Eye and Ear Exam with the Steampunk Optometrist | ASMR Roleplay (lens test, otoscope)

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There you are my dear ! Welcome back. Please have a sit, and just give me one minute. So it's been one year already. How was your mission ? So you are here today for your annual eye exam right ? So we're going to be checking your eyes to see if everything is fine and if you need a new prescription or new goggles. And since you've probably spent a lot of time with noisy machines, I might have a look at your ears as well. Harsh sounds can sometimes affect your hearing or cause some lesions in your ear. So it's better if I check this as well. Alright ? Wonderful. First things first, let's start with your eyes, and feel free to relax while I'm getting everything we need. Alright. Let me adjust the flame and... have a first look at your eyes. Here we go. Good, and on this side... Good, everything looks fine. And now I'm going to make a deeper exam of your retinas. And for that I will need your pupils to be dilated, so I can clearly see through. So I'm going to use specific drops, that I will put in your eyes And this shouldn't be painful at all, alright ? Good. So please hold still. And one, two, three. The other one... One, two, three. Wonderful. Now, please blink. Good. Now while the drops are doing their work, let me dim the light just a little bit. This will help your pupils to dilate even more. Looks good. Now please hold still while I'm having a closer look at your retinas. Everything looks normal here. Fine. Good. Perfect. Let's bring back the light. Let's change that. There. So now it is time for the eye chart reading. So I am going to prepare the testing glasses with your current prescription, and we will see if you can still read correctly the different lines. Alright ? So let me get your previous prescription. There it is. Now let's get the testing frames. And I'm going to adjust them. You have a small nose. And... ... that should be good. Here we go. Alright, let's put the frames on. Alright, let me check the arms. This, here.. and the other one. Good. Right, perfect. Yes, very good. Fine, let's start. Can you read the second line ? Next one ? Very good. Can you read the fourth line ? It's getting difficult ? And the one below ? Harder, right. Let's stop here and try something else. Better or worse ? Here we go. Better or worse ? Worse, as I thought. This should be better already. Better or worse ? So, as I thought it is still myopia. And we are getting close. And this one should be good. Better ? Can you read the fourth line ? Can you read the fifth line ? And next one ? Good. So as I thought it is not a huge difference compared to your previous lenses. You might have faced a lot of strong lights during these last months, and that might explain why your eyesight has slightly decreased, but not that much, so it appears there is nothing to worry about. We will just make new lenses for your goggles, alright ? Wonderful. Now let me write these numbers down. Good. And now as I said I'm going to have a look at your ears. You've been in a quite noisy zeppelin lately, right ? Did you experience ear pain or discomfort ? We'll see about that. This should be totally painless, but let me know if you feel any discomfort, alright ? Let's start in your right ear. Alright. Everything's fine, no earwax here. Good. And, on the other side. There's something here. I can see that your eardrum is slightly damaged. Let me have another look. Right. Let's make a simple test. Can you hear my fingers here ? And on this side ? Alright, it might just be a temporary hearing loss due to some loud noises. I'm going to use a healing oil and that should do the trick. Alright now please tilt your head right. Good. And one, two, three. It's not too cold ? Now let me check if the oil is on the right spot. Good. Now it is just a matter of hours before you get your hearing back to normal. Alright, now let's have a look at your goggles. Did you bring the pair you purchased last year ? Right, let me see. Fine, let's have a closer look. Alright, there are some things to fix but with a bit of repairing they can still last a while. I'll keep them for now, and you can come pick them up in a few days, they will be like new. In the meantime, if you need a pair of goggles for the days to come let me show you a pair that you might like, and that we can have ready for you tomorrow, while these are getting repaired and upgraded. Fine. Let me pick them up. These are truly beautiful. This pair of goggles is entirely handmade with high quality materials. It is so elegant and perfect, with all these nice details, that we don't really need to add anything on it, unless you really want to. There is one lense with a clock, but of course we can make both of the lenses clear because you will probably need both of your eyes for your work. The headband is entirely adjustable as always. Very comfortable, and very strong. And pretty, with all these little gears... They are so beautiful. So what do you think ? Would you like to try them on ? Wonderful. Hold still my dear. How does it feel ? A bit too tight ? Better ? Good. Yes it is lovely. Alright, let's take them off, and put them back in their box. And now I'm going to prepare your prescription. Just like you did last time, you will just have to give this at the reception desk. And you can come pick your new goggles tomorrow. And of course, we'll send you a note as soon as the other pair is repaired and ready to go. Again, I'll see you next year ? Wonderful. Have a great evening my dear, and take care. Oh, my taxi's here already ? Good Lord, time to go.
Channel: Moonlight Cottage ASMR
Views: 1,599,393
Rating: 4.9535103 out of 5
Keywords: asmr, steampunk optometrist, optician, roleplay, cinematic asmr, cozy, moonlight cottage, french accent, lenses, goggles, eye exam, ear exam, personal attention
Id: imez47byfLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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