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and just go back to another video word I mean moose gentlemen let's just get started you guys no need to explain it guys doing some bad Wars today I need to find hot in here it's Nathan spicy all right who's gonna get spicy so you guys know how this goes replaced we do it all the time um you know we're with those people no I have a nickname on one no we're talking about there's a there's a lot of people punching punching my face I didn't know if they knew here just join your game today we're just gonna play some competitive Bevers and troll some people on bare words who enters the controls of baby we're just we're just gonna play bad boys we can what is this Hollow I think so be careful your name is sign 4 6 3 - uh my name is nope so funny dream hope you guys are all having a wonderful day can you guys hear moose let me let me double check oh oh don't do this now [Music] boring color I hope so they'd better be able to hear any better than they can hear you what oh I have an issue and it's being stupid oh yeah yo bill two diamonds my dude and I'm gonna I'm gonna just get resources okay okay I thought you're gonna say like I need to restart my computer or something I might have to it's really broken what's going on is are you like like apparently I'm not lagging but the streaming is this really good yeah ain't good huh yeah we're having a lot of issues before we start my car almost died and then this happens to diamonds yeah no I didn't think I was that close I didn't think you're gonna hit me I was about I think you show me for me well I think Edwards dude we gotta flip and start protecting our bed okay and you're not okay I'm gonna go try to my pawns real quick this yellow guy is just guarding the true hardcore we're playing note not playing defensive we're playing we're gonna win I mean how do we got this so hmm I'm thinking I shagged you if you like some kind of like cool strategy for this one how about I think we saw this just just win just murder in win-win because everyone that was a very loud let's bring it up yeah I do regret that that was a little bit loud okay okay I'm dying pretty much you're dying like like it's happening it's what is happening what is going on oh it's like the whole stream does not want to work let me let me look at you I have like 5 RF yes but well 400 and and it just now want to work huh this is broke oh my gosh yeah all right frozen yeah you're not even moving all right well we got we gotta [ __ ] with you when are the streams alive or not we still got we gotta entertain the beeps all right so let's let's surround this thing with some in stone ah that's what I'm gonna do [ __ ] if you want to maybe you can go try to fix the problem and come back I don't know what to tell you dude I can try for damage but I need a knee beeps know what I mean I got you dude I got you Jim Beam you'd uh you'd Jim would you put those two diamonds oh I got one well would you want to get a hundred million dude yeah please that would be nice okay when me yes okay now we can get uh nothing nothing I need one piece of gold if you could toss me one piece I have three you know they so know Nathan they know they know they know they're here you stay here I'm a road show people are trying to kill us as water you stay there I'm gonna beat up some emeralds my dude okay dude in the mid time you wanna tussle May oh my gosh how can I produce okay okay nice nice nice didn't have anything in him I think this Lobby is glitched hey minecraft is broken dude a typical no not that but that's you dude what's going on with this like team fighting a team of two moves you should just sit in our bed sit inside our bed and just protect and go go figure out what's going on over there any kind of chill relaxin oh you kidding me what how does one even dude it how all right if you guys are if you guys are super chatting me guys thank you so y'all moose could you really not stand in my Forge what you try and get some big I need some blocks dude you you actually I did try to fix your stream up a little bit and I'm like Harry of this game I got you dude I'll carry the team ah brother absolutely have zero clue what it is but uh RKO himself I think it's your internet I know it would be I have 1000 megawatt download and upload but at the moment you probably don't I did like I just I just used to be tested oh I think is the piece you did CPU problem oh yeah oh yeah you're not even streaming anymore it's like a it's like a loading symbol yeah oh my gosh all right so like let's let's get on to this game guys we're so sorry for the issues uh you know you're always gonna have obstacles in your and your role of success you know what I mean we get my dad me going back I gotta fix this okay myself where did you make it cute like I see I had to leave do my gosh dude you think his phrasing it's about to die oh you you wanna you want to do that to me huh you wanna you wanna oh this guy's hearing me he's shearing me good alright so moose has left me honestly don't know what's going on moose has really something wrong with his internet I guess I was watching his stream and it's it's he stopped streaming now but his dream was completely laggy so I don't know what's wrong with it but it's not poking me I can hear all your sounds um but so that red guy just sheared me I don't like to be sheared I don't really find that amusing I don't like the UH where's the I'm gonna go share someone I like hearing people I'll share you if you share me you know what I mean know what I mean Jim Beam okay you think you can share me I'm going to shear you right back at you is pink him alive pink team is dead or pink team I'm sorry I'm very sorry alright so it's basically me versus all these teams of two I'm gonna try to stack up all diamonds a little bit I want to upgrade my forge once more I think we actually have an emerald forge you know know that the köppen Forge close enough right okay I think we need three more diamonds for that hopefully moves can come back and join us dude oh oh he's not even here okay no nice luck me there someone invisible oh my gosh that guy came in clutch mmm-hmm no oh wait you want to give me the oh you're just gonna be a stabbing I see how it is here's gonna be a SAP usually here's gonna kill right in front of me I see out it ah see how it is okay this stream is not going me or mooses way I'm dying I'm getting shot off I don't even know what's going on all right so I'm gonna try to build back over here I want to get that red guy dude that right guys so bad oh they're right next to us that's his protection oh boy oh boy let me get a couple diamonds real quick let me get a couple diamonds real quick ah from this Forge if I can maybe I don't want to get other people's diamonds because the low-key scared that they might kill me let's see let's see you with me nope no emeralds in there yo might as well try right what I was like where did he go no no no no red team out is it feel oh there's two of them oh there's one there's two yeah baby all right uh who did some Emeril T naught turn of gold as well all right I'm gonna bow we're gonna bow ace [Music] and you switch those there we go all right so I have five oh no no no no no you had it wait - that fall I think that emerald fell did it fall my gosh why there's so many people going after me it's insane oh my gosh you need to gap up hardcore all right um I need to go back and I need to get wait I have enough diamonds now to upgrade our forged actually should I'm create a fortune no I'm just gonna do protection I'm just gonna do protection these guys these guys are coming after me non-stop I'm gonna do some protection oh I need one more diamond okay let's see I can probably get one more from here Oh quick scared these guys are going full invisible mode and all this stuff like geez all right there we go there's one more all right let's try to run back hopefully not get shot off or anything and let's get this protection - real quick or wait was that protection three oh that's protection three give me that back um all right so my mind is being a little bit like yeah I don't know why having so many problems like moose just streams just completely died my minecraft starts lagging it's stumping a little bit I don't know it just doesn't seem as smooth as it normally is smooth how dude now dude doesn't work like that doesn't work like that doesn't work like that no that's not how it works you can try but succeeding I don't know about that but there definitely is a lot of people coming for me I will admit I don't know if these people in the law because I am nicknamed no no they might know they might be like Oh thinkable Gaming he's dreaming maybe we should kill him okay but they're definitely targeting me which is okay you know I like a little bit of a challenges are the wrong with that um if this green guy already ate a Golden Apple got him god I'm real good caught them real really good what's my dude so my dude you know if I want to go after them yeah Oh yells he's actually dead notice that yellow team's dead white team house white team doing over here I don't really see anyone with armor really hmm I wonder if I can be the first one well I did see that yellow guy with diamond armor other than that was about it did he point that definitely fell did it yeah it fell oh my gosh wait I have Tim relax when I get 10 emeralds I must have killed someone they must have dropped a ton I not see that at all that was a sketchy jump okay let's get some diamond armor ASAP um let's also get an e pearl just in case just in case we fall off the edge or something you never know never know what's gonna happen in life let's also get some arrows as well okay so who do we want to go after I say we go after White team they're looking pretty pretty simple I'm not gonna eat pearl to them I don't think what are you gonna run are you just gonna there you go got got got a gun alright let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go boys let's go let's go let's go easy easy easy we might have problems during this game but unspeakable is still killing it let's go all right there yeah there it is there it is there it is whoo-hoo I'm going up there I'm going after him I don't think he has anything to hit me with they did build a little bit of a yeah I'll come back to him Green Team is basically my only other competitor Lucy the heavy no their team is still alive I can't get to their chests alright let's see uh diamonds max we're still really close into the game like we're not that far into the game at all like bets instructions it's like I think it's like another ten minutes away or so so definitely gonna try to go after green we'll see what we can do here not too worried about white at the moment just really gonna try to go after green honestly let's see how much protection these guys have okay so they do have in stone so definitely to grab some TNT for that that guy's got diamond armor from five come on that arrow not moving was just standing there called now that's the end that's the end of that wall man if you look at this way that was just a warm-up game what summers how's it going bro I'm somehow magically good huh you're magically good minecraft my Mike minecraft I just unplug my computer and plug the back in and she'll marry according to Mike reacts it worse do we need to take like four hours after this video and just figure out these lag issues like it's really bad it's like when I get into combat my PC Q so laggy yeah when I get to combat my minecraft think what you gotta do man is unplug gonna plug it back in it I know it's a like a joke but I'm being serial like I'm being super cereal like whenever I do that when I have an issue I just unplug it and plug it back in it doesn't it doesn't it well it's like this every single time I play Minecraft it's not just now I get it and plug it back in I can do that it's not going to change can't you guys probably can't notice it on the streamside but every time like when I play Minecraft it's not like E but when I get into a fight against there's like just weird I don't know like I can I notice my FPS drop it's weird but moves are you ready for this are you back if any of you guys know that issue um I know I added in college but um if you guys know how to fix that issue to where like my minecraft isn't laggy but when I get into intense things like when I get into PvP and my girl should not lag during PvP it's not that intense but when I get into PvP it lags it since my FPS does tend to drop I you use Optifine but if you guys know a fix to that please tweet at me that would really help me out and it would also give content it would make the content better as well because I don't know what to do I don't really know what to do um I use Optifine computers pretty gosh dang good look more comport monies ferony computers Wars again yeah good you know to 1080s still can't run minecraft 210 eighties in sli that's ridiculous alright buddy so gotta be something yeah and all my drivers are updated as well but yeah so whenever you're ready do to invite me up on the server invite me my do stop dawn and then I'm gonna set up my new stream oh your study you can do stream guys while we're waiting follow me on Twitter Instagram just so what I'm actually doing a giveaway this week can I be I'm just gonna let you know I am giving away something all my Instagram this week I'm not gonna tell you guys wait a just gotta follow me on Instagram - no I'll probably put how it's it's it's it's pretty cool it's really it's really really cool it's really really cool you something oh there it is but um you guys follow me on instagram guys will see that and I'll be giving I'll probably be starting to give away I want to start tomorrow or Friday I'm not sure I'm not sure but you guys will see you soon as well oh yeah link in the description thank you for some of the super chats you guys but me moose is back he's alive working functioning guys were so sorry for all the all the problems and stuff but hopefully now it has been fixed and now we can have a successful game me and moose are you ready for this moose who's want it are you crying so mushy I'm gonna sell my few I did I got a restart it up dude okay go ahead here let's start your stream I'm gonna I'm gonna get working I'm gonna I'm gonna meet up I do you got yeah go do your little intro do your hey what's going on guys this is people gaming here and today we're gonna I'm going to get diamonds and stuff all right all right so I think moose is gonna do like an insert or something like that but guys hopefully we can have a successful game it doesn't it doesn't goof but I'm excited I'm excited for this game we almost there yeah are these other guys building as well they are not Wow is there any is there only one person on my team oh there's only one person on my team that's good though so we're not you know right next to a team with like two people trying to break our face 24/7 stop moose okay we've got a forge upgrade already nice nice nice I'm going to built straight to me I guess I'll leave moose with the bed protection moosh you can do that I know you can't hear me but I mean you think you can Nancy do this to me like they're big be anything doesn't work like that it doesn't work like that there we go there we go all right let's try to grab these emeralds I I think I already saw someone over yeah there's someone right here let's see it all more someone behind me as well oh wait no it's not okay what that was weak oh no no no no oh come on miss come on moose come on moose come on moose come on moose oh no oh oh we're good okay dude oh no I'm getting it right now yeah I saw that I was like no no I'm gonna come back I got three emerald oh good yeah it was this right guy right yeah what you're saying - yeah did you die - I want to get one more I want to get at least one weird name we have some really stupid names yeah I know I agree okay purple guys coming again purple guys coming oh yeah protect our bed you'll protect our bed right now is pink guys come on [Music] right now protector but right now take this gold do some wood in something okay what I know I know but do like wood as well you know do what any wood the diamond I'm gonna upgrade our forge this guy was about to run with TNT this pink guys got TNT oh those really he's cause man I think they know the person there's no way they're never gonna guess I've gotta kill them now you gotta kill them and destroy the bet okay that's good yes man what man whatever call me ma'am over here but axel dude if you don't if you don't have a pickaxe don't do it you don't have a big axe don't do it if you don't have a pickaxe just just break like all right I'm gonna go got one emerald I'm looking for three more already oh my god I think oh yeah I'm coming I'm coming actually hang on let me let me get this uh let me get this armor real quick this is a very weird game everyone is targeting each other like crazy all right yo I got some diamond armor you have enough gold for me for it how much how much actually that kind of died but oh wait wait oh my knee what you nub you didn't buy anymore you've won this war noobs mother you but knock back stick with that goal I gave you a guy or a girl I don't know Wow Wow you really ought to go there all right how much would someone else how much what do you have not telling you I'm not would uh oh go go go totally Habs yeah not not three stacks what ah maybe no how many times do you have one diamond one diamond um I have nothing dude I got nothing that's the big remember I got the big dude I try keeping myself here yeah one more diamond we can upgrade for at all let me just it's triggering me let me just give this one diamond real quick I think we got an emerald forge yeah I'm pretty sure it's emerald yeah yeah no so we'll need one right one diamond for them yeah yeah emerald forge do you have the diary in here but we don't have strong protection doh oh I'm taking it I'm taking some shears I'm going I'm going to say are we going in I'm gonna play my deals like a plane you gotta work together dude here's the plan we go in and we dominate all right let's go boom boom boom I don't know why was one guy bunch of these I don't know what this guy is doing I think he's just trying to bully a nice-lookin bridge man look at it man no but whenever you're ready to dude I'm here are you guys TT do you wanna kill this guy you got it easy gonna drop down or something yeah I don't think they have anything to knock us off this guy's this guy's name is aimbot perot I'm scared is it what are you doing that already blogs yeah look behind you I puked him out is he okay guys name is Amy scared how you drop into the other head with an ox you always gotta fire Baba oh I'll let you know when he throws another one okay I'll let you know when he throws another yeah if he gets another one I think what you know I think it's friends gonna get it lit yo y'all ready drop it drop it yeah get it running gone now yeah you oh I'm still alive oh oh there is nothing that did nothing baby I have enough gold for more teensy yeah I'm single I have ten gold we can get more team one more time let's just get a pic dude I'm gonna come off again okay ready there goes one of the teammates okay now wait for the second guy we're the same guys come up I'm just going after protect me I'm getting pickaxe I'm getting big axe Oh boost help me help me help me help me oh no no no I can't teammate I have one heart I have one heart I have one heart you take fall damage in bed whoops you know what's funny the white guy still there just like this is the weirdest game we've ever written so far are you gonna back are you going - I'm right behind you dude but there's a guy coming after us and he's about to break uh smoke what sorry oh my gosh they went hard okay yo there's a guy with diamond armor and a diamond sword coming for me possibly no he's not coming he's just breaking your bridge Wow armor let's go over some armor we already got the Emerald forage I was pretty set on the rules we both got pretty good armor let's just go for it's a trap alright sweet really not that bad dude oh my god we have it we have a yeah a short rest welcome now at the ball all right I say we go for someone else honestly but then again I say we don't go for us man they want to kill us they know we are sure that's my secret we go yeah I feel like if we go for someone else like pinkies just gonna come demolish they probably got a murder like okay I'm gonna try to get you so I'm gonna try to get more emerald to go is there three animals in that Chester at our base I may matter took that and use it for something how do you use three emeralds would you use it I'm saving that I was asking you if you had three emeralds because I have three emerald so do you want the rules so you can get diamond armor or do you not yes ma'am that's all I want no I guess yeah you have an issue don't you I know I'm yo I'm gonna get invisibility potion that's gonna be hilarious I want to use a compass yo okay uh how much gold do you have okay so I'm gonna go I'm gonna drink it invisibility potion and you want to go wreck a pink team you down here I'm down let's go you ready all right uh well actually let me get a bunch of fireballs cuz I'm so many all right hey let me get a bows wall okay go for it okay so you're only gonna be the distraction in this you do this well how about moose but I'm just gonna be distraction no no listen listen okay so I want you to distract him I want you to go in first and I want you to just whatever hum I'm gonna boom yeah I know what's gonna with you I want you to start attacking them first I'm gonna drink the invisibility potion and then I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna okay where the food is kill off the white team member is this getting pretty funny watch is ready boy oh it's night-night are you ready yo girl oh I'm proud too so they don't see me go in I'm going for the top tower that we have very very nicely built up which is very convenient to say yeah I build it up does not look that protected all right let me know when I should come in let me know what I should come in because I only have I only have 30 seconds of invisibility my date yo I'm gonna break the bridge yo one of them left I know and I broke his bridge do run it run it now dude all right I'm just gone he can't get back his bridge is gone yo I got him good alright yo do you need anything over he's so sad I need any gold I got like 20 uh hi wait did I miss Louise did wait now did I wait he's dead wait did I really no wait no I did no no he did because it's said in chat that he wasn't killed by anyone which means a silver fish killed him because if he was killed by like if he was still by your bow shots it would say in chat you know yeah I don't know but I got a lot of gold how many gold apples you have a zero I'm a pedo hi I'm is come here I got a lot of golden apples for you and me and I want to kill his white team member off with ya no moose you got it you gotta take some golden apples into this guy's really strong what are you talking about he's nine man his base I don't think don't destroy the event don'ts for the bed oh wait look oh wait Oh easy dad oh yes died oh yeah well check the flippin scoreboard let's be honest here man professional we're like semi-pros right yo how because i like this double bridge here or is it this was real easy for you i like this double bridge like the double yeah they're pretty good job oh my god well I made fight for you fight for me thanks man I appreciate it that's like shoot this guy got him got him oh he's lying coming oh my prince come on his friend is lagging like crazy oh my friend just lagged dead that's pretty funny okay my dead alright buddy so I have one emerald dude we kill of green team I saw I saw yes yes yes yes we're going I'm going to green team right now my dude it seems to like no yelling I can you can you both support me because I have no idea what these guys have they got fire balls again are we no nevermind my bow sport I'm gonna numb Ronnie oh I set off the trap more shot got him oh yeah I gotta see me another one's afk oh uh we need 12 pieces of gold and I got 12 years ago oh my gosh oh my gosh we had half the bed yeah I broke the other side they didn't have any oh my gosh are your carry-on no he's from people what I just once shot him started him oh oh you're hacking no didn't have any armor he spawned in without armor really but it wasn't walking around he wasn't walking around though he's just frozen yeah you're right anyway he wasn't he wasn't he wasn't fully spawned in he was just sitting there like he I don't like he was floating I was it was just what happened just go with it where he's not described you just gotta watch the stream I can't explain yo just make sure you sign of G apples and we're good okay let's go take out red B so are you and this craft capable you see what is what the flip is we're doing I think we have ourselves a professional youtuber or a professional noob all right dude well I got four fireballs and four piece of TNT so I'm ready it's about to get real all right away from I have like three pearls just kidding I got like I'm about to get to do all right let's go dude yo this is gonna be oh my god is that unspeak you know he's gonna bones got a buddy's gonna bow-wow flip okay we're gonna have to get pearls we're gonna have to get pearls I've 990 emeralds alright let's go back to our base there should be more emeralds at our base okay let's try to get the two inner pearls each you know this is gonna be so much fun cuz what we can do is we can kill their bed and you know they probably don't care about their bed but we can place like a ton of TNT under them and just blow out the bottom of come on you think let's not you seein to you to break their bed or anything okay save all the tnt you can yeah I'm also going to go a manic miner I got a taste to manic Mario oh my god you go I'm gonna do a pink team in this real quick and white team's base real quick yeah I do have a cable and we need a pink team space and white team's base as much gold as I can all right you're my dude I gotta go to I'm pretty much like set in a way how much teensie do you have I have no TNT but what I do have is I for yeah I know but you need more than that but I had that fireball I can fire a bottle jump my wintry sky I'm sure but you don't have TNT and that's what we're using to kill them the other way all right I have like 10 pieces into it so don't stress over I'm about to get even more I have uh wait for me money what are you gonna have you guys really going at it you know what you know what sucks for him he's a meleager with a bail and I can just hit him Rob right team pieces of TNT yeah we could build like a TNT cannon that would be funny every brilliant I need to trap someone an obsidian for this video if we can wait I got his friend I got his friend with a bow shot really yeah nice all right so should I try to eat pearl over what do you think uh just got another shot of them it's kind of a sharpshooter this red guy shoot this red guy wow they really going they're really trying dude you guys ain't bad oh my god you pearl alright go go go and bought him he's that team is dead yeah you know he jumped off oh my gosh I did not expect him to jump off I was gonna stay up there he didn't take any damage - it's the funny part actually not my rib hey good you're very sad I'm trying I'm trying straight face good I'm try to kill a minion work well then I just lost 16 pieces of TNT so I don't think we're gonna be killing with TNT anytime soon yep what in the West is friend to jump down like I didn't think cuz when people build a sky base especially out of in stone oh my god normally don't care about your base you're like okay if someone kills our bed you know whatever we're in an instant on base huh even if the in dragons yeah we're not gonna die you know and her dragons actually break how they do obsidian yep upstairs both Wow I don't know that yeah pretty legit right so only like only like the 90 kids will remember the olds it's that's that's what it is the old days when you used to be able to get an Ender Dragon Knight in a dream but get a uh get an instant basin surviving there yeah I got to know it's funny everything that we did as a troll they patched it well I was probably well hypixel was probably not only watching our videos but seeing other people do them and they're probably like okay we probably need to fix this because it's gonna broken you know I mean yeah um which is good that they did because it was kind of annoying yeah I mean no one really did except us well it's pretty true no there's well there's so many go I'm gonna die fam kidding up the middle bring some golden apples please I'm right here are you oh yeah I like two hearts yeah kill marvin ypres you have the pearls let's go dude let's go right now I mean you let's go you ready right now yep let's go this is so sketchy people to the top he pulled to the top dude down we got the top I'm up here come on I need your help I need your help I need you up I both support oh good come on you gotta come out me you have to come out oh Moo so you go up I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh no no no oh my gosh oh my got some on I'm at one time in one all right I got one I got one guy I got one guy almost wanna kill me over tonight kill me anything they're coming for me they're coming for me oh my god oh my gosh yogurt look what the flip I don't know if I can make this jump okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming are you dad go with teammates I got one of the teammates Oh bro they're of Citian uh y'all more they okay Martha I'm going up to the top of myself to top of the tower some oh you're still there [Music] I know I can tell oh my god for dam protection for oh my gosh oh my gosh anything yeah really strong even with I know I know I know no should I come up there y'all coming up coming up I'm at the kill this guy oh my gosh it's like oh my gosh dude I'm on half final one for you relax buddy okay did you do something no I don't have anything I am is the e / Oh let me just play it oh my gosh oh my gosh dude Julie oh I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh my god mother what do they have on the armor that makes it so focused rug right foot do do they action $10 protection 10 or something you know Ben destructs is in four minutes okay we've been obscured calm down calm down my dude yo let's get protection for all right what protection do we have oh that's why we're diving now we got protection three let's not I'm not we hear a bottom like this my voice is cracked guys alright um it's my stream didn't die Wow first the engine now this joke they're serious jokes yeah whatever where you go back there huh no are you going back there Oh a lot of stuff on the best thank you very much I really appreciate your help I think it is many destructions in three minutes okay you all know what they have on their stuff bro but we're gonna get reactants well we have protection - that's why we're dying so easily dude I thought we had protection really I mean they were also very hard all right yo building diamond yellow diamonds get the protection for their and also some MOU yeah okay yeah let me just do all the work yeah oh I mean I did just get six diamonds but okay yeah we'll give me two more and then we got protection yeah wait you see I'm come back okay hold up doo-doo-doo-doo that's gonna be Opie yeah invisibility and eeper light that's that's kind of I mean we're gonna do that we're gonna do that right now okay now well I'm under you knock back stick and I'm also gonna die okay one more anyone more are you flipping for real dude yes I am are you super cereal what we're not breaking the bed right because it's gonna be yeah but I want to get in visibily pie because gonna be happy I have a got protection okay alright buddy you have zero stickers a wall I know I'm not a stick that was me trying to speak English I have an April though yay all right I got one April as well all right dude let's go I'm gonna say well an OG silverfish for you buddy I'm gonna be both yeah all right do you hear take this gold here take this for golden apples and arrows all right I'm gonna go over there would you do me there I dropped you gold so meet me over there I'm going right now all right buddy I'm coming they tryna get some [ __ ] yo there's so many emeralds are you at by the way I made a few more eat pearls I mean come right now 1111 emerald should we do something with that I think we're good dude I'm if you die at this point we're dead permanent yeah I'm saying I know but I know what if we got another a pearl and saved her life I've - I don't have one another one yeah as I'm saying like they're there on the base they're up there just chillin there okay on top or a wood top yo bet is destroyed in 15 seconds give me a second oh they're up top for him they are on top you're gonna have to use those boat skills my date you know I'm gonna get a bow as well I gotta bail 30 whoa why they're bringing the bridge - that's okay we don't need bridges got it yo all right I got the I got the Opie bow oh so close I said I was getting some like og bow shot and was in it but didn't work okay dude just be safe come on B say a lot of damage this is like you you you're you're gonna die this is you know what I mean you know what I mean Jim Beam what do you think they have a focus and focus aim yeah you been with me hey what's up they think I do it yo let's go to their Island yeah mmm that's risky well I mean we hear a Boeing in the whole time we're not we're not gonna kill him these guys are good they're smart if their health is good slow they're just gonna peek away what's it like you know the way so we can boat we can we can April on top I'm saying I don't know well I mean they went over there though knowing anybody yep all right be careful man oh me oh wait I got them though coming down hard core - ah this guy let me see this guy peek right here pick it boy peek it where'd his other teammate go he's in there hiding oh yes okay yeah the regenerating is so quick words can't describe it yes I can place so much teensy hold on dude I'm a teen tiem they're not even pre emption you're saying yeah nothing then should oh I see that the trombone me I monkey John Baum you know hold on give me a sec I think I know they might know dude Wow what do you mean I just bought them those blow them off actually I didn't blow them off like the top part they like honey on the top too nice shot yo what's up yo no clue they have no clue what's going on yeah I think they actually know they know they know they like scattering around yo I got T and T where should I place it I place the CT okay go right underneath look up look up to the side name tags see the name tags oh yes they just place T and T oh my gosh Oh Nathan be careful Nathan be careful hold on there right there on top of youth a legit right on top of you I would be very careful if I was here oh no one of them's over here well okay what should I do should I even place the CD and then there's no point they trying build up they have another layer you sure they're right above dude they're right above me wait those silverfish wait one of them silver fish one of them oh my gosh um no T I'll tan T just doing anything they see you oh they see me dead what did you they're good they're pretty good they just dodged my arrow dude and I'm out of arrows oh my gosh how thick is their [ __ ] base dude they faked it up for sure do they they made it like super thick the best bet is to strip them of the respawn resources oh I dropped and yourself okay I just dressed in the wrong spot all right Plan B fireballs try to infiltrate by fire fall in oh yeah yeah oh no no no I was a battle drop the TNT oh my gosh any more blocks any more blocks wait I have 12 of theirs oh oh my gosh dude I'm trying to get one of those team tees up there you know what the flip did used to bone me like what I haven't seen me it's the crazy part there it is there it is there it is you got it no one of them is down when I was down here kinda is you down here kinda I'm able to hit him got him got him again oh they're patching it as much as they can Oh hit him again hit me are you still up there oh they're patching like crazy dude alright I'm gonna grab more TNT you go jump oceans get jump oceans jump bushes ROP is okay you jump oceans yeah and get a fireball to insanity ooh fireball didn't a mother get a foul ball you know if Rob Lowe wheel it right now it was take him out in a second dude because the fireball remember it hits the walls and the bounces them off our best bet is to knock him off yeah okay I got eight fireballs okay all right all right if you emotion yeah yeah jump up here go ahead fireball right in the middle fry in the middle in the middle go ahead it's all in stone though I know it's sandstone it's sandstone oh I know you're good you'll be fine he knocked back on the fireball even when you're on the wall so they should fall off you see okay not bad oh he's gonna get back well you down is he down oh you get me off here me off what the flip they hit me hard I don't think he knocked back damage it seems like you know that come on dude why you patching it up okay I'm go up hang on hang on dude yo remember I'm a pro I still got a ton of CNT you knock backs to come off are you kidding me oh my gosh oh there he is there he is he's low he's low oh my gosh oh my gosh they definitely got punch Bo's it's like one of the first time they've hit me yo come on I can't see this guy they got punch pose watch out bro I got some mad punch pose my dude they're trying to repair the best they can they were to build an up fan all right baby fireballs and penises you get from that how much did you get from that I can't use the check I'm like okay I don't have any oh oh no no I'm too low I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die he's got me in a corner oh my gosh dude oh my gosh we did get a pretty low though that guy that was just pelting me in a corner I think it was on like nine oh man oh that was so my fingers just like dying from with a trigger finger I know that was lik dang that was amazing Wow so guys I think that's gonna do it for this dream what do you say moose we do another one but we can do is do is super quick one so I cry when we spawn and we both of you bases and just kill them don't worry about arm or anything it was so fun we killed like ah here we go buddy so guys we're gonna do one more super quick game see how it goes last game of the livestream so you guys haven't haven't hit the like button yet you show some support so we can stop guys so we can flip and do dish maitre reduces de Lima do we need y'all's guys inspiration no support so we can we can grind out videos every single day when summer comes guys were yours can be so fun what two videos a day you guys want I'm gonna show you two videos a day and a livestream Debbie Lee dude nobody super late I think that would be ton of fun for you guys well it's gonna be awesome plus plus we got new videos coming up you know I'm saying like challenge runs and stuff so I get excited for that hmm are you ready for this man as soon as we get in we killed everybody all right yeah dude I'm ready for this are you ready for this yeah oh here we go where is the grip mat we're just gonna so are you are you saying we're just going full savage mode yeah full savage murders going break people's bases we're learning right now get the blacks billed over and break the base yes an average I like it going full savage murder all right sometimes okay so this we should just change this title the live stream is just savage just straight SAP hey know what I'm saying should we go you go to the right I'll go straight you know there's gonna be full savage brah aw so savage you know right now tryouts the yep yo try Arden Oh sometimes you gotta get a little bit of savagery in you you know what I mean yeah I don't you say okay buddy this team doesn't even know I'm coming gree already knows I'm pretty sure oh great so knows someone's to kill them anything they're coming a then gonna iron sword you think about the bass come on mace have an issue yo he's gonna come destroy I bet I think you think on bass all right oh here here you gotta you gotta okay I know you got him yeah yeah yeah okay did good yeah I'm gonna in full savage yeah need a TNT block I got it I mean naughty pearls I say you pearls emit golden apples all right yeah okay so white team is dead that's what I get from being a savage but it's okay okay with that all right all right so you blew your gray screen where is it great amazing person how do you expect me just break the pitchers brink of every party oh let me just fell this is why you this is why skywars turned in a full savage road because people made videos like this where they're like oh let's just be savage and then ever and then ever everyone watched the video and then everyone's like oh let's all be saps you say that phenomenal basically jump get killed basically if you're trying to play or record a bad word game moves and you get q huh from a team that's right next to you because they went full-time I think it's your fault probably cuz they watch your video and they're like oh yeah oh my god there's so much stuff on Oh are we loaded oh dude wait it did enough for diamond armor just there's a diamond gold oh my god what happened Wow you just pull out a noob denture your new bit uh there's someone coming to our base right now I don't care I come to light you up they're here Thank You Abed be careful my dude you see the light what are you talking about Blue team member right in front of you this is it well they're not about to break their bed dude you good I'm just gonna share Oh Nathan I aboard I have four diamonds I need your help I ran out of blocks to finish my bridge oh my god oh I did it oh wait no bro seriously what the flip Nathan what the heck bro you just said be a savage I'm just your own teammate I'm just being a savage through the back of my five diamonds I'm trying out this Jay and I have five gold let me get the rest hold up you know what have your friends I thought we were friends you know whatever yeah so why this game we are not trying at all if you see me is I am NOT trying blue team hey what's up buddy hey then come with me so we can kill our blue team skipper do do do do do you ever just fell hardcore beautiful bed protection this is you get you you can order your bed protection at 1a and rid this call miserable security interesting interesting tell me more I like to buy her in for products and email me non-stop so you go dude that is nice that is nice I like it all right so let's go here yet this blue team still alive yes alive come on savage yeah I know I know aqua yeah another journey but true southern fun it was pretty funny I was like ah ha ha got one of the blue team members here three diamonds nice nice nice noise no Morris then I tend to have 10 I got four diamonds oh he's got it I get the bow way back what that's B with this this and he throws me off the cliff I'm pretty sure that was a fist I'm pretty sure that know it's funny when I break their bed because I'm legit right underneath them I mean right behind them are they neither base dude oh my god now they're not at their base aqua no blue blue blue they were just there what wait how are you over there skills oh all right yeah I think I got us some pretty good protection here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I killed them off with a book to bed and I was killing off the TNT but an awfully team yeah no no I got this guy let's go I'm so done with Minecraft all right oh they're circling oh I know what they're doing check her back to the base dude oh this guy ain't going back to this base a great degree degree get him games right there yeah I'm saying dude yo we sure got some mama and also someone there's TV you need to run macro macro macro Mac why aqua oh wait why is it the beam care I'm sorry whoo get him go get him witch do Nathan communicating with him communicating with him tell me like new smoke he's very aggressive I'll tell you that he's aggressive he's anniversaire very aggressive he's gonna do how is that gonna help us please explain then you're just gonna build a bridge okay [Applause] nice nice all right let's go get their bed there's so many of us there's so many Mo's the middle come here Jim is a timer Oh Oh help help it's over here Oh aqua here I'll go here what kind of story do you have human I'm sorry have a nice no I have a stone sword dude who you are anymore bro dude who uses arm right no he's trying to go to our fair base yeah translation he is and he's exceeding what oh yeah I forgot that you broke my yo I almost hit him to our base landed on our base like like like alright cool anything it's what I got I got some nothing hi hasted oh oh roast beef you ain't got nothing was that his name roast beef oh it's I was close death tells bad for us beef almost the same thing right I'm pretty much the same thing wait toasty oh yeah we're gonna go wreck these guys which teammate which teammate which one aqua oh my gosh oh my gosh bro come on we gotta we gotta go wreck these guys they're very easy their ease in the Padma yeah y'all have a knock-back stick yo then oh I'm gonna see you coming you look at this lutulu distract woody why are you making this stuff uh I don't want them to get over here let me get some diamond armor real quick I guess okay Pappy green team member and yellow team member trying to make some Minecraft videos wait for me you know we managed to come up to the big boy yeah I'm gonna get a ton of fireballs or blue okay maybe one more fireball all right so here's a plan I have built this crazy bridge all the way up we got protection three by the way so get on our level you know like it's great why it was great um yellow team was running up their stick I said built-i fireball and then they just got flu-like sridham oh my gosh alright it looks like blue team is not making an attempt to come back oh oh yeah you got a bow oh you so scary you make me who I blew guys one the yellow guys see that's so salty that'll kill them he bought a bill yo they're launching fireballs at you dude blue team is he watch out yep yep they just lunch - I'm doing the aerial time Masood yeah that was a third one aerial attack Arielle all right so um I'm gonna give more blocks cuz I forgot about that I'm also gonna get a diamond sword team I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go end them I don't know if they deserve this my dude but um they're not they're not going to enjoyed what I'm about to do to do it because it's not Oh she was breaking it you always breaking it to green ready and your noob oh not you what was I gonna buy blocks yo some of the deaths in this in better words is ridiculous dude it's just so new [ __ ] is that aqua China he's I'm really trying to be mad I think you've died at pull any of New Times no you should see the bed the he killed off yellow I was trying break the bridge and then he just walks off into the void and no green bed is dead alright I'm going after blue okay are you gonna come with me blue rock oh there's actually yellow and this all yeah but there's only one minecraft I did there's only one blue come on help me please I can't cuz I'm actually stuck in this place okay so like okay we're get me ii think i got seven diamonds real quick I'm gonna get us some stuff got a haste oh you got a got enough thanks thick my did who does ah I just want this one guy blue he's super help me I'll help make him out man what the [ __ ] Oh what what are the odds of that ah you should never curate here's a free bike what are you going up to blue I'm dead no I try to kill off all yellow team they were I was singing them on please come with me I didn't even grab anything I'm such a nub I'm nothing it I'm nobody nobody nobody [Music] [Music] thing for me I literally have nothing alright I'm just going with nothing it's cool cool cool dude stop writing you nuts on my house I'm saying let's go let's go it's pretty bad outside your house I mean that kind of essence because you're in an apartment so you know people tend to like cook food you know I mean alright minecraft said someone's cooking a bowl of rice outside your house but you live in an apartment complex so so theoretically with the calculators of the equals mc-squared bose guy off a novel use someone cooking a bowl of rice because people like to eat because basis and I don't have anything to kill them so I'm gonna go back to the base and get oh you can just bigger this just what do you can just bigger with your fists you can try this one guy can there's one guy come on oh there is oh my god I'm just Bo spamming right now I do too dude these guys are straight-up nub good I mean I'm everybody's knob all right I got this what can we do with four diamonds Wow I got him cool Bible yes please only one but it's okay loose I'm going after yellow come here are you just one guy I'm pathetic it's just you know I know rude moves I'm sorry that was rude that was rude maybe maybe you just are playing Minecraft I'm sorry that was that was pretty me I'm sorry yeah this guy's pathetic that's that's a that's a that's an intense word yeah yeah they got the other thing on the bed which like text them it's money for something I did mana fatigue though apparently no protect me protect me oh hold on I've seen tea I mean I wouldn't care if there was two guys at my base and I I mean obviously I'm gonna try my hardest but on the inside I'm gonna be like yeah my graph yeah all right let's go up here let's go kill off your old team I got like 25 rows just gonna have like three okay ah three fireballs they're both on from their base okay sure and break our base they're both God I just I just eat pearl I'm here I'm here near the base Wow we're the at weight we're actually are they what Wow out the bed up and wonders ragequit oh wait [Music] [Music] thank you guys so much for watching it was a good good time I have a lot of great videos coming to you guys this weekend so stay flippin tuned stay on your toes so much for watching today everyone hit the like button subscribe because I am doing a giveaway this week so no it's um it's it's gonna be a giveaway that's gonna be good so follow me in a scram unspeakable game and later another minecraft video for my groceries bye
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 2,794,932
Rating: 4.9058876 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft
Id: GlVe1F2Fjbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 21sec (4821 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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