Exposing YandereDev For Good

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bye-bye whoo all right finally video done so i'm tired of this crap i'm gonna go for a walk all this drama is getting to me huh no no please don't have seen me ah oh what the hell who are you what do you want what you want me to make another video on the yandev drama i said i don't want to make those anymore all right fine fine fine i'll make another one probably the last one but please can i at least change my shirt so i've received some exclusive leaks that should end this yandere dev drama for good some you may have seen on twitter but most of these are completely new so buckle up we're going for a wild ride so before we get started i just wanted to say i'm super proud of dr apes for finally getting rid of that public apology i didn't think that the yandere dev needed an apology in the first place so i'm pretty happy to see that they got rid of it you might be wondering why they got rid of it in the first place and well there's a lot of evidence here as to why they did it it's pretty insane i i honestly can't believe it so i was browsing twitter today and i saw that hashtag rip yandere dev was trending that's so [ __ ] funny um i s i was looking into it and i saw that the suicide threats were leaked we'll go over that today as well um and everyone just saw how scummy that can be and they're kind of chewing him out for it so i think it's well deserved though so some backstory to the whole trend watashi no mono was another game that was being developed and they the creator of that game had a conversation with yandere dev in where yonder is pretty much trying to manipulate the guy to get rid of his game or to tell people that his game is a sham and stuff like that we start with the creator of wnm by saying i took people's suggestions that doesn't mean i'm incompetent or bad at anything i believe he's speaking on the matter that he likes to accept criticism and he tries to implement things that his fans asking for something that you know yandere dev never does or does rarely yandere dev responds by saying i don't know what to tell you it's like i'm speaking to people who come from two different complete realities and one reality wnm is a sham and the other reality w m is a genuine attempt at a game what i do know is that people feel justified in attacking me or lose faith in me or withdraw financial support for me because they believe that w m is proof that i could be doing my job faster but from what i hear w m is held together with bubble gum and band-aids and you've even had to reboot development from scratch so if i make a video saying guys i don't have enough income and the response is you don't deserve income wnf is proof then i have to follow up by explaining that w m isn't an example of a well-developed game and it would suck ass to have to do that since i hate drama and discussing other games god damn it so if you come clean to your audience then there wouldn't be an ugly messy situation for me to deal with we then get another document of him kind of backtracking on stuff the irony isn't lost on me it's possible that i have an entirely incorrect understanding of the situation maybe the volunteers and ex-volunteers i spoke to were exaggerating or mistaken if i've been told that x is 2 which is why i've drawn the conclusion that x plus x is 4 maybe i have been informed about x what i do know is that when people attack me mistreat me abuse me and harass me their justification is watashi no mono you're working on a project that negatively impacts my well-being and when i ask you can you please tell the people in your youtube comments to not be shitty towards me you won't even agree to do something that simple that basic that humane like i mean there's only so much that a creator can do for you honestly people will do what they want so it honestly doesn't really matter the best way to get rid of like trolls and stuff is to prove your point which he hasn't so then w m creator responds with you're literally asking someone else to take down their hard work to better your hard work that's not basic and humane which i also believe in you shouldn't have to take down your work for someone else so they can feel a little better about themselves if you actually want to compete then compete don't ask them to take down their stuff i just think it's so funny that the yandere dev harasses other developers about his harassment and essentially is trying to manipulate them to drop out just so he can have a little bit of easy living like if your product was that good then make your product that good stop talking to these other developers stop interacting with the bad trolls stop doing what you're doing prove your point right like it's it's it's it's ridiculous competition means you have to compete if they were really shams shams like you say they were then make your good product and show them what's up like it's that simple it then continues with the creator of wnm saying so in short you're asking me to go up to my entire community and say hey guys my game must fake the entire time my code is bad and i'm starting from scratch because the game is trash in general sorry you can leave the fan base now which then janore dev just says yes because that's my understating of the situation and there would be nothing short of honesty and transparency to admit this to your audience kind of ironic of him saying that because he's not really transparent or honest with his audience like at all first off that discord of his is an echo chamber he doesn't allow anything anything sort of criticism or anything uh involving a different competitor to be talked about at all in that discord if you even mention lovesick you're banned so like that's already bad in general but i'll elaborate a little more on what i meant by him being ironic in just a few moments and by the way by looking at some of the gameplay from watashi no mono it actually does look very comparable to uh yandere simulator unfortunately they are in hiatus at this point not sure the reasons why but hopefully it comes back one day so now we get to the bulk of the problem where everything led up to the infamous suicide threat this is where we start entering the leaked portion of the video where these were all behind the scenes and no one had a single clue as to what was going on between dr apis and yandere dev we start with this message here to avoid these types of misunderstandings and drama in the future there is something you could do for me yes whenever you upload a video to your youtube channel you can display a message at the beginning of the video that says something along the lines of this is a fan project for fun and is not intended to replace or compete with yandere simulator we support yandere's dev and we do not condone harassment oh see i don't understand this whole thing why do they have to announce that they're a fan project it doesn't your project is not the main project it's just a project if they want to make a project similar to yours they can't they're they're within their rights too too it doesn't really matter like i said you have to compete with them you can't just make them a fan game no step up calling it a fan game is just a clever way for the yandev to get people to stick with his project because they think that's the actual game that's gonna be released he this is all just damage control he doesn't want people to pull out of his project that's all it is you can choose the wording that is most natural to you but a message like this would probably prevent the perpetuation of a there is no longer any reason to support yonder a sim narrative claiming that you are revamping the game is just another way to say you're attempting to surpass or replace yandere sim yeah well i really do think they will surpass you with due time so just give it a couple months what's extremely sad is that at the end of the osana demo i was planning for the final screen to reveal that i was officially rebranding yandere simulator to lovesick i created an animation for it and everything after this whole lovesick debacle i don't feel comfortable doing that anymore it sucks that i've lost a cool surprise that i had planned oh my gosh are you kidding me dude you've had years to announce this absolutely you could have done this any time you wanted to but now that there's someone else that came out with lovesick you're acting like the victim trying to guilt-trip them oh you stole the name i was gonna use come on at this point he's already panicking and he's asking these people what have they done so far just so i can get a glimpse as to what he's missing and he starts with how many features i had your fan game so far walk kill students sanity the basic mechanics that i've had in the game back in 2014 which then dr apis replies with a chad response they literally start listing everything that they have done so far i'm not even going to read the list you can read it for yourself here just pause the video it's a lot he then responds with i see in terms of gameplay mechanics those are most of the features that you'd see on the surface in an average gameplay session your project would look comparable on the surface level i'm not saying this to bost or anything but just to clarify the situation underneath what is visible on the surface at a glance yandere simulator has dozens more features like numerous elimination methods many activities that can be done inside and outside of the school many different weapon types a bunch of different types of weapons that can be interacted with and serve many purposes side quests and mini games etc someone just glancing at the project would say oh it looks the same they've recreated all his work but there's several years worth of mechanics in yandere sim that go beyond that basic functionality i think that if you make this clear people will understand that you don't recreate yandere sim in two weeks look i would say that it doesn't really matter how many features they honestly have as long as they have a passion for it and they have features that they're working towards um just the fact of the matter that you have to boast of what you got and stuff you i know you're not claiming that it's a boast but it's a boast um because you didn't have to mention any of that so it's a boast um it just kind of doesn't sit well with me to be honest it really doesn't and yeah like he made a lot of features himself i'll give him credit for all the stuff that he's already created but he doesn't really listen to what his fans want right now he just focuses on small side stuff that make him look as if he's actually applying something to the game which it's like weapon types is cool and all that [ __ ] but that can be added much later as opposed to needing the main things like a rival right now i'm pretty sure people were asking for a rival since like 2018 and that's still not released so fix your priorities after a couple days yandere dev comes back he gives something that no one expected i'm not sure if you're gonna care but i really want to express something to you my life has been an absolute hell since you announced your project many of my friends have abandoned me i've received dozens of messages per hour from people saying haha there is no reason to support you anymore and the amount of harassment i've received per day has tripled your apology video didn't resolve the problem tens of thousands of people are still spreading the narrative that it's possible to recreate all of my work within two days so even if they do apologize and say that they're going to replace all the assets and everything you still don't accept that what do they have to do to apologize do they just have to drop the game entirely do they have to dance like a [ __ ] clown what every day is a nightmare now it's nothing but non-stop abuse and harassment i just wanted to work on a cool anime game project in peace and now there's nothing but suffering and misery i can't have a peaceful life anymore and it's because of the existence of lovesick that convinces people that they are justified in treating me like garbage what hurts more than anything is that lovesick is the name i was going to use and now i can't even use the name anymore because it's associated with all this pain and harassment everything i had built had been stolen from me and destroyed and nobody realizes or cares that it's all because they've been misled into believing things that aren't true i don't know if the things aren't true i mean there's a lot of videos out there kind of calling you out including some of mine dr apis then responds with a small replies asking when the harassment began before lovesick which is where the infamous giant suicidal threat came into play the actual drama started a while ago but i don't feel like talking about that if you are aware that your project is having so many destructive consequences on another person's life how could you possibly continue don't you see how harmful and damaging this is for me if the cost of yonder a simulator was ending a person's life i'd cancel development oh so there you have it guys he is suicide baiting call it what you will but how i see that is he's literally telling this person i would stop the development if you were gonna kill yourself or if someone else was gonna kill themselves or if there was a chance that someone else would kill themselves it's always implying here he's implying this is how he gets away with it by the way he's implying that his life is in danger or someone else's life life is in danger that is the worst bottom of the barrel thing you can ever do to someone especially in a business standpoint you never do that that is unheard of are you [ __ ] kidding me no wonder people are outraged i'm outraged by this that is absolutely disgusting there are actual people out there who need help and who seek help but you're using it as an excuse just because someone is competing with you are you kidding me yandev like if you have if you have issues here's the number you know call them get some help please and by the way i do know that dr apes did lie about the whole suicide thing at first but they did it out of respect they didn't want yandere dev's problems to be shown up to the light because that would have just caused more drama and i do stand behind that fact but ever since i got leaked they've received some hate from that and you know it's actually good to know that people are actually thinking about this now and realizing why dr apis did what he did it seems like dr apis had pretty good intentions to not try and showcase the yanderev suicide threat but as you can tell further along in the leaks it just becomes more and more current that yonder f doesn't give a damn and he just decides to backstab dr apes the way he can if there are tons of thousands or hundreds of people who are tricked into thinking we shouldn't support yandere dev because lovesick exists then there is zero chance that the crowdfunding campaign will be a success then yandere simulator can't exist people aren't being tricked into going against you they're just opening their eyes the people who are being tricked are the ones that are sticking with you right now your project is an existential threat to my project and it's not because you're a competing product but because your project enables multitudes of people to feel justified in treating me like garbage or withdrawing their support all because they have misconceptions about how game development works i'm not even sure you know how game development works to be honest dr apres responds with i don't think the drama started happening due to lovesick a day prior was when the r slash yandere simulator read it was hacked before that other people came forward with stupid stories defaming you to be honest lovesick just like i guess cause people to ask questions i thought it'd be cleared up with the apology but i guess it's still happening questions that do need to be answered by the way they haven't been yandere dev responds with it did happen at the most unfortunate possible time yes get hacked immediately afterwards someone makes a video with all my games models in it and misleads thousands of people into thinking my work means nothing doctor apress responds with yeah but it was a proof of concept now we've begun replacing the models yandere yandere dev responds with isn't that just an edit that's not a replacement tweaking some polygons is not replacing the models you must make new content from scratch you need an actual character model to create a brand new model so let me get this straight you're saying tweaking some polygons doesn't make a new model hmm that's kind of weird isn't that what you did ironic ain't it a unity asset model doesn't hold an identity it's just a generic model that anyone can use just because you changed the hair color or added some stockings or whatever that doesn't make it your design i mean i guess you designed it a little bit but i mean i can do the same exact design change the color palette and said whoa there you go i made a new character like that makes no [ __ ] sense he continues with it's the owie hair model from game asset studio but it's heavily tied to yandere chan's identity and using that hair model and color is like saying this is yandere chan isn't that what i just said changing the color of a model or whatever doesn't really count as a design it's just a re-skin dr apris responds with but not giving hate isn't it just a recolor of owie boom yandere dev responds a character's design is different from a character's model schoolgirl with black hair ponytail black eyes black stockings is the design i gave to yonder ichan the owie character model is how i render that design into a 3d environment that's still my design do you consider lovesick to a completely standalone game or a fan game dr apres responds with i do consider it a fan game for now but once changing the assets i do believe it'll be considered a standalone game but it'll still be free to play yandere dev responds the aoi model comes with 80 animations but yandere simulator had about 400 animations you can obviously use any animation that you purchased from the unity asset store but i can't give you authorization to use any of the animations that were created specifically for yandere sim dr apis responds with i know we have animators creating original animations for us a lot of people came out surprisingly and wanted to help it's actually very generous which then yandere dev tries again again to guilt trip dr apis into feeling bad for him and it doesn't look very good check it out those are all people who probably would have offered to help me if my reputation hadn't been tarnished by clickbait youtubers spreading false narratives and untrue accusations about me the help you're getting is what was taken away from me it's the help i need at this desperate part of the game's development and it's going to you instead because people develop misconceptions after seeing your video there's no misconceptions the fact of the matter is people are tired they're tired of waiting for a project that doesn't seem to ever have a release date or doesn't seem to be making progress at all so they'd rather put in their time to a different project that seems more promising than yours that's just the truth of it stop being a little pissy [ __ ] dr apres responds with didn't watashi have the same problem i thought that went away after a month or so if i'm correct yandere dev replies i could type out all of the similarities and differences but i'm too mentally and physically exhausted at this point in time aka he's trying to not stay on that subject because dr apis is right dr apis responds also i believe that people are saying these things because we have two programmers on the project i and nocturnal my buddy who studied with me during my college classes of computer programming and science for three years again dr apes and his team seem really promising yandere dev responds with i guess we haven't been able to reach any sort of resolution and i will just have to continue to suffer i really wanted to take a two-week vacation or something but it's impossible to think of doing something like that while everyone else is stealing all attention and hype from my game so no rest have to continue forcing myself to work while i desperately need rest uh he brings up this two-week vacation like he hasn't been streaming games and stuff these past couple weeks like who are you trying to kid you say in your in your whole giant explanation that you work 15-hour days every day non-stop and all this crap but you're streaming video games that's kind of weird why would you lie about that dr apres responds i didn't mean to steal the attention i thought i'd only get about 5k views yandere dev responds with you can be fully aware of the consequences that you're having on another person's life and still continue doing what you're doing dr apres responds i don't see what i did wrong this was happening before lovesick yandere then tries on guilt trips again you're exacerbating every problem if my project had these kinds of consequences on another person's life i'd drop it immediately i don't think there is any point in trying to discuss this though if you simply don't care about what your project is doing to me and my life then i just have to live with it and keep suffering and losing everything i built ah the classic please stop what you're doing you're ruining my life guilt trip oh wow wow ah he finally sees the light he's panicking everyone he's panicking that his way of life his easy way of life easy funding is almost coming to an end beautiful aka please stop you're taking all the money away dr apis responds logically here watashi sarah's school life and other fan games didn't seem to have this effect though i do care it's just that this has been happening before my project which then yandere tries to guilt trips again the thing is the other games didn't receive a massive outpouring of support because anti-yandere dev's sentiment wasn't very strong at that point in time anti-yandere dev sentiment is at an all-time high right now so you're receiving a ton of support everything you have right now is a result of people being misled into hating me i had to build everything from scratch starting with white cubes and zero supporters you get a massive boost right from the start because everyone that jumped on the hate yandere dev bandwagon is gonna give you their support what bandwagon are you talking about this has been going on for years my guy it's just that people again people just have an outlet now they know where to direct their actual attention to now they don't have to ever mess with you again dr apres responds i only believe they did so because they were already haters but just spoke out because of the game this is what i'm talking about people are just speaking out they're tired of waiting like i said yonder guilt trips i wouldn't want to develop a game with a fan base that only exists because of hate for another project and you know what i wouldn't want to develop a game that has a fan base comprised of an echo chamber that sucks and after all that dr apis and yandere dev finally looked like they were on good terms they came up with a solution to rebrand the lovesick game as a different type of video game it's now a social simulation right it focuses less on the murder more on the social aspects and it seems like finally the yandev was finally satisfied with this and at the end dr apres says awesome cool we'll be showing this off pretty soon right feel free to pause this it's just a lot that i didn't want her however everything was not as it seems because the yandere dev and his gremlins were up to some black magic a couple days later yandere dev posted a debunk post about the whole suicide thing in short no i didn't someone extracted yandere simulator's assets and used those assets to develop a fan game containing a fraction of the functionality of yandere simulator they had created an announcement trailer showing off what they had done the announcement trailer gave hundreds of thousands of people the false impression that it was possible to recreate the entirety of yandere simulator in only two weeks the developer received a massive amount of attention and praise and i began to receive a massive amount of harassment because hundreds of thousands of people were tricked into believing that it's possible to recreate yandere sim within two weeks my work was completely devalued and i started to lose all the support that i had spent six years building up if it was truly a fan project or not if it was truly a fan project and if the developer was truly a fan of the honoree simulator then he would acknowledge the damage he was doing to me and my project and he would cancel his own project to avoid threatening yandere simulator's existence i've reached out to him to discuss this during the discussion i expressed my feelings honestly i told him that i felt his actions were ruining my life destroying my life ending my life etc he posted screenshots of our discussion people use those screenshots to create the false narrative that i contacted him to threaten suicide even though i never actually said that what the actual [ __ ] now correcting this post a little bit dr apis wasn't the one who actually posted those screenshots it was one of his ex mods that thought it was a good idea to do so and ever since that post dr apis and his team kicked that person out because they didn't feel that it was right now i don't know about the rest of you but with all of the evidence that i had provided here today i think it is fair to say that he did in fact heavily imply that he was going to either hurt himself or threatened his own life yes he never actually truly said that but don't let that fool you that's just language that he uses in order to manipulate his fans to stick with his project because if he actually said it then he'd be in deep deep deep deep trouble but because he's only implying it he can steer it away and say i never really said that please don't fall for that kind of trickery afterwards dr apis contacted cameron one of yandere dev's mods in order to confront him about the issue at hand what the [ __ ] dude dude you don't get what happened no call me now i can't why family here's the story though you screenshotted and sent dms there's no good reason for that i gave my mod screenshots of dm's when i was first talking to yd yandere dev without knowing what they were capable of they said it was manipulation and one mod wanted to leak them but i said no a few days later i'd demote the mod because they abused their powers and they night whisper leaked the screenshots after yondev made that debunk even though i tried clearing up the situation and i'm pissed about it because i didn't leak it i showed it to people that i thought i could [ __ ] trust but i'm done with him i'm seriously done if you knew you weren't baited unprivate the apology he made it for constant harassment no he doesn't deserve it in my opinion you don't get it i'm going to block you he called me an [ __ ] so i'm livid thanks to him you're turning into one i defended you so hard i tried to defend him but you know what happened [ __ ] talked behind my back i'm through with it he never did that he literally did in someone's dms it's going around everywhere he posted something on his debunk page before he knew you no there's a new one he has a copy paste i'll call you later re-uploaded he deserves it i honestly don't feel like calling dude he should apologize for what he's done i've tried giving him my defenses but it wouldn't [ __ ] work you're gonna call me you have no clue what you're doing i need to talk to you about this [ __ ] why what's so wrong about it is it because hashtag rip yandere dev is trending on twitter i didn't know that stop this [ __ ] he's lying in his debunk post and i won't accept it at all call me i'm not in the mood to call i'm shaking angry etc calm down that's the issue i can't then you've got a problem at least dev can not when he called me an [ __ ] it's the internet who cares he's going through so much harassment it's because of your damn game understand that get that through your head that's why he's mad i'm done cameron i'm sorry but you're a good person i can't deal with deandre dev anymore if he's going through [ __ ] he needs to take a break or call the suicide hotline that's not his fault you came around at the perfect time the perfect time to screw him over how was i supposed to know that it was plain obvious not really why didn't you make a fan game in 2017 at its peak exactly it's a hot topic to crap on yandere sim in 2020. nocturnal pushed me to make an announcement but yeah that's an ass move that's why your apology meant so much to me i don't care if you blame me i don't care if he's getting harassed anymore he denied our small truce we had about our games and made that post i'm done he didn't deny it he broke it in my eyes calling me an [ __ ] and [ __ ] is breaking our truce well look he gets harassed because of you so much more than before he's the one who he's the one who harassed epic the creator of watashi nomono epic gave me those screenshots and hoping i'd leak them [ __ ] off with that nope it's true dude i thought you were nice i thought you were understanding i tried being nice i tried being civil look where that got me yandere dev is right you proved nothing to me watashi wasn't a fake game oh my god he literally wanted epic to quit for nothing it was poorly made epic quit on his own and he remade the code afterwards he told me this i was there look i don't care i'm hurt that i was wrong about you honestly i don't care either good luck with your podcast your music career seriously cameron i do hope one day you do get famous bye okay so they had a fallout at the end but at least dr apis did wish them well right so that's it right nope moments later someone had sent dr apes a screenshot of a manipulated discord chat with them saying thanks for getting the apology big i'm done [ __ ] you [ __ ] yandere dev i'm not gonna bring you back now things don't really add up there as you'll see in just a bit i'm not joining the call i wish you well and you did this to me what do you even mean you realize what you are doing to me i've seen everything you've said about me you did this to me this is fake now you're blaming me you're the one who edited my messages i'm recording this chat so you can't blame me for anything anymore mm-hmm so why are you lying no why are you lying i've never sent that message i wished you well why the hell would i sense something like that huh okay look at it like this you backstabbed me now you're acting like you're a moral compass i didn't backstab you i stopped supporting yandere dev and you got all defensive you act as if you've done nothing i wish you well that was supposed to be the end of it right you know that's not what happened okay then tell me why or how would i send that when i blocked you right after i can't trust anything anymore you deleted things you sent me nothing i did not apis i did not send any i did not delete anything i'm done with you stop you need to calm down calm down i'm done with what you're doing i did nothing to you you're trying to paint me in a bad light i'm not falling for it calm down blocked again so cameron had been lying and changing some discord chats just to make them look better than dr apis it's not looking so well turns out some of the mods with deandre dev just don't really carry respect around with him it's unfortunate after all this dr apis comes back to yandere dev to finally put an end to this and says you manipulated me and lied to me so no i'm not the piece of [ __ ] you are and blocks yandere dev giving him his own medicine who would have thunk someone out there in the world would be this based to actually block yandere dev i've never heard of this before wow so there you have it that's the end of the truce between yandere dev and dr apis they try to keep it alive at least dr apes try to keep it alive but yandere dev he just can't keep his mouth [ __ ] shut i really do wish them the best like i don't want anyone to kill themselves even if it's a lie i just don't want anyone to be hurt by this stuff if you need help please go seek some help i'll put the number right below again but like this this kind of drama needs to stop just because you're in this game industry doesn't mean you got to push everyone else out of it compete don't try to slack off and siphon everyone i hope that's helped some of you decide on how you view the yandere dev uh good or bad just this was my take on it and you know i'm open to discussion down below in the comments so feel free to do that um that's honestly everything i have to say about the yandere dev and his and his drama like i can from here on i can't convince you if you like the yandere dev then you like him at this point like that's it i cannot convince you of all the bad [ __ ] that he's done he's done countless amount of things and this is just added on to that pile and if we can't convince you then no one will that's the that's the reality of it and hey if you want to keep your eyes closed then do it that's all you i for one think that yandere dev is finished i don't think he can come back from this honestly all these leaks just show his character to think all of this could have been avoided if they just weren't [ __ ] to me gee whiz karma really is a [ __ ] after all [Music] you
Channel: Chokoberd
Views: 354,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yandere Sim, Yandere Simulator, Yan Sim, yan sim, yandere Sim, yandere simulator, Yandere, Simulator, Lovesick, Love, Sick, DrApeis
Id: xVRxWMpbSTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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