Exterminators (Invasion Roswell) | Full Movie | Action Sci-Fi Adventure

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[Music] [Music] good shooting Davey I think you B us some time not nearly enough they're going to come hard now there goes another one losing again we need to change plans you one with you to the en what's the call stick to the objective if we do that we'll be overrun in a matter of minutes let's not waste any more time talking about it let's go why do I think this is going to work out bad damn it too late this is Eko no survivors in sector 7 moving on to Sector 8 copy Echo continue your sweep be advised Tango are in your area Roger that right Echo out I got signals closing in from all directions we got to find a place to Honker down over here here let's go come here how does this keep happening maybe we simply can't beat him yes we can ow with that George is going to hotwire their ship unless it's out of your league George George you think you can fly that I can fly anything man all right here's what we do we use that to get past the cloaking device then we take them out okay I like it sure piece of cake too late they're coming open fire damn it oh man okay I'm out of here I'll see you guys what the hell was that anyway Patrick maybe if we tried a mile way for once we wouldn't keep dying you can it Lando though the only thing you need to concern yourself with is improving your fire you mean like taking out that [ __ ] with the plasma cutter lucky shot lucky shot saved your ass again you got a problem why don't you take it up with burkus I'll be happy to do that yeah well get out of my face while you're doing it or guys what what great run you just got to do it faster that's all faster okay yeah we'll do that faster well I mean you guys aren't exactly um spring chickens anymore will he's right it was a good run but it just wasn't good enough well uh don't sugar cut it good enough for what why does it sound like the star to bad news well James bad news or good news depends on your perspective all right burkus what's going on the program's been shut down they're reassigning me what hey come on the team's as good as it's ever been not my call but don't worry you've put in decades of solid service you've all more than earned your pensions pensions the world's changing the new model is leaner faster and I'm sorry to say it say it Younger You firing us no I'm retiring you they're dissolving the program and there's no need for your team anymore look this is good news for who it's time you guys sto worrying about all of this enjoy your golden years even had my midlife crisis you talking about Golden Years I knew you'd understand so with the thanks of a grateful nation of course no one can ever know what you've done here but uh you know good luck oh and it's effective immediately I'm sorry guys hey perkus what are you going to do when the draas come back huh what are you going to do when they invade we've been waiting for that since 1947 and it never happened we waited in' 68 after the Wyoming encounter in 77 then again in ' 82 even 97 The Invasion never happened it's Recon is it how else do you explain the sightings the cattle mutilations crop circles abductions they're real they're happening every day we got to stop it I think it's time you guys came to terms nobody cares about Little Green Men anymore now go get out of here and don't forget to turn in your equipment the exterminators are finished are we understood good what a putts screw it man screw it sorry old gal guess this is the end of the line they'll be back I'm retired now it's not my problem anymore not yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I need confirmation Willie I can't take this up the chain we have confirmation the entire argoat network is Now tracking it NORAD has picked up a small unidentified object leaving our atmosphere they transmitting yes it's a signal from Alfa dracona computer says it's a match to the signal from 1947 how close a match 99.8% they've been here under erosions all these years they finally told hello from the ocean what do you mean spaceships no sir it doesn't look good yeah I understand I'll get back to you once I'm inside they've entered our atmosphere we calculated their trajectories how many targets we talking about seven there's a smaller craft some sort of Recon ship but there's also several larger ships inside where are they going well we currently have one headed for the West Coast one heading for the Eastern Seaboard three of them going to Europe and Asia what about the sixth it's coming here what [Music] you see you got to look at this you seeing this what the unidentified space trap first rose from the deep Waters of the Pacific beginning in just the last hour smaller vessels followed by what can only be described as a mother ship further adding to the mystery of the these ships is a report just in of an alien vessel appearing over Roswell New Mexico as many of you may know Roswell has been the center of UFO incidences since the 1947 report of a crashed Flying Saucer uh [Music] Hey Hey brother what is that hey you got there in the air stay where you are what was that thing we better call it in command come in command we have an unidentified sighting sector 25 ner possible High LEL species listening posts in the Southern Hemisphere have picked up five five possibly six more Ships coming over the pole the draas are now over most of our major cities and we got world leaders on three continents preparing a military response and the Mother Ship well it slowed after it passed the outer planets current position puts it halfway between us and lr5 if it maintains this speed it'll be here in 18 hours 18 hours well we still aren't of their intentions we got giant alien spaceships hovering over every major city in the world I think their intentions are pretty damn clear Strategic Air Command awaits your advisement what do you want them to do sir hit them squad leader this is command you are clear to engage you heard them blue team let's take these guys out fire at will misses [Music] away [Music] what the patch me to the Squadron leader yes sir this is burkus can you visually confirm impact negative sir no impact they've got some kind of energy Shield disengage get your men out of there rer command BL team fall back they're beting some kind of light they're shooting at a Sho I can't my controls are [Music] jam [Music] [Music] o sweetie sweetie sweetie remember what the doctor said about your back back feels good breakfast this is just about done I'll keep it warm for you all right you always do that's enough oh you got to pick one place okay Greece or Italy both no pick pick one you you can pick one or two okay how many you want to pick we'll go anywhere you want baby hey can you give me some of that coffee in a minute hello hey Hannah what really okay I'll call you back in in a seconden something's wrong it's all over the TV what in the United States we have just received reports of massive alien ships appearing over New York Washington DC and now Los Angeles in Moscow another ship has been reported over the city unconfirmed reports are showing that Russian Fighters have been shot down when they attempted to approach the ship is that some kind of space the lar cities in the world and then Roswell as well many of us is there something in Roswell I told to come back everyone to their vehicle load them up grab your weapons gra the attack the let's go guys move it move it every okay listen up I want a four block perimeter secure we got to make sure no civies come in this area and nothing gets out okay my team just waiting on the word then it's killing time [Music] what was that someone just tapped into our system someone uh-oh looks like we're public activate blackout protocol scrub every satellite feed every Social Network all of it last thing we need now is a panic I told him I don't understand Patrick what's happening we're having company baby who why the TV went out it's not coming back they cut the feed at the source no no this has got to be some kind of a hoax right all this time Patrick Patrick what is that thing you know I love you baby but you got to listen everything I tell you to do now get down in the basement and I'm going to come in back to get you when it's safe okay what is going on what's Happening you're scaring me I love you go down there come on I'll come back for you no Patrick I love you okay it's like that huh who W hey this is what you want that's what you came for isn't it huh Catherine Catherine Catherine Sor I to get the team back [Music] together has anyone been able to do anything to them oh the Russians ordered a nuclear attack on the craft over Moscow did it work the alien ship was undamaged the Russian Fallout plume should reach Japan within the hour God a hello hello anybody Here George it's Patrick George if you hear me I sure would like to talk to you Patrick is is that real you yeah yeah it's really me George how you doing there buddy who hey whoa there buddy it's so good to see him man good to see you too you look well hey you look so what you you bought a junkyard wait looks like business is good huh I know it's bad man it's horrible the economy and all that oh yeah yeah it is bad would have worked out better if I know what I was doing but spent most of my pension on it so I figured hey Carry On You you live in here oh in the car over there yellow Beetle living in the car yeah that's just the front door rest of it is underground a underground hidden lir they they might be listening oh my God George what they what happened to your hand I'm pretty sure I I took out all the implants but you can never be too safe from who you know them oh yeah yeah them Dam them you know yes the others they they never believed me when I told them that I'd been abducted they thought I was crazy but you you were all was understanding about it yeah well that's cuz I thought you were joking yeah I had a lot of questions you know and about when they took me and I also never understood why uh they did all that anal Rob I don't know George I I mean that's maybe that's the way those guys swing you know what I mean yeah hey you think you still remember how to fly oh you you need me to we trained for 35 years right right that's right I bet you'd love a little Revenge oh sure well guess what you're going to get it because they're back yeah okay let me get my coat oh I got it okay I'll drive no no I'll drive I'll drive just get in there nice place kind of Americana Al 1980 but nice real nice who are we here to see again swee dear you have some visitors I'm busy place looks like it's been robbed thought I was the only one who live like a SLO oh damn it look what you do M arey we interrupting you I can pause it I'm dead anyway I've been expecting you all morning better B are you James so you you heard of course at least until they scrub the feeds look I want you to know I'm ready I've been practicing I haven't lost a step I swear I believe you James I'm in for the ride before we go I got to get some things we might need you D oh I figured we might need him so I stashed him I don't know how you got him but I ain't going to ask I w't tell you anyway a magician never Reveals His Secrets right go on flush go go go get him go get him go and get him on get him get him [Applause] flush Nice Shot there Cowboy this how you spend in your retirement well I already tried bridge and shuffle board figured this was all that was left I see that old knee of yours is working well yeah they're brand new both of them both of them H had double knee replacement last March now the prostate that's another story the hell happened to you what the hell happened to you getting old yeah why the visit Patrick you don't get out much do you no no no enough you don't know Drax are invading I'm glad I'm retired then a couple years earlier I might have felt the need to do something about that hey the world needs our help da I'm sure it does it must have been pretty hard for burgus to admit he was wrong bring you back huh burgus doesn't know anything about this you're doing this on your own what are you putting the band back together for one last reunion tour is that it little old for a world tour more like a final Encore I got George and Tweety waiting in the truck they're in team could be back the way it used to be the way it was meant to be let's not talk about the way it was meant to be Patrick you and I could both argue about the way it was meant to be that we're dead the world doesn't have time for that what do you say George huh Tweety you me Linda not yet I thought maybe you should talk to her old feelings might get in the way huh I thought maybe uh you'd be a little more persuasive than me no you don't the hell I've only ever been good at shooting one thing and as sure as hell ain't Birds you just need a bigger Target that's all you mean like that fat ass of yours yeah this may be Earth's Darkest Hour as we're getting reports in from across the world that the Earth is under attack by an alien race bent on our destruction no one knows where these ships came from or how long they've been here but it is believed they are extraterrestrial in origin and may have been submerged in the world's oceans for possibly thousands of years before making their presence [Music] known harest you have a green light execute copy that let's move out are you guys getting this command come in come in command command some kind of strange interference down here go go go to people clear the corner cover me you go go get a l clear back here copy that move out go go go go freeze don't [Music] move go fre h on David it's so good to see you hey guys hey hey get out of there got a the hell go it's just what the hell oh oh you know sometimes those little createns are worse than the aliens speaking of which Something's Happened yeah I know you do I saw the news before they ordered the blackout do you think anybody's going to buy that cover up well if they are it won't be for long but listen Linda there's there's something I've always wanted to tell you and iatri never yes yeah that's that's that's Patrick want to talk to him how do you think it's going don't know but I've seen that expression before yeah we've all seen that expression before he doesn't look very happy on the bright side Patrick maybe this time it isn't your fault well H what' she say she wants to talk to you she wants to talk to me yes she wants to talk to you okay so maybe it is your fault what go on all right was wondering when you'd show up well here I am what happened to you oh doesn't matter Dave said that you wanted to talk to me yeah I yeah I do uh so I I heard you found your girl yeah yes I did did you finally get your man no but yeah that's life sometimes and um you and I had to move on so you know um you know Patrick I I I I wasn't going to wait for you my whole life okay Sor I didn't expect you to wait for me for your whole life I thought you deserved a second chance forget it I'm sorry you know what it's a mistake I shouldn't have come here honestly Second [Music] Chance Patrick KY we didn't do good forget it she's she's not in what did you say to her nothing right what did you say to her I don't know I oh here she comes hello ladies how you doing Linda good to see you again me some time it's good to be back good to be back now scoot over Tweety I'm not riding [ __ ] check that out [Music] we have just received a report that Moscow has been attacked first reports say that the entire city has been destroyed I can't believe this is happening so we just have out get out [Music] [Applause] run [Music] 7 president and vice president have been moved to a secure location Joint Chiefs want answers what do we know at this point we're getting reports of enemy ground units in several cities Conventional Weapons are no match for their Shields so we're losing yes sir what about Team Four they get that thing out of the tunnel yet they located a point of interest and went in for a closer look status they're gone sir anything else Patrick K and his team are here what how the hell did he get on post who let him pass security I did Sir I thought maybe you thought what do you want ke come to say I told you so no didn't come here to boast he told you so great done now get him out of here hey wait hold on a second listen I know what you're up against out there I've seen this threat face to face and you are in way over your head now we've spent our entire lives training preparing studying for this exact moment and we can help come with me I want to know one thing how can we stop him keep it short and all Grandpa stories that float about with no resolve what did you say hey James no SC this guy we don't need we're head El perus we know you don't like us and to be honest we're not that terribly fond of you either that is correct you are a jerk you were saying Linda I was saying that cons considering humanity is getting its ass royally kicked right now perhaps we can help each other what is this now some kind of negotiation if it's a matter of more retirement money fine put us back to work h no way I thought you had some information that could help me I didn't for a moment think you were the help hey you got nothing to lose by reinstating us you can't be serious there are committees Appropriations your program was shut down years ago well then don't think of it as a reinstatement it's more of a last harah Al last harah well I'll admit most of you are holding up better than I thought but what about him what kind of Looney Bin retirement home you bust him out of anyway there's nothing wrong with him and how come he's not wearing any pants you were kind of in a hurry fine you're in your tea want to come back to work single-handedly stop this Invasion go out on top great there is something you can do all right good well smells the same yeah looks like home uh-huh it's like we never left let's get to work let's do it you're good yeah let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Roswell New Mexico the only town in the world where Alien Invasion means time to party our Replacements look pretty scared yeah I'm too damn tired to be scared perus getting close to the entrance so what are we looking for you wanted aliens there's one down there you think it's a scout shortly after this all began we noticed someone or something attacked into our system it's been happening all over the world current hypothesis is that these Scouts are somehow tapping into our fiber optic networks monitoring Global Communications it's also running some kind of interference when you get down there we'll lose your signal it'll go dark now bring it back alive copy that oh and we're pretty sure the thing down there wiped out of team of Navy SEALs but no pressure okay guys this is it no simulation no resetting the program no Second Chances you die you're dead got it we're good sounds so pleasant when you say it like that Lock and Load all right everybody remember their signs we're not that old hey they say the memory is the second thing that goes fish oil always loved watching her work there's just something about a woman who knows how to handle her equipment sure is I guess some things never change okay what are you doing oh come on you got to be kidding me sorry Patrick been a while all right okay it's close yeah what are you doing what you said you were going to go down the tunnel to take a look no I said go down the tunnel take a look and report back oh my bad yeah go with way [ __ ] me FR seriously how I never say the f word FR me uh-oh oh hell it really hurts so much what's going on oh I must have missed one I I don't know George can you go on yeah I'm good yeah what's wrong with them migraine migraine yeah bad migraine get the paddle jeans is it there oh it's there all right he knows we're here and ain't happy about it it's not a migraine he's responding to the dra all right George missed an implant oh damn it you still sticking about an abduction story after all these years what you guys just thought I was crazy yeah if that's real that stuff is messed up they really stick things up your all right already come on let's just do this let's get this thing listen to me it's at a utility switch Box about halfway down the junction there's another tunnel I think we can unfl it all right that's just what we're going to do meet us out there let's go remember burgus wants that alive I say we kill it screw burkus why do you guys think he sent us down here after this one anyway 25 years of simulated training is my best guess then again it did wipe out a Seal Team maybe he sent us down here because he thought we wouldn't make it I think that's a distinct possibility he always was a bastard well let's disappoint him Fire cover stop me James yeah slide me your explosive three Lindy get out that's terrible oh my God man I think it is safe to say I will never get used to that smell don't smell darn thing anymore look at you hey Linda come here take a look at this they've tapped into the fiber optic networks all right acting as some sort of I don't know telepathic link maybe it'll take me a while to figure out what's what there's no time let's get this thing out of here yeah see what he can tell us these things are much bigger than the Grays we GED against and way more capable I think they're shock troops hyri what I don't get is why are they sending ways of these things against multiple targets around the world but only one here three [Music] two three that is wor disgusting smell come on let's go the anatomical structure is similar to the previous specimens we should run the DNA sequence ready the probe yes doctor this isn't a gray yeah looks different reptilian we' always suspected the Grays were a subservient class she might come back now I mean after all this time why don't you send the Grays pay back that's why they're here how do you know that I just know my implants the one in your head it might not be in my head then where would it be a come on George come on George keep your pants on come on inserting the probe now I know how it feels I can't get a clear look there's too much fluid okay something's happening uhoh seems like it's creating some kind of electrical field I don't like that at all let's get out of here come on go go did they hit us negative there are currently no alien Crest in our airspace and what the hell was that automated firefighting systems are active on Su Lev 6 and seven that's the lab level jeez what the hell happened kante that alien you wanted us to bring back was in planed with some kind of self-d struck system it was a decapitation struck they were going after our Command and control can't be serious anyone near the base on purpose they knew we wouldn't be able to resist but go after bring it back in surgical they weren't trying to level the entire base I know what they're after come on the ship it's been here since the crash in 47 why would they want it back now I don't know they're not here for the ship they're here because of the ship enough of the riddles burus just tell us what's going on that ship your little Roswell UFO incident it was never a crash what do you mean it was never a crash I mean it didn't crash not on its own not because of some mechanical failure we shot it down think George is right yeah payback time still looks brand new George George you still with us George yeah I am still with you does this thing fly I don't know none of our people were ever able to make it work some kind of neural link a telepathic flight contr control system this thing is responsible for most of the great Innovations of the last century from silicone chips and stealth technology to plasma reactors now they're here for payback what took them so long well let's say that they rallied their forces as soon as they found out that we shot down their ship Alpha draconus is what 300 light years away your math skills are better than mine so 66 Earth years seems pretty speed okay guys dumb question if we're saying the bug that blew it back there was some kind of decapitation strike designed to take out command and control what comes next that that sounds bad update Russia and most of the Eurozone governments are in total collapse England is soldiering on but their armed forces have been effectively wiped out Japan is just as its Parliament and China has declared martial law DC just got hit so what's your plan we through everything we got at them it had no effect why don't you figure out how to pay tribute to our new alien over before they frag us guys you need to see this I think we all should go outside and take a look yeah dropped out of orbit 3 minutes ago they may be trying to figure out whether their surgical strike worked or not well that's not going to take them very [Music] long could have taken him longer than that [Music] go have you ever flown one of these things before hey how different can it be right see you up there okay you can do this this one looks good see Dave told you it wouldn't be hard way to go Patrick just try not to hit the ejer button oh yeah baby I'm here Patrick well here's the Second Chances glad you're here see on the ground I can't wait all right Raptors let's see if we can get their attention hope they don't have the same Shields they've got in the big ships and what if they do be a really short flight great here they come [Music] dad you got two on your six two on your six I can't see him I'm on my way hang on very George come on [Music] damn it no good the missiles are ain't effective pull out I guess it's going to be a short flight come on you'll think of something Patrick you always do all right maybe we cannot shoot him maybe we cannot fry him guys you picked up some Bogies watch your six all right George listen to me hit the air brake and cross on my mark okay maybe we can get in the to follow us got it 3 2 1 yes yes what do we do now Patrick [ __ ] the mission I got a little problem here looks like my plane took a few hits in the back I don't know how long I'm going to keep this baby in the air well you can always eject man this is going to hurt we lost his signal the system showing Patrick's plane went [Music] down oh boy here we [Music] go patri you okay close I've got three Tango those are definitely Grand troops could be the spearhead for a larger Force it's only a matter of time before those things find their way into the complex damn it let's go James go let's go everybody move deploy to your sectors we have incoming hostiles do you have any idea what you're up against no but we'll take care of it not with those guns you won't those things are completely ineffective against these things come here you want to at least wound them you and your men are going to need these I still don't like our odds there were five of us and we still had trouble taking just that one out we need something bigger something they haven't seen before or just something they're not expecting do you think we can use their own weapons against them I don't know James it's a gun like any other gun all I got to do is find a trigger hey Will yeah have the guys bring down that arm Cannon uh yeah the guys are just testing bring down now all right I'll check on it what's this uh it's it's a secretion it comes from the closest thing they got to a pituitary gland your weapons on its way in the aliens it boosts their strength and gives them incredible recovery capabilities we try to synthesize these for our troops and help him fight through the pain of a wound push past the point of exhaustion did it work let's just say there were side effects and these here are the only samples we got left there it is okay easy with that it's light hey watch where you you want to get in there and give him a hand with that okay looks like you're pointing it in the wrong direction at least we know what works surveillance camera shows them past the Airfield and they found a service ramp service ramp what do you think they're after if I had to guess I'd say the J Raiders I think they're trying to shut us down before they launched the big attack let's make sure they don't get the chance we should start evacuating get all Personnel someplace safe before reinforcements show up evacuate where exactly they made pretty clear they are here to wipe us out if we lose now there won't be a safe place for humans anywhere on this [Music] planet back hey there Big Boys fire damn it GE go for the generator room hey hey hey Dave help me with George come on the close that generator will we blind down here teams will be fine come on help me got you guys come on we might have to drop on them now but they'll be back with the walk we need reinforcements there aren't any what do you mean there aren't any our military has been effectively neutralized how is that possible I'm sorry George how's that feel I it'll work hey there's one other thing I think you should check out George take off your hat oh George okay hang on let me take a look lay back it's okay George what are you going to do no no no no more easy relax George your arm's fine it's your head I'm worried about oh that's great news yeah fantastic wait there it is what there it is see I wasn't crazy calm down George you Mo something we can either try to cut it out or zap it with radiation okay but either way there should be no side effects I I trust you just get rid of it help [Music] [Music] what why' you stop George what is it you only feel pain in the implant when you're in the proximity of the aliens and the ship yeah that's right okay we always thought there was a telepathic component to their communication and burka said the Roswell ship had some sort of neural link to its flight control system George I think the implant is allowing you to tap into their frequency oh she could be right about that huh I mean they tried to Stage that surgical strike knock out our Command and control before they launched their attacking the rest of the world and we're still here that means that we are it I me we are the last stand against these things I say we take the fight to them little surgical strength of our own yeah we nuked that the ship we all know that our weapons even nukes can't penetrate their Shield yeah that's why we nuke them from the inside okay if we're right about this then maybe destroying the mother's ship will neutralize their entire neural system that's the bonus right there game over we win yeah okay okay I I can see you're all very excited and that's great to see I can feel the the positive energy filling this room but but am I missing something here yeah George how do we get inside now you you're going to fly Us in only hold three passengers but get it right past their Shields but burus said none of his people could make it work that's because they didn't have one of these or him I hope this works it has [Music] to let's do this buddy hey grab two of those remote Detonator what's the signal range 10 mies or if you prefer to keep things close you can push here and here set the tile here what's that do programs up for time detonation no thanks let's keep our distance on this one come on James hey Patrick hey you okay yeah yeah I'm good did you get it what oh yeah yeah what are we guys doing about to take a little ride finish some business you and I will handle the bugs on the ground with the last defense I'm coming too sure it's all hands on deck for this one what about your boy here look like a project for the infirmary James you good to go I'm ready I'm lost of Step I'm in all right then let's do it huh come on let's go all right let's go where's the weird guy looks like the weird guy just fired up the ship George you going to be able to fly this thing I can fly anything still need a little practice that's all right Jorge just straighten it out you got it give me the guns hey Patrick David good luck to you man [Music] reinforcements are closing in uh I think you're going to want to see this it's time to move on the ship do we know what we need to do oh my God look at the size of that thing you think this thing will get us through their Shields we're about to find out out a Boy [Music] [Music] George we're being override blow back blow back got to find an exhaust boort or something we got to get as close to that power source we can I'm beginning to understand their fascination with tight spaces there told you I could fly anything nice job George [Music] steady fire [Music] J you okay yes I'm okay everybody hold back we need to fall back I say I say shortest route what do you think it ain't going to take him long to figure out we're here for sure what James no better we Lind it's better get him [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is it George how's your signal bad I think it's the same for around in the maintenance tunnel we got enough signal to remote that N I don't think so your signal is barely visible from here there's no chance we can blow this from outside the ship no is there any way to overr it activate the manual timer no we don't have that kind of time we can detonate the manually yeah how I'll do it no way man absolutely not this is one decision you don't get to make yeah well I'll makeing it Patrick there is a time and you and I both know it it's either me or it's every single human being on that little blue planet down there I see Dave come D it Patrick I'm dying anyway I told you when you first showed up it's cancer they caught it late I probably only got a few months anyway what hell why do you think I signed up for your little reunion tour maybe I was never meant to be the leader of this team and I was certainly never the right guy for Linda but you are both of those things now this is something I am going to do and you were going to stop trying to be here all the time and you're going to let me do it hey come on man Patrick you never got sentimental on me in over 30 years don't start now besides I really didn't like retirement on get out of here I'll hold them off as long as I can see you on the other side then James it's me Linda tweeting twey it's me stop James are you in there Tweety I'm sorry come on you sons of [ __ ] you guys better hurry get us out of here George here they come can't hold them off any longer the out hang on wooo that's it show's over made it Ma top of the world come on you mother uh-oh controls they not responding it's like a switch been off in my head I think you lost your telepathic Lake George hang on might get rough I have a news update we are getting reports of a massive explosion in space observatories across the planet say that this may be the alien Mother Ship destroyed by some unknown Force the ships appear to be losing power and are crashing into the Earth W you worked we're getting reports of Alias Ships coming down all over the world they did it those old fossils actually did it what are you calling a fossil Burk ass some good flying there George I guess there won't be a cover up this [Laughter] [Music] time [Music] [Laughter] woohoo where's David oh God I'm sorry the world owes you a dead of gratitude AP accepted I guess congratulations you guys got your old jobs back I think we'll pass burus what if they come back they won't nope what do I tell Washington tell them we're retired [Music] right [Music]
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 161,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancient Aliens, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, Movie Central, Sci-Fi Movies, SyFy channel, The Asylum, UFO Documentaries, UFO Documentary, conspiracy documentary, full free movies on youtube, full free sci-fi movies, latest hollywood movies for free, latest sci-fi movies, proof of aliens, proof of aliens caught on camera, science fiction movies for free on youtube, ufo documentary full length, ufo footage, unacknowledged
Id: ySUpggHT7Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 26sec (5066 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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