Exxon CEO: BP's mistakes, not ours

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Mr tillison you've said that this blowout would not have happened if Exxon Mobile had been drilling the well tell us what you would have done differently and please be specific well it would have been a different well design we would have run a liner a tieback liner we would have used a different cement formulation we would have tested for cement Integrity before we circulated the the kill weight mud out we would have had the Locking seal ring at the at the casing hanger before proceeding uh and leading up to all of that though there was clearly and this is just based on what's been publicly made available U there were clearly a lot of indications of problems with this well going on for some period of time leading up to the final loss of control and why why those why how those were dealt with and why they weren't dealt with differently I don't know your plan and I would is written by the same contractor that BP is BP relied on Marine spill response Corporation to provide response equipment and so does your plan so if you can't handle 40,000 how are you going to handle 166,000 per day as you indicate the answer to that is when these things happen we are not well equipped to deal with them so when these things happen these worst case scenarios we can't handle them correct we are not well equipped to handle them there will be impacts as we are seeing and we've never represented anything different than that and you've all said that's why the emphasis is always on preventing these things from occurring because when they happen we're not very well equipped to deal with them and that's just a fact of the enormity of what we're dealing with
Channel: CNN Business
Views: 41,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MONEY, Business News, News, CNNMoney, CNNB, CNN Business
Id: 1dwPUqfDLmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 46sec (106 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2010
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