Exposing Our Chaotic Beauty Routines - The TryPod Ep. 179

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ramble thank you to best fiends for sponsoring today's episode you know what you should do on uh the tripod Mac or on you can sit with us Maggie did this to me the other day so they just did that that movie game you should have her do the Emo music game because she was driving around with me and just playing all of her emo hits and I was like I've never heard this song before and she's like whoa what how and I'm like I just I've never heard it before was Maggie emo she was emo as hell every middle schooler is sad she had side bangs that did not quit wow the coolest kid in my whole freaking Middle School had side bangs and no shoes no he wore shoes definitely wore shoes but he would like mosh and I was like whoa was it sort of the Bieber swoop it was a Bieber swoop but it was like even like deeper than the it was deeper than the Bieber swoop okay change of subject invention idea absolutely invention idea welcome to tripod shoes that your shoes go into so they're like you arrive at a function and you take off your shoes to reveal your clean shoes but they're sort of like giant sneakers that you put your sneakers into oh like a painting painters booty that you put online you go on a white psych are you doing a shell like I'm picturing a bear trap that you step into and it that'd be cool I'm just talking about like it's a giant sneaker of the same sneaker you're wearing that you slide your sneakered foot into and tie up so they look kind of ridiculous like clown shoes but that is the fashion yeah and then when you get to the Met Gala you take off and do a shoe reveal and it was like whoa and it feels like this is possible sneaker heads they love the crazy shoes the loud shoes and this could be finally a time where like clown sized shoes could be mainstream now that brings us to a great question you're invited to Met Gala Keith you love your fashion and we want you to sort of do the Pinnacle of what your fashion is Keith rainy Zach what do you wear and what's your theme I'm well what is the theme the theme oh that's a good question hyperbole it's it's each person dresses up as themselves but more oh that's actually okay needs to do that that's a really good that's a really good one um the tightest shortest shorts I can put on so much so that my thighs are like bulging around the that's good the the end of the shorts yeah and then a chicken finger chicken finger pattern blue squared crop top oversized it's so big it doesn't even look like a crop it actually engulfs my shorts as well but it's a crop you're sort of poo bearing it kind of yeah yeah and then I take off that you know there's always a reveal I take off that shirt where does the reveal happen on the carpet on on the stairs on the stairs on the stairs the people fall down yeah and I'm wearing two chicken nugget pasties just off my nipples so the nipples are still there so okay so nipple presence is still accurate very nipply it's more of a misplaced polka dot yeah exactly so yeah really really really really really really really like circulation cutting off tight short shorts are you gonna be okay have you I don't know if you've heard about fashion miles it's not supposed to feel good that's a great point but my Met Gala look yes please uh you remember when Bjork wore the swan around her neck how could I forget not far enough my Swan will be alive wow I will have live geese wrapped around my body and then I will have a leash with six geese and I will be walking them like they're dogs and all the geese will be wearing glasses yeah and they'll all be wearing uh weirdly very tight blue checkered uh uh and short shorts that are cutting off their circulation um they're all gonna look like little Keith's that's really nice um you've got the continuity it's like yeah we grew up together we came up together we all wear short shorts yeah that's right the continuity I love that you said continuity continuity continuity yeah the continuing oh actually yeah I can't do that and the other one how about we just say instead of faux Fox a fox paw voga is another one Vogue no vogue vogue okay yeah what's in Vogue today it's so in Vogue that's in Vogue yeah the net Gala I would wear so I actually thought about this as a eighth grader and you're tapping into it with her Sketchers and well they'd be Heelys yeah yeah I was like going through ModCloth shout out and I was like this dress is so beautiful if I were obviously dating Justin Bieber Bieber on the carpet I wouldn't even wear an expensive dress I would just wear this one and it probably cost like 50 but I probably would thought that was expensive and so that's probably what I would wear it was like this pink like really floral hyper feminine it went down to like probably you know four inches above my knee ankle cutoffs your legs are blue because it's not my thighs but yeah my thighs I'm talking it's like barely as short as you can be without it being a speedo yeah you know but yes it's so tight that you can see my heartbeat jeez in my whole leg is it shrunk Here Comes Keith habersburg wearing the thumper can you do me a favor we're gonna do a pillow swap on this one I'd want to dress like 2019 Florence pew uh what's that she's got cool blonde hair that's kind of awesome so I do a bleached look blonde hair blonde eyebrows people are going who's that is that Florence Zach's leaving no I'm taking myself it's too hot I think I might turn into the AC I wanted to brag about my sweater but it's a great sweater it's a great sweater but um I'm going for a Florence ploo look and I'm wearing a Blazer up top and a pant on the bottom and Kingdom Hearts style shoes big so you like the big the big shoes yeah clown adjacent but I want to have a big blonde hair and people are like whoa that's crazy and I want the pants to be so big not around the waist but like flared so they're gigantic like yeah so people are like what's that going on there here's something we I don't think I can't believe hasn't been spoken about Florence pew I think looks exactly like zaffra Zach braff's girlfriend are you having a stroke this morning no what's up you know that Florence P was Zach Pratt's girlfriend that's what I'm saying so no sorry and I would say that Florence few Zach Raff was Florence P's boyfriend but anyway damn right um in Scrubs the girl that he's like the the love interest yeah it looks exactly like Florence Pio really interesting yeah well if we get our team both blonde um but I do want to get into the Red Bull because I think this is part of why my photos done so rainy this morning comes in and she goes is today the day I try Red Bull yeah because I was I was gonna do a cold brew a Target Simply Organic cold brew because that's the kind we get but it's my least favorite and I'm gonna let Jack know that I actually like the Starbucks one but I was like there's no Simply Organic cold brew so but there is Red Bull so maybe I should try it but I've never had it and it's sort of intimidating to me so I got two flavors I would say you're talking way too fast to add Red Bull to the mix yeah well no you have two flavors here and I want to just let you know that the orange one's not gonna be what you want you don't know you know she's never had either I've never had it either but I just find that if what bright orange can or this early in the morning is gonna be sort of uh orange juice have you ever heard of it that doesn't come in an orange candy concentrate stew that's a great point if you're making it from Frozen short of Red Bull sponsoring us which I do have a call later uh I I do not endorse this as a energy for you for me Keith lives on it and I don't think it's good or healthy yeah it's not and I only live on it when I have like lots to do so like I was living on it last week because I had tours and I was doing shows yeah and but I'm already in withdrawal but yesterday it was like 5 p.m and I was like I'm so tired I wish I could have a web bull but I don't need it for anything tonight so I woke I don't like that I know you don't like that well if you don't like it then let them have his goddamn red ball that's right maybe he's gonna have his mate I hate the flavor really I love it I got handed one once we were walking in a wasn't a parade I don't know we were walking on the street and someone said do you want her your mate I'm like sure and I took a sip like I did it like right in front of the guy who gave it to me and said this is horrible he said it's not for everybody where's the point I was like I'm sorry I'm gonna throw this away he's like it's all good think it's and then I kind of continued like you like it and he's like yeah I'm like really I love it I think it's so funny I know and all the other you know you and Eugene both like it yeah it's a bitter lots of other people like it I think it tastes like gross and I hate matcha as well you ate matcha it tastes like grass I like grass I'm a monkey steam unless you are sugaring that [ __ ] up it is grass moo moo that's great also I add so I my Maggie first of all can I brag real quick before we get into Red Bull yeah now you got me a little catty daddy uh drink caddy so I've got I can get adorable carry four drinks with me everywhere I go instead of holding them in my arms so I had my smoothie my water my matcha my tea I had four drinks this morning no I wanna and and this is maybe a two personal questions yeah no let's talk about it do you think that having more drinks is more about having four drinks or do you like it's like that's important to your identity you like to be the guy that has four drinks or do you feel like every day you really want to have the four drinks now I saw that drink Eddie and I thought that seems like a little much now miles I appreciate you trying to yuck my yum yeah let me just I'm not yuck in here I'm an anthropologist yeah okay do you want to understand so normally I'm a two drink boy yeah I have my smoothie I have my tea that's every morning but then I go oh boy I sure am dehydrated and Maggie goes why don't you bring wow rainy's corrected wait I was just opening okay yeah she's gonna let it decant well yeah it needs to breathe for five minutes before she drinks it's a strong smell but you also try to quietly do one of the most obvious quietly all right I I agree with Zach sometimes you need lots of liquids and it's hard to carry them so I have a smoothie I have a tea and Maggie goes well you should bring your water and then this morning I made my tea and I was like I really want matcha but I don't really know how to make the matcha that well and then Maggie goes would you like me to make you a matcha and I go oh sweetie [ __ ] yeah yeah so she made me a matcha and I added monk fruit sweetener which tastes like sugar but your body doesn't register it as such monk fruit I hate the artificial where does it go so it doesn't your body doesn't know that it's sugar it's like I'm not a scientist yeah it's fair but I'm yeah what I'm getting from that story is I want a fiance yeah getting you presents she's making you Mochi your baby's making you a matcha she's been on a real like act like you know like Your Love Languages acts of service she's been on a relaxive service kick lately what's your love language doing it what are the Love Languages again no yeah love language is like is uh there's like words of like affection like Words yeah language language physical touch uh gifts acts of service and time um so I'm definitely uh like a verbal touchy you touch and you'd like to talk I like not weird but you're making it yeah I like to Snug and I also like I feel like mine is um maybe quality time yeah like I just feel like going on like a nice little activity even if it's just like let's just hang out and sit here and read a book neither of us are reading but um I love to like pretend like you're gonna read and then you chat we we took it we took the quiz really early on it's funny because for whatever reason physical touch is the only one that feels too revealing yeah uh but we think we both took the quiz early on and Maggie's quiz said that the lowest one for her was receiving gifts and I'm like that sucks to suck you ain't getting nothing and she's like no I do like gifts I'm like actually according to your chart you don't I know little gifts are really nice to receive yeah I love them yeah I think I like receiving all of those types of Love Languages you're an omni lover I like to be touched still like to be talked to I like to have things done for me I like presents I like all those things what do I like to give I think it's different for like friends yeah there's a love language of like oh you know like I like uh I like planning trips which I guess would be like an extra service like planning fun things like fun things to do recommending places to go eat like that makes me happy for Becky I like I don't know I guess everything oh I like doing all those things but sometimes I don't want to do those things too you know yeah sometimes I like don't think about a gift for Becky when I'm on on the road I'm not good with and she's upset about that and I actually cares I'm like what do you you want something from Indiana Becky I don't think you do I'm right there with you Keith so there's always like yeah I got you this trinket to remind you of a trip you didn't go on yeah I brought her home from some chocolate that I got given by a chocolatier I'm like this is for Becky that's good you know that place you didn't go here's a keychain I know I never understood like I I get like bringing back like like chocolates I guess or something like that but when you bring back like a thing specific to that place but you didn't go [Music] life has all these you know big moments challenging moments but sometimes those little victories they feel just as sweet they move us along through our day and my favorite little Victory is playing best fiends and beating a level cause I'm talking about best fiends you know I am it's a puzzle game they add puzzles every stinking day every day there's more puzzles I'm on puzzle 380 or something at this point I love the game you match up stuff they disappear you're fighting slugs you got little bugs the bugs they're your fiends right they have abilities like clear in a row vertically every single level has sort of a different objective whether that's getting a certain amount of an item or killing a suck I don't know guys it's a great puzzle game sometimes it takes me three tries sometimes the levels are hard sometimes it'll say hard level and I know oh Keith you've got a few tries at this one that's for sure download best fiends for free from the app store Google Play plus earn even more with five dollars worth of in-game rewards when you reach level five that's friends without the r best fiends [Music] yeah I'm right there with you where sir I think also would like gifts from lots of in places so now I'm like on the last day of every trip I'm like oh yeah okay let me just see if I can buy her like a notebook or something I think you should always do food food is good and like get a look like if you're in the east coast hey maybe someone has a saltwater taffy bring back some salt water taffy that is nice yeah Regional candies they're always a hit okay audience we've made you wait long enough Rainey has cracked open the red blood decanted I want you to take a whiff tell us what you're experiencing what are the notes take a sniff it's like a little medicinal I would say yeah medicinal what is up medicinal medicinal what is up today yeah it's and it's um it sort of reminds me of like a little like candy from when I was little yeah Jolly Rancher style but I do need um oh Jolly Ranchers do you guys like them yeah I mean sometimes I like candy Memories the watermelon I need some watermelon and Cherry the green apple was good until I went to college and had Bacardi green apple rum and got too drunk and now I don't like any grease is there yeah is there an alcohol that like you are like yeah maybe like I mean I haven't had this in [ __ ] over a decade but like the the whipped cream flavor cheese yeah yeah it was like a whipped cream for a birthday cake or something like that yeah yeah they had really [ __ ] sweet [ __ ] and they still probably do yeah I would say that Red Bull does remind me of carbonated cough syrup oh yeah but good cough syrup it's so good I'm gonna get this caffeine in my bloodstream yeah take a sip and then tell us what you think foreign I mean yeah it's not my favorite but it's not like horrible what's the flavor you taste fizzy a little bit and and it's like uh it's fruity but not like fruit from nature and sitting in front of the podcast like what is this no they like it and now tell me tell me have you had other energy drinks before I don't think I mean what's another example monster no I haven't had Full Throttle or loco no I've not I've never had Nas oh balls is good she'll be lifewater was I didn't have balls balls [ __ ] rules and it's funny to say yeah it was a glass bottle it was ribbed it had like little I'm serious it was ribs I know it sounds like we're [ __ ] with you but we're not it was good it was pretty good it was like it was very seltzery yeah it was lighter less syrupy yeah I don't know that I'm a beverage boy but I think I'm trying to be you're a barrister I'm a coffee that to me is a different like I will get a coffee and I like a coffee and an iced coffee and all that stuff but I think that a beverage boy or a beverage girl is somebody who they're going into the gas station and they're thinking I'm Gonna Leave Here with a little bottle that's gonna be unexpected I'm Gonna Leave Here with a naked green juice I'm a Gatorade Goblin yeah you know what I'm saying a road trip drink is always a Gatorade it's so good it has a big mouth to drink from or if you can't stop at a rest area it's the best for peeing into oh yeah not that I'm trying to pee in the car yeah you know what else is good to pee into I used to be a real Snapple [ __ ] Snapples are good too but it's glass and there's nothing intense about it well but then I pivoted to being also wide mouth of Vitamin Water Vixen oh yeah I vitamin water is just like didn't they get shitty Gatorade yeah because they were like well this does not have vitamins in it but you know what it was for me it was a mistake juice being like this is bad for you yeah Naked Juice is not good for you I kind of I like it was the Gateway that got me down to water I just kept watering down my drinks until I was like why am I drinking this lightly flavored [ __ ] I love the the Gatorade that's like half water they have like a Gatorade light and it's so much better oh definitely it's just like I think maybe it's called Gatorade light but that's what it is it's just half of the half gate rate half water it's excellent rainy you're about having a tan now that you're slurping and glorpin you're gonna be tweaked in a second I am sorry like already feeling like my brain get a little home now before you finish that one do you want to taste the orange well I was just gonna ask you guys like which one which flavors uh I hear that there's a yellow one the yellow one I hear is good the tropical yeah Napoli one but I I like sugar-free original is this sugar-free no no my uh and there was a study when I was in college that they gave sugar-free Red Bull to frogs and it made their blood when they dissected them like sticky yeah no I read a story about a like a it was very sad story of like a father who was otherwise very healthy but apparently drank like three to four red bulls a day oh no and his blood was too thick like coagulas so we used to call it sticky blood and it was like yo let me get one of them stick bloods oh my God so I tried not to drink them every day yeah soda's not ideal for you no I and uh you know I like coffee the most me too this is making me feel like I want to dance don't let us stop you people drink Russell to go after the party have you ever heard of Red Bull vodka it makes you want to dance oh it's a party dress it gives you wings so you can fly it's a drug all right it's a drug I honestly I would say that my favorite combo I discovered at your wedding miles babe we uh we doordashed over some Red Bull yep pretty inappropriate there's a wedding gift it was a wedding so if I'm at your wedding right yeah and I doordash like a bunch of Doritos to your classy event will you be like weird about that Doritos first of all don't get you hype oh that's true yeah I would think it was pretty funny yeah I maybe will specifically I saw some of my brethren crashing and I said guys we gotta be here for Miles that's right let's and this is at a house you have to pump up so we have the opportunity to do something that we never get to do yeah let's doordash a palette a palette yeah a full crate so I get a little high get a little Red Bull and you're ready to dance oh that by the way the caffeine Jordan peel said that on something where he was like a little bit of coffee a little bit of weed yeah that's how I wrote nope he was like that's like the perfect kind it's true I mean there's something to like I can't do this on a work day but on like a Saturday or Sunday it's a chill day awake and bake with your coffee my God what a beautiful day you have ahead of you yeah that's you can do your chores yeah you can you know you saw that Sunday fun day Sunday fun day yeah you just do like you order some breakfast burritos you have your coffee you play with the cats you do some light laundry you put on some laundry TV or a movie you just hang out yeah that's nice yes nice nice I want to hang out soon you guys want to hang out soon no not really with you I mean you guys can come but I just want to have like like I just want to have a day where it's just like ah Rainey what is a rainy weekend oh my gosh what an exhilarating question and I think um well it's it's been crazy recently because I just moved and so and my friend we sort of imported him from Rhode Island and so he's like now moved in and um and so I've been like vibing with him yeah like you wake up on a Saturday what's your first thought what are you prepared about oh yeah okay so I go to a coffee shop you do yeah immediately what's your order black coffee hell yeah no I [ __ ] yeah yes girls yes just a drip coffee everybody's so confused about it every single time they're like latte and I'm like no you have just drip and they're like Americana and I'm like oh well if you don't have drip like I'll do an animal because sometimes they don't have dreams that irritates the [ __ ] out of me is that you don't have just coffee yeah I can make you an Americano like sometimes americanos suck yeah they can be the espresso is bad it sucks it's easier to make a hot coffee um but yeah no I'm going to a coffee shop and getting a black coffee oh you know what I love is just getting on your phone and like planning like getting going on the New York Times app what am I eating today whoa what am I going to Target to get some cleaning supplies I'm gonna clean I feel like I'm learning a lot from rainy this is huge because this is how I want to start my day yeah this is like I would love if I woke up every day I went to the coffee shop and I planned out my day yeah generally my day is like all right wake up get the dog out there yeah you know it's interesting I had morning routine written down in my notes app for today I'm glad we're talking about it we found our way there we found our way there or you manifested it or I manifested it by forcing the conversation I'll wake up on a Saturday wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy yeah feeling like miles B and I will um make coffee first thing take the dog to go take a piss and then how's that dog being in your backyard you're taking him down the block that's backyard P okay backyard P you got some uh spots but sometimes you gotta recircle them around because it'd be like oh I actually didn't want to piss this time and it's like I know you got a piss dude go in a circle and he's like uh sometimes I'll do a little like and his leg will almost go up and then he'll put it down he's like playing with you he's [ __ ] with me yeah anyway get him to go take a big piss and then um I will what I want to do and what I sometimes do is take the dog to the coffee shop get him and get a little exercise get me to get a little coffee sit at the coffee shop drinking my coffee doing nothing not looking at my phone the goal there is if I've got music in it's unstructured play yeah hot coffee no life you're just looking at the squirrels you're watching people chat and catch up people watch world watch that's like people need to drink that yeah more often and then I'll go home and then I'll usually like plop down on my computer 10 hours of video games and it's Sunday I think we should make this I because hmm I would like starting right now we're going to restructure our days whoa we're gonna come in later and we're gonna we're gonna build in some coffee shop time that's huge mandatory like other YouTubers I know some YouTubers like put a McDonald's in their house what if we just put a coffee shop in our house I would so something that I did recently was bartend for my friends and I found that if there was a coffee shop in our office I would like not every day because we get [ __ ] old a lot of days but I would be happy to like make people a little coffee drinks because I think that it does bring me joy to do things that like I don't need to do anymore I have the skill set to do but like we'll bring other people packs of coffee I love making people coffee let me put you I want to be able to walk to it though can we put you in the parking lot in the conference room okay conference room's fine yeah it used to be a coffee shop anyway that was supposed to be is food a love language yes just by itself it has to be I think that's under access service food that's what I do I like making people food finding people food ordering four people at restaurants so that like we have the best dinner possible I love when you do that I love doing it I love going to a restaurant being like Daddy's got this yeah is good and then I will ask the server is there anything that you think we missed that like we can't have this experience anywhere else and sometimes they'll be like no you got it all you did a perfect order or they'll be like well so these squash blossoms are pretty amazing I'm like okay let's get them oh that's the best the last Blossom squash pot fried squash blossoms the best tasting flowers so Keith what's your morning routine oh you know me wake up get some coffee bring Becky some coffee in the bed sit in the bed pet Alfred Alfred's excited to be on my lap in the morning it's so cute we coz we cuddle then I get up and I shower and I put on clothes and Becky's normally made me a smoothie while I'm showering and I leave shower every morning where do you go [Laughter] but I get that for here you shower every day yeah every morning do you shower every day yeah but I don't wash my hair every day yikes and I don't am I disgusting yeah I just no you don't need to shower every day that's some Americans for me I'd like it's part of my routine are you living a Parisian lifestyle show once a month I shower probably every like two days yeah sometimes three I so for me I like it it just helps me feel awake and I like splashing water in my face and I prefer to do that in the shower I like that yeah and I I uh get congested typically yeah so it's a really great way to like myself we're snotty boys over here yeah I find in the east coast people are really into showering every day did you see did you feel that Zach I that's where I grew up right now or it has been hot here so like when it's hot I shower in in the please go specifically it's so [ __ ] humid in North Carolina you kind of have to shower every day because you're just caking on the sweat and this is like a Tails all the time we've probably even done this on this podcast Misty shower at night do you shower in the morning Maggie's like I want a shower so I'm getting into bed clean and I'm like no I sweat in these sheets I want to wake up and start my day clean yeah yeah I'm happy to crawl into my little filth pocket no it's true I want to just crawl into that filthy bed and and just faster with a wrinkle around I want to be like a little worm in the dirt yeah I want to feel Crumbs from my last meal nestled against my body and I wanna I wanna cocoon myself in a in a just onslaught of blankets I want a sweat sweat sweat like a little roast Piggy and then I want to wake up and wash it all away yeah I will see like the sweat yeah I I'm just filthy all the time maybe you should shower maybe I should shower no I shower like every two days I just feel like every day I don't you don't need to shower that much it's actually not that good for your skin to be totally Frank but I'm not totally honest rinsing compare my skin I want you to look at my skin and put your skin next to my skin and tell me myself your skin is dry from over here Zach knowing who you are and your whole vibe I feel like your skin is dry you're calling me dry I'm saying that you're moisturizing to make up for the fact that you're dry I think that you're crusty now I smell myself often yeah to make sure I don't stink if I stink yeah I'm freaking getting in the tub I didn't say stink I said crust I am not crusty but my beard has been getting bigger and I've not been doing anything about it also my hair is getting longer and I am thinking about keeping it I like it I think you should definitely keep it I think I don't know I thought we were gonna throw insults back and forth but now I want to compliment you I okay that's the vibe we like to create putting soap on your pits and bits yeah I don't like wash my like arms every day right like I'm just rinsing for the most part I'm washing the the stink Factory parts of my body you know time to go to the stink Factory I mean all they do is produce stink that's their job is to make stinks these parts of your bodies that just make stink and that's what they do they're your exhaust pipes yeah that's true I just I guess like if I'm in the shower and I'm loofing up then I'm gonna wash I'm gonna scrub down every bit I'm doing hands I use bar soap now bar I use Dove sensitive moisture bar soap and I [ __ ] love it you know here's can I tell you something yeah I feel like nothing is even true anymore because I heard that Dove soap was like bad because it's like got too much Moisturizer in it it makes your skin whatever but I'll tell you this whenever I was using the dove [ __ ] I felt like a hundred dollars yeah I used to use it and then back in I went through this whole journey of like trying to use other products that were like natural natural and better and like I felt worse and then yeah recently I was like Becky I want to go back to my bar soap it's also it's cheaper I love it it really worked for me I feel clean and I feel and my skin is way less dry and it's good for the environment and I yeah they help save of all the dove I don't know I don't know they're not Dove but just like there's no packaging yeah it's just it's just cardboard boxes yeah yeah and I think that there is though like it's important to remember obviously Dove is like a big company but whatever but it's important to remember that other more expensive beauty products capitalize on people being like Dove is so bad right you got you gotta use whatever Zach was putting in his [ __ ] tea monkfish sugar but like I do think that that's a thing where people are like yeah like you don't want to have this on your body you actually want to have grape seed oil it's all made out of oils yeah it's all oil how it is yeah I got a question oh Quinta yeah can we talk about this yeah what but you guys know her yeah yeah what's her like what's she like she's Quinta well let's just saying amazing Quinta Brunson Emmy winner won an Emmy for writing outstanding writing for Abbott Elementary so [ __ ] exciting so cool so we worked with her at BuzzFeed and we're making a podcast she came in she came in hey look we're talking about our morning routine there's different there's different types of success some people are famous for making suspension bridges some people work hard that's a good point you know there's different things to do some people work hard for their success other people get on a podcast hit record and talk about we got we worked hard before and now we're just rolling around we're not making anything new we're just sort of stretching out and that's fine we worked hard so that we can Splash in the pool of delight that we've created we're not making the pool any bigger yeah we're actually just splashing around slowly losing water every day the water's getting lower and we're not refilling it and it's getting dirtier and Etc but no so we worked with her she she started working like maybe four or five months after us she came in when we were at the second office we worked out of BuzzFeed and she was super funny and super cool and she actually came in to guess on something and I made some videos with her because I was in we were like there are these slang videos were trending like people guessing and I was like oh well what you know obviously almost all saying comes from Black Culture and then it gets appropriated across everyone else's culture so I did like an interview series with her and it was like this little goofy between two Fern Style video series where we talked about slang but then she was also just clearly brilliant and started making writing projects for BuzzFeed and made her own like couple shows there yeah we worked I mean we worked together for a while three years we all got to make a bunch of stuff I did some sketches with her that I got to shoot um but with super came to my wedding yeah he's shocked what's cooler that Quinta went to Keith's wedding or that we can text an email with Hank Green well and by the way with the Hank Green I feel like that went dormant briefly why I we gotta get him in we're like sure Wilderness it's it's wild he's thinking about him yeah with him that's not what I heard okay uh uh but one thing that I always found really funny about Quinta is that she hates unscripted she like can't do it she really struggles with it and because if she has to repeat a line that's real she can't do it and that this is like by her admission this is not something that I've because I think she's great at it and we all think she's great at it but she just was like I can't do that like I can't be like today we're doing this it's kind of foreign's like I don't like hosting and then occasionally he has to host and he's great at it of course right because like he's Charming he's smart he's well spoken and he's confident and he's like hosted many many awards things at this point he's like I'm not a host but he's done more hosting gigs than me right yeah and I would say I am a host yeah but um but so she's so so she's funny is she serious I mean she's serious about her craft yeah she works really hard yeah and is she like soft you know what I mean no no no like you know there's certain people she's a very warm inviting person I met her once and she made me feel loved yeah she's very warm but she's also tough I mean I'd say her ultimate superpower which you have can see by the way that she's been received is making everyone feel like they have a really special connection with her yeah yeah I imagine I met her once as an intern at BuzzFeed and she said very few words to me and she made fun of me and it made me feel loved yeah and I like she just has a lot of people she loves she has a lot of people that loves her she works hard she treats people well and she keeps up with people like uh she's she's just a great person and we're so stoked for her success we shut up very happy and we have a lot of we've mentioned this on the show but like we have a bunch of friends in that writer's room and it's just so [ __ ] cool to see yeah it's basically that's a Kate and Justin who are now Emmy adjacent winners yeah I mean it's crazy it's like a small subsect of people from BuzzFeed you know like are in that little thing and we saw them writing their projects with Quinta six years ago and seeing what the early shows of of what she was capable of doing were and they were like super funny and super amazing so it's just so cool and she as any like good person does like brought those people with her like a lot of times you get offered a show and you're a writer they're like we fill the room you're hired yeah you don't really have much say in what happens but she was able to make sure that the people she wanted in that room were in that room and that's like impressive because there was a fight to get that to happen it also feels like that should be if you're successful with those people yeah it's like bring it should be how it is just more dangerous for the company I know but you know Executives aren't artists and they think that they need to have sure bets and they only want to like staff it with rooms of people who have already won Emmys for writing other things you know and sometimes you do benefit from experience like Quinta's not doing this alone she is paired with experienced writers and show Runners like yeah there is a team around her but you know you know you also bring up the people that you have a report with because at the end of the day a writer's room is about chemistry yeah anyway we're proud of her yeah she's amazing it's so cool it's so cool really great and it yeah it's been very fun to see that like everyone who knew her and worked with her at any point it it seems like everyone feels like they want an Emmy you know all of our friends are like she did it we did it she did it she lasted last week I was in a diner in Ohio and I looked up on the TV that was playing and there was Quinta the face of Olay and I was like this is so cool just to be sitting you know I'm on tour right now and then there's my friend she's in a commercial and then and then later she would win an Emmy a few days later it was really cool yeah it's cool surreal I caught up with uh Zach Evans who's our our good buddy and used to do a lot with Quinta and he got to go to by Abbott their filming season two right now and he was like you know this is gonna be so crazy like Quint does filming a show and he got there and he's like oh this is just what we've always done like he was watching her do her thing and it was you know just a bigger extension of the work that she had been doing and it felt very natural in a way that like then comforted him and made him excited but it made sense it's sort of like when we did the Food Network show we were like oh it's going to be so different and it wasn't yeah it was like making our show it was just there were other people and there were more people and it was a little bit slower right in terms of moving things around but it was the same as making without a recipe here yeah uh I'm curious what different different topic yeah you guys introduced the song to me last week yeah and I have one for you no way I don't know if this is gonna be as funny but we're gonna try I'm psyched Keith last week you weren't here but we introduced a song that was going viral on Reddit because somebody said that it was the song that they've had on their boning playlist and their girlfriend after two years admitted that she hated I saw this trending but I never actually heard the song oh yeah but I saw that it was a song that didn't make any sense to Bone to why don't you play it while I introduced this next one [Music] uh what are you feeling Keith and he said that he would um he would pulse along to the song and skadoosh uncontrollably is that the Rhythm I mean I get it yeah you get it um you get it you're on board I think it's not so surprising as long as it's in a mix of other songs but I the way I interpreted it from the memes was that it was like only that song No this was the song his favorite one the hottest one he liked it bust too he yeah he tried to time it into the class yes yeah that's weird that's not the climax song I think most people want probably and what is Whole New World wait holy world the whole new world and Zach what was your song So Rita Ora is a person who is famous and she did a cover of America's favorite revival song Kate Bush is running up that hill a song that I think uh needs to end I think we're done and this you're gonna have to go to Instagram or perhaps YouTube for this it she performed it live and it is bad can't wait [Music] and you're in the throes of passion [Applause] oh no like how do you get into a rhythm so you're slow it's this is a slower moment she's making it like a super ballad it is it's bad oh I think this is like borderline Fergie level no keep it going miles I don't prefer listening to it this is really tough this is Fergie's national anthem pick up and become the song no that's the end and then she crawls on the ground and does like a little sexy pose who is Rita Ora that's that's what I think is an important question that America is still waiting to answer I don't really know her I I'd say that we're you know nearly a decade into her career and we've yet to answer the question of who is Rita Ora and I hope to one day find out yeah same like is she a singer exactly well then yes we hope to find out we hope you know that one day I'm a singer I was just on tour yeah I had a wonderful time on tour thanks to everybody who came out I know a lot of people said they came because they heard the plugs on the podcast and they were super excited um the show was great and I was happy to be able to once again throw food at the audience with a live show wow I have begun we're back baby I have a gun whipping tortillas like frisbees during white people taco night at the audience and it's beautiful I'll grab like four or five at a time and throw them and they'll fly about 10 feet and then they'll just spread like doves almost like almost like a tortilla shotgun like the one no they they I'll throw four oh and they'll they'll they'll fly together for a moment and then they'll separate that's amazing and it's beautiful birds it's yeah it feels like birds it's very funny people are getting whipped in the face with them super funny they're bringing them to me and we're signing the tortillas now at the end of the show disgusting so disgusting and funny white people taco night is really a work of art it's it's a great one so big yeah so much bigger than I am so much bigger than this one it's truly one of the only Capital viral things I've ever made yeah right like in terms of Life Beyond I didn't mean to make it yeah it be lots and lots of people have heard it have celebrities have done takes on it other people like there's Millions there's probably billions of impressions of the songs celebrities which celebrities green chili enchilada night oh my gosh oh my gosh there's been so many who have done little riffs off of it and um other like on Food Network like everybody so many people know it everything true viral faction fashion you don't own it anymore like it has a life beyond you no and we perform it and there's always people at the show because we'll ask now and that didn't know that that was our song until they heard us sing it right then and it started originated on this podcast yeah and then that went like a little viral the van ripped it yeah and put it out and actually it went pretty viral from that right and then the real one we got to figure out who that fan is yeah I mean they're they'll they probably listen to this they'll probably let us know let us know on Twitter you're the you're the one yeah you did it they did it and then I made a full version with Lou Burger put that out and then that has done its own thing and then I made a version and then I also uploaded it and it was just Keith but I kind of I'm stealing some revenue from it it's good yeah there's so much revenue to get on Tick Tock for sure yeah and uh no it's super fun and all the other songs like people love we had lots of merch we had just lots of people we did one show for 800. do you have a white people's Aqua night shirt no you [ __ ] shot I know you know it came after it came into popularity after we had already made all these other shirts and we're trying to sell through those designs but we are making one so buy yourself a Lou Burger shirt so we can get some white people taco night merch yeah um but yeah I know it was really fun the best thing that I did though on the tour was in Wisconsin we went to House on the Rock dude this [ __ ] sounds so freaking lit and this is if you are in the Midwest and you are within a five hour drive of this place you gotta make a weekend out of it because it itself what it is is this an old Frank Lloyd Wright House that is the first level of the experience and you go through this crazy this house is like this is crazy and the house is filled with if I can set the stage yes I want you to imagine if Keith and myself were eccentric multi-millionaires in the mid 50s beautiful yes what would we have done what would we have built what would our Legacy be why it might look something like this mad house you go in this first house and you're like wow this is super cool it's kind of it's very like 50s to 70s era like there's carpet on the ceiling in the floor and all the ceilings are way too low yeah there should be carpet and you're going around and it's like wow everything here is soft it's so cool and it takes like 45 minutes just to explore the first house and uh in each room there's something that makes music and the the word uh I think the words Calliope and it's a an instrument that is like it play it like through animatronics it actually plays the music like like there's robot arms that play strings and those strings so it's not like a um an animatronic and then there's a wreck a recording this is actually the robots are creating music or there's fans blowing across jugs and now and some of them they're to run down and it is a speaker and they're just moving but some of them really are still emanating the sound and there's like some of them that are the size of it how stupid but you go to this house you saw these cool things you're like wow this is cool that was that was amazing and then they're like okay now go to this section two and you go into section two and everything changes this is a museum but you never and you're underground you must just be underground because like I walk we're walking into this place and like oh this is cool and then suddenly I'm on a small City downtown street but it's inside like it's like Vegas but it's like a brick ground and there's storefronts that you can't go in but there's storefronts and you're walking through like a little alley and you're like it's almost like Harry Potter like where am how did I get to this how am I am I outside no I'm not outside I'm in this house but where huh and you're and there's still more of these calliope's and other things and it's super cool and then you go down this hallway and there's a hallway and there's a few paintings but one of the painting really calls to you you're like I gotta look at this painting it's a a big shark whale monster fighting an octopus in the ocean it's like wow this is cool it's crazy you walk through the hallway and as you get to the end of the hallway you're in a room with a 300 foot ceiling and there's an entire sculpture of that painting there's a full size the shark whale gigantic shark whale fighting a full-size gigantic octopus and it's real the painting you just saw is now a real thing that you're walking around and it's like probably four stories tall if not five stars tall it's crazy and then you just walk and there's like that room so stop right there a shark whale yeah what is that well it looked like a whale but it had rows and rows of teeth like a shark right that's terrifying yeah and then you got in the top you could see into its gigantic mouth and it looked like there was a boat in the mouth as well so crazy what's crazy then is that the third room they have a real live shark whale like if meow wolf was made by a billionaire in the 50s anything oh you have to go through in a certain order but he had just collected everything you could collect like every collectible thing at that time in the smallest and biggest version so I probably saw 400 model ships oh wow everywhere from like shipping a bottle size to you know the size of this coffee table or bigger wow like and they were just millions of them and then there were doll houses and dolls and there was like one of the biggest carousels in the world and you can't ride it but he's there's not a single horse on the carousel ever he's replaced all the horses with different Carousel animals that he's found and acquired over his life that's so cool so there and like it was just honestly I'm not even describing it well yeah damn I want to go you've got to go it take when I bought the ticket it was only thirty dollars and she said this will take three to four hours to experience that's an amazing deal and it was I would say just the first house was well worth it like the level one and there's like three areas and it just kept getting goofier and goofier and crazier and crazier and you've got there was a room that the whole room was an organ and you're wandering around and there's all smaller organs in that it was uh a labyrinth it was just a Labyrinth of bizarre collectible stuff and I ha you've got to go yeah wow you should just make a trip to Madison Wisconsin to go because it's west of there it sounds yeah to all the college kids listening they might even have I think they have student tickets what a great way to spend your afternoon it sounds a lot yeah let's take meow wolf but like vintage yes it is it was just thrift store meow wolf yeah most fun and it was Lou burger and and Brian will was with us on the tour and we just had a wonderful wonderful time it was wonderful wonderful time and sang songs and did comedy and ate at diners and ate a lot of wings and it was a great week of of uh seeing people and having fun bonding it was really it was really great it was an enriching life experience but uh you might need advice into how you could have a fun week and I don't know if that's what you'll get but you'll get advice about something from our miles boy miles man everybody get ready for your most anticipated segment of the episode he's got something for you whether you're a person or a dog a tripod maybe award-winning segment what's up miles Nation how's everybody doing tonight yes yes Heaven you ever wanted to get cold Burr have you ever wanted that sticky little feeling that happens when two great ideas Collide can someone make a composition of every time miles says the word sticky thank you I want to get Maddie on that two ideas coming together and it results in a cold definitely an ice cream Sammy I'm getting a bag uh-oh ice cream in an ice bath someone is getting a bad someone's getting a bag or you're getting it back goody good goodie bags more like bags of ice because sometimes your ice cubes are too little and bad and sometimes as an adult man I want to get colder than the freaking reindeer at Santa's little [ __ ] fest but there's still tickets available for this year's Santa [ __ ] fest Trey you're gonna say you did a tip about ice cubes well I got new ice cubes and I had a party then I had a ice cream I bought a bag of ice and then I've been using the bag of ice absolutely life I got a bag of ice in my freezer and I've been using that to be a geezer instead of Kisha instead [Laughter] Keith please Keith please Keith so I've been using ice from a bag so that way I'm like I want a cup of water usually like a big cup of ice water water gets that ice cold and I don't have to like pop a cube tray and Struggle Bus with my struggle pus from the infected wound that is my ice cube trays so I'm trying to save everybody if you want get extra ice in these hot hot times get a bag of ice because they're like two dollars plastic cup in the freezer for the ice scooping no I use my cup is it a glass no okay I've been doing the bear thing the thing from the bear where he uses like this soup container to drink water I oh wow I've been doing that weird it's been kind of awesome though because here's the thing it's the size if not bigger than a mason jar but it's plastic so I don't worry about shattering it yeah and you definitely you don't want to scoop ice to the glass no because you that's how you get glass in your body your ice and then you eat it and then you die that's I've you've watched the bear you know you gotta melt that up you gotta scoop ice with plastic or metal yeah plastic is best because you can keep it in the fridge and it doesn't get cold metal gets cold and hurts your hand yeah but if you want if you have an ice cube back in your freezer put a Solo Cup in there yeah okay I don't mean to make this advice section all about me and my problems but I'm gonna so I have a I have an ice maker in my freezer because got that YouTube money hey so we've gotta you see this is for yeah this is the for people who um don't have an engine oh you finished a second this is for people who don't have a mansion in the Hollywood Hills go ahead yeah you're outdoor fridge as we like to call it the epitome of luxury yeah I want to talk to my two-door fridgey uh and you've got a fridge just for sample agrino go ahead yeah yeah yeah this is my third fridge I'm talking about so there's this thing that's been going on where I opened my fridge and there's just Frost yeah everywhere in your fridge in my freezer and at first I thought because I was freezing bananas and I left the bag open because I don't have time to do that little zip so first up Maggie it was like dude the bananas are like sorry you don't have time to Ziploc a bag I'm a busy man you know the morning you've heard this morning ritual oh it's crazy well first of all I have the the fridge I forgot she Segways in at first I thought the banana was like expelling moisture we're gonna start so I started dipping that but now now I don't know what it is Maggie thinks that I'm not closing the freezer hard enough and there's like and it's melting and then freezing melting and freezing and creating this Frost I'm like no the thing is closed so if any freezer experts out there no it's from the banana no the banana we've already we've already used moisture coming in from somewhere is basically what it sounds I think that the ice maker is broken and is creating like this Frost over but like I opened in everything like like crunched together because we have the fridges are closed it's horses not zebras if you hear how Prince think horses not zebras they teach us in med school Zach I'd expect you to know it if you watch Gray's Anatomy you'd know this but if the fridge is having an issue where there's a ice that's [ __ ] icing on the [ __ ] because it's melting and it's icing the fridge is maybe well but maybe one of the rubber um seals is ripped yeah and there's like a this size Gap and that's why it sounds like a zebra to me yeah zebra that's right what a great episode of the tripod this one was with rainey's Red Bull and our morning stuff I bet you were like wow feel rainy I feel so crazy about it I I well I've just been like going on my little ride when you were doing your a little bit in the beginning of your advice I was like yeah you were also joining in the chaos of the mile song yeah I was like can you hold your hand out straight yes oh my God shaking like crazy yeah so I'm feeling I don't even know I only drank half of it but it's not stronger than cold brew but it's sugar and I think it's the empty stomach too oh it's the sugar too to me like the sugar that's why I do the sugar-free because it's like too much Jazz with the real sugar sugar on your teeth feeling wow well we'll uh keep checking in with rainy from us more of a scientific method on the afterpod join us over there get merch if it's your thing but till next time Keith his with the official tripod theme song about two three four are you feeling good tonight I hope you're feeling good tonight how are you feeling good tonight I hope you're feeling good iPod [Music]
Channel: The TryPod
Views: 145,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, commentary, garrick bernard, kelsey darragh, movies, tv
Id: QfTBh9MrguE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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