Who Speaks Best Japanese, Joey, Matt, or Dogen?

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[Music] hey guys it's yuta so who speaks japanese the best joey seems to be the obvious answer because his mother is japanese and he's only spoken japanese with her but we can't say how well he speaks with that information alone because if he had spoken japanese only with her his japanese wouldn't have been so good fortunately we have footage of joey speaking japanese naturally i'm going to show you this interview with the author of him culturally sophisticated anime called radio of hila if i didn't know him and listen to this conversation i probably wouldn't think he grew up overseas i would just think he's another japanese man of culture who does a lot of private research in his room so i think he's had a lot of exposure to japanese apart from his mother i've heard someone say he has an accent but if he does it's not super obvious some people say he speaks better japanese than most japanese people because he would read the kanji dictionary for fun when he was little but just because you know a lot of obscure kanji or words it doesn't necessarily mean that your japanese is great just like watching obscure anime doesn't mean you have good taste unless you watch ueno-san in which case yes you do have good taste having said that i think it's possible that his japanese is better than many japanese people and i will come back to this point later now let's talk about map versus japan and his japanese is impressive to say the least not only does he have native like pronunciation the way he phrases japanese is also native like he said jun jobenko sterende which is exactly how we speak japanese in textbook this tends to be stereo descartes and many non-native speakers speak like this so if you want to speak japanese like native japanese speakers i will teach you the kind of japanese the real-life japanese people today actually speak so click the link in the description and subscribe and there's something i noticed about matt his english is also very good what i mean by that he doesn't do a lot of editing in his videos he just thinks about what he's going to say and starts speaking and it manages to be interesting as for me i need to write a script to make a video like this so i don't think i can do what he does if i try i will probably be slightly better than comey speaking japanese he puts an enormous effort into learning japanese but i also think his high verbal intelligence helped which i think also applies to dogen but with logan he has a unique skill he makes videos in japanese primarily for english speakers who don't necessarily speak japanese well and somehow makes it work yakuda but there's something i noticed there's no doubt that his japanese is exceptionally good it's very hard to find mistakes with this japanese but i think matt sounds slightly more effortless than dogen and i think it's possibly because matt has spent more time speaking japanese than dogen i don't mean to criticize dogen because i'm kind of in a similar situation with my english compared to my reading writing and listening skills my speaking skills are pretty weak and it's because i don't spend as much time speaking english as reading writing or listening to english but that doesn't necessarily mean that my english is bad or dogen's japanese is better than maths japanese in fact my english is good enough to form a nuanced argument about why takagisan is better than naratorasan having good pronunciation and spoken grammar is just one aspect of a language i actually think that all three might have better overall japanese skills than most native speakers look at this video where we asked japanese people to answer jlpt one questions japanese people don't understand every japanese text they only understand the text that they understand and you should remember that these questions are for non-native speakers and by no means difficult if you want to know the kinds of reading comprehension tests that native japanese speakers take look at this part of saint dashkin which are standardized japanese university entrance exams the truth is at a high level your overall language skills matter much more than language specific skills and these people have demonstrated their high language skills by creating successful youtube channels and if you learn japanese seriously you can even be better at japanese than many native speakers and i will teach you the kind of japanese the real-life japanese people actually speak today which can be different from the kind of japanese that textbooks and apps teach you so click the link and subscribe to my email group japanese with utah
Channel: That Japanese Man Yuta
Views: 119,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NYd6B5lhDig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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