Exterior vs Interior Waterproofing - Which is best?

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[Music] hello my name is Jesse treble I'm with safe basements we are waterproofing and foundation repair company out of Minnesota we have been our family has been doing this since the 70s and we are doing it in an environment that is crazy rough we have extreme Frost we have extreme heat we have dry we have floods we have every situation you could possibly have I'd like to talk to you today about waterproofing specifically interior versus exterior waterproofing so exterior waterproofing systems are great used in conjunction with an interior system for new construction specifically new construction that's when you want to do an exterior system in retrofit homes where a used home that's existing it's not a great idea to excavate around the perimeter of the home so what you're doing is loosening up the soil that is adjacent to your foundation while that has been packing all the years that house has been there so water always follows the path of least resistance and seeks the lowest level you do not want to create a path of least resistance right alongside your foundation it's always great to have positive drainage to the water slopes and runs away it doesn't flow in alongside your foundation so excavating isn't a great idea around the perimeter the other problem with exterior waterproofing used in a existing home situation is as water table Rises your drain tile is outside of those walls so if you have high water table under your flow you you run the risk of having a leaky or wet concrete floor the other thing is in order for the WHA surface water to reach that drain tile alongside the footing it has to saturate about seven feet of dirt so that means all the dirt alongside your wall is soaking wet before it ever gets down to that drain tile alongside the footing so as you have soaking wet dirt it's slowly leaching into that wall and you run the risk of having wall water leaks so exterior waterproofing systems are fantastic for new construction interior is really the best solution for retrofit situation again I'm Jessie treble a safe basements reminding you that peace of mind is a safe basement [Music]
Channel: SafeBasements
Views: 9,656
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: waterproofing, interior waterproofing, exterior waterproofing, which is best, versus, water, basement, safebasements
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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