Exposing YouTube Sponsor SCAMS

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- We've all seen YouTube sponsorships, but the question is are they a scam? I mean, can you really trust the YouTuber? (scoffs) They all seem pretty sus to me. (box clattering) (everyone laughing) These are the Timekettle Translator Earbuds. These claim they can bidirectionally support multiple translation in 40 languages, but they cannot be used for music and phone calls. The problem is (box clattering) that Google Translate exists, and it's free. Oh, my, they charge $250 for this? Bro! These are $10 Bluetooth headphones. Are you kidding me? - [Joanna] They look like one of those AirPod ripoffs. - Yeah, except they're more expensive than AirPods! The word scam may not be strong enough for my feelings in the moment. Wait, does anyone speak another language in here? - Absolutely not. - I took French for three years, and I can say, "La fromage." - Oh, say it again. (Joanna speaking French) (child sighing) (Jared laughing) - So. (clears throat, speaks foreign language) - Are you dead yet? (everyone laughing) - It's supposed to be, "You're already dead." (laughs) We got the least diverse people in the company to be doing this. - Correct. - Hey, man. - Hey, can you speak some Japanese for us, please? (Ken speaking Japanese) My name is Ken, okay! - Oh! - You can't see it right now, but my face is filled with regret. CDKey, oh, sorry, VIP-SCDKey. I can get 20 euros on the PSN only for an Italian account for $19.72. PUBG, which is now a free-to-play game, I can spend $25 buying a key. Oh, wow, 17 bucks for Windows 7, $23 for Windows 10? Windows typically costs about $100. Is this legal? Jared, am I gonna go to jail? - [Jared] Only one way to find out. - On-camera, can you click the button? - Ah, yeah, I got nothing to lose. Screw it. So? - Just press the button. - Oh, thank God, you have to put in your email. (whistles) Keeps me safe. - Jared@butts.com. (Jared laughing) I'm ready. Hit me. Don't actually hit me. (box smacking) That was aggressive. This is the NuPhy Studio Air60. The NuPhy Studio is one of the companies who are, I would say, advertising pretty heavily on YouTube right now, which, again, nothing wrong with that. So this is the Air60, which is an ultra-slim wireless mechanical keyboard, 2,500 milliamp hour battery, low-profile switches. This is the NuPhy girl. - [Joanna] It's the NuPhy girl? - [Austin] It's NuPhy? - [Jared] I feel like she has a name or something. - She literally has on her- - Angela. - [Jared] Yeah, I'm gonna call her Angela. I like that. - Angela? Okay. Hello, Angela. How much is the Air60 from macOS, iOS, Windows, and Android? - [Jared] You're gonna be shocked. This is only $110. (cash register jingling) - 110 bucks seems very reasonable for this if it does not suck. I'm gonna give you an exact quote from the box. "NuPhy Studio is a small company founded by a group of boring guys. (Jared laughing) When we can't make interesting products, this studio will no longer exist." All right. - Well, that was the most, they need therapy. (Austin laughing) Are they okay? - Angela again. - Ooh, Angela poster? - Not to typecast or anything, but. - [Joanna] Not to typecast. - [Everyone] Oh! - It's a good one. That was a good one! Whoo, oh, wow, do you see how tiny that is? - [Jared] Oh, wow! - Here you can see some of the switches in the bottom of the PCB through this bottom. - Oh, that's pretty cool. - This plastic, which is quite nice, so they did include the arrow keys. I will say, typically not a massive fan of lower-profile switches. I feel like the extra portability to me doesn't make a big difference, but I know a lotta people like 'em, so let's just give this a try. (keys clicking) Sounds nice, actually sounds nice and feels nice. - [Jared] I believe those are Gateron Browns, but you can also get Gateron Reds and Blues. (key clicking) - I see no reason that this is a scam. In fact, I like this a lot more than the Logitech that we looked at. It was very similar recently. That was significantly more expensive and felt much worse. (package clattering) Detox foot pads. I've gotta be careful with the way I describe this one. (Jared laughing) This was a type of potential sponsor that seems sus. I'm just gonna leave it at that. (giggles) - [Jared] Just seemed? Can I say what the Amazon page had written for this product? - Please do. - This said that these detox foot pads were for, "Insomnia, endocrine disorders, peculiar smell of feet," open parentheses, "oral mouth," close parentheses, (Austin cackling) "and people in the IT industry." (Austin laughing) I'm like three or four of those, I think. (Austin and Jared laughing) That would be a great time to remind you to please subscribe to the channel because who else is going to detox foot pad for 10 hours and hope for the best? - [Joanna] No close-ups today, guys. (Austin and Jared laughing) - [Jared] How does it feel? - Like I've got a Band-Aid on my foot. (Jared and Austin giggling) This may be placebo. It feels like it's warming up. (laughs) - [Jared] Do you think they're just foot warmers? - I will report back in six to 10 hours with how lively and energized I am, and if I have experienced some true foot bliss. So it is about 9:30, which means that I have had my foot pads on for eight hours. Now, I will say the one on my right foot definitely shifted. I feel like it's over on the side. Yeah, it's definitely on the side. Oh, wow, it's, oh, oh, do you hear that? Oh, look, dude. Look, it's all stuck to my sock. Ew! Oh, what the hell's in this thing? Oh! (laughing) Oh, my God, what the hell? Look at, ew, that is absolutely disgusting! Bro, (inhales) ugh! Smell, sniff that. It actually smells kinda good. - No, I'm not sniffing that. - It's like hickory. - No. - It smells like barbecue chips. - [Joanna] Okay, fine, let me smell. (laughing) Ew! Your skin looks like it peeled. It just seems kinda weird that it's black 'cause your socks are black. - It's whatever's inside there, some reaction happened, whether it's the heat, or whether it's the pressure or a combination of the two, but I guess I'll keep doing this every day for six months to see if I feel like I have more energy. - Oh, dear God. (package clattering) (Austin chuckling) Welcome to the Raycons, (package thudding) one of the most popular YouTube sponsorships, maybe short of Raid: Shadow Legends, that I have ever seen. I have never been super-thrilled with the idea of being sponsored by Raycon, mostly because they kinda seem generic and a little expensive. - These are only 80 bucks. (cash register jingling) - It's not that much cheaper, and so I mean, you can get AirPods for like 110 bucks. These have got to be pretty good, considering. Here's the test. Is it USB-C? (package clattering) - Oh! - It is USB-C. Okay, okay, Raycon. - Oh, thank God. - You almost got instantly failed there. All right, all right, and you got the Raycons themselves. All right, let's take a look at these. These seem fine, a little generic-looking on the design, but I mean, nothing bad. I don't love the giant Raycon logo on the side. I think it's maybe a little bit ostentatious. Oh, that's not bad. (fingers snapping) So they're not active noise-canceling. Ah, they do a decent job of passive. So for three seconds, oh, is that capacitive? There's actually a physical button. - Oh! - All right, I don't like the fact that it's physical buttons. Every time I press it, I'm jamming them farther in my ears. It's not very comfortable. Having a tap, I feel like is a lot better. Let me try to play some music and see what we got here. They're a little tinny. They sound cheap. Now, if I take 'em out, I wonder, will it pause my music? (upbeat music) (smacks) No. (air whooshing) You're spending $80 on these? I don't think you're gonna be wildly disappointed. It's not a scam, but I wish you would've taken the wireless charging out, the dollar you spent on that, and made the headphones better. (package clattering) Moonside Design, smart lighting redesign. Okay, this seems fine. What's wrong with this? Why am I looking at the website? Why don't I have the products? - I ordered a neon lighthouse. It cost me like 180 bucks, but if I look at the tracking number to see where it was, the USPS received the parcel information, and then I have no updates past that. It was three weeks ago. - This would be a potential sponsor? How could I possibly recommend people to go and spend money on something if they can't even ship the product? (hawk screeching) (Austin gasping) It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a new YouTube sponsor scam potentially. Oh, actually, no, this is not a scam. Huel, if you're not familiar, is a brand which has sponsored many YouTubers in the past, and the idea is that this is almost similar to something like a Soylent. - It's people! - No, it's not people. If this really is a full meal replacement that you could just drink in five minutes and then just go about your day, there's plenty of times where that would be legitimately useful for me. My question is A, is this disgusting tasting, and B, is this actually, like, healthy? - [Jared] This variety 12-pack was $50.50 for 12 bottles. (cash register jingling) (liquid sloshing) (Jared laughing) - No. - This video is sponsored by Huel! (laughs) (plastic snapping) There we go. (sniffs) Whoo! That actually smells delightful. It smells like vanilla cake. Cheers, friends. (slurps) (swallows, smacks) That's actually very sweet. This says three grams of sugar in this one. - [Jared] Oh! - It's a little thick, but honestly, the thing for me is the taste. It doesn't have that kinda like chalky aftertaste. I actually would legitimately just drink this. - [Jared] And it's naturally flavored, it says. - Cheers. - Cheers. - All right. I would happily do a sponsored video on Huel because this is good, relatively cheap, and seems pretty healthy. I don't really know what more you could ask for. I'm legitimately impressed. Sponsor me up! (package smacking) Okay, these are the Sirius Pro Zinc Alloy Gaming Earbuds. - [Jared] So this was one that reached out to you. - [Austin] They clearly spent a lotta money on this packaging, almost to the point where I'm afraid to ask how much are the GravaStar Sirius Pro Earbuds? - [Jared] Let's just say you're paying for an experience because these are 150 bucks. (cash register jingling) - Oh, see, I would've guessed like 200 or something. Whoa! (device tapping) (bomb exploding) That is so heavy! - Oh, my God! (case tapping) What? - You're not gonna wanna fit this in your little pocket. Oh, wait, no, bro, are you serious? It comes with a necklace to wear your headphone. Okay. - Oh, my God, what? - This is cool. You know what, it even matches my shirt! You know what, GravaStar, I'm very, very impressed right now. Oh, we got a RGB! Change the color of the RGB, which is very neat. - Well, before you get the party started with the earbuds, you might wanna relax a bit with a nondescript family friendly beverage. - Speaking of sponsors of the channel. (Jared laughing) - [Jared] That gap in the middle is not just for looks. - Oh, it's got a little tab on it, so if I just do this. (air hissing) (bottle clattering) - [Jared] As long as you have your GravaStars, you have a party. - Look, I like this. (Jared laughing) I like this. Now, let's take a look at our GravaStar earbuds themselves. They're definitely plastic, which for earbuds, it's definitely the right thing. I don't want heavy metal earbuds in my ears. - They are touch sensors, good. I mean to say I'm at half volume, and they're pretty loud, so they've got some real volume. Pleasant. Immediately, they're not trash. (cheerful music) - [Jared] What you listening to? - No! No! (hands smacking) All right, here's the problem: I think my first couple songs were a little bit misleading. They don't have the sonic fidelity of $150 headphones. - [Jared] Is that the sequel to "Oral Bliss," "Sonic Fidelity?" - Yeah, it's maybe not for me. I prefer something a little bit smaller that sounds a little bit better for this kinda price, but if you think this looks dope, and I kinda do, GravaStar, good job. (hands thudding) Not a scam at all. Next up we have. (packaging rustling) Friends, colleagues, today, I am officially (frame thudding) Lord Austin Evans. - [Jared] I hope you realize that's legally binding. It's legally binding. - You are actually a lord now. In order to become a lord, all you technically need to do is own land in Scotland. You technically now own one square foot of Scotland. - Wait, wait, I'm a Scottish lord? - This is your exact plot of land. (Jared and Austin laughing) - [Austin] For context, this is where the land is. So let's zoom in, and let's see what we got here. This looks like farmland. - [Joanna] Do you get any money from the crops they're growing on your land? - I'm gonna send that peasant to the- (Jared laughing) (alarm beeping) E-Pal. (groans) That sounds sus. E-Pal is a service (Jared laughing) that allows you to hire and play with the most engaging gamers, creators, and pros, teammates on demand. - Look, Austin, you gotta remember who we are. We're gamers. We don't go outside. We don't talk to people. - Do we pay for friends? - Yes, we absolutely do. - League, it seems like the most popular. I mean, what you'd expect. Wow, emotional support, karaoke, relationship advice. Wow, there's a lot of, a sleep call? What the hell's sleep call? - What? - "Let me read bedtime stories for you." - [Jared] Okay, is this just Fiverr for lonely people? (Joanna laughing) - There's a real company who actually asked to sponsor a video. - Yes. - Perfect E-Pal for me, Diva. Tell me more about Diva, okay. - [Emily] Hello, I'm Emily, and I really would love to play with you. I play in Europe mostly, but I also have an income, so you can feel free to DM me, and I'm pretty sure we'll have so much fun. (smacks) - Okay, ah. - She had me there for a second. - I was on board until the kiss. (laughs) - The kiss at the end. - [Jared] Are you gonna go home and tell your wife about your E-Pal? - No, that's the thing. I said getting in trouble (Jared laughing) for a reason, Jared. This is gonna be very hard to explain. It's time to game. Friend request sent. Okay, I'm just gonna (hands smacking) just preemptively tell her that I'm very bad at Valorant. - [Jared] I don't think they care as long as you pay. (Austin cackling) Hello, sorry about that. - [Sapphfire] Oh, you're good. - So just so you know, I have not played Valorant in like two years. This is my first game in a long time, so you might have to be a little patient with me. I'm curious, how long have you done E-Pal for? This is the first time I've ever used it. - [Sapphfire] I've done E-Pal for like a month. It's pretty cool. I started off with doing like free orders and getting to meet other E-Pals and other people. - So what is Bind? Is that just a regular, is it capture the flag? - [Sapphfire] It's just the name of the map, the specific mechanic. - So I guess I'm just gonna follow you? (laughs) - [Sapphfire] Yeah, do you wanna skin? - Oh, cool! (accessory clicking) Thank you. - So we're playing on defense right now, so they're gonna come onto site. Do you know what Sova does? (keyboard clicking) - Ah, what's that? - [Sapphfire] Like Sova, he's your agent. So your E is a seeking dart. It will reveal the area where it lands. Hold it and release. (weapon beeping) - Oh, I see. I think I put it in a bad place, but I get it. (intense music) (fighter grunting) (gunfire popping) Hey, I saved her, for the record. Just let the camera know I saved her. Hey! - Well, it was nice meeting you. Have a good one. - Now, the fact that I paid $2 to have a 45-minute match with someone who was insightful, who was actually very good at being sort of a coach and kinda helping me walk through is really impressive. (upbeat music)
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 893,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube, youtuber, sponsor, raycon, tech, unboxing, review, mystery tech, austin, austin evans, this is, denki
Id: Grxs974hqRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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