Extrude Command and Options - Autodesk Inventor Part Tutorial | Autodesk Inventor 2021 IN DEPTH

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[♪ Music Playing ♪] Hey everybody, it's Alex with Engineering Applied! In this video, we're going to be accelerating your career, hobby, or business with this overview of the available Extrude tools in Autodesk Inventor. If you're looking for a specific function, check the description for time stamps. If you don't find what you're looking for in this video, make sure you check out the other videos within the Autodesk Inventor Series. Also, don't forget to like this video, subscribe to the channel, and turn on notifications so you don't miss out on any helpful content like this in the future. Let's get started! Okay, so to aid us in this overview of the extrude functions in Autodesk Inventor, we're actually going to be developing a mounting fixture for an electrodynamic shaker and if you don't know what that is don't worry. What it essentially does, is it acts like a speaker. So think of a really big speaker except the main objective isn't to create sound, it's to create a vibration profile meant to test various parts that you put on it. So in my case, I used it in the aviation industry to test electromechanical components before they go into an airplane to make sure they could perform under the stress of various vibration profiles. So, in this case, what you're looking at here is we've got a large square plate and on the four corners we have our mounting interface between this plate and the actual shaker itself. So this could take the form of a direct mount to the electrodynamic shaker itself or to a slip table. And if you're not sure what those are, let me know if you'd like me to do a video on those specifically because I'd be happy to shed some light on what that is for you. But, if we look closer at the plate, we have a grid of singularly sized holes. So this is to accommodate a 10-32 fastener, and they are spaced one inch apart. So our objective here is to create a neutral mounting area for whatever parts that we want to test so that we don't have to create a bunch of these parts over and over again to match specific parts that we want to test on our vibe fixture. And this is really important for you engineers out there that might be doing this because you don't want to waste a lot of money and machining time and down time creating new fixtures, and you know, creating new designs for no reason if you can help it. So this is the practical case I wanted to give you, and I know this is sort of a roundabout way of getting to the extrude tools but I think it's really important that we relate real-life uses for these lessons because I want you to learn and I want this information to actually stick so that you can improve your quality of work whether it's in your career or whatever else it is that you're doing. So, let's go ahead and get started here. What we'll do is we'll create a new part file. So I've already got one open here, and we'll just start a new sketch because we've got to start our background for the actual square profile for the plate. Okay so I went ahead and drew up a 16 inch square shape which is going to act as our profile for the plate itself. So we've got that drawn up, now what do we do? So, like I always say in my videos, you want to make sure that your sketches are fully defined. So in this case, we know our sketch is fully defined because the profile is all in the color black and if I were to go grab any of these sides, it's not going anywhere, it's not going to move. And you'll also notice down here it says, "fully constrained". So after we've done a good job of making our sketches fully constrained, we're going to go ahead and jump out by either clicking "finish sketch" here or we can just right click and go to finish 2D sketch here. And now that we're out of our sketch, we're going to make sure we're in the 3D model tab and we just click extrude. Now, you'll notice that it'll infer the profile that you want to extrude. In this case, we only have the one square so it knows, "hey this must be what this user wants to extrude". So we will start looking at some of our options in here and as we progress through this lesson, I'll make sure that we hit all of these options while relating it to this practical use. So, at the top here we have our extrude properties. You can "X" out of this but that'll cancel out of the extrude command so we'll just actually go back in there. Next, you have this little plus arrow. So this will add various tabs to this extrude window so if you're using iLogic commands or anything like that, or you could go into your favorites, so you have a bunch of your content center resources in here and whatnot. And at the end here, if you click this, we have a few options for how the extrude behaves. This first option here essentially says, "hey, when you have your sketch that you're creating an extrude off of, and you press this little plus sign to apply this extrude but also immediately start the next command, it will keep that sketch visible or if you uncheck it it will not". So if I uncheck this, or actually let's leave it checked first. So if I check that, it leaves that sketch visible and it automatically starts a secondary extrude without me having to go in and out of the window. Now, if I was to go back and redo that, and just go up here, uncheck that, and then if I hit the plus sign, it exits out of the extrude and it leaves the command alone. So that's what the difference in that command does. So we'll just undo that once again, we'll go back to extrude. And let's take a look here. So we have our "hide preset". So when you check that, it hides this little preset option selector; we'll get to that in just a moment. Okay, we also have the "single ENTER to finish command". So what this allows us to do, is it allows us to, let's say for example, we wanted to change this distance. So let's change it to 1.5, and if I press enter here it's actually going to finish the command and collapse this properties window and exit out of it all together. So if I press ENTER once, it leaves the window. But if I were to undo that and go back in here again, uncheck that and let's change this length to like 1.25 or something, it doesn't matter. If I hit ENTER once, it confirms the setting in the dialog box, but if I hit enter again, then it finishes the command. So this is really just a preference issue here so it's just whatever you prefer. Our next area that we're going to look at is, so along this top, you have a little navigator. So we have our extrusion menu here, and then we have our sketch. so if we click the sketch, we'll actually see the sketch itself and this is pretty cool because we can actually edit the sketch on the fly if we want to. So if we want to change this dimension we can certainly do that from the extrusion window and then if we're ready to go back to extrude, we can just click extrusion, and it goes back into the window. However, we don't want that to be 14, we actually want this to be 16 inches. So we'll just leave it there, go back to extrusion. Now, the next area is, so we have "solid mode active". So to illustrate this, we're going to back away from the square real quick. So I'll just go ahead and extrude that, create a new sketch. I'm just going to drop a circle somewhere in space just to show you this. Okay, so you have this other option, so in this case, we have a cylindrical profile, or any other profile that's able to create a surface on its own. What you could do, is you could go up to the solid mode and click that, and it changes to a surface geometry profile instead of a solid body. So that's a quick way to toggle back and forth between the two if that's what you want to do. We're going to just toggle it back. And then this is just our preview option, whether or not you want to see an active preview of what your extrude looks like, before you actually confirm the action. So we'll just cancel that. Okay, so we'll actually come back to the preset section in just a moment because I want to go ahead and cover the meat of the extrusion function, and that is the input geometry field. So, what this does, is it allows us to select the specific geometry we want to use to create this solid body. So here, you'll notice it says one profile. We'll go ahead and clear this selection by clicking this little "X" icon and you'll notice we're left with our profile. So, if you want to select a particular profile, you want to make sure you're within the sketch profile selector and you'll know whether or not you're in it if you have this little blue line at the bottom. So we currently see the little blue line. If you click it again and it shuts off you'll notice we can't pick up a profile. If that happens, don't worry just go back to your selection filter area, click on that, and now when we hover over our profile of interest it turns green. So we just click in that area. And, you notice a section called "From", and so this defines it from our sketch plane because that's where we created our sketch. This is where it'll define this by default. However, we can also define other planes if we choose to do so. So if I have another working plane or something in the area in the same orientation, I can use that. But in this case, we'll leave it on the sketch plane. Now, we have our behavior. So this is the next most important area and this tells the software, "Hey, I want the solid body to either go in one direction or the other". Or, we can also tell it to extrude symmetrically or asymmetrically. So that means that from our plane, we can go maybe like half an inch in one direction and three inches in the next direction. And so depending on what you're intending for your design, that could be a favorable feature. But, in this case, we actually want to go in the positive Z direction. So, its current orientation is fine. And you'll notice we could do a couple different things here. We can go ahead and type in the distance we want to extrude this to. So, I actually want this to be a one inch plate, so I can type in a "1" and it'll automatically show me a preview of that. Also, I can click and hold this little arrow and I can drag this back and forth. So this is actually sort of a nice way to manipulate it on the fly and sort of see what it's going to do beforehand and you know you don't have to type any numbers or anything like that. Now, you have this little drop down arrow up here, if we click that, it changes our selector style from icons to drop downs or vice versa. So currently I'm in icon mode, which I prefer. But, if you prefer more of a consolidated format with your drop down box, you can certainly do that too and it shows all the same options just in a drop down menu. We'll go back to icons. Now, we have our distance box. You'll notice a little arrow off to the side. This is pretty neat actually because we can set this dimension based off of a feature dimension or by measurement. So maybe I want to measure, let's say this line here. Well, this line is 16 inches. So it says, "hey, this extrude distance needs to match that distance in the model so make it 16 inches". It's not so practical in this case, but you'll find a lot of times where you'll say, "hey, I want it to be the same length as this other feature". Well this is a quick way to do that. We'll go ahead and clear that and set it back to "1". And then finally, you have this "To" option. I'll get more into detail when we start actually cutting holes in the 3D body. So we'll put that on hold for now. Okay so, the next section down is "advanced properties". So, this is a really convenient way to add a tapered angle in your extrude without having to create a draft, or a loft, or anything like that. Now, let's say for example you're designing a part that's going to be injection molded. Well, depending on the size of the part, you actually might want to put a little bit of a draft or a little bit of an, a loft angle on the outer profile of the part that interfaces with the injection mold because if your molded part is a little bit too deep, you could have some issues with sticking to the mold itself. So a way to alleviate that, is creating a very shallow taper towards the end of the part so that once the ejector pins start pushing off of the part, when the, you know, the mold opens up it helps the part release from the mold itself and you don't get any sort of sticking or any damage to your molded part. So that would be a handy use for this particular area. And then, so you know you would add your angle here. So let's drag this out a little bit more just so you can see more of an exaggeration on the angle and let's say we wanted to add a one degree angle to that, or maybe we wanted to let's do something a little bit bigger, We'll do 15 degrees. Now you'll notice it it lofts that angle out on this side; we can actually click this flip direction, and it'll reverse that taper. So that's always there. This iMate button basically infers iMates to the part. So say for example, you have a pin and bushing that you want to mate together in an assembly, you can use this iMate option as you're extruding these two separate parts, define those iMates themselves, so that when you import them into an assembly it automatically mates them accordingly. So that's a really handy tool for your workflow if you're creating an assembly with a lot of the same constraints and you don't want to have to do those individually. And then, so you have your "OK", so that confirms the extrude. You have "Cancel", pretty self-explanatory. And then this little plus sign down here is the "apply and create new extrusion". So you saw a little bit of that previously, but essentially what this does is it creates the extrude, and then it keeps the extrude option live so that I don't have to finish the command, do a sketch, come back in and then click extrude again and do all this over and over again. It keeps the window and the command open so that I can just do a bunch of different extrudes back to back. So we'll go ahead and change this back to "0", we don't want a taper there. And we want our plate to be one inch thick because this would just be a standard aluminum plate stock that we order off of McMaster-Carr or from any other metal supplier that, you know, we'd be using at this time. And we'll go ahead and click OK. Now we have the base for our design. So that's our main use of the extrude. Now, something else you could do with the extrude tool, and it might be a little weird based on the CAD software you're coming from, but there's no individual pocket or cut command by itself. What you would do, is you would create your profile, select that profile, and then you go back into extrude and then you have a cut option which I'll show you in just a moment. So for our next feature, we need to do our 12 inch by 12 inch regular hole pattern for our 10-32 fastener. So what we're going to do is we're going to go into new sketch and I want to create some reference geometry just so I can keep tabs of, of what I'm doing with these circles here. So I'm going to just dimension it to 12 inches by 12 inches. I'm going to set this to construction geometry, super handy. If you're curious about construction geometry and other formatting options, make sure you check out my other video on that. It goes into detail on the differences in there. So we go to construction. Okay, now our hole size, I've got it written down here, it needs to be 0.159 inches. So this is for our 75% thread for aluminum, you know, for our material which is aluminum in this case. So, I'm just going to pick up this corner spot here, set my hole size, and these will eventually be threaded, so this is the pilot hole size for the thread; just for you folks out there that are wondering why did I pick this size. If you're unsure of what your thread sizes should be, make sure you check out, there's tons of free drill charts and tap charts online so there's plenty of good information out there with this info in it. So, okay we've got our one hole there but we need to create a regular hole pattern. So we're just going to go ahead and create a pattern in here. So we're going to do rectangular we're going to select our circle, and our two directions. I have a separate video on pattern tools as well, sketch pattern tools, so feel free to check that out if you want to learn more about that. Okay, so we need 13 units in this direction at one inch, and then we have our second direction downwards and we'll do the same. Perfect, so now we have our grid of regularly spaced 10-32 holes, which will allow us plenty of flex-, flexibility to mount our test specimens to. All right, so now we have our holes generated there. Now we can go ahead and finish the sketch, you'll notice everything is fully constrained. So we go back into extrude. Okay so you might be wondering, "hey, do I have to go through and click each and every single profile that I want to create a cut for in this case?", luckily we don't. What we can actually do here is we can lasso everything all in one shot, you know, because you'll notice if we zoom in, it'll pick up each individual hole but it's not automatically inferring that we want to pick up every single feature. And you know of course, you don't want to sit here and click through 169 different circles just to create some holes. So what we can do is we could zoom out a little bit, and we can just grab everything and you'll notice it picks up all of 169 profiles that I want to grab and it's getting it from our sketch plane which is on the surface. But now notice something here, it actually wants to extrude these as pins outwards and that's not what we want to do, we actually want to create some holes here. What we can do, is we can drag this in the other direction and we get a preview. Now, notice the color difference here, we see green profiles which signifies an extrude so it's adding geometry to our 3D space. If we go in the other direction, it creates some red indicators here which means that we're going to remove material. So that's a very important distinction and it's something you'll associate, you know, with this as you go along. So, that's one way of specifying it. Also what we could do, is I could go down here to the boolean output operations. And so here, you'll notice it's set as a "Join". So that means that, "hey, we're going to create new profile, and it's going to join this new 3D geometry with the existing solid body". It's not going to be two separate solid bodies, which you do have the option to do and we'll get to that. So, next, you have your "Cut" option. Now if we go to cut, it will automatically know that we want to remove material, and then you know depending on the dimension in here, it'll specify the depth. So we actually want to cut all the way through the plate. Well, how do we do that? Well, there's a few ways you could do that: you can specify the distance. So I could specify a distance of one inch because I know how thick, excuse me, the plate is. But, that's not good enough because what if we come back and we want to recycle this design or edit this design to use maybe a half inch plate or actually even worse, maybe a two inch plate but now I have my distance set to one inch and our intention is to do a through hole, now it's only going to cut an inch deep. So what we can do is we can use our "through all" command, so it'll just punch through any of the 3D geometry that you have here. But even better than that, you can use the "To" tool. So if you click "To", it'll open a selection box, and you know we have our little blue line there so we know it's active, and we want it to always go all the way to the end of the plate. So we can click the back face and it will always go to this section of the plate and I want to show you something here. So if we hit OK, you'll notice that the holes are cut all the way through. But hey, let's change our plate thickness to three inches. Now you'll notice, it still cuts all the way through, it doesn't matter how thick or thin the plate is. It just knows, "hey, this user wants the holes to go all the way to the other end". So this is a really good way to ensure your design is more robust and more dynamic. I took a couple of steps back and now we're back into our window right before we created the cut and I wanted to explain these other two boolean operations that we see in here, and then of course we have our drop down with our selector style. So we can do the same sort of drop down or icon view. But, to illustrate "intersect" and "new solid", we're going to jump into a new part. Okay, so for our intersect boolean operation, I went ahead and drew up one cylinder here of diameter 0.5 inches and I drew another circle that's spaced evenly off of the center line but it's overlapping a little bit. So think of maybe like a Venn diagram sort of a shape going on here. So what I'm going to do, is I'm going to extrude this but I want it to only take the intersection between the two. So what I do is I go to extrude, and you'll notice it's defaulting to cut because it's inferring that I want to go ahead and create a cut through the part. Also you'll notice if we go back up to this option menu, you have your "predict boolean operation". So this basically just infers or predicts what you want to do with your extrude. So in this case, it says, "hey, you have some 3D geometry here, in this area you don't, I think you want to remove some stuff there". You can uncheck that if you just want to make all of the judgment calls there and it doesn't predict it. I leave it on because it does a pretty good job at speeding up my workflow and it doesn't really get it wrong very often. So, I'll leave that selected. So anyways, if we move down here, we have our "intersect", and if we click that you'll notice it only shows the intersection between the two circular profiles. So I could hit OK, and now it just keeps that one shape there. So that would be an example of the intersect tool. Obviously, you're going to be using it for other things, this was just to clearly illustrate it for you. The other option we have here is the "new solid" option. So, if you want to create two separate 3D bodies within the same model, you could certainly do that. So we'll just leave that as an extrude and we can actually bring it out to the same space. Notice here, it says "join" and when it creates a join, it melds these two as a single element or as a single solid body. We don't want that, we want them to do-, to be two separate solid bodies. So what you do is you go to "new solid", and when you click that it's occupying its own space, it's actually overlapping with this other one and it leaves that relation there. So if we hit OK, and I hover over this, you see it's its own separate body. Now if we go back, and I leave it as join, notice the distinction here. So I just pull it back out at the same distance, we hit OK. Now when I hover over it, it treats it all as one singular body. So that's the distinction between "join" and your "new body" boolean option. All right, we're back to our shaker table fixture and we are about to create our cuts for our 10-32 holes. Once again, I wanted to draw attention to this other distance command which is the "To Next", which basically takes that command, which in this case is the "cut" boolean operation, and it takes it up to the next solid body or at least to the next face within the same solid body. So if I click that, it's going to default to the same, you know, same type of operation but it's using this solid as the reference rather than just the face on the solid, so that's the distinction. Typically, I use "To" because it gives me the most control over exactly what I want to do with this boolean operation. All right, so we've successfully created our hole pattern for the mounting of our parts that's-, that we're going to test, but now we need to create the hole pattern to mount this plate to the actual shaker itself. So what we need to do here, is we need to create four holes here, and it's a very specific hole pattern based on the shaker you're using. So in this case, I already have my hole pattern defined. Don't worry about the specifics there. Again, I can get into more detail about how to design these types of fixtures in a later video but for now we're just concentrating on the extrude tool. So, first we need to draw up four circles in the area that we need it. Okay, so I have my hole pattern set up for the interface between the plate and the table, and it's sized for a 3/8 fastener, and yeah, so we'll go ahead and go back to our extrude option because we need to create some through holes, but then we need to create a secondary command and create more of a shallow cut to accommodate the head of the socket head fastener. So, first we'll go to extrude, we're going to select the four profiles, I'll just click and drag over all of this because it's going to automatically pick all four of those up, and you notice it doesn't actually pick up the hole features from before because there's no sketch elements showing or available to create the cut or the extrude off of, so it's really convenient. Now, we want to think about what we want to do, what our intentions are, for this cut. So we want it to go all the way through the plate, just like these other holes. So we'll go to our cut boolean option, we'll go to the "To" command, and then have it go to that face. Click OK. Ok, so now we have a through hole, but we need to create a space to accommodate the larger diameter for the head of this socket head fastener. So what we're going to do, is we're going to create a cut halfway through the plate that allows the head of the screw to go below the surface so that we don't create any sort of interferences with any parts that we may attach to the top of this plate. This is, this is a huge thing you want to think about. so we're always thinking three steps ahead, or even more sometimes, to make sure that we don't have any interferences or any, you know, any problems within our test equipment. So we'll go ahead and do that now. So I'm just going to create a sketch on this plane with the diameter for these holes. So we'll go ahead and I'm going to actually project the geometry because I want these centered here. Okay, and actually these three were unnecessary, we'll just use this one here now that I think about it because we'll just use that revolve circ-, that circular pattern. And then this will need to be 0.688. So this just is-, has some extra tolerance built in just in case the hole locations are a little off and maybe our machine shops not holding super tight tolerances, that's something else you want to think about. So we'll just click OK there, go to circular, click that, we're going to revolve it around the central axis which is a point in our point of view because the line is going straight at us. I want four of those, and then there we go, now we're fully constrained. Finish sketch, extrude. Okay, now this is a great opportunity to talk a little bit about using work planes when referencing your behavior or your cut depth, because in this case, my plate is one inch thick and I need to cut down deep enough to where I have enough exposed thread on-, from the fastener on the other side of the plate so it can actually screw down to the, to the shaker table. Now, we have to think about this for a second because we don't necessarily just want to do a blind cut of 0.5 inches just because it works in this case. What if we resize the plate, but we still want to use the same fasteners? We need to have the same amount of thread exposed from these fasteners on the other side of the plate. So what we can do is we can create a work plane and then reference our cut up to that work plane. So what I'll do, is I'll cancel that real quick, and we go to our drop down under work features and we're going to create an offset. And what we're going to do is, because we need a certain amount of thread showing from this side, which is at least only half an inch of plate taking up a half inch of thread and then the rest of the fastener can stick out. We'll start this as our reference side, pull it back a little bit and so this is in the negative direction so we want to make sure we're specifying the negative sign here, and we want it to always cut down to negative 0.5 inches from this bottom side that mates with the shaker table. So we go to "-0.5". Okay, now you see we have our little working plane or a reference plane, and we can go back to extrude, pick up our four holes again. Now, we'll switch it to the cut operation but now when we go to "To", we'll have it always cut down to this reference plane that's always going to be a half inch off of the side that actually matters, this is really important. So now we've got that situated, and now we can just click OK. And now we have our recessed, or our counterbored holes. So you'll hear the term "counterbore". This is what a counterbored hole looks like. You also have "countersunk", which is more of a cone shape recess for those conical-shaped-head screws, those countersunk screws. So, those are the, that's the difference there. Okay, so we have our four mounting locations to mount the plate to the shaker itself, and then we have our hole pattern to mount the test articles to the plate. So, we need some spots to put the accelerometer on and this is a perfect opportunity to illustrate the final feature within the extrude option tool set, and this is the preset option. So I already drew up the four circles that we're going to use to cut into the plate. So we'll "finish sketch", go to extrude. Okay, so going back up to the top here we have "no preset". Well, what we'll do is we'll select our profiles and let's say that regardless of how thick the plate is, we're always going to only thread it down to, let's say, a quarter of an inch, right. So we need to cut down to, let's say, 0.375 inches to allow for a little bit of room at the end of the tap. So we'll do that. So we'll create a cut here, 0.375 inches. Okay, now we want to create a preset out of this so that when we go to create more cuts, in maybe this part or other parts, we can reference this option from a drop down. So maybe I can set this as, let's do, a new preset. So it's marked as .375 cut with zero degree taper. And, so we'll just say okay to that, and that's now our preset. If we want to go back to "no preset", we could certainly do that, but we'll go back to our 0.375. Now if you go over to this preset settings, and again to create a new preset out of your current settings that you had already set you just press the little plus sign after you set your depth and other options, and then we go to this little settings menu here, we can save the current preset, we can rename it. So maybe we want to rename this to "accelerometer pilot hole". So, anytime we're creating a fixture in the future and we need to create a pilot hole to tap for our accelerometer placement, we always know that it's going to be to the correct depth that we need and have those correct characteristics for what we're using. So we'll just, you know, check that off there. You know also we have some sorting orders. So this is similar to your file explorer in Windows, you can sort it by various parameters that you see here. And then you know, you get some new extrude defaults. So maybe you're doing a bunch of these back-to-back so maybe you want to use the current preset as your default, well you can certainly do that. Here, I leave it on "no preset" because it's not something that I use too often, it's more on a case-by-case basis, but hey, you might find a use for it. And say, "hey, you know, we no longer use a certain preset", so maybe I go down in here and I don't want this half inch cut anymore. I can go to the settings menu and delete this current preset and now it's out of my drop down, we cleaned it up a little bit and left space for what we actually use so we can go back to that, you'll notice it goes back to all of our parameters that we want. Okay, so now we just click OK and there you go, now we have all four of our accelerometer pilot holes using the preset option within the extrusion menu. So that rounds out all of our extrusion tools. I hope you enjoyed this practical example of how to use the extrusion tools and I hope that it helps you in the retention of this knowledge. That concludes this segment of the Autodesk Inventor Part Creation Module where we took a look at the available Extrude functions. Don't forget to like this video, subscribe to my channel, and turn on notifications to stay up to date on future content that will help you reach your goals along your journey. And of course, don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out via my website contact page and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to learn about or see on this channel. I love sharing my knowledge and experience with the community and I cannot wait to see all of the positive impact you'll create out in the world. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you again soon! [♪ Music Playing ♪]
Channel: Engineering Applied
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Keywords: applied engineering, autodesk, autodesk inventor, autodesk inventor tutorial, autodesk inventor tutorial for beginners, autodesk inventor 2021, autodesk inventor 2021 what's new, autodesk inventor 2021 tutorial, how to use autodesk inventor 2021, inventor tutorial, inventor tutorial 2021, inventor tutorial for beginners, inventor tutorial basic, inventor full tutorial, inventor 2021, autodesk inventor professional 2021, autodesk inventor professional 2021 tutorial, Test Fixture
Id: kVoiWbm9YQw
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Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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