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funny guys are funny um I'm at my side this hey guys today I'm going to talk about the rude and embarrassing mistakes that learn that's often make so there will be lots of through the woods so you're under 16 maybe this video isn't great I'm not sure you don't like this kind of video click off right now because it's going to be read alright but it's also very important to learn these things so that you won't make the same mistakes so let's start with something that's not so rude and the will dive into very rude ones so first a lot of learners make this same mistake but you have to be careful with the word kawaii kawaii which means kit I think a lot of you guys already know this one but a lot of learners tend to say kawaii teaming kawaii but kawaii sounds like kawaii which means scary so when you want to give a compliment to someone and want to say you're Sookie if you say kawaii then it sounds like you're scary oh I'm scared of you so you want to be careful Kawa e cute kawaii scary kawaii cute kawaii cute No kawaii kawaii scary or the next one is also quite common do you guys know how to say to sit we say sir water to water so water right and when you want to say please sit down we conjugate the verb so water into it Stefan and the tech form of the verb Sawada is surat that show up there so what that is how we say sit down informally right so if you want to sound more formal and you're talking to a stranger you want to say so I take a bath I kudasai two men please sit down you can also add the word those'll to make it even more polite and say doors are so optic that side doors are so op take it outside and that's how you can say please sit down so that's really good phrase to use if there is like an old person on the train and you want to give you a seat you can also just say doors off as well but doors also up ticket outside is a good phrase to remember but if you accidentally say so up there instead of so up there it would mean touch me so if someone says so I pick it outside you'd me please touch me and it's creepy so you don't want to do that you could end up saying oh please don't be the old person and you can you assume what could happen afterwards you know the old boom won't be like so be careful survive that sit down so up that please touch me so the dictionary form of silver that is surat it and the dictionary form of Salwa that is sour water so they are very similar but please be careful Suat it so odd it alright the next one is very rude so so what it means to sit down right and do you know how I said to stunned touch it touch it when you want to say I'm standing we don't want to say top date it informally and top they must formally write and most of the time people just assume that you are standing right but in certain contexts tap date account also mean I have a boner your other half is standing so we basically use the same the kanji is technically different but exactly the same pronunciation so be careful yeah you don't have to be worried about most of time but depending on the it can mean something different and I've seen this really embarrassing mistake that person wanted to say I always stand on the train in the morning that's pretty common he live in Turkey it's very hard to find the seat when you commit so in the morning we just say awesome you don't even have to say assign me you can just say awesome or here and say every morning you can say my ass up and then you want to say on the train we sit then shut that then shout that and I'm too stunned we say touch it and to stand on the train we say dang that tops it then shout that that's it by the way this verb is a bit strange you want to be careful with the particles when you want to say I stand on something they con a box for example you say have for know me Tata or if you're standing in front of something you say something not my knee that's it but when you're standing inside something you're not talking about where you're standing on but you're just talking that you're standing in this space you use the death particle so that's why we said things out there that's it anyway I saw then shadow Tata is how he said ice thumbed on the train in the morning or you can say - ah then shout it cuts it and you want to say like I have tea you can say my ass up then shall be top bomb night job informally top bomb nightcap or formerly top bar my jaw it gave my son top on my job you can't my son you want to go more formal you can say I'm not kidding but he can't my son's well I have a lesson on how to say how to do so please watch that anyway that person wanted to say I stand on the train in the morning right but instead he wrote this so you know the candy it seems correct right this is the cons for the morning that's the candy for tea stand and yeah he did put [ __ ] there in mass hero party [ __ ] they're a must so you might think I may be just wrong conjugation this thing in math is present progressive so it would mean that that the subject is doing something now sustained massive means doing something yeah that person just wanted to say something right but if you want to say I'm standing right now you don't want to put this Sheamus with the verb touch it or touch it you want to actually just say pop there amass top the amass top famous so in Japanese when you want to in the morning we don't really have to put the particle you can say assign me but normally we omit the particle and say I saw but because a site is right next to the verb Tatsu or in this case touch it in looks like a different word our fob bocce means morning good so that person basically said I have morning good on the train which is you know pretty bad you want to calm down before you get on the train you're right then so back I saw batch it CMOS yeah that means I have morning good on the train so please don't say that like I can see why that person wrote that because yeah make in Japanese we usually put time make more in the morning then location but you can also swap the order so it's not that strict you can't say bang shad there ha Tatsu Timmy I stand on the train in the morning so ass up that's it it's fine but he said I saw that G sitter then that's a completely different thing the reason why we say ass up da ji I don't really want to say this was the reason why we say I said that it is because this is one now it's called a compound now it happens a lot in Japanese when we grab two nouns and make one now the sound of the first consonant letter changes so table becomes da so it happens for words like a watch wristwatch we say armed clock it's a clock we say okay okay and um we said good there today and when you want to combine two words to make one noun that means a wristwatch we say ooh the dog can eat so you change talk into dough and this kind of thing happens a lot and yeah that's why we say ah da Jie but anyway please don't like this mistake and speaking of morning good when you are in Japan there will be time where you end up speaking English even when you are fluent because you're gonna use people like to hear English because it sounds cool anyway in Japan before drinking we say come by come by and in English you can say Cheers but there is another way to say cheers right you guys are like oh right now anyway you say ching ching which is very common I've heard people say chin chin when I was in England and every time I just wanted to laugh so much because ching-ching in Japanese means Willy yeah usually kids use that word there are so many ways to say penis in English in Japanese thankfully we don't have that many words for that word like Jim Jenn is pretty innocent yeah just like Willy I mean you know you don't really want to say that would when you're talking to a stranger so a lot of kids start off by saying teaching and then a lot of teenage boys like when they are like 18 they might say Gingka instead sounds more like the word dick yeah I personally don't like the word tinkle you don't want to say I kind of have to I'm really hoping that my step that is not watching this video because he does watch my video hey Gingka is how thick so sometimes you've written this a high school kid screaming [ __ ] right there on the street I've seen that I guess he was in pain yeah if there is more masculine way to say it die like something hurt it's normally you saying I've done my thigh doing like I'll have a headache or my hip hurts but you can also say a dumb idea if you want something more rough so yeah when you are in Japan and you wanted toast maybe youth cheers instead or you can say come by in Japanese but the weird thing is when we teach a dog to sit up we say Tintin we honestly say changing the command the doctors he hope and you guys know what pachinko is right it's like a gamble and yeah pachinko all of these sounds funny but because it's a different word we can't ignore the fact that there is a word chinko inside but when I'm English speaker says that word it sounds like pachinko you put stress differently pachinko sounds worse than pachinko because pachinko like it kind of blends in was pachinko you put so much stress on the watching ko that whenever someone says the word pachinko with an English accent I'm like oh alright so now we know how to say dick the next one is also very very very rude are you ready so here you have learnt how to count in Japanese you probably have seen our counters our accounting system is very different when you wanna count like one small object we say eco eco like I've made the lesson on counters for patreon so please consider supporting me on patreon but anyway II got is how he say one small thing so you can say like bingo eco to me one Apple it's also kind of strange because we put the counter after what we count so in English you say like an apple on one Apple right or two apples you say the number first and the object was in Japanese we often say the object and then how many dingo eco and they can say TR poles you say bingo Nico and you said 10 apples you say dingo juco and do you guys know how he say hundred Shaka but he runs a hundred things you say yeah got ya go and then when you want to say thousand we say Sam Sam thousand small objects we say sank oh thank god so in English you can say like 1,000 right been Japanese we don't really say e Sanko like is Sam yeah you can say is Santa me with 1000 but it's really not common like we have a thousand yen bill and we call it sin or sin and such here talking about the bill itself thousand yen we say sin and no is sin and it's not very common to at the word itchy but when you want to say ten thousand right we say each in month eg month so we have ten thousand yen bill as well so that it's eg man m EG man and it's a full ten thousand you have to always put ET we don't say mom M that sounds weird so this is a very common mistake a lot of learners say is sin when you really should say sin and then they don't say eg mom when you have tea and so Hmong and doesn't make sense for ten thousand yeah but anyway if you want to say ten thousand things the correct way it would be eg monk oh right eg Monaco and I've heard someone say monkey teaming ten thousand things and he really learned a lot of rude words in Japanese you know what that means I actually hate this word this is like the ugliest word for me chinko means big bang ku is vagina but a vagina isn't that bad although I really don't like the sound of it but [ __ ] sounds more like the c-word yeah I really don't like it when you really want to talk about that private area we normally say ahsoka ahsoka which normally means over there ahsoka is a great way to say down there so girls usually use the word ethical when they want to talk about the thing and that can be useful both female and male part anyway I really really hate the word among cop it's so horrible they please don't say in public I've heard to wrists say this word like just for fun it just sounds horrible it's basically saying the c-word in public at least on there anyway when you want to ten thousand things please make sure to of each team uncle and next one is also pretty bad I know using particles is hard in Japanese I know the word order can be confusing at the beginning but please don't make this following mistake so when you want to say what did you do we want to say nani o see master car Manny Oh Sheamus vodka so she musta is Harrison did nanny means what so in Japanese we always put the verb at the end and if there is an object in the sentence you want to use The Awl part code to indicate what the object is in the sentence so when you want to say I watch TV you say terribie o meter terribie o meter but the common mistake is to put the particle in front of the now so sometimes I'd say this mistake or today be media it's actually probably because of the new particle or the death particle in English when you would say I go to work you say I go first empty work you put the preposition T before the noun work right so a lot of learners saying me she go talk to me to work but this is wrong you want to say she go to me and then the verb Iike never say Nisha go from there a lot of people could all particle in front of now as well so I drink beer you want to say beer Oh Norman big Oh No Oh beer Annamma he and that sank up in front of mommy it sounds very very bad sir mommy or shamash taka means what did you do right but he said Oh mommy she must occur or nanny she must occur it sounds like did you masturbate and this is another word that I don't like the sound of it you could use masturbation ingenuity people don't really use it people normally say or Nani so you technically have sit on my knee no honey but still it just sounds like this you masturbate or did you want please make sure to put the particle after the noun that should be modified so we already had very embarrassing mistakes that involve words Dick and vagina and now we move on to e boobs in Japanese there are a few ways to say a lot you can use the would pukkusa tak goo some like if you want to say I have lots of bits you want to say hunger tucker Sam at it um god Tucker sound at it or takusan Unga at it Taku sound um got it Taku sang can be even in front of the noun or you can also in front of them as well like where you'd put the counter so you could say like well you're counting and then the particle that has to be used depending on the verb and then tuck some and then the verb or here and say I ate a lot you say takusan Tabata informally Tucker Sam Tabata or Tucker some top in my stuff Tucker some toffee mashed up but there is some of the weight is a lot which is it buy it buy the intonation for this world is very important because if pi is how we say one glass like that's how we count a glass of drink a glass of beer with a beard if I be if I a cup of tea or chop it by orchha if by you say Oh jack if I tender means lots of tea or chai eat pie for example except or jar if I nan de OCHA if I nan de then that means I drank lots of tea informally or formally changed about nan de intake no me mashita which are all if I know me master or if I or J all know me master but people sometimes say oh by instead of if by um and up by means Boop's when you want to say breast we say Manette which is fine like just sounds like the word breast minute you want to describe a girl with big breasts but you know don't say oh she's got big boobs you just want this over she has big breasts you want to say it junghwa my manga off-key I don't know when you'd say that but you can say that but here on I'm someone who she's got big boobs you want to say oh by that guy oh by that guy that guy is I was a huge humongous the guy is slang for big huge but not read like you're talking to your friends you can definitely the kids say dick are do me like wow huge they cut and that sounds more informal the problem is Oh bye I mean obey it's kind of funny were like I don't hate that word like I hate the word monk but I don't hate the word oh boy oh boy kind of sounds key actually but still you shouldn't just walk around Tokyo but buh-bye cocina just with Chema's and me walking around New York like boobs boobs people be like what's wrong with her so when you want to say a lot you want to say bye-bye you want to say a couple of Glossop's we say e pi e pi and boobs we say Oh bye Oh bye yeah so now some of you guys are thinking also if there are lots of boobs yeah you can say Oh bye bye well done alright so girls have boobs guys have balls right and this is another mistake I've heard when you want to say by chance I found this by chance over soda by chance we use the word Tamar Tamar Tamar Tamar the intonation for this word is very important Tama Tama like if you found something by luck by chance you'd say Pam Adama meets kappa Tama meets get up you could trust a like I stumbled on something dama dama Pikachu no no you go to meal meets geta I found the pick at your plush toy by chance here's it Tom Adama someone me up top then you can trust a like I bumped into someone so like you didn't expect but you did it but if you change the intonation cometh umma that is how you refer to testicles balls in a childish way so yeah kids often say mama but Tom otama is how he say by chance so when you were saying I found it by chance I stumble on that you say Tom Adama meets Kappa Tom Optima meets get up if you say Tom Adama meet skipper it means I found balls like then I found testicles but adults all guys would say King Tama to make it sound more like balls Tom Adama is pretty kicked butt Kingdom eyes like wow it's like bollocks you know the animal kingdom ah it's such funny any math you should really watch it here like kind of rude jokes the author specifically chose title Gintama to make it sound like Kim Palma testicles a Gintama technically means silver sole which sounds cool but he knew what he was doing Palma comes from tamashii so but we don't say Tom are doing soul anyway so it's just so funny and he watched Naruto Kakashi sensei does concho right if you don't know what country is just google it it's pretty funny but basically thinking like this I personally be this way I guess you could do this way I personally use four fingers like this and then basically shove the fingers into someone's bum when we big honcho is it can't you and I used to do this a lot as a kid actually like it to my friends so popular at school I probably still is it hurts quite a bit but it's fun today anyway when you are the restaurant you want to pay you say could I have the bill please oh can I have the check right in Japan normally once you finish you think you can just stand up and walk to the cashier and that's where you pay normally you don't pay at the table but in some restaurants you do pay at the table in that case we don't really do this here's a bill it just doesn't really make sense it actually it just sounds like yeah beater so they might bring you another beer when you actually just want to pay so you just want to say I can draw on there guys you must or can Joe on there guy Sheamus or condo is how we say the bell like paying process you can say ok yeah ok ok ok K is also a very very common word so you want to remember that but or Cangzhou is also another way to say the bill so can I have the bill please you say ok I'm Joe and then guys you must but can you end up saying o kancho you say Joe instead of Joe them yeah it sounds like please put your fingers in my bum so don there yes it all can draw on a guy's you must and the last one is very bad as well so do you guys know how we say - wake up - wake up we say Okita Okita so when you want to say please wake up we normally say up there watch that informally right but in Japanese the verbs for to wake up and to wake someone up are different to wake up we say or kidding right but to wake someone up we say someone oh of course of course it of course I do you watch a lot of anime probably have heard oh my little sister woke me up that characters say mo toga or gosh they're kureta oh gosh it that woke me up and now of course it's like I said - wakes them up and of course that is how I said please wake me up oh gosh there oh gosh that but if you say oh [ __ ] there you say cut instead of call em ins rape me how also mean to violate in a different context yeah it can just mean tabali but here for example in bed already and say oh gosh there it sounds like hey rape me so yeah you really want to be careful oh cool [ __ ] that way coming up be careful alright so the last one was pretty tough so let's end the video with something a bit more cute so when you want to say carrot we say Mean Gene Mean Gene you eat carrots we say ninja Oh papa for example rabbits eat carrots right so you can say Oh psyche what mean Jing oh Tibet beside you I mean you know Tibet it that's very key but there is a very similar word to an engine which is mink and yeah and if we say we psyche Hwa Ming Gao Tabet then it's very scary it can be a horror film ninja means humans so the psyche what mean Jo puppet is mean rabbits eat humans and they don't so you want to set your psyche you are ninja your puppet alright so I hope you won't make these mistakes after watching this dear if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and I'm sorry if I offended any of you but you should have just clicked off anyway anyway you have any funny story please leave it in the comments I'm sure you've made some kind of mistake in Japanese alright thank you for watching damn my family bye bye
Channel: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Views: 137,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rude japanese, rude swear words, swear words japanese, chinchin, dick in japanese, kanpai, embarrassing mistakes japan, japan trip, japanese, learn japanese, kawaii
Id: iN-5BcUefVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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