip mine an area where there's not deep dark and so you know if you can load in an area um that doesn't have deep dirt that could be a really good way of of uh sort of guaranteeing yourself i'm not going to drop in the exact same place i did before but that's a good place that's a good way of guaranteeing yourself that um there's not like too many things that have been broken in 1.19 um so i can't think of like too much outside of that um i would say like make sure you don't let's say visit woodland mansions um before you visit it like you want obviously get the la's things like that um make sure you don't visit pillager outposts i mean of course i'm talking about ones that you haven't explored before but like if you're let's say on a seed finder and want to go explore those like a day before you update it probably not the best idea because you want to get the the new features okay i feel like we're at the part where we want to make a base because we have a decent amount of materials honestly and we have um tons of goats which are awesome and we have an axolotl so i feel like it's probably time to start a base i have two super chats hopefully i didn't actually just scroll up i feel like i'm gonna miss a different one too didn't hear my pause i don't die ah no i didn't okay let's say they say the first one is from ivatron and they say found your channel recently and have really been getting into minecraft lately you really deserve more subs thanks for all your hard work i thank you very much for the thank you and um yeah i really um have been trying to help people who are getting back into the game um actually just a little preview for you guys i'm not a well not a preview but a little hint yes i do have a video coming up soon that talks about specific things that you should know if you're getting back into the game so yeah you'll probably see that coming out at some point the other super chat is is for five dollars from spad x or spadex i think and it says i'm a big fan of your content and i've barely watched your channels of late your videos helped greatly thank you so much and i really appreciate the super chats um thank you very much for from for everyone there's not forever thank you thank you so much to everyone who sent those is the correct way of saying that i think and um yeah i really um i really enjoy helping people all right well here's a little base we had before we may as well continue on with it i mean i wouldn't really call this much of a base but you know we have our little little mushroom firm here and whatever else so it's it's good enough for now i think um we could always convert part of the mansion into our base but i think that should definitely be done once it's uh completely raided or that would just be like really dangerous especially on hardcore and i haven't seen many hardcore players instantly start by rating a mansion so uh we will throw these in here is there a particular seed finder site you recommend i mean chunk base is the biggest um chunk base is really the only um well there are some other ones there's one called mc cedar that one's not too bad they have like a seed finding feature like where you can actually put in features you want so that's that's pretty cool um there's a really old one called mine atlas i don't even know if it's still around and it only goes up to like 1.8 or something so if you're on like a really old version that could be a good one there's some pretty visuals on there but in terms of like a modern minecrafters totally useless um but yeah those are the ones um there are some seed finding programs you can download on your computer um uh one of them i've heard the name of it but i have this really cool one i think it's actually the same one that dream used to find pewdiepie's minecraft seed but yeah those are really cool as well let's get a drink of water here [Music] sometimes be careful i got attacked outside of the mansion the other day up in the dark oak trees hadn't even been inside yet absolutely in my woodland mansion video i posted today i believe a pillager went out to the front door and was trying to get to me through some water before i'd even gone in so they definitely don't have uh anything against um trying to kill you before you've gone in [Music] let's see here okay um someone said our adamation said you should stream on twitch uh yes actually uh streaming on twitch is something that i want to do um i need to kind of decide at some point in the future whether i'm going to stream on youtube or on twitch um but i i do have a twitch i have a link of that in the description if you want to follow me on there um i also have a twitter i have a discord discord server is i'm really great there's even a minecraft server on there if you want to join it so yeah lots of awesome stuff there for people who want to do more things surrounding icraftmc and yeah i'll definitely be streaming more no matter whether it's on twitch or on youtube let's see [Music] what is your favorite mob hmm yeah i wish there was a way to tame the warden because i feel like if there was it the warden would probably be my favorite mob just because just visually i think it looks really cool and i think you know yes it's kind of supposed to look like a horror mob but i think there's also an element to it that just looks kind of um i don't know just sort of like whimsical or something so um probably the warden if you could tame it but because you can't i would say uh maybe the axolotl maybe the maybe i was gonna say maybe the fox but i'm not sure i have a moss block and i have no bone meal but if i did i could bone meal this and make a little axolotl thing but um i could still make a little axle thing just won't be as nice let's see we can do here with some moving granite no um someone says uh how irony is it that you can build beacon enchantment table and other ordinary material but you can't make a simple saddle yeah it is interesting there's no saddle recipe i mean i guess the same with name tags i should probably go to sleep actually um yeah pro it's kind of the same with name tags right where they want you to find it through alternative means so you know i think that the idea that there's leather in the game there's string there's all the ingredients you would need for a saddle and you can't craft it doesn't make a lot of sense um but i do understand why they want to give people alternative methods of gaining certain items so okay so i think we should do something i have a let's see here um i think we should probably i was gonna say i read the mansion but i feel like a bow is important i wouldn't get a bow we could go back to that cave i think it's pretty dangerous though if i grab a lot of blocks i could probably rate a bit of it safely i mean i have like a hmm it is hard those guys like to hit kills let's think here if i make like uh something like something special i could use the boat actually yeah if i make a bunch of boats that could be a good little trick to to um read the bottom part fairly easily so we will raid the woodland mansion and we still have 419 viewers which is awesome so thank you guys for staying with me this is around about the second hour of my livestream and just for context for anyone who's just joined on because we've had uh looks like over five almost 6 000 people who've gone in at one point during the last two hours so a lot of a lot of people who didn't come from the beginning here um but um if you were here from the beginning you'll know but if you're not um i had a first hardcore world i made and i died on it and this is the second one and on this one there's a set seed so it's a seed i found a while ago where you spawn at a woodland mansion and yeah that's kind of the context okay that scared me for a second i thought he wouldn't go in the boat oh boy now we can do it let's open and get the other one because i don't always go in but just as i said we can make our little base behind here okay here let's see if this is going to do it or if i'm going to die oh yeah it did okay there we go this is a little bit of a stressful part obviously um thank you for the discord link there samuel everyone definitely please join that if you if you want to and um you just have to i think it's like you have to uh react to the rules with a check mark and then you'll be given the role because a lot of times people will join in and not be given the um the rules that they can talk on there but yeah okay guys um i want you guys to vote actually i think i can make a little poll give me a second here let me see what i can do uh maybe i can't there is way of doing it but i'm sorry i don't know how but anyway um should i go to the left first or to the right first i want you guys to answer that as i got some more materials ready the left of the mansion first or to the right of it first and we'll see which one seems to have more responses all right let's go in our chest here and see what we can get seems like everyone is saying left right right right okay lots of responses it looks like the vast majority say right all right well then we will all right that we'll probably do right um let's see if anything else we could bring this bucket to axolotl i'm trying to think what i could do because he needs water but the water bucket would be really useful left right left oh that's hard to say i feel like it's a real good mix of the two i'm conservative so right oh my goodness it's hilarious okay um oh boy all right let's uh let's make some more boats and then we'll we'll go rate it i'm thinking there's a lot of comments um i don't think which one i'm not sure i probably should have made up well let's see here left left left flip a coin flip a coin um there is a way of doing that actually if i grab i don't think redstone if i did you can make a dispenser here i have an idea i'll um i'll do this okay if i throw a tool then it's left and if i throw any other item then it's or actually i'll do this so it's i even if i go like this okay if i throw um dirt then it'll be right and if i throw planks and it'll be left and i'll just like go like this with my scroll wheel and then i will go hue and it looks like it's left so there we go that's a good way of randomly selecting something so there we go like that and [Music] we'll go left all right okay so ah food we need food do we need food we have mushroom soup we'll make the soup um we need to get some more mushroom soup soon so i'm not going to read too much of it yeah i'll start with the left and we'll see what we can find there so yes all right um i'm not going to jump down there we're going to go around and go this way all right so we have these at the entrance we can try and lure things so we have our i think that's right word okay um just being very careful what's around me actually i should probably get a shield i know i know the um oh goodness okay i know the uh the um vindicator's axe um will disable a shield but it still gives you one hit so it's like a little bit of protection but i demand a recount yeah i know it was hard to say which one it was so um there is a way of doing pulls on here but just to be honest i don't know how so um there's a zombie in here okay let's get the torches zombies shouldn't be too much of an issue and i don't think i'm lagging so i should be good in terms of that if i get like cornered they'll work pretty bad so uh these are just saplings we'll grab those in a minute there's a secret room so that's cool um i don't think there's any indicators behind me that's all that really matters i guess so let's keep going or you can are you going to continue this series or is this just for fun i mean it's just for fun at this point um if i like survive the entire time i mean i i could i could do that um this is a really dangerous room if i remember correctly i guess it depends but yeah i would probably continue it if i if i survive we'll see it's an amazing seed so i don't know if i'd continue it on uh live streams or if it would be on video probably on live streams if i did okay here's a vindicator let's see if we can this is funny let's see if we can do this ah okay let me go to that motive before i die let's see um if you could add a custom mob or item which would it be i think that's what they said um custom mauber oh goodness okay okay okay okay now here's just okay a little bit of context if you're ever about to die always pause always pause um because basically gives you more time to think so i'm trying to think here now oh man it's a hard one eh to die when it'll kill we have the ack we leave the shield so if we hold up the shield we have one hit then we could run [Music] if we hold up the shield we can run towards it go through it and then we can get it back in the boat we'll see if i die so am i sorry about that i'm oh it's not the best at hardcore okay okay i think we might survive this oh we survived okay that's a lot of that was close that was close i must say um i'm surprised i survived that one always good to think oh boy let's get some blocks on us that's going to make this a lot safer and careful with those axes next time that was pretty stupid okay agree with that yeah that is what i did eventually it just um it's more risky because the shield will give you the protection no matter what right so like with less risky on hardcore although i get you know critical reacts would be would be more cool all right let's see what else we have um food-wise i think we should chop down some more mushrooms i know it's a little bit boring hey i didn't know the iron insta i know that's nice i thought you had to do a little bit better than iron to insta mine these but hey that's cool cool cocoa and we'll get ourselves a brown mushroom how do you think you're your survive in minecraft for i think you mean how long do you think i'll survive in minecraft for um i don't know i nearly died there so i'm not betting on anything too long here but we'll see what happens so you know yeah we will uh we'll see and of course getting like a good food source stuff like that will help um there's basically everything we'll need to survive in the mansion there's pre-made farms there's um diamonds there's basically everything so you know as long as we can defeat the pillagers i think that i'll probably survive on here for a very long time because you know once you have full diamond armor stuff like that it's fairly hard uh fairly hard to die in hardcore i would say and um you know i mean outside of like mistakes and stuff like or like you know just bad situations see here how hard is hard mode i kind of talked about this earlier but yeah hard mode is not that much harder than um easy or normal because it allows us that the zombie villagers will always turn into zombie villagers like it won't be villager to death it'll be villager to zombie villager it's a hundred percent worth it to um play on hard mode so on easy every villager that's killed just dies on uh normal every villager that is killed is a fifty percent chance of dying or zombifying and on hard it's 100 chance of zombifying every time let's see here says i don't know if you'll believe me but the best way to survive on hardcore is to not die yes i would say that's very solid advice um okay we have our items here um that's insane that we didn't die there but you know the the closer we uh clear this up the better and i also did notice there were definitely some la's oh i'm not a torches i should make more of those that's important let's see here we'll get the call and that will get us on our way and look at that we're up to 441 viewers again this is like amazing amount of concurrent viewers just hit over 6 000 people total who have joined on the stream for at least i guess probably 30 seconds something like that so thank you very much to everyone i really appreciate it and uh yeah again we're just trying to raid this mansion in hardcore mode um new hardcore worlds uh set seed um mansion at spawn so there's the info if you want that and if you scroll back on the stream i do uh show the seed when we first start if you want to use that okay so we have our emeralds we have our cool we have our sticks we have everything here and i just need to see what i can do to make this the biggest chance of surviving and i guess the big thing was um because torches that's what it was yeah so maker torches easy strut for making it hardcore dig a three block hole fill in the top block make a 24-hour life oh my goodness yeah that's the perfect the strategy is to to do this i'll show this is the perfect strategy now i'll survive for 24 hours unless you serve to death i guess although that wouldn't happen unless your um your hunger was um there already but that's funny okay turning tonight we will sleep that will uh not really make the mansion easier a little bit but not too much but it'll uh definitely make this easier someone says they like the background music thank you very much yeah i got that all set up earlier so we should be able to hear basically every minecraft song um i don't know the title screen ones going and i don't have the nether ones going or like the end ones um but we should have most of them go through here and we've had like 1.18 1.19 you know all the different ones so um there's a good one too i don't remember which which this is what i'm hearing right now is memory wise but it's definitely one of the standard survival songs okay so i think we're ready to go um once we make these torches it's funny i am very used to not playing in hardcore just full disclosure i do not usually plan hardcore and it was funny because i was like oh i better put some of this coal away because if i die that'll just that'll be really hard to get back and i was like yeah it'll definitely be hurt to get that because if i die in hardcore i'm never getting it back oh boy it's funny though you don't really worry about that i bet you this room is really dangerous these ones usually are that's probably not a good reason to go in there oh look at that secret tree secret tree i i think this one always has like an enchanted iron axe yes look at that i remembered chanted our next look at that 10 snooper uh snooper chat super chat from a snurtle and they say congratulations on 100k i always refer back to your videos for information and tips so thank you for being such a great informative channel well thank you very much for the super chat and um i really appreciate him very good way of directly um supporting the channel and i also um i definitely try and make the guides the best i can minecraft um is a simple game but it's also a game that has a lot of complexity to it if you really dig deep down into it so i definitely am happy to help people and here's one of the pillager farms these are really cool honestly with like the lily pads on top with the um with the uh variety of crops i think this one's all wheat but you know in the table here like there's some of the villager or the woodland mansion rooms are really cool now i have a sneaking suspicion here oh that's insane i've never seen that happen that's really interesting this is a full circle because look we will go on so this is the right right so we're going to go on the left and we'll go full circle it doesn't usually happen i think usually they're kind of separated like you can go in a circle but usually the pathways don't connect so if we go this way and then we go this way and then we go over here yeah we are right here and this is the right side that's funny um so there were some malays that i i saw and that's pretty good news because that means we can get those as a mob and i'll probably just have them grab like dirt blocks or something for now just to tame them um this is awesome the amount of la's and these are usually massive so there's two um there are three uh okay and then this one has four or five uh six that's awesome the relay persons are great um and then this one has one two that's a great number of lace that's awesome okay so those are gonna follow me around all all uh i guess there's not much of a point of making them stay anywhere and i love the fact you can't kill these with your sword this is such a good feature because like i'm even just like dogs i've totally killed dogs by accident before because you know they'll go in front of you like you go lava or something and yeah it's great someone says are you gonna arrange your inventory i don't know i think as long as my hotbar is arranged it's fairly arranged but um i guess i could a little bit let's see here like this [Music] and that's pretty good there we go okay uh nerf the vindicator is definitely iron axes or two op yeah the indicators are really hard i'm not sure if i would necessarily be for them being um made easier but they definitely are very difficult and they uh saying the amount of damage they can do i mean i i don't know it's uh it's very hard to do them but yeah they're good though and i think there's not too much of an issue as long as we have those boats i mean without the boats 100 would die so let's see here um so we have some more boats um we may as well just keep going through here keeps uh spawn proofing keep grabbing the items out of here and yeah i guess i've been kind of focusing on minecraft in the chat here but i mean oh my goodness they got trapped in the boat but anyway um just to shift the topic a bit little bit um back to like 100k thing um it's been an amazing journey up to 100k and i just want to again thank everyone a lot i really really appreciate this basically everyone who's here watching right now it's 100 because of you that i'm here um you know you might think you're only 1 100 000th of that number but i mean really it's all of you because um every new subscriber i gain youtube will recommend me more every single view i get youtube recommends me same with you know likes and all those things and so you know everything you do helps and and it's if it wasn't for you fans you know i would have i would have stopped a long time ago i i think i made about 300 videos before i was monetized in in november and then after that i've made at least another 150 i believe so it's been a long journey and i appreciate on the support and we now have a vindicator coming after us so let's see if we can survive this let's see here i'm getting oh no there's okay okay uh okay i'm just freaking out here because i realize the allies are in the boat so i have to get out here without getting that trapped in the boat okay um would would emerald sword be good we can't make an emerald sword but um if emeralds are in the game i mean i think in real life emeralds are a gemstone right so you'd assume it'd be a very tough material probably second only to diamonds but i think because you know emeralds are so easy to get from villagers um it sort of makes sense why they uh they aren't um a armor and tool type see if we can break these there you go okay so let's see if we can capture that vindicator coming after us can we just place these on carpet yes so we are good buddy here's some drops for you oh you stupid alleys don't you ruin this for me they're going to literally kill me if they get in all these come on come on come on oh yes there we go they literally went the entire boat you're like really really oh well i dropped an emerald it's pretty good um i should have these like pick up something useful let's see why are there boats at the entrances yeah i had that there to capture any indicators that were coming out because a bunch were near the entrance at first there's still a couple in here at the bottom floor i think i saw one just down here and put down a boat for a good measure and light this up um this is an okay so this i think this is a secret room i think because there's just the face so there might be something on the other side of this i don't remember this isn't like the 3d one uh no there's not this just goes into a cave apparently which is kind of interesting but oh well okay no the it's the uh the 3d face i think that has the good thing this is a secret room here there's a chest at the bottom of this but this is also often dangerous because these top parts here have mobs so okay we'll look in that chest in a minute here i just want to make sure that we are pillager proof um or not pillager proof hillager proof or vindicator proof um there's a second alley prison that's amazing and there's also a vindicator in there let's see if we can uh capture him there we go and i'm not actually going to rescue those alleys at first just because as it is these ones around have been a little bit of a nuisance getting into the boats uh definitely a useful mod but obviously um at this very moment i'm not very useful all right let's see the grand reveal of what's in the chest it could be an ancient golden apple it could be uh bones and dirt but we'll see what's in here well there's a diamond toe which i mean best item ever really we have 20 bones we have the music disc cat we have a piece of bread and we have three pumpkin seeds and i will break that so i know that i grabbed it that's not too bad i mean diamond toy thing is my first diamond item so you know that's um interesting i think there's a special loot table on those where it's like just diamond hose that it can give you it's just kind of funny weak loot yeah it's not the best it it's funny because like i do feel like woodland mansion should be slightly updated i don't think crazy but i think enough that like there's better loot um definitely the alleys gave it a lot uh more benefit but you know now they'll be breathable in the next update um i don't think it'll be quite as some amazing but still you know still a good structure for sure okay i'm probably not going to start reading this i'm just going to put a couple oh oh my word oh boy well that's hardcore that was an insane amount of indicators i want to see how many that was how much 70 that was that was insane yeah you can see those things i was talking about the uh where is it the diamonds yeah there's the two there's like mirrored i'll show this in my upcoming seed video but there's two of these here so there's diamonds inside these so you can see yeah that's an even nicki juice over there oh boy well that was another death that's okay there is one two three four five that's insane there's six there's there's at least five look after me that is crazy it's amazing well uh what should we do now let's think if you guys want to tell me in the chat something you think i should do after this i could do a third hardcore world um whatever you want um but yeah that went pretty well so far so that's too bad but you know that's what it is now if you guys have any ideas what i could do next i i could do another hardcore i could do a survival i could do um i could do go on my minecraft server whatever you want until you look around the seat as i wait for your boats to come in you can see yeah it's like this amazing ring of mountains here and i know we didn't get to see it very well now i don't know if i can run commands because i died no i can't okay um i guess it would make sense um yeah you can see here that cave i was talking about right here there's like a massive entrance to it and uh yeah just like just insane cave if you just look through here like just so good like um let me get you the seed again spelt that horribly wrong there you go there's the seed it's uh negative three two three five two seven three three eight one six six zero seven nine one five oh one and um yeah you got this amazing amazing seed here are lots lots lush caves lots of everything and um definitely a very very good seed and also the other reason why it's great is because if we ever got to that point um right underneath the mansion here uh when we go underneath it there's actually a um like directly underneath the mansion there is a ancient city right here so you can see that we could have uh rated that but i mean you know that's what it is you die in hardcore and you die to b2t i i don't think i i don't i'd probably take just long enough to get into the queue you're going to pee say ancient city on the seed yeah here's the ancient city um do you make videos full time yes i do make videos full time make another hardcore world well you know this is the live stream it's called hardcore so i suppose we can make another hardcore world um you know it is what it is but um trying to think of a twist do a twist on this hard core hardcore and i mean to be fair i've seen a lot of um hardcore youtubers who are like way better at hardcore than i am they'll like start like so many worlds before they get established so i think it's fairly part of the course but um yes let's hear so we are everyone's spamming different servers i can join i could join a server but again um it's not necessarily um exactly what the stream has branded us let's do the seed of we'll do the seed of icraft and see and we'll see what that gives us i've never tried that before so concede i craft mc capital e so we'll see what we get let's see looks like a bunch of people just left because i died that's okay all right so cubic says random seed i mean yeah to be fair like i craft mcs to seed is fairly random because i have literally no idea what a killer bit of a resemblance there's not resemblance at all but there we go i like sunflowers actually quite cool i wish they would uh wish they would um not only face one direction although i understand why all right i feel like there is like the best place to find a village would be on a seed like this like i can't think of a better seed to find a village you know all these plains all the flowers um definitely a village centric seed so also if you guys are enjoying a stream um make sure to give it a like if you're not liking the stream give it a dislike i want honest feedback and if you do enjoy it it'll help you to promote it to more people and we'll get even more viewers on the stream which would be great so let's go up to the top of this hill as we enjoy this beautiful minecraft 1.19 song in the background which is actually um very appropriate because obviously the meadow biome is uh 1.19 biome this is a very cool uh yeah so definitely a lot of potential for the village um we also have a lot of yellow flowers here which is interesting um probably shouldn't be running this much there's our sheep so i guess i could be a survival chance but i'll look for another minute for uh for a village because i feel like there's likely one around here there is a lava lake that would be an easy way of quickly ending this but i probably will not do that um okay got a flower forest i do not see a village surprisingly so i guess we'll be going after those sheep um we have they're all different colors so i can't really get enough for a bed i don't think um actually well hmm oh there's a very big gorge there there's iron there actually i could get some shears hmm well let's see if there's a there's not a lot of trees in the meadow so let's go outside the meadow a bit gotta get a couple trees uh dan sadowski says can't hang but just wanted to say your videos are awesome straight to the point and always useful thank you so much yeah i really enjoy um making videos that are um really focused on not just you know filling it up with useless information um but but like the most appropriate and uh useful things i can because i want not i do not want to waste people's time i want to just provide them with the best content possible so all right and rule rune portal speaker and see i craft and see we can check out the ruin portal um they might be an enchanted golden apple maybe it is a speed run see we could take a look i actually found a while ago i should look for it again but i found a speedrun seed it was um so good it was like enchanted golden apple like 10 second walk from spawn and you also had a ruined portal that was like maybe 20 seconds so probably not like the perfect speed running seed but it was fairly good uh we have the obsidian in the portal or we have the crying ob city in there won't be able to speedrun it but we can still see what's in here let's see we have two obsidian which is a nice way to get a quick advancement we have a chest plate that will give us that and we have something i cannot mind but i really wish i could um maybe netherrack if you want to use that i guess i'll grab a piece to commemorate this wait i can't i need to up the cacs so we'll make our basic tools yet again and see what we can do on this world maybe this will be the lucky one and maybe it will not and we'll do this let's see here okay so people are saying this time you beat the ender dragon all right walter i'll try i'll see what i can do um it'll be the uh the two minute um random seed speed oh boy i wish i wish i had those kind of speed running skills i really um people who can do that is just amazing amount of skill i mean i i guess i could if i really like i don't know just studied it for years but i mean i don't know more focused than just survival enjoying that and obviously you know hardcore isn't necessarily something you'd want to be doing crazy builds on just for the sake of it being a risk but um yeah see here minecraft you think you can beat the ender dragon in less than an hour um probably i mean it depends on the seed right like i think um the strategy i i don't usually go for crazy strategies um and i don't usually speed on that like really um but i can i just i'm not good at it so you know it's not like something i make a video out of but um you know i ideally like just if you're gonna like the kind of traditional method of just winning the game you know you just want to um you just want to like you know find a quick obsidian um quick nether fortress quick warped forest get the under pearls get the you know blaze powder and then you know if you can do that then yeah you could probably defeat the ender dragon quickly i mean as long as you have like any projectile which you could get in a snow bomb you could get really wherever um then you're fairly good in terms of like beating the ender dragon um you don't need much to kill it like it's funny because actually killing it isn't probably the hard part like it can be but i would say just getting there in time is what makes speedrunning the hardest you know because um i mean i can i've i have beaten dragon before with stone tools it's not um ideal but you can and um just because like once the once the towers are destroyed um as long as you like dodge the ender dragon um you can kill it it just of course would take longer so you wouldn't be speed running at that point so someone says oh i'm starving to death i should get some food but someone says um i'm 28 and just started playing minecraft for the first time and your redstone vids helped me have a ton of fun in my friend's server well i'm really glad to help with that um redstone's a really fun part of the game someone was asking me earlier if i enjoy doing redstone and i definitely do something i want to learn more about too myself it's uh not an easy topic to master and it's something that i totally want to do more videos on um you know maybe something like the uh the micro farms videos so for sure and let's get this and need some fuel so let's get down a tree actually there's some cold air that's incredibly convenient so we will mine this coal and we will use that what do you do with enchanted gold items from chests you can disenchant them um that can be a good way of using them um you can use them for like a display piece and yeah uh andy may bump bumpkus or bapkus says your videos came into my life at just the right time thank you for your thoughtful instructions and yes i'm fond of the way you say the way you bucket oh boy well thank you very much for the um super chat of ten dollars and i appreciate that a lot and i i definitely appreciate super chats and i appreciate um all my fans um because they really um mean a lot to me that i can put all this effort into my videos and that you guys appreciate the effort because there's there's nothing worse than putting a lot of time into a video and having no one watch it see someone says uh do you plan on doing bedrock tutorials um probably not specifically bedrock like i would say i definitely do want to um expand more on to verifying information for bedrock more accurately you know so for instance uh more tests and bedrock more footage of bedrock you know things like that um but yeah i don't think you'd see like a dedicated bedrock tutorial unless there's maybe like a really really um important aspect i could cover like maybe you know how to join servers on bedrock or something like maybe something where like every bedrock player could use it but i think like in general probably probably not so uh someone says uh one thing you gotta hate about the nether you open a chest even if it's your own chest with your own items piglin's hogging your stuff hogging your stuff that's hilarious like excuse me you don't it's not even yours um yeah it's actually funny because when they added the um the chest boats the chest boats um also annoyed piglets so it's like you're gonna have like your chest boat which they're never gonna see naturally like ever and you can open it up and they'll just get so mad so yeah it's definitely funny um i now hoppers don't bug them so you can use hoppers if you put a hopper beneath a chest of theirs or a chest of yours for that reason you can use that to grab items at a chest that's a really great tip um i also think that dispensers and droppers they don't get mad at i would have to take more effort to look into that but yeah and also um moderators if you want to just link my twitch and twitter they're in the description there on the chat that would be great um okay so we have a flower forester we have tall flowers galore and i love tall flowers i love i love all the flowers in minecraft i wish there was more flowers they would add um supposed to be in 1.19 but you know maybe we'll see them in 1.21.21 it was like a little bug fix update like i said that would definitely be um good and uh yeah um let's see here one thing annoys me is that there isn't a crimson or warped boat which doesn't make any sense yeah that is actually a good point um sort of like how there isn't um like i know people wanted like an obsidian vote for for like a lava thing um probably the reason why there isn't one is because um if they added it i think they would basically have to make it be lava proof just because it wouldn't make sense if it wasn't because crimson wood itself is lava proof and so um i believe mojing's idea was um although everyone wanted like an obsidian boat a lava-proof boat um they thought that using the strider would be a better idea having like a mob that you would use and you know i'm not sure but what i do know is that um that was kind of the idea so if they added like a lava boat it would just render the striders completely useless and i think they wanted to kind of focus on adding some more um life to the to the uh world now so just realized here i do not have a bed and i only have two pieces of wool so this is not a good start um i better uh quickly find a sheep and there probably are some really close so we're probably pretty good yes there's one right there that could be the sheep that saves our lives uh someone says really like your vids i get excited when you upload i'm really happy now that you created a chance to talk to you thanks i craft well i really appreciate you enjoying my videos and i'm glad to provide you that chance to talk to me um i will try and respond to as many of these messages as possible and feel free by the way um if you guys want to go spam me about 200 messages on the chat they're about like different questions and stuff i don't mind i obviously can't answer them all just because of time constraints but if you want to like just ask a whole bunch of questions ask away and i can a hundred percent um 100 percent respond to as many as possible jacob drew says um my i am 62 years old and my uh real legal name is i or is mci crafts and which is where his channel name came from uh that was fake news sorry jacob oh boy so i have revealed i'm not 62. that's funny [Music] okay so we have now slept we have now survived the night um how long does it take on average to make a guide video park asks um hmm well i did answer this somewhat earlier although a guide video is a bit different than just any video of mine and i would say the guide videos have more time in them so i would say probably 20 to 20 to 40 hours it can be way less it can be way more but i would say as an average is probably about double as much as like a standard video um okay do you like playing minecraft yes i do like playing minecraft um it's uh it's definitely my favorite game and i hope it'll always be my favorite game and um in my opinion i think that although often when there's a new update i'll sort of uh dislike some of the stuff in it like for instance you know uh when they did the updated textures that kind of bugged me but um you know i would say as a whole like i really do enjoy the updates and i think that the new features to the game itself are great i think that you know new biomes new mobs things like that those are things i can always support no matter what because i think the the developers put a lot of time into making sure that every feature is is balanced for every player so do you like bread and if so what kind is your favorite i do like bread i i think most people like bread mushroom but yeah i do like bread um favorite bread hmm that's a good question there's some really good reds out there i think like ocasia bread's really good um croissants are good baguettes are good some of those i don't know so probably those are some of mine let's see here what do you hate the most about minecraft hmm i don't think i hate anything about minecraft um i think that there's things that can be very annoying in the game um like for instance dying in hardcore worlds which we have experienced uh twice on the stream now maybe it's three times i think it was twice but yeah that's annoying um but obviously i think it's important that it's in the game or hardcore wouldn't be a viable um you know it wouldn't be hardcore would just be survival so yeah i mean in terms of like overall um features i would say that um there are a couple ways that the biomes will generate 1.18 i think doesn't make sense so for instance the um the taiga there's like the the tiger biome can generate in the middle of the snowy biomes and so like if you're like a massive group of snowy biomes let's say you have a ice planes let's say you have an ice spikes let's say you know a cold tiger you've got like some snow on there um and then right in the middle of that you just have this tiger that doesn't have any snow on it i think that kind of ruins the atmosphere so like little tweaks like that but um nothing big what update are you most hoping for next personally i want them to just add all the loser biome and mob votes yeah i think that could be interesting um i would be interested in seeing a bit more like a little bit more info on like what we'd be even seeing if i was mojoing i would not be doing a another vote like like um this minecon if it's gonna be in person or uh on live stream which uh i don't actually know yet but um hopefully it's in person but um yeah and anyway i mean i don't think it'd be a good idea to another vote just because there's already so much stuff in the works that they haven't done i mean i remember seeing this one thing on reddit a little while ago where they showed every single thing that um had not been added to minecraft that was promised um like recently of course knowing like way back in the day but um and it was a very big list and i remember seeing like they said you could probably formulate like three or four updates out of it so i think doing those would be good um combining it with like some bug fixes would be good um but obviously an end update too i think is what the whole community is kind of generally feeling it's gonna be but i mean who knows what this rate really do you think they'll improve the savannah biomes with new mobs or anything to make it more unique i mean that's what's planned right so we'll see if the plans come to uh come to happen but if they don't then i guess not yeah if you actually if you look up a minecraft savannah biome vote you can see the features that they have planned for that if you're interested all right we found a village that's awesome um on the seat i craft mc at the coordinates of 40 and 50. and hopefully there's a blacksmith there probably it's not i mean i've actually found blacksmiths are not that common in villages i feel like before the village and pillage they were a lot more common but now it's like pretty rare honest like i would say probably one in four or five villages have a have a blacksmith it depends of course but you know at least on the plains ones yeah i know blacksmith nice biomes and that's a beautiful um beautiful uh extreme hills it's kind of nice actually some of this terrain looks a little bit old style so that's cool let's see here um what tools do you use to edit your videos well i use premiere pro um i use the whole adobe suite of things um i don't usually use much more than premiere pro though um to make the thumbnails i use this thing called um it's it's basically like the uh the premiere uh the the adobe photoshop so i do that there's a pee jumping pushing into me let's see if i can i'll give it a flower there we go um here's a cave okay here's awesome so this is good uh there's any iron probably not i don't know i'm still too used to like the old um or layout i mean i'm the person who's made two very successful videos on the new places to find horrors and yet still i'm like oh let's go down low to get iron it's like nope you want to go high i mean you can go low but like very low so not you know just a little bit that is a beautiful cave entrance with like the um with like the stalactites and stalagmites there in the drip stone that looks like a big mouth or something that's really cool it's beautiful it's also very dangerous we're not going to go down there i might go down there later let's see here uh i've been asked uh we ever do a let's play or hardcore um i did answer this earlier in the stream but the answer to that is i'm not sure like that's the actual answer is that um if it doesn't i don't know how well it'll go at this point i suspect that my tutorials would continue to do better than a let's play but if in the future it seems to me that a let's play would be a good option i i definitely want to make one it's a goal so i would say you know if you're subscribed to me for for long term i think that you'll definitely see one i just i don't know if it'll be you know this month next month or further in the future or whenever right so that i'd say on that and i'm not sure if i do hardcore or not either because hardcore is great it obviously adds a lot of suspense but there's also the point to it where it's um it does kind of um make it losing work be a lot easier right which i think is i don't know i mean i understand the reason why people do it i just think that it's um it could be frustrating if i spent you know maybe a couple hundred hours and something right so okay let's see um i heard that the wither got nerfed for bedrock players which is good balance changed now the weather is almost like the java version i didn't hear about that that's interesting um i've heard but bedrock weather is completely insanely hard um i haven't played bedrock much at all um just to be honest um but what i know of is that it is very very difficult so um that would be interesting if they made it easier probably a good change but i mean not necessarily it depends on if people want an easy game or a hurd game see how do you keep the creativity going for building structures once your post game i feel like i don't know what else to do um i've had that issue myself too um i do have a video i just posted about things to do if you're bored um but obviously you know if you don't necessarily are interested in those things um that wouldn't be a good solution so you know i would say in general um remember that basically anything you can do in real life in terms of you know building things creating things you can probably do in minecraft and so if you think about like different things you like in real life let's say you know oh well i really enjoy you know i don't know like um vending machines like i was saying earlier i was designing vending machines and you could maybe look into designing vending machines and adding them to next to your base or something right and if you're on multiplayer of course there's a lot more to to do but i you know it depends i am going to leave this village there's not much here and i think exploring around the terrain would be uh more fun let's see you can kill the golem for iron yes that's a great idea oh boy um i don't know if you guys have ever watched them but there's like these hilarious compilations online where they're like um another village that's amazing yeah they're like uh they're like oh um press q with your pickaxe over lava and like they throw it in the lava and you're just like oh my goodness sometimes i wonder if that's real or if they're just like doing it to make the stream more viral it's hard to say but you won't see me throwing my pickaxes in lava although as a funny story actually one time a long time ago um actually in that world that i was showcasing in my 20 things if you're bored um i by accidentally threw a pair of elytra into lava and i was just so mad it was like my first pair of elytra and i had it for like so long it was just like no it's actually like a year of having it or something insane so you know mistakes with lava definitely happen [Music] you're the best minecraft youtuber love from pakistan well thank you so much and i really appreciate um my viewers from all the countries in the world and i think that it's so awesome that i have such an international audience and we also have this village that we can live at so let's get ourselves uh a place to stay um again i'm not sure if i'll stay here or not um obviously the last time we were at the village on the the first hardcore thing we were on um i did end up uh dying and um it wasn't because of the village but it was um you know we built this house and of course it eventually um went away someone saying they love my voice well thank you very much it seems like a lot of my viewers enjoy that which is um good and you were trying to steal my bed mr villager i do not appreciate that all right let's offload some of this stuff that's not useful um these flowers are nice so i won't get rid of them ah i guess it's okay for now okay um let's mine this you know it's funny like my my the exact situation where i'm in right now which is of course having all these items is um exactly what they're trying to do with the bundles right it's like you have you know three of this four of this five of that whatever and with the bundles there you can put them all in there and i don't know if they officially cancel bundles or if they just keep putting them off that would be really interesting to know because um i think those were announced in minecon 2020 they might not have been but i think they were so that would be interesting to to look into that one all right let's mine the rest of this and we now have the minecraft credits song playing which is cool so let me something in here so i always forget which villager houses have what i think i might do a video some time of like a villager like not a villager guy but a village guide so like what buildings have what treasure um you know places to loot um you know maybe what uh villager biome has the best quality houses i think that would be really cool video let's see i heard they can't get bundles working on mobile so that's why it's delayed i'm not sure why they couldn't but that is interesting um i don't know interesting to know um like the official reason um like if they have like some kind of statement about that but mojing hasn't been incredibly transparent about the updates um i don't know if they ever really were but you know let's see here we have a very flat area it's interesting i had a lot of comments back when 1.18 first came out about how um they could never find flat areas and just to talk about 1.18 and you know by extension 1.19 generation a little bit here which personally i'm a very big fan of i think it's improved the game a lot you know um i think what's interesting is that there's more possibility for extremes not a lot in between so for instance this is incredibly flat like this is crazily flat terrain i mean what we're seeing here is is like a true plains biome something you would never even see something that's flat like something like let's say right here you know i don't think you'd ever see that in before 1.18 and of course also you have these crazy mountains and so you know i think overall um i think one of the reasons why 1.18 takes so long it's just because of the uh very very important fine tweaking needed to get the biome layout correct and i think that um i think they did a good job on it like i was saying earlier i didn't really enjoy the um the one change with the taiga but you know in general um i think that it's it's really good and we're going to kill that chicken let's see are you wearing diamond armor right now no i'm not i'm wearing a singular golden chest plate um i'm basically just on the scuttle for somewhere interesting to build a base um which i probably should have gone to that village it's actually funny it looks like the whole top of that mountain was just like chopped right off delirious just like stops really abruptly it looks like almost like a cave entrance there but i mean this is a massive plane spy on my final plane spawn so i'm sure there's a village within the next two minutes and oh my goodness there's a village right there that is insane timing like you would think that was set up that's hilarious let's see could only wear gold armor or anything else i remember but diamond it can clear you have to drink milk okay oh boy um someone says about your dungeon spawner farm uh would a magma block instead of a fire uh burn drops what if i drowned if i want drown drops um yeah so a magma block works you have to have a a hopper mine cart inside the magma block which is a little bit of a finagling to get that to happen it's not too hard but you have to um put down the hopper mine curt break the rail then push the magma block onto where the hopper minecart is but yeah if you do that um you could totally use a magma block it's uh definitely the solution that i would have um opted in for before the campfires were added um so no definitely definitely you could do that and about getting drown drops you can add like a section of it where you um they sort of like um they would sort of sit there for a while and then eventually they would um they would like drown and so like you go through a little like uh 20 second loop or something i'm running very low on inventory space i think this is a pretty nice village i think we may as well settle here oh goodness i didn't mean to do that oh well all right that's pretty good and yeah let's just grab a house i mean these are pretty nice houses and um there is one this double wide one here i could grab that one that's a good one i thought it should be a i'd have the brewing stand no it doesn't that was awesome yeah we'll pick this actually it's funny look how like perfectly these are laid out it's like five apples like this and that's like funny it looks like it was planned we're taking on the seed yourself take a look it wasn't but that's funny a little bit i'm not random enough let's see here um uh just settle in village yeah i'll probably just do that let's see here okay we got that full let's get ourselves the second chest which we have in our inventory and we'll put things in there and let's get a furnace up let's just make this into a bit of a base we'll clear out the uh the villager things which they probably will not appreciate but that's okay all right so let's grab the axe um actually we don't have an axe so we'll get down a little crafting station and we'll grab some uh uh grab some stone we're literally so poor we don't even have any stone on us so um not ideal actually this kind of cool little cove here we could mine that out got some stone there let's see here um is this a casual run or a long-term project i guess it depends on if i survive or not right um if i survive then maybe it'll be long-term hard to say but obviously it'd be casual if i die because it'd be done so um yeah a nice thing about villages is you get like the infinite food well not infinite food you get like the um that initial uh big bonus right which i think is uh definitely worthwhile it's a pretty good sea too like lots of villages near spawn this is the third one we went to and that's actually pretty good looting there i mean well good luck for a village to be fair um out of 10 how much do you like minecraft i would say i like minecraft 100 000 out of 10. um all right so we will mine away this and we will finally make our stone axe because we're just so upgraded in this hardcore world um oh boy i don't know i mean it's it's a weird thing it's like you don't risk a lot you you don't get a lot and so i think that's more or less applies to minecraft too you know if you don't put a lot of effort and time into getting good materials um you're not going to die but you're also not going to have good materials so you know but again going so on hardcore is sort of sort of more ideal it depends really um what has the best chest loot in your opinion ancient cities or treasure bastions ah it's probably ancient cities i have seen ancient city loot chests with i think four golden apples in them which is insane i mean that's obviously so many golden apples and um you know compared to like really anything else i can imagine um that's just really good apparently there's a glitch actually i just realized it says respawn point set actually no it's not a glitch because when you leave the end that's what it is if you leave the end yes i was saying like if you right click on this you know it says um spawn point set and obviously you don't um you can't respawn in a hardcore but if you're in the end and you get out of the end then you could respond so all right so let's get ourselves a little bit of a kitchen or something i suppose we'll put that down there we'll get a little um something with this make like a little uh stove thing looks pretty good we'll put that in the middle actually and then i don't know it's like the worst first base ever but i mean you know it's something um have you heard of roblox yes i have i used to play roblox a lot actually um believe it or not and let's get a chest over there as well to get the food items in [Music] and yeah we're still at almost three hours in we are still at 363 concurrent viewers which i really appreciate all right so we have raw chicken that needs to be cooked we have cool to cook it so let's do that it's funny how like certain raw meats in the game don't give you any sickness but raw chicken does because it's like i understand obviously in real life you know eating anything raw is obviously going to make you what could make you sick you know it's like i think you need like raw pork chops without any issue which is a little bit odd okay we got some more hay bales here got some more things to look at um i think this is a it is i would say uh what is the word for it it is a leather workers that's what it is we can grab these for our kitchen and we can also grab things out of here hey look at that free boots we don't have any boots so now we are much more armored we'll keep that on one workstation for the leather worker let's see here because chicken is more prone to seminal yeah i think that is the case um it just is funny because you think it'd just be like a higher chance not just like oh there's no danger of eating anything raw but chicken i don't know i guess like rotten flesh obviously makes you sick too but it doesn't make you sick it just makes you hungry so that's a funny one all right we'll get a cauldron kind of useless but it looks cool so um and we'll make a little table i think because you know it's just a little house so table is nice we can always make something else later but i think for now a little table will be nice and this stupid villager thinks it's it's house which it's not so let's get a truck door and we'll put it on top of there and again thank you very much for all the congratulations on a 100k um obviously this is a very um uh shall we say chill live stream i'm not trying to competitively go quick i am a little bit better than this i'm not yeah i'm not doing badly i'm just you know i'm not i'm trying to speed run this so you know of course because it's hardcore as well these villagers are not oh my goodness what in the world it literally went into the block that's funny anyway i attended here but this is the end of the stream my music track has finished and and the viewers are waning and so as you all leave make sure to uh like the stream before you leave make sure to join my twitter join my discord um follow me on twitch and watch a different video i posted a woodland mansion video today um which i think is great so make sure to check that one out that'll be the newest video if you sort by newest and i really appreciate all this i really appreciate all of you i appreciate getting 200k um the absolute amazing opportunity this can be as not um cannot be um stated how happy and how thankful i am for for this opportunity so um just thank you so much and uh yeah i will talk to you later um and uh thank you also to all the super chatters um thank you for all the um just the messages in general the amount of um nice messages here i can't uh explain how much those mean to me so i will definitely be reading through those a lot and i hope you guys have a great rest of your day i'll see in the next guide video and thank you for tuning in to the first live stream by icraftmc you
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 294,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100K Subscriber Stream, Minecraft Stream, Minecraft Survival Stream, Minecraft Hardcore Stream, Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore Stream, Eyecraftmc Stream, Minecraft 1.19 Survival Stream, Eyecraftmc Playing Minecraft Live, Eyecraftmc 100000 Sub Special, Eyecraftmc 100K Subscriber Special, Minecraft Guide Live Stream, Minecraft Tutorial Live Stream, Minecraft Livestream, Minecraft 1.19 Java Edition Live Stream, Playing Minecraft 1.19 Stream, How to Play Minecraft Live Stream
Id: wgJ3m7Mw_QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 7sec (10747 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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