Extensions for Visual Studio 2022 (Download & Install Extensions)

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hello everyone welcome back once again in this video we will look at extensions for visual studio 2022 you will look at how to manage download and update expansions inside the visual studio but before we get started please make sure you like the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't so let's get into it then so what are really extensions so their stations are code packages that run inside the visual studio and provide new or improved features extensions may be controlled samples templates tools and other components that are that add functionalities to your Visual Studio example the live share the GitHub co-pilot and whatnot yeah so let's get into it then so as you can see I've actually opened the visual studio 2022. to get us started yeah this is how we actually locate the extensions manager so we click on the extensions yeah and then manage expansions so here we have got a bunch of extensions that you can actually download but first of all let's look at installed so once you click on install these are the extensions that are already installed on the visual studio so there's some some of them are um I've got um the summary templates as among the Apple SDK and and whatnot yeah so if we you can actually click on a specific especially like controls templates so as you can see if I click on the templates here I've got C plus plus Windows forms for visual studio 2022. then if we click on the SDK as you can see I've got no SDK extension installed so let's come on to the updates here so the updates wow updates are the extensions that are actually installed that you can actually update them or they have updates available yeah so you can click whatever station that you want to update so once you click on it and then discard this button here update yeah so you can click on the update and update the stations and also you can also look for extensions to download as installed by clicking on the online so this will actually uh this will actually bring out all the extensions available for you to download and install yeah so as you can see here we've got a bunch of them here so this can be actually found in the visual studio Marketplace yeah so we can expand this bit here so as you can see here we've got twos we've got controls we've got templates so let's um expand the two so once we expanded the controls here these are the the type of controls that you can actually download and install we've got asp.net we've got framework and libraries we've got light switch SharePoint Silverlight Windows phones WPF and whatnot yeah so if we click on the wp I mean the Windows phones so here we've got a bunch of controls that you can actually download and install for Windows phones yeah and if we click on the templates here we have templates for visual basis visual C sharp visual C plus plus these are all templates that you can actually download and install for your uh for visual studio yeah so let's expand the other and see what actually is in there so as you can see we've got a templates for AES p.net database uh Visual Studio extensions and let's click on that uh visual C sharp so here we can you can download and install some templates for csat yeah like uh The Entity framework reverse Cocker generator uh you can scroll down and you can also you can also go I have two free you can also um you can also search whatever templates that you're looking for from here okay so let's look at the series that you can also download and install as extensions so if we look at it here we've got a bunch of friends so we've got build tools we've got code into connected Services data documentation extension packs and whatnot yeah so let's click one of them let's click on the data yeah so these are data tools that you can download and install them as extensions yes just like I'm entity firmware core parties uh the sqlite and SQL Server compact two two bucks and we've got a whole bunch of them you can also go like you can also look for whatever time you you look I mean that you want you can you can also search it so as you can see here I've got ml.net model builder 2022 installed already so if you want to like look at your installed bit here you can come into the store like the like what we looked at earlier on yeah so as you can see we've got a whole bunch of tools that we can download and we can also download the themes for visual studio okay so let's look at what is inside the Roman expansion manager so here as you can see you're currently not signed in so basically you need to sign in to get um to get the room in roaming expansion manager yeah so as you can see it's not really difficult so let's go back to the online bit here and let's look at let's try to install download and install one of them so let's go back to the C sharp and let's look at something that is very simple uh something like WTF UI so if we look at it here we've got um who created destinations and the versions and how many installs and then we've got the ratings as well so you can also look at other things like release notes informations or you can report the extension to Microsoft yeah and I'm just gonna find something very simple for us to download just to see so let's look at extension visual ad in so we click on the download yeah so as you can see once you click on the download it actually downloads it and then this will read down here you changes will be your changes will be scheduled the modification will begin when all Microsoft Visual Studio windows are closed so once you close the visual studio and restart it all the the installation will start and all the changes will take respect yeah so as you can see very simple to manage your um oh
Channel: Hacked
Views: 3,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio, visual studio 2022, extensions for visual studio 2022, extension manager, download visual studio extensions, install visual studio 2022, extensions, vs2022, coding, programming, visual studio beginner
Id: d3WlfgVBbeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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