Extreme Baking for the Love of Bread

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[Music] foreign [Music] side note no bread makers were injured in the making of this video as you can probably gather this is not your average bread maker nor is this your average bread oven nor is it your average bread this is shotis puri and in georgia and that translates to well [Music] in brazil brazil [Music] a toner oven is essential to the making of shotis puri after the oven is built and the heat is turned up to the highest level for six to seven hours the walls of the oven are covered in a salt-based liquid and diving in to get the bread as close to the fire is just a part of the job uh hot coconut oil as if diving into a clay pot isn't intense enough this thing hits temperatures of 750 to 900 degrees fahrenheit the end result is a special bread with a salty twist that's eaten on special occasions like birthdays weddings christmas and new years shot which we do [Music] most cathedrals have been built to withstand the test of time but not this one welcome to the easter arches of sicily italy but come quick they won't last [Music] every easter the town of san viago in sicily italy is home to a cathedral made out of breads cereals and pastas visitors are able to wander through the arches of bread and enjoy the detailed designs up close the structure is created by locals and takes around three months to construct [Music] the origins of this tradition date back to ancient times when visiting royals expected to be greeted with grand displays san biagio was a town of mostly poor farmers so they used what they had bread in the mid-18th century the tradition became a celebration of easter although the appetizing displays aren't edible a walk through the arches of bread is a testament to the city's long history and the artistic capabilities of its citizens [Music] [Laughter] [Music] baguettes in paris are like fish and water birds in the sky tourists at notre dame they just belong and there is one man who makes the fluffiest crispiest baguettes in all of paris he is a master of the most french food there is and he happens to be the son of a tunisian immigrant [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] the queen aman is a specialty of northern france derived from the baton words for butter and cake the ratio for this pastry is special it's buttery in fact it's thirty percent butter and thirty percent sugar [Music] welcome to dwarning a city with a population of around fifteen thousand this small coastal town has a few main attractions including touring the coastlines visiting the port museum and seeing the chapel of san michel but that's not why we're here we are here to meet tiri luka the man to talk to when you want a truly authentic queen among pastry um legend goes a baker ran out of goods in their shop and had to whip up something quickly um [Music] the pastry has only a few simple ingredients but don't let that fool you see deficient affair foreign [Music] it's step a treat probably not something you'd eat every day traditionally but and i think our face says it all and also this spontaneous remark oh my god that's so buttery [Music] 10 out of 10 would recommend whoa i sort of fell in love with the country um with the people with the with the idea of the revival of a jewish community in the country of ukraine [Music] and i decided that this is where i want to be i want to stay here and open a bakery my name is aaron levitz i'm a baker from new york living in uzgrad ukraine [Music] [Music] i met my my wife when i was in culinary school in new york and she's from ukraine so we decided to move to ukraine i can't really sit in new york where everything is jewishly comfortable when i know that in ukraine things are difficult i feel that i have a larger connection with the jews of ukraine jewish life in new zealand before the war compared to today is a huge contrast before the war you had many synagogues many rabbis the nazis came and they shipped everyone out to auschwitz and now there's no real community [Music] my part now in the jewish community is to make an attempt at a jewish revival and so we're starting with food it's not really practical to make a kosher bakery in ukraine or an ujura just for jews you're not really going to make any money because there's not enough jews so that's why i want to introduce new ideas new american pastries jewish pastries that are just not common here so try to get the interests of people i would say that i'm introducing some jewish and american foods that are non-judgmental some people are scared to go to a synagogue or scared to go to a prayer service or something but they'll come in to a bakery and have something tasty to eat you
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 267,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, bread, bake, baker, flour, wheat, oven, dough, baguette, challa, yeast, jewish, french, warm, crust, New Releases, Great Big Reels, Flavors, Food & Drink, food, reel
Id: d04KHQF39o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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