Extreme Hide And Seek Against PENNYWISE At 3AM!!

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today we're going to be playing Extreme Hide and Seek because we have to hide from Pennywise at 3:00 a.m. song why are we at pennywise's house because he stole something from me and he said he'll only give it back if we play hide and seek with him okay where is he hello you guys have 3 minutes to hide the time starts now good luck toer to get off dude what do we do I'm hiding here dude you can't hide there he's going to find you you didn't see me yeah okay well where do you want to go wait what's that door right there oh wait let me open it Che It Out 3 2 1 oh my God he smells wa what is that you hide in that cat no what we should go somewhere else it shake somewhere else come on and if I find him in the next 60 Minutes they have to go visit the haunted clown motel with my friends toer I think I found your hiding spot wait where look over there oh bro I think that's really good here I'm going to go okay okay how's this yeah that's probably not that good topper wait is this better a little bit better okay what about this o he's kind of thick hey yo all right I'm not hiding here that that wasn't that good I think wait should we hide in the pool no I don't know uh wait what's that over there yo it's a rock yeah it's kind of beautiful cat wait food don't go up there I think we should hide here this dangerous wait is this a good hiding spot you're out in the open a come on okay topper we don't have much time so let's keep on looking okay uh I don't know where to go I've never been here before dude pennywise's house is kind of scary I'm not going to lie yeah but it's also kind of sickud why is his house bigger than mine yeah it's a pretty nice house maybe I should switch my career should I be a clown I thought you lived in the sewers why is your house so big 27 years ago my circus came to town but a big storm blew me away into the sewers I was trapped down there for years and years I finally found my my way into this house I crept into the bedroom in the middle of the night and found the owner but he was so scared of me he ran away and never came back I'm just lonely and I want to make more friends will you be my friend uh uh ask zong where can we hide I I don't know oh my gosh look at that is that a spider topper oh no no no I do not like spiders Z I'm going over here you stay over there dude I didn't know TOA was such a chicken guys Z I can hear you a i anything wo woo look at this can we open it about this come on dude it has a lock in it I can't even open this I opened it wait you hide in there a no there's stuff in here this is useless there's barely any hiding spots guys W look at this yo this is z what are you doing here I'm hiding can't you see from I on that spot that's not fair I was your first Loser come on Cat s so annoying so annoying guys I don't know what to do son stop wasting time we got to go oh you're right come on let's go I'll find him and his friends soon they better hide well oh a minute passed only 2 minutes left guys we didn't find any luck outside let's try inside let's go oh my God wait are we in the kitchen oh this is scary look there's a red balloon oh God that means PTY wise is nearby okay toer what do we do wait Z there's a door oh there's a door wait oh oh no I'm not not going in there you go first dude is this pennywise's basement I don't know but you're going first raw paper scissors okay ready raw Paper Scissors Shoot yes you go first are you serious wait there's a camera what is that look look look can we see Pennywise what I think I see him oh that's so creepy oh my God why is he staring at us like that I'm scared topper dude I feel like I saw something Z there's something in there oh wait oh it's a closet it's a closet what this wasn't even that scary I was never scared you were really scared Z wait what is that what what look at that oh my bro there's a bean nest in here I'm out no I'm out here there's a bean in there how about in here D there's so many stuff oh how about this a my God Cola y should we drink it wait no we can't get distracted come on let right we're getting distracted why did you steal zong's precious items I was scrawling online and found one of cat's Roblox videos we both love Roblox and obviously she should be my girlfriend and not songs I invited him and his friends here so I can impress cat and show her that she could be with me instead of that clown I have to beat song and prove that I'm better to him oh look oh my God you that so pretty oh let's right here let's go wait there's no place to hide here cat under the table wait let me try oh my God yo it's kind of Stuffy in here boo you don't fit yeah you're right let's go find some way out we have to hurry up should we go inside yeah I think we have to okay let's go inside the house house okay toer I think you should open pennywise's door rock paper scissors song okay Rock Paper Scissors Shoot let's go I lose back to back yes open it okay oh it's so dark it's so cold in here why is it so dark and cold oh is anyone home yo his house is kind of nice super nice W did you hear that yeah I heard it what was it why is the door closed look I don't know was it Penny wise dude we better find the hiding spot fast okay let's go hurry what about this dark creepy hallway yeah shake it out oh I'm scared oh my God I'm terrified yo wo oh my God yo is this a room wo wait I going to hi under the bed Yo No Way Pennywise own this house maybe I should like hide behind the couch or something oh yeah try okay how's this yo it's actually not that bad topper I can't see you you can't I not really maybe I hide here let's see if I can fit under the bed you okay I think I just broke my back I can't fit okay guys What could hide yo maybe I should hide behind the painting song I can see you there um okay he what about this I'mma hide behind the curtain song the curtains are see-through I can see you you're stop being a hater I can see you too okay well then we have to find different spots okay let's go Dad do you miss the circus oh yes of course I do haul the best clowns for my friends Smiley Blinky Pogo scooter Frank Willie patches tickles toodles staffy and stitches I didn't see them for years and years but I heard they made their new home at the haunted clown Hotel everyone should go visit the clowns are so so lonely just like me are you sure you don't want to be my friend n I'm good well at least put in a good word with cat for me eh I'll let zong handle that wait hold on look at this wait what are you doing I'm going to hide behind this counter look can you see me I technically can't see you from here topper okay well this is going to be my spot what about me topper you're on your own zong I'm hiding now I can't believe you ditch to me oh wait maybe I should hide behind this door wait behind the door C wait so you leaving me yeah okay go bye shoe guys I can't believe toer just left me he's such a bad friend wait what's in here there's nothing in there yo guys let's go outside and check if there's a hiding spot for me come on I hope they found good hiding spots they don't have much time left I just saw Penny white I'm so scared for my life oh my gosh wao what is here guys I finally escaped from Penny wi's house he can never find me out here let's go hide come on wait this is the sewers this is Penny Weiss's territory I can't hide here let's go back I wonder where they could be hiding guys I think I just found the best hiding spot look see you have no idea I'm behind here guys I'm back at Penny wise's house let's go find a hiding spot come on time's up time to find my new friends guys I have an idea I'm going to use this boat as a DE going to distract Penny wise let's place this in the pool come on yo he actually floats let's go hide now I wonder where they could be hiding guys ear a c I couldn't hide in this rock but I'm going to hide here anyways come on oh my God yo I love rocks there's no way Penny wise is fighting me could they be hiding behind my single beautiful statue maybe not I hope Vu found a hiding spot I wonder what the others are doing I'm going to be here a while probably I wonder where zong head guys I really hope I win this challenge because I've heard stories about the haunted clown hotel and you definitely do not want to go there where could they be what the this is George's boat what is he doing here I could have sworn that he left it in the sewer oh my God guys is that Penny wise oh Georgie Georgie poor Georgie what is he doing with my butt oh my God I think he's going to catch me I should Mo if I was a scared little boy with a yellow raincoat where could could I be hiding let's go find out guys he just left oh my God I'm safe oh are you in here cat what was that oh that was empty oh I'm so scared wa where could B Be let's go check out that door come on come on come on oh zong are you in here W nobody's inside here but my friends the bees let's go check up behind the island o oo nobody's here too guys I haven't heard Penny wise yet I think my spot's really good I smelled song Somewhere he's not here but I know for sure that he was here a long time ago oh guys I think I'm here Pennywise oh let's go check inside come on follow me oh my gosh I going to hide oh my CCTV check it out maybe we'll find them in here it looks empty they're very good let's go check out the kitchen oh maybe in here I would hide in here no did you hear that I think that's Penny whes oh pickles maybe they're in here no no no no I was thinking cat was going to be able to fit in here but whatever come on follow me follow me he's getting closer oh no I'm scared where could they no they're not down here I would have seen their [Music] feet Yes Penny wi didn't see me let's go how you oh I think they found cat oh no did I win at least ooh cat you look so pretty today wait that wasn't my question I thought I got that clown Riz mm- m- no damn I really thought I got that clown Riz anyways I think that's topper let's go find topper come on this place really is scary oh wait I think I heard something where are you do you think they're behind that couch right here let's go check it out guys I haven't seen Penny wise yet but I keep hearing him okay I got to get back to hiding oh maybe we can check behind the painting come on follow me oh I miss my mom look at that we have the same forehead right follow me come on toer he's not here topper oh I hear something I smell Vu and zong in here you know if I was scared I would hide under the bed I'm pretty sure they're down here hey Vu are you down here buddy wo voo is not down here ass wait I smelled song He's behind his skur oh he not here where could I be hiding if I was him where could they be I'm stressed I can't find him what is that it smells really bad like sweat stinky feet smell worse than a sewer what hey come on I don't smell that bad you fell for my trick oh no wait he just found me hell yes oh my gosh how did I fall for that was I at least the last one found no oh man I suck at hideing go seek yeah you do oh my God guys I'm so tired it's been like 20 minutes or something I don't even know this Petty wise will never find me oh let's go check on my CCTV come on what the that's boo he's outside come on follow me oh he's outside I knew he was outside I smell boo wait a second wait you can't see me look I I found you boo I found you wait was that the last one found we all float down here boo oh my God you're so creepy Penny why all right now we only have to find song guys I'm kind of tired I'm not going to lie how long is the 60 minutes I've searched everywhere in the house there's only one place they could be the sewer I don't think anyone's here in the sewer let's go check this one out there this one says trespassing is forbidden by law zong is the only one left he's too chicken to go over there he must be in the house have to go find him come on I hope Pennywise doesn't find me guys are you oh time's running out I think we're getting close I can smell him you're telling me he's been here the whole time found you son I found you because I found you guys one of you has to go to the haunted clown Hotel wa have to go to this side we're going to spin the wheel oh no please St me please is that me all right song I hope you have fun with my friend oh no in the next video I'll be visiting the world's most haunted clown Hotel so make sure you subscribe and turn on the post notifications because you do not want to miss this [Music] one
Channel: Zhong
Views: 2,810,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zhong, zhong, zhong girlfriend, zong, zong and kat, kat, zong girlfriend, zhong and kat, comedy, skit, preston, brianna and preston, stokes twins, Brent Rivera, challenge, family friendly, mystery challenge, faze rug, 100 fears, song and cat, 10 fears in 24 hours, biggest fears, haunted house, real ghost caught on tape, roblox, ghost caught on camera at 3am, 3am challenge, pennywise hunts me at 3am, extreme hide and seek, scary clown, pennywise, it, haunted mansion, scariest video
Id: nPRax6yu0yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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