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Andy Andy what are you doing still asleep Isabella can you stop yelling I'm trying to sleep right now no you have to wake up check out your story wait why what's on my story I'm still in bed Isabella Andy just get up and look okay just stop y like give me a second I'm trying to wake up okay you said look at my Snapchat story um wait whoa why is everybody posting out their Snapchat story I see a few hot mamas at this hide and seek party while I finally find the girl what the why is my dad at a hideand-seek party and wait there's so many people there I see Jeffy Bri Eve your mom is there Lia and and your best friend Elena yeah they're having a huge hideand-seek party we have to go play it sounds like a lot of fun my God wait they really do have a lot of people there I'm just looking through all these stores and they're all posting about it what the heck I'll be hiding over there oh my God Isabella I was literally Built For This Moment did you know I'm a hideand-seek God I did not know you were a hideand-seek god oh yeah I'm about to show you I got the best hide and seek strategies yeah that's why I was waking you up let's go okay okay I can't even lie thank you for waking me up and jeffy's there Jeffy going to win heightened sneak oh Jeffy it's the heightened sneak what are you saying Jeffy going to hide behind big pencil uh no no no okay okay just so you know if Jeffy is the one hiding he's going to hide behind his pencil isn't jeffy's pencil too skinny to cover his whole body I don't know but I'm just telling you they're literally exposing their strategies on Snapchat I don't know why they would be doing that I keep all of my awesome strategies in the back of my mind and I can't wait to use them on them wait can you tell me one of them okay okay fine I'll tell you my Snapchat strategies but you have to come and hide with me Isabella okay okay fine we'll hide together you just need to teach me your ways I'll teach you my ways wait we should drive the car back here oh yeah look at everyone the he hey yo I'm doing donuts here what's up you guys wait Andy you're going to play hideand-seek with us too oh Andy can I please hide with you I don't know like I don't think I want you hiding with me because I'm not going to give you my awesome hideand-seek secrets Andy if I'm the Seeker I'm going to easily find you uh no you are not I don't think you realize I'm literally insanely good at hide and seek but Andy I can sniff you out from anywhere e no don't stiffy that is weird wait what the heck dad and Jeffy you guys are here too oh yeah Andy I am so w for this game Hide and Seek son I am insanely good to hide and seek why do you think I left you and you couldn't find me for all of your childhood no wait that is true my dad hid for a really long time okay okay that's enough talking can we just start playing the game now yeah we need to choose who's the Seeker oh wait that is true who's going to be it first not it not it not it not it I think everybody said not it except for you Eva you're it first my God I wasn't even paying attention and you guys did that without me seriously oh yeah 100% And I think it's time we all start hiding you guys okay you guys I'm giving you 5 minutes and then I'm going to start looking for you oh my God wait only 5 minutes run oh hurry Isabella we got to hide go oh my God I'm going get the best hiding spot ever wait Isabella are you here with me oh oh I'm catching up Andy don't leave me iy why are you following us Andy I just want to hide with you please okay okay fine Ivy because we don't have much time but listen to me I have a really insanely overpowered strategy okay I think what we should do is go on our phone and we could put on super awesome disguises it's the smartest idea I've ever heard in my entire life wait what if we go on the phone we look up like Locker disguises and I disguise myself as a locker oh wait that's kind of small H we need something a little bigger don't you think I can be a bookshelf wait what the heck your bookshelf is so good oh wait that you just gave me an idea what if it's a cabet guys how do you spell cabinet hey oh wait guys check it out I could be like an arcade machine look y it literally looks like an arcade game right here let me just get in the G Giant Book there's no way they'll find me I don't know Ivy I don't think your disguise is very good but we don't have much time we got to all hide let's go over here all right let's go okay okay where can I put an arcade machine yeah I don't know I I think right here's a pretty good spot what do you think wait the cab disguise is so good wait Ivy did you just say vending machine yeah I said you look like a vending machine in the cafeteria look I just became a vending machine you look gen Mach I know wait this is actually such a goodness guys what the heck wait there's so many more of them too let me just switch between of these and which one should I be I don't know oh my God you can't even see metic wait this one is insane you guys okay okay let me just get right against the wall and I IV why are you just standing there you're going to get us found by Eve Andy Andy check out my vending machine they have no idea that I'm here my God uh iy are you serious right now that vending machine is a really bad disguise what it looks exactly like yours 5 4 3 2 1 ready or not here I come where is everybody I bet there's someone hiding in this room oh my God Isabella I don't think she knows whether we're right here shh be quiet Andy yeah Andy our disguises are so good but I think Ivy might get us caught oh God oh God be quiet wait I think she's walking back over here h w the stuff in this vending machine is so cool don't have any money a man I wish I could get some oh my God Isabella I think my items are a little too cool are you kidding me oh my goodness I really want that yellow one right there maybe another vending machine wait I is that you what the heck oh stupid oh this is so annoying this was so bad okay I don't think there's anyone else in the school oh god it worked let's go ni okay wait wait let's get that out of here and find another place to hide where should we go next wait oh wait what if we went and hid H in the park over there wait that would be so awesome I wonder where everyone else is hiding I know I haven't seen anybody else but us three and now Ivy is out and there's only a handful of us remaining as we have to hurry and we need to change our disguises to something better hold up wait I'm going to reset my character and there we go got everything off of me and wait what the heck is is that you Mom are you hiding against the tree right there no son I don't know what you're talking about don't look at me oh my God wait mom that is such a good hiding spot I don't think anybody's going to find you and wait is somebody else over there hiding as a tree too who is that over there are you kidding me Isabella your mom copied my mom I didn't copy her I had it on first now shut up Angela I had it first you copied me oh are you kidding me our mobs are fighting over which disguise they had on first okay okay whatever you guys you're both in good hiding spot wait Isabella we need to change into something before she comes over here and finds us how about we change into wait I have a really good idea what is it Andy I'm going to change into grass oh my God wait oh no that's not very good oh God there's got to be some good hiding spots in Grass bro are you kidding me that oh my God wait this skin is kind of fire wait let me put all of this on and yo wait do you see me right now I don't okay wait wait this is so good I just need to put something on my head and wait let me take off my hair too and check it out you literally can't even tell I'm grass let me get this little guy off my shoulder right now wait Isabella where are you going to hide as can I coffee oh you're hiding as too okay wa wait let's hide over here by my mom if we just go and we lay down right here and there is no way she's going to see us oh wait Isabella I think we should take the grass off of our feet it kind of sticks out oh yeah yeah yeah that's really smart okay wait yeah yeah let's definitely take that off and there we go wait now we are cooking right now oh Isabella what if we reposition and we hide our heads inside these bushes too cuz now our heads aren't even sticky oh wait look at how big this bush is wait that's so good wait that is really good will never find us H somebody's got to be hiding in the park right oh my God wait wait Isabella be quiet she's right there Isabella why didn't you come here and hide with me wait did I just hear somebody talk oh my God Isabella your mom's an idiot she's going to get us all caught hey don't call her an idiot she's my mom okay but why is she talking when literally Eve is right there looking for us H I could have sworn I heard somebody talking over here wait a second that tree looks really weird oh miss Angela is that you inside that tree no it's not oh my go oh my gosh it's toally I caught you your mom got caught are you kidding me that tree looks a lot like that tree over there who's inside that tree nobody I'm just a tree trees don't move and talk I found you are you kidding me Angela you ruined both of our hiding spots that's not my fault it's your fault for cing me you both of our mobs just got caught and now they're fighting with each other no Andy but keep it down I don't want Eve to find us next H is there anyone else hiding in this area oh oh oh my God oh my God she just walked right by us what the heck what about this tree oh H that's definitely a real tree oh my God is you got to see the snapshat I just took wait I'm going to send it to you right now yeah I send it to you it's really funny got it oh my God that is so embarrassing she didn't see us at all I know I know and I think she just ran away I don't even see her anymore H we should move our hiding spots okay let's go where should we go next H we could use the entire town and I wonder where everybody else is yeah who's missing still we haven't seen Bri Jeffy your dad yeah I don't know where the heck they could possibly be hiding jeffy's hiding spot must be pretty insane it must be okay wait Isabella we need to figure out our next disguise and I think I already know what I want to be oh what do you want to be hold up I'm just going to type in Road and let me see what outfit I get wait let me reset off the grass it checked this out I look like the road wait this is actually sick wait but this outfit needs a little more oh my God wait look at me and wait I wonder if I could get something out my oh my God look at this they literally will never know that I'm not a part of the road let me just go over here H I'm going to put myself on the sides right here and I blend right in wait what the heck is Bri is that you right there are you a traffic light no you don't know what you're talking about Andy uh Bri I don't know if you realize but you have traffic backed up really really far um wait what Jeffy Jeffy is that you oh what are you talking about Andy I'm a car Jeffy that disguise is super obvious that it's you man are you kidding me your entire body sticking out uh well I haven't gotten caught yet Andy so I think I'm doing great I just wish this traffic light would turn green hey Jeffy it's because Bri is pretending to be a traffic light it's not a real one shut up I'm a real traffic light okay okay you guys need to be quiet Isabella what are you doing you're just standing in the open you need to hurry up and find a disguise come on oh you're right I'm position myself on this line perfectly just like that oh yeah I blend right in put this on are you a mailbox that is so good H I haven't checked anything up here yet oh my God wait you guys Eve is coming over this way right now oh she's really close H wait why is there a traffic light in the middle of the road oh my God wait I think she's going to catch are you kidding me wait Isabelle I'm going to take another Snapchat of her while she's not looking risky go on my phone I don't care if it's risky she's not looking let's go I got it okay I'm going to post it on my story and end the story I don't know what you're talking about I'm a traffic light no you're not I caught you you're out oh my gosh are you kidding me I thought this disguise was good oh whatever oh it was so obvious there is all these cars with nobody in them um Jeff you know that there's nobody else in these cars but you uh you don't know what you're talking about I'm a car beep beep oh Jeffy oh my God why did Jeffy think that was a goodness guys is he crazy H I wonder if there's anybody over here oh my God walked right by me are you kidding me I think she's gone again wait maybe I could get another selfie as she walks away and there she is on the road and oh my goodness oh my God oh my God wait she was looking as I did that wait I'm going to say that to you again Isabella okay Isabella I think she's gone we need to get the heck out of here and find new hiding spot but where should we go we've already hid like everywhere we have it like everywhere I don't know what else the disguise has wait hold up let's check the Avatar and see what we can be yeah okay wait Isabella I have a genius idea what if we go all the way over there by the water and we disguise oursel as fish wait that sounds like a really good idea you would never find us there I know you literally would not and wait there's so many different costumes I'm going to try to find a good shark one oh okay um no that one's too tiny no that goes on my shoulder come on there's got to be a good one in here somewhere oh my God wait is there like a whale on my back hold up wait let me reset my character I actually see what I'm doing and what about this one oh my God wait this one's actually insane do you see me right now so cute I don't even know what the heck you're an actual oh wa I want to see though do I like that one more than this one H I don't know there this is really tough I think I like this one cuz this one has really sharp angry teeth girl don't eat me okay okay let's go over to the dock and we can hide as fish okay Isabella we finally made it to the ocean front and let's go over here and I can find a beautiful spot in the water to hide but this looks really isy over here um Dad is this really your hiding spot yep do you like it son I've got the best hiding spot in the entire game dad your hiding spot literally stinks what are you talking about it's so obvious that it's you but you've just been here chilling the entire game oh yep and I haven't been found up telling you I'm the best of the best uh no dad you just got lucky I bet Eve hasn't even been over here to look for you keep telling yourself that son okay whatever uh wait 1 second um Isabella is that Alana what the heck are you doing wait what are you are you like a phone there you like my hiding spot uh actually it's a really good hiding spot I can't even lie when I saw the back of your phone I couldn't even tell thank you I think it's pretty good I've never been caught yeah that is really good but nobody's got a disguise like mine cuz now I'm going to be a shark in the water ah what the heck who is this right here hi Andy I've been waiting for you do you like my disguise we matching are you serious Lilo you have the same disguise on as me wait that is pretty crazy I'm not going to lie I think it's a good disguise oh wait why did you just bite me okay L you are crazy okay hold up we need to get in the water and pretend to be dangerous shark oh my God wait does it look like I'm hunting right now oh my God Andy it looks like you're ready to attack I know wait this is actually terrifying I'd run for my life but hold up wait let me keep that one in my back pocket and for right now I think I'll use this one's pretty good oh yeah let me sit down too I'm going octopus that is so good H there's definitely going to be some people on this beach oh my God wa Isabella Eve is finally here I'm going to hide under the dock with my shark costume oh that's really smart Uncle follow you H it doesn't look like there's anyone near the rides wait is that you Frank no what are you talking about I'm an umbrella Frank that costume is terrible that's obviously you no it is not this is literally one of the best costumes ever made just give it up I already found you H and wait when second is that you Alana are you disguised as that phone oh my goodness no that's not me what you talking about I'm a phone phones don't talk stupid oh my God wait Isabelle I think Alana just got caught are you kidding me wait I don't want to be over there near I don't want even to find me next just wander over here and I'm just going to be a shark in the water along with L we're just swimming H are there other people on this side of the beach oh my God wait there's Eve wait be quiet wait Eve is literally right there there do you think we could scare her oh yeah let's go scare her wait what are those things in the water over there Isabella I see you but you could tell it was me yeah your disguise is awful no I thought it was really good oh my God wait Isabella seriously just got out are you kidding me wait what are those in the water I can't tell wait we need do a attack where sharks you better run Everybody Run oh my God oh my God we just scared her with the shark get the poop out of her I know she doesn't even realize that it's us still I don't think I think it's my razor sharp teeth yeah I think we won wait are we the only two left oh my god let's kiss now ew no I'm not kissing you L just because we won oh wait um Eve by the way that was us as the shark wait are you kidding me that was terrifying yep that was us the entire time and Eve you walked by me so many times I took like a million snapchats of you okay well if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to play hide and seek cool let subscribe right now like the video and comment below if it's your birthday I love you guys peace out
Channel: AndyBlox
Views: 138,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox hns, star roblox, roblox meme, roblox obby, roblox game, roblox play, roblox kids, roblox wife, roblox 2018, pomni roblox, funny roblox, roblox funny, sunny roblox, roblox games, roblox story, roblox doors, roblox colors, roblox gaming, roblox bedwars, spotify roblox, roblox spotify, prestonroblox, friends roblox, roblox friends, starblox roblox, roblox roleplay, roblox gameplay, ayeyahzee roblox, hide n seek roblox, best roblox games
Id: sFT5M6O0su8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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