Exposure Blending in On1 Photo RAW

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hey guys this is Anthony Morgan T I am mr. photographer dot-com in this video we're going to do some exposure blending in on one photo raw 2020 I have this image which is more or less properly exposed for the room but unfortunately the windows are blown out while I was there though I took a second image that was exposed for the windows and as you could see the room is really dark what I did was is I opened both of these images in on one photo raw 20/20 and did exposure blending to come up with this image as mentioned at the top I have two different exposures of a little room I have this exposure which is more or less properly exposed for the room itself but unfortunately the windows are blown out while I was there I did take a second exposure and this exposure I exposed for the windows so the windows are properly exposed but as you can see the room is really dark so what I want to do is blend both of these images together and you'll see it's pretty easy to do in on one photo raw so what I want to do is first go to grid view I'm gonna hit the G key on my keyboard to be in grid view and I want to select both of the images that are here I'll click on the first one I'm gonna hold the command key on my Mac to click on the second one so they're both selected if you have a PC you'd hold the ctrl key so they're both selected I'm going to right click on either of them and I'm going to go down to open as layers and what will happen is this little warning will come up telling me it's gonna open them up as layers which is exactly what I wanted to do click OK and then on one will open them in the edit panel develop module 1 image on top of the other unfortunately while I was there I did not use a tripod both of these images are handheld so if I just start trying to blend those windows they're probably going to be misaligned so I need to align the layers and to do that go over to the top layer menu and down to align visible layers and when you do that on one will now align the layers to each other so that hopefully when I blend these windows in they'll be blended properly now you may be thinking that why don't you just use a luminosity mask what you probably found if you've ever used luminosity luminosity masking is a lot of times the result is a bit disappointing for example let's just do it real quick I'm to do a luminosity mask what you would want to do is have the darker image on top so I'm going put the darker image on top and we want to use the luminosity mask to mask in these windows on top of the other one so I'm gonna go back to layer and realign the layers because I did flip-flop them so let it do that and then what we'll do is we click on the little mask icon here for the top layer and we click on lumen that's for the luminosity mask and you can see that it now is the room looks pretty good but those windows really don't look very good at all so I'm going to undo that by hitting command Z on my keyboard and I'm going to keep hitting command Z on my Mac keyboard if you have a PC to undo you'd hit ctrl Z so I'm going to keep doing that until we flip the images back around so they're back flipped with the this layer on top of the other layer and I'm just going to double check that the layers are aligned so I'm gonna go the align layers again just to make sure now what we want to do now is we want to paint these windows away so that the layers below it come through so what we'll do is we'll click on the little mask icon for the top layer and when we do that we are now as we're using the masking brush and what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn feather up just a little bit and what we need to do is paint in black so we're gonna paint out what is here so I'm gonna get a smaller brush by hitting the left bracket key and what you'll see is when you paint on a window you'll see the window below it is now coming through so what we need to do is be very careful and paint precisely along the window and I'm just gonna go very quickly in this video but you'll see that it isn't really very challenging and all you need to do is continually change the size of your brush so that you could get in there properly so I did that first one you can see that little edge maybe I didn't do such a good job right there we can get up in there a little bit no that's the way it is I think so another thing that may help you is if you go into one extreme end let's say right here and click once and whenever you have a straight edge you could go up to where the other end of the straight edge hold the shift key in and click again and you'll draw a straight line so they may help you in some instances when you're painting little brush trick now if you made a mistake like I just did we could fix that and I'll do that in a moment hold the shift key in and click there hold the shift key and click there so know I could get a little bigger brush I think and do this part in here I'll just do this real quick if you could bear with me and you'll see alright now I made this little mistake over here all we need to do is go to the paint in brush and then I could come in here and clean that up and then go back to the paint out brush and go a smaller one and come back in here and fix it very carefully and I made a mistake again but that it's okay for the video you get the idea and I'll click once there and hold the shift key in and click once there and then I'll come around here very carefully out making a mistake typically I would probably do this with my Wacom tablet which is actually on my desk to my right but I'm doing it at the moment with the mouse but you use whatever is most comfortable come around here and get around the statue like this then we'll get the rest of the window so you can see it really isn't very difficult if I could do it while talking and trying to keep my train of thought going okay let's come in and go back to pain and mode and just because I'm a perfectionist sometimes fix it over there all right so that looks a little better so I masked in these these windows very easily now we want to process the rest of the image so what you would do is we have these two layers there's one there one there and what we'd like to do is actually merge the layers so what we'll do is we'll just right click on here and we'll go to merge visible so we're gonna merge those layers together and it's going to create now one layer that has the correct windows and the correct room all merged together and then we could process it from this point as I mentioned the image was handheld both images and it's a little crooked and actually it's a lot crooked so I probably want to straighten it and it was shot with a very wide angle lens I if I remember right it's actually this image is a few years old I think I used like a 14 millimeter lens so there's a lot of distortion in the image to which I'm not really going to worry about as much but I'll have all the gear and settings I used in the description below this video if you're curious but what I want to do is I'm going to jump right down to transform and I'll turn that on and I'm gonna level it first I'm just going to use these little ledges here and draw a line across there to level it and let's just say that's good so I'll get the crop tool now and I'll bring it in on this edge and bring it up on this edge to get rid of those blank pixels and I'll Center it a little bit and I'll think that's good I'll apply that crop and it still maybe a little crooked it's hard to tell because of the wide-angle lens there's a lot of distortion on the edges but I think that's good now I could come in and I could process it as I normally would maybe mid tones open a little bit and the shed was a tiny bit they're blacks down a little bit add a little structure add a little situation and that's it I you know process the image I think adequately I probably take my time I'd do a little better of a job and maybe even add saw effects to maybe well why don't we do that while we're here we'll add some dynamic contrast which is one of my favorites but I'll just bring it down a little bit like that so that's it that's how you would do some exposure blending in on one photo raw 2020 the main point to keep in mind is that when you're you know whenever you're putting one layer on top of the other always align the layers even if you used a tripod because sometimes there's just some micro movements of the camera on the tripod and it's going to be off a little bit so always align the layers and then just be very careful with the brush and determine now I had the brighter image on top and I masked out the bright windows so the dark windows below could come through what you do is determine which way would give you the least amount of painting meaning it might be easier in some instances to have the dark image on top and the bright image on the bottom and then mask with certain areas either in or out that worked best for that scene so basically make his least amount of work as possible for you just try to determine how you can do that so that's it exposure blending and on one photo raw 20/20 thank you everyone who watches my videos I really do appreciate it I'll talk to you guys soon
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 6,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photographer, post processing, adobe, lightroom, on1 photo raw, on1, on1 photo raw 2020, portraits in on1, on1 photo, tutorial, photo editing, image editing, photo editor, lightroom alternative, image editor, on1 photo raw 2019, on1 photo raw review, photo raw 2020, photoshop plug-ins, on1 effects, on1 photo raw 2019 tutorials, on1 photo raw 2020 tutorials, photo raw, photo effects, exposure blending, luminosity mask, Luminosity masking, masking, layer blending
Id: QahxDRC9Cv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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