Express One’s Beliefs and Convictions || GRADE 7 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 3 | MODULE 4

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe good day everyone the next lesson for this quarter is about express one's beliefs or convictions based on a material view [Music] the target most essential learning competency for this video is expressing one's beliefs or convictions based on a material view simoleon from our previous lesson about how a selection may be influenced by culture history and environment we mentioned that people are not the same we make selection according to our own preferences that are affected by our own unique culture history and environment our beliefs and convictions also are connected to those three factors that i mentioned let's define these terms first [Music] what is the meaning of the word belief belief is something that an individual considers as the truth it is shaped by the individual's background experiences and is based on one's cultural or personal faith morality or values [Music] this belief is influenced by our religion and our background as a catholic country us filipinos also believe in monsters that we call aswang encanto biwata duende and others because of our local culture folklores and folk tales now how do we define conviction conviction is a firm belief on something that an individual is convinced of to be convinced you need to obtain all related information like statistical data based on analysis of statistics observational data based on what the person has observed or perceived they observed causal data based on what fact has caused a particular factual result and experiential data based on what experience shows can be inferred from the facts a conviction remains the same even with new experiences and even after long periods of time because it is built in concrete information [Music] now how is this different from belief unbelief is [Music] [Music] [Music] observation [Music] [Music] [Music] basic signal phrases in expressing beliefs or convictions i feel i think i believe that in my opinion from my point of view in my view i really feel that personally i think personally speaking my point of view is that visual media materials help us concretize our thoughts and beliefs through pictures posters videos and other graphics people are more likely to believe findings when ideas are paired with visual materials that support the text [Music] how do we react whenever we see materials like this these materials may prove or disprove these beliefs and convictions that we have viewing materials like pictures video clips tv programs and films among many others present vivid images about topics that make it easy for us to express our beliefs or convictions on various issues [Music] different types of visual materials as you form convictions or beliefs about materials you viewed it is best to be familiar with some examples of visual materials the term visual materials encompass a wide range of forms including photographs cinema cartoons prints designs and three-dimensional art such as sculpture and architecture one powerpoint presentation microsoft powerpoint is probably the most commonly used form of visual aid used well it can really help you in your presentation used badly however it can have the opposite effect 2. video video gives you a chance to show stimulating visual information use video to bring movement pictures and sound into your presentation always make sure that the clip is directly relevant to your content tell your audience what to look for avoid showing any more film than you need three drawing drawing is creating a picture with a variety of tools like pencils crayons pens or markers artists draw on different types of surfaces like paper or canvas [Music] 4. painting painting is often called the most important form of visual art it is about putting colors on a canvas or a wall painters express their ideas through a mixture of colors and different brush strokes it is also one of the oldest forms of visual arts 5. photograph photography is making pictures by letting light pass through the lenses of a camera onto a film images could then be printed on the special paper today most photography is digital cameras have no film the images are recorded onto silicon chips 6. film filmmaking is the process of directing and producing movies for television and cinemas it is a very expensive and complicated form of art involving many tasks for example script writing casting and editing film sequences before they can be shown to an audience [Music] 7. sculpture sculptures are three-dimensional pieces of art that are created by shaping various kinds of material among the popular sculpting materials are steel plastic ceramics and wood sculpture is often referred to as plastic arts 8. cartoon cartoon is a type of sometimes animated typically in an unrealistic or semi-realistic style cartoons are drawings and illustrations that come in several forms and can have many meanings one type of cartoon is drawings and illustrations in magazines or newspapers another type is animated or audiovisual cartoon films that contain sound voices and attractive animated drawings as a result a cartoon film can be close to real life because visual clues and context can make it possible to view the messages as much more real especially as the viewers can listen to the voice overs [Music] so again we can use this visual materials to express or communicate our beliefs and convictions but we have to remember that no matter how different are our beliefs and convictions from other people we must remain kind and respectful towards them and their beliefs at all times we cannot force anyone to believe in the same beliefs that we have we can only present materials to support these beliefs so did you learn something today sure hindi nosebleed if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed walk kalimu tang muk subscribe and turn on a notification button updated lessons an english teacher in iwan class dismissed see ya [Music]
Views: 47,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beliefs, #convictions, #melc-based, #grade7, #english
Id: KwWH9fDhzQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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